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Maximum sizes attained by living actinopterygians are much smaller than those reached by chondrichthyans. Several factors, including the high metabolic requirements of bony fishes, have been proposed as possible body‐size constraints but no empirical approaches exist. Remarkably, fossil evidence has rarely been considered despite some extinct actinopterygians reaching sizes comparable to those of the largest living sharks. Here, we have assessed the locomotion energetics of Leedsichthys problematicus, an extinct gigantic suspension‐feeder and the largest actinopterygian ever known, shedding light on the metabolic limits of body size in actinopterygians and the possible underlying factors that drove the gigantism in pachycormiforms. Phylogenetic generalized least squares analyses and power performance curves established in living fishes were used to infer the metabolic budget and locomotion cost of L. problematicus in a wide range of scenarios. Our approach predicts that specimens weighing up to 44.9 tonnes would have been energetically viable and suggests that similar body sizes could also be possible among living taxa, discarding metabolic factors as likely body size constraints in actinopterygians. Other aspects, such as the high degree of endoskeletal ossification, oviparity, indirect development or the establishment of other large suspension‐feeders, could have hindered the evolution of gigantism among post‐Mesozoic ray‐finned fish groups. From this perspective, the evolution of anatomical innovations that allowed the transition towards a suspension‐feeding lifestyle in medium‐sized pachycormiforms and the emergence of ecological opportunity during the Mesozoic are proposed as the most likely factors for promoting the acquisition of gigantism in this successful lineage of actinopterygians.  相似文献   

This study examines the functional gill morphology of the shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, to determine the extent to which its gill structure is convergent with that of tunas for specializations required to increase gas exchange and withstand the forceful branchial flow induced by ram ventilation. Mako gill structure is also compared to that of the blue shark, Prionace glauca, an epipelagic species with lower metabolic requirements and a reduced dependence on fast, continuous swimming to ventilate the gills. The gill surface area of the mako is about one‐half that of a comparably sized tuna, but more than twice that of the blue shark and other nonlamnid shark species. Mako gills are also distinguished from those of other sharks by shorter diffusion distances and a more fully developed diagonal blood‐flow pattern through the gill lamellae, which is similar to that found in tunas. Although the mako lacks the filament and lamellar fusions of tunas and other ram‐ventilating teleosts, its gill filaments are stiffened by the elasmobranch interbranchial septum, and the lamellae appear to be stabilized by one to two vascular sacs that protrude from the lamellar surface and abut sacs of adjacent lamellae. Vasoactive agents and changes in vascular pressure potentially influence sac size, consequently effecting lamellar rigidity and both the volume and speed of water through the interlamellar channels. However, vascular sacs also occur in the blue shark, and no other structural elements of the mako gill appear specialized for ram ventilation. Rather, the basic elasmobranch gill design and pattern of branchial circulation are both conserved. Despite specializations that increase mako gill area and efficacy relative to other sharks, the basic features of the elasmobranch gill design appear to have limited selection for a larger gill surface area, and this may ultimately constrain mako aerobic performance in comparison to tunas. J. Morphol. 271:937–948, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sharks as a group have a long history as highly successful predatory fishes. Although, the number of recent studies on their diet, feeding behavior, feeding mechanism, and mechanics have increased, many areas still require additional investigation. Dietary studies of sharks are generally more abundant than those on feeding activity patterns, and most of the studies are confined to relatively few species, many being carcharhiniform sharks. These studies reveal that sharks are generally asynchronous opportunistic feeders on the most abundant prey item, which are primarily other fishes. Studies of natural feeding behavior are few and many observations of feeding behavior are based on anecdotal reports. To capture their prey sharks either ram, suction, bite, filter, or use a combination of these behaviors. Foraging may be solitary or aggregate, and while cooperative foraging has been hypothesized it has not been conclusively demonstrated. Studies on the anatomy of the feeding mechanism are abundant and thorough, and far exceed the number of functional studies. Many of these studies have investigated the functional role of morphological features such as the protrusible upper jaw, but only recently have we begun to interpret the mechanics of the feeding apparatus and how it affects feeding behavior. Teeth are represented in the fossil record and are readily available in extant sharks. Therefore much is known about their morphology but again functional studies are primarily theoretical and await experimental analysis. Recent mechanistic approaches to the study of prey capture have revealed that kinematic and motor patterns are conserved in many species and that the ability to modulate feeding behavior varies greatly among taxa. In addition, the relationship of jaw suspension to feeding behavior is not as clear as was once believed, and contrary to previous interpretations upper jaw protrusibility appears to be related to the morphology of the upper jaw-chondrocranial articulation rather than the type of jaw suspension. Finally, we propose a set of specific hypotheses including: (1) The functional specialization for suction feeding hypothesis that morphological and functional specialization for suction feeding has repeatedly arisen in numerous elasmobranch lineages, (2) The aquatic suction feeding functional convergence hypothesis that similar hydrodynamic constraints in bony fishes and sharks result in convergent morphological and functional specializations for suction feeding in both groups, (3) The feeding modulation hypothesis that suction capture events in sharks are more stereotyped and therefore less modulated compared to ram and bite capture events, and (4) The independence of jaw suspension and feeding behavior hypothesis whereby the traditional categorization of jaw suspension types in sharks is not a good predictor of jaw mobility and prey capture behavior. Together with a set of questions these hypotheses help to guide future research on the feeding biology of sharks.  相似文献   

Studies on the elasmobranch inner ear have focused predominantly on a small group of sharks, particularly, carcharhinids. As a result, subsequent studies in other species have subdivided species into two main groups: those typical and those atypical of carcharhinid sharks. This study proposes a different set of inner‐ear morphology groupings to those previously suggested. The inner ears from 17 species of elasmobranchs (representing both sharks and rays) are examined in this study and based on morphometric data some groups include both rays and sharks. Four groups are now proposed based predominantly on the shape and dimensions of the membranous otoconial organs, and characteristics of the semicircular canals. Evident morphological differences between the ear types belonging to the new groups include the membranes of the semicircular canals being bound to the otoconial organs in some species, while only being connected via the canal ducts in others, as well as clear variation present in saccular organ size. Previous studies examining variation in the inner ear have attributed differences to either phylogeny or functional significance. Results from this study suggest that neither phylogeny nor feeding strategy solely accounts for the morphological diversity present in the external morphology of the elasmobranch inner ear. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Studies of the megamouth shark, one of three planktivorous sharks, can provide information about their evolutionary history. Megamouth shark feeding has never been observed in life animals, but two alternative hypotheses on biomechanics suggest either feeding, i.e., ram feeding or suction feeding. In this study, the second moment of area of the ceratohyal cartilages, which is an indicator of the flexural stiffness of the cartilages, is calculated for 21 species of ram‐ and suction‐feeding sharks using computed tomography. The results indicate that suction‐feeding sharks have ceratohyal cartilages with a larger second moment of area than ram‐feeding sharks. The result also indicates that the ram–suction index, which is an indicator of relative contribution of ram and suction behavior, is also correlated with the second moment of area of the ceratohyal. Considering that large bending stresses are expected to be applied to the ceratohyal cartilage during suction, the larger second moment of area of the ceratohyal of suction‐feeding sharks can be interpreted as an adaptation for suction feeding. Based on the small second moment of area of the ceratohyal cartilage of the megamouth shark, the feeding mode of the megamouth shark is considered to be ram feeding, similar to the planktivorous basking shark. From these results, an evolutionary scenario of feeding mechanics of three species of planktivorous sharks can be suggested. In this scenario, the planktivorous whale shark evolved ram feeding from a benthic suction‐feeding ancestor. Ram feeding in the planktivorous megamouth shark and the basking shark evolved from ram feeding swimming‐type ancestors and that both developed their unique filtering system to capture small‐sized prey. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Feeding Mechanisms in Sharks   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Although many sharks have a rather general vertebrate body plan,they display a number of specializations for feeding that beliethe notion that they are "primitive." These specializationsinclude a battery of highly developed exteroceptive systemssuch as vision, olfaction, acoustico-lateralis sense and electroreception;and a cranial morphology that has been molded into a numberof functionally adaptive forms. These forms result in grasping,sucking, crushing, gouging, cutting and filtering systems offeeding. With relatively few exceptions elasmobranch feedingmechanisms share such features as subterminal or inferior mouths,a dynamic tooth replacement system, hyostylic jaw suspensionand a kinetic, protractile upper jaw. The importance of eachof these components is discussed. The evolution of the highdiversity of mechanical feeding systems in such a small groupof vertebrates has probably been facilitated by the morphologicalsimplicity of the basic feeding mechanism. This radiation wasaccomplished by modifications in jaw length, the length andsupporting angle of the hyomandibula, the size of the gape,dentition and changes in the relative size of the cranial musculature.The evolutionary pattern of shark feeding mechanisms is complex,there being several examples of both parallelism and convergence.A long-jawed, grasping form (similar to, but not identical withChlamydoselachus) is here considered primitive. From a subsequentbenthic sucking and grasping ancestor, similar in many respectsto some living batoids,radiated crushing, ray-like forms; cutting,squaloid forms; and gouging, lamniform and carcharhiniform types.From the latter developed sucking and grasping, or crushingforms such as modern orectolobiforms, triakids and heterodontiformsharks. From several levels (primary crushing, secondary crushingand gouging) there emerged filter-feeding forms representedtoday by mobulids, rhiniodontids and cetorhin.  相似文献   

This paper considers mouthpart specializations for feeding among dipteran parasitoids, and places them in both an evolutionary and an ecological context. Parasitoid flies display specializations in relation to feeding on solidified honeydew, removing floral nectar from long, narrow, tubular corollas, and feeding on host materials. No species have as yet been identified which display particular specializations for pollen-feeding, but we consider it likely that they exist. Marked sexual dimorphism in mouthpart structure appears to occur only in the Phoridae. Mapping the occurrence of apparatus for removing floral nectar from long, narrow, tubular corollas ('concealed nectar extraction apparatus' or CNEA) onto published cladograms for Diptera shows that the evolution of such feeding apparatus has occurred many times independendy. In contrast to parasitoid Hymenoptera, possession of CNEA is more often an autapomorphy for taxa above subfamily level in apparently two cases for superfamilies (Acroceroidea and Nemestrinoidea). We conclude that whereas in parasitoid wasps the pattern of occurrence of CNEA is mainly attributable to ecological expediency, in parasitoid flies phylogenetic history has also played a major role. We discuss the fitness advantages of the different feeding specializations among parasitoids generally (i.e. both Diptera and Hymenoptera) in relation to various ecophysiological factors.  相似文献   

Aim Island taxa often attain forms outside the range achieved by mainland relatives. Body size evolution of vertebrates on islands has therefore received much attention, with two seemingly conflicting patterns thought to prevail: (1) islands harbour animals of extreme size, and (2) islands promote evolution towards medium body size (‘the island rule’). We test both hypotheses using body size distributions of mammal, lizard and bird species. Location World‐wide. Methods We assembled body size and insularity datasets for the world’s lizards, birds and mammals. We compared the frequencies with which the largest or smallest member of a group is insular with the frequencies expected if insularity is randomly assigned within groups. We tested whether size extremes on islands considered across mammalian phylogeny depart from a null expectation under a Brownian motion model. We tested the island rule by comparing insular and mainland members of (1) a taxonomic level and (2) mammalian sister species, to determine if large insular animals tend to evolve smaller body sizes while small ones evolve larger sizes. Results The smallest species in a taxon (order, family or genus) are insular no more often than would be expected by chance in all groups. The largest species within lizard families and bird genera (but no other taxonomic levels) are insular more often than expected. The incidence of extreme sizes in insular mammals never departs from the null, except among extant genera, where gigantism is marginally less common than expected under a Brownian motion null. Mammals follow the island rule at the genus level and when comparing sister species and clades. This appears to be driven mainly by insular dwarfing in large‐bodied lineages. A similar pattern in birds is apparent for species within orders. However, lizards follow the converse pattern. Main conclusions The popular misconception that islands have more than their fair share of size extremes may stem from a greater tendency to notice gigantism and dwarfism when they occur on islands. There is compelling evidence for insular dwarfing in large mammals, but not in other taxa, and little evidence for the second component of the island rule – gigantism in small‐bodied taxa.  相似文献   

The elasmobranchs (sharks, rays and skates) being the extant survivors of one of the earliest offshoots of the vertebrate evolutionary tree are good model organisms to study the primitive vertebrate conditions. They play a significant role in maintaining the ecological balance and have high economic value. Due to over-exploitation and illegal fishing worldwide, the elasmobranch stocks are being decimated at an alarming rate. Appropriate management measures are necessary for restoring depleted elasmobranch stocks. One approach for restoring stocks is implementation of conservation measures and these measures can be formulated effectively by knowing the evolutionary relationship among the elasmobranchs. In this study, a total of 30 species were chosen for molecular phylogeny studies using mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, 12S ribosomal RNA gene and nuclear Internal Transcribed Spacer 2. Among different genes, the combined dataset of COI and 12S rRNA resulted in a well resolved tree topology with significant bootstrap/posterior probabilities values. The results supported the reciprocal monophyly of sharks and batoids. Within Galeomorphii, Heterodontiformes (bullhead sharks) formed as a sister group to Lamniformes (mackerel sharks): Orectolobiformes (carpet sharks) and to Carcharhiniformes (ground sharks). Within batoids, the Myliobatiformes formed a monophyly group while Pristiformes (sawfishes) and Rhinobatiformes (guitar fishes) formed a sister group to all other batoids.  相似文献   

Bulk-filter feeding is an energetically efficient strategy for resource acquisition and assimilation, and facilitates the maintenance of extreme body size as exemplified by baleen whales (Mysticeti) and multiple lineages of bony and cartilaginous fishes. Among mysticetes, rorqual whales (Balaenopteridae) exhibit an intermittent ram filter feeding mode, lunge feeding, which requires the abandonment of body-streamlining in favor of a high-drag, mouth-open configuration aimed at engulfing a very large amount of prey-laden water. Particularly while lunge feeding on krill (the most widespread prey preference among rorquals), the effort required during engulfment involve short bouts of high-intensity muscle activity that demand high metabolic output. We used computational modeling together with morphological and kinematic data on humpback (Megaptera noveaangliae), fin (Balaenoptera physalus), blue (Balaenoptera musculus) and minke (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) whales to estimate engulfment power output in comparison with standard metrics of metabolic rate. The simulations reveal that engulfment metabolism increases across the full body size of the larger rorqual species to nearly 50 times the basal metabolic rate of terrestrial mammals of the same body mass. Moreover, they suggest that the metabolism of the largest body sizes runs with significant oxygen deficits during mouth opening, namely, 20% over maximum at the size of the largest blue whales, thus requiring significant contributions from anaerobic catabolism during a lunge and significant recovery after a lunge. Our analyses show that engulfment metabolism is also significantly lower for smaller adults, typically one-tenth to one-half . These results not only point to a physiological limit on maximum body size in this lineage, but also have major implications for the ontogeny of extant rorquals as well as the evolutionary pathways used by ancestral toothed whales to transition from hunting individual prey items to filter feeding on prey aggregations.  相似文献   

Body size is significantly correlated with number of vertebrae (pleomerism) in multiple vertebrate lineages, indicating that change in number of body segments produced during somitogenesis is an important factor in evolutionary change in body size, but the role of segmentation in the evolution of extreme sizes, including gigantism, has not been examined. We explored the relationship between body size and vertebral count in basal snakes that exhibit gigantism. Boids, pythonids and the typhlopid genera, Typhlops and Rhinotyphlops, possess a positive relationship between body size and vertebral count, confirming the importance of pleomerism; however, giant taxa possessed fewer than expected vertebrae, indicating that a separate process underlies the evolution of gigantism in snakes. The lack of correlation between body size and vertebral number in giant taxa demonstrates dissociation of segment production in early development from somatic growth during maturation, indicating that gigantism is achieved by modifying development at a different stage from that normally selected for changes in body size.  相似文献   

The evolution of floral gigantism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flowers exhibit tremendous variation in size (>1000-fold), ranging from less than a millimeter to nearly a meter in diameter. Numerous studies have established the importance of increased floral size in species that exhibit relatively normal-sized flowers, but few studies have examined the evolution of floral size increase in species with extremely large flowers or flower-like inflorescences (collectively termed blossoms). Our review of these record-breakers indicates that blossom gigantism has evolved multiple times, and suggests that the evolutionary forces operating in these species may differ from their ordinary-sized counterparts. Surprisingly, rather than being associated with large-bodied pollinators, gigantism appears to be most common in species with small-bodied beetle or carrion-fly pollinators. Such large blossoms may be adapted to these pollinators because they help to temporarily trap animals, better facilitate thermal regulation, and allow for the mimicry of large animal carcasses. Future phylogenetic tests of these hypotheses should be conducted to determine if the transition to such pollination systems correlates with significant changes in the mode and tempo of blossom size evolution.  相似文献   

Small‐scale fisheries are generally promoted as a sustainable alternative to large‐scale industrial fisheries. However, there is recent growing evidence that small‐scale fisheries may be the largest threat to marine species of conservation concern. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential impact of the trammel net fishery on elasmobranchs in the Gulf of Gabès, Southern Tunisia. Data are based on 191 shrimp trammel net set (40 mm stretched mesh size) surveys conducted aboard commercial fishing vessels from May to July 2009. Five species of the small coastal elasmobranchs (Mustelus mustelus (Linnaeus, 1758), Mustelus punctulatus Risso 1827, Dasyatis pastinaca (Linnaeus, 1758), Dasyatis marmorata (Steindachner, 1892) and Torpedo torpedo (Linnaeus, 1758)) and two species from the large coastal shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus (Nardo, 1827) and Carcharhinus brevipinna (Müller & Henle, 1839)) were recognized as by‐catch in this fishery. Elasmobranch by‐catch was dominated by sharks (90.3%), smoothhound sharks Mustelus sp. being by far the most important (88.9%) and reflecting their abundance in the area; 58% of the sets caught at least one specimen, with 4.8 ± 1.3 caught per set. Captures were composed essentially of neonate and juvenile sharks, while the batoids were dominated by mature individuals. This study shows that shrimp trammel nets represent a considerable source of mortality for early life stages of elasmobranch species in the Gulf of Gabès. Additionally, there was a high density of neonates and small juvenile M. mustelus in the Sfax zone, suggesting that these nearshore waters are a nursery grounds for smoothhound sharks. Further research should focus on the incidents of by‐catch and evaluate the potential solutions to allow trammel net fisheries to coexist alongside the elasmobranch species.  相似文献   

The olfactory bulbs (OBs) are bilaterally paired structures in the vertebrate forebrain that receive and process odor information from the olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) in the periphery. Virtually all vertebrate OBs are arranged chemotopically, with different regions of the OB processing different types of odorants. However, there is some evidence that elasmobranch fishes (sharks, rays, and skates) may possess a gross somatotopic organization instead. To test this hypothesis, we used histological staining and retrograde tracing techniques to examine the morphology and organization of ORN projections from the olfactory epithelium (OE) to the OB in three elasmobranch species with varying OB morphologies. In all three species, glomeruli in the OB received projections from ORNs located on only the three to five lamellae situated immediately anterior within the OE. These results support that the gross arrangement of the elasmobranch OB is somatotopic, an organization unique among fishes and most other vertebrates. In addition, certain elasmobranch species possess a unique OB morphology in which each OB is physically subdivided into two or more “hemi‐olfactory bulbs.” Somatotopy could provide a preadaptation which facilitated the evolution of olfactory hemibulbs in these species. J. Morphol., 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Parasite species richness is a fundamental characteristic of host species and varies substantially among host communities. Hypotheses aiming to explain observed patterns of richness are numerous, and none is universal. In this study, we use tapeworm parasites of elasmobranch fishes to examine the phylogenetic and environmental influences on the variation in species richness for this specific system. Tapeworms are the most diverse group of helminths to infect elasmobranchs. Elasmobranchs are cosmopolitan in distribution and their tapeworm parasites are remarkably host specific; therefore, making this an ideal system in which to examine global patterns in species diversity. Here, we 1) quantify the tapeworm richness in elasmobranch fishes, 2) identify the host features correlated with tapeworm richness, and 3) determine whether tapeworm richness follows a latitudinal gradient. The individual and combined effects of host size, factors associated with water temperatures (influenced by latitude and depth), host habitat, and type of elasmobranch (shark or batoid) on measures of species diversity were assessed using general linear models. These analyses included tapeworm host records for 317 different elasmobranch species (124 species were included in our analyses) and were conducted with and without taking into account phylogenetic relationships between host species. Since sharks and batoids differ substantially in body form, analyses were repeated for each host subset. On average, batoids harboured significantly more tapeworm species than shark hosts. Tapeworm richness in sharks was influenced by median depth, whereas no predictor variable included in our models could adequately account for interspecific variation in tapeworm richness in batoid hosts. The taxonomic diversity of tapeworm assemblages of sharks and batoids was influenced by median depth and median latitude, respectively. When the influence of host phylogeny is accounted for, larger hosts harbour a greater tapeworm richness, whereas hosts exploiting wider latitudinal ranges harbour more taxonomically distinct tapeworm assemblages. Species richness and taxonomic diversity of tapeworm assemblages in elasmobranch fishes are influenced by different evolutionary pressures, including host phylogenetic relationships, space constraints and geographical area. Our results suggest that ca 3600 tapeworm species have yet to be described from elasmobranch fishes.  相似文献   

A novel hypothesis to better understand the evolution of gigantism in active marine predators and the diversity of body sizes, feeding strategies and thermophysiologies of extinct and living aquatic vertebrates is proposed. Recent works suggest that some aspects of animal energetics can act as constraining factors for body size. Given that mass-specific metabolic rate decreases with body mass, the body size of active predators should be limited by the high metabolic demand of this feeding strategy. In this context, we propose that shifts towards higher metabolic levels can enable the same activity and feeding strategy to be maintained at bigger body sizes, offering a satisfactory explanation for the evolution of gigantism in active predators, including a vast quantity of fossil taxa. Therefore, assessing the metabolic ceilings of living aquatic vertebrates and the thermoregulatory strategies of certain key extinct groups is now crucial to define the energetic limits of predation and provide quantitative support for this model.  相似文献   

Synopsis Female scalloped hammerhead sharks move offshore at a smaller size than do males to form schools composed primarily of intermediate size female sharks. This movement results in smaller females feeding more on pelagic prey than do males and with greater predatory success. It is contended that this change in habitat causes females to grow more rapidly to reproductive size. Intermediate size females grow at a more rapid rate than males. Female scalloped hammerhead sharks mature at a size larger than males. For many elasmobranch species, females: (1) occupy a different habitat, (2) grow more rapidly prior to maturity and continue growth following maturation, (3) feed on different prey with increased feeding success, and (4) reproduce at a size larger than males. It is suggested that female segregation increases fitness, resulting in more rapid growth for the former sex. The females reach maturity at the larger size necessary to support embryonic young, yet similar age to males, matching the female reproductive lifetime to that of males.  相似文献   

Elasmobranchs and bony fishes have evolved independently for more than 400 million years. However, two Recent groups, the lamnid sharks (Family Lamnidae) and tunas (Family Scombridae), display remarkable similarities in features related to swimming performance. Traits separating these two groups from other fishes include a higher degree of body streamlining, a shift in the position of the aerobic, red, locomotor muscle that powers sustained swimming to a more anterior location in the body and nearer to the vertebral column, the capacity to conserve metabolic heat (i.e. regional endothermy), an increased gill surface area with a decreased blood-water barrier thickness, a higher maximum blood oxygen carrying capacity, and greater muscle aerobic and anaerobic enzyme activities at in vivo temperatures. The suite of morphological, physiological, and biochemical specializations that define "high-performance fishes" have been extensively characterized in the tunas. This review examines the convergent features of lamnid sharks and tunas in order to gain insight into the extent that comparable environmental selection pressures have led to the independent origin of similar suites of functional characteristics in these two distinctly different taxa. We propose that, despite differences between teleost and elasmobranch fishes, lamnid sharks and tunas have evolved morphological and physiological specializations that enhance their swimming performance relative to other sharks and most other high performance pelagic fishes.  相似文献   

The herbivorous sauropod dinosaurs of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods were the largest terrestrial animals ever, surpassing the largest herbivorous mammals by an order of magnitude in body mass. Several evolutionary lineages among Sauropoda produced giants with body masses in excess of 50 metric tonnes by conservative estimates. With body mass increase driven by the selective advantages of large body size, animal lineages will increase in body size until they reach the limit determined by the interplay of bauplan, biology, and resource availability. There is no evidence, however, that resource availability and global physicochemical parameters were different enough in the Mesozoic to have led to sauropod gigantism. We review the biology of sauropod dinosaurs in detail and posit that sauropod gigantism was made possible by a specific combination of plesiomorphic characters (phylogenetic heritage) and evolutionary innovations at different levels which triggered a remarkable evolutionary cascade. Of these key innovations, the most important probably was the very long neck, the most conspicuous feature of the sauropod bauplan. Compared to other herbivores, the long neck allowed more efficient food uptake than in other large herbivores by covering a much larger feeding envelope and making food accessible that was out of the reach of other herbivores. Sauropods thus must have been able to take up more energy from their environment than other herbivores. The long neck, in turn, could only evolve because of the small head and the extensive pneumatization of the sauropod axial skeleton, lightening the neck. The small head was possible because food was ingested without mastication. Both mastication and a gastric mill would have limited food uptake rate. Scaling relationships between gastrointestinal tract size and basal metabolic rate (BMR) suggest that sauropods compensated for the lack of particle reduction with long retention times, even at high uptake rates. The extensive pneumatization of the axial skeleton resulted from the evolution of an avian‐style respiratory system, presumably at the base of Saurischia. An avian‐style respiratory system would also have lowered the cost of breathing, reduced specific gravity, and may have been important in removing excess body heat. Another crucial innovation inherited from basal dinosaurs was a high BMR. This is required for fueling the high growth rate necessary for a multi‐tonne animal to survive to reproductive maturity. The retention of the plesiomorphic oviparous mode of reproduction appears to have been critical as well, allowing much faster population recovery than in megaherbivore mammals. Sauropods produced numerous but small offspring each season while land mammals show a negative correlation of reproductive output to body size. This permitted lower population densities in sauropods than in megaherbivore mammals but larger individuals. Our work on sauropod dinosaurs thus informs us about evolutionary limits to body size in other groups of herbivorous terrestrial tetrapods. Ectothermic reptiles are strongly limited by their low BMR, remaining small. Mammals are limited by their extensive mastication and their vivipary, while ornithsichian dinosaurs were only limited by their extensive mastication, having greater average body sizes than mammals.  相似文献   

Many studies on elasmobranchs, sharks and batoids (rays, skates and guitarfishes), have focused on the factors responsible for biomass decline, but little attention has been paid to the factors that affect species richness. We used the software package ModestR to determine the geographical distribution of all valid marine elasmobranch species (512 species of sharks and 619 species of batoids), thereby making it possible to determine the species composition of the elasmobranch community in any area worldwide. The primary aim of this study was to identify the factors associated with the species richness of elasmobranchs. The data were analyzed using multiple regressions and Support Vector Machine (SVM) in cells of 1º× 1º with the analyzed abiotic variables being bathymetry, chlorophyll a, sea surface temperature, photosynthetically available radiation, pH, cloud cover, the concentrations of calcite, silicate, phosphate and nitrate, salinity, particulate organic carbon, diffuse attenuation and dissolved oxygen. The mean area of occupancy of the species was used as an indicator of niche occupancy. The model performed with SVM explained 97 and 99 % of the variance observed in the species richness of batoids and sharks, respectively. Mean area of occupancy, temperature and bathymetry were the variables with a higher contribution to the variance observed in both sharks and batoids. The negative residuals of the model performed with SVM indicated areas with lower than predicted species richness. These may be potential areas with undiscovered and/or unregistered species, or areas with decreased species richness due to the negative effect of anthropogenic factors, i.e. overfishing  相似文献   

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