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Seeds from ten terrestrial orchid species, nine from the south‐west Australian biodiversity hotspot (Caladenia arenicola, Caladenia flava, Caladenia huegelii, Diuris laxiflora, Microtis media ssp. media, Pterostylis recurva, Pterostylis sanguinea, Thelymitra crinita and Thelymitra macrophylla) and one from south‐east Australia (Diuris fragrantissima), were placed into experimental storage to assess their relative longevity and likely optimal conditions for long‐term conservation seed banking. Seeds from all species were desiccation tolerant, germinating after drying at 23% relative humidity (C. arenicola, C. huegelii, P. sanguinea and T. macrophylla) or 5% relative humidity (C. flava, D. laxiflora, M. media ssp. media, P. recurva and T. crinita) at 23 °C. From automatedly determined moisture adsorption and desorption isotherms at 23 °C, these equate to tolerance of drying to 0.03–0.06 g water g?1 dry weight or 0.013–0.028 g water g?1 dry weight, respectively. Results of storage experiments at a range of moisture contents and temperatures suggest conventional seed bank storage at ?18 °C after equilibration at c. 23% relative humidity (at 23 °C) may be suitable for most of the species, although there was higher germination of P. recurva seeds stored at ?80 °C and of M. media ssp. media seeds equilibrated at 75% relative humidity. However, there was considerable variation in germination of seeds sampled after different storage periods, making it difficult to identify optimal storage conditions definitively. Results of comparative longevity storage experiments at 60% relative humidity and 40 °C suggest seeds from these orchid species are short‐lived compared with non‐orchid species, and with Australian species in particular. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 164 , 26–41.  相似文献   

  • Endozoochory is one of the main drivers shaping temperate grassland communities by maintaining plant populations of its constituents and enabling plants to colonize new habitats. Successful endozoochorous dispersal implies that seeds not only get consumed and survive the digestive tract but are also able to develop into viable seedlings in a dung environment.
  • We experimentally assessed the germination probability and timing of 15 annual and perennial temperate European grassland species in cattle and horse dung and in different climatic conditions (greenhouse and outdoor conditions).
  • Interspecific variation in germinability and germination timing are found, while life strategy had only an effect on germination timing. We found adverse effects of both cattle and horse dung on the germination characteristics of all tested grassland species, but the effects of cattle dung were more pronounced. In comparison with the control treatment, fewer seeds emerged in dung and more time was needed to germinate. Also, germination metrics clearly differed between the artificial greenhouse and outdoor conditions, with generally a lower germinability in outdoor conditions.
  • According to our results, a large cost seems to be associated with endozoochorous dispersal in this stage of the life cycle, as seed dispersal effectiveness strongly depends on the quality of the deposition site with a lowered survival and germination probability when seeds are deposited in dung.

Ecological restorations are predicted to increase in species diversity over time until they reach reference levels. However, chronosequence studies in grasslands often show that diversity peaks after the first few years and then declines over time as grasses become more dominant. We addressed whether bison grazing and seed additions could prevent this decline in diversity. Exclosures that prevented bison grazing were compared with grazed plots over 4 years, and seed additions were conducted inside and outside exclosures to test for seed and microsite limitations. A previous study conducted 4‐months post seeding found that local species richness was primarily seed limited, but that grazing could sometimes increase seedling emergence. Here, we tested whether increased seedling emergence led to longer‐term increases in the species diversity of the plant community. We found that the seed addition effect grew smaller and the grazing effect grew stronger over time, and that seed additions affected the abundance of added species only when plots were grazed. Grazed plots had higher species diversity and lower biomass and litter buildup compared to non‐grazed plots. Our results suggest that moderate grazing by bison or management that mimics grazing can maintain diversity in grass‐dominated situations. Our results also emphasize the need to follow seed additions over several years to assess correctly whether seed limitation exists.  相似文献   

We are clarifying how the functional embryo growth occurs in germinating seeds of Solanum lycocarpum A. St.‐Hil., a nurse plant with a central role in forest dynamics in the Cerrado (a biodiversity hotspot). For that, we used classical seed germination measurements (germinability, mean germination time, mean germination rate, coefficient of variation of the germination time, synchronisation index and germination time range) and gene expression of mRNA codifying key proteins/enzymes for the success in the seed–seedling transition (Cyclin, Actin, Small Heat Shock Protein, Glutathione S‐transferase, Malate Dehydrogenase, Alcohol Dehydrogenase). Our findings demonstrate: (a) Although germination kinetics in S. lycocarpum seeds is slower than that in tomato seeds, the fold change of genes codifying key enzymes for the embryo development is similar in germinating seeds of both species. (b) The genes used here are useful, from a technical point of view, for classifying commercial seed samples of the species in relation to physiological quality. More notably, cyclin and malate dehydrogenase genes have a greater expression, both in germination sensu stricto and in immediate post‐germination. (c) A molecular framework for the embryo growth in germinating seeds of S. lycocarpum can be a functional explication for the species to be a nurse plant. Thus, the overlapping of classical and contemporary measurements is especially interesting to those species playing a central role in the environment, such as nurse plants, and may represent a new conservationist paradigm.  相似文献   

Much uncertainty remains about traits linked with successful invasion – the establishment and spread of non‐resident species into existing communities. Using a 20‐year experiment, where 50 non‐resident (but mostly native) grassland plant species were sown into savannah plots, we ask how traits linked with invasion depend on invasion stage (establishment, spread), indicator of invasion success (occupancy, relative abundance), time, environmental conditions, propagule rain, and traits of invaders and invaded communities. Trait data for 164 taxa showed that invader occupancy was primarily associated with traits of invaders, traits of recipient communities, and invader‐community interactions. Invader abundance was more strongly associated with community traits (e.g. proportion legume) and trait differences between invaders and the most similar resident species. Annuals and invaders with high‐specific leaf area were only successful early in stand development, whereas invaders with conservative carbon capture strategies persisted long‐term. Our results indicate that invasion is context‐dependent and long‐term experiments are required to comprehensively understand invasions.  相似文献   

Determining how ecological communities will respond to global environmental change remains a challenging research problem. Recent meta‐analyses concluded that most communities are undergoing compositional change despite no net change in local species richness. We explored how species richness and composition of co‐occurring plant, grasshopper, breeding bird and small mammal communities in arid and mesic grasslands changed in response to increasing aridity and fire frequency. In the arid system, grassland and shrubland plant and breeding bird communities were undergoing directional change, whereas grasshopper and small mammal communities were stable. In the mesic system, all communities were undergoing directional change regardless of fire frequency. Despite directional change in composition in some communities, species richness of all communities did not change because compositional change resulted more from reordering of species abundances than turnover in species composition. Thus, species reordering, not changes in richness, explains long‐term dynamics in these grass and shrub dominated communities.  相似文献   

Species richness has long been used as an indicator of ecosystem functioning and health. Global richness is declining, but it is unclear whether sub‐global trends differ. Regional trends are especially understudied, with most focused on island regions where richness is strongly impacted by novel colonisations. We addressed this knowledge gap by testing for multi‐decade trends in species richness in nine open marine regions around North America (197 region‐years) while accounting for imperfect observations and grounding our findings in species‐level range dynamics. We found positive richness trends in eight of nine regions, four of which were statistically significant. Species' range sizes generally contracted pre‐extinction and expanded post‐colonisation, but the ranges of transient species expanded over the long‐term, slowly increasing their regional retention and driving increasing richness. These results provide more evidence that sub‐global richness trends are stable or increasing, and highlight the utility of range size for understanding richness dynamics.  相似文献   

Understanding differences in the components of life‐cycle stages of species between their native and introduced ranges can provide insights into the process of species transitioning from introduction to naturalization and invasion. We examined reproductive variables of the germination (seed predation, seed viability, time to germination), seed output (crown projection, seed production, seed weight) and dispersal (seed weight, dispersal investment) stages of five woody Fabaceae species, comparing native and introduced ranges. We predicted that each species would differ in reproductive variables of at least one life‐cycle stage between their native and introduced ranges, thus allowing us to determine the life‐cycle stage most associated with invasion success in the introduced range. Acacia melanoxylon and Paraserianthes lophantha had reduced seed predation in their introduced ranges while P. lophantha also had higher seed viability indicating that the germination life‐cycle stage is most strongly associated with their invasion success in the introduced range. Only Acacia longifolia varied between ranges for the seed output stage due to larger plant size, greater seed production and smaller seed size in its introduced range. Similar to A. longifolia, Acacia cyclops had smaller seed size in its introduced range but did not have any other variable differences between ranges suggesting that the dispersal stage is best associated with its invasion success in the introduced range. Surprisingly, Acacia saligna was the only species without a clear life‐cycle stage difference between ranges despite it being one of the more invasive acacia species in Australia. Although we found clear differences in reproductive variables associated with life‐cycle stages between native and introduced ranges of these five species, these differences were largely species‐specific. This suggests that a species invasion strategy into a novel environment is complex and varies among species depending on the environmental context, phenotypic plasticity and genotypic variation in particular traits.  相似文献   

Abstract. The upper courses of brook valley systems harbour Nardo‐Galion saxatilis communities characteristic of oligo‐trophic soils under low‐intensity farming. Most of these communities have disappeared under intensified farming i.e. application of fertilizers. We studied the possibilities of restoration i.e. re‐establishment of the former plant community by adopting various cutting regimes after the cessation of fertilization in 1972. The various cutting regimes revealed different effects after 25 yr. Regimes with cutting every second year with or without removal of the swath, and complete abandonment deviated from the other regimes that included annual haymaking with different frequency and timing. The latter group of cutting regimes came closer to the community of an adjacent field where fertilization stopped in 1967. This field in turn harboured several Nardo‐Galion species after 25 yr of annual cutting, and showed more resemblance with a local reference community (at a distance of 500 m) that had not been fertilized since the 1940s. The local reference still does not match poorly developed Nardo‐Galion saxatilis communities found in the region of ca. 50 km around the study area, and is far from well developed Nardo‐Galion communities in the same region. The study site still harbours several species characteristic of eutrophic soil and few species characteristic of oligotrophic soil after 25 yr of annual cutting and removal of the swath. The soil seed bank harbours only few target species. Although species characteristic of oligotrophic soil are present in an adjacent field and Nardo‐Galion saxatilis species occur at 500 m, they have not (yet) established in the target area.  相似文献   

The introduction of plant species is a central topic in restoration ecology research. It is an effective technique to restore degraded ecosystems that present low resilience, such as the rupestrian grasslands. Once implemented, the transplantation of native species is monitored only in the short term, whereas long‐term monitoring should be preferred to identify potential changes in the restoration results. Our study is the first assessment of the transplantation success of 10 native shrub species in a degraded area of rupestrian grasslands, 8.5 years after transplantation. Survival, growth, and recruitment were assessed in 2004, 2008, and 2012. For all species, survival, growth, and recruitment varied over time. Although some species exhibited great mortality during the last 4 years, they also showed a great resprouting ability. Our results highlighted a trade‐off between survival and recruitment capacity. Most of the studied species showed remarkable ability to adapt to the extreme environment of the degraded area, persisting either through surviving or recruiting new individuals. We list nine native species, which are well appropriated for rupestrian grasslands restoration. In constrained environments, survival and resistance should represent criteria to select species for restoration project rather than fast growth and ground cover.  相似文献   

  • Dormancy cycles are an important mechanism for avoiding seed germination under unfavourable periods for seedling establishment. This mechanism has been scarcely studied in tropical species. Here, we studied three tropical and perennial species of Xyris, X. asperula, X. subsetigera and X. trachyphylla, to investigate in situ longevity and the existence of seasonal seed dormancy cycles.
  • Seeds of three species of Xyris were buried in their natural habitat, with samples exhumed bimonthly for 18 months. Germination of exhumed seeds was assessed under a 12‐h photoperiod over a broad range of temperatures. Seeds of X. trachyphylla were also subjected to treatments to overcome secondary dormancy.
  • Seeds of all species are able to form a persistent seed bank and exhibit seasonal changes in germinability. Secondary dormancy was acquired during the rainy summer and was overcome during the subsequent dry season (autumn/winter). Desiccation partially overcomes secondary dormancy in X. trachyphylla seeds.
  • Soil seed bank persistence and synchronisation of seed germination under favourable conditions for seedling establishment contribute to the persistence and regeneration of X. asperula, X. subsetigera and X. trachyphylla in their natural environment.

Phenology is a harbinger of climate change, with many species advancing flowering in response to rising temperatures. However, there is tremendous variation among species in phenological response to warming, and any phenological differences between native and non‐native species may influence invasion outcomes under global warming. We simulated global warming in the field and found that non‐native species flowered earlier and were more phenologically plastic to temperature than natives, which did not accelerate flowering in response to warming. Non‐native species' flowering also became more synchronous with other community members under warming. Earlier flowering was associated with greater geographic spread of non‐native species, implicating phenology as a potential trait associated with the successful establishment of non‐native species across large geographic regions. Such phenological differences in both timing and plasticity between native and non‐natives are hypothesised to promote invasion success and population persistence, potentially benefiting non‐native over native species under climate change.  相似文献   

An important factor that hinders the management of non‐native species is a general lack of information regarding the biogeography of non‐natives, and, in particular, their rates of turnover. Here, we address this research gap by analysing differences in temporal beta‐diversity (using both pairwise and multiple‐time dissimilarity metrics) between native and non‐native species, using a novel time‐series dataset of arthropods sampled in native forest fragments in the Azores. We use a null model approach to determine whether temporal beta‐diversity was due to deterministic processes or stochastic colonisation and extinction events, and linear modelling selection to assess the factors driving variation in temporal beta‐diversity between plots. In accordance with our predictions, we found that the temporal beta‐diversity was much greater for non‐native species than for native species, and the null model analyses indicated that the turnover of non‐native species was due to stochastic events. No predictor variables were found to explain the turnover of native or non‐native species. We attribute the greater turnover of non‐native species to source‐sink processes and the close proximity of anthropogenic habitats to the fragmented native forest plots sampled in our study. Thus, our findings point to ways in which the study of turnover can be adapted for future applications in habitat island systems. The implications of this for biodiversity conservation and management are significant. The high rate of stochastic turnover of non‐native species indicates that attempts to simply reduce the populations of non‐native species in situ within native habitats may not be successful. A more efficient management strategy would be to interrupt source‐sink dynamics by improving the harsh boundaries between native and adjacent anthropogenic habitats.  相似文献   

Forest fires (paleo + modern) have caused charcoal particles to accumulate in the soil vertical profile in Amazonia. This forest compartment is a long‐term carbon reservoir with an important role in global carbon balance. Estimates of stocks remain uncertain in forests that have not been altered by deforestation but that have been impacted by understory fires and selective logging. We estimated the stock of pyrogenic carbon derived from charcoal accumulated in the soil profile of seasonal forest fragments impacted by fire and selective logging in the northern portion of Brazilian Amazonia. Sixty‐nine soil cores to 1‐m depth were collected in 12 forest fragments of different sizes. Charcoal stocks averaged 3.45 ± 2.17 Mg ha?1 (2.24 ± 1.41 Mg C ha?1). Pyrogenic carbon was not directly related to the size of the forest fragments. This carbon is equivalent to 1.40% (0.25% to 4.04%) of the carbon stocked in aboveground live tree biomass in these fragments. The vertical distribution of pyrogenic carbon indicates an exponential model, where the 0–30 cm depth range has 60% of the total stored. The total area of Brazil's Amazonian seasonal forests and ecotones not altered by deforestation implies 65–286 Tg of pyrogenic carbon accumulated along the soil vertical profile. This is 1.2–2.3 times the total amount of residual pyrogenic carbon formed by biomass burning worldwide in 1 year. Our analysis suggests that the accumulated charcoal in the soil vertical profile in Amazonian forests is a substantial pyrogenic carbon pool that needs to be considered in global carbon models.  相似文献   

Evidence is accumulating that some arcto‐boreal plant taxa persisted through the last glacial maximum (LGM) in Alaska and adjacent Canada. However, the spatial patterns of glacial persistence and associated postglacial colonization remain largely unknown. In this study, we investigated the LGM refugia of an alder (Alnus) species complex (n = 3 taxa) and assess the spatiotemporal dynamics of Alnus in this vast region. Specifically, we conducted high‐throughput DNA sequencing (ddRADseq) on Alnus foliar samples collected from a dense population network to investigate patterns of genetic structure and infer the presence of glacial lineages. Species distribution modeling (SDM) was used to investigate the probability and possible locations of glacial persistence. These analyses were integrated and then compared with fossil pollen data to identify the locations of refugial populations and spatial patterns of postglacial colonization. Our genetic analyses revealed two glacial lineages with separate geographic origins for each Alnus taxon, suggesting that the genus persisted in multiple LGM refugia. Non‐overlapping hindcast distributions based on SDMs further support the presence of multiple, spatially distinct refugia. These ddRADseq and SDM results, in conjunction with reassessment of fossil pollen records, suggest that Alnus expanded from several population nuclei that existed during the LGM and coalesced during the Holocene to form its present range. These results challenge the unidirectional model for postglacial vegetation expansion, implying that climate buffering associated with landscape heterogeneity and adaptation to millennial‐scale environmental variability played important roles in driving late‐Quaternary population dynamics.  相似文献   

Moderate grazing intensity is considered the basic requirement to enhance ecosystem function in grasslands. Yet, deterioration by overgrazing is common in many biomes, including Campos grasslands in South America. Understanding how grazing management can lead to recovery of ecosystem function is essential to design and implement effective strategies for sustainable use of this resource. In a long‐term field experiment carried out in Southern Brazil, we studied the effects of temporal grazing exclusions (spring or fall) at moderate and severe livestock grazing intensities (maintained by adjusting contrasting forage allowances) on the species richness, botanical composition, forage mass, sward height, and photosynthetic active radiation intercepted. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with three replications of grazing exclusions, applied simultaneously at moderate and severe grazing intensities. Moderate grazing intensity showed a bimodal structure of shorter and taller canopies, and high species richness. Severe grazing created a shorter and homogeneous sward structure characterized by less standing biomass and species loss. In response to grazing exclusions, sward height, standing biomass, and light interception recovered almost to the levels of moderate grazing. Further, within 2 years grass species richness increased and botanical composition changed toward grasses with erect habit prevailing in moderate grazing intensity. Our study confirms that (1) moderate grazing intensities allow the coexistence of high number of species and (2) spring grazing exclusions of long‐term overgrazed grasslands can lead to a quick start to recover the grass species richness, primary productivity, and species composition like that prevailing in well‐managed grasslands.  相似文献   

The effects of dry heat, wet heat, charred wood and smoke on the germination of dormant soil‐stored seeds from a Eucalyptus woodland in western Victoria were tested by using a glasshouse seed‐bank germination experiment. Seedling density, species richness and species composition were compared between replicated treated and control samples. A total of 5922 seedlings, comprising 59 plant species, was recorded from the soil samples over a period of 150 days. While a few species dominated (including Centrolepis strigosa, Wahlenbergia gracilenta and Ixodia achillaeoides), 26 species were represented by fewer than five seedlings and 18 species were restricted to single treatment types. With the exception of charred wood, all treatments led to a significant increase in seed germination relative to the control. The highest number of germinants was obtained for the smoke treatment, with a mean (± SE) of 12 547 ± 449 seedlings m–2. Heat treatments yielded intermediate densities, with means (± SE) varying between 7445 ± 234 and 9133 ± 445 seedlings m–2. In comparison with the estimates of seed‐bank sizes from other fire‐prone ecosystems, these densities are high. Species richness differed significantly among treatments. Highest mean richness was recorded in the smoke treatment and lowest for the control and charred wood treatments. There were significant differences in seed‐bank species composition between treatment types based on analysis of similarity (Anosim) using Bray–Curtis similarity. While heat was a specific requirement for triggering germination in hard‐seeded species (e.g. Fabaceae), smoke was the most effective trigger for species from a broad range of other families. The potentially confounding effect of physical and chemical mechanisms of germination stimulation in heated bulk soil samples is raised as an issue requiring further investigation in relation to the role of smoke as a germination trigger.  相似文献   

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