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Recent decades have seen substantial changes in patterns of biodiversity worldwide. Simultaneously, climate change is producing a widespread pattern of species’ range shifts to higher latitudes and higher elevations, potentially creating novel assemblages as species shift at different rates. However, the direct link between species’ turnover as a result of climate‐induced range shifts has not yet been empirically evaluated. We measured rates of species turnover associated with species’ range shifts in relatively undisturbed montane areas in Asia, Europe, North America, South America, and the Indo‐Pacific. We show that species turnover is rapidly creating novel assemblages, and this can be explained by variable changes in species’ range limits following warming. Across all the areas we analyzed, mean species’ turnover was 12% per decade, which was nearly balanced between the loss of existing co‐occurrences and the gain of novel co‐occurrences. Turnover appears to be more rapid among ectothermic assemblages, and some evidence suggests tropical assemblages may be responding at more rapid rates than temperate assemblages.  相似文献   

In conventional gene flow theory the rate of genetic gain is calculated as the summed products of genetic selection differential and asymptotic proportion of genes deriving from sex-age groups. Recent studies have shown that asymptotic proportions of genes predicted from conventional gene flow theory may deviate considerably from true proportions. However, the rate of genetic gain predicted from conventional gene flow theory was accurate. The current note shows that the connection between asymptotic proportions of genes and rate of genetic gain that is embodied in conventional gene flow theory is invalid, even though genetic gain may be predicted correctly from it.  相似文献   

We characterized the population genetic structure of the Australian social spider Diaea ergandros using polymorphic allozyme markers. Our main objectives were to understand the social organization of D. ergandros and discern patterns of gene flow across distantly separated geographical areas. Spiders were sampled from nests located within 100 m wide locales, which were distributed within larger 50 km wide regions. Our results indicated that nestmates could have been produced by a single mother and father in 88.9% of D. ergandros nests. The remainder of nests contained spiders that were probably produced by polyandrous females or were immigrants from foreign nests. Nestmate relatedness was relatively high (r = 0.44) and did not differ significantly between the sexes or among juvenile, subadult and adult life stages. We also discovered that D. ergandros populations were highly structured, with significant differentiation detected among locales (FLR = 0.23) and regions (FRT = 0.081). Spiders within locales were also substantially inbred (FIL = 0.15). Overall, our data show that significant population subdivision exists in D. ergandros populations, and we suggest that the poor dispersal ability of Diaea spiders can account for the observed genetic structure.  相似文献   

Minimum coancestry mating with a maximum of one offspring per mating pair (MC1) is compared with random mating schemes for populations with overlapping generations. Optimum contribution selection is used, whereby ΔF is restricted. For schemes with ΔF restricted to 0.25% per year, 256 animals born per year and heritability of 0.25, genetic gain increased with 18% compared with random mating. The effect of MC1 on genetic gain decreased for larger schemes and schemes with a less stringent restriction on inbreeding. Breeding schemes hardly changed when omitting the iteration on the generation interval to find an optimum distribution of parents over age-classes, which saves computer time, but inbreeding and genetic merit fluctuated more before the schemes had reached a steady-state. When bulls were progeny tested, these progeny tested bulls were selected instead of the young bulls, which led to increased generation intervals, increased selection intensity of bulls and increased genetic gain (35% compared to a scheme without progeny testing for random mating). The effect of MC1 decreased for schemes with progeny testing. MC1 mating increased genetic gain from 11–18% for overlapping and 1–4% for discrete generations, when comparing schemes with similar genetic gain and size.  相似文献   

Summary In the past, in vitro cultures of excised anthers and isolated pollen have been used to study normal male sexual development (gametophytic development) and, conversely, to produce and study haploid plant formation (sporophytic development). For years both branches have existed side by side, without much interaction. Today, a synthesis of the two branches is possible as well as necessary. Recent advances in the technique of isolated pollen culture in the tobacco plant model (Nicotiana tabacum L.) enable the researcher to strictly control pollen development in both the gametophytic and sporophytic direction. The nutritional status of the immature pollen grain at a particular stage of development provides the trigger for its development into one of the two phases found in the alternation of generations undergone by higher plants. In particular, a hunger signal is responsible for the derepression of cell division activity and the start of embryogenesis. Pollen starvation can occur in isolated pollen cultures in sucrose-free media, in excised anthers and flowers, and, under specific growth conditions, during pollen development in vivo.  相似文献   

Marine macroalgae (seaweed) show diverse life cycles. Species with a heteromorphic life cycle have a large multicellular algal body in one generation but have a very small body in the second generation of the same year. In contrast, the diploid and haploid life forms of isomorphic species have similar morphology, and these species often have more than two generations in a year. Here, we first study the optimal life cycle schedule of marine macroalgae when daily mortality changes seasonally, and then we discuss the conditions for coexistence and relative dominance of different life cycles. According to the optimal life cycle schedule, heteromorphic species tend to have a generation with a large algal body when mortality is low, and a microscopic-sized generation when mortality is high. In contrast, isomorphic species tend to mature when body size reaches a threshold value that is the same for different generations. We then examine the coexistence of the two life cycles when growth rate decreases with biomass. The model predicts that (1) at high latitudes (i.e., in strongly seasonal environments), heteromorphic species are likely to dominate over isomorphic species, and (2) species with a heteromorphic life cycle should dominate in the supratidal and upper intertidal zones where macroalgae tend to suffer high mortality, and also in the subtidal zone, where mortality is low, whereas isomorphic species are likely to be more successful when mortality is intermediate. These predictions are consistent with the observed distribution patterns of the two life cycles in macroalgae.  相似文献   

It is generally considered that sexual organisms show faster evolutionary adaptation than asexual organisms because sexuals can accumulate adaptive mutations through recombination. Yet, empirical evidence often shows that the geographic range size of sexual species is narrower than that of closely related asexual species, which may seem as if asexuals can adapt to more varied environments. Two potential explanations for this apparent contradiction considered by the existing theory are reproduction assurance and migration load. Here, we consider both reproductive assurance and migration load within a single model to comparatively examine their effects on range expansions of sexuals and asexuals across an environmental gradient. The model shows that higher dispersal propensity decreases sexuals' disadvantage in reproductive assurance while increasing their disadvantage in migration load. Moreover, lower mutation rate constrains adaptation more strongly in asexuals than in sexuals. Thus, high dispersal propensity and high mutation rates promote that asexuals have wider range sizes than sexuals. Intriguingly, our model reveals that sexuals can have wider geographic range sizes than asexuals under low dispersal propensity and low mutation rates, a pattern consistent with a few exceptional empirical cases. Combining reproductive assurance and migration load provides a useful perspective to better understand the relationships between species' mating systems and their geographic ranges.  相似文献   

The distinct processes of gene flow via seeds and pollen in hermaphrodite plants provide a biological basis for interpreting their different roles in expanding a species' range. A species' range is primarily expanded through the colonization process by seed dispersal and followed by the joint effects of both seed and pollen flow. Here we examined the effects of seed and pollen flow on shaping a species' distribution in one-dimensional space. Our results demonstrate that pollen flow can enhance range expansion when immigrating genes are adaptive to recipient populations, but can shrink a species' range when immigrating genes are maladaptive. The incompletely purging of maladaptive genes from immigrating pollen grains at the gametophyte stage can reinforce the biological barrier to range expansion. The linkage disequilibria attained by immigrating seeds and pollen grains indirectly amplify the effects of the reaction component and further limit a species' range. The cumulative effect from multiple loci each with a small effect can be substantial on altering a species' range when these genes are maladaptive. These theoretical predictions can help understand the role of pollen flow that is incapable of colonizing new habitats in range expansion.  相似文献   

The incidence of albinism in Hopi Indians has been estimated as approximately 1 in 200 individuals. It has been suggested that \"cultural\" selection as the result of a mating advantage of males with albinism has been important in the maintenance of this high incidence. To examine this hypothesis quantitatively, a model that includes male-mating advantage, mutation, and viability selection is analyzed. In order to play an important role in the maintenance of the high incidence of albinism, the necessary mating advantage of males with albinism appears unrealistically high. However, if the extent of viability selection against individuals with albinism is not as large as previously assumed, the necessary amount of mating advantage is not as high. Other related aspects are also discussed here, such as the type of albinism in Hopi Indians and its impact, the conditions for a polymorphism with male-mating advantage and viability selection, and the time necessary to change the incidence of albinism either by the relaxation or institution of male-mating advantage.  相似文献   

The neighbourhood model apportions offspring of individual mother plants to self-fertilization, outcrossing to males within a circumscribed area around the mother plant (the neighbourhood), and outcrossing to males outside the neighbourhood. Formerly the model was applied only to haploid pollen gametes in the offspring of conifers, but is extended so that it can be used with genotypic data from diploid offspring of both angiosperms and gymnosperms. In addition, it is shown that the mating parameters can be estimated without independent estimates of allele frequencies in the pollen pools outside the neighbourhood; thus the model might be applied effectively to natural populations exposed to unknown external pollen sources. Parameters of the neighbourhood mating model were estimated for a 10-year-old seed orchard population of the insect-pollinated tree, Eucalyptus regnans, in southeast Australia, which contained a mixture of two geographical provenances (Victoria and Tasmania). The mating patterns revealed were complex. Crosses between trees of the same provenance occurred three times more often than crosses between trees of different provenances. Levels of self-fertilization and patterns of mating within neighbourhoods were influenced by provenance origin, crop fecundity and orchard position (central vs. edge) of mother trees. Gene dispersal, however, was extensive, with approximately 50% of effective pollen gametes coming from males more than 40 m away from mother trees (average distance between neighbouring trees was 7.4 m). Thus, insect pollinators are efficient promoters of cross-fertilization in this orchard, with the result that the effective number of males mating with each female is large.  相似文献   

Many organisms spend a significant portion of their life cycle as haploids and as diploids (a haploid–diploid life cycle). However, the evolutionary processes that could maintain this sort of life cycle are unclear. Most previous models of ploidy evolution have assumed that the fitness effects of new mutations are equal in haploids and homozygous diploids, however, this equivalency is not supported by empirical data. With different mutational effects, the overall (intrinsic) fitness of a haploid would not be equal to that of a diploid after a series of substitution events. Intrinsic fitness differences between haploids and diploids can also arise directly, for example because diploids tend to have larger cell sizes than haploids. Here, we incorporate intrinsic fitness differences into genetic models for the evolution of time spent in the haploid versus diploid phases, in which ploidy affects whether new mutations are masked. Life‐cycle evolution can be affected by intrinsic fitness differences between phases, the masking of mutations, or a combination of both. We find parameter ranges where these two selective forces act and show that the balance between them can favor convergence on a haploid–diploid life cycle, which is not observed in the absence of intrinsic fitness differences.  相似文献   

Coffea arabica, the wild ancestor of all commercial Arabica coffee cultivars worldwide, is endemic to the montane rainforests of Ethiopia. These forests, which harbour the most important C. arabica gene pool, are threatened by increasing anthropogenic disturbance, potentially altering the mating patterns, pollen dispersal and maintenance of genetic diversity in C. arabica understorey populations. We genotyped 376 adult coffee shrubs and 418 progenies from three natural unmanaged, and three highly managed coffee populations, using 24 microsatellite markers. Mating system analysis of C. arabica yielded an overall multilocus outcrossing rate of 76%, which contrasts with the common knowledge that C. arabica is a predominantly selfing species. In highly managed coffee populations, paternity could be assigned to 78% of the progenies, whereas in the unmanaged natural coffee populations, only 57% of the progenies could be assigned to a father, indicating reduced long‐distance pollen dispersal in managed forests. Furthermore, the fraction of selfed progenies was significantly higher in managed (23%) than unmanaged (10%) coffee forests. Finally, the lack of spatial genetic structure in all studied populations suggests high seed dispersal in unmanaged populations, and intense berry harvesting and coffee planting in the managed populations. Our results imply that in situ conservation of the wild gene pool of C. arabica must focus on limiting intensification of coffee forest management, as decreased pollen dispersal and increased selfing in C. arabica in intensively managed populations may increase the risk of genetic erosion. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 112 , 76–88.  相似文献   

Reproductive success and its determinants are difficult to infer for wild populations of species with no parental care where behavioural observations are difficult or impossible. In this study, we characterized the breeding system and provide estimates of individual reproductive success under natural conditions for an exhaustively sampled stream‐resident brown trout (Salmo trutta) population. We inferred parentage using a full probability Bayesian model that combines genetic (microsatellite) with phenotypic data. By augmenting the potential parents file with inferred parental genotypes from sib‐ship analysis in cases where large families had unsampled parents, we could make more precise inference on variance of family size. We observed both polygamous and monogamous matings and large reproductive skew for both sexes, particularly in males. Correspondingly, we found evidence for sexual selection on body size for both sexes. We show that the mating system of brown trout has the potential to be very flexible and we conjecture that environmental uncertainty could be driving the evolution and perhaps select for the maintenance of plasticity of the mating system in this species.  相似文献   

Based on variances in components of lifetime reproductive success (LRS), a new index of the intensity of sexual selection was proposed mainly useful for interspecific comparisons. The index was defined as the male to female ratio of the standardized variance in mating efficiency during mating period. The index can to a large extent exclude the effect from natural selection which commonly act on both sexes in mating period and also from mortality in pre-reproductive period. This empirical measure has some defects in the strict sense (i.e., dichotomy of natural and sexual selection), however, it enables interspecific comparisons of the intensity of sexual selection among different taxonomic groups of animals with various mating systems and mortality schedules.  相似文献   

Several evolutionary hypotheses help explain why only some species adapt readily to new conditions and expand distributions beyond borders, but there is limited evidence testing these hypotheses. In this study, we consider patterns of neutral (microsatellite) and quantitative genetic variation in traits in three species of Drosophila from the montium species group in eastern Australia. We found little support for restricted or asymmetrical gene flow in any species. In rainforest-restricted Drosophila birchii, there was evidence of selection for increased desiccation and starvation resistance towards the southern border, and a reduction in genetic diversity in desiccation resistance at this border. No such patterns existed for Drosophila bunnanda, which has an even more restricted distribution. In the habitat generalist Drosophila serrata, there was evidence for geographic selection for wing size and development time, although clinal patterns for increased cold and starvation resistance towards the southern border could not be differentiated from neutral expectations. These findings suggest that borders in these species are not limited by low overall genetic variation but instead in two of the species reflect patterns of selection and genetic variability in key traits limiting borders.  相似文献   

Sexual selection may act as a promotor of speciation since divergent mate choice and competition for mates can rapidly lead to reproductive isolation. Alternatively, sexual selection may also retard speciation since polygamous individuals can access additional mates by increased breeding dispersal. High breeding dispersal should hence increase gene flow and reduce diversification in polygamous species. Here, we test how polygamy predicts diversification in shorebirds using genetic differentiation and subspecies richness as proxies for population divergence. Examining microsatellite data from 79 populations in 10 plover species (Genus: Charadrius) we found that polygamous species display significantly less genetic structure and weaker isolation‐by‐distance effects than monogamous species. Consistent with this result, a comparative analysis including 136 shorebird species showed significantly fewer subspecies for polygamous than for monogamous species. By contrast, migratory behavior neither predicted genetic differentiation nor subspecies richness. Taken together, our results suggest that dispersal associated with polygamy may facilitate gene flow and limit population divergence. Therefore, intense sexual selection, as occurs in polygamous species, may act as a brake rather than an engine of speciation in shorebirds. We discuss alternative explanations for these results and call for further studies to understand the relationships between sexual selection, dispersal, and diversification.  相似文献   

In Angiosperms, there exists a strong association between mating system and lifespan. Most self‐fertilizing species are short‐lived, and most predominant or obligate outcrossers are long‐lived. This association is generally explained by the influence of lifespan on the evolution of the mating system, considering lifespan as fixed. Yet, lifespan can itself evolve, and the mating system may as well influence the evolution of lifespan, as is suggested by joint evolutionary shifts of lifespan and mating system between sister species. In this paper, we build modifier models to study the joint evolution of self‐fertilization and lifespan, including both juvenile and adult inbreeding depression. We show that provided that inbreeding depression affects adult survival, self‐fertilization is expected to promote evolution towards shorter lifespan, and that the range of conditions under which selfing can evolve rapidly shrinks as lifespan increases. We study the effects of inbreeding depression affecting various steps in the life cycle and discuss how extrinsic mortality conditions are expected to affect evolutionary associations. In particular, we show that selfers may sometimes remain short‐lived even in a very stable habitat, as a strategy to avoid the deleterious effects of inbreeding.  相似文献   

Smadja CM  Butlin RK 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(24):5123-5140
How common is speciation‐with‐gene‐flow? How much does gene flow impact on speciation? To answer questions like these requires understanding of the common obstacles to evolving reproductive isolation in the face of gene flow and the factors that favour this crucial step. We provide a common framework for the ways in which gene flow opposes speciation and the potential conditions that may ease divergence. This framework is centred on the challenge shared by most scenarios of speciation‐with‐gene‐flow, i.e. the need for coupling among different components of reproductive isolation. Using this structure, we review and compare the factors favouring speciation with the intention of providing a more integrated picture of speciation‐with‐gene‐flow.  相似文献   

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