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Natural host‐parasite interactions exhibit considerable variation in host quality, with profound consequences for disease ecology and evolution. For instance, treatments (such as vaccination) may select for more transmissible or virulent strains. Previous theory has addressed the ecological and evolutionary impact of host heterogeneity under the assumption that hosts and parasites disperse globally. Here, we investigate the joint effects of host heterogeneity and local dispersal on the evolution of parasite life‐history traits. We first formalise a general theoretical framework combining variation in host quality and spatial structure. We then apply this model to the specific problem of parasite evolution following vaccination. We show that, depending on the type of vaccine, spatial structure may select for higher or lower virulence compared to the predictions of non‐spatial theory. We discuss the implications of our results for disease management, and their broader fundamental relevance for other causes of host heterogeneity in nature.  相似文献   

Parasite transmission modes and the evolution of virulence   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A mathematical model is presented that explores the relationship between transmission patterns and the evolution of virulence for horizontally transmitted parasites when only a single parasite strain can infect each host. The model is constructed by decomposing parasite transmission into two processes, the rate of contact between hosts and the probability of transmission per contact. These transmission rate components, as well as the total parasite mortality rate, are allowed to vary over the course of an infection. A general evolutionarily stable condition is presented that partitions the effects of virulence on parasite fitness into three components: fecundity benefits, mortality costs, and morbidity costs. This extension of previous theory allows us to explore the evolutionary consequences of a variety of transmission patterns. I then focus attention on a special case in which the parasite density remains approximately constant during an infection, and I demonstrate two important ways in which transmission modes can affect virulence evolution: by imposing different morbidity costs on the parasite and by altering the scheduling of parasite reproduction during an infection. Both are illustrated with examples, including one that examines the hypothesis that vector-borne parasites should be more virulent than non-vector-borne parasites (Ewald 1994). The validity of this hypothesis depends upon the way in which these two effects interact, and it need not hold in general.  相似文献   

Intrahost competition between parasite genotypes has been predicted to be an important force shaping parasite ecology and evolution and has been extensively cited as a mechanism for the evolution of increased parasite virulence. However, empirical evidence demonstrating the existence and nature of intraspecific competition is lacking for many parasites. Here, we compared within-host competitiveness between genetic strains of Schistosoma mansoni with high (HIGH-V) or low (LOW-V) virulence to their intermediate snail host, Biomphalaria glabrata. Groups of snails were exposed to either one or the other of two parasite strains, or a mixed infection of both strains, and the resulting progeny were identified using a molecular marker. In two separate experiments investigating simultaneous and sequential infections, we demonstrated that the lifetime reproductive success of parasite strain HIGH-V was reduced in the presence of a faster replicating parasite genotype, LOW-V, regardless of whether it was in a majority or minority in the initial inoculum of the simultaneous exposure or of its relative position in the sequential exposure experiment. Thus, we demonstrate competition between parasite genotypes and asymmetry in competitive success between parasite strains. Moreover, since the less virulent strain investigated here had a competitive advantage, we suggest that a high frequency of multiple infections could favor the evolution of less, rather than more, virulent parasites in this system.  相似文献   

Antagonistic co‐evolution between hosts and parasites (reciprocal selection for resistance and infectivity) is hypothesized to play an important role in host range expansion by selecting for novel infectivity alleles, but tests are lacking. Here, we determine whether experimental co‐evolution between a bacterium (Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25) and a phage (SBW25Φ2) affects interstrain host range: the ability to infect different strains of P. fluorescens other than SBW25. We identified and tested a genetically and phenotypically diverse suite of co‐evolved phage variants of SBW25Φ2 against both sympatric and allopatric co‐evolving hosts (P. fluorescens SBW25) and a large set of other P. fluorescens strains. Although all co‐evolved phage had a greater host range than the ancestral phage and could differentially infect co‐evolved variants of P. fluorescens SBW25, none could infect any of the alternative P. fluorescens strains. Thus, parasite generalism at one genetic scale does not appear to affect generalism at other scales, suggesting fundamental genetic constraints on parasite adaptation for this virus.  相似文献   

Standard epidemiological theory predicts that parasites, which continuously release propagules during infection, face a trade‐off between virulence and transmission. However, little is known how host resistance and parasite virulence change during coevolution with obligate killers. To address this question we have set up a coevolution experiment evolving Nosema whitei on eight distinct lines of Tribolium castaneum. After 11 generations we conducted a time‐shift experiment infecting both the coevolved and the replicate control host lines with the original parasite source, and coevolved parasites from generation 8 and 11. We found higher survival in the coevolved host lines than in the matching control lines. In the parasite populations, virulence measured as host mortality decreased during coevolution, while sporeload stayed constant. Both patterns are compatible with adaptive evolution by selection for resistance in the host and by trade‐offs between virulence and transmission potential in the parasite.  相似文献   

The question why different host individuals within a population differ with respect to infection resistance is of fundamental importance for understanding the mechanisms of parasite-mediated selection. We addressed this question by infecting wild-caught captive male greenfinches with intestinal coccidian parasites originating either from single or multiple hosts. Birds with naturally low pre-experimental infection retained their low infection status also after reinfection with multiple strains, indicating that natural infection intensities confer information about the phenotypic ability of individuals to resist novel strains. Exposure to novel strains did not result in protective immunity against the subsequent infection with the same strains. Infection with multiple strains resulted in greater virulence than single-strain infection, indicating that parasites originating from different host individuals are genetically diverse. Our experiment thus demonstrates the validity of important but rarely tested assumptions of many models of parasite-mediated selection in a wild bird species and its common parasite.  相似文献   

Host‐parasite coevolution is predicted to have complex evolutionary consequences, potentially leading to the emergence of genetic and phenotypic diversity for both antagonists. However, little is known about variation in phenotypic responses to coevolution between different parasite strains exposed to the same experimental conditions. We infected Caenorhabditis elegans with one of two strains of Bacillus thuringiensis and either allowed the host and the parasite to experimentally coevolve (coevolution treatment) or allowed only the parasite to adapt to the host (one‐sided parasite adaptation). By isolating single parasite clones from evolved populations, we found phenotypic diversification of the ancestral strain into distinct clones, which varied in virulence toward ancestral hosts and competitive ability against other parasite genotypes. Parasite phenotypes differed remarkably not only between the two strains, but also between and within different replicate populations, indicating diversification of the clonal population caused by selection. This study highlights that the evolutionary selection pressure mediated by a multicellular host causes phenotypic diversification, but not necessarily with the same phenotypic outcome for different parasite strains.  相似文献   

Why don’t asexual females replace sexual females in most natural populations of eukaryotes? One promising explanation is that parasites could counter the reproductive advantages of asexual reproduction by exerting frequency‐dependent selection against common clones (the Red Queen hypothesis). One apparent limitation of the Red Queen theory, however, is that parasites would seem to be required by theory to be highly virulent. In the present study, I present a population‐dynamic view of competition between sexual females and asexual females that interact with co‐evolving parasites. The results show that asexual populations have higher carrying capacities, and more unstable population dynamics, than sexual populations. The results also suggest that the spread of a clone into a sexual population could increase the effective parasite virulence as population density increases. This combination of parasite‐mediated frequency‐dependent selection, and density‐dependent virulence, could lead to the coexistence of sexual and asexual reproductive strategies and the long‐term persistence of sex.  相似文献   

The virulence levels attained by serial passage of pathogens through similar host genotypes are much higher than observed in natural systems; however, it is unknown what keeps natural virulence levels below these empirically demonstrated maximum levels. One hypothesis suggests that host diversity impedes pathogen virulence, because adaptation to one host genotype carries trade‐offs in the ability to replicate and cause disease in other host genotypes. To test this hypothesis, with the simplest level of population diversity within the loci of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), we serially passaged Friend virus complex (FVC) through two rounds, in hosts with either the same MHC genotypes (pure passage) or hosts with different MHC genotypes (alternated passage). Alternated passages showed a significant overall reduction in viral titre (31%) and virulence (54%) when compared to pure passages. Furthermore, a resistant host genotype initially dominated any effects due to MHC diversity; however, when FVC was allowed to adapt to the resistant host genotype, predicted MHC effects emerged; that is, alternated lines show reduced virulence. These data indicate serial exposure to diverse MHC genotypes is an impediment to pathogen adaptation, suggesting genetic variation at MHC loci is important for limiting virulence in a rapidly evolving pathogen and supports negative frequency‐dependent selection as a force maintaining MHC diversity in host populations.  相似文献   

Natural infections often consist of multiple pathogens of the same or different species. When coinfections occur, pathogens compete for access to host resources and fitness is determined by how well a pathogen can reproduce compared to its competitors. Yet not all hosts provide the same resource pool. Males and females, in particular, commonly vary in both their acquisition of resources and investment in immunity, but their ability to modify any competition between different pathogens remains unknown. Using the Daphnia magna–Pasteuria ramosa model system, we exposed male and female hosts to either a single genotype infection or coinfections consisting of two pathogen genotypes of varying levels of virulence. We found that coinfections within females favored the transmission of the more virulent pathogen genotype, whereas coinfections within male hosts resulted in equal transmission of competing pathogen genotypes. This contrast became less pronounced when the least virulent pathogen was able to establish an infection first, suggesting that the influence of host sex is shaped by priority effects. We suggest that sex is a form of host heterogeneity that may influence the evolution of virulence within coinfection contexts and that one sex may be a reservoir for pathogen genetic diversity in nature.  相似文献   

The ubiquity of outcrossing in plants and animals is difficult to explain given its costs relative to self‐fertilization. Despite these costs, exposure to changing environmental conditions can temporarily favor outcrossing over selfing. Therefore, recurring episodes of environmental change are predicted to favor the maintenance of outcrossing. Studies of host–parasite coevolution have provided strong support for this hypothesis. However, it is unclear whether multiple exposures to novel parasite genotypes in the absence of coevolution are sufficient to favor outcrossing. Using the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and the bacterial parasite Serratia marcescens, we studied host responses to parasite turnover. We passaged several replicates of a host population that was well‐adapted to the S. marcescens strain Sm2170 with either Sm2170 or one of three novel S. marcescens strains, each derived from Sm2170, for 18 generations. We found that hosts exposed to novel parasites maintained higher outcrossing rates than hosts exposed to Sm2170. Nonetheless, host outcrossing rates declined over time against all but the most virulent novel parasite strain. Hosts exposed to the most virulent novel strain exhibited increased outcrossing rates for approximately 12 generations, but did not maintain elevated levels of outcrossing throughout the experiment. Thus, parasite turnover can transiently increase host outcrossing. These results suggest that recurring episodes of parasite turnover have the potential to favor the maintenance of host outcrossing. However, such maintenance may require frequent exposure to novel virulent parasites, rapid rates of parasite turnover, and substantial host gene flow.  相似文献   

Climate change will strongly impact aquatic ecosystems particularly in arid and semi‐arid regions. Fish–parasite interactions will also be affected by predicted altered flow and temperature regimes, and other environmental stressors. Hence, identifying environmental and genetic factors associated with maintaining diversity at immune genes is critical for understanding species’ adaptive capacity. Here, we combine genetic (MHC class IIβ and microsatellites), parasitological and ecological data to explore the relationship between these factors in the remnant wild Rio Grande silvery minnow (Hybognathus amarus) population, an endangered species found in the southwestern United States. Infections with multiple parasites on the gills were observed and there was spatio‐temporal variation in parasite communities and patterns of infection among individuals. Despite its highly endangered status and chronically low genetic effective size, Rio Grande silvery minnow had high allelic diversity at MHC class IIβ with more alleles recognized at the presumptive DAB1 locus compared to the DAB3 locus. We identified significant associations between specific parasites and MHC alleles against a backdrop of generalist parasite prevalence. We also found that individuals with higher individual neutral heterozygosity and higher amino acid divergence between MHC alleles had lower parasite abundance and diversity. Taken together, these results suggest a role for fluctuating selection imposed by spatio‐temporal variation in pathogen communities and divergent allele advantage in maintenance of high MHC polymorphism. Understanding the complex interaction of habitat, pathogens and immunity in protected species will require integrated experimental, genetic and field studies.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Virulence is an evolutionary paradox because parasites never benefit from their host's death. The adaptive explanation of virulence is classically based upon the existence of physiological constraints that create a trade-off between parasites' epidemiological traits (virulence, transmissibility, and clearance). Here we develop an epidemiological model where infections are dynamic processes and we demonstrate how these dynamics generate a trade-off between emerging epidemiological parameters. We then study how host's immune strength modifies this trade-off and hence influences virulence evolution. We found that in acute infections, where parasites are engaged in a race with immune cells, immunity restrains more the duration of the infection than its intensity. As a consequence parasites evolve to provoke more virulent but shorter infections in strongly immunized hosts.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop and analyze several populaion-dynamic models of an environmentally transmitted symbiotic parasite infecting an isolated population of susceptible hosts. In our most basic model infection acts only to decrease the average lifetime of the infected host, parasites are only transmitted to uninfected hosts, there is no recovery from infection, and the rate of parasite transmission is an increasing function of the level of parasite virulence. It is shown that invasion of the parasite-free equilibrium cannot occur for virulence levels that are either too high or too low. We then incorporate a number of modifications to the model, among them the possibility that host fertility is reduced by infection, and that transmission rate depends additionally on susceptible host density. It is shown that the essential nature of the conditions for invasion are preserved. Thus, natural selection for intermediate virulence is a generic property of a broad class of population models.  相似文献   

Within‐host competition is predicted to drive the evolution of virulence in parasites, but the precise outcomes of such interactions are often unpredictable due to many factors including the biology of the host and the parasite, stochastic events and co‐evolutionary interactions. Here, we use a serial passage experiment (SPE) with three strains of a heterothallic fungal parasite (Ascosphaera apis) of the Honey bee (Apis mellifera) to assess how evolving under increasing competitive pressure affects parasite virulence and fitness evolution. The results show an increase in virulence after successive generations of selection and consequently faster production of spores. This faster sporulation, however, did not translate into more spores being produced during this longer window of sporulation; rather, it appeared to induce a loss of fitness in terms of total spore production. There was no evidence to suggest that a greater diversity of competing strains was a driver of this increased virulence and subsequent fitness cost, but rather that strain‐specific competitive interactions influenced the evolutionary outcomes of mixed infections. It is possible that the parasite may have evolved to avoid competition with multiple strains because of its heterothallic mode of reproduction, which highlights the importance of understanding parasite biology when predicting disease dynamics.  相似文献   

Why do some host–parasite interactions become less antagonistic over evolutionary time? Vertical transmission can select for reduced antagonism. Vertical transmission also promotes coevolution between hosts and parasites. Therefore, we hypothesized that coevolution itself may underlie transitions to reduced antagonism. To test the coevolution hypothesis, we selected for reduced antagonism between the host Caenorhabditis elegans and its parasite Serratia marcescens. This parasite is horizontally transmitted, which allowed us to study coevolution independently of vertical transmission. After 20 generations, we observed a response to selection when coevolution was possible: reduced antagonism evolved in the copassaged treatment. Reduced antagonism, however, did not evolve when hosts or parasites were independently selected without coevolution. In addition, we found strong local adaptation for reduced antagonism between replicate host/parasite lines in the copassaged treatment. Taken together, these results strongly suggest that coevolution was critical to the rapid evolution of reduced antagonism.  相似文献   

Many components of host–parasite interactions have been shown to affect the way virulence (i.e. parasite‐induced harm to the host) evolves. However, coevolution of multiple parasite traits is often neglected. We explore how an immunosuppressive adaptation of parasites affects and coevolves with virulence in multiple infections. Applying the adaptive dynamics framework to epidemiological models with coinfection, we show that immunosuppression is a double‐edged sword for the evolution of virulence. On one hand, it amplifies the adaptive benefit of virulence by increasing the abundance of coinfections through epidemiological feedbacks. On the other hand, immunosuppression hinders host recovery, prolonging the duration of infection and elevating the cost of killing the host (as more opportunities for transmission will be forgone if the host dies). The balance between the cost and benefit of immunosuppression varies across different background mortality rates of hosts. In addition, we find that immunosuppression evolution is influenced considerably by the precise trade‐off shape determining the effect of immunosuppression on host recovery and susceptibility to further infection. These results demonstrate that the evolution of virulence is shaped by immunosuppression while highlighting that the evolution of immune evasion mechanisms deserves further research attention.  相似文献   

Theory suggests that spatial structuring should select for intermediate levels of virulence in parasites, but empirical tests are rare and have never been conducted with castration (sterilizing) parasites. To test this theory in a natural landscape, we construct a spatially explicit model of the symbiosis between the ant-plant Cordia nodosa and its two, protecting ant symbionts, Allomerus and Azteca . Allomerus is also a castration parasite, preventing fruiting to increase colony fecundity. Limiting the dispersal of Allomerus and host plant selects for intermediate castration virulence. Increasing the frequency of the mutualist, Azteca , selects for higher castration virulence in Allomerus , because seeds from Azteca -inhabited plants are a public good that Allomerus exploits. These results are consistent with field observations and, to our knowledge, provide the first empirical evidence supporting the hypothesis that spatial structure can reduce castration virulence and the first such evidence in a natural landscape for either mortality or castration virulence.  相似文献   

In this study the effect of host changes and multiple passages on Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) evolution was analysed. A population of a mild isolate of PepMV was used to generate five independent evolution lineages on three tomato cultivars, which differ in rate of appearance of symptoms and their severity during viral infection (Beta Lux, Moneymaker and Malinowy O?arowski) and on Datura inoxia. Twenty serial passages were performed over a period of 217–220 days. Symptom severity was monitored along the entire experiment. After the last series of passages total RNAs from each lineage and host were isolated and the triple gene block 3 (TGB3) and coat protein (CP) were amplified, cloned and 10 clones for each gene sequenced. Among the 400 clones for both genes, 143 individual mutations (61 synonymous and 82 nonsynonymous) were identified, with the largest number of nonsynonymous mutations being observed for the tomato cultivars Malinowy O?arowski and Beta Lux. In two of the lineages evolving in the most susceptible variety of tomato (Beta Lux) necrotic changes in leaf blades appeared after 17 passages, leading to death of the plants. In these two lineages the mutation responsible for necrotic symptoms was K67E in TGB3. The appearance of this convergent mutation in independently evolving lineages may suggest that selection in this experimental set up favours more aggressive PepMV variants. We found a positive association between the severity of symptoms and the amount of genetic variability contained on viral populations. Indeed, the severity of symptoms turned out to be a good predictor for several indices of molecular variability. In addition, mapping all observed mutations in CP and TGB3 protein structures revealed that most were located on the surface, indicating a possible implication in viral–viral or viral–host interactions.  相似文献   

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