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Female mate preferences for ecologically relevant traits may enhance natural selection, leading to rapid divergence. They may also forge a link between mate choice within species and sexual isolation between species. Here, we examine female mate preference for two ecologically important traits: body size and body shape. We measured female preferences within and between species of benthic, limnetic, and anadromous threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus species complex). We found that mate preferences differed between species and between contexts (i.e., within vs. between species). Within species, anadromous females preferred males that were deep bodied for their size, benthic females preferred larger males (as measured by centroid size), and limnetic females preferred males that were more limnetic shaped. In heterospecific mating trials between benthics and limnetics, limnetic females continued to prefer males that were more limnetic like in shape when presented with benthic males. Benthic females showed no preferences for size when presented with limnetic males. These results show that females use ecologically relevant traits to select mates in all three species and that female preference has diverged between species. These results suggest that sexual selection may act in concert with natural selection on stickleback size and shape. Further, our results suggest that female preferences may track adaptation to local environments and contribute to sexual isolation between benthic and limnetic sticklebacks.  相似文献   

Contemporary evolution of secondary sexual traits in the wild   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Species recognition by male swordtails via chemical cues   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Species recognition can often play a key role in female matingpreferences. Far less is known about conspecific mate recognitionfrom the male perspective. In many closely related taxa, femalesexhibit few obvious visual differences and males might haveto attend to chemical cues in mate recognition, a possibilitythat has rarely been explored in vertebrates. Here, we examinemale species recognition via odor cues in the swordtail fish,Xiphophorus birchmanni. In dichotomous choice experiments wefirst tested whether males respond to female odor cues. We foundthat males were attracted to conspecific female odor and thoseof a related allopatric congener, Xiphophorus malinche, overa water control. Males did not, however, respond to the femaleodor of the more distantly related sympatric platyfish, Xiphophorusvariatus. We then gave male X. birchmanni the choice betweenconspecific and heterospecific female stimuli. Males, in thisscenario, significantly preferred the conspecific odor whenthe alternative was platyfish. However, when offered odor cuesof X. malinche, male X. birchmanni actually preferred the heterospecificfemale cue. The complex array of preferences reported here,previously documented only in females, underscores the needto consider the behavior of both sexes in dictating actual matingoutcomes.  相似文献   

Sexual selection drives rapid divergence in bowerbird display traits   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Abstract.— Sexual selection driving display trait divergence has been suggested as a cause of rapid speciation, but there is limited supporting evidence for this from natural populations. Where speciation by sexual selection has occurred in newly diverged populations, we expect that there will be significant differences in female preferences and corresponding male display traits in the absence of substantial genetic and other morphological differentiation. Two allopatric populations of the Vogelkop bowerbird, Amblyornis inornatus , show large, qualitative differences in a suite of display traits including bower structure and decorations. We experimentally demonstrate distinct male decoration color preferences within each population, provide direct evidence of female preferences for divergent decoration and bower traits in the population with more elaborate display, and show that there is minimal genetic differentiation between these populations. These results support the speciation by sexual selection hypothesis and are most consistent with the hypothesis that changes in male display have been driven by divergent female choice.  相似文献   

Mutual mate choice for homologous sexual display traits has been demonstrated in several recent studies yet little attention has been given to quantitative comparison of the strength and form of mate preferences between the sexes. Such comparisons may provide important insight into the evolution of mate choice for honest signals. In particular, because females generally provide the majority of resources for initial offspring development, female displays may trade-off with fecundity, causing preference evolution to differ between the sexes. Recent theory suggests that adaptive male preferences for honest displays in females are possible under certain conditions and may result in preferences that are convex (i.e., stabilizing) in form. We compared sexual selection on a suite of contact pheromones arising from mutual mate choice using nine separate geographic populations of Drosophila serrata. We show that the convex selection is stronger on females than on males overall in these populations, and that convex selection is the predominate form of nonlinear selection on females but not males.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry occurs when an individual is unable to undergo identical development of an otherwise bilaterally symmetric trait on both sides of its body. Since both sides of a bilaterally symmetric trait are the result of the actions of a single genome, fluctuating asymmetry represents an epigenetic measure of the sensitivity of development to stress. Different morphological traits may show a direct relationship between their functional importance and their degree of developmental canalization. This may explain why some characters show high degrees of fluctuating asymmetry, and why these characters more often become exaggerated secondary sexual ornaments. The degree of fluctuating asymmetry is generally larger in small marginal populations living in novel environments, and this will particularly lead to relatively large degrees of asymmetry in the least developmentally canalized traits. More stringent selection against heterozygotes in marginal populations may further break down developmental stability and linkage groups which would lead to increased genetic variance. Females may prefer to mate with males having large, but relatively symmetric morphological characters, because it is more difficult to make large traits (a good genes argument), a large trait is more easily perceived (a sensory bias preference), and because symmetry signals ability to cope with stress (a good genes argument). The low degree of developmental stability and the large amount of genetic variance in secondary sexual characters in small, marginal populations could set the scene for rapid development of divergence and speciation in marginal populations.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict has been predicted to drive reproductive isolation by generating arbitrary but rapid coevolutionary changes in reproductive traits among allopatric populations. A testable prediction of this proposal is that allopatric populations experiencing different levels of sexual conflict should exhibit different levels of reproductive isolation. We tested this prediction using experimentally evolved populations of the promiscuous Drosophila pseudoobscura. We manipulated sexual conflict by enforcing either monogamy, maintaining natural levels of promiscuity, or elevating promiscuity. Within each treatment, we carried out sympatric and allopatric crosses using replicated populations and examined pre-zygotic (number of mating pairs, mating speed and copulation duration) and post-zygotic (hybrid inviability and sterility) indicators of reproductive isolation. After 50 generations of selection, none of the measures conformed to predictions of sexual conflict driving reproductive isolation. Our results cannot be explained by lack of genetic variation or weak selection and suggest that sexual conflict may not be a widespread engine of speciation.  相似文献   

Understanding the biological conditions and the genetic basis of early stages of sexual isolation and speciation is an outstanding question in evolutionary biology. It is unclear how much genetic and phenotypic variation for mating preferences and their phenotypic cues is segregating within widespread and human-commensal species in nature. A recent case of incipient sexual isolation between Zimbabwe and cosmopolitan populations of the human-commensal fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster indicates that such species may initiate the process of sexual isolation. However, it is still unknown whether other geographical populations have undergone evolution of mating preferences. In this study we present new data on multiple-choice mating tests revealing partial sexual isolation between the United States and Caribbean populations. We relate our findings to African populations, showing that Caribbean flies are partially sexually isolated from Zimbabwe flies, but mate randomly with West African flies, which also show partial sexual isolation from the United States and Zimbabwe flies. Thus, Caribbean and West African populations seem to exhibit distinct mating preferences relative to populations in the United States and in Zimbabwe. These results suggest that widespread and human-commensal species may harbor different types of mating preferences across their geographical ranges.  相似文献   

Forced copulation is an extreme form of sexual aggression that can affect the evolution of sex-specific anatomy, morphology, and behavior. To characterize mechanistic and evolutionary aspects of forced copulation, we artificially selected male fruit flies based on their ability to succeed in the naturally prevalent behavior of forced matings with newly eclosed (teneral) females. The low and high forced copulation lineages showed rapid divergence, with the high lineages ultimately showing twice the rates of forced copulation as the low lineages. While males from the high lineages spent more time aggressively pursuing and mounting teneral females, their behavior toward non-teneral and heterospecific females was similar to that of males from the low lineages. Males from the low and high lineages also showed similar levels of male-male aggression. This suggests little or no genetic correlations between sexual aggression and non-aggressive pursuit of females, and between male aggression toward females and males. Surprisingly however, males from the high lineages had twice as high mating success than males from the low lineages when allowed to compete for consensual mating with mature females. In further experiments, we found no evidence for trade-offs associated with high forced mating rates: males from the high lineages did not have lower longevity than males from the low lineages when housed with females, and four generations of relaxed selection did not lead to convergence in forced mating rates. Our data indicate complex interactions among forced copulation success and consensual mating behavior, which we hope to clarify in future genomic work.  相似文献   

Among the factors that can influence female mate choice decisions is the degree to which females differentiate among similar displays: as differences decrease, females are expected to eventually stop discriminating. This discrimination threshold, in conjunction with the magnitude of male trait variation females regularly encounter while making mate choice decisions, may have important consequences for sexual selection. If local display variation is above the discrimination threshold, female preferences should translate into higher mating success for the more attractive male. But if display variation is frequently below the threshold, the resulting increased pattern of random mating may obscure the existence of female mate choice. I investigated the interplay between female discrimination and male display variation in green treefrogs (Hyla cinerea) and found that call trait differences between nearest neighbour males were frequently smaller than what females are expected to discriminate. This finding has two important consequences for our understanding of sexual selection in the wild: first, low display variation should weaken the strength of selection on male display traits, but the direction of selection should mirror the one predicted from females choice trials. Second, caution is needed when interpreting data on realized mating success in the wild: a pattern of random mating with respect to male display traits does not always mean that female preferences are weak or that conditions are too challenging for females to express their preferences. Rather, insufficient display variation can generate the same pattern.  相似文献   

During sexual imprinting, offspring learn parental phenotypes and then select mates who are similar to their parents. Imprinting has been thought to contribute to the process of speciation in only a few rare cases; this is despite imprinting's potential to generate assortative mating and solve the problem of recombination in ecological speciation. If offspring imprint on parental traits under divergent selection, these traits will then be involved in both adaptation and mate preference. Such 'magic traits' easily generate sexual isolation and facilitate speciation. In this study, we show that imprinting occurs in two ecologically divergent stickleback species (benthics and limnetics: Gasterosteus spp.). Cross-fostered females preferred mates of their foster father's species. Furthermore, imprinting is essential for sexual isolation between species; isolation was reduced when females were raised without fathers. Daughters imprinted on father odour and colour during a critical period early in development. These traits have diverged between the species owing to differences in ecology. Therefore, we provide the first evidence that imprinting links ecological adaptation to sexual isolation between species. Our results suggest that imprinting may facilitate the evolution of sexual isolation during ecological speciation, may be especially important in cases of rapid diversification, and thus play an integral role in the generation of biodiversity.  相似文献   

When divergent populations are connected by gene flow, the establishment of complete reproductive isolation usually requires the joint action of multiple barrier effects. One example where multiple barrier effects are coupled consists of a single trait that is under divergent natural selection and also mediates assortative mating. Such multiple-effect traits can strongly reduce gene flow. However, there are few cases where patterns of assortative mating have been described quantitatively and their impact on gene flow has been determined. Two ecotypes of the coastal marine snail, Littorina saxatilis, occur in North Atlantic rocky-shore habitats dominated by either crab predation or wave action. There is evidence for divergent natural selection acting on size, and size-assortative mating has previously been documented. Here, we analyze the mating pattern in L. saxatilis with respect to size in intensively sampled transects across boundaries between the habitats. We show that the mating pattern is mostly conserved between ecotypes and that it generates both assortment and directional sexual selection for small male size. Using simulations, we show that the mating pattern can contribute to reproductive isolation between ecotypes but the barrier to gene flow is likely strengthened more by sexual selection than by assortment.  相似文献   

In his mathematical treatment of Fisher's ideas on sexual selection (so-called runaway selection) Lande (1981) predicted that males may evolve increasingly elaborate sexual characters despite opposing viability selection as a consequence of the associated costs. Lande thereby assumed that female mate preferences are not subject to selection since (1) females are all inseminated and (2) the quantity and quality of their offspring are independent of the female's mate preferences. Kirkpatrick (1985) removed the latter assumption and investigated the consequences for the mean phenotype with respect to both female and male traits. He also explored the dynamics of the (co)-variance matrix by numerical methods. In this paper we consider a simpler model with just two multi-allelic loci. This enables us to derive explicit expressions for (co)-variances under steady state conditions. Rather than assume natural selection through differential fertility (as in Kirkpatrick, 1985), we take sexual selection on females into account by modelling the preference-dependent risk that females remain unmated. We argue that this wallflower effect is a realistic feature of any mating system, since it merely depends on the existence of (1) variation in mating preferences and (2) a finite mating season. Our approach provided an insight into the dynamic behaviour of the means of the phenotypes. This is because the dynamics of the means depend on the steady state (co)-variance matrix. Thus, an insight into the former requires explicit expressions for the latter. Whereas Lande and Kirkpatrick predicted runaway processes, despite opposing viability selection, our model predicts a globally stable steady state, i.e. no runaway, even without opposing viability selection (under the assumption of an asymptotically stable steady state of the (co)-variances. Admittedly, we have no analytic proof of this stability but only support for it, based on simulations.) The absence of the runaway processes in our model is caused by the wallflower effect, since it imposes constraints on the steady state of the (co)-variance matrix. When mutational input applies to female traits but not to male traits, explicit expressions for the (co)-variances under steady state conditions can be derived, and these show that: (1) both the genetic covariance and the variance of male traits are equal to zero, but (2) the variance of the female trait exceeds to zero. Should there be mutational input influencing the male trait, then these results would suggest that the male-to-female ratio of variances is much smaller than unity. This prediction is of tremendous importance for speciation through founding events.  相似文献   

Mate preferences are costly and are thought to evolve due to the direct and/or indirect benefits they provide. Such costs and benefits may vary in response to intrinsic and extrinsic factors with important evolutionary consequences. Limited attention has been given to quantifying such variation and understanding its causes, most notably with respect to the direction and strength of preferences for multivariate sexual displays. In Drosophila serrata, female preferences target a pheromone blend of long‐chain cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs). We used a factorial design to test whether female age and mating status generated variation in the strength and direction of sexual selection on male CHCs. Replicate choice mating trials were conducted using young and old females (4 or 10 days post‐emergence) that were either virgin or previously mated. The outcome of such trials is known to capture variation in female mate preferences, although male–male interactions may also contribute. Directional sexual selection on male CHCs was highly significant within each treatment, but there was little evidence of any variation among treatments. The absence of treatment effects implies that the multivariate combination of male CHCs preferred by females was constant with respect to female age and mating status. To the extent that male–male interactions may also contribute, our results similarly imply that these did not vary among treatments groups. With respect to D. serrata mate preferences, our results suggest that either plasticity with respect to age and mating status is not beneficial to females, or preference expression is somehow constrained.  相似文献   

Under sexual selection, mate preferences can evolve for traits advertising fitness benefits. Observed mating patterns (mate choice) are often assumed to represent preference, even though they result from the interaction between preference, sampling strategy and environmental factors. Correlating fitness with mate choice instead of preference will therefore lead to confounded conclusions about the role of preference in sexual selection. Here we show that direct fitness benefits underlie mate preferences for genetic characteristics in a unique experiment on wild great tits. In repeated mate preference tests, both sexes preferred mates that had similar heterozygosity levels to themselves, and not those with which they would optimise offspring heterozygosity. In a subsequent field experiment where we cross fostered offspring, foster parents with more similar heterozygosity levels had higher reproductive success, despite the absence of assortative mating patterns. These results support the idea that selection for preference persists despite constraints on mate choice.  相似文献   

Although the strength and form of sexual selection on song in male crickets have been studied extensively, few studies have examined selection on the morphological structures that underlie variation in males’ song, particularly in wild populations. Geometric morphometric techniques were used to measure sexual selection on the shape, size and symmetry of both top and bottom tegmina in wild populations of sagebrush crickets, a species in which nuptial feeding by females imposes an unambiguous phenotypic marker on males. The size of the tegmina negatively covaried with song dominant frequency and positively covaried with song pulse duration. Sexual selection was more intense on the bottom tegmen, conceivably because it interacts more freely with the subtegminal airspace, which may play a role in song amplification. An expanded coastal/subcostal region was one of the phenotypes strongly favoured by disruptive selection on the bottom tegmen, an adaptation that may form a more effective seal with the thorax to prevent noise cancellation. Directional selection also favoured increased symmetry in tegminal shape. Assuming more symmetrical males are better able to buffer against developmental noise, the song produced by these males may make them more attractive to females. Despite the strong stabilizing selection documented previously on the dominant frequency of the song, stabilizing selection on the resonator that regulates dominant frequency was surprisingly absent. Nonetheless, wing morphology had an important influence on song structure and appears to be subject to significant linear and nonlinear sexual selection through female mate choice.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Geographic variation in selection pressures may result in population divergence and speciation, especially if sexual selection varies among populations. Yet spatial variation in targets and intensity of sexual selection is well studied in only a few species. Even more rare are simultaneous studies of multiple populations combining observations from natural settings with controlled behavioral experiments. We investigated how sexual selection varies among populations of the chuckwalla, Sauromalus obesus. Chuckwallas are sexually dimorphic in color, and males vary in coloration among populations. Using field observations and multiple regression techniques, we investigated how sexual selection acts on various male traits in three populations in which males differed in coloration. The influence of sexual selection on male coloration was then investigated in more detail using controlled experiments. Results from field observations indicate that phenotypic selection was acting on territory quality in all three populations. In two populations, selection was also acting either directly or indirectly on male coloration. Male color likely functions as an indicator of food resources to females because male color is based partly on carotenoid pigments. In controlled experiments, significantly more females from these two populations chose males with brighter colors over dull males, a result consistent with studies on carotenoid pigments in other taxa. In a third population, no evidence of sexual selection on male coloration was found in either the field study or controlled experiment. Lack of female preferences for male color in this population, in which chuckwalla densities are low and home ranges are large, may result from searching costs to females.  相似文献   

Biological patterns across latitudinal gradients elucidate a number of striking natural clines from which numerous processes can be further explored. The trade‐off between reproduction and somatic maintenance and growth represents a suite of life‐history traits with variable energy allocation and potential latitudinal patterns. Specifically, male sexually dimorphic traits in female choice systems represent one such reproductive investment constrained by resource acquisition and subsequent allocation. Latitudinal variation in sexual dimorphism has been suggested although the relationship between dimorphic traits and latitude are conflicting. Here, we test alternative hypotheses regarding this pattern using two broadly distributed vertebrates exhibiting sexually dimorphic traits. We hypothesized that the exaggeration of dimorphic traits correlates with latitude, with males having exaggerated sexually dimorphic traits at either higher or lower latitudes. Results indicate that male sexually dimorphic traits are exaggerated at lower latitudes while relative gonopodium size in Poecilia latipinna was larger at higher latitudes. This pattern may be a result of lower latitude populations experiencing greater population densities and longer access to resources that could manifest in females more intensively selecting for higher quality males in lower latitudes. Experimental work should address this pattern and investigate mechanistic processes.  相似文献   

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