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Synopsis We document differences in the use of microhabitats, male courtship behavior, and swimming performance of populations from headwater and downstream sites in two rivers of the Oropuche drainage in Trinidad. Guppies from headwater sites used microhabitats with higher water velocities, had a higher swimming performance, and were less patchily distributed than guppies from downstream sites. Although males from the headwater and downstream sites had similar display rates, males from headwater sites displayed in microhabitats with higher velocities (riffles) whereas males in downstream sites courted in still pools. Subtle effects of female choice maintain the honesty of male courtship behavior in various microhabitats. In downstream sites, where predators impose a survivorship cost on ornamental males, swimming performance was positively correlated with area of carotenoid ornamentation. In headwater sites, males frequently displayed in fast-flowing water, thus paid a higher metabolic cost of courtship. Interactions between characteristics of the physical habitat and predation pressure not only affect the distribution of guppies, but also have subtle effects on the types of condition-dependent traits favored by females.  相似文献   

Scales and costs of habitat selection in heterogeneous landscapes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Two scales of habitat selection are likely to influence patterns of animal density in heterogeneous landscapes. At one scale, habitat selection is determined by the differential use of foraging locations within a home range. At a larger scale, habitat selection is determined by dispersal and the ability to relocate the home range. The limits of both scales must be known for accurate assessments of habitat selection and its role in effecting spatial patterns in abundance. Isodars, which specify the relationships between population density in two habitats such that the expected reproductive success of an individual is the same in both, allow us to distinguish the two scales of habitat selection because each scale has different costs. In a two-habitat environment, the cost of rejecting one of the habitats within a home range can be expressed as a devaluation of the other, because, for example, fine-grained foragers must travel through both. At the dispersal scale, the cost of accepting a new home range in a different habitat has the opposite effect of inflating the value of the original habitat to compensate for lost evolutionary potential associated with relocating the home range. These costs produce isodars at the foraging scale with a lower intercept and slope than those at the dispersal scale.Empirical data on deer mice occupying prairie and badland habitats in southern Alberta confirm the ability of isodar analysis to differentiate between foraging and dispersal scales. The data suggest a foraging range of approximately 60 m, and an effective dispersal distance near 140 m. The relatively short dispersal distance implies that recent theories may have over-emphasized the role of habitat selection on local population dynamics. But the exchange of individuals between habitats sharing irregular borders may be substantial. Dispersal distance may thus give a false impression of the inability of habitat selection to help regulate population density.  相似文献   

Summary I evaluate habitat matching rules based on ideal distribution models of density-dependent habitat use. Recent approaches and the ideal free continuous input matching rule on which they depend, are restricted to only those habitats that are jointly occupied across the full range of population sizes. These assumptions may often be inappropriate to field applications of habitat matching. I develop alternatives that can be applied to a wide array of ideal forms of habitat selection, including the ideal free, continuous input example. Input matching can be distinguished from assumptions of consumer-resource models and preemptive habitat use by regressions of density between paired habitats (isodars). Isodars for continuous input models should be linear on a logarithmic scale, while those for consumer-resource models should be linear on an arithmetic scale. Pre-emptive isodars can be distinguished from the others by dramatic non-linearities at both low and high densities. Field data on white-footed mice support the consumer-resource theory. Implications of the rules for population regulation and community organization are highlighted by new models that specify how the fitness of pre-emptive habitat selectors should decline with increasing density. Strong non-linearities produced by comparisons between variable and homogeneous habitats produce reversing source-sink population regulation and a new form of cyclical community dynamics. Variable habitats act as a source of emigrants at low density and a sink for immigrants at high density. Subordinate species may occupy only the variable habitat at both low and high density.  相似文献   

An accumulated body of theory and empirical evidence suggests that habitat selection by animals is a scale‐dependent, hierarchical process. Hierarchy theory predicts that habitat suitability is influenced by the interaction of factors at multiple spatial scales from the microsite to the landscape and that higher‐order factors impose constraints at lower levels. For instance, large‐scale factors such as landscape context may make a site unsuitable for a species even if the vegetation structure and composition are appropriate. In addition, the spatial arrangement of habitat elements at all scales must be considered when planning restoration efforts. For example, the presence of snags does not ensure that the site will be suitable for snag‐dependent species. The size, age, and spacing of snags and their juxtaposition to other habitat elements must also be considered. Finally, all habitats are dynamic, and therefore the ecological processes that contribute to those dynamics must be maintained or suitable substitutes included in the recovery plan. When considering restoring habitat for wildlife, we recommend that managers: (1) identify the wildlife species they want to target for restoration efforts, (2) consider the size and landscape context of the restoration site and whether it is appropriate for the target species, (3) identify the habitat elements that are necessary for the target species, (4) develop a strategy for restoring those elements and the ecological processes that maintain them, and (5) implement a long‐term monitoring program to gauge the success of the restoration efforts.  相似文献   

Aim Assessments of biodiversity are an essential requirement of conservation management planning. Species distributional modelling is a popular approach to quantifying biodiversity whereby occurrence data are related to environmental covariates. An important confounding factor that is often overlooked in the development of such models is uncertainty due to imperfect detection. Here, I demonstrate how an analytical approach that accounts for the bias due to imperfect detection can be applied retrospectively to an existing biodiversity survey data set to produce more realistic estimates of species distributions and unbiased covariate relationships. Location Pilbara biogeographic region, Australia. Methods As a component of the Pilbara survey, presence/absence (i.e. undetected) data on small ground‐dwelling mammals were collected. I applied a multiseason occupancy modelling approach to six of the most common species encountered during this survey. Detection and occupancy rates, as well as extinction and colonization probabilities, were determined, and the influence of covariates on these parameters was examined using the multi‐model inference approach. Results Detection probabilities for all six species were considerably lower than 1.0 and varied across time and species. Naïve estimates of occupancy underestimated occupancy rates corrected for species detectability by up to 45%. Seasonal variation in occupancy status was attributed to changes in detection for two of the focal species, while reproductive events explained variation in occupancy in three others. Covariates describing the substrate strongly influenced site occupancy for most of the species modelled. A comparison of the occupancy model with a generalized linear model, assuming perfect detection, showed that the effects of the covariates were underestimated in the latter model. Main conclusions The application of the multiseason occupancy modelling approach to the Pilbara mammal data set demonstrated a powerful framework for examining changes in site occupancy, as well as local colonization and extinction rates of species which are not confounded by variable species detection rates.  相似文献   

In a changing climate, it is imperative to understand potential ecosystem resilience at all taxonomic levels. I compare seasonal small mammal utilization of woodlands (tree islands) and grasslands in the Okavango Delta, Botswana, to elucidate macrohabitat relationships and to test whether the two macrohabitats are similar in their ability to serve as a source of colonizers for the other after disturbance. Capture–mark–recapture data revealed that abundances for Dendromus mesomelas and Gerbilliscus leucogaster were higher in grasslands than tree islands, while Mus indutus abundance appeared higher in the grasslands in the dry season but roughly equal in the rainy season. Mastomys spp. and Steatomys pratensis maintained low levels in the grassland habitat throughout the year and experienced a population peak in the tree island habitat during the rainy season. There were no significant differences in sex ratio, mean mass or breeding condition. Dominance and total biomass were higher in the grasslands with the trend more pronounced in the rainy season. Terrestrial small mammals in the Okavango Delta employ differing strategies in macrohabitat selection and some exploit tree islands when herbaceous cover is present. Metacommunity dynamics exist for some species, and both habitats can serve as a source of colonizers under certain conditions.  相似文献   

Habitat‐specific selection pressures have been widely recognized, but whether selection favours different personality types in different habitats has rarely been evaluated. This study aimed to test whether personality‐related differences in annual reproductive success differed between two populations of blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) occupying different Mediterranean habitats (oakwood and pinewood). We measured exploration and parental provisioning behaviours and used a path analysis to ask how the interplay between these two behavioural traits affected reproductive success in each of these two habitats. We found that blue tits breeding in the pinewood were slow‐exploring compared to blue tits breeding in the oakwood, suggesting the occurrence of personality‐related differences in settlement, or behavioural plasticity in response to habitat. Exploration behaviour and feeding rates were positively associated, suggesting that they affect each other or that there is an environmental factor affecting both traits simultaneously. Finally, fast explorers were favoured in the pinewood, while there was no selection acting on exploration behaviour in the oak habitat. These findings emphasize the importance of integrating habitat selection, plasticity and personality in the study of behavioural evolution.  相似文献   

1. Understanding the effects of individual and population factors on variation in breeding dispersal (the movement of individuals between successive breeding sites) is key to identifying the strategies behind breeders' movements. Dispersal is often influenced by multiple factors and these can be confounded with each other. We used 13 years of data on the locations, mates, breeding success and ages of individuals to tease apart the factors influencing breeding dispersal in a colonially breeding long-lived seabird, the blue-footed booby Sula nebouxii. 2. Breeding dispersal varied among and within years. Males dispersed further in years of higher population density, and late breeding males and females dispersed further than early breeders. This temporal variation related to changes in competition for territory was taken into account in all tests of individual factors influencing breeding dispersal. 3. Individuals that retained their mates from the previous year dispersed shorter distances than those that changed their mates. 4. The effect of previous breeding success depended on mate fidelity. Unsuccessful breeding induced greater dispersal in birds that changed their mates but not in birds that retained their mates, indicating that breeders who change mates may take their own previous breeding experience into account during habitat selection. Faithful individuals may have to stay close to their previous sites to encounter their mates. 5. Male divorcees dispersed over shorter distances than their former mates, possibly because males contribute more than females to establishing territories. 6. Dispersal of males and females declined with increasing age over the first 10-11 years of life, then increased in old age, possibly due to senescent decay in the ability to compete for mates and territories.  相似文献   

近年来,干旱、鼠害及人为对草原的过度开发利用等对达赉湖地区赤狐的数量及分布范围造成了很大影响。借助于主成分分析、Bailey’s判别分析、遥感和地理信息系统对达赉湖自然保护区赤狐的生境选择及生境的景观特征进行了研究。在赤狐家域内采用样线法和样方法,共设置10 m×10 m样方245个(实验样方101个,对照样方144个),并测定样方内的7个生境因子:植被类型、隐蔽级、食物丰富度、雪深、距水源距离、距围栏距离、距居民点距离。对样方内数据进行主成分分析得出,食物和隐蔽性是赤狐生境选择的主要因子,距居民点距离和距围栏距离是赤狐生境选择的次要因子,雪深和距水源距离是赤狐在生境选择中未表现出选择和利用的因子。利用Bailey’s方法和基于赤狐的生境分布图的景观统计得出:赤狐偏好选择柳灌丛和芦苇塘两种生境,这两种生境的总面积约为1093.47 km2,占研究区总面积的14.05%;赤狐随机利用河道、典型草原和草甸草原3种生境类型,这3种生境的总面积约为4721.79 km2,占研究区总面积的60.67%。;回避的生境为冰面和沙化草地,总面积约为1968.09 km2,占研究区总面积的25.29%。基于地理信息系统和Fragstats的景观特征分析得出,赤狐最适宜生境的面积最少,斑块数量最多,平均斑块面积最小,平均形状指数最小,平均斑块距离最大;其次是较适宜生境和不适宜生境;一般适宜生境的面积最多,斑块数量最少,平均斑块面积和平均形状指数最大,平均斑块距离最小。赤狐多分布于斑块较大的适宜其生存的生境或分布于由这些斑块形成的生境斑块镶嵌体中。  相似文献   

  1. Fragmentation of natural habitats due to urban development is predicted to have negative impacts on species diversity. The surrounding landscape (or ‘matrix’) of urban or semi‐natural habitats can sometimes support biodiversity, but the amount of support will depend on species‐specific traits, and on the resources available in the fragment and the matrix.
  2. Using data on bees collected from 19 oak‐savannah fragments, the question of whether bee communities differ when fragments are embedded in different landscapes (Douglas‐fir forest vs. urban residential neighbourhoods) was investigated, and also whether these differences could be attributed to species‐specific traits of bees (e.g. body size, specialization) and/or within‐fragment floral resources.
  3. No differences were found in overall richness or abundance of bees, but there were distinct differences in plant and bee community composition between matrix types. Common wood‐nesters and late‐flying, small‐bodied bees tended to be found in urban‐associated fragments, which also had a lower availability of within‐fragment floral resources.
  4. Forest‐associated fragments, on the other hand, had a greater density and richness of early‐flowering native plant species, and supported a higher abundance of large‐bodied bee species. Bumble bee abundance, in particular, increased with increasing proportion of forest cover in the surrounding landscape.
  5. Large‐bodied bees appear to respond to increased availability of within‐fragment floral resources, but it was also hypothesised that nesting and floral resources in matrix habitat drive the differences in bee community assemblages.

Reproductive success of iteroparous insects depends on their own survival as well as that of their offspring and thus adults should consider risk of predation to both themselves and their offspring when selecting a suitable place to lay eggs. We surveyed species composition of Enallagma damselflies from sites in eastern Ontario and found that, similar to studies in Michigan, USA, Enallagma boreale does not co-exist with fish, whereas E. signatum is apparently restricted to sites with fish. E. ebrium is found at fish and fishless sites. Laboratory experiments on these species showed no effect of chemical cues of fish presence on propensity to oviposit or number of eggs released. By using field enclosures, we found adult E. ebrium could detect and avoid fish during visits to a site, but females visiting fish sites did not significantly reduce oviposition duration.  相似文献   

Fire is an important process in many ecosystems, but inappropriate fire regimes can adversely affect biodiversity. We identified a naturally flammable heathy woodland ecosystem where the use of planned fire had increased the extent of older vegetation, and quantified the abundance of two small native mammals in this landscape (silky mouse Pseudomys apodemoides and heath rat P. shortridgei). We defined four time‐since‐fire (TSF) categories representing a 2‐ to 55‐year post‐fire sequence and, on the basis of a habitat accommodation model, predicted that both species would select younger age‐classes over older ones. We also predicted that (i) much of the variance in vegetation structure would remain unexplained by TSF and (ii) statistical models of mammal abundance and occupancy including structural variables as predictors would be better than models including TSF. Pseudomys apodemoides selected 17‐ to 23‐year‐old sites, while there was no evidence that P. shortridgei selected a particular TSF category, findings that were inconsistent with our predictions. In line with our predictions, relatively large portions of the variance in vegetation structure remained unexplained by TSF (adjustedr2 for four structural variables: 0.24, 0.29, 0.35 and 0.57), and in three of four cases there was strong evidence that statistical models of mammal abundance and occupancy including structural variables were better than those including TSF. At the site scale (hectares), P. shortridgei abundance was positively related to the cover of dead material at the base of Xanthorrhoea plants and at the trap scale (metres), the trapability of both species was significantly related to vegetation volume at 0–20 cm. Our findings suggest that TSF may not be a good proxy for either vegetation structure or species abundance/occupancy.  相似文献   

Wildlife agencies are generally tasked with managing and conserving species at state and local levels simultaneously. Thus, it is necessary for wildlife agencies to understand basic ecological processes of a given species at multiple scales to aid decision making at commensurately varied spatial and behavioral scales. Mountain lions (Puma concolor) occur throughout California, USA, and are at the center of a variety of management and conservation issues. For example, they are genetically and demographically at risk in 1 region yet apparently stable and negatively affecting endangered species in another. Currently, no formal plan exists for mountain lions in California to deal with these diverse scenarios involving issues of local mountain lion population viability and problems related to predation of endangered species. To facilitate development of a state-wide management and conservation plan, we quantified habitat selection by mountain lions at 2 spatial scales across the range of environmental conditions in which the species is found in California. Our analyses used location data from individuals (n = 263) collared across the state from 2001–2019. At the home range scale, mountain lions selected habitat to prioritize meeting energetic demands. At the within home range scale, mountain lions avoided areas of human activity. Further, our analyses revealed 165,350–170,085 km2, depending on season, of suitable mountain lion habitat in California. Fifty percent of the suitable habitat was on unprotected lands and thus vulnerable to development. These habitat selection models will help in the development of a state-wide conservation and management plan for mountain lions in California by guiding mountain lion population monitoring through time, prioritization of habitat to be conserved for maintaining demographic connectivity and gene flow, and efforts to mediate mountain lion-prey interactions. Our work and application area will help with wildlife policy and management decisions related to depredation problems at the local scale and issues of habitat connectivity at the statewide scale. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Understanding the spatial dynamics of landscape use by free-ranging herbivores is essential for species management and conservation in its natural environment. We used Ivelv’s selection index, binary logistic regression analyses and stepwise regression to understand how environmental factors shape habitat selection by the Grevy’s zebra (Equus greyvi). We measured biotic, abiotic and human factors that may influence presence or absence of Grevy’s zebra in Samburu-Laikipia landscape and showed: (1) during wet periods, percentage perennial grasses, livestock density and grass quality had the greatest effect on Grevy’s zebra presence; but (2) during dry weather periods a different suite of factors determined their landscape distribution, namely, the percentage of tree and bush density, distance to water and overall grass abundance. In addition, different Grevy’s zebra demographic and reproductive classes varied in their response to environmental selective forces, thus demonstrating flexibility in their patterns of habitat selection. While we recommend more detailed studies on how abiotic and biotic interact to shape habitat selection patterns, our findings underscored the need of maintaining both dry and wet season habitats to ensure essential grazing area refugia. Our findings show that ‘soft’ development with controlled livestock stocking rates within the landscape will enhance Grevy’s zebra conservation.  相似文献   

Numerous metrics describing landscape patterns have been used to explain landscape-scale habitat selection by birds. The myriad metrics, their complexity, and inconsistent responses to them by birds have led to a lack of clear recommendations for managing land for desired species. The amount of a target land cover type in the landscape (percentage cover) often has been a useful indicator of the likelihood of species occurrence or of habitat selection; is it also a more adequate and parsimonious measure for explaining species distributions than patch size or more complex measures of landscape configuration? We examined responses of 6 woodland-interior bird species to the percentage tree cover within prescribed areas and to patch size, edge density, and other metrics. We examined responses in 2 landscapes: a mixed woodland-savanna and an eastern deciduous forest. For these 6 species, percentage tree cover explained bird occurrence as well as or better than other measures in both study areas. We then repeated the analysis on a larger group of woodland species, including those associated with woodland edges. The bird species we studied had varied responses to landscape metrics, but percentage tree cover was the strongest explanatory variable overall. Although percentage cover estimated from remotely sensed data is an inexact representation of habitat in the landscape, it does appear to be reliable and easy to conceptualize, relative to other measures. We suggest that, at least for woodland habitat, percentage cover is a broadly useful measure that can be helpful in pragmatic questions of explaining responses to landscapes or in anticipating responses to landscape change. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Abstract: Considering habitat selection at multiple scales is essential to fully understand habitat requirements and management needs for wildlife species of concern. We used a hierarchical information-theoretic approach and variance decomposition techniques to analyze habitat selection using local-scale habitat variables measured in the field and landscape-scale variables derived with a Geographic Information System (GIS) for nesting greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in the Powder River Basin (PRB), Montana and Wyoming, USA, 2003–2007. We investigated relationships between habitat features that can and cannot be mapped in a GIS to provide insights into interpretation of landscape-scale—only GIS models. We produced models of habitat selection at both local and landscape scales and across scales, yet multiscale models had overwhelming statistical and biological support. Variance decomposition showed that local-scale measures explained the most pure variation (50%) in sage-grouse nesting-habitat selection. Landscape-scale features explained 20% of pure variation and shared 30% with local-scale features. Both local- and landscape-scale habitat features are important in sage-grouse nesting-habitat selection because each scale explained both pure and shared variation. Our landscape-scale model was accurate in predicting priority landscapes where sage-grouse nests would occur and is, therefore, useful in providing landscape context for management decisions. It accurately predicted locations of independent sage-grouse nests (validation R2 = 0.99) and showed good discriminatory ability with >90% of nests located within only 40% of the study area. Our landscape-scale model also accurately predicted independent lek locations. We estimated twice the amount of predicted nesting habitat within 3 km of leks compared to random locations in the PRB. Likewise we estimated 1.8 times more predicted nesting habitat within 10 km of leks compared to random locations. These results support predictions of the hotspot theory of lek placement. Local-scale habitat variables that cannot currently be mapped in a GIS strongly influence sage-grouse nest-site selection, but only within priority nesting habitats defined at the landscape scale. Our results indicate that habitat treatments for nesting sage-grouse applied in areas with an unsuitable landscape context are unlikely to achieve desired conservation results.  相似文献   

  1. Analysing faunal changes using life‐history traits (LHT) represents a promising venue in community ecology. We prepared traits table for 1234 species of Central European macro‐moths (Lepidoptera), a species‐rich insect group rather neglected by LHT analyses.
  2. Table of 27 LHTs, split into 44 trait states, was subjected to ordination analyses, aiming to disclose the main gradients in the traits’ covariance organising the regional fauna.
  3. The main ordination gradient was related to habitats. It contrasted large‐ranging, tree foliage feeding and large‐winged species of humid and wooded habitats from small, trophic specialists feeding on reproductive plants parts and inhabiting non‐wooded, xeric habitats. This gradient sustained control for phylogeny, as well as omission of habitats‐ and biogeography‐related traits from the analyses. The secondary gradient, perpendicular to the former, distinguished multivoltine and univoltine species, the former often mobile and having a long adult period. Two minor gradients were related to defences/seasonality and to adult diurnal activity.
  4. The habitats and voltinism gradients predicted current commonness and red‐list status of individual species reasonably well.
  5. Life histories are linked to habitat use, commonness and threat levels of individual moths species in Central Europe. The overhelming importance of habitat association mirrors the diversity of habitats used by Central European moths. Species of closed woodlands tend to be more common and less threatened than species of rarer grassland types; multivoltine and mobile species are least threatened. The compiled LHT table will be of use for further conservation‐oriented analyses of the moths communities.

Summary I argue here that, from the perspective of any individual, most landscapes are composed of only three basic types of habitats. These are: (1) source habitat in which reproduction exceeds mortality and the expected per capita growth rate is greater than one; (2) sink habitat, in which limited, reproduction is possible but will not on average, compensate for mortality and the per capita rate of growth is between zero and one; and (3) unusable habitat, which comprises the matrix of all habitats that are never exploited by the species in question, and in which patches of source and sink habitats are embedded. Unlike earlier source-sink models, this model explicitly considers the effects that substituting one type of habitat for another has on the equilibrium size of a population and the interactions between species which can use both source and sink habitats. The model demonstrates that the equilibrium size of a species' population can sometimes be increased by substituting unusable habitat for sink habitat. Thus, even though the average patch quality in the landscape may be decreased, the overall quality of the landscape can increase. For two species with distinct habitat preferences, interactions between species can vary qualitatively as well as quantitatively as a function of the relative abundances of each of the habitat types. The model also shows that the interactions between species are particularly sensitive to the relative costs of moving between patches and sampling patches to determine their quality. Recent fragmentation of natural landscapes may increase the cost of searching for usable (source or sink) patches. Under some conditions, the interspecific interactions may be substantially more negative (competitive) than the interactions that evolved in the original natural landscape, further reducing population sizes and increasing the likelihood of competitive exclusion in fragmented modern landscapes.  相似文献   

Abstract: Logging has often been implicated in the decline of caribou (Rangifer tarandus), but its effects are incompletely understood. We used a distance-based approach to assess the effects of progressive clearcut logging on the summer (28 May to 15 Sep) range of caribou in Newfoundland, Canada. We compared distances of random locations and of caribou, from 9 years of radiotelemetry, to landcover types across 3 spatial scales: population range, individual ranges, and radiolocations. We tested for incremental avoidance of cutovers and mature softwood forests, the preferred type for caribou and forest harvesting, while controlling for the confounding effects of each. At the individual range, females selected for hardwood and softwood forests, bogs, and barrens, and they avoided open water. Patterns for males were similar, although they avoided bogs and barrens at both scales. The sexes differed in their response to forest harvesting. Females progressively avoided cutovers, both pre- and postharvest, likely due to their spatial proximity. Females maintained an average of 9.2 km from active cutovers. Cutover avoidance was evident even if we controlled statistically for distances to other habitats, and it accounted for heightened disuse of softwood forests. Compared with females, males occurred in proximity, with no incremental response to clearcutting. These results imply deleterious effects of timber harvesting on female caribou. Long-term investigations will enhance our capacity to evaluate such anthropogenic habitat changes.  相似文献   

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