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Phenotypic traits are products of two processes: evolution and development. But how do these processes combine to produce integrated phenotypes? Comparative studies identify consistent patterns of covariation, or allometries, between brain and body size, and between brain components, indicating the presence of significant constraints limiting independent evolution of separate parts. These constraints are poorly understood, but in principle could be either developmental or functional. The developmental constraints hypothesis suggests that individual components (brain and body size, or individual brain components) tend to evolve together because natural selection operates on relatively simple developmental mechanisms that affect the growth of all parts in a concerted manner. The functional constraints hypothesis suggests that correlated change reflects the action of selection on distributed functional systems connecting the different sub-components, predicting more complex patterns of mosaic change at the level of the functional systems and more complex genetic and developmental mechanisms. These hypotheses are not mutually exclusive but make different predictions. We review recent genetic and neurodevelopmental evidence, concluding that functional rather than developmental constraints are the main cause of the observed patterns.  相似文献   

Lagerstätten, places where soft‐bodied organisms became mineralized, provide a substantial bulk of palaeobiological information, but the detailed mechanisms of how soft‐tissue preservation takes place remain debatable. An experimental taphonomy approach, which allows for direct study of decay and mineralization, offers a means to study the preservational potential of different soft‐bodied organisms under controlled conditions. Here we compare the preservational capacity of two types of clay (kaolinite and montmorillonite) through a long‐term (24 month) experiment involving the burial and decay of small crustaceans. Our experimental design is innovative in that it models catastrophic sedimentation in fine‐grained colloidal suspension, which is believed to form Lagerstätten deposits. We demonstrated better preservation of buried organisms in clays compared to water, and in kaolinite compared to montmorillonite. As aluminium cations were present in high concentrations in kaolinite sediment but not in montmorillonite, the better preservation in kaolinite is attributed to the tanning properties of aluminium, which catalyses cross‐linking in proteins, protecting them from bacterial degradation. Anaerobic environments and acidification also slow down decay, but they are less effective than tanning. Kaolinite and montmorillonite replaced the crustacean integuments differently: in the remains buried in kaolinite, Al and Si were detected in equal proportions, while in those buried in montmorillonite, the Si content appeared to be much higher even in comparison with the initial sample of the clay. These variations probably arose from the different dynamics of acidic hydrolysis in the two clays associated with anaerobic decomposition of organic matter. Our results show that the preservation mechanism includes multi‐component interactions between the solution, mineral, sediment and organic remains; taken separately, any single component explains little. The specific conditions that occur within the colloidal clay sediments can facilitate conservation and start fast mineralization according to chemical properties and elemental content.  相似文献   

Phenotypic convergence has confounded evolutionary biologists for centuries, explained as adaptations to shared selective pressures, or alternatively, the result of limited developmental pathways. We tested the relative roles of adaptation and constraint in generating convergent cranial morphologies across a large lizard radiation, the Lacertidae, whose members inhabit diverse environments throughout the Old World and display high amounts of homoplasy associated with ecological niche. Using 3D X‐ray computed tomography, we quantified cranial shape variation associated with ontogeny, allometry, and ecology, covering all lacertid genera and one‐third of species diversity. Landmark‐based geometric morphometrics showed that cranial shape varied significantly among biomes, with substantial convergence among arid‐dwelling lineages. Comparisons of species cranial growth trajectories between biomes revealed that allometric postdisplacement, as evidenced by decreased elevation of a constant ontogenetic slope, drives the convergent paedomorphic appearance of independent arid‐dwelling forms. We hypothesize that observed heterochronic changes reflect temporal compression of ancestral life history in response to extreme environments, with associated phenotypes occurring as by‐products of adaptive shifts in reproductive investment. Although allometry has long been considered a developmental constraint, our results demonstrate that allometric flexibility during early ontogeny produces convergent ecomorphologies over vast temporal and spatial scales, thus dramatically obscuring underlying phylogenetic signals.  相似文献   

Previous research using outbred rats indicates that individual differences in activity in a novel environment predict sensitivity to the reinforcing effect of psychostimulant drugs. The current study examined if the link between responses related to novelty and amphetamine self‐administration is heritable. Twelve inbred rat strains were assessed for locomotor activity in a novel environment, preference for a novel environment, and intravenous amphetamine self‐administration (acquisition, extinction and amphetamine‐induced reinstatement). Strain differences were observed in activity in a novel environment, novelty preference and amphetamine self‐administration, indicating a genetic influence for each of these behaviors. While there was no relation between activity in an inescapable novel environment and amphetamine self‐administration, strain‐dependent differences in novelty preference were positively correlated with the amount of amphetamine self‐administered. There was also a positive correlation between the dose‐dependent rate of amphetamine self‐administration and magnitude of reinstatement. These results show that the activity in an inescapable novel environment and the preference for a novel environment are different genetically, and thus likely to reflect different behavioral constructs. Moreover, these results implicate a genetic influence on the relation between novelty seeking and stimulant self‐administration, as well as on the relation between stimulant reward and reinstatement.  相似文献   

Appeals to synapomorphic features of the wrist and hand in African apes, early hominins, and modern humans as evidence of knuckle-walking ancestry for the hominin lineage rely on accurate interpretations of those features as adaptations to knuckle-walking locomotion. Because Gorilla, Pan, and Homo share a relatively close common ancestor, the interpretation of such features is confounded somewhat by phylogeny. The study presented here examines the evolution of a similar locomotor regime in New World anteaters (order Xenarthra, family Myrmecophagidae) and uses the terrestrial giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) as a convergence test of adaptation for purported knuckle-walking features of the Hominidae. During the stance phase of locomotion, Myrmecophaga transmits loads through flexed digits and a vertical manus, with hyperextension occurring at the metacarpophalangeal joints of the weight-bearing rays. This differs from the locomotion of smaller, arboreal anteaters of outgroup genera Tamandua and Cyclopes that employ extended wrist postures during above-branch quadrupedality. A number of features shared by Myrmecophaga and Pan and Gorilla facilitate load transmission or limit extension, thereby stabilizing the wrist and hand during knuckle-walking, and distinguish these taxa from their respective outgroups. These traits are a distally extended dorsal ridge of the distal radius, proximal expansion of the nonarticular surface of the dorsal capitate, a pronounced articular ridge on the dorsal aspects of the load-bearing metacarpal heads, and metacarpal heads that are wider dorsally than volarly. Only the proximal expansion of the nonarticular area of the dorsal capitate distinguishes knuckle-walkers from digitigrade cercopithecids, but features shared with digitigrade primates might be adaptive to the use of a vertical manus of some sort in the stance phase of terrestrial locomotion. The appearance of capitate nonarticular expansion and the dorsal ridge of the distal radius in the hominin lineage might be indicative of a knuckle-walking ancestry for bipedal hominins if interpreted within the biomechanical and phylogenetic context of hominid locomotor evolution.  相似文献   

Taphonomic experiments provide important insights into fossils that preserve the remains of decay‐prone soft tissues, tissues that are usually degraded and lost prior to fossilization. These fossils are among the most scientifically valuable evidence of ancient life on Earth, giving us a view into the past that is much less biased and incomplete than the picture provided by skeletal remains alone. Although the value of taphonomic experiments is beyond doubt, a lack of clarity regarding their purpose and limitations, and ambiguity in the use of terminology, are hampering progress. Here we distinguish between processes that promote information retention and those that promote information loss, in order to clarify the distinction between fossilization and preservation. Recognizing distinct processes of decay, mineralization and maturation, the sequence in which they act, and the potential for interactions, has important consequences for analysis of fossils, and for the design of taphonomic experiments. The purpose of well‐designed taphonomic experiments is generally to understand decay, maturation and preservation individually, thus limiting the number of variables involved. Much work remains to be done, but these methodologically reductionist foundations will allow researchers to build towards more complex taphonomic experiments and a more holistic understanding and analysis of the interactions between decay, maturation and preservation in the fossilization of non‐biomineralized remains. Our focus must remain on the key issue of understanding what exceptionally preserved fossils reveal about the history of biodiversity and evolution, rather than on debating the scope and value of an experimental approach.  相似文献   

The cichlid fishes of Lake Malawi represent one of the most diverse adaptive radiations of vertebrates known. Among the rock‐dwelling cichlids (mbuna), closely related sympatric congeners possess similar trophic morphologies (i.e. cranial and jaw structures), defend overlapping or adjacent territories, but can be easily distinguished based on male nuptial coloration. The apparent morphological similarity of congeners, however, leads to an ecological conundrum: theory predicts that ecological competition should lead to competitive exclusion. Hence, we hypothesized that slight, yet significant, ecological differences accompanied the divergence in sexual signals and that the divergence of ecological and sexual traits is correlated. To evaluate this hypothesis, we quantified body shape, a trait of known ecological importance, in populations of Maylandia zebra, a barred, widespread mbuna, and several sympatric nonbarred congeners. We found that the barred populations differ in body shape from their nonbarred sympatric congeners and that the direction of shape differences was consistent across all barred vs. nonbarred comparisons. Barred populations are generally deeper bodied which may be an adaptation to the structurally complex habitat they prefer, whereas the nonbarred species have a more fusiform body shape, which may be adaptive in their more open microhabitat. Furthermore, M. zebra populations sympatric with nonbarred congeners differ from populations where the nonbarred phenotype is absent and occupy less morphospace, indicating potential ecological character displacement. Mitochondrial DNA as well as published AFLP data indicated that the nonbarred populations are not monophyletic and therefore may have evolved multiple times independently. Overall our data suggest that the evolution of coloration and body shape may be coupled as a result of correlational selection. We hypothesize that correlated evolution of sexually selected and ecological traits may have contributed to rapid speciation as well as the maintenance of diversity in one of the most diverse adaptive radiations known.  相似文献   

An innovative approach has been employed for the realization of bioactive scaffolds able to mimic the in vivo cellular microenvironment for tissue engineering applications. This method is based on the combination of molecular imprinting and soft‐lithography technology to enhance cellular adhesion and to guide cell growth and proliferation due to presence of highly specific recognition sites of selected biomolecules on a well‐defined polymeric microstructure. In this article polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) scaffolds have been realized by using poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) microstructured molds imprinted with FITC‐albumin and TRITC‐lectin. In addition gelatin, an adhesion protein, was employed for the molecular imprinting of polymeric scaffolds for cellular tests. The most innovative aspect of this research was the molecular imprinting of whole cells for the development of substrates able to enhance the cell adhesion processes. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;106: 804–817. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In 5 experiments thirsty rats received an injection of lithium chloride or of saline, and their consumption of fluid was monitored at 5-min intervals for 30min. The novelty of the fluid and the novelty of the test context was varied. In Experiment 1 a novel fluid (a sucrose solution) was offered in a novel context; in Experiment 2 the fluid was novel and the context was familiar (the home cage); in Experiment 3 the fluid was familiar and the context was novel; and in Experiment 4 both fluid and context were familiar. Lithium influenced fluid consumption in those designs that included at least one novel feature (Experiments 1, 2, and 3, but not in Experiment 4). Consumption was initially enhanced (with respect to the controls) when the context was novel, but was suppressed when the fluid was novel. In Experiment 5, the flavor was over-ingested after lithium treatment when it was presented in a short (5min) test conducted in a novel place, but was rejected in a subsequent consumption in the home cages. It is argued that the effect of lithium depends on two factors: enhanced attention to salient cues that modifies the exploratory responses evoked by a novel context; rapid conditioning of an aversion when the fluid consumed is novel. Implications for the use of fluid consumption as an index of lithium-induced nausea are considered.  相似文献   

Natural selection is expected to act strongly on immune system genes as hosts adapt to novel, diverse, and coevolving pathogens. Population genetic studies of host defense genes with parallel functions in model organisms have revealed distinct evolutionary histories among the different components-receptors, adaptors, and effectors-of the innate immune system. In humans, however, detailed evolutionary studies have been mainly confined to the receptors and in particular to Toll-like receptors (TLRs). By virtue of a toll/interleukin-1 receptor (TIR) domain, TLRs activate distinct signaling pathways, which are mediated by the five TIR-containing adaptors: myeloid differentiation factor-88 (MyD88), myeloid differentiation factor-88 adaptor-like protein (MAL), toll/interleukin-1 receptor domain-containing adaptor protein inducing interferon (IFN)β (TRIF), toll/interleukin-1 receptor domain-containing adaptor protein inducing IFNβ-related adaptor molecule (TRAM), and sterile α- and armadillo motif-containing protein (SARM). Here, we have examined the extent to which natural selection has affected immune adaptors in humans, using as a paradigm the TIR-containing adaptors. To do so, we characterized their levels of naturally occurring genetic variation in various human populations. We found that MyD88 and TRIF have mainly evolved under purifying selection, suggesting that their role in the early stages of signal transduction is essential and nonredundant for host survival. In addition, the adaptors have been targeted by multiple episodes of positive selection, differing in timing and spatial location. MyD88 and SARM display signatures of a selective sweep that has occurred in all humans, whereas for the other three adaptors, we detected signatures of adaptive evolution that are restricted to specific populations. Our study provides evidence that the contemporary diversity of the five TIR-containing adaptors results from the intermingling of different selective events, swinging between constraint and adaptation.  相似文献   

The theory of ecological speciation suggests that assortative mating evolves most easily when mating preferences are directly linked to ecological traits that are subject to divergent selection. Sensory adaptation can play a major role in this process, because selective mating is often mediated by sexual signals: bright colours, complex song, pheromone blends and so on. When divergent sensory adaptation affects the perception of such signals, mating patterns may change as an immediate consequence. Alternatively, mating preferences can diverge as a result of indirect effects: assortative mating may be promoted by selection against intermediate phenotypes that are maladapted to their (sensory) environment. For Lake Victoria cichlids, the visual envi-ronment constitutes an important selective force that is heterogeneous across geographical and water depth gradients. We investi-gate the direct and indirect effects of this heterogeneity on the evolution of female preferences for alternative male nuptial colours (red and blue) in the genus Pundamilia. Here, we review the current evidence for divergent sensory drive in this system, extract general principles, and discuss future perspectives.  相似文献   

Scleractinian corals adapt to various substrate conditions with a variety of growth morphologies and modes of life. The azooxanthellate solitary scleractinian Deltocyathoides orientalis exhibits slightly flattened, bowl‐shaped corallites. This study describes in detail the modes of skeletal regeneration after fragmentation in association with exquisitely adaptive strategies of the corals for life on soft substrates. Larger fragments of individuals retaining almost two‐thirds to five‐sixths of the original skeletal area inherit the densely dilated, lower central skeleton, so as to keep a stable life position on soft substrates and regenerate the lost parts promptly. Even highly fragmented individuals preserving less than 10% of the original skeleton still regenerate and repair. Fragmented individuals with almost one‐sixth to one‐third original skeleton actively maintain a posture with the oral disc upward using movements of remaining tentacles. Damaged and missing soft tissues are then efficiently regenerated to form a mouth and gastrovascular cavity near the new centre of the corallum. Every regenerated individual reuses skeleton and soft tissues, and is capable of burrowing before the completion of growth morphology. The mode of regeneration characteristic of D. orientalis is thus effective and adaptive for maintenance of a stable life position on soft substrates for this solitary scleractinian. As fragmentation in deeper‐water, soft‐bottom settings is likely due to predation rather than turbulence, the rapid corallum regeneration and burrowing strategy may both represent adaptive strategies for life on soft substrates and exploitation of new niches, such as an infaunal mode of life, in a predator‐rich environment.  相似文献   

Abstract: The grass layer of savannas is characterized by strong temporal and spatial heterogeneity in the quantity and quality of forage. Besides this, there is strong variation in other aspects of sward structure, here defined as sward chemistry, morphology, architecture and species composition. The forage maturation hypothesis (FMH) is based on the temporal dynamics of forage quantity and quality of grasslands. Recently this hypothesis has been used to explain the foraging behaviour of large herbivores as an optimal solution for balancing forage ingestion and forage digestion, leading to a maximization of daily rates of forage intake in patches of intermediate forage quantity. However, so far studies using this hypothesis have been constrained to mono‐specific forage resources or have ignored inter‐patch variation in sward structure. We studied the foraging behaviour of cattle in a South African savanna. We explicitly addressed forage quantity and quality, and the structure of seven sward types in order to investigate (i) their effects on foraging behaviour; and (ii) the assumptions and predictions of the FMH for foraging behaviour in grasslands with pronounced variation in sward structure. The results indicated that the assumptions of the FMH were met and that forage quantity affected forage intake the most, with sward structure having little or no effect. The predicted maximum rate of daily forage intake agreed with the results of previous studies. However, the forage quantity at which this maximum intake rate was found, was larger than expected based on the results of some studies. It is likely that this discrepancy resulted from the use of artificial leaf‐only grass swards in these studies. The results suggest that the FMH can be used to explain the foraging behaviour of herbivores over a wide range of sward structures.  相似文献   

A quick, green, and sensitive method for chiral separation and determination of fluazifop‐butyl enantiomers in tobacco and soil was established by ultra‐performance convergence chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (UPC2‐MS/MS). The baseline separation was obtained on an ACQUITY UPC2 Trefoil CEL2 column in 4 minutes with CO2 and methanol as mobile phase. Column temperature, auto back pressure regulator pressure (ABPR), and modifier solvent were optimized to obtain the best separation efficiency. Under the optimal conditions, the recoveries of both enantiomers were 82.8% to 99.5% with relative standard deviations (RSDs) less than 5.5% at three different concentration levels in two matrices. Good coefficients of determination (R2 ≥ 0.9976) were achieved over the concentration range of 10 to 500 ng/mL. The limits of detection (LODs) for all enantiomers in the two matrices varied from 1.6 to 2.1 μg/kg, and the limits of quantification (LOQs) did not exceed 7.0 μg/kg. The proposed method was then successfully applied to analyze authentic samples, confirming that it was a green, convenient, and reliable strategy for the analysis of fluazifop‐butyl enantiomers in tobacco and soil.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity is thought to be a major mechanism allowing sessile organisms such as plants to adapt to environmental heterogeneity. However, the adaptive value of many common plastic responses has not been tested by linking these responses to fitness. Even when plasticity is adaptive, costs of plasticity, such as the energy necessary to maintain regulatory pathways for plastic responses, may constrain its evolution. We used a greenhouse experiment to test whether plastic physiological responses to soil water availability (wet vs. dry conditions) were adaptive and/or costly in the congeneric wildflowers Lobelia cardinalis and L. siphilitica. Eight physiological traits related to carbon and water uptake were measured. Specific leaf area (SLA), photosynthetic rate (A), stomatal conductance (gs), and photosynthetic capacity (Amax) responded plastically to soil water availability in L. cardinalis. Plasticity in Amax was maladaptive, plasticity in A and g(s) was adaptive, and plasticity in SLA was adaptively neutral. The nature of adaptive plasticity in L. cardinalis, however, differed from previous studies. Lobelia cardinalis plants with more conservative water use, characterized by lower g(s), did not have higher fitness under drought conditions. Instead, well-watered L. cardinalis that had higher g(s) had higher fitness. Only Amax responded plastically to drought in L. siphilitica, and this response was adaptively neutral. We detected no costs of plasticity for any physiological trait in either L. cardinalis or L. siphilitica, suggesting that the evolution of plasticity in these traits would not be constrained by costs. Physiological responses to drought in plants are presumed to be adaptive, but our data suggest that much of this plasticity can be adaptively neutral or maladaptive.  相似文献   

African mole rats (Bathyergidae) offer an excellent system with which to test theories relating to the evolution and maintenance of sociality in mammals. The aridity food distribution hypothesis (AFDH) suggests that, within the bathyergids, sociality has evolved in response to patterns of rainfall, its effects on food distribution, and the subsequent costs and risks of foraging and dispersal. Here, in the first detailed study of burrow architecture in a social mole-rat species, with data from 32 burrows, we show that in the giant mole-rat Fukomys mechowii burrow fractal dimension increases with colony size and is higher during the rainy season than during the dry season. The mass of food in the burrow increases with fractal dimension and is higher during the rainy season than during the dry season. These results link for the first time colony size, burrow architecture, rainfall and foraging success and provide support for two assumptions of the AFDH, namely that (1) in arid conditions burrowing may be severely constrained by the high costs of digging; and (2) the potential risks of failing to locate food may be mitigated by increases in colony size.  相似文献   

Despite divergent evolutionary histories, Neotropical cichlids (Cichlidae) and Nearctic sunfishes (Centrarchidae) appear to have similar functional morphotypes and occupy similar ecological niches. We applied an integrative approach analyzing morphological traits, stomach contents, and stable isotope ratios (δ13C, δ15N) to investigate whether local assemblages of cichlids (Venezuela, Peru) and centrarchids (Texas) reveal one‐to‐one patterns of morphological and ecological convergence. Multivariate ordinations performed on diet and morphology datasets identified a broad overlap between cichlid and centrarchid assemblages. The functional morphology of the two groups has diversified in a convergent manner within the confines of ram‐suction modes of prey ingestion. Both groups had the same set of ecomorph types that corresponded to the same trophic niches, including substrate‐sifting invertivores, epibenthic invertebrate gleaners, and piscivores; the one exception was a molluscivorous sunfish, comprising a niche that was not represented in the two cichlid assemblages. Estimates of trophic positions based on stable isotope analysis revealed convergent vertical trophic structure; with few exceptions, fishes with similar morphologies had similar trophic positions. Large‐bodied piscivores had highest trophic positions, whereas small and medium‐bodied generalists and invertivores had low to intermediate trophic positions. Consistent patterns of ecomorphological convergence in these two perciform groups provide strong evidence for adaptation involving constrains in functional morphology associated with feeding. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 146–164.  相似文献   

The Selection, Constraint, Restraint and Senescence Hypotheses predict how breeding success should vary with age. The Selection Hypothesis predicts between-individual variation arising from quality differences; the other hypotheses predict within-individual variation due to differing skills or physiological condition (Constraint), residual reproductive lifespan (Restraint), or somatic and reproductive investment (Senescence). Studies tend to focus on either the initial increase in breeding success or later decrease; however, both require consideration when unravelling the underlying evolutionary processes. Additionally, few studies present genetic fitness measures and rarely for both sexes. We therefore test these four hypotheses, which are not mutually exclusive, in a high-density population of European badgers Meles meles. Using an 18-year data set (including 22 microsatellite loci), we show an initial improvement in breeding success with age, followed by a later and steeper rate of reproductive senescence in male than in female badgers. Breeding success was skewed within age-classes, indicating the influence of factors other than age-class. This was partly attributable to selective appearance and disappearance of badgers (Selection Hypothesis). Individuals with a late age of last breeding showed a concave-down relationship between breeding success and experience (Constraint Hypothesis). There was no evidence of abrupt terminal effects; rather, individuals showed a concave-down relationship between breeding success and residual reproductive lifespan (Restraint Hypothesis), with an interaction with age of first breeding only in female badgers. Our results demonstrate the importance of investigating a comprehensive suite of factors in age-specific breeding success analyses, in both sexes, to fully understand evolutionary and population dynamics.  相似文献   

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