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CLIPs and CLASPs and cellular dynamics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dynamic properties of microtubules are regulated by plus-end tracking proteins (+TIPs), which associate with the distal ends of microtubules. Among the +TIPs are cytoplasmic linker proteins (CLIPs), which promote microtubule growth and regulate dynein-dynactin localization, and CLIP-associating proteins (CLASPs), which stabilize specific subsets of microtubules on reception of signalling cues. CLIPs and CLASPs interact and cooperate to direct the microtubule network, thereby regulating cellular asymmetry.  相似文献   

Proteins that track growing microtubule (MT) ends are important for many aspects of intracellular MT function, but the mechanism by which these +TIPs accumulate at MT ends has been the subject of a long-standing controversy. In this issue, Bieling et al. (Bieling, P., S. Kandels-Lewis, I.A. Telley, J. van Dijk, C. Janke, and T. Surrey. 2008. J. Cell Biol. 183:1223–1233) reconstitute plus end tracking of EB1 and CLIP-170 in vitro, which demonstrates that CLIP-170 plus end tracking is EB1-dependent and that both +TIPs rapidly exchange between a soluble and a plus end–associated pool. This strongly supports the hypothesis that plus end tracking depends on a biochemical property of growing MT ends, and that the characteristic +TIP comets result from the generation of new +TIP binding sites through MT polymerization in combination with the exponential decay of these binding sites.  相似文献   

Peptide aptamers are small proteins containing a randomized peptide sequence embedded into a stable protein scaffold, such as Thioredoxin. We developed a robust method for building a Combinatorial Library of Improved Peptide aptamers (CLIPs) of high complexity, containing ≥3×1010 independent clones, to be used as a molecular tool in the study of biological pathways. The Thioredoxin scaffold was modified to increase solubility and eliminate aggregation of the peptide aptamers. The CLIPs was used in a yeast two-hybrid screen to identify peptide aptamers that bind to various domains of the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End products (RAGE). NMR spectroscopy was used to identify interaction surfaces between the peptide aptamers and RAGE domains. Cellular functional assays revealed that in addition to directly interfering with known binding sites, peptide aptamer binding distal to ligand sites also inhibits RAGE ligand-induced signal transduction. This finding underscores the potential of using CLIPs to select allosteric inhibitors of biological targets.  相似文献   

Mining literature for protein-protein interactions   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
MOTIVATION: A central problem in bioinformatics is how to capture information from the vast current scientific literature in a form suitable for analysis by computer. We address the special case of information on protein-protein interactions, and show that the frequencies of words in Medline abstracts can be used to determine whether or not a given paper discusses protein-protein interactions. For those papers determined to discuss this topic, the relevant information can be captured for the Database of Interacting PROTEINS: Furthermore, suitable gene annotations can also be captured. RESULTS: Our Bayesian approach scores Medline abstracts for probability of discussing the topic of interest according to the frequencies of discriminating words found in the abstract. More than 80 discriminating words (e.g. complex, interaction, two-hybrid) were determined from a training set of 260 Medline abstracts corresponding to previously validated entries in the Database of Interacting Proteins. Using these words and a log likelihood scoring function, approximately 2000 Medline abstracts were identified as describing interactions between yeast proteins. This approach now forms the basis for the rapid expansion of the Database of Interacting Proteins.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is responsible for many of the most spectacular displays in nature, and female preference for certain males is central to much of this. However, female preference is relatively poorly understood, particularly the relative importance of a female's genes, the environment and their interaction on her preference. We investigated preference in a no-choice design using Drosophila melanogaster iso-female lines and find that there are genotype-by-environment interactions for female preference. Whereas the choosiness of some female genotypes differed little across environments, that of others differed greatly, so that the choosiness rank of females in one environment did not necessarily predict their rank in another. Furthermore, the genetic variance underlying preference also varied across environments. These findings have important consequences for the evolution of female preference and the male sexual traits preference targets.  相似文献   

Animal models for host-pathogen interactions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Semiparametric models for antagonistic drug interactions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The interaction of bovine rhodopsin with poly- and monounsaturated lipids was studied by (1)H MAS NMR with magnetization transfer from rhodopsin to lipid. Experiments were conducted on bovine rod outer segment (ROS) disks and on recombinant membranes containing lipids with polyunsaturated, docosahexaenoyl (DHA) chains. Poly- and monounsaturated lipids interact specifically with different sites on the rhodopsin surface. Rates of magnetization transfer from protein to DHA are lipid headgroup-dependent and increased in the sequence PC < PS < PE. Boundary lipids are in fast exchange with the lipid matrix on a time scale of milliseconds or shorter. All rhodopsin photointermediates transferred magnetization preferentially to DHA-containing lipids, but highest rates were observed for Meta-III rhodopsin. The experiments show clearly that the surface of rhodopsin has sites for specific interaction with lipids. Current theories of lipid-protein interaction do not account for such surface heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Gel electrophoresis assays for DNA-protein interactions   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
A Revzin 《BioTechniques》1989,7(4):346-355

The molecular forces involved in protein-nucleic acid interaction are electrostatic, stacking and hydrogen-bonding. These interactions have a certain amount of specificity due to the directional nature of such interactions and the spatial contributions of the steric effects of different substituent groups. Quantum chemical calculations on these interactions have been reported which clearly bring out such features. While the binding energies for electrostatic interactions are an order of magnitude higher, the differences in interaction energies for structures stabilised by hydrogen-bonding and stacking are relatively small. Thus, the molecular interactions alone cannot explain the highly specific nature of binding observed in certain segments of proteins and nucleic acids. It is therefore logical to assume that the sequence dependent three dimensional structures of these molecules help to place the functional groups in the correct geometry for a favourable interaction between the two molecules. We have carried out 2D-FT nuclear magnetic resonance studies on the oligonucleotide d-GGATCCGGATCC. This oligonucleotide sequence has two binding sites for the restriction enzyme Bam H1. Our studies indicate that the conformation of this DNA fragment is predominantly B-type except near the binding sites where the ribose ring prefers a3E conformation. This interesting finding raises the general question about the presence of specificity in the inherent backbone structures of proteins and nucleic acids as opposed to specific intermolecular interactions which may induce conformational changes to facilitate such binding.  相似文献   

The predator-prey interactions between the protozoan Tetrahymena pyriformis and the bacterium Aerobacter aerogenes have been studied experimentally and mathematically. A mathematical model for the ciliates defines the mass distribution of cells within the population. The resulting model equations are solved by the use of multigroup theory. Experimental data from batch and continuous flow reactors are compared with the results of the numerical integration.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Protein-protein interaction networks are one of the major post-genomic data sources available to molecular biologists. They provide a comprehensive view of the global interaction structure of an organism's proteome, as well as detailed information on specific interactions. Here we suggest a physical model of protein interactions that can be used to extract additional information at an intermediate level: It enables us to identify proteins which share biological interaction motifs, and also to identify potentially missing or spurious interactions. RESULTS: Our new graph model explains observed interactions between proteins by an underlying interaction of complementary binding domains (lock-and-key model). This leads to a novel graph-theoretical algorithm to identify bipartite subgraphs within protein-protein interaction networks where the underlying data are taken from yeast two-hybrid experimental results. By testing on synthetic data, we demonstrate that under certain modelling assumptions, the algorithm will return correct domain information about each protein in the network. Tests on data from various model organisms show that the local and global patterns predicted by the model are indeed found in experimental data. Using functional and protein structure annotations, we show that bipartite subnetworks can be identified that correspond to biologically relevant interaction motifs. Some of these are novel and we discuss an example involving SH3 domains from the Saccharomyces cerevisiae interactome. AVAILABILITY: The algorithm (in Matlab format) is available (see http://www.maths.strath.ac.uk/~aas96106/lock_key.html).  相似文献   

A molecular model for cell interactions   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  

The development of new drugs to treat disease by binding directly to DNA offers much promise but is reliant on methods to determine the relative affinity of the putative drug for different DNA sequences. Such methods should ideally be rapid and inexpensive as well as reliable. Use of capillary electrophoresis in simple silica columns offers such a method. The development of systems in which the solvent carries a soluble polymer allows the reliable separation of DNA oligomers, of 12-20 bp in length, which can then be titrated with the ligand in competition experiments. The results obtained are comparable with those obtained by footprinting and give direct graphical output, easily analysed for relative binding affinity.  相似文献   

Biochemical approaches for discovering protein-protein interactions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Protein–protein interactions or protein complexes are integral in nearly all cellular processes, ranging from metabolism to structure. Elucidating both individual protein associations and complex protein interaction networks, while challenging, is an essential goal of functional genomics. For example, discovering interacting partners for a 'protein of unknown function' can provide insight into actual function far beyond what is possible with sequence-based predictions, and provide a platform for future research. Synthetic genetic approaches such as two-hybrid screening often reveal a perplexing array of potential interacting partners for any given target protein. It is now known, however, that this type of anonymous screening approach can yield high levels of false-positive results, and therefore putative interactors must be confirmed by independent methods. In vitro biochemical strategies for identifying interacting proteins are varied and time-honored, some being as old as the field of protein chemistry itself. Herein we discuss five biochemical approaches for isolating and characterizing protein–protein interactions in vitro : co-immunoprecipitation, blue native gel electrophoresis, in vitro binding assays, protein cross-linking, and rate-zonal centrifugation. A perspective is provided for each method, and where appropriate specific, trial-tested methods are included.  相似文献   

Lee SY  Haydon PG 《Neuron》2011,69(5):835-837
Though transmitters can be released from astrocytes, the conditions that permit their modulation of synaptic transmission are under debate. Santello et al. in this issue of Neuron now show that TNFα promotes a burst mode of glial transmitter release that escapes reuptake processes allowing access to neuronal NMDA receptors.  相似文献   

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