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Abstract Seed germination is dependent on the interaction between the dormancy state of a seed and the presence of favourable environmental conditions. Thus, the spectacular pulse of seedling recruitment in many Australian vegetation communities following disturbances such as fire can be attributed to changes in microsite conditions and/or the dormancy‐breaking effect of the disturbance on accumulated seed banks. Grevillea rivularis is a threatened species endemic to the area immediately above Carrington Falls in the NSW Southern Highlands. Most of the population is confined to the riparian vegetation zone in woodland and heath, and is therefore subject to periodic disturbance from fire and flood. For this species, a pulse of seedling recruitment has been recorded after fire, flood and mechanical soil disturbance. The aims of this study were to examine the density and vertical distribution of the soil‐stored seed bank and to investigate the role of heat and scarification as cues for germination of fresh and soil‐stored seed. There was a large seed bank under the canopies of established individuals (194 ± 73 seeds m?2) and most seeds were found in the 0–2 cm and leaf‐litter layers of the soil profile. The germination response of soil‐stored and fresh seed was examined using a hierarchical series of laboratory experiments. Seeds of G. rivularis showed marked dormancy polymorphism. Thirty‐six percent of soil‐stored seed germinated without treatment, whereas no untreated fresh seeds germinated. Scarification or heating caused significant germination of dormant soil‐stored seed, but only scarification resulted in germination of dormant fresh seeds. These results highlight important differences in the dormancy state of soil‐stored and fresh seed. Thus, being a riparian species in a fire‐prone environment, the dormancy mechanisms in seeds of G. rivularis suit this species to disturbance by both fire and flood.  相似文献   

Synchronous monocarpy in long‐lived plants is often associated with pollination by wind, in part because infrequent mass flowering may satiate pollinators. Selfing in synchronous monocarps may provide reproductive assurance but conflict with the benefits of outcrossing, a key evolutionary driver of synchrony. We predicted that animal‐pollinated species with synchronous flowering would have unspecialised flowers and attract abundant generalised pollinators, but predictions for selfing and outcrossing frequencies were not obvious. We examined the pollination biology of Isoglossa woodii (Acanthaceae), an insect‐pollinated, monocarpic herb that flowers synchronously at 4–7‐year intervals. The most frequent visitor to I. woodii flowers was the African honeybee, Apis mellifera adansonii. Hand‐pollination failed to enhance seed production, indicating that the pollinators were not saturated. No seed was set in the absence of pollinators. Seed set was similar among selfed and outcrossed flowers, demonstrating a geitonogamous mixed‐mating strategy with no direct evidence of preferential outcrossing. Flowers contained four ovules, but most fruits only developed one seed, raising the possibility that preferential outcrossing occurs by post‐pollination processes. We argue that a number of the theoretical concerns about geitonogamous selfing as a form of reproductive assurance do not apply to a long‐lived synchronous monocarp such as I. woodii.  相似文献   

Abstract Some aspects of the pollination ecology of a wild leek ( Allium tricoccum Ait.) population were studied in Gatineau Park, Southern Québec, Canada. Self-compatibility was determined by a pollinator exclusion experiment. Pollinator limitation of seed production was tested by comparing naturally pollinated plants with hand cross-pollinated plants. The insects observed on the umbels were collected for identification. Wild leek was found to be self-compatible. Seed production does not seem to be limited by pollinator activity. An important year to year variability of pollinator activity was observed according to the flowering intensity within the population.  相似文献   

Grevillea beadleana (Proteaceae) is an endangered species known from five populations in northern New South Wales, Australia. The reproductive ecology of G. beadleana was compared in two populations with a ten-fold difference in the number of plants. Grevillea beadleana was found to be self-compatible in both populations and an examination of pollen viability and stigma maturation revealed that the species is protandrous. Flowering within inflorescences is acropetallous. In the first season plants in the largest population produced approx. ten-fold more inflorescences than those in the smaller population and, although the number of flowers per inflorescence did not vary significantly between populations the first season, the larger population produced more fruit per inflorescence than the smaller population. However, fruit to flower ratios were less than 0.2 in both seasons and populations. In both populations the number of fruit was significantly greater at the proximal end of the inflorescence, where flowers open first, compared with medial and distal positions. Several bird species were observed visiting flowers, although few birds were recorded foraging at plants in the smaller population. Within both populations, birds tended to make more within- than between-plant visits. Self-compatibility, acropetally and proximal fruit-set, combined with the predominantly within-plant movement of honeyeaters, suggests inbreeding may be common within both populations of G. beadleana. Pollination and fruiting success are discussed for G. beadleana and breeding systems among rare and common taxa in Grevillea are reviewed.  相似文献   

银桦次生木质部导管分子观察研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
陈树思  唐为萍 《广西植物》2004,24(4):380-382,F006
对银桦 (Grevillearobusta)次生木质部导管分子进行了观察研究。在银桦次生木质部导管分子中存在着许多不同的样式 ,分别对其进行了描述 ,并从导管分子个体发育与系统发育的角度进行了讨论。银桦导管分子中还存在着特殊的样式 ,如具三个单穿孔的导管以及导管分子侧壁上存在明显的皱褶 ,对其也分别进行了讨论  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of fruit set within inflorescences may be controlled by pollination, nutrient allocation, or inflorescence architecture. Generally, flowers that have spatial and/or temporal precedence are more likely to set fruits. We sought to separate these factors by comparing patterns of fruit set on inflorescences of two species of Telopea (Proteaceae); one that flowers from the tip to the base of the rachis, the other from base to tip. In both species, most fruits were set at the top of the inflorescence (the last flowers to open for T. speciosissima) and this was extreme for T. mongaensis, where the top flowers open first. Fruit set was not generally limited by inadequate pollination for either T. mongaensis or T. speciosissima, as hand pollinations did not increase fruit set and many abscised flowers contained pollen tubes. In T. speciosissima, we tested whether removal of developing topmost fruits would ‘release’ those that had initiated but not yet aborted lower down. There was no significant effect. Plant hormones can increase the degree to which a developing fruit is a sink for nutrients, so we applied cytokinin to the developing lower fruits on some inflorescences. There was no significant effect of the hormone treatment. We conclude that temporal precedence may contribute to the skewed pattern of fruit set in T. mongaensis, because there was an extreme concentration of fruit set on the distal part of the inflorescences, but it cannot explain this pattern of fruit set in T. speciosissima, where the distal flowers are the last to open. Some other process must therefore constrain fruit set to the topmost flowers in an inflorescence. While cytokinin application had no significant effect, the power of this experiment was low and we consider that the hypothesis of hormonal control is worth further exploration.  相似文献   

Light, fluorescence and electron microscopy were employed to follow the development of the endodermis in cluster roots and lateral roots of Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. ex R. Br. Endodermal cells had three different origins: rootlet endodermis arose from the rootlet meristem; endodermis covering the primordium shortly after initiation came from division of parental endodermis; cells at the junction between parent and rootlet endodermis developed from re-differentiated rootlet cortical cells. In the cluster root, the Casparian band formed in three ways, and was not initially present opposite the two sets of single xylem elements in the rootlet stele. A new clearing technique was developed that allowed visualization of xylem, suberized endodermis, Casparian band formation and phenolic compounds. In lateral roots, endodermal differentiation was asynchronous, but was related to position relative to protoxylem poles. However, the observed delay began before these poles had differentiated. At the tip of mature rootlets, which are determinate, the endodermis terminates in a 'dome' of cells, with the initial cell differentiating as an endodermal cell. Results are discussed in terms of determinate development in roots and the spatial and temporal contexts within which this development takes place.  相似文献   

Abstract: Isertia laevis (Rubiaceae) possesses flowers with traits typical for the pollination syndrome of sphingophily. Diurnal flower observation showed that nine different hummingbirds (Trochilidae) and one flower piercer (Coerebidae) were frequent visitors. Their activity on the flowers peaked in the morning hours. Very low nectar volumes were found in the morning (8.00 h) in unbagged flowers. Nectar volumes, however, reached their peaks (27 μl) at night (2.00 h) in bagged, as well as in unbagged flowers. At night few individuals of sphingids were observed. Pollination experiments showed that flowers presented to nocturnal pollinators from 18.00 h to 6.00 h had low fruit set (14 %) but high seed set (59 %). Flowers accessible from 6.00 h to 18.00 h for diurnal flower visitors showed high fruit set of 63 % but low seed set of 14 %. This suggests that pollination of individual flowers is less effective during daytime. Regarding relative reproductive success, i.e., efficiency of pollination defined as fruit set x seed set, both diurnal and nocturnal pollinators, however, are equally successful. We conclude that frequently occurring, but not very effective pollinators contribute substantially to seed production, when the expected pollinators are scarce.  相似文献   

The cluster roots of Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. ex R. Br. are composed of determinate rootlets that stop growing, but remain physiologically active for several months. Their apical organization, both before and after maturation, was studied by light and transmission electron microscopy. Each cell layer forms a dome, with an initial cell at its end. Xylem elements form a complicated triarch array at the base of the rootlet, passing along the rootlet as two files, and then joining at the tip to form a single file, surrounded by six pericycle cells. At the base of the rootlet, shorter xylem cells and thick-walled support cells are visible. A root cap, present in rootlets grown in vermiculite, was eventually displaced by root hair growth. Rootlets grown in Hoagland's solution lacked root caps and were significantly shorter than those grown in vermiculite. Cell fate was analysed in terms of cell position and is discussed in terms of pattern and development.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that there is a geographic dichotomy in the pollination systems of chiropterophilous columnar cacti: in intra‐tropical areas they are pollinated almost exclusively by bats, whereas in extratropical areas they are pollinated by bats, birds and bees. However, currently the studies are clumped both taxonomically (mainly Pachycereeae species) and geographically (mainly in the Tehuacan Valley and the Sonoran Desert). This clumping limits the possibility of generalising the pattern to other regions or cactus tribes. Only four of the 36 chiropterophilous cacti in Pilosocereus have been studied. Despite the tropical distribution of two Pilosocereus species, bees account for 40–100% of their fruit set. We examined how specialised is the pollination system of P. leucocephalus in eastern Mexico. As we studied tropical populations, we expected a bat‐specialised pollination system. However, previous studies of Pilosocereus suggest that a generalised pollination system is also possible. We found that this cactus is mainly bat‐pollinated (bats account for 33–65% of fruit set); although to a lesser degree, diurnal visitors also caused some fruit set (7–15%). Diurnal visitors were more effective in populations containing honeybee hives. P. leucocephalus is partially self‐compatible (14–18% of fructification) but unable to set fruit without visitors. Despite the variation in pollination system, P. leucocephalus shows more affinity with other columnar cacti from tropical regions than with those from extratropical regions. Although we report here that a new species of tropical Pilosocereus is relatively bat‐specialised, this Cereeae genus is more flexible in its pollination system than the Pachycereeae genera.  相似文献   

以陕西镇坪化龙山地区的东亚七筋姑自然居群为对象,通过重力玻片法、套袋法和人工授粉对其进行连续的传粉生物学观察和研究,以明确其散粉规律和繁育系统.结果表明,东亚七筋姑的花期在五月中下旬,单花花期2~3 d,整个花序的花期随花序大小的不同而异,一般为3~7 d;东亚七筋姑为虫媒传粉,其访花昆虫大多为小型昆虫,主要种类有小型甲虫、蚁类和蝇类等;东亚七筋姑自花传粉是可育的,存在异花传粉,不存在无融合生殖,自然条件下结籽率为58%,人工异株异花授粉结籽率为82%.可见,东亚七筋姑的繁育系统为兼性异交类型,需要传粉者.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Seeds of east Australian Grevillea species generally recruit post-fire; previous work showed that the seed coat was the controller of dormancy in Grevillea linearifolia. Former studies on seed development in Grevillea have concentrated on embryology, with little information that would allow testing of hypotheses about the breaking of dormancy by fire-related cues. Our aim was to investigate structural and chemical characteristics of the seed coat that may be related to dormancy for three Grevillea species. METHODS: Seeds of Grevillea linearifolia, Grevillea buxifolia and Grevillea sericea were investigated using gross dissection, thin sectioning and histochemical staining. Water movement across the seed coat was tested for by determining the water content of embryos from imbibed and dry seeds of G. sericea. Penetration of intact seeds by Lucifer Yellow was used to test for internal barriers to diffusion of high-molecular-weight compounds. KEY RESULTS: Two integuments were present in the seed coat: an outer testa, with exo-, meso- and endotestal (palisade) layers, and an inner tegmen of unlignified sclerenchyma. A hypostase at the chalazal end was a region of structural difference in the seed coat, and differed slightly among the three species. An internal cuticle was found on each side of the sclerenchyma layer. The embryos of imbibed seeds had a water content six times that of dry seeds. Barriers to diffusion of Lucifer Yellow existed at the exotestal and the endotestal/hypostase layers. CONCLUSIONS: Several potential mechanisms of seed coat dormancy were identified. The embryo appeared to be completely surrounded by outer and inner barriers to diffusion of high-molecular-weight compounds. Phenolic compounds present in the exotesta could interfere with gas exchange. The sclerenchyma layer, together with strengthening in the endotestal and exotestal cells, could act as a mechanical constraint.  相似文献   

During the past several decades, the pollination biology of Old World plant species pollinated by flying foxes and of New World plants pollinated by highly specialized nectar-feeding glossophagine bats has been studied in detail. However, little is known about Neotropical plants that are pollinated by less specialized phyllostomid bats. Therefore, we studied the pollination biology of Parkia pendula , a tree pollinated by Phyllostomus . Flowers of P. pendula are arranged in capitula, and a capitulum is composed of approximately 800 hermaphrodite flowers and 260 sterile flowers. The sterile flowers produced a total of 7.4 ml nectar per night, with a sugar concentration of 14.95%, and proline as the dominant amino acid. Nectar production is highest at dusk and ends at 03:00 h. The floral scent is dominated by monoterpenoids (97.9%), with ( E )-β-ocimene being the dominant (84.0%) compound. No sulfur compounds were detected. The capitula are heavily visited by four species of phyllostomid bats, of which Phyllostomus discolor is the most abundant (98.9%). Nectar production per capitulum is within the reported range of nectar produced by this pantropical genus (5.0–8.0 ml). This genus-wide range seems to be optimal for attracting non-specialized nectar-feeding bats and forces them to visit capitula of several trees to satisfy their dietary needs, thus increasing the probability of cross-pollination for this plant.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that flowers of some plants are specialized for pollination by two unrelated species (or functional groups) of pollinators. However, evidence for 'bimodal pollination systems' has been extremely limited. Studies of the milkweed Xysmalobium undulatum in South Africa showed that its flowers are visited by a range of different insects (representing 18 families), but only two groups, represented by the chafer beetle Atrichelaphinis tigrina and pompilid wasps in the genus Hemipepsis , effect pollination. Experiments showed that both these pollinator groups are effective in removing and inserting pollinia. Pollinia are attached to clypeal hairs and mouthparts on the wasps and tarsal hairs and spines on the beetles. Although considerably less abundant than the beetles, Hemipepsis spp. wasps move more quickly among flowers and appeared to be more effective pollinators overall. Experimental hand-pollinations conducted in the field showed that X. undulatum is genetically self-incompatible and thus completely reliant on pollinators for reproduction. We conclude that X. undulatum has a bimodal pollination system, specialized for pollination by Hemipepsis pompilid wasps and the chafer beetle A. tigrina .  相似文献   

Luis Navarro 《Biotropica》1999,31(4):618-625
The floral syndrome of Macleania bullataYeo (Ericaceae) reflects its adaptation to hummingbird pollination. Its flowers, however, are subject to high levels of nectar robbing. I examined the floral visitor assemblage of M. bullata in a tropical montane wet forest in southwestern Colombia, focusing on the behavior of the visitors. I also tested for the presence of nocturnal pollination and the effects of nectar removal on new nectar production. The principal floral visitors were the nectar robbing hummingbirds Ocreatus underwoodii (19.1% of visits) and Chlorostilbon mellisugus (18.9%). Only two species of long–billed hummingbirds visited the flowers of M. bullata as “legitimate” pollinators: Coeligena torquata (14.7% of visits) and Doryfera ludoviciae (14.3%). The remaining visits constituted nectar robbing by bees, butterflies, and other species of hummingbirds. Nocturnal pollination took place, although fruit set levels were 2.4 times higher when only diurnal pollination was allowed as opposed to exclusively nocturnal pollination. Nectar robbers removed floral nectar without pollinating the flower. Treatments of experimental nectar removal were carried out to examine if flowers synthesize more nectar after nectar removal. Nectar removal increased the total volume of nectar produced by each flower without affecting sugar concentration. Thus, nectar robbing can impose a high cost to the plants by forcing them to replace lost nectar.  相似文献   

The majority of flowering plants, including many rare and threatened species, are pollinated by animals, but little is known of pollination and breeding systems of many endangered species. Polemonium caeruleum (Polemoniaceae) is a red‐listed species and is regarded as dichogamous, self‐compatible and bee pollinated. However, some studies show that it is visited by a vast assemblage of anthophilous insects from many taxonomic orders and that breeding systems vary greatly between closely related taxa of this genus. Over a period of 3 years we investigated breeding system, dichogamy, nectar secretion and composition, insect visitations and pollen loads in flowers of P. caeruleum in north‐eastern Poland to determine whether the reproductive biology of the plant explains its rarity. Contrary to published data, our study plants were self‐incompatible and showed a high degree of outcrossing. Our experimental work confirmed the occurrence of protandry in this species, revealed that nectar is sucrose‐dominant and proline‐rich and, for the first time for Polemoniaceae, that nectar secretion and nectar sugar concentration in flowers of P. caeruleum is female‐biased. Although flowers were visited by at least 39 species of insects from five taxonomic orders, overall the plant exhibited many characters associated with bee pollination, and analysis of insect performance showed that bumblebees and honeybees are the key pollinators; occasionally hoverflies and butterflies may also be involved. We conclude that, in terms of pollination system, P. caeruleum demonstrates high apparent generalization, but low realized generalization, and is a functional specialist, as most pollinators belong to a single functional group (guild). Its conservation status, at least in our study population, cannot be explained in terms of the biological properties of its breeding or pollination systems; rather, the present decline of the species is caused by habitat loss. However, if this process and bumblebee decline in Europe continue, P. caeruleum populations may diminish in numbers and density and, owing to the self‐incompatibility of the species, quickly become severely pollen‐limited, thereby accelerating further local extinctions. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 173 , 92–107.  相似文献   

传粉昆虫对我国中南地区油茶结实和结籽的作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
邓园艺  喻勋林  罗毅波 《生态学报》2010,30(16):4427-4436
油茶(Camellia oleifera)是一种重要的木本油料植物。2007-2008年在我国中南地区湖南省对油茶开展传粉生物学研究结果表明:油茶花期从10月到翌年1月份,单株开花时间一般持续20d左右,单花花期为4-5d。单花花蜜量平均为(145.40±24.89)μL,含糖量为(23.13±1.03)%,并含有17种氨基酸,约占花蜜总量的1.73%。膜翅目蜜蜂总科(Hymenoptera:Apoidea)油茶地蜂(Andrena camellia)和大分舌蜂(Colletes gigas)是油茶的有效传粉昆虫,大分舌蜂的传粉效率较油茶地蜂高;蝇类和蝶类为随机访问者。油茶不存在无融合生殖和自动自花授粉现象,其结实和结籽依赖传粉者。此外,油茶具有一定程度的自交不亲和,自交和异交的繁殖成功率存在显著性差异。人工异花授粉结果显示油茶在资源限制程度较低时,即大年时,花粉限制主要表现在结籽水平,而不是结实水平。根据油茶的传粉综合特征以及油茶在山茶属中的系统位置,目前很难解释油茶类似鸟类传粉综合特征的花蜜特征是如何演化的。  相似文献   

Sucrose, glucose, and fructose are the three sugars that commonly occur in floral nectar and fruit pulp. The relative proportions of these three sugars in nectar and fruit in relation to the sugar preferences of pollinators and seed dispersers have received considerable attention. Based on the research of Herbert and Irene Baker and their collaborators, a dichotomy between sucrose‐dominant hummingbird‐pollinated flowers and hexose‐dominant passerine flowers and fruits was proposed. Data on sugar preferences of several hummingbird species (which prefer sucrose) vs. a smaller sample of passerines (which prefer hexoses) neatly fitted this apparent dichotomy. This hummingbird–passerine dichotomy was strongly emphasized until the discovery of South African plants with sucrose‐dominant nectars, which are pollinated by passerines that are able to digest, and prefer sucrose. Now we know that, with the exception of two clades, most passerines are able to assimilate sucrose. Most sugar preference studies have been conducted using a single, relatively high, sugar concentration in the nectar (ca 20%). Thus, we lack information about the role that sugar concentration might play in sugar selection. Because many digestive traits are strongly affected not only by sugar composition, but also by sugar concentration, we suggest that preferences for different sugar compositions are concentration‐dependent. Indeed, recent studies on several unrelated nectar‐feeding birds have found a distinct switch from hexose preference at low concentrations to sucrose preference at higher concentrations. Finally, we present some hypotheses about the role that birds could have played in molding the sugar composition of plant rewards.  相似文献   

锦鸡儿(Caragana sinica(Buchoz) Rehd)传粉生物学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对唐家河国家自然保护区内锦鸡儿(Caragana sinica(Buchoz)Rehd)的花期、访问者、有效传粉者种类及行为、花蜜分泌节律和繁育系统等进行定点观察和实验处理。结果表明:锦鸡儿单花花期约5d,种群花期约20d。拥有以吸蜜为主的条蜂属(Anthophora)、熊蜂属(Bombus)和太阳鸟属(Aethopyga)3种传粉者功能群。综合访花频率和花粉落置数,茜条蜂(Pyganthophora rubricus Dours)和蓝喉太阳鸟(Aethopyga gouldiae)为主要有效传粉者,熊蜂(Bombus)为次要有效传粉者;蚂蚁(formicidae)和西方蜜蜂(Apis mellifera Linnaeus)为主要盗蜜者。套袋处理结果表明,花蜜分泌日变化中,最大花蜜量发生在16:00左右;花蜜随单花花期变化中,花蜜体积最大发生于单花第5天;分泌均呈递增趋势。花蜜分泌节律与访花频率呈正相关。繁育系统检测显示,花粉胚珠比为3779±320.92,柱头最适可授期在开花第2—3天;结合不同授粉处理表明:锦鸡儿自交不亲和,需要传粉者,为蜂媒兼鸟媒植物。  相似文献   

Nectar robbers access floral nectar in illegitimate flower visits without, in general, performing a pollination service. Nevertheless, their effect on fruit set can be indirectly positive if the nectar removal causes an incremental increase in the frequency of legitimate flower visits of effective pollinators, especially in obligate outcrossers. We studied pollination and the effect of nectar robbers on the reproductive fitness of Jacaranda rugosa , an endemic shrub of the National Park of Catimbau, in the Caatinga of Pernambuco, Brazil. Xenogamous J . rugosa flowers continuously produced nectar during the day at a rate of 1 μl·h−1. Female and male Euglossa melanotricha were the main pollinators. Early morning flower visits substantially contributed to fruit set because stigmas with open lobes were almost absent in the afternoon. Ninety-nine per cent of the flowers showed damage caused by nectar robbers. Artificial addition of sugar water prolonged the duration of flower visits of legitimate flower visitors. Removal of nectar, simulating the impact of nectar robbers, resulted in shorter flower visits of euglossine bees. While flower visits of nectar-robbing carpenter bees ( Xylocopa frontalis , X . grisescens, X . ordinaria) produced only a longitudinal slit in the corolla tube in the region of the nectar chamber, worker bees of Trigona spinipes damaged the gynoecium in 92% of the flowers. This explains the outstandingly low fruit set (1.5%) of J. rugosa in the National Park of Catimbau.  相似文献   

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