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We studied the novel weapons hypothesis in the context of the broadly distributed tree species Eucalyptus globulus. We evaluated the hypothesis that this Australian species would produce stronger inhibitory effects on species from its non‐native range than on species from its native range.


We worked in four countries where this species is exotic (U.S.A., Chile, India, Portugal) and one country where it is native (Australia).

Time period


Major taxa studied



We compared species composition, richness and height of plant communities in 20 paired plots underneath E. globulus individuals and open areas in two sites within its native range and each non‐native region. We also compared effects of litter leachates of E. globulus on root growth of seedlings in species from Australia, Chile, the U.S.A. and India.


In all sites and countries, the plant community under E. globulus canopies had lower species richness than did the plant community in open areas. However, the reduction was much greater in the non‐native ranges: species richness declined by an average of 51% in the eight non‐native sites versus 8% in the two native Australian sites. The root growth of 15 out of 21 species from the non‐native range were highly suppressed by E. globulus litter leachates, whereas the effect of litter leachate varied from facilitation to suppression for six species native to Australia. The mean reduction in root growth for Australian plants was significantly lower than for plants from the U.S.A., Chile and India.

Main conclusions

Our results show biogeographical differences in the impact of an exotic species on understorey plant communities. Consistent with the novel weapons hypothesis, our findings suggest that different adaptations of species from the native and non‐native ranges to biochemical compounds produced by an exotic species may play a role in these biogeographical differences.  相似文献   

In the last two centuries, several species of Australian eucalypts (e.g. Eucalyptus camaldulensis and E.␣globulus) were introduced into the Iberian Peninsula for the production of paper pulp. The effects of the introduction of exotic root-symbitotic fungi together with the eucalypts have received little attention. During the past years, we have investigated the biology of ectomycorrhizal fungi in eucalypt plantations in the Iberian Peninsula. In the plantations studied, we found fruit bodies of several Australian ectomycorrhizal fungi and identified their ectomycorrhizas with DNA molecular markers. The most frequent species were Hydnangium carneum, Hymenogaster albus, Hysterangium inflatum, Labyrinthomyces donkii, Laccaria fraterna, Pisolithus albus, P. microcarpus, Rhulandiella berolinensis, Setchelliogaster rheophyllus, and Tricholoma eucalypticum. These fungi were likely brought from Australia together with the eucalypts, and they seem to have facilitated the establishment of eucalypt plantations and their naturalization. The dispersion of Australian fungal propagules may be facilitating the spread of eucalypts along watercourses in semiarid regions increasing the water lost. Because ectomycorrhizal fungi are obligate symbionts, their capacity to persist after eradication of eucalypt stands, and/or to extend beyond forest plantations, would rely on the possibility to find compatible native host trees, and to outcompete the native ectomycorrhizal fungi. Here we illustrate the case of the Australasian species Laccaria fraterna, which fruits in Mediterranean shrublands of ectomycorrhizal species of Cistus (rockroses). We need to know which other Australasian fungi extend to the native ecosystems, if we are to predict environmental␣risks associated with the introduction of Australasian ectomycorrhizal fungi into the Iberian Peninsula. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Plants form mutualistic relationship with a variety of belowground fungal species. Such a mutualistic relationship can enhance plant growth and resistance to pathogens. Yet, we know little about how interactions between functionally diverse groups of fungal mutualists affect plant performance and competition. We experimentally determined the effects of interaction between two functional groups of belowground fungi that form mutualistic relationship with plants, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and Trichoderma, on interspecific competition between pairs of closely related plant species from four different genera. We hypothesized that the combination of two functionally diverse belowground fungal species would allow plants and fungi to partition their symbiotic relationships and relax plant–plant competition. Our results show that: 1) the AM fungal species consistently outcompeted the Trichoderma species independent of plant combinations; 2) the fungal species generally had limited effects on competitive interactions between plants; 3) however, the combination of fungal species relaxed interspecific competition in one of the four instances of plant–plant competition, despite the general competitive superiority of AM fungi over Trichoderma. We highlight that the competitive outcome between functionally diverse fungal species may show high consistency across a broad range of host plants and their combinations. However, despite this consistent competitive hierarchy, the consequences of their interaction for plant performance and competition can strongly vary among plant communities.  相似文献   

One important but largely unanswered question about floristic responses to climate change is how interactions such as competition, facilitation and plant–soil feedbacks will influence the ability of species to track shifting climates. In a rugged and moisture‐limited region that has recently warmed by 2° (Siskiyou Mountains, OR, USA), we planted three species into cooler aspects and elevations than those they currently inhabit, with and without removal of neighbouring plants, and tracked them over 2 years. Two species had higher success in cooler topographic locations, and this success was enhanced by neighbouring plants, which appeared to modulate minimum growing season temperatures. One species' success was also facilitated by the higher soil organic matter found in cooler sites. These results are a novel experimental demonstration of two important factors that may buffer climate change impacts on plants: rugged topography and plant–plant facilitation.  相似文献   

Microbial mutualistic symbiosis is increasingly recognised as a hidden driving force in the ecology of plant–insect interactions. Although plant‐associated and herbivore‐associated symbionts clearly affect interactions between plants and herbivores, the effects of symbionts associated with higher trophic levels has been largely overlooked. At the third‐trophic level, parasitic wasps are a common group of insects that can inject symbiotic viruses (polydnaviruses) and venom into their herbivorous hosts to support parasitoid offspring development. Here, we show that such third‐trophic level symbionts act in combination with venom to affect plant‐mediated interactions by reducing colonisation of subsequent herbivore species. This ecological effect correlated with changes induced by polydnaviruses and venom in caterpillar salivary glands and in plant defence responses to herbivory. Because thousands of parasitoid species are associated with mutualistic symbiotic viruses in an intimate, specific relationship, our findings may represent a novel and widespread ecological phenomenon in plant–insect interactions.  相似文献   

Abstract Significant correlations were found between herbivorous insect densities and leaf constituent levels across 18 species of understorey shrub in an Australian forest. In general, insect densities were positively correlated with nitrogen and water and negatively correlated with fibre and its constituents (cellulose and lignin), but not all insect guilds were significantly correlated with all leaf constituents. When mature leaf traits were considered, total herbivore density among plant species was most strongly correlated with levels of nitrogen and water. However, when insects were divided into functional guilds, only densities of sucking insects were significantly correlated with mature leaf nitrogen and water, whereas chewing insect densities were significantly correlated with mature leaf fibre and lignin. Low leaf nitrogen levels were recorded for all plants surveyed (among the lowest reported for woody angiosperms), and many plant species also had high levels of leaf fibre. These features are characteristic of Australian forests and have been linked to the generally nutrient‐poor soils of this continent. Levels of new leaf nitrogen (% fresh weight) were generally less than or equal to levels of mature leaf nitrogen (% fresh weight). Hence the new leaf preference of several herbivore guilds could not be explained by higher levels of leaf nitrogen. However, significant negative correlations were found between chewer densities and levels of leaf fibre, cellulose and lignin for new and mature leaves, suggesting that higher levels of fibre, cellulose and lignin in mature leaves may be contributing more strongly to the new leaf preference of chewers than leaf nitrogen levels. Despite the significant correlations between leaf constituent levels and the densities of individual guilds, multivariate analyses found no significant relationship between leaf constituent levels and the taxonomic or guild composition of herbivorous insect assemblages.  相似文献   

We compared the effects of a sesquiterpene (ST, cacalol) and a pyrrolizidine alkaloid (PA, seneciphylline), both occurring in Adenostyles alliariae, on food choice and performance of specialist and generalist insect herbivores which are all known to feed or live on A. alliariae. In choice experiments we investigated whether the compounds were preferred, deterrent or had no effect. All specialist species Aglaostigma discolor (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae), Oreina cacaliae (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) and O. speciosissima avoided feeding when confronted with the combination of compounds. Only larvae of A. discolor avoided the single ST treatment as well. Larvae of the generalist species Callimorpha dominula (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae), Cylindrotoma distinctissima (Diptera, Tipulidae) and Miramella alpina (Caelifera, Acrididae) generally avoided feeding from PA, ST and PAST treatments. The only exception were caterpillars of C. dominula which were indiscriminate towards PA when naive, and preferred to feed on the PA treatment when they had experienced the compound before. Performance, measured as the growth of larvae on the different treatments in a no choice situation over a period of 10–17 days, was not different between treatments in the specialist leaf beetles O. cacaliae and O. speciosissima. Their avoidance of the combination treatment in the choice experiments had no obvious effect on growth when forced to feed from the treatment. In the generalist C. dominula only the high concentration combination treatment (PAST) reduced growth of the larvae due to decreased consumption. In C. distinctissima we found reduced growth in all treatments except one (PA3%). Poor growth performance in C. distinctissima was due to postingestive physiological effects of all treatments and additionally to consumption reduction in high‐dose ST treatments. Genetic variability (broad sense heritability) of growth performance metabolism varied in accordance with the specialization degree of the species. O. cacaliae, the most specialized species, had no significant heritability; O. speciosissima, the less specialized specialist, had a heritability of 0.46; C. dominula, the PA adapted generalist species, had a heritability of 0.64; C. distinctissima, the generalist with no apparent adaptations, had a heritability of 0.84.  相似文献   

Defense priming is defined as increased readiness of defense induction. A growing body of literature indicates that plants (or intact parts of a plant) are primed in anticipation of impending environmental stresses, both biotic and abiotic, and upon the following stimulus, induce defenses more quickly and strongly. For instance, some plants previously exposed to herbivore‐inducible plant volatiles (HIPVs) from neighboring plants under herbivore attack show faster or stronger defense activation and enhanced insect resistance when challenged with secondary insect feeding. Research on priming of antiherbivore defense has been limited to the HIPV‐mediated mechanism until recently, but significant advances were made in the past three years, including non‐HIPV‐mediated defense priming, epigenetic modifications as the molecular mechanism of priming, and others. It is timely to consider the advances in research on defense priming in the plant–insect interactions.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. In 2004, Brood X of the periodical cicada (Magicicada spp.) emerged in Delaware. Extensive suburban development and concomitant planting of exotic species has occurred since the previous emergence of Brood X in 1987. 2. Exotic species could suffer extensive damage during years of cicada emergences if they are preferred for oviposition. Alternately, a shortage of suitable plant hosts may negatively affect remaining cicada populations. 3. We determined if the periodical cicada, Magicicada septendecim, preferred to oviposit on native or exotic woody plant species. Potential hosts were divided into three groups and planted in a randomised design near a likely source of cicadas. The first group, Natives, included 15 species native to Delaware. The second group, Non‐natives, included 15 exotic species that had a native congener represented in the Native group. The final group, Aliens, included 13 exotic species that did not have a native congener. 4. Based on observations of 428 plants, cicadas were more likely to oviposit on Natives or Non‐natives, which did not differ from each other in this measure, than on Aliens. Non‐natives had more oviposition holes per metre than Natives, which had more holes per metre than Aliens. The likelihood of stem flagging was lowest on Alien species; the percentage of the total plant that flagged was greatest for Natives. Plant morphology also influenced host preference and likelihood of flagging. 5. Taking plant morphology into consideration, we speculate that the evolutionary history between periodical cicadas and potential hosts is an important component of host preference.  相似文献   

The longstanding biotic interactions hypothesis predicts that herbivore pressure declines with latitude, but the evidence is mixed. To address gaps in previous studies, we measured herbivory and defence in the same system, quantified defence with bioassays, and considered effects of leaf age. We quantified herbivory and defence of young and mature leaves along a continental gradient in eastern North America in the native herb Phytolacca americana L. Herbivory in the field declined with latitude and was strongly correlated with lepidopteran abundance. Laboratory bioassays revealed that leaf palatability was positively correlated with latitude of origin. Young leaves were more damaged than mature leaves at lower latitudes in the field, but less palatable in bioassays. Both defence and palatability displayed non‐linear latitudinal patterns, suggesting potential mechanisms based on biological or climatic thresholds. In sum, observational and experimental studies find patterns consistent with high herbivore pressure and stronger plant defences at lower latitudes.  相似文献   

Variation in plant traits among plant species may promote the development of a characteristic functional assemblage of insect herbivores associated with each plant species. However, only a small number of studies have detailed the representation of several herbivore guilds among co‐occurring plant species to determine whether the functional structure of herbivorous insect assemblages varies widely and consistently among plant species. The present study provides one of the few published data sets reporting on the density of several guilds of insect herbivores among numerous plant species. Variation in guild associations with plant phenology and season are also described. Insect herbivores were divided into 10 guilds, and the representation of these guilds was examined for 18 co‐occurring plant species. Guild densities and assemblage composition varied significantly among plant species, even when variation over time was taken into account. Variation in guild densities and assemblage composition were not strongly related to the taxonomic relationships of the plants. The highest densities of several guilds occurred in spring and summer, although other guilds were not strongly seasonal. Certain guilds were strongly associated with the presence of new leaves, whereas other guilds appeared to prefer mature leaves. This resulted in assemblage differences between samples containing new and mature leaves and samples containing mature leaves only. Even though the timing and duration of leaf and flower production varied among plant species, this did not explain all variation in guild densities among plant species. It is suggested that additional factors, including plant traits, are contributing to the wide and consistent variation in herbivore assemblage composition among plant species.  相似文献   

Herbivore foraging decisions are closely related to plant nutritional quality. For arboreal folivores with specialized diets, such as the vulnerable greater glider (Petauroides volans), the abundance of suitable forage trees can influence habitat suitability and species occurrence. The ability to model and map foliar nitrogen would therefore enhance our understanding of folivore habitat use at finer scales. We tested whether high‐resolution multispectral imagery, collected by a lightweight and low‐cost commercial unoccupied aerial vehicle (UAV), could be used to predict total and digestible foliar nitrogen (N and digN) at the tree canopy level and forest stand‐scale from leaf‐scale chemistry measurements across a gradient of mixed‐species Eucalyptus forests in southeastern Australia. We surveyed temperate Eucalyptus forests across an elevational and topographic gradient from sea level to high elevation (50–1200 m a.s.l.) for forest structure, leaf chemistry, and greater glider occurrence. Using measures of multispectral leaf reflectance and spectral indices, we estimated N and digN and mapped N and favorable feeding habitat using machine learning algorithms. Our surveys covered 17 Eucalyptus species ranging in foliar N from 0.63% to 1.92% dry matter (DM) and digN from 0.45% to 1.73% DM. Both multispectral leaf reflectance and spectral indices were strong predictors for N and digN in model cross‐validation. At the tree level, 79% of variability between observed and predicted measures of nitrogen was explained. A spatial supervised classification model correctly identified 80% of canopy pixels associated with high N concentrations (≥1% DM). We developed a successful method for estimating foliar nitrogen of a range of temperate Eucalyptus species using UAV multispectral imagery at the tree canopy level and stand scale. The ability to spatially quantify feeding habitat using UAV imagery allows remote assessments of greater glider habitat at a scale relevant to support ground surveys, management, and conservation for the vulnerable greater glider across southeastern Australia.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that neighboring communities can shape one another's composition and function, for example, through the exchange of member species. However, empirical tests of the directionality and strength of these effects are rare. We determined the effects of neighboring communities on one another through experimental manipulation of a plant‐fungal model system. We first established distinct ectomycorrhizal fungal communities on Douglas‐fir seedlings that were initially grown in three soil environments. We then transplanted seedlings and mycorrhizal communities in a fully factorial experiment designed to quantify the direction and strength of neighbor effects by focusing on changes in fungal community species composition and implications for seedling growth (a proxy for community function). We found that neighbor effects on the composition and function of adjacent communities follow a dominance hierarchy. Specifically, mycorrhizal communities established from soils collected in Douglas‐fir plantations were both the least sensitive to neighbor effects, and exerted the strongest influence on their neighbors by driving convergence in neighbor community composition and increasing neighbor seedling vigor. These results demonstrate that asymmetric neighbor effects mediated by ecological history can determine both community composition and function.  相似文献   

Heliconiines are called passion vine butterflies because they feed exclusively on Passiflora plants during the larval stage. Many features of Passiflora and heliconiines indicate that they have radiated and speciated in association with each other, and therefore this model system was one of the first examples used to exemplify coevolution theory. Three major adaptations of Passiflora plants supported arguments in favour of their coevolution with heliconiines: unusual variation of leaf shape within the genus; the occurrence of yellow structures mimicking heliconiine eggs; and their extensive diversity of defence compounds called cyanogenic glucosides. However, the protection systems of Passiflora plants go beyond these three features. Trichomes, mimicry of pathogen infection through variegation, and production of extrafloral nectar to attract ants and other predators of their herbivores, are morphological defences reported in this plant genus. Moreover, Passiflora plants are well protected chemically, not only by cyanogenic glucosides, but also by other compounds such as alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tannins and phenolics. Heliconiines can synthesize cyanogenic glucosides themselves, and their ability to handle these compounds was probably one of the most crucial adaptations that allowed the ancestor of these butterflies to feed on Passiflora plants. Indeed, it has been shown that Heliconius larvae can sequester cyanogenic glucosides and alkaloids from their host plants and utilize them for their own benefit. Recently, it was discovered that Heliconius adults have highly accurate visual and chemosensory systems, and the expansion of brain structures that can process such information allows them to memorize shapes and display elaborate pre‐oviposition behaviour in order to defeat visual barriers evolved by Passiflora species. Even though the heliconiine–Passiflora model system has been intensively studied, the forces driving host‐plant preference in these butterflies remain unclear. New studies have shown that host‐plant preference seems to be genetically controlled, but in many species there is some plasticity in this choice and preferences can even be induced. Although much knowledge regarding the coevolution of Passiflora plants and heliconiine butterflies has accumulated in recent decades, there remain many exciting unanswered questions concerning this model system.  相似文献   

Interactions between introduced plants and soils they colonize are central to invasive species success in many systems. Belowground biotic and abiotic changes can influence the success of introduced species as well as their native competitors. All plants alter soil properties after colonization but, in the case of many invasive plant species, it is unclear whether the strength and direction of these soil conditioning effects are due to plant traits, plant origin, or local population characteristics and site conditions in the invaded range. Phragmites australis in North America exists as a mix of populations of different evolutionary origin. Populations of endemic native Phragmites australis americanus are declining, while introduced European populations are important wetland invaders. We assessed soil conditioning effects of native and non‐native P. australis populations on early and late seedling survival of native and introduced wetland plants. We further used a soil biocide treatment to assess the role of soil fungi on seedling survival. Survival of seedlings in soils colonized by P. australis was either unaffected or negatively affected; no species showed improved survival in P. australis‐conditioned soils. Population of P. australis was a significant factor explaining the response of seedlings, but origin (native or non‐native) was not a significant factor. Synthesis: Our results highlight the importance of phylogenetic control when assessing impacts of invasive species to avoid conflating general plant traits with mechanisms of invasive success. Both native (noninvasive) and non‐native (invasive) P. australis populations reduced seedling survival of competing plant species. Because soil legacy effects of native and non‐native P. australis are similar, this study suggests that the close phylogenetic relationship between the two populations, and not the invasive status of introduced P. australis, is more relevant to their soil‐mediated impact on other plant species.  相似文献   

Abstract The eucalypt plantation industry in Western Australia provides a unique opportunity to study the movement of pathogens between closely related host taxa. Eucalyptus globulus, a native to Tasmania and south‐eastern Australia, is the predominant species in Western Australian plantations, often being planted adjacent to native forest containing Eucalyptus marginata and Eucalyptus diversicolor. Since the commencement of the plantation industry 20 years ago, several fungal species, previously known only to eastern Australia or overseas, have been reported on E. globulus in Western Australia. Botryosphaeria australis is a newly described species, recently found causing cankers on Acacia spp. in eastern Australia. However, during a routine survey, B. australis was found to be the predominant species associated with E. globulus plantations and native Eucalyptus spp. in Western Australia. In this study, six short simple repeat markers were used to evaluate genetic diversity and gene flow between collections of B. australis from native eucalypt forest and E. globulus plantations at two locations in south‐western Australia. In both cases, there was no restriction to gene flow between the plantations and the adjacent native forest. Botryosphaeria australis has now been isolated from a wide range of hosts across south‐western Australia and was not isolated from E. globulus in Tasmania or South Australia. This extensive distribution and host range suggests B. australis is native to Western Australia. This study demonstrates the ability of a pathogen to move between plantation and forests.  相似文献   

Insect olfactory orientation along odour plumes has been studied intensively with respect to pheromonal communication, whereas little knowledge is available on how plant odour plumes (POPs) affect olfactory searching by an insect for its host plants. The primary objective of this review is to examine the role of POPs in the attraction of insects. First, we consider parameters of an odour source and the environment which determine the size, shape and structure of an odour plume, and we apply that knowledge to POPs. Second, we compare characteristics of insect pheromonal plumes and POPs. We propose a ‘POP concept’ for the olfactory orientation of insects to plants. We suggest that: (i) an insect recognises a POP by means of plant volatile components that are encountered in concentrations higher than a threshold detection limit and that occur in a qualitative and quantitative blend indicating a resource; (ii) perception of the fine structure of a POP enables an insect to distinguish a POP from an unspecific odorous background and other interfering plumes; and (iii) an insect can follow several POPs to their sources, and may leave the track of one POP and switch to another one if this conveys a signal with higher reliability or indicates a more suitable resource. The POP concept proposed here may be a useful tool for research in olfactory‐mediated plant–insect interactions.  相似文献   

  • 1 Ecological interactions between banded pine weevil Pissodes castaneus and blue‐stain fungus Leptographium serpens, when simultaneously sharing the same host plant (maritime pine Pinus pinaster) in winter and spring, were investigated. Temporal components of the interaction were taken into account by either introducing the weevils and the pathogen simultaneously or sequentially, with the weevils being introduced 1 month after the fungal inoculation.
  • 2 We measured larval mortality, development time, offspring number, sex ratio and body size of P. castaneus. Phloem phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations were also assessed. Furthermore, we tested whether: (i) emerging offspring transported propagules of the fungus; (ii) artificially‐contaminated weevils may transmit the disease to healthy trees; and (iii) field collected P. castaneus carry the fungus.
  • 3 The fungus enhanced weevil colonization and brood production in both seasons. During winter and spring, adults from trees where the pathogen was inoculated prior to weevil introduction emerged earlier than weevils from trees where they had been introduced simultaneously with the fungus. During winter, weevils from pre‐inoculated trees were also larger. Sex ratio and larval mortality were not affected. Leptographium serpens did not affect phloem nitrogen content but phosphorus content was greater in plants inoculated with the pathogen, which may explain the findings on weevil growth.
  • 4 Sixty‐five percent of the weevils that emerged from inoculated trees carried spores of L. serpens, although no successful isolation was made from field collected weevils. The fungus was recovered from 25% of the trees infested with artificially‐contaminated weevils.
  • 5 These results suggest that P. castaneus benefits from the presence of L. serpens and may contribute to its spread.

1. Abrasive material in the diet of herbivorous organisms comes from a variety of sources, including crystalline silica or calcium in plant tissues, accidentally ingested soil while digging or grazing, and entrapped substrate on the surfaces of plants. A wide variety of plants entrap substrate, usually with glandular trichomes. 2. A previous study demonstrated that entrapped sand provided resistance to herbivory in the field. In this study, the following questions were addressed: how does entrapped sand on Abronia latifolia (Nyctaginaceae) leaves and stems affect preference and performance of a common herbivore, the large‐bodied caterpillar Hyles lineata (Sphingidae); does this effect differ from those experienced by an internally feeding leaf miner? 3. Using a combination of experimental and observational approaches, it was found that sand comprised ~4–5% of ingested weight during normal feeding of H. lineata caterpillars. This entrapped sand caused extensive wear to their mandibles, they avoided sand‐covered plants when given the choice, and the sand negatively impacted performance metrics, including pupal weight, development time, and growth rate. In contrast, a leaf‐mining caterpillar did not have a preference for or against feeding on sandy plants. 4. These results are similar to studies on mandibular wear due to grasses, and herbivorous insects that feed on these two plant groups may have similar morphologies. It is hypothesised that increased wear potential may be a convergent solution to abrasive plants in both mammals (hypsodonty) and insects.  相似文献   

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