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Abstract. We investigated the variability in spatial pattern of some structural, dendrochronological and dendroclimatological features of a mixed Larix decidua‐Pinus cembra forest at the timberline in the eastern Italian Alps at fine geographical and temporal scales. Forest structure variables such as stem diameter, tree height, age and tree‐ring related parameters (yearly growth index, mean sensitivity, first order autocorrelation and some dendroclimatic variables) have been compared at various scale levels. We observed that most of the variables show positive autocorrelated structures due to both forest dynamics and fine‐scale driving forces, probably related to microrelief. Spatial structure of yearly indexed radial growth appears sensitive to extreme climatic events. Secondary succession after past disturbances drives the forest towards a structure governed by a gap regeneration dynamics that seems to ensure the different requirements of the two main tree species present. Small spatial scale studies of forest structures, especially if integrated to dendro‐ecological data, seem an efficient tool to assess the disturbance regime and species sensitivity to environmental change.  相似文献   

Questions: Is light availability the main factor driving forest dynamics in Pyrenean sub‐alpine forests? Do pines and firs differ in growth, mortality and morphological response to low light availability? Can differences in shade tolerance affect predictions of future biome changes in Pyrenean sub‐alpine forests in the absence of thermal limitation? Location: Montane–sub‐alpine ecotones of the Eastern Pyrenees (NE Spain). Methods: We evaluated morphological plasticity, survival and growth response of saplings of Scots pine, mountain pine and silver fir to light availability in a mixed forest ecotone. For each species, we selected 100 living and 50 dead saplings and measured size, crown morphology and light availability. A wood disk at root collar was then removed for every sapling, and models relating growth and mortality to light were obtained. Results: Fir had the lowest mortality rate (<0.1) for any given light condition. Pines had comparable responses to light availability, although in deep shade Scots pine risked higher mortality (0.35) than mountain pine (0.19). Pines and fir developed opposing strategies to light deprivation: fir employed a conservative strategy based on sacrificing height growth, whereas pines enhanced height growth to escape from shade, but at the expense of higher mortality risk. Scots pine showed higher plasticity than mountain pine for all architectural and morphological traits analysed, having higher adaptive capacity to a changing environment. Conclusions: Our results support the prediction of future biome changes in Pyrenean sub‐alpine forests as silver fir and Scots pine may find appropriate conditions for colonizing mountain pine‐dominated stands due to land‐use change‐related forest densification and climate warming‐related temperature increases, respectively.  相似文献   

Question: Have past windstorm events influenced the structure and composition of mountain forests in the Tatra Mountains? Can severe and infrequent wind disturbances lead to dynamic coexistence of two tree species with different ecological requirements? Location: Subalpine mixed spruce‐larch forest at 1200‐1300 m a.s.l. in the Slovakian Tatra Mountains. A forested site affected by catastrophic large‐scale windthrow on 19 November 2004. Methods: Sixty‐seven spruce and 30 larch cross‐sections from the oldest cohorts were collected in a regular pattern in a 100‐ha plot. Tree‐ring series were analysed to reconstruct growth releases associated with past windthrows. A boundary‐line release criterion was applied to detect disturbance year. Spatial patterns of release signals were statistically detected with Mantel's test. We compared reconstructed years of disturbance events with historical records. Results: Releases in both species showed three main pulses. More than 85% showed major or moderate releases in 1865‐1879, 48% in 1915‐1924, and 25% in 1940‐1949. All of these disturbance events affected the whole 100‐ha area. Releases were spatially patterned in the first disturbances, but distributed randomly in the last. Releases co‐occurred in time with enhanced production of compression wood, suggesting disturbances were of wind origin. Reconstructed dates of windthrows were confirmed using historical data on storms. Conclusions: At least three windthrows of major and moderate severity took place in the last 150 years on southern slopes of the Tatra Mountains. This disturbance regime may contribute to coexistence of spruce and larch through differences in vulnerability and response to heavy windstorms.  相似文献   

In the Alps, larch (Larix decidua Mill.) is severely affected by larch budmoth (Zeiraphera diniana Guénée) (LBM) attacks. The impact of these outbreaks on the Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra L.) and on the dynamic processes acting in subalpine forest stands are still not well known. Dendroecological methods were used in this study to reconstruct past LBM outbreaks in Susa Valley, Piedmont, Italy. The analysis was carried out on 62 cores from larch and 101 cores from stone pine. The length and severity of each outbreak was quantified for both species and for each tree by means of the programme OUTBREAK. The frequency of the outbreaks was determined using singular spectral analysis and superposed epoch analysis was used to test the significance of the associations between outbreaks and tree-ring growth. In order to verify if trees belonging to different age classes are differently affected by LBM, the reconstructed outbreaks are then classified taking into account the cambial age of the tree at the moment of the outbreak. From 1760 to 1999, 19 outbreaks were recorded in the larch chronologies, while only three outbreaks in the stone pine chronologies. The larch growth is strongly influenced by LBM and the identified outbreaks are equally distributed in all the three age classes. On the stone pine the sporadic occurrence of the identified events made difficult any interpretation of the eventual effect of LBM. Our results lead us to argue that LBM has not played an important role both in determining the stone pine growth rate and in influencing the present observed succession from the stage dominated by larch, to a stage dominated by stone pine or by a mixed stone pine-larch forest.  相似文献   

Abstract Many populations of herbaceous perennial plants contain seeds stored in a soil seed bank. The contribution of seeds to population persistence is an important parameter in population models but germination rates of known‐age seeds are difficult to obtain because individual seeds cannot easily be followed. Although Trachymene incisa Rudge plants produce copious seeds that are dispersed into the soil, the existence of a seed bank has not been confirmed. To quantify the potential for a seed bank fresh seeds of T. incisa were sown into experimental seed banks in the eucalypt‐dominated Agnes Banks Woodland in western Sydney, NSW. A recent fire provided the opportunity to compare germination in the burnt and unburnt vegetation. Density of seed sowing and time of maturation/dispersal of seeds were manipulated in 75 seed cages. Emergence of seeds after 5 months was significantly higher for the earliest planting date but after 1 year, germination of seeds planted in the later weeks increased, and the final germination for all weeks was 28%. Density of sowing and the recent fire did not affect emergence. A second experiment planted over a broader time span (9 weeks instead of 3 weeks) confirmed the effect of planting date but also found significant spatial variation on a scale of tens of metres. Laboratory germination rates of over 70% confirmed that the seeds were viable and non‐dormant when sown in the field cages. The carry‐over of non‐germinated seed in the soil seed bank is estimated to be about 70% after 2 years, implying that a cohort of seeds would not be depleted through germination alone for up to 40 years. The potential for a long‐lived seed bank in this species is interesting because the plants are also capable of resprouting from their rootstock after fire, giving them characteristics of both resprouters and seeders.  相似文献   

Snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) are an ecologically important herbivore because they modify vegetation through browsing and serve as a prey resource for multiple predators. We implemented a multiscale approach to characterize habitat relationships for snowshoe hares across the mixed conifer landscape of the northern Rocky Mountains, USA. Our objectives were to (1) assess the relationship between horizontal cover and snowshoe hares, (2) estimate how forest metrics vary across the gradient of snowshoe hare use and horizontal cover, and (3) model and map snowshoe hare occupancy and intensity of use. Results indicated that both occupancy and intensity of use by snowshoe hares increased with horizontal cover and that the effect became stronger as intensity of use increased. This underscores the importance of dense horizontal cover to achieve high use, and likely density, of snowshoe hares. Forest structure in areas with high snowshoe hare use and horizontal cover was characterized as multistoried with dense canopy cover and medium‐sized trees (e.g., 12.7–24.4 cm). The abundance of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) was associated with snowshoe hare use within a mixed conifer context, and the only species to increase in abundance with horizontal cover was Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) and subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa). Our landscape‐level modeling produced similar patterns in that we observed a positive effect of lodgepole pine and horizontal cover on both occupancy and use by snowshoe hares, but we also observed a positive yet parabolic effect of snow depth on snowshoe hare occupancy. This work is among the first to characterize the multiscale habitat relationships of snowshoe hares across a mixed conifer landscape as well as to map their occupancy and intensity of use. Moreover, our results provide stand‐ and landscape‐level insights that directly relate to management agencies, which aids in conservation efforts of snowshoe hares and their associated predators.  相似文献   

Irradiation with ultraviolet‐A (UVA) ray at doses of 20–100 J/cm2 diminished the cell viability of human keratinocytes HaCaT and human melanoma cells HMV‐II, both of which were protected by pre‐irradiational administration with the ascorbic acid (Asc) derivative, VC‐IP (2,3,5,6‐O‐tetra‐2′‐hexyldecanoyl‐L‐ascorbic acid; vitamin C‐isopalmityl tetraester), which is the first lipoidic‐liquiform pro‐vitamin C by itself that is materialized by esterization of all four intramolecular hydroxyl groups of an Asc molecule with branched chain fatty groups, resulting in molecular fluidity higher than that of the corresponding straight chains. Irradiation with UVA to HaCaT keratinocytes was shown to cause the formation of 8‐hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8‐OHdG), translocation of phosphatidylserine in the inner layer into the outer layer of cell membrane, and lowering of a mitochondrial membrane potential, all of which were repressed by pre‐irradiational administration with VC‐IP. Expression of p53 gene, another hallmark of UV‐induced DNA damages, was promoted by UVA irradiation to the keratinocytes but also repressed by VC‐IP. Administration with VC‐IP of 10–50 µM to human fibroblasts NHDF achieved the enhancement of collagen synthesis, repression of matrix metalloprotease‐2/9 activity, and increasing of intracellular Asc contents more markedly than that with Asc itself of the same concentrations. Thus UVA‐induced diverse harmful effects could be prevented by VC‐IP, which was suggested to ensue intrinsically from the persistent enrichment of intracellular Asc, through esterolytic conversion of VC‐IP to a free‐form Asc molecule, resulting in relief to UVA‐caused oxidative stress. J. Cell. Biochem. 106: 589–598, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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