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本文用PAGE方法测定了我国西部麦红吸浆虫Sitodiplosismosellana (G啨hin) 3个地理种群酯酶同工酶 ,分析了其遗传规律及种群的遗传结构。采样地点有春麦区的皋兰县 (36.3°N ,1 0 3.9°E)和武威市(37.9°N ,1 0 2 .6°E)及冬麦区的长安县 (34.1°N ,1 0 8.9°E)。结果分析认为该酶受两个基因位点控制 ,命名为Est 1和Est 2。Est 1可能为质体基因 ,其酶谱为所有带中移动最快的一条 ,每个个体都有。Est 2为重复基因位点 ,共观察到 8个等位基因 ,在所有种群中表现为 8条带 ,依其迁移速度命名为a、b、c、d、e、f、g、h。Est 2在每个个体中表现 1 - 4条带 ,且为一多态位点 ,因此该等位酶可作为一个稳定的遗传标记。在所有研究种群的个体中 ,共观察到 1 9种酶谱类型。在冬麦区长安种群中个体酶谱类型多达1 7个 ;春麦区个体酶谱类型少 ,在皋兰种群内有 5个、武威种群内有 4个。在所有的种群中 ,以d、e、g 3个等位基因的频率最高。冬麦区长安种群内有 8个等位基因、而春麦区种群仅有 3个。通过对Est 2单个基因位点的遗传一致度和聚类分析表明 ,春麦区两种群亲缘关系较近 ,且都与冬麦区种群较远。上述所有分析显示麦红吸浆虫有一定程度的种下分化 ,遗传漂移可能是引起该分化的主要原因。不同种群间有可能发生过  相似文献   

麦红吸浆虫幼虫脂肪酸变化的分析测定(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用气相色谱法测定了不同时期麦红吸浆虫Sitodiplosismosellana (Gehin)幼虫脂肪酸的变化。结果表明 :幼虫脂肪酸组分有 1 0~ 1 6种 ,其中主要以棕榈酸 (C1 6:0 )、油酸 (C1 8:1 )和亚油酸 (C1 8:2 ) 3种组分为主 ,占全部脂肪酸总量的 95 %以上 ;其次是硬脂酸 (C1 8:0 )含量较高 ,约占 2 %~ 3 .5 % ;其它组分脂肪酸含量很少 ,均在 1 %以下。从 5月中下旬麦红吸浆虫幼虫离穗入土进入越夏至翌年 4月化蛹羽化前 ,脂肪酸组分表现了由少到多的变化趋势。越夏、越冬幼虫及越冬后未进入活动状态的圆茧其脂肪酸组分中不含花生酸 (C2 0 :0 ) ,而且饱和脂肪酸含量明显少于越冬后进入活动状态的幼虫和麦穗幼虫 ;而越冬后进入活动状态的幼虫和麦穗幼虫脂肪酸组分中含有一定量的花生酸 ,不饱和脂肪酸含量明显少于越夏、越冬幼虫及越冬后未进入活动状态的圆茧 ,故花生酸的有无及饱和脂肪酸与不饱和脂肪酸含量的比例变化可作为判断麦红吸浆虫幼虫活动状态 ,特别是滞育不同深度的生化指标之一  相似文献   

Abstract The changes of fatty acids in larvae of the wheat blossom midge, Sitodiplosis mosellana (Gehin) at different periods were examined by gas choromatography. There were 10–16 kinds of fatty acids, of which the predominant ingredients were palmitic (C16:0), oleic (C18:1) and linoleic (C18:2) acids which were more than 95% in total fatty acids, stearic acid (C18:0) about 2%‐3.5% and any of the others was less than 1%. The fatty acid compositions increased from mid‐May, when larvae of the wheat blossom midge left the wheat‐ears and fallen on the ground, to April of next year before pupating and emerging. No arachidic acid (C20.0) was discovered in over‐summering, over‐wintering as well as inactive over‐wintered larvae. The content of saturated fatty acids in over‐summering, overwintering as well as inactive over‐wintered larvae were less than those of in active over‐wintered larvae and wheat‐ear larvae. Therefore, changes of the arachidic acid and the proportions of saturated fatty acids/unsaturated fatty acids could be used as one of the biochemical criteria to determine the active state and the degree of diapause in larvae of the wheat blossom midge.  相似文献   

Abstract  The glycerol contents in diapause larvae of the orange wheat blossom midge, Sitodiplosis mosellana (Gehin), collected from various seasons, were measured. The results showed that there was less glycerol content in larvae during living on the wheat head. Content of glycerol began to increase significantly when the larvae left the wheat head and entered the soil. A change trend of upper- lower- upper- lower in larvae glycerol contents during diapause in soil was observed from June to April of next year. More glycerol could be examined in larvae collected in summer and winter than in spring and autumn. There was not more glycerol in cocooned larvae than that in non-cocooned larvae during various seasons from the point of statistics. Comparing the glycerol content of larvae being diapause in the first year with that of larvae in the second year, there was yet no obvious difference when larvae were collected in the same season belonged to different years. Therefore, it is shown that the content of glycerol in larvae of the wheat midge in diapause is affected mainly by the seasons or diapause intensity.  相似文献   

小麦吸浆虫滞育幼虫甘油含量的季节变化(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用比色分析方法测定了小麦吸浆虫Sitodiplosis mosellana滞育期间幼虫甘油含量的季节变化。结果表明,幼虫离穗入土以前,甘油含量很低,仅为2.96±1.19μg/mg。幼虫离穗入土后,甘油含量急剧升高。入土后5d,甘油含量即上升为6.58±1.11μg/mg;至入土后17d,甘油含量达到高峰,12.21±2.21μg/mg。以后随时间的短期变化其含量变化不大,但随季节变化表现了一定的规律性,呈现了上升——下降——再上升——再下降的变化趋势,即夏季和冬季含量较高,秋季和春季含量较低。结茧幼虫和裸露幼虫比较,结茧幼虫的甘油含量在盛夏和冬季略高于裸露幼虫,秋季和春季时二者含量相当,两者在统计学上并无显著的差异。同一季节的当年滞育幼虫和进入第2年滞育幼虫的甘油含量无明显差异。由此可见,小麦吸浆虫幼虫滞育期间,甘油含量受季节或滞育深度的影响较大。  相似文献   

对采自我国西北春麦区武威市 ( 38°N,1 0 3°E)、皋兰县 ( 36.5°N,1 0 4°E)及冬麦区长安县 ( 34.2°N,1 0 9°E)的麦红吸浆虫 Sitodiplosis mosellana ( Gehin)种群和皋兰县的麦黄吸浆虫 Contarinia tritici( Kirby)种群用 4种引物 S1 8、S61、S50、S83进行了RAPD测定分析。结果表明 ,引物共产生 1 0 6个 RAPD标记 ,没有任何一个引物能单独区分所有个体 ,但四种引物扩增结果联合则可。引物在麦红吸浆虫的 3个地理种群之间没有产生各自的特征带谱 ,但在 2个种之间可扩增出鉴别图谱。聚类分析显示 :同种同地理种群的个体间遗传相似程度高 ,变异范围小 ;同种不同地理种群间的遗传相似程度变异范围大 ,部分与种群内个体间的遗传相似程度重叠 ;不同种之间的遗传相似程度最低。在麦红吸浆虫种群间 ,长安与皋兰的种群遗传关系最近 ,而与武威种群较远。以近缘属种麦黄吸浆虫作参照分析表明 ,麦红吸浆虫不同地理种群之间表现为种下的遗传差异。  相似文献   

Abstract Population genetic variations of Helicoverpa armigera (Hiibner) over different major cotton growing regions were analyzed by DNA polymorphism amplified with four simple repetitive sequence primers. The results showed that the laboratory population had relatively lower genetic variation than natural populations. The genetic variation between natural populations was not significant and genetic variation existed in the same location from different years, indicating frequent migration among natural cotton bollworm populations. Cluster analysis indicated that individuals from Chaoyang of Liaoning Province (CY), Gaotang of Shandong Province (GT) and Dafeng of Jiangsu Province(DF) were more mixed each other, which suggested that CY population might have higher gene flow with GT and DF populations, especially with GT population. It supports the theory that the cotton bollworm in Northeast China came from Shandong and Hebei Provinces. This result also demonstrated that the molecular makers in this study are sensitive to detect population genetic structure changes.  相似文献   

Although heritable genetic variation is critical to the evolutionary process, we know little about how it is maintained. Obviously, mutation-selection balance must play a role, but there is considerable doubt over whether it can account for heritabilities as high as 0.5, which are commonly found in natural populations. Most models of mutation-selection balance assume panmictic populations. In this paper we use Monte Carlo simulations to examine the effect of isolation by distance on the variation maintained by mutation in a polygenic trait subject to optimizing selection. We show that isolation by distance can substantially increase the total variation maintained in continuous populations over a wide range of dispersal patterns, but only if more than one genotype produces the optimal phenotype (genetic redundancy). Isolation by distance alone has only a slight effect on the variation maintained in the total population for neutral alleles. The combined effect of isolation by distance and genetic redundancy, however, allows the maintenance of substantial variation despite strong stabilizing selection. The mechanism is straightforward. Isolation by distance allows mutation and drift to operate independently in different parts of the population. Because of their independent evolutionary histories, different parts of the population independently draw from the available set of redundant genotypes. Because the genotypes are redundant, selection does not discriminate among them, and they will persist until eliminated by drift. The population as a whole maintains many distinct genotypes. We show that this process allows mutation to maintain high levels of variation, even under strong stabilizing selection, and that over a moderate range of dispersal patterns the amount of variation maintained in the entire population is independent of both the strength of selection and the variance of the dispersal distance. Furthermore, we show that individual heterozygosity is increased in locally mating populations when selection is strong. Finally, our simulations provide a rough picture of how selection and the dispersal pattern influence the spatial distribution of genetic and phenotypic variation.  相似文献   

Abstract Three populations of Culex pipiens pallens Coquillett, from Hangzhou, Linhai and Jinhua, were determined for their probability of resistant esterase phenotypes. Further, each population was selected with dipterex, chlorpyrifos, temephos and malathion at a given dose of 60%‐70% mortality and was determined for the variation of resistant esterase phenotypes in its offspring. The results indicated that esterase B1 phenotype was dominant in three populations although different natural populations have a different probability distribution of esterase B phenotypes. Insecticide selection showed that various esterase loci seemed to have different selective advantages under different insecticide pressures. The esterase B1 phenotype was selected under temephos, and the esterase B2 phenotype was selected under dipterex and chlorpyrifos. Except for the esterase B1 phenotype, the heterozygote of B1/B2 phenotypes was detected under malathion pressure. These results are discussed in relation to the selective advantages of esterase genes to OP pressure and mosquito control strategies.  相似文献   

中国水域江豚种群遗传变异的研究   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:28  
杨光  周开亚 《动物学报》1997,43(4):411-419
运用PCR产物的银染测序技术,测定了中国水域江豚长江豚长江种群、黄海种群和南海种群共12头个休的2个长度分别为317bp和245bp的mtDNA控制区序列,并以此分析了江豚种遗传变异。结果表明:中国水域江豚各种群的控制区序列所定义的单倍型互不相同,无共有的单保型。以2个mtDNA控制区片段的核苷酸序旬,以及把2个片段合并后产生的较大片段的序列,用MEGA软件中的UPGMA法构建的系统树把江豚聚类为  相似文献   

小熊猫种群遗传结构和地理分化   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
本文采用分子系统地理学的研究方法 ,对我国小熊猫 (Ailurusfulgens)地理分布格局的形成原因进行了探讨。我们从四个地理单元的 32号样品中成功地扩增出了 371bp的线粒体DNA控制区片段 ,在所有可比较的 35 7bp的序列中 ,发现 2 9个变异位点 ,其中转换和颠换分别为 2 1和 8,没有插入 /缺失。在四个地理单元中 ,共有 16种线粒体DNA单倍型 ,且在各地理单元中都具有较高的单倍型的多态性。进一步分析表明 ,各单倍型之间的遗传距离平均为 1 6 0 % ,76 5 9%的遗传差异发生在地理单元间 ,仅 2 3 4 1%发生在单元内。分子变异分析和系统重建结果也表明 ,各地理单元之间不存在共享的单倍型 ,YN (云南地理单元 )与XL (相岭地理单元 )和QL (邛崃地理单元 )之间存在着显著的遗传分化 ,FST分别为 0 336和 0 35 1(P <0 0 0 1) ,其余地理种群之间分化不明显 (P >0 0 5 ) ,单倍型缺乏比较明显的地理分布格局 ,各地理单元中的单倍型相互散布在不同的分布群中。经Fs检验 (Fs=- 10 12 1) ,并结合化石资料 ,我们认为由于受第四纪气候和环境变化的影响 ,小熊猫种群在进化过程中曾经历种群暴发而不断扩散 ,从而形成今天的分布格局。  相似文献   

Significant spatial genetic differentiation over short distances was detected by F-statistics and spatial autocorrelation within populations of the temperate forest herbs Cryptotaenia canadensis, Osmorhiza claytonii and Sanicula odorata (Apiaceae). Differences among the three species were consistent with estimates of their seed-dispersal abilities. Populations of Cryptotaenia, with the most limited seed dispersal, are characterized by genetic structure at smaller spatial scales than those of Osmorhiza or Sanicula, as indicated by higher estimates of θ(Fst), larger autocorrelation coefficients, and correlograms with more distant x-intercepts. Although spatial autocorrelation was somewhat more sensitive to the distribution of rare alleles than F-statistics, the two methods were generally concordant. Genetic structure was more pronounced, and inbreeding coefficients larger, in low-density, patchy populations than in a high-density site. Observed patterns of spatial autocorrelation, particularly for Cryptotaenia, were in agreement with expectations based on simulations of isolation by distance. The magnitude of observed autocorrelations was less than those typically produced in computer-simulation studies, but this discrepancy between empirical and theoretical results probably is derived from a lack of genetic and demographic equilibrium in natural populations. Isolation by distance can be an important evolutionary force organizing spatial genetic structure in plant populations, particularly in predominantly self-fertilizing species such as those studied here.  相似文献   

我国草鱼野生群体D-Loop序列遗传变异分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用线粒体DNA的D-Loop区序列, 对来自长江水系(邗江、吴江、九江、石首、木洞和万州)、珠江水系(肇庆)和黑龙江水系(嫩江)的8个草鱼野生群体开展了遗传变异分析。在424尾鱼中检测到34个变异位点, 34个单倍型, 单倍型多样性介于0.4740.708。群体间Kimura双参数遗传距离介于0.00200.0049。长江下游3个群体间遗传距离最近, 遗传分化不显著(P0.05); 肇庆群体与长江上游3个群体遗传距离较近, 与九江群体遗传分化不显著(P0.05); 嫩江群体与长江上游2个群体遗传距离较近, 与万州群体遗传分化不显著(P0.05)。遗传距离与地理距离存在极显著正相关(R=0.61, P0.01)。分子方差分析显示, 不同流域间遗传变异占总变异26.24%, 差异极显著(P0.01)。34个单倍型分为2个分支, 分化极显著(FST=0.644, P0.01), 推测分化时间为第四纪更新世纪晚期。    相似文献   

Six microsatellite markers were used to investigate the genetic structure of North Sea Pseudo‐nitzschia pungens (Grunow ex P. T. Cleve) Hasle populations. Isolates were collected on 42 separate occasions from waters surrounding the German islands of Helgoland and Sylt over the course of three sampling periods: spring 2002, spring 2003, and autumn 2003. In total, 464 isolates were genotyped, of which 453 were different (i.e. clonal diversity was 98%). The numbers of alleles per locus ranged from 6 to 24 and the observed heterozygosities from 0.59 to 0.87 (mean Ho and He were 0.73); there were no significant departures from Hardy‐Weinberg equilibrium at any of the six loci. Sexual reproduction therefore appears to be important in the production of genetic variation. Over the temporal and spatial scales sampled (18 months and 100 km), weak genetic differentiation was detected both within and between sampling periods (significant FST values ranged from 0.0018 to 0.0389), suggesting that the German North Sea supports a single largely unstructured population of P. pungens.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that levels of gene flow among populations are correlated with dispersal ability has typically been tested by comparing gene flow among species that differ in dispersal abilities, an approach that potentially confounds dispersal ability with other species-specific differences. In this study, we take advantage of geographic variation in the dispersal strategies of two wing-dimorphic planthopper species, Prokelisia marginata and P. dolus, to examine for the first time whether levels of gene flow among populations are correlated with intraspecific variation in dispersal ability. We found that in both of these coastal salt marsh–inhabiting species, population-genetic subdivision, as assessed using allozyme electrophoresis, parallels geographic variation in the proportion of flight-capable adults (macropters) in a population; in regions where levels of macroptery are high, population genetic subdivision is less than in regions where levels of macroptery are low. We found no evidence that geographic variation in dispersal capability influences the degree to which gene flow declines with distance in either species. Thus, both species provided evidence that intraspecific variation in dispersal strategies influences the genetic structure of populations, and that this effect is manifested in population-genetic structure at the scale of large, coastal regions, rather than in genetic isolation by distance within a region. This conclusion was supported by interspecific comparisons revealing that: (1) population-genetic structure (GST) of the two Prokelisia species correlated negatively with the mean proportion of flight-capable adults within a region; and (2) there was no evidence that the degree of isolation by distance increased with decreasing dispersal capability. Populations of the relatively sedentary P. dolus clustered by geographic region (using Nei's distances), but this was not the case for the more mobile P. marginata. Furthermore, gene flow among the two major regions we surveyed (Atlantic and Gulf Coasts) has been substantial in P. marginata, but relatively less in P. dolus. The results for P. marginata suggest that differences in the dispersal strategies of Atlantic and Gulf Coast populations occur despite extensive gene flow. We argue that gene flow is biased from Atlantic to Gulf Coast populations, indicating that selection favoring a reduction in flight capability must be intense along the Gulf. Together, the results of this study provide the first rigorous evidence of a negative relationship within a species between dispersal ability and the genetic structure of populations. Furthermore, regional variation in dispersal ability is apparently maintained by selective differences that outweigh high levels of gene flow among regions.  相似文献   

Information on genetic composition of past and present populations may be obtained by analyzing DNA from archival samples. A study is presented on the genetic population structure of extant and extinct local populations of Atlantic salmon from 1913 to 1989 using dried scales as a source of DNA. Variation at six microsatellite loci was studied. Tests for differentiation among populations and among time series within populations showed that population structure was stable over time. This was also confirmed by a neighbor-joining dendrogram, which showed a clear clustering of samples from individual rivers that covered a time span of up to 76 years. These results suggest that salmon populations evolve as semi-independent units connected by modest amounts of gene flow. Additionally, a clear association between geographic and genetic distance was found. This relationship has otherwise been difficult to establish in several recent studies. The discrepancy may be due to impact of human activities on the genetic structure of present populations, whereas old samples represent populations in a more unaffected state. However, other explanations related to differences in the sampling of past and present populations may be equally valid.  相似文献   

Spite occurs when an individual harms itself in the act of harming other individuals. Such behaviors were once assumed to be of limited evolutionary importance, as the conditions for the evolution of spite were thought to be too restrictive. Recent theoretical work, however, suggests that spatial population structure, which allows local competition among genotypes, could favor the evolution of spite. One of the clearest examples of spite is the costly production and release by bacteria of toxins (called bacteriocins) that can kill unrelated strains of the same species. Here, we establish the existence of spatial structure in two natural populations of bacteriocin‐producing bacteria. Specifically, relatedness decreased with increasing spatial distance between the field isolates. In addition, toxin‐mediated inhibitions were found only between isolates that were collected more than 1 m apart and that were generally less than 80% similar in their genomic fingerprints. Taken together, the results suggest that the bacteria are spatially structured, with mixing of genotypes and spiteful interactions at the boundaries between demes.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of clonal versus sexual reproduction in plant populations should generally have differing effects on the levels of biparental inbreeding and the apparent selfing rate, produced via mating by proximity through limited pollen dispersal. We used allozyme loci, join-count statistics, and Moran's spatial autocorrelation statistics to separate the spatial genetic structure caused by clonal reproduction from that maintained in sexually reproduced individuals in two populations of Adenophora grandiflora, a perennial herb. Join-count statistics showed that there were statistically significant clustering of clonal genotypes within distances less than 4 m. Both the entire populations and the sets of sexually reproduced individuals exhibited significant spatial autocorrelation at less than about 12 m, and the sexually reproduced individuals are substantially structured in an isolation-by-distance manner, consistent with a neighborhood size of about 50.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper deals with the karyotype of green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer), with three different life cycles in different regions of China. The results showed that four types of karyotype were found in the natural populations of red form and brown form aphids. Four types of karyotype are as follows: 2n = 12 with autosomes 1, 3 translocated (T1–3); 3n = 18 normal triploid; 3n = 18 with T1–3 translocation; and 2n = 11. However, in the yellowish‐green aphids there were only two types of karyotype, normal karyotype 2n= 12 (NK) and 2n = 12 with T1–3 translocation. There was no significant difference in the relative lengths of chromosomes in 2n = 12 karyotype among different color forms and groups from different regions.  相似文献   

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