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Book Reviews     
《Freshwater Biology》1979,9(4):393-396
Maitland, P. S. (1978) Biology of Freshwaters .
Haslam, S. M. (1978) River Plants. The Macrophytic Vegetation of Watercourses .
Pinder L. C. V. (1978) A key to the adult males of the British Chironomidae (Diptera) the non-biting midges .
Miller, W.E., Greene, J.C. & Shiroyama, T. (1978) The Selanastrum capricornutum Printz Algal Assay Bottle Test: Experimental Design Application, and Data Interpretation Protocol .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
AFRICA: Le Antiche Rovine e Miniere della Rhodesia . L idio C ipriani .
AFRICA: Osservazioni sui Pigmei centro Africani . L idio C ipriani .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
N. B ONDE , J. H OFFMEYER and H. S TANGERUP (Eds), Maturens Historie Fortaellere ("The Storytellers of Natural History").
J OHN F ELTWELL , The Naturalist's Garden.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Badgers by Ernest Neal and Chris Cheeseman. T & A D Poyser Natural History Ltd.
The Lost Birds of Paradise , by Errol Fuller.
Leks , by Jacob Högland and Rauno V. Alatalo. Monographs in Behaviour and Ecology.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Patricia Butler, Irish Botanical Illustrators and Flower Painters
Pat Halliday, The Illustrated Rhododendron. Their classification portrayed through the artwork of Curtis's Botanical Magazine
Charles Craib, Geophytic Pelargoniums, Field and cultivation studies of Pelargonium section Hoarea
John Evelyn, Elysium Britannicum, or the Royal Gardens  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Allen Buchanan, Dan, W. Brock, Norman Daniels, and Daniel Wikler, From Chance to Choice – Genetics and Justice
Ruth Macklin, Against Relativism: Cultural Diversity and the Search for Ethical Universals in Medicine
Christian Munthe, Pure Selection: The Ethics of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis and Choosing Children without Abortion  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
The Mammals of Nigeria by D. C. D. Happold.
Plant Ecology Ed. by Michael J. Crawley.
Conservation and Biology of Desert Antelopes Ed. by Alexandra Dixon and David Jones.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Neurobiology of Glycoconjugates edited by Richard U. Margolis and Renée K. Margolis.
Transmembrane Signalling, Intracellular Messengers and Implications for Drug Development edited by Stefan R. Nahorski.
Brain Imaging Techniques and Applications edited by N. A. Sharif and M. E. Lewis.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Buying Back the Land: Organisational Struggle and the Aboriginal Land Fund Commission Marks in Place: Contemporary Responses to Rock Art By Linda Connor, Rick Dingus, Steve Fitch, John Pfahl and Charles Roitz The Gift of Kinship: Structure and Practice in Maring Social Organization Enterprising Women: Ethnicity, Economy, and Gender Relations Edited by Sallie Westwood and Parminder Bhachu Routledge The Culture of Capitalism By Alan Macfarlane Division of Labour By R.E. Pahl Fluid Signs. Being a Person the Tamil Way By E.V. Daniel Women in Rice Farming. Proceedings of a Conference on Women in Rice Farming Systems, the International Rice Research Institute, Manilla Women in Prehistory By Margaret Ehrenberg The Speaking Land: Myth and Story in Aboriginal Australia By R.M. and C.H. Berndt Choice and Morality in Anthropological Perspective. Essays in Honor of Derek Freeman Edited by G.N. Appell and N.T. Madan Aboriginality: Contemporary Aboriginal Paintings and Prints By Jennifer Isaacs To Speak in Pairs. Essays on the Ritual Languages of Eastern Indonesia Edited by James J. Fox Hunter-gatherers Today: an Aboriginal Economy in North Australia By J.C. Altman The Evolution of Highland Papua New Guinea Societies By D.K. Feil Dreaming, Anthropological and Psychological Interpretations Edited by Barbara Tedlock Made in Niugini: Technology in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea By Paul Sillitoe Peasant Pedlars and Professional Traders: Subsistence Trade in Rural Markets of Minahasa, Indonesia By Ulrich Mai and Helmut Bucholt Creating Culture: Profiles in the study of culture Edited by Diane J. Austin-Broos The How of the Fox: Tropical Forests, the World Bank, and Indigenous People in Central India Robert S. Anderson and Walter Huber And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the Aids Epidemic Randy Shilts  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this articles:
Heft 197 der, Mitteilungen aus der Biologischen Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Berlin-Dahlem.
Krankheiten und Schädlinge bei Ackerbohnen (Vicia faba L.) .
Reynolds, Don R. , Ascomycetc Systematics. The Luttrellian Concept.
Wood, G. A. , Virus and virus-like diseases of pome fruits and stone fruits in New Zealand.
Jenkyn, J. F., and R. T. Plumb (ed.) , Strategies for the Control of Cereal Disease. Blaciwell Scientific Publications, Oxford-London-Edinburgh Boston Melbourne 1981.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviews in this article:
Molluscan Nerve Cells: From Biophysics to Behaviour edited by J. Koester and J. H. Byrne.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Archaeology: Ethnoarchaeology: Implications of Ethnography for Archaeology . Carol Kramer , ed.
Archaeology: Archaeological Ethnography in Western Iran . Patty Jo Watson .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article
T he D istribution and I dentification of N on-fermenting B acteria (1974). J. J. S. Snell.
B ergey's M anual of D eterminative B acteriology (8th Edition), 1974. Edited by R. E. Buchanan & others.
S terilization by I onizing radiation (1975). Edited by E. R. L. Gaughran & A. J. Goudie.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article
T he P revention of L aboratory A cquired I nfection (1974). C. H. Collins, E. G. Hartley & R. Pilsworth.
L aboratory M ethods 1 (1974). Joan R. Davies, E. J. G. Glencross, J. Marks, C. D. Plows & Mair E. M. Thomas.
S pore R esearch (1973). Edited by A. N. Barker, G. W. Gould & J. Wolf.
I mmunology (1974). H. N. Eisen.
O pportunistic P athogens (1974). Edited by J. A. Prier & H. Friedman.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Reviews in This Article
Davidson's The Biochemistry of the Nucleic Acids 8th Edition (1976). R. L. P. Adams, R. H. Burdon, A. M. Campbell & R. M. S. Smellie. xii + 420 pp.
Scanning Electron Microscopy (1976). Volume I. Edited by O. Johari. xviii + 782 pp. $28.00. Volume II. Edited by O. Johari and R. P. Becker. xii + 708 pp.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Freshwater Biology》1985,15(5):639-641
Horie, S. (Ed.) (1984) Lake Biwa.
Davenport, J. (1984) Environmental Stress and Behavioural Adaptation.
Benomi, G. & Erséus, C. (Eds.) (1984) Aquatic Oligochaeta. (Developments in Hydrobiology
Rrame, C.J.N. & Duinker, J.C. (Eds.) (1984) Complexation of Trace Metals in Natural Waters.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
DEVELOPMENTAL CONTROL IN ANIMALS AND PLANTS (2nd end).Edited by C. F. G raham &P. F.W areing

Book Reviews     
《Journal of Phytopathology》1987,120(4):376-376
book reviewed in this article
Herzog, H.: Source and Sink during the reproductive period of wheat. Development and its Regulation with Special Reference to Cytokinins.
Hoffmann, W., A. Mudra, W. Plarre , Lehrbuch der Züchtung landwirtschaftlicher Kulturpflanzen. Band 2: Spezieller Teil. 2. neubearbeitete Auflage, Hrsg. Fischbeck, G., W. Plarre und W. Schuster.
Sorauer, P. , Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten. 7., völlig neugestaltete Aufl. Bd. I. Die nichtparasitären Krankheiten, 5. Teil: Meteorologische Pflanzenpathologie; Witterung und Klima als Umweltfaktoren; Kälte und Frost. Bearb. von Prof. Dr. W. Larcher, Dr. H. Häckel unter Mitwirkung von Prof. Dr. A. Sakai.
Plumb, R. T., and J. M. Thresh (Eds.) , Plant Virus Epidemiology:
Frederiksen, R. A. (ed.) , Compendium of sorghum diseases.
Azzi, A., U. Brodbeck and P. Zahler (eds.) , Enzymes, Receptors and Carriers of Biological Membranes.
Schubert, R. (Hrsg.), Lehrbuch der Ökologie.
Harborne, J. B. , Introduction to Ecological Biochemistry.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Purposive Behaviour and Teleological Explanations. Edited by F. George and L Foundations of Kinship Mathematics. By Pin-Hsiung Liu Infanticide: Comparative and evolutionary perspective. Edited by Glen Housfater and Sarah Blaffer-Hrdy Self, Sex and Gender in Cross-Cultural Fieldwork. Edited by T.L. Whitehead and M.E. Conaway The Constitution of Society. By Anthony Giddens The Anthropology of Medicine: From Culture to Method. By Lola Romanucci-Ross, Daniel E. Moerman, Laurence R. Tancredi Advocacy and Anthropology: First Encounters. Edited by R. Paine Native Power: The Quest for Autonomy and Nationhood of Indigenous Peoples. Edited by J. Brosted, J. Dahl, A. Gray, H. Gullor, G. Henriksen, J. Jorgensen, and I. Kleivan Gender and Power in Rural Greece. By J. Dubisch Australian Ways: Anthropological Studies of an Industrial Society. Edited by Lenore Manderson Opencut. The Working Class in an Australian mining town. By Claire Williams The Flying Phoenix: Aspects of Chinese Sectarianism. By David K. Jordan and Daniel L. Relativism and the Social Sciences. By Ernest Gellner. Published by Cambridge University Press On Anthropological Knowledge. Three Essays. By Dan Sperber. Un ethnologue dans le mitro. By Marc Auge Handbook of Australian Languages Volume 3. Edited by R.M.W. Dixon and Barry J. Blake.  相似文献   

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