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Fruits are N-poor items and their availability in the tropics varies throughout the year. Field and experimental studies debate whether frugivorous bats have to switch to N-rich sources of food during part of the year or if they are able to subsist on a fruit-only diet. Different strategies to meet their N requirements may influence the way in which frugivorous bats partition food resources allowing the coexistence of numerous species in tropical communities. We examined the extent to which five species of frugivorous bats relied on plant and insect sources of assimilated protein using stable-N isotope analysis. We assumed that bats only had access to fruits and insects in our analysis but we also collected fecal samples to examine the presence of other food items. We conducted the study during at least 1 full year depending on the species of bat in a tropical rain forest in southern Mexico. In the five species of bats examined, plant sources (i.e. fruits) provided most of the protein assimilated during the year, although there was a general trend for all species to show a decrease in relative plant contribution at the end of the rainy season and beginning of the dry season. In Artibeus jamaicensis, Uroderma bilobatum and Dermanura phaeotis, plants were still a major source of protein during this period, but in some individuals of Sturnira lilium and Carollia brevicauda insects represented an important contribution to their diet. Fecal samples of most bats presented fruit remains, and insects and pollen were found in small proportions. Bat reproductive activity was detected at the end of the dry season and in the middle of the rainy season, and plants were the major source of protein during this period with the exception of pregnant S. lilum and one pregnant D. phaeotis during the dry season. Our findings showed that frugivorous bats might differ in their strategies to satisfy their N demands with some species relying almost completely on fruits during most of the year and some species switching to insects when fruits were less abundant.  相似文献   

Habitat heterogeneity is a primary ecological factor that is particularly pronounced in arid ecosystems. The Tehuacán valley is a subtropical semi‐arid ecosystem in which several species of columnar cacti and agave (i.e., CAM plants) constitute the dominant elements accompanied by patches of trees and shrubs (i.e., C3 plants). Vegetation in Tehuacán is isotopically heterogenous because CAM plants have less depleted δ13C values than C3 plants. Fruits and flowers of cactus and agaves offer abundant food to vertebrates, but their leaves might be less attractive to insects than the leaves of C3 plants. Therefore, we use carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis to test the hypothesis that C3 and CAM food would contribute asymmetrically to different guilds of birds and bats. We predict that granivorous and frugivorous birds and nectarivorous and frugivorous bats will consume a CAM diet, whereas insectivorous birds and bats will consume a C3 diet. Due to omnivory of bird and bat consumers, we predict that the importance of CAM food will decrease as the trophic level of the animal increases. Our results showed that CAM food predominated in plant‐eating birds and in some flower‐visiting bats, whereas C3 food predominated in insect‐eating bats and birds and frugivorous bats. Habitat heterogeneity in Tehuacán is important for conservation due to the asymmetric role of CAM and C3 food in the nutrition of different feeding guilds of vertebrates. Our study provides basic information to evaluate the potential impact of habitat loss on functional groups of consumers in a semi‐arid ecosystem.  相似文献   

Competing hypotheses explaining species’ use of resources have been advanced. Resource limitations in habitat and/or food are factors that affect assemblages of species. These limitations could drive the evolution of morphological and/or behavioural specialization, permitting the coexistence of closely related species through resource partitioning and niche differentiation. Alternatively, when resources are unlimited, fluctuations in resources availability will cause concomitant shifts in resource use regardless of species identity. Here, we used next‐generation sequencing to test these hypotheses and characterize the diversity, overlap and seasonal variation in the diet of three species of insectivorous bats of the genus Pteronotus. We identified 465 prey (MOTUs) in the guano of 192 individuals. Lepidoptera and Diptera represented the most consumed insect orders. Diet of bats exhibited a moderate level of overlap, with the highest value between Pteronotus parnellii and Pteronotus personatus in the wet season. We found higher dietary overlap between species during the same seasons than within any single species across seasons. This suggests that diets of the three species are driven more by prey availability than by any particular predator‐specific characteristic. P. davyi and P. personatus increased their dietary breadth during the dry season, whereas P. parnellii diet was broader and had the highest effective number of prey species in all seasons. This supports the existence of dietary flexibility in generalist bats and dietary niche overlapping among groups of closely related species in highly seasonal ecosystems. Moreover, the abundance and availability of insect prey may drive the diet of insectivores.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation could alter ecological traits including species trophic habits. Here, we used carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios to establish differences in isotopic niche width and food resource use between forest fragments and the continuous forest for the phyllostomid frugivorous bat Artibeus lituratus. Using mist nests, we captured bats from two forest fragments and two sites in continuous forest, and sampled from each individual captured three body tissues with contrasting turnover rates (skin, muscle, and liver). Samples were collected between February and March (austral summer) and between August and September (austral winter). In addition, in each sampling site and season we collected potential food resources (fruits and insects) consumed by our A. lituratus. Our findings indicate that A. lituratus had a predominantly omnivorous diet, with high consumption of insects during summer in forest fragments. The increasing consumption of insects in these fragments seems to have led to a wider isotopic niche, in relation to the continuous forest. Because A. lituratus is typically a seed disperser, changes in trophic habits in the forest fragments from frugivory to insectivory may diminish their role in forest regeneration. Abstract in Portuguese is available with online material.  相似文献   

Frugivorous are one of the main diaspore dispersers in tropical ecosystems, particularly in open areas and sites in the early stages of ecological succession. Frugivorous bat species respond differentially to habitat modification, and in the context of their diaspore dispersal functions it is important to understand species' ecological requirements. We compared the diversity of diaspores, obtained from fecal samples and from fruits carried by frugivorous bats, among five shaded coffee plantations under different management regimes and a montane rain forest in southeastern Chiapas, Mexico. At each site, bats were captured every 2 mo from March 2004 to July 2005, using six mist‐nets, during two consecutive nights. We captured 2589 individuals from 18 frugivorous species, from which we collected 969 fecal samples, containing 42 diaspore species associated with early and late successional plants. Although, we captured more frugivorous bat species in montane rain forest, the number of diaspore species in this site (N=14) was not significantly different from the coffee plantations under different management regimes (16–24). In montane rain forest, Sturnira ludovici fed mainly on Piper auritum, but in coffee plantations ate Peperomia sp., Saurauia madrensis, Solanum chrysotrichum and Solanum diphyllum. Artibeus jamaicensis and Artibeus intermedius feed mostly Cecropia obtusifolia and Ficus cookii in all coffee plantations. We suggest that the presence of frugivorous bats in shaded coffee plantations is favored by trees and shrubs associated with secondary and introduced vegetation that farmers have allowed to grow within or around the plantations.  相似文献   

Dietary proteins are considered crucial for growth and maintenance in mammals, but many fruit‐eating mammals feed largely on a protein‐poor diet. In the Chiroptera, frugivory has evolved twice, in the Old World Pteropodidae and in the New World Phyllostomidae, especially the Stenodermatinae. Recent studies based on the analysis of nitrogen isotope ratios (δ15N) suggest that phyllostomids feed to varying degrees on arthropods to meet their nitrogen (N) requirements. Arthropod feeding has rarely been observed in Pteropodidae. Thus, we asked whether pteropodids meet their N requirements by feeding exclusively on plant matter. We predicted that tissue from pteropodid wing membranes should be depleted in 15N relative to those of obligate insectivorous rhinolophoid, vespertilionid or emballonurid bats, if pteropodids acquire proteins exclusively from fruits, leaves or nectar. We found that δ15N in pteropodids were significantly lower than in obligate insectivorous bats. In addition, mean δ15N of Old World pteropodids was similar to that of obligate frugivorous stenodermatines of the New World tropics. We infer from these data that pteropodids are predominantly phytophagous bats. From a nutritional perspective, pteropodids and stenodermatines are very similar, suggesting that they share convergent physiological adaptations to compensate for the lack of dietary nitrogen.  相似文献   

Many animals have seasonally plastic diets to take advantage of seasonally abundant plant resources, such as fruit or nectar. Switches from insectivorous diets that are protein rich to fruits or nectar that are carbohydrate rich present physiological challenges, but are routinely done by insectivorous songbirds during migration. In contrast, insectivorous bat species are not known to switch diets to consume fruit or nectar. Here, we use carbon stable isotope ratios to establish the first known case of a temperate bat species consuming substantial quantities of nectar during spring. We show that pallid bats (Antrozous pallidus) switch from a diet indistinguishable from that of sympatric insectivorous bat species in winter (when no cactus nectar is present) to a diet intermediate between those of insectivorous bats and nectarivorous bats during the spring bloom of a bat-adapted cactus species. Combined with previous results that established that pallid bats are effective pollinators of the cardon cactus (Pachycereus pringlei), our results suggest that the interaction between pallid bats and cardon cacti represents the first-known plant-pollinator mutualism between a plant and a temperate bat. Diet plasticity in pallid bats raises questions about the degree of physiological adaptations of insectivorous bats for incorporation of carbohydrate-rich foods, such as nectar or fruit, into the diet.  相似文献   

Columnar cacti constitute the dominant elements in the vegetation structure of arid and semi‐arid New World ecosystems representing a plethora of food resources for vertebrate consumers. Previous stable isotope analysis in Central Mexico showed that columnar cacti are of low importance to build tissue for frugivorous bats. We used carbon stable isotope analysis of whole blood and breath samples collected from four species of frugivorous bats (Sturnira parvidens, Sturnira ludovici, Artibeus jamaicensis, and Artibeus intermedius) to reconstruct the importance of cactus plants in their diet. Breath samples were collected within 10 min (B10) of bat capture and ~12 h after capture (B720), representing the oxidation of recently ingested food and of body reserves, respectively. We expected that bats relied primarily on non‐cactus food to construct tissues and fuel oxidative metabolism. Non‐cactus food strongly predominated for tissue building, whereas oxidative metabolism was supported by a moderate preponderance of non‐cactus food for B10 samples, and a moderate preponderance of cactus food or an equal contribution of both sources for B720 samples. Artibeus and Surnira species appear to cover a narrow part of the diet with cactus food, confirming that the incorporation of nutrients derived from these plants is not generalized among vertebrate consumers.  相似文献   

Summary Dietary overlap and competition between frugivorous birds and bats in the Neotropics have been presumed to be low, but comparative data have been lacking. We determined the diets of volant frugivores in an early successional patch of Costa Rican wet forest over a one month period. Ordination of the diet matrix by Reciprocal Averaging revealed that birds and bats tend to feed on different sets of fruits and that diets differed more among bat species than among bird species. However, there was overlap between Scarlet-rumped Tanagers and three Carollia bat species on fruits of several Piper species which comprised most of the diet of these bats. Day/night exclosure experiments on P. friedrichsthalli treetlets provided evidence that birds deplete the amount of ripe fruit available to bats. These results indicate that distantly related taxa may overlap in diet and compete for fruit, despite the apparent adaptation of animal-dispersed plant species for dispersal by particular animal taxa.  相似文献   

As tropical forest fragmentation accelerates, scientists are concerned with the loss of species, particularly those that play important ecological roles. Because bats play a vital role as the primary seed dispersers in cleared areas, maintaining healthy bat populations is critical to natural forest regeneration. Observations of foraging bats suggest that many Neotropical fruit‐eating species have fairly general habitat requirements and can forage in many different kinds of disturbed vegetation; however, their roosting requirements may be quite different. To test whether or not general foraging requirements are matched by equally broad roosting requirements, we used radiotelemetry to locate roost sites of two common frugivorous bat species (Sturnira lilium and Artibeus intermedius) in a fragmented forest in southeastern Mexico. Sturnira lilium roosted inside tree cavities and selected large‐diameter roost trees in remnant patches of mature forest. Fewer than 2 percent of trees surveyed had a mean diameter equal to or greater than roost trees used by . S. lilium, Artibeus intermedius roosted externally on branches and vines and under palm leaves and selected roost trees of much smaller diameter. Compared to random trees, roost trees chosen by A. intermedius were closer to neighboring taller trees and also closer in height to these trees. Such trees likely provide cryptic roosts beneath multiple overlapping crowns, with sufficient shelter from predators and the elements. While males of A. intermedius generally roosted alone in small trees within secondary forest, females roosted in small groups in larger trees within mature forest and commuted more than three times farther than males to reach their roost sites. Loss of mature forest could impair the ability of frugivorous bats to locate suitable roost sites. This could have a negative impact on bat populations, which in turn could decrease forest regeneration in impacted areas.  相似文献   

Species can co‐exist within a community when their use of limiting resources is differentiated. To test whether differentiation facilitates coexistence, we quantified differences and overlap in habitat use, fruit consumption, morphological characteristics, and the relationship with vegetation structure for two pairs of ecologically similar frugivorous bat species, Carollia sowelli and C. perspicillata, and Artibeus jamaicensis and A. lituratus. In Carollia sowelli and C. perspicillata, differences in body mass and wing aspect ratio were not reflected in differences in fruit or habitat use (diet overlap, 96 percent; habitat overlap, 98 percent). However, the capture rate of Carollia sowelli positively correlated with canopy openness, and that of C. perspicillata positively correlated with tree height. Body mass and wing characteristics of Artibeus species suggested a greater maneuverability for A. jamaicensis. Also, more Ajamaicensis individuals were captured feeding on Ficus spp., while Artibeus lituratus preferred fruits of the early successional tree Cecropia. However, both habitat overlap and diet overlap were higher than by chance (diet overlap, 75 percent; habitat overlap, 92 percent). The co‐existence of the four bat species in the study area may be facilitated by the abundance of the food resources forming part of the diets of both Carollia species, by the morphological differences between the Artibeus species, which allow the differentiation of foraging behavior in relation to fruit consumption, and by the structural characteristics of the vegetation.  相似文献   

Shade coffee plantations are considered important habitats for frugivorous bats. However, it is not known if bats use this agricultural habitat for shelter, food resources, or both. This study addresses these questions using the highland yellow‐shouldered bat (Sturnira hondurensis) as an example. Twenty‐six adult individuals of S. hondurensis were captured, 50 percent in tropical montane cloud forest (TMCF) and 50 percent in shade coffee plantations (SCP) in Veracruz, Mexico, and each was fitted with a radio transmitter for locating roosts and feeding areas. Data were obtained from 24 of them. The fieldwork was conducted between October 2010 and October 2011 covering all seasons. Twenty‐two day roosts were located in the cavities of twelve different species of tree. Roosts located in TMCF differed significantly from those in SCP, having a smaller crown area and a greater species richness and density of plants around the roost. In SCP, both the average home range and the average core use area were smaller than in TMCF, but the differences were not statistically significant. Distances travelled by bats were generally longer and more variable in the SCP; the distance between capture site and foraging site was significantly greater in SCP than in TMCF. In SCP, there were fewer understory chiropterochorous plants, which are the main item in the diet of this bat and many other sympatric species of frugivorous bats. Although S. hondurensis does use roosts and foraging sites in the SCP, it is important to note that this species and others with similar requirements primarily depend on the preservation of intact forest adjacent to modified landscapes, where roosts and fruit are constantly available in abundance. Management practices should guarantee a greater density and diverse of trees and the preservation of understory plants with fruits in the coffee plantations that allow a long‐term survival of frugivorous bats populations.  相似文献   

Artibeus jamaicensis is a medium-sized frugivorous microchiropteran bat that complements its diet with nectar and pollen during the dry season. We investigated which species of pollen are carried by A. jamaicensis in order to determine its potential role as a plant pollinator in the northern Yucatan Peninsula. We collected pollen from the fur of 192 individuals throughout the year from April 2004 to March 2005. We recorded pollen from nine plant species of eight families and found five unidentified pollen types, with the highest pollen species richness recorded in June. A. jamaicensis moved pollen of Erythrina standleyana and Mimosa bahamensis, which have not hitherto been reported as visited by this species. The most abundant pollen in the samples was found to be that of three tree species: Ceiba pentandra, C. aesculifolia and Lysiloma latisiliquum. Very few samples contained pollen in the rainy season, when the bats fed mainly on fruits. A. jamaicensis can fly several kilometres among foraging locations and dispersed large amounts of pollen from tree species growing near cenotes as well as those not present at cenotes but occurring in other forest fragments, highlighting its importance as a pollen vector among forest fragments in the largely deforested landscape of the Yucatan Peninsula, helping to reduce the negative effects of forest fragmentation. Ceiba appears to benefit from the role of A. jamaicensis as a pollen vector, and the species play an important ecological role in the Yucatán landscape, supplying shade, nectar and fruit for wildlife.  相似文献   

Target-distance computation by cortical neurons sensitive to echo delay is an essential characteristic of the auditory system of insectivorous bats. To assess if functional requirements such as detection of small insects versus larger stationary surfaces of plants are reflected in cortical properties, we compare delay-tuned neurons in a frugivorous (C. perspicillata, CP) and an insectivorous (P. parnellii, PP) bat species that belong to related families within the superfamily of Noctilionoidea. The bandwidth and shape of delay-tuning curves and the range of characteristic delays are similar in both species and hence are not related to different echolocation strategies. Most units respond at 2–6 ms echo delay with most sensitive thresholds of 20–30 dB SPL. In CP, units tuned to delays >12 ms are slightly more abundant and are more sensitive than in PP. All delay-tuned neurons in CP reliably respond to single pure-tone stimuli, whereas such responses are only observed in 49% of delay-tuned units in PP. The cortical representation of echo delay (chronotopy) covers a larger area in CP but is less precise than described in PP. Since chronotopy is absent in certain other insectivorous bat species, it is open if these differences in topography are related to echolocation behaviour.  相似文献   

Many invasive plant species have fleshy fruits that are eaten by native frugivorous birds which disperse their seeds and may facilitate their germination, playing an important role in plant invasion success. The fleshy‐fruited shrub Cotoneaster franchetii (Rosaceae) is an important invasive alien in the mountainous regions of central Argentina. To determine the role of avian frugivorous in fruit removal of this species, we conducted a frugivore exclusion experiment including bagged and unbagged branches in 75 plants of C. franchetii. At the end of the dispersal period, we compared the percentage of missing fruits (removed by birds + naturally dropped) in unbagged branches with the percentage of naturally dropped fruits in bagged branches. To assess whether any mechanism acting on seeds during their passage through bird guts (de‐inhibition by pulp removal and/or seed scarification) affects seed germination of this species, we compared percentage and speed of germination among seeds obtained from faeces of the native frugivorous Turdus chiguanco, from manually de‐pulped fruits, and from intact fruits. The percentage of missing fruits per shrub in unbagged branches was significantly higher than the percentage of naturally dropped fruits in bagged branches, suggesting that frugivorous birds play an important role in fruit removal of C. franchetii in the study area. Seeds from bird faeces and from manually de‐pulped fruits germinated in higher percentage and faster than seeds from intact fruits. Germination percentage and speed of seeds from manually de‐pulped fruits were significantly higher than those of gut‐passed seeds. These results indicate that T. chiguanco increases and accelerates seed germination of C. franchetii through pulp removal, but not through seed scarification. Overall, our findings indicate that native frugivorous birds facilitate the dispersal and germination success of C. franchetii, likely playing an important role in its invasion throughout the mountainous region of central Argentina.  相似文献   

The ability to extract pollen contents may be related to the extent to which animals use this item as a regular part of their diet. In spite of the broad diversity of taxa that feed on pollen, comparative studies to test this hypothesis are scarce. We compared the extraction efficiency of pollen grains of Blue Mahoe (Talipariti elatum) by Antillean nectar bats (Brachyphylla nana) and Jamaican fruit bats (Artibeus jamaicensis). Antillean nectar bats extracted the contents of a higher percentage of pollen grains than Jamaican fruit bats, even though processing time in the gut was lower in the nectarivorous bats. Pollen extraction efficiency increased with time spent in the gut in each species. The gastrointestinal tract in both species resembled the functioning of a continuous stirred-tank reactor (CSTR) equivalent to the stomach, in series with a plug-flow reactor (PFR) equivalent to the intestine with varying degrees of longitudinal mixing. Accordingly, pollen grains flowed continuously out of the stomach and moved out through the intestine where they were mixed longitudinally. Our results support previous findings of higher extraction efficiencies in nectarivorous bats than their frugivorous relatives, and suggest that these differences may be the result of differences in the level of activity of the enzymes responsible for pollen wall degradation. Identification of enzymatic mechanisms of pollen degradation would allow a direct test of this hypothesis.  相似文献   

We studied the composition, species richness, and relative abundance of bat assemblages in the Colombian dry forests of Chicamocha and Patía. In Chicamocha, 11 bats of the family Phyllostomidae were captured with mist-nets, corresponding to 85–100% of the potential phyllostomids species in the area. Two bats of the family Vespertilionidae were also captured in Chicamocha. In Patía, 12 species were captured with mist-nets, all Phyllostomidae, representing 72–100% of the estimated total number of species in the zone. Minor differences in number of species and composition were detected among sampling periods in Chicamocha. The most common species in this dry forest were Glossophaga longirostris and Sturnira lilium. In Patía, notable differences in the number of species and composition were observed among sampling periods, and the most common species were Artibeus jamaicensis, Carollia perspicillata and Phyllostomus discolor. Arid-zone dwelling bats were absent in Patía and we suggest that this absence may be associated with the isolation of Patía from other northern dry zones of Colombia since Quaternary times. There was also low abundance of bats in Patía, which appears to be related to human disturbance. The most abundant phyllostomid bat species in the two dry forests studied are those that include fruit and/or nectar-pollen from columnar cacti as an important proportion of their diets.  相似文献   

Studying the diet of echolocating, insectivorous bats can provide important insights into their foraging behaviors and ecological constraints they are facing. By examining an extensive data set covering a period of 2 years, the present study identifies the dietary composition of three sympatric insectivorous bat species in rural areas of Beijing municipality. Each species clearly has different preferences for particular food items. Greater horseshoe bats, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, preferred to catch nocturnal, actively flying insects, mostly moths (Lepidoptera), and to a lesser percentage flies (Diptera), beetles (Coleoptera), and flying ants and termites (Hymenoptera). Other nocturnal insects which do not exhibit any perceptible wing movements, such as true bugs (Homoptera), or strictly diurnal insects that hardly ever fly in the dark, such as grasshoppers (Orthoptera) and dragon- and damselflies (Odonata), were never found in droppings of horseshoe bats. Large mouse-eared bats, Myotis chinensis, preferentially glean relatively large terrestrial prey of the order Coleoptera (mostly carabid beetles) and Orthoptera, whereas greater tube-nosed bats, Murina leucogaster, consume predominantly smaller, diurnal Coleoptera (mostly soldier beetles, Cantharidae, and ladybugs, Coccinellidae). Our findings also indicate previously not described, significant spectro-temporal differences in the echolocation signals of M. chinensis and M. leucogaster. The results suggest that in our study area the dramatic differences in the dietary composition of these three bat species are mainly based upon differences in their foraging behaviors, including differences in their echolocation signal structure. The dietary data provide important background information for conservational efforts, such as habitat protection.  相似文献   

We analyzed the carbon and nitrogen isotopic values of the muscle, liver, and crop contents (“diet”) of 132 individuals of 16 species of Chilean birds. The nitrogen content of diet was tightly correlated with the fraction of gut contents represented by insects relative to plant material. The carbon and nitrogen isotopic values of diet, liver, and muscle were all linearly correlated, implying high temporal consistency in the isotopic value of the diet of these birds. However, δ15N was not significantly related with the percentage of insects in diet. These results cast doubt on the applicability of the use of 15N enrichment to diagnose trophic level in, at least some, terrestrial ecosystems. However, the residuals of the relationship relating the isotopic value of bird tissues with those of their diet were weakly negatively correlated with insect intake. We hypothesize that this negative correlation stems from the higher quality of protein found in insects relative to that of plant materials. Finally, our data corroborated a perplexing and controversial negative relationship between tissue to diet isotopic discrimination and the isotopic value of diet. We suggest that this relationship is an example of the commonly observed regression to the mean effect that plagues many scientific studies.  相似文献   

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