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Interspecific differences in responsiveness to temperature, photoperiod, soil salinity, and soil moisture confirm the hypothesis that abiotic factors differentially affect the germination of salt marsh plants. In growth chamber experiments, four of eight annual species responded to small differences in temperature or photoperiod. Increasing soil salinity decreased the final proportion of seeds germinating and slowed germination for each of the seven species tested. Higher soil moisture increased the proportion germinating of five species and germination speed of all seven species. Salinity and moisture interacted to affect the proportion germinating of five species and germination speed of all seven species. Although the abiotic factor with the largest effect on germination varied among species, more species responded to, and the magnitudes of the responses were larger for, soil salinity than for the other abiotic factors. These germination tests partially explained interspecific differences in the timing of germination in the field. Patterns of Hutchinsia procumbens, Lythrum hyssopifolium, Parapholis incurva, and possibly Lasthenia glabrata ssp. coulteri germination in response to a nonseasonal rainfall could be explained by their response to salinity, temperature, or photoperiod. Fine-scale differences in the timing of establishment within the typical germination window and spatial distributions along salinity and moisture gradients were not explained.  相似文献   

Species’ ranges are complex often exhibiting multidirectional shifts over space and time. Despite the strong fingerprint of recent historical climate change on species’ distributions, biotic factors such as loss of vegetative habitat and the presence of potential competitors constitute important yet often overlooked drivers of range dynamics. Furthermore, short‐term changes in environmental conditions can influence the underlying processes of local extinction and local colonization that drive range shifts, yet are rarely considered at broad scales. We used dynamic state‐space occupancy models to test multiple hypotheses of the relative importance of major drivers of range shifts of Golden‐winged Warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera) and Blue‐winged Warblers (V. cyanoptera) between 1983 and 2012 across North America: warming temperatures; habitat changes; and occurrence of congeneric species, used here as proxy for biotic interactions. Dynamic occupancies for both species were most influenced by spatial relative to temporal variation in temperature and habitat. However, temporal variation in temperature anomalies and biotic interactions remained important. The two biotic factors considered, habitat change and biotic interactions, had the largest relative effect on estimated extinction rates followed by abiotic temperature anomalies. For the Golden‐winged Warbler, the predicted presence of the Blue‐winged Warbler, a hypothesized competitor, most influenced extinction probabilities, contributing to evidence supporting its role in site‐level species replacement. Given the overall importance of biotic factors on range‐wide dynamic occupancies, their consideration alongside abiotic factors should not be overlooked. Our results suggest that warming compounds the negative effect of habitat loss emphasizing species’ need for habitat to adapt to a changing climate. Notably, even closely related species exhibited individual responses to abiotic and biotic factors considered.  相似文献   

J. K. Bush 《Plant Ecology》2006,183(2):215-225
This study evaluated the relationships among soil moisture, soil salinity, and soil oxygen on the growth of Helianthus paradoxus (Asteraceae), a threatened inland salt marsh species of western North America. The study was conducted in large growth boxes (1×2×0.3 m) tilted at an angle to achieve a saturated to dry water gradient similar to that found in the marsh. This experimental design allowed the evaluation of major abiotic factors (soil moisture and soil salinity) which have been shown to be potentially important for this species, while removing major biotic factors, such as competition from other community dominants. Maximum aboveground biomass occurred in the middle rows of the boxes, where surface soil water was reduced and subsurface soil water was intermediate in the gradient. Regression analyses indicated that H. paradoxus would grow best where surface soil water is approximately 5%, subsurface soil water ranges from 20 to 30%, and where surface soil salinity is less than 0.5 g kg−1. Edaphic variables, particularly soil moisture and soil salinity, affect the growth of H. paradoxus. Data presented here suggest that the survival of this species depends on maintenance of the hydrologic regime.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of reduction and cessation of sheep grazing on salt‐marsh vegetation were studied on a formerly intensively grazed salt marsh in northern Germany. Plant species cover was recorded in 45 permanent plots from 1992 to 2000. In 1995, physical and chemical soil parameters were analysed. Results of Redundancy Analysis (RDA) indicated that salinity and the depth of anoxic conditions below the surface were the most important soil factors related to the spatial vegetation pattern. Furthermore, plant species distribution was influenced by present and past grazing intensity, by soil grain size and nitrogen content. Vegetation changes over 9 yr were analysed by non‐linear regression. The cover of Aster tripolium, Atriplex portulacoides, and, to a lesser extent, Artemisia maritima and Elymus athericus increased due to reduced grazing pressure, whereas the cover of Salicornia europaea decreased. After a strong increase in the first years Aster decreased 2 to 6 yr after abandonment. In the mid salt‐marsh zone Puccinellia maritima was replaced by Festuca rubra. The cover of Puccinellia, Festuca, Suaeda maritima, Glaux maritima and Salicornia fluctuated strongly, probably due to differences in weather conditions and inundation frequency. Species richness per 4 m2 generally increased while vegetation evenness decreased during the study period. Only in the high salt marsh abandoned for 9 yr did the number of species decrease slightly. Thus far, cessation of grazing did not lead to large‐scale dominance of single plant species.  相似文献   

Questions: What is the effect of herbaceous layer on seedling establishment of three woody pioneer species in open areas of central Chile under a semi‐arid mediterranean climate? How do inter‐annual and habitat conditions (slope aspect) modulate this effect? Under high stress conditions such as the drier year and habitat (north‐facing slope) do herbs reach low abundance and have neutral effects on woody seedlings? Under medium stress conditions for these woody species, such as the wetter year and south‐facing slope, does the herbaceous layer reach greater abundance and have positive effects on woody seedlings due to increasing soil water content? Location: A watershed on the outskirts of Santiago, Chile, subjected to clearing of woody vegetation through firewood extraction and human‐set fires. Methods: In spring 2007, we set up 20 plots (3 m × 2 m). Half of each plot had herbs removed manually and by application of herbicide. In both halves of each plot, one seedling (8 months old) of each of the three native woody species (Colliguaya odorifera, Schinus polygamus and Quillaja saponaria) was planted and survival monitored subsequently. The experiment was repeated in two consecutive growing seasons (2007–2008 and 2008–2009) that differed significantly in total precipitation (152 and 256.5 mm, respectively), and replicated in two sites that differed in aspect and abiotic conditions: a moister south‐ and a drier north‐facing slope. Results: In the first and drier year, the herbaceous layer had low cover and no significant effect on seedling survival of woody species. During the second year, herbs had greater cover and a significant positive effect on spring survival of C. odorifera in the north‐facing slope, which was lost after summer. During this wetter year on the south‐facing slope, herb cover had a positive effect on survival of S. polygamus (mainly during summer). Conclusions: The role of mostly ruderal herbs on woody seedling establishment depended on the species, rainfall of the current year and slope aspect, and may be explained by soil moisture patterns. This suggests that the effect of ruderal herbs on woody seedlings shifts from neutral under high stress conditions produced by drought to positive under moderate stress conditions. Our results contribute to understand interactions between ruderal herbs and woody species under contrasting abiotic conditions. Therefore, control of the herbaceous layer may not be needed in restoration programmes for this region. Moreover, herbs may benefit restoration of woody cover in mesic habitats.  相似文献   

长江河口潮间带盐沼植被分布区及邻近光滩鱼类组成特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
童春富 《生态学报》2012,32(20):6501-6510
研究鱼类群落在不同生境中的差异或者变化,是评价与预测生境丧失、环境退化等对湿地生物多样性与生态系统功能影响的重要基础。2006年4—11月,在长江河口崇明东滩盐沼植被分布区(简称草滩)和邻近的光滩区域分别设置采样站位,每月大潮期采用定制插网对鱼类群落进行了取样调查。分析研究了长江河口潮间带盐沼植被分布区和邻近光滩区域的鱼类组成及其月际变化,并对影响鱼类分布的主要因子进行了探讨。调查期间共采集鱼类标本1638尾,分属9目14科22种;其中,淡水鱼类2种,定居性河口鱼类12种,海洋鱼类5种,洄游鱼类3种。植被分布区和光滩区域鱼类组成及优势种特征存在明显差异。调查期间,植被分布区记录鱼类13种,主要优势种为斑尾刺虾虎鱼(Acanthogobius ommaturus)、鲻(Mugil cephalus)和棱鮻(Liza carinatus)(IRI>20),其他种类基本不具有优势度特征(IRI<0.05);光滩区域记录鱼类20种,主要优势种鲻(IRI>20),其他包括斑尾刺虾虎鱼、狼牙鳗虾虎鱼(Taenioides rubicundus)、棱鮻和棘头梅童鱼(Collichthys lucidus)也具有一定的优势特征(20>IRI>10);两个区域共有种为11种,部分种类只出现在光滩或植被分布区,但主要优势种均为定居性河口鱼类。与世界其他河口盐沼湿地鱼类研究结果不同的是,光滩区域记录的鱼类物种数、个体数、生物量和整体物种多样性水平均高于植被分布区;光滩和植被分布区鱼类相应的量比关系存在明显的月际变化,但两种生境鱼类组成间的关联性和差异性均不显著。通过比较两种生境共有的优势种体长发现,长江河口盐沼植被分布区鱼类优势种的平均体长大于光滩区域,而且植被分布区部分优势种体长的上、下限范围也大于光滩区域。长江河口盐沼植被分布区,除了育幼场外,还是许多鱼类成鱼的重要栖息地。影响河口潮间带盐沼湿地鱼类组成与分布的主要因素包括鱼类自身的生物学与生活史特征、饵料生物的组成与分布、植被出现与表形特征等生物因素和水温、盐度、淡水径流、潮汐特性等非生物因素,其对长江河口潮间带盐沼湿地中鱼类群落的组成与分布的综合作用机理有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

Sea‐level rise (SLR) impacts on intertidal habitat depend on coastal topology, accretion, and constraints from surrounding development. Such habitat changes might affect species like Belding's savannah sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis beldingi; BSSP), which live in high‐elevation salt marsh in the Southern California Bight. To predict how BSSP habitat might change under various SLR scenarios, we first constructed a suitability model by matching bird observations with elevation. We then mapped current BSSP breeding and foraging habitat at six estuarine sites by applying the elevation‐suitability model to digital elevation models. To estimate changes in digital elevation models under different SLR scenarios, we used a site‐specific, one‐dimensional elevation model (wetland accretion rate model of ecosystem resilience). We then applied our elevation‐suitability model to the projected digital elevation models. The resulting maps suggest that suitable breeding and foraging habitat could decline as increased inundation converts middle‐ and high‐elevation suitable habitat to mudflat and subtidal zones. As a result, the highest SLR scenario predicted that no suitable breeding or foraging habitat would remain at any site by 2100 and 2110. Removing development constraints to facilitate landward migration of high salt marsh, or redistributing dredge spoils to replace submerged habitat, might create future high salt marsh habitat, thereby reducing extirpation risk for BSSP in southern California.  相似文献   

对崇明东滩南部盐沼植物群落样方进行调查,基于现有17种高等植物,特别是8种常见植物的2×2联列表和植被盖度值,利用方差比率法、χ2检验以及Spearman秩相关分析对物种关联性和相关性进行分析.结果表明: 方差比率(VR=0.61)的检验统计量W=48.61,落在 χ2 2个临界值区间之外,因此该区域盐沼植物群落内植物整体关联度表现为显著负相关;依据各优势植物对环境的适应方式和生境的主导因素,参考Spearman秩相关分析的结果,将它们划分为4个生态种组: 芦苇、糙叶苔草-藨草-水莎草、互花米草-海三棱藨草、白茅-稗草.崇明东滩南部盐沼植物群落种间关系复杂,群落表现极不稳定,植物对于环境影响较为敏感.在明确物种之间关系的基础上,针对海三棱藨草的分布现状提出了相应种群的保护措施和建议.  相似文献   

Abstract. The objective of this study was to predict the effects of climatic variation at multiple temporal frequencies on seedling establishment by two congeneric C4 perennial grasses (Bouteloua gracilis and B. eriopoda) at the ecotone between shortgrass steppe grassland and Chihuahuan desert grassland in central New Mexico, USA. The approach was to use a daily time‐step simulation model to determine the occurrence of a recruitment event in each year based upon the amount and timing of soil water required for establishment. Historical weather data were used to predict effects of seasonal and inter‐decadal variation in climate on establishment. A sensitivity analysis was used to predict effects of directional climate change on establishment. Bouteloua gracilis had a broad pattern of simulated establishment from May through September that included periods with high year‐to‐year variation in precipitation. B. eriopoda establishment events occurred primarily in July when precipitation amounts were most reliable. Climatic conditions from 1949 through 1968 were more favorable for B. eriopoda establishment compared to the cooler, wetter conditions from 1969 through 1988 that favored B. gracilis. Establishment of B. eriopoda was lowest in El Niño years whereas B. gracilis establishment was highest in La Niña years. Establishment of B. gracilis was most sensitive to temperature when precipitation was higher than current amounts. The greatest response to temperature by B. eriopoda for all precipitation amounts occurred at cooler temperatures than found currently. These results indicate that climatic variation at multiple frequencies has differential effects on seedling establishment for these two perennial grasses, and may account at least in part for patterns in dominance at this biome transition zone.  相似文献   

Fire has long been recognised as a natural force in structuring Northern Hemisphere salt marshes, yet little is known about the impact of fire on molluscs and native vegetation dynamics of Southern Hemisphere coastal salt marshes. Following a fire at Ash Island, Hunter River New South Wales, Australia in the summer 2012, we assessed patterns of recovery through time of gastropod populations and resident salt marsh vegetation including biomass for three keystone native plant species, Native Rush (Juncus kraussii Hochst.), a chenopod (Sarcocornia quinqueflora Bunge ex Ungen‐Sternberg A.J. Scott), Salt Couch (Sporobolus virginicus, L. Kunth) and the invasive Spiny Rush (Juncus acutus). In temperate east‐coast Australian salt marshes, Spiny Rush is displacing native salt marsh vegetation. After twelve months, the biomass of Native Rush recovered to similar pre‐burn levels. While fire affected the abundance, richness and composition of the gastropod assemblage differences were also largely driven by spatial variability. Gastropod assemblages associated with two of the higher elevation native species (Native Rush and Salt Couch) were impacted the most by fire. Greater abundance (between 1 and 5 orders of magnitude difference in abundance) and richness of gastropods were found in unburnt compared with burnt Native Rush and Salt Couch vegetation, while more gastropods were found in Spiny Rush in one site. Species prevalent in burnt vegetation included larger species of gastropods Ophicardelus ornatus (Ferussac, 1821) and Phallomedusa solida (Martens, 1878) with an unexpected spike in number of the smaller gastropod Tatea huonensis (Tenison‐Woods, 1876) in the spiny rush at one site only. In salt marsh habitats, many gastropods have planktonic larval dispersal stages which are dependent on the tidal height for transport and the structural complexity provided by vegetation at settlement. Since fire appears to negatively affect salt marsh gastropod populations within structurally complex Native Rush and Salt Couch, due consideration of the importance of these refuges for gastropods is recommended when fire or other disturbances occur in ecologically endangered salt marsh in the Southern Hemisphere. Managers need to consider spatial heterogeneity of molluscs and their recovery in the event of fire in Southern Hemisphere salt marshes.  相似文献   

Clones of Spartina patens were collected from 19 locations throughout Gulf coast marshes of Texas, Louisiana, and Florida. Following three vegetative generations of de-acclimation from field conditions, genotypes were subjected to a salinity screening protocol in which salinity was increased in weekly increments of 5‰ (gram salt/kilogram solution). Plants were harvested when there was 50% death of aboveground tissue, which we defined as the lethal salinity level. The genotypes displayed highly significant intraspecific variation in lethal salinity level, which ranged from 63‰ to 93‰. Significant intraspecific variation was also observed in all plant morphological variables, as well as leaf rolling, leaf expansion rates at 2‰ and 20‰ salinity, aboveground, belowground, and total biomass, and belowground-to-aboveground biomass ratio. An ANOVA of principal component scores from a PCA of lethal salinity level and covariable-adjusted total plant dry mass further illustrated intraspecific variation within this species in these two traits expressed as one principal component. Correlation analysis revealed that intraspecific variation in salt tolerance was not strongly associated with intraspecific variation in plant morphological traits, leaf rolling, or leaf expansion rates.  相似文献   

Plants adopt different strategies in response to seasonal variations in their natural biotype. In this study, the responses of seasonal changes on the organic osmolyte contents, ionic homoeostasis, osmotic potential and succulence of native chenopods in a salt marsh of Egypt were studied. Five halophytic species of the chenopodiaceae were collected during the rainy and dry season: Atriplex halimus L., Halocnemum strobilaceum (Pall.), Salicornia fruticosa (L.), Suaeda pruinosa (Lange) and Arthrocnemum macrostachyum (Moric). Results showed that plants employ an osmoconformer strategy via species specificity of response to seasonal variations. The total ions accumulation in all species was higher during the rainy season compared with the dry season. In particular, during rainy season, A. halimus resulted the higher accumulator species, followed by H. strobilaceum. Conversely, S. fruticosa, S. pruinosa and A. macrostachyum were defined as low‐accumulator species. In each studied species, the effective salinity, biological absorption coefficient as well as leaf succulence were higher during the rainy season. In conclusion, the present study have pointed out the importance that should be accorded with the development of research directed towards agronomic aspects for the uses of halophytic chenopodiaceae in salt marsh. Further, data obtained indicate that the ions accumulator species should be considered for use in phytoremediation of degraded saline lands.  相似文献   

Carex rugulosa Kük. forms large meadows in moist zones along estuarine riversides. These meadows are usually maintained by rhizomatous ramet production (clonal growth), and the appearance of seedlings is uncommon. We studied the conditions required for seedling establishment. In areas in which clonal ramets were dense (906–1050/m2), and the relative light intensity at ground level was low (0.8–3.8%), seed germination was entirely suppressed. In contrast, many seedlings (288–513/m2) were observed in areas in which clonal ramets had been considerably reduced (13–269/m2) by continuous inundation in the previous year. In these areas, the relative light intensity had increased (20.5–79.3%). It was inferred that seeds resisted the prolonged inundation that killed the ramets, and that germination was induced under these open conditions. These results suggest that the main functions of sexual reproduction in C. rugulosa are recovery after severe damage to vegetation using seeds from the seed bank and the dispersal of seeds to areas without dense vegetation. Most seedlings died when the marshy meadow was temporarily inundated by heavy rain. However, transplanted seedlings survived better at artificially elevated sites that were not submerged. This shows that inundation during the seedling stage impedes seedling survival. Therefore, seeds can contribute to recovery after ramet decline or colonization to open area when (i) the rainfall is not heavy to cause seedling submergence or (ii) seeds are dispersed to higher area which is not inundated.  相似文献   

This study investigated maturation and spawning of Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides in the Heard Island and McDonald Islands (HIMI) fishery on the Kerguelen Plateau in the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean based on gonads and otoliths collected between 2004 and 2015 and using histological analyses and calibration of macroscopic staging criteria. Dissostichus eleginoides at HIMI spawn throughout the austral late autumn and winter months of May–August and spawning activity is concentrated on slopes along the west and south of the plateau around HIMI at depths of 1500–1900 m. Comparison between histological analyses and macroscopic gonad staging indicated that many fish that had spawned, as indicated by the presence of post‐ovulatory follicles, returned to a resting stage which was macroscopically indistinguishable from maturing fish. Furthermore, the occurrence of females of all size classes with low gonado‐somatic index and low macroscopic gonad stage during the spawning season suggested that a proportion of mature females did not spawn every year. Age‐at‐maturity estimates, based on the assumption that fish of macroscopic stages ≥2 were mature, decreased between the 2004–2009 and 2010–2015 periods for both sexes. The magnitude of this temporal variation in age at maturity, however, varied between gear types and fishing depths and variable sampling regimes probably influenced these variations. This study highlights the importance of correct interpretation of macroscopic gonad stages and understanding the influence of fishery operations on estimations of life‐history parameters.  相似文献   

Decomposition rates, determined with the litterbag technique in salt marshes of the S.W. Netherlands during the past decade are compared; the biotic and abiotic factors influencing these rates are identified and discussed.Tissue composition is the main variable affecting decay rates of halophytes, particularly variations in lignin content between plant parts and between species.Experiments in which the loss of the tensile strength of cotton strips was used as an index of cellulolytic decay, show that there is a conspicuous variation in decay rates on different sites in a salt marsh. Nonetheless, the locally varying environmental conditions within salt marshes of the S.W. Netherlands have less impact on the variation in decomposition rates of halophyte litter than the chemical make-up of the plant material.Larger fauna elements (> 300 m) may increase decomposition rates, but this effect is only limited and depends on location and litter type. The role of small fauna elements such as nematodes, which occur abundantly in association with halophyte litter, remains largely unknown.  相似文献   

Riparian habitats are particularly susceptible to invasion by non‐native plants. At present, attempts to build consensus as to what the primary drivers of plant invasion in riparian ecosystems might be is hindered by the absence of common standards for data collected on plant species (e.g. occurrence, or relative abundance). Mimulus guttatus L., a non‐native riparian plant species, was used as a model to determine how environmental drivers influence two aspects of invasibility: species occurrence and abundance (assessed in relation to three variables number of patches, patch area and number of stems per patch). Mimulus occurrence and abundance, together with 20 environmental variables, were surveyed in almost 700 contiguous 50‐m‐long riverbank segments within a catchment in north‐east Scotland. More than half of the segments had been colonized by Mimulus. Occurrence and number of patches responded to similar environmental gradients, particularly bare sediment, boulders, high soil moisture, short‐statured ruderal communities, and open canopies, and tended to be highest downstream where the river was widest. In contrast to occurrence and patch number, patch area and stem number per patch were higher in the upper reaches of the catchment and were positively associated with low tree canopy and vegetation dominated by light‐demanding species and smaller‐statured species. Patch area and stem number per patch were also positively related to grazing. This study has highlighted the importance of assessing more than one measure of invasion success (occurrence or patch number and either patch area or stem number per patch), as they are each determined by a different suite of environmental variables. Abiotic factors, such as sediment availability and presence of boulders, appeared to be the major determinants of occurrence and patch number, whereas biotic factors, such as interspecific competition and grazing, were more important ecological determinants underlying area and stem number per patch.  相似文献   

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