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The salt marsh harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys raviventris) is an endangered species, endemic to the marshes of the San Francisco Bay, California, USA. This species is thought to feed primarily on pickleweed (Salicornia pacifica), although its diet is poorly understood, and a large proportion of remaining habitat for salt marsh harvest mice is managed for non-pickleweed vegetation to provide habitat for waterfowl. Using 2 sets of cafeteria trials, we tested food preferences of the salt marsh harvest mouse when offered a variety of plants and invertebrates from the Suisun Marsh, Solano County, California. In a set repeated menu, and unique seasonal menus, salt marsh harvest mice showed strong preferences for food types commonly grown for waterfowl, and also for non-native plants; in contrast, pickleweed was the most preferred during only some of the set and some of the seasonal trials. These results suggest that salt marsh harvest mice have a more flexible diet than previously thought, and will allow land managers in areas such as the Suisun Marsh to promote the growth of plants that provide foods that are preferred by both waterfowl and salt marsh harvest mice. © 2019 The Authors. The Journal of Wildlife Management published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in seed predation by adult carabid beetles   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
In many agro‐ecosystems of the temperate region, granivorous ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) are the most important invertebrate predators of seeds after dispersal. The consumption of a particular species of seed differs among carabid species, but seasonal variation in consumption has not yet been studied. Seasonal differences in the quantity of seed consumed by the carabids Harpalus affinis (Schrank) and Harpalus distinguendus (Duftschmid) were studied in a cafeteria experiment. Adults were collected on five dates between April and November and provided with seeds of 28 species of dicotyledonous herbaceous plants. Proportions eaten of the seeds offered (preferences) were nearly identical in both carabid species. Overall seed consumption increased from early spring until late June, then gradually decreased towards autumn. Despite this variation, the preferences on particular dates were essentially similar. Seasonal variation in carabid physiology and feeding experience thus influenced overall seed consumption, but not their preferences for particular seed species.  相似文献   

Conifer woodlands have expanded into sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) ecosystems and degrade habitat for sagebrush obligate species such as the Greater Sage‐grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). Conifer management is increasing despite a lack of empirical evidence assessing outcomes to grouse and their habitat. Although assessments of vegetation recovery after conifer removal are common, comparisons of successional trends with habitat guidelines or actual data on habitat used by sage‐grouse is lacking. We assessed impacts of conifer encroachment on vegetation characteristics known to be important for sage‐grouse nesting. Using a controlled repeated measures design, we then evaluated vegetation changes for 3 years after conifer removal. We compared these results to data from 356 local sage‐grouse nests, rangewide nesting habitat estimates, and published habitat guidelines. We measured negative effects of conifer cover on many characteristics important for sage‐grouse nesting habitat including percent cover of forbs, grasses, and shrubs, and species richness of forbs and shrubs. In untreated habitat, herbaceous vegetation cover was slightly below the cover at local nest sites, while shrub cover and sagebrush cover were well below cover at the nest sites. Following conifer removal, we measured increases in herbaceous vegetation, primarily grasses, and sagebrush height. Our results indicate that conifer abundance can decrease habitat suitability for nesting sage‐grouse. Additionally, conifer removal can improve habitat suitability for nesting sage‐grouse within 3 years, and trajectories indicate that the habitat may continue to improve in the near future.  相似文献   

Several species of carabid beetles are important postdispersal predators of the seeds of herbaceous plants. The preferences of carabids for particular seeds differ, but the factors that determine their choice are little studied. We tested the hypothesis that preferences are determined by taxonomic constraints (carabid species affiliation), and carabid and seed size. The preferences were determined for adults of 30 species of central European field carabids mainly belonging to the tribes Zabrini (17 species) and Harpalini (10 species) (body mass 1–36 mg). In a cafeteria experiment the beetles were offered an excess of seeds from 28 species of dicotyledoneous herbaceous plants (mass 0.1–8.7 mg). The number of seeds eaten during a 5-day experiment was used as an estimate of preference. Mass of the preferred species of seed eaten was positively related to carabid body mass in both tribes. Multivariate analysis indicated three groups of carabid species with marked preferences for particular species of seeds: (i) species of Harpalini favoured mainly the seed of Cirsium arvense and Viola arvensis, (ii) some species of Zabrini the seeds of Asteraceae (Taraxacum officinale, Tripleurospermum inodorum and Crepis biennis) and (iii) other species of Zabrini the small seeds of Brassicaceae and Caryophyllaceae. The species of Harpalini were more generalist and accepted a greater proportion of seed species than Zabrini of the same size. Preferences of carabid seed predators were thus determined by taxonomic and size constraints, as in other groups of predators.  相似文献   

Niger is host to the last free‐roaming herd of G.c. peralta (Giraffa camelopardalis peralta). We examined the foraging preferences of these giraffe in their dry‐season habitats, with the goal of preserving the herd in the regions that they currently inhabit. The current dry‐season habitat comprises two distinct vegetation zones. In both of these zones the giraffe must exist alongside the people of this region. The giraffes exhibit a sexual segregation in their dry‐season habitat selection and forage choices. The females show a strong preference for the intermediate zone (IM) when lactating. The males and pregnant females show a preference for the Dallol Bosso (DB). Nursing cows exhibit an avoidance of tannins. Bulls and non‐nursing cows prefer high protein and high fat forage, while subadults show a strong preference for high protein and carbohydrate contents and moderate tannin levels. Combretum glutinosum is the preferred species for adults of both sexes in the IM. Males and females have strong preferences for both Acacia nilotica and Acacia seyal in the DB. Sub‐adults of both sexes strongly prefer Prosopis africana in the IM. Unlike females, males retain their preference for A. nilotica when in the IM.  相似文献   

Felicia Keesing 《Oecologia》1998,116(3):381-389
The impacts of ungulates on small mammals in an East African savanna habitat were investigated by monitoring the population and community responses of small mammals on replicated 4-ha plots from which ungulates had been excluded. The dominant small mammal in this habitat is the pouched mouse, Saccostomusmearnsi, a medium-sized murid rodent. Eight other small mammal species, including Arvicanthis sp., Mus sp., Mastomys sp., Dendromus sp., Crocidura sp., and, rarely, Tatera sp., Aethomys sp., and Acomys sp., were also captured. The dominant ungulates are elephant (Loxodonta africana), giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis), Grevy's and common zebra (Equus grevyi and E. burchelli), buffalo (Syncerus cafer), eland (Taurotragus oryx), Grant's gazelle (Gazella granti), and domestic cattle. Within 1 year, S. mearnsi populations had responded dramatically to the exclusion of large mammals by a two-fold increase in density, a difference that was maintained through pronounced seasonal fluctuations in the second year. Though individual pouched mice showed no significant differences in their use of space with and without ungulates, male S. mearnsi maintained significantly higher body weights in the absence of ungulates, indicating that habitat quality had increased. One other species, Mastomys sp., also increased in the absence of ungulates. Overall, the small mammal community maintained relatively constant species diversity on the plots to which ungulates did not have access. On the plots to which ungulates did have access, on the other hand, there was a rapid 75% decrease in diversity in the control plots during one trapping session. Ungulates are most likely affecting small mammals through their effects on food quality, since there were no detectable differences in their exposure to predators, as determined by vegetative cover, in the absence of ungulates. These results demonstrate that ungulates can have strong and rapid impacts on small mammal abundance and diversity in East African savannas, an interaction which has not previously been given serious consideration. Received: 28 December 1997 / Accepted: 11 May 1998  相似文献   

Grasslands dominated by exotic annual grasses have replaced native perennial vegetation types in vast areas of California. Prescribed spring fires can cause a temporary replacement of exotic annual grasses by native and non‐native forbs, but generally do not lead to recovery of native perennials, especially where these have been entirely displaced for many years. Successful reintroduction of perennial species after fire depends on establishment in the postfire environment. We studied the effects of vegetation changes after an April fire on competition for soil moisture, a key factor in exotic annual grass dominance. As an alternative to fire, solarization effectively kills seeds of most plant species but with a high labor investment per area. We compared the burn to solarization in a study of establishment and growth of seeds and transplants of the native perennial grass Purple needlegrass (Nassella pulchra) and coastal sage species California sagebrush (Artemisia californica). After the fire, initial seed bank and seedling densities and regular percent cover and soil moisture (0–20 cm) data were collected in burned and unburned areas. Burned areas had 96% fewer viable seeds of the dominant annual grass, Ripgut brome (Bromus diandrus), leading to replacement by forbs from the seed bank, especially non‐native Black mustard (Brassica nigra). In the early growing season, B. diandrus dominating unburned areas consistently depleted soil moisture to a greater extent between rains than forbs in burned areas. However, B. diandrus senesced early, leaving more moisture available in unburned areas after late‐season rains. Nassella pulchra and A. californica established better on plots treated with fire and/or solarization than on untreated plots. We conclude that both spring burns and solarization can produce conditions where native perennials can establish in annual grasslands. However, the relative contribution of these treatments to restoration appears to depend on the native species being reintroduced, and the long‐term success of these initial restoration experiments remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Species-rich, winter-rainfall, microphyllous Renosterveld vegetation in the Western Cape Province of South Africa has largely been transformed for production of wheat and wine. Remaining fragments thus have high conservation value. Abandoned old fields adjacent to natural vegetation fragments could potentially be restored as corridors and habitat for indigenous flora and fauna. We hypothesised that indigenous antelope maintained in a matrix of natural vegetation and abandoned field could play a role in restoration of Renoserveld via seed dispersal.We collected dung of indigenous ungulates in an abandoned field at various distances from natural Renosterveld vegetation, in order to assess the potential of large herbivores to contribute to restoration of plant diversity through seed dispersal. Emerged seedlings from the collected dung represented 29 forb, 13 grass, four sedge, four geophyte and one shrub species. The most abundant emerging seedlings were lawn grass Cynodon dactylon (38%), alien pasture grasses (31%) and indigenous geophyte Romulea rosea (12%). Whereas seeds of annual forbs and grasses were dispersed, only one shrub species was dispersed at very low density. We concluded that large herbivores could retard the rate of recovery of Renosterveld vegetation because viable seeds of herbaceous plants, particularly alien annual grasses and lawn-grasses were more abundant in the dung than the shrub, geophyte or perennial tussock grass species that characterise this vegetation type.  相似文献   

Biotic resistance has been invoked as a major barrier to woody species invasion, although the role of resident generalist consumers and their interaction with seed availability in a local community has received little attention. We assessed tree seed consumption by rodents under two different scenarios: (i) We documented in field spatio‐temporal patterns of seed predation by native rodents on two exotic tree species, Gleditsia triacanthos or ‘honey locust’ and Robinia pseudoacacia or ‘white locust’ (family Leguminosae), in five grassland habitats of the Inland Pampa, Argentina. (ii) We conducted laboratory feeding trials to evaluate tree seed consumption in the presence (cafeteria‐style feeding trials) and in the absence (non‐choice feeding trials) of alternative food supplies. Seed predation was generally higher for Robinia than for Gleditsia seeds, both in field and laboratory conditions. For both tree species, seed predation varied between habitats and seasons and was higher in the native tussock grassland than in the remaining studied communities, whereas the crop field showed the lowest levels of consumption along with the absence of captured rodents. Seed consumption of Gleditsia and Robinia among the four grassland communities (which did not differ in rodent abundance) was negatively associated with the availability of alternative food. Laboratory feeding trials showed a higher consumption of Gleditsia seeds in the non‐choice than in the cafeteria‐style feeding trials, while the consumption of Robinia seeds did not differ in the absence or presence of alternative seeds. These patterns indicate that the contribution of resident granivores to invasion resistance might depend on colonizer species identity, recipient community type and season of the year. We suggest that rodent preferences for different invader seeds will interact with the availability of alternative food in the local habitat in influencing the amount of predator‐mediated biotic resistance to invasion.  相似文献   

Summary An experiment was conducted to determine the microhabitat preferences of two heteromyid rodents, Dipodomys ordi and Perognathus flavus. This experiment used marked seeds and the atomic absorption spectrophotometer in order to study the environment as a mosiac of microhabitats. The results of our analysis indicate that these two heteromyids are microhabitat selectors. The preferences of the rodents are D. ordi: grass habitat 0.0%, near grass habitat 22.5%, open habitat 77.4% and P. flavus: grass habitat 46.2%, near grass habitat 32.2%, open habitat 21.4%. The overlap between the two species is only 0.43.  相似文献   

Degradation of instream habitats in the northern Murray–Darling Basin has occurred through numerous stressors, including siltation, clearing of bankside vegetation, intrusion of livestock and impacts of pest species. A better understanding of habitat preferences of native fish species could help guide future instream habitat restoration actions. The habitat choices of seven native fish species, juvenile Murray Cod (Maccullochella peelii), juvenile Golden Perch (Macquaria ambigua ambigua), juvenile Silver Perch (Bidyanus bidyanus), adult Murray–Darling Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia fluviatilis), adult Olive Perchlet (Ambassis agassizii), adult Un‐specked Hardyhead (Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum fulvus) and adult carp gudgeons (Hypseleotris spp.) were tested in preference troughs to help inform potential habitat restoration actions in the Condamine catchment. Each species was given a choice between pair combinations of open sandy habitat, submerged macrophytes, emergent plants and rocky rubble. Habitat preferences varied between species. Murray Cod, Golden Perch, carp gudgeons and Olive Perchlets preferred structure over open sandy habitat, whilst juvenile Silver Perch, Un‐specked Hardyhead and Murray–Darling Rainbowfish did not avoid open sandy habitats. Juvenile Murray Cod preferred rocky rubble habitat over all other habitat choices. Use of complex rock piles to provide nursery habitat for Murray Cod populations is a potential restoration option. Introduction of rock could also benefit Golden Perch and carp gudgeons. Use of emergent plants, submerged macrophytes and rocky rubble for habitat restoration all appear to have merit for one or more species of small‐bodied fishes or juvenile stages of larger sized fishes. Rocky rubble or floating attached macrophytes could be viable restoration options in areas too turbid to establish submerged macrophytes. These habitat interventions would complement existing actions such as re‐snagging and provision of fish passage to assist with sustainable management of native fish populations.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this study, we examined the colonization of unvegetated, dry slopes in the lignite‐mining area of Goitsche, Germany. The plots, characterized by different habitat conditions, were studied from 1994–2000. The vegetation development on treated plots was compared to untreated plots showing spontaneous succession. For initial treatments we used fresh plant clippings from a species‐rich sandy grassland (Armerion elongatae) mowed at the end of July. Soil seed bank samples, taken at the beginning of the experiments and cultivated for 18 months, confirmed that the vegetation development on the slopes started with primary succession. Because seed rain is considered to be an important factor in primary succession, we also studied the diaspore input during the first year. The hospitable Quaternary substrate of Site I (pH = 4.1–4.7, 92 % sand) supports fast vegetation development on treated and untreated plots. On treated plots, we have identified plant assemblages similar to initial stages of the Armerion elongatae community. On control plots, Coryne‐phorion communities have established spontaneously. At Site II (mixed Quaternary and Tertiary substrate, pH = 3.0–3.5,40 % sand) the total cover and number of psammophytic species was low. Treated plots showed development towards ruderal sandy grassland, but the establishment of Calamagrostis epigejos would eventually lead to monodominant stands. Untreated control plots showed basically the same pattern, however the development was slower. At Site III (pH = 1.8–2.8, 34 % sand), the hostile Tertiary substrate impeded the succession on both treated and untreated plots because low pH and therefore high amounts of Al3+ produced elemental toxicity to plants. The application of plant clippings accelerated the vegetation development in sites with a pH exceeding 3. On plots with the initial treatment, vegetation cover and total number of species were higher than on untreated plots. The application of fresh plant clippings from areas with similar habitat conditions appears to be a viable alternative to traditional restoration methods.  相似文献   

Harvesting ants can affect the regeneration of plants through at least two different processes: seed removal and seed dispersal. We analyse the role of different foraging strategies of ants on patterns of seed removal and dispersal by three Messor species with considerable differences in their foraging systems. Messor capitatus workers rarely leave the nest in well-formed columns, while the other two species form foraging trails, with M. bouvieri forming temporary trails and M. barbarus foraging on a stable system of permanent foraging trails. Overall seed intake of M. capitatus colonies is considerably less than that of the two group-foraging species. There are also differences in the size of seeds collected: M. barbarus and M. capitatus harvest similar amounts of large and small seeds, while M. bouvieri harvests small seeds more intensely than large ones, due to the smaller size of the worker caste. The three Messor species differ in the percent of seed dropping of the different seed type and in the seed dispersal distance. Moreover, M. bouvieri and M. capitatus redistributed dropped seeds preferentially in bare soil and low sparse vegetation habitats, while M. barbarus redistributed seeds mainly in the high vegetation habitat. These results show that the foraging systems of these harvesting ants determine different patterns of seed removal and dispersal and, thus, affect the abundance and redistribution of seeds in the area.  相似文献   

Distributions of potential ranges of plant species are not yet fully known in Ethiopia where high climatic variability and vegetation types are found. This study was undertaken to predict distributions of suitable habitats of Pouteria adolfi-friederici and Prunus africana under current and two future climate scenarios (RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 in 2050 and 2070) in Ethiopia. Eleven environmental variables with less correlation coefficients (r < 0.7) were used to make the prediction. Shifting in extents of habitat suitability and effects of elevation, solar radiation and topographic position in relation to the current and future climatic scenarios were statistically analysed using independent t-test and linear model. We found decreasing area of highly suitable habitat from 0.51% to 0.46%, 0.36% and 0.33%, 0.24% for Prunus africana and 1.13% to 1.02%, 0.77% and 0.76%, 0.60% for Pouteria adolfi-friederici, under RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 by 2050 and 2070 respectively. Moist and dry afromontane forests are identified as the most suitable habitat for both species. Overall, our results suggest that climate change can promote dynamic suitable habitat niches under different future climate scenarios. Therefore, biodiversity conservation strategies should take into account habitat suitability dynamics issues and identify where to conserve species before implementing conservation practices.  相似文献   

Habitat preferences of fifteen species of ungulate were studied between July and September 1975 in dry savanna woodland of Mwabvi Game Reserve, Southern Malawi, Central Africa. Thirteen vegetation types were recognized using vegetation transects and plotless sampling techniques (but three of these are omitted from further analysis here either because of the difficulty of sampling in a representative manner or because of their infrequency). A combination of six methods was used to study habitat preferences since each had particular advantages or disadvantages, although quadrat sampling of fresh pellets/spoor counts was the most satisfactory and so used predominantly. The most common and widely distributed species was the Greater kudu, although abundance estimates in different habitats varied according to the method used. Pellet/spoor counts showed heavy use of open grassland by kudu which was not detected by daytime drives. Temporal patterns of activity indicated that the species was moving into more closed woodland during the day and only coming out into open grassland at night. Relative abundance estimates of a species may also be affected by changing group size. The mean group size of kudu increased in more open vegetation, although group size in warthog did not show this relationship. Some species, e.g. impala, reedbuck, and klipspringer showed narrow habitat preferences, occurring in only one or a few vegetation types, whilst others, e.g. kudu, sable, duiker, suni, and grysbok showed much broader preferences. Mixed Colophospermum mopane /Acacia woodland had the highest species diversity but rather low abundance. Open grassland and Acacia/Albizia woodland had high species diversity together with the greatest abundance of ungulates. Open Julbernardia/Diplorynchus, Brachystegia/Julber-nardia woodland, and particularly Pterocarpus/Diplorynchus/Combretum hill woodland had the lowest species diversity and abundance of ungulates. Ready access to cover and availability of suitable food plants probably account for the preferences of certain vegetation types over others, whilst the different behavioural ecology and food preferences of each species account for individual species differences. Access to water probably also determines habitat preferences in particular species, and studies during the wet season may show different distributions.  相似文献   

Abstract Fine‐scale habitat preferences of three co‐occurring mycophagous mammals were examined in a tropical wet sclerophyll forest community in north‐eastern Australia. Two of the three mammal species responded to fine‐scale variation in vegetation and landform around individual trap locations. At a broad scale, the northern bettong (Bettongia tropica), an endangered marsupial endemic to the Australian wet tropics region, showed a preference for ridges over mid‐slopes and gullies, irrespective of forest type. In contrast, the northern brown bandicoot (Isoodon macrourus), a widespread marsupial, displayed a preference for Eucalyptus woodland over adjacent Allocasuarina forest, irrespective of topographic category. The giant white‐tailed rat (Uromys caudimaculatus), a rodent endemic to the wet tropics, showed no particular preference for either forest type or topographic category. A multiple regression model of mammal capture success against three principal habitat gradients constructed from 21 habitat variables using principal component analysis indicated strong species‐specific preferences for fine‐scale vegetation assemblages. Bettongs preferred areas of Eucalyptus woodland with sparse ground cover, low densities of certain grass species, high density of tree stems and few pig diggings. Bandicoots, in contrast, favoured areas in both forest types with dense ground cover, fewer tree stems and greater numbers of pig diggings; that is, characteristics least favoured by bettongs. The striking differences in fine‐scale habitat preferences of these two mammals of similar body size and broad habitat requirements suggest a high degree of fine‐scale habitat partitioning. White‐tailed rats did not show preference for any of the habitat gradients examined.  相似文献   

The persistence of populations of short-lived species requires regular reproduction and seedling establishment. A persistent seed bank can buffer populations against extinction in unfavourable years. We experimentally investigated seed fate in Gentianella germanica, an endangered biennial species characteristic for species-rich nutrient-poor calcareous grasslands in central Europe. We studied the effect of experimental gaps on seedling establishment from sown seeds and the fate of seeds buried in bags over two years. In December 1993 experiments were established at seven calcareous grassland sites in the Swiss Jura mountains. In spring 1994 seedlings emerged in all plots where seeds had been sown, including previously unoccupied patches. This suggests that limited dispersal within sites contributes to small population sizes. Significantly more seedlings emerged at sites with current populations of G. germanica than at unoccupied sites (5.95% vs 3.40%). Because this difference was not explained by germinations from the natural seed bank it indicates differences in habitat quality. Clipping of the vegetation and disturbance of the soil reduced vegetation cover in the following spring and enhanced seedling emergence. In undisturbed plots 4.5% of seeds sown produced a seedling in spring 1994, whereas in plots with clipped vegetation 9.9% and in disturbed plots 12.7% produced seedlings (p>0.01). This suggests that management measures which create gaps in the vegetation (e.g. grazing) could positively influence population size and persistence of G. geymanica. On average, we recovered 7.55% viable seeds after one year of burial in bags, and 4.05% after two years, indicating that G. geymanica has a persistent seed bank. The demographic data indicate that the number of viable seeds in the seed bank exceeds the number of established plants in a population at least by a factor of 20. Restoration of extinct populations of the species from the seed bank may thus be possible if appropriate management measures are taken within a few years.  相似文献   

Ozark glades are gaps in forested areas that are dominated by grasses and forbs growing in rocky, nutrient‐poor soil. Historically, these open, patchy habitats were maintained by natural and anthropogenic fire cycles that prohibited tree encroachment. However, because of decades of fire suppression, glades have become overgrown by fire‐intolerant species such as Eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana). Current restoration practices include cutting down invasive cedars and burning brush piles, which represent habitat for Northern fence lizards (Sceloporus undulatus). Because Sceloporus actively consumes herbivores, we hypothesized that the presence of these lizards in and around brush piles might result in a trophic cascade, whereby damage on native plants is reduced. Field surveys across six Missouri glades indicated that lizard activity was minimal beyond 1 m from habitat structures. This activity pattern reduced grasshopper abundance by 75% and plant damage by over 66% on Echinacea paradoxa and Rudbeckia missouriensis near structures with lizards. A field transplant experiment demonstrated similar reductions in grasshopper abundance and damage on two other glade endemic species, Aster oblongifolius and Schizachyrium scoparium. These results demonstrate that future glade restoration efforts might benefit from considering top‐down effects of predators in facilitating native plant establishment.  相似文献   

Ruderal associations of larger extension could be found only in Kaboul. In the summer aspect Atriplex tatarica is the prevailing species in these ruderal associations. In the spring aspect at some places Malcolmia africana is dominant, while at others Euclidium syriacum prevails. At more humid localities Heleochloa schoenoides is most common. In the autumn aspect Polygonum aviculare often plays the main part. These associations, in which annual species are predominant, are not only changing a great deal throughout the year, but also show important differences in the combination of species in successive years. At places that are not too dry these ruderal associations often are transformed into the permanent association of the Cynodontetum dactylontis. The segetal associations mainly are formed by wheat- and rice-fields, to a smaller extent also by fields of Lathyrus sativus and Medicago sativa as well as those fields on which oil-producing plants or vegetables and other are grown. The number of species in the weedvegetation often is very great without any species playing a predominant part. The seeds of weeds are either intermingled with the seeds of crop-plants or they are derived from the spontaneous vegetation of the mountain-slopes or they are brought with the water of rivers that is used for the irrigation of the fields. Besides the predominant annual species weed vegetation is composed of several species with rhizomes or bulbs.  相似文献   

An animal's microhabitat requirements can impact its ability to colonize restored areas, particularly species requiring slow developing microhabitats, such as logs and woody debris piles. Introduction of these microhabitats may be required to facilitate colonization by some species. Restored bauxite mine‐pits in the Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forest of south‐western Australia contain introduced log piles at densities of 1 ha?1. However, these have not facilitated colonization by Napoleon's skink (Egernia napoleonis), which rely on logs for habitat and are largely absent from restored sites. We radio‐tracked 12 skinks in unmined forest to determine their microhabitat preferences and examined differences in vegetation structure, and microhabitat and food availability, between restored and unmined forests to identify reasons for their absence. Restored and unmined forests differed in canopy, mid‐ and understory cover and ground substrates, which were all potential barriers to colonization. Food availability was similar between restored and unmined forest, thus not a barrier to colonization. Skinks primarily utilized long logs, large woody debris piles, and large trees; microhabitats that were scarce or absent in restored sites and, therefore, potential barriers to colonization. Using this information, we introduced small woody debris piles into restored sites in close proximity to unmined areas containing skinks to facilitate skink colonization. This showed early signs of success and suggested that the lack of logs and woody debris were barriers to colonization. However, further monitoring is required to accurately determine the long‐term value of woody debris piles in facilitating skink colonization.  相似文献   

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