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In this study, the explanations of two classes of 10-year old children about what happens to the food that they eat were explored, particularly in the context of theories about the development of children's concepts of the human body. These ideas were investigated in a number of ways: obtaining children's own writing and drawings; semi-structured individual interviews; and examining choices made between alternative explanations. The results suggested that children applied their knowledge of everyday materials to understand the initial stages of what happens to food, but their ideas about later stages were more tentative and within the group there was a range of different kinds of explanation preferred. The limitations and achievements of the children's thinking are considered in the context of the school curriculum.  相似文献   

An urgent challenge facing biologists is predicting the regional-scale population dynamics of species facing environmental change. Biologists suggest that we must move beyond predictions based on phenomenological models and instead base predictions on underlying processes. For example, population biologists, evolutionary biologists, community ecologists and ecophysiologists all argue that the respective processes they study are essential. Must our models include processes from all of these fields? We argue that answering this critical question is ultimately an empirical exercise requiring a substantial amount of data that have not been integrated for any system to date. To motivate and facilitate the necessary data collection and integration, we first review the potential importance of each mechanism for skilful prediction. We then develop a conceptual framework based on reaction norms, and propose a hierarchical Bayesian statistical framework to integrate processes affecting reaction norms at different scales. The ambitious research programme we advocate is rapidly becoming feasible due to novel collaborations, datasets and analytical tools.  相似文献   

W.D. (Bill) Hamilton proposed that coevolution between plants and herbivorous insects explains the bright autumnal colouration of leaves. Accordingly, plants invest in bright signals to reduce their herbivore load, whereas insects use these bright signals to identify less-defended hosts more efficiently. Archetti and Brown have recently revisited this theory by explaining its basic predictions and providing new research perspectives. Their work presents an important basis to our understanding of non-green leaf colouration, provided that alternative adaptive explanations on the photoprotective and antioxidant role of leaf pigments, or their possible function in crypsis to herbivores are incorporated into future research.  相似文献   

Architeuthis dux diet has been analysed according to information available from literature and from the analysis of gut contents of five females and two males from Mediterranean and Atlantic Iberian waters (20 specimens in total). This is the first time that A. dux diet from Atlantic and Mediterranean waters is described. Body weight of specimens ranged from 22.5 to 200 kg. In order to infer common patterns in giant squid diet according to its geographic distribution range, size and sex, available data on their diet composition structure were joined and examined with multivariate techniques. No significant differences in the trophic level on which A. dux prey on were found, considering size, sex and location. Thus, A. dux seems to play the same role in the trophic webs throughout the distribution range examined in this paper, which takes up a very wide geographic area. The trophic level estimated from the diet composition is 4.7. Obtained results show that this species preys mainly on pelagic fast swimmers and shoaling fishes and cephalopods as an opportunistic ambushing hunter.  相似文献   

Abstract We examined the potential of forest plantations to support communities of forest‐using insects when planted into an area with greatly reduced native forest cover. We surveyed the insect fauna of Eucalyptus globulus (Myrtaceae) plantations and native Eucalyptus marginata dominated remnant woodland in south‐western Australia, comparing edge to interior habitats, and plantations surrounded by a pastoral matrix to plantations adjacent to native remnants. We also surveyed insects in open pasture. Analyses focused on three major insect orders: Coleoptera, Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera. Plantations were found to support many forest‐using insect species, but the fauna had an overall composition that was distinct from the remnant forest. The pasture fauna had more in common with plantations than forest remnants. Insect communities of plantations were different from native forest both because fewer insect species were present, and because they had a few more abundant insect species. Some of the dominant species in plantations were known forestry pests. One pest species (Gonipterus scutellatus) was also very abundant in remnant forest, although it was only recently first recorded in Western Australia. It may be that plantation forestry provided an ecological bridge that facilitated invasion of the native forest by this nonendemic pest species. Plantation communities had more leaf‐feeding moths and beetles than remnant forests. Plantations also had fewer ants, bees, evanioid wasps and predatory canopy beetles than remnants, but predatory beetles were more common in the understory of plantations than remnants. Use of broad spectrum insecticides in plantations might limit the ability of these natural enemies to regulate herbivore populations. There were only weak indications of differences in composition of the fauna at habitat edges and no consistent differences between the fauna of plantations adjacent to remnant vegetation and those surrounded by agriculture, suggesting that there is little scope for managing biodiversity outcomes by choosing different edge to interior ratios or by locating plantations near or far from remnants.  相似文献   

One difficulty when analyzing the determinants at the origin of plant phenotypic differences is that measured plant traits are frequently integrative: they result from the integration of a large number of physiological processes under the control of genetic and environmental factors. In a previous report, we demonstrated that dissecting integrative traits into simpler components using a simple crop physiology model was a valuable method for detecting quantitative trait loci (QTL) related to the nitrogen nutrition for a recombinant inbred lines population of Medicago truncatula.7 Here, using the same data set, we demonstrate the relevance of decomposing integrative traits for understanding biological differences among phenotypes, independently of QTL detection. Two examples are given to demonstrate that the dissection of integrative traits (i.e., plant leaf area and nitrogen nutrition index) into variables representing the efficiency of the plant to extract and valorize (carbon and nitrogen) resources is an effective method to determine the stream of physiological events that leads to the final phenotype.  相似文献   

1. Plants represent a highly heterogeneous resource for herbivores. One dimension of this heterogeneity is reflected by the within‐plant variation in the leaf fluctuating asymmetry (FA), i.e. in the magnitude of the random deviations from the symmetry in leaf shape. 2. This study is the first to test experimentally the hypothesis that variation in the quality of individual leaves for defoliating insects (11 species) within a plant (seven tree and shrub species) is associated with the FA of these leaves. 3. It was demonstrated that specialist defoliators generally distinguish between nearly symmetric (low FA) and highly asymmetric (high FA) leaves, but do not distinguish between discs cut from these leaves. Low‐FA leaves of Salix caprea, Salix myrsinifolia and Populus tremula were of better quality for insects than high‐FA leaves, as demonstrated by both preference tests and performance trials. By contrast, high‐FA leaves of Betula pubescens were of better quality for insects than low‐FA leaves, whereas insects feeding on Alnus incana showed similar responses to high‐ and low‐FA leaves. 4. It is concluded that insect herbivores can distinguish between leaves with high and low FA, and that FA may be associated with the quality of an individual leaf for insects, although the direction and strength of the effect of leaf FA on insect preference and performance vary among study systems. The ecological significance of substantial within‐plant variation in leaf FA remains to be explored.  相似文献   

What do red and yellow autumn leaves signal?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The widespread phenomenon of red and yellow autumn leaves has recently attracted considerable scientific attention. The fact that this phenomenon is so prominent in the cooler, temperate regions and less common in warmer climates is a good indication of a climate-specific effect. In addition to the putative multifarious physiological benefits, such as protection from photoinhibition and photo-oxidation, several plant/animal interaction functions for such coloration have been proposed. These include (1) that the bright leaf colors may signal frugivores about ripe fruits (fruit flags) to enhance seed dispersal; (2) that they signal aphids that the trees are well defended (a case of Zahavi’s handicap principle operating in plants); (3) that the coloration undermines herbivore insect camouflage; (4) that they function according to the “defense indication hypothesis,” which states that red leaves are chemically defended because anthocyanins correlate with various defensive compounds; or (5) that because sexual reproduction advances the onset of leaf senescence, the pigments might indicate to sucking herbivores that the leaves have low amounts of resources. Although the authors of hypotheses 3, 4, and 5 did not say that bright autumn leaves are aposematic, since such leaves are chemically defended, unpalatable, or both, we suggest that they are indeed aposematic. We propose that in addition to the above-mentioned hypotheses, autumn colors signal to herbivorous insects about another defensive plant property: the reliable, honest, and critical information that the leaves are about to be shed and may thus cause their mortality. We emphasize that all types of defensive and physiological functions of autumn leaves may operate simultaneously.  相似文献   

What to Notify?     
《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1964,1(5376):130-131

Clarity about the nitric oxide (NO) concentrations existing physiologically is essential for developing a quantitative understanding of NO signalling, for performing experiments with NO that emulate reality, and for knowing whether or not NO concentrations become abnormal in disease states. A decade ago, a value of about 1 μM seemed reasonable based on early electrode measurements and a provisional estimate of the potency of NO for its guanylyl cyclase-coupled receptors, which mediate physiological NO signal transduction. Since then, numerous efforts to measure NO concentrations directly using electrodes in cells and tissues have yielded an irreconcilably large spread of values. In compensation, data from several alternative approaches have now converged to provide a more coherent picture. These approaches include the quantitative analysis of NO-activated guanylyl cyclase, computer modelling based on the type, activity and amount of NO synthase enzyme contained in cells, the use of novel biosensors to monitor NO release from single endothelial cells and neurones, and the use of guanylyl cyclase as an endogenous NO biosensor in tissue subjected to a variety of challenges. All these independent lines of evidence suggest the physiological NO concentration range to be 100 pM (or below) up to 5 nM, orders of magnitude lower than was once thought.  相似文献   

Sesarmid crabs dominate Indo West-Pacific mangroves, and consume large amounts of mangrove litter. This is surprising, since mangrove leaves have high tannin contents and C/N ratios that far exceed 17, normally taken as the maximum for sustainable animal nutrition. This paradox has led to the hitherto untested hypothesis that crabs let leaves age in burrows before consumption, thereby reducing tannin content and C/N ratio. We excavated burrows of Neosarmatium meinerti within high-shore Avicennia marina mangroves, and investigated whether burrow leaves had C, N or C/N values significantly different from those of senescent leaves. Leaves were found in <45% of burrows, mostly only as small fragments, and N concentrations and C/N ratios of burrow leaves never varied significantly from senescent leaves. The leaf-ageing hypothesis was therefore not supported. In the field N. meinerti and Sesarma guttatum fed on sediment in 76% and 66-69% of observations, respectively, and on leaves in <10% of observations. Sediments from two A. marina mangroves had a mean C/N ratio of 19.6. Our results, and the literature, show that mangrove leaves are unlikely to fulfil the N requirements of crabs, whether or not leaf ageing takes place. Sediment detritus could be a richer source of N, as shown by lower C/N ratios and regular ingestion by crabs. By fragmenting leaves crabs may be elevating the nutritional quality of the substrate detritus.  相似文献   

A key challenge for community ecology is to understand to what extent observational data can be used to infer the underlying community assembly processes. As different processes can lead to similar or even identical patterns, statistical analyses of non‐manipulative observational data never yield undisputable causal inference on the underlying processes. Still, most empirical studies in community ecology are based on observational data, and hence understanding under which circumstances such data can shed light on assembly processes is a central concern for community ecologists. We simulated a spatial agent‐based model that generates variation in metacommunity dynamics across multiple axes, including the four classic metacommunity paradigms as special cases. We further simulated a virtual ecologist who analysed snapshot data sampled from the simulations using eighteen output metrics derived from beta‐diversity and habitat variation indices, variation partitioning and joint species distribution modelling. Our results indicated two main axes of variation in the output metrics. The first axis of variation described whether the landscape has patchy or continuous variation, and thus was essentially independent of the properties of the species community. The second axis of variation related to the level of predictability of the metacommunity. The most predictable communities were niche‐based metacommunities inhabiting static landscapes with marked environmental heterogeneity, such as metacommunities following the species sorting paradigm or the mass effects paradigm. The most unpredictable communities were neutral‐based metacommunities inhabiting dynamics landscapes with little spatial heterogeneity, such as metacommunities following the neutral or patch sorting paradigms. The output metrics from joint species distribution modelling yielded generally the highest resolution to disentangle among the simulated scenarios. Yet, the different types of statistical approaches utilized in this study carried complementary information, and thus our results suggest that the most comprehensive evaluation of metacommunity structure can be obtained by combining them.  相似文献   

Estimation of radionuclide concentrations in trees may be required to estimate their radiation exposure. However, concentration ratios of radionuclides from soil to tree species are limited for many radionuclide-tree combinations. To fill this gap, it is investigated in the present paper whether stable element concentration data for leafy vegetables are representative of those for wild tree leaves, and consequently, if these stable element data for leafy vegetables can be used as analogues to describe radionuclides transfer from soil to trees. Data for stable elements in leafy vegetables collected in Japan were compared with those in leaves of about 20 tree species worldwide. The correlation coefficients of element concentrations between leafy vegetables and tree leaves were higher than 0.90 with p < 0.001 by Student’s t test, and geometric means of concentration data for most elements were within the range of data for leafy vegetables. Thus, transfer parameters derived from stable element data for leafy vegetables could generally be used to estimate concentrations in tree leaves if data for the latter are not available. However, some trees accumulate a few elements (e.g., Al, Co, Mn and Si) in their leaves to higher concentrations than observed for leafy vegetables.  相似文献   

Sumedha Arya 《CMAJ》2015,187(14):1080-1081

Under current climate trends, spring ice breakup in Hudson Bay is advancing rapidly, leaving polar bears (Ursus maritimus) less time to hunt seals during the spring when they accumulate the majority of their annual fat reserves. For this reason, foods that polar bears consume during the ice‐free season may become increasingly important in alleviating nutritional stress from lost seal hunting opportunities. Defining how the terrestrial diet might have changed since the onset of rapid climate change is an important step in understanding how polar bears may be reacting to climate change. We characterized the current terrestrial diet of polar bears in western Hudson Bay by evaluating the contents of passively sampled scat and comparing it to a similar study conducted 40 years ago. While the two terrestrial diets broadly overlap, polar bears currently appear to be exploiting increasingly abundant resources such as caribou (Rangifer tarandus) and snow geese (Chen caerulescens caerulescens) and newly available resources such as eggs. This opportunistic shift is similar to the diet mixing strategy common among other Arctic predators and bear species. We discuss whether the observed diet shift is solely a response to a nutritional stress or is an expression of plastic foraging behavior.  相似文献   

What happened to plant caspases?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The extent of conservation in the programmed cell death pathways that are activated in species belonging to different kingdoms is not clear. Caspases are key components of animal apoptosis; caspase activities are detected in both animal and plant cells. Yet, while animals have caspase genes, plants do not have orthologous sequences in their genomes. It is 10 years since the first caspase activity was reported in plants, and there are now at least eight caspase activities that have been measured in plant extracts using caspase substrates. Various caspase inhibitors can block many forms of plant programmed cell death, suggesting that caspase-like activities are required for completion of the process. Since plant metacaspases do not have caspase activities, a major challenge is to identify the plant proteases that are responsible for the caspase-like activities and to understand how they relate, if at all, to animal caspases. The protease vacuolar processing enzyme, a legumain, is responsible for the cleavage of caspase-1 synthetic substrate in plant extracts. Saspase, a serine protease, cleaves caspase-8 and some caspase-6 synthetic substrates. Possible scenarios that could explain why plants have caspase activities without caspases are discussed.  相似文献   

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