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This study represents the first attempt to study the population dynamics of Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis), by evaluating a set of demographic parameters. The population of the Caravelas River estuary, eastern Brazil, was systematically monitored through a long‐term mark‐recapture experiment (2002–2009). Abundance estimates revealed a small population (57–124 dolphins), comprised of resident dolphins and individuals that temporarily leave or pass through the study area. Temporary emigration from the estuary to adjacencies (γ″= 0.33 ± 0.07 SE) and return rate (1 ?γ′= 0 .67) were moderate and constant, indicating that some dolphins use larger areas. Survival rate (?= 0.88 ± 0.07 SE) and abundance were constant throughout the study period. Power analysis showed that the current monitoring effort has high probability of detecting abrupt population declines (1 ?β= 0.9). Although the monitoring is not yet sensitive to subtle population trends, sufficient time to identify them is feasible (additional 3 yr). Despite such apparent stability, this population, as many others, inhabits waters exposed to multiple human‐related threats. Open and closed population modeling applied to photo‐identification data provide a robust baseline for estimating several demographic parameters and can be applied to other populations to allow further comparisons. Such synergistic efforts will allow a reliable definition of conservation status of this species.  相似文献   

The kob (Kobus kob kob) population studied in the Comoé National Park, Ivory Coast, suffered unsustainable losses to poaching before and during the investigation. This in turn did not only lead to low densities but also changed the population composition, resulting in a strong female bias in all age classes except juveniles. The relative rarity of adult males probably had negative effects on the population recruitment. Although mating occurred throughout the year and birth intervals were short, at least in some females, annual birth‐rate was low compared to earlier studies in the same area. Effective conservation measures are urgently needed to ensure the future existence of the studied population.  相似文献   

North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis Müller 1776) present an interesting problem for abundance and trend estimation in marine wildlife conservation. They are long lived, individually identifiable, highly mobile, and one of the rarest of cetaceans. Individuals are annually resighted at different rates, primarily due to varying stay durations among several principal habitats within a large geographic range. To date, characterizations of abundance have been produced that use simple accounting procedures with differing assumptions about mortality. To better characterize changing abundance of North Atlantic right whales between 1990 and 2015, we adapted a state–space formulation with Jolly‐Seber assumptions about population entry (birth and immigration) to individual resighting histories and fit it using empirical Bayes methodology. This hierarchical model included accommodation for the effect of the substantial individual capture heterogeneity. Estimates from this approach were only slightly higher than published accounting procedures, except for the most recent years (when recapture rates had declined substantially). North Atlantic right whales' abundance increased at about 2.8% per annum from median point estimates of 270 individuals in 1990 to 483 in 2010, and then declined to 2015, when the final estimate was 458 individuals (95% credible intervals 444–471). The probability that the population's trajectory post‐2010 was a decline was estimated at 99.99%. Of special concern was the finding that reduced survival rates of adult females relative to adult males have produced diverging abundance trends between sexes. Despite constraints in recent years, both biological (whales' distribution changing) and logistical (fewer resources available to collect individual photo‐identifications), it is still possible to detect this relatively recent, small change in the population's trajectory. This is thanks to the massive dataset of individual North Atlantic right whale identifications accrued over the past three decades. Photo‐identification data provide biological information that allows more informed inference on the status of this species.  相似文献   

We describe a simple protocol to reduce the number of cloning reactions of nuclear DNA sequences in population genetic studies of diploid organisms. Cloning is a necessary step to obtain correct haplotypes in such organisms, and, while traditional methods are efficient at cloning together many genes of a single individual, population geneticists rather need to clone the same locus in many individuals. Our method consists of marking individual sequences during the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using 5′‐tailed primers with small polynucleotide tags. PCR products are mixed together before the cloning reaction and clones are sequenced with universal plasmid primers. The individual from which a sequence comes from is identified by the tag sequences upstream of each initial primer. We called our protocol mark–recapture (MR) cloning. We present results from 57 experiments of MR cloning conducted in four distinct laboratories using nuclear loci of various lengths in different invertebrate species. Rate of capture (proportion of individuals for which one or more sequences were retrieved) and multiple capture (proportion of individuals for which two or more sequences were retrieved) empirically obtained are described. We estimated that MR cloning allowed reducing costs by up to 70% when compared to conventional individual‐based cloning. However, we recommend to adjust the mark:recapture ratio in order to obtain multiple sequences from the same individual and circumvent inherent technical artefacts of PCR, cloning and sequencing. We argue that MR cloning is a valid and reliable high‐throughput method, providing the number of sequences exceeds the number of individuals initially amplified.  相似文献   

Harbor seal breeding behavior and habitats constrain opportunities for individual‐based studies, and no current estimates of both survival and fecundity exist for any of the populations studied worldwide. As a result, the drivers underlying the variable trends in abundance exhibited by harbor seal populations around the world remain uncertain. We developed an individual‐based study of harbor seals in northeast Scotland, whereby data were collected during daily photo‐identification surveys throughout the pupping seasons between 2006 and 2011. However, a consequence of observing seals remotely meant that information on sex, maturity‐stage, or breeding status was not always available. To provide unbiased estimates of survival rates we conditioned initial release of individuals on the first time sex was known to estimate sex‐specific survival rates, while a robust design multistate model accounting for uncertainty in breeding status was used to estimate reproductive rate of multiparous and ≥3‐yr‐old females. Survival rates were estimated at 0.95 (95% CI = 0.91–0.97) for females and 0.92 (0.83–0.96) for males, while reproductive rate was estimated at 0.89 (0.75–0.95) for multiparous and 0.69 (0.64–0.74) for ≥3‐yr‐old females. Stage‐based population modeling indicated that this population should be recovering, even under the current shooting quotas implemented by the recent management plan.  相似文献   

A large body of research has demonstrated that host‐associated microbiota—the archaeal, bacterial, fungal and viral communities residing on and inside organisms—are critical to host health (Cho & Blaser, 2012). Although the vast majority of these studies focus on humans or model organisms in laboratory settings (Pascoe, Hauffe, Marchesi, & Perkins, 2017), they nevertheless provide important conceptual evidence that the disruption of host‐associated microbial communities (termed “dysbiosis”) among wild animals may reduce host fitness and survival under natural environmental conditions. Among the myriad of environmental factors capable of inducing dysbiosis among wild animals (Trevelline, Fontaine, Hartup, & Kohl, 2019), parasitic infections represent a potentially potent, yet poorly understood, factor influencing microbial community dynamics and animal health. The study by DeCandia et al. in this issue of Molecular Ecology is a rare example of a host–parasite–microbiota interaction that impacts the health, survival and conservation of a threatened wild animal in its natural habitat. Using culture‐independent techniques, DeCandia et al. found that the presence of an ectoparasitic mite (Otodectes cynotis) in the ear canal of the Santa Catalina Island fox (Urocyon littoralis catalinae) was associated with significantly reduced ear canal microbial diversity, with the opportunistic pathogen Staphylococcus pseudintermedius dominating the community. These findings suggest that parasite‐induced inflammation may contribute to the formation of ceruminous gland tumours in this subspecies of Channel Island fox. As a rare example of a host–parasite–microbiota interaction that may mediate a lethal disease in a population of threatened animals, their study provides an excellent example of how aspects of disease ecology can be integrated into studies of host‐associated microbiota to advance conservation science and practice.  相似文献   

Global climate change may fundamentally alter population dynamics of many species for which baseline population parameter estimates are imprecise or lacking. Historically, the Pacific walrus is thought to have been limited by harvest, but it may become limited by global warming‐induced reductions in sea ice. Loss of sea ice, on which walruses rest between foraging bouts, may reduce access to food, thus lowering vital rates. Rigorous walrus survival rate estimates do not exist, and other population parameter estimates are out of date or have well‐documented bias and imprecision. To provide useful population parameter estimates we developed a Bayesian, hidden process demographic model of walrus population dynamics from 1974 through 2006 that combined annual age‐specific harvest estimates with five population size estimates, six standing age structure estimates, and two reproductive rate estimates. Median density independent natural survival was high for juveniles (0.97) and adults (0.99), and annual density dependent vital rates rose from 0.06 to 0.11 for reproduction, 0.31 to 0.59 for survival of neonatal calves, and 0.39 to 0.85 for survival of older calves, concomitant with a population decline. This integrated population model provides a baseline for estimating changing population dynamics resulting from changing harvests or sea ice.  相似文献   

Species of Amorbus Dallas (Hemiptera: Coreidae) appear to exhibit a tight link between oviposition preference and nymphal performance: females apparently select vigorous plant modules to facilitate the development of their offspring. Such behaviour suggests that these insects should exhibit population dynamics consistent with the latent classification proposed by Price et al. (1990). While this empirical hypothesis is intuitively appealing it does not appear to incorporate current population dynamics theory. Berryman's ecodynamics (1992) offers the potential to describe a species' population dynamics which is grounded in a quantitative theoretical framework. The population ecology of Amorbus species from Australia is considered in relation to these hypotheses.  相似文献   

The tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis) is a small dolphin endemic to the Amazon River basin. Because the abundance and trends are currently unknown for the species, this study aimed to estimate its abundance in a lake system of the Central Amazon. A total of 10 two‐day sampling periods were carried out from March to June of 2013 throughout a 13.5 km2 area in the Mamirauá Reserve. In the 104 encounters with the species, a minimum number of 389 dolphins were sighted and photographed, which allowed the positive identification of 49 individuals. Mark‐recapture models were used to estimate an abundance of 119 individuals (95% CI = 105–150) (corrected for the proportion of identifiable individuals). This is the first estimation of S. fluviatilis abundance using mark‐recapture analyses and, together with the photo‐id catalog made available, provides a useful reference for future studies regarding tucuxi dolphins.  相似文献   

  • 1 Newly-emerged, second-instar jack pine budworm (Choristoneura pinus Freeman) establish spring feeding sites preferentially in the pollen cones of their host tree, Pinus banksiana Lamb.
  • 2 Laboratory studies showed that the rate of establishment and survival of jack pine budworm on pollen cones was high throughout the entire spring emergence period of the insect.
  • 3 In contrast, the rate of establishment and survival of jack pine budworm on vegetative buds was very poor early in the spring. Vegetative buds were only acceptable as feeding sites to the jack pine budworm for a relatively brief period in late spring.
  • 4 Field studies showed that the change in population density of jack pine budworm during the spring emergence stage, as expressed by k-values, was a function of the abundance of pollen cones in the stand. Population reduction was greatest in those stands with the fewest pollen cones.
  • 5 Direct measurement of spring dispersal by jack pine budworm showed that dispersal and consequent losses to the budworm population were greatest in stands with the fewest pollen cones.
  • 6 We conclude that changes in the density of jack pine budworm are strongly influenced by production of pollen cones in the host stand. Because pollen cone production is related to previous years of defoliation by the jack pine budworm, we propose that pollen cones act as a density-dependent factor governing the density of early-stage jack pine budworm.
  • 7 The resulting dynamics are compared to those of other budworm species and used to explain observed regional and temporal patterns of jack pine budworm outbreaks.

The effective population size (N(e) ) could be the ideal parameter for monitoring populations of conservation concern as it conveniently summarizes both the evolutionary potential of the population and its sensitivity to genetic stochasticity. However, tracing its change through time is difficult in natural populations. We applied four new methods for estimating N(e) from a single sample of genotypes to trace temporal change in N(e) for bears in the Northern Dinaric Mountains. We genotyped 510 bears using 20 microsatellite loci and determined their age. The samples were organized into cohorts with regard to the year when the animals were born and yearly samples with age categories for every year when they were alive. We used the Estimator by Parentage Assignment (EPA) to directly estimate both N(e) and generation interval for each yearly sample. For cohorts, we estimated the effective number of breeders (N(b) ) using linkage disequilibrium, sibship assignment and approximate Bayesian computation methods and extrapolated these estimates to N(e) using the generation interval. The N(e) estimate by EPA is 276 (183-350 95% CI), meeting the inbreeding-avoidance criterion of N(e) > 50 but short of the long-term minimum viable population goal of N(e) > 500. The results obtained by the other methods are highly consistent with this result, and all indicate a rapid increase in N(e) probably in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The new single-sample approaches to the estimation of N(e) provide efficient means for including N(e) in monitoring frameworks and will be of great importance for future management and conservation.  相似文献   

Pilophorus gallicus Remane (Hemiptera: Miridae) is a predatory mirid reported in deciduous trees in the western Mediterranean area. This work aimed to determine the biological and demographic parameters for this species at different temperatures (15, 20, 25 and 30°C). Egg hatching times shortened from 57.8 days at 15°C to 9.2 days at 30°C, and nymphal development times declined from 62.8 days at 15°C to 11.1 days at 30°C. The hatching and nymphal survival rates were low at 15 and 30°C. The lower thermal thresholds for the egg and nymphal development were 12.4 and 12.0°C, respectively. These high thermal thresholds could be a safety mechanism to avoid the emergence of nymphs in the unfavorable winter period. Female weight increased between 15 and 25°C and decreased at 30°C. The fecundity increased from 70.2 eggs per female at 15°C to 212.4 eggs per female at 25°C, and decreased to 88.5 eggs per female at 30°C. Fertility ranged from 9.4% at 15°C to 40.9% at 25°C, being 24.9% at 30°C. The intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) rose from 0.001 to 0.081 between 15 and 25°C and decreased to 0.05 at 30°C. In summary, this species performs poorly at low temperatures and has a relative tolerance of high temperatures (30°C); its performance was best at 25°C. Knowledge of the variation in the biological parameters with temperature may be very useful for the understanding of its ecology and population dynamics.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation may severely affect survival of social insect populations as the number of nests per population, not the number of individuals, represents population size, hence they may be particularly prone to loss of genetic diversity. Erosion of genetic diversity may be particularly significant among social Hymenoptera such as bumblebees (Bombus spp.), as this group may be susceptible to diploid male production, a suggested direct cost of inbreeding. Here, for the first time, we assess genetic diversity and population structuring of a threatened bumblebee species (Bombus sylvarum) which exists in highly fragmented habitat (rather than oceanic) islands. Effective population sizes, estimated from identified sisterhoods, were very low (range 21-72) suggesting that isolated populations will be vulnerable to loss of genetic variation through drift. Evidence of significant genetic structuring between populations (theta = 0.084) was found, but evidence of a bottleneck was detected in only one population. Comparison across highly fragmented UK populations and a continental population (where this species is more widespread) revealed significant differences in allelic richness attributable to a high degree of genetic diversity in the continental population. While not directly related to population size, this is perhaps explained by the high degree of isolation between UK populations relative to continental populations. We suggest that populations now existing on isolated habitat islands were probably linked by stepping-stone populations prior to recent habitat loss.  相似文献   

During population establishment, genetic drift can be the key driver of changes in genetic diversity, particularly while the population is small. However, natural selection can also play a role in shaping diversity at functionally important loci. We used a well‐studied, re‐introduced population of the threatened Stewart Island robin (= 722 pedigreed individuals) to determine whether selection shaped genetic diversity at innate immunity toll‐like receptor (TLR) genes, over a 9‐year period of population growth following establishment with 12 genetic founders. We found no evidence for selection operating with respect to TLR diversity on first‐year overwinter survival for the majority of loci, genotypes and alleles studied. However, survival of individuals with TLR4BE genotype was significantly improved: these birds were less than half as likely to die prior to maturity compared with all other TLR4 genotypes. Furthermore, the population frequency of this genotype, at a two‐fold excess over Hardy–Weinberg expectation, was increased by nonrandom mating. Near‐complete sampling and full pedigree and reproductive data enabled us to eliminate other potential causes of these patterns including inbreeding, year effects, density dependence, selection on animals at earlier life history stages or genome‐level association of the TLR4E allele with ‘good genes’. However, comparison of observed levels of gene diversity to predictions under simulated genetic drift revealed results consistent with neutral expectations for all loci, including TLR4. Although selection favoured TLR4BE heterozygotes in this population, these effects were insufficient to outweigh genetic drift. This is the first empirical study to show that genetic drift can overwhelm natural selection in a wild population immediately following establishment.  相似文献   

Eryngium viviparum (Apiaceae) is an endangered aquatic plant, listed as threatened in several European documents. The genotypes are distributed patchily in various wetlands in the north‐west of Spain and one is located in north‐west France. The study of the genetic diversity of a small population of a rare species is important for conservation and studies aimed at recovery programmes. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to assess the genetic diversity among five Spanish and one French genotype. This technique has contributed to the knowledge of the genetic diversity in E. viviparum, showing a greater genetic distance between the Spanish cluster formed by S1, S4 than the second cluster formed by S2, S3, S5 and the French genotype. Mantel testing did not show a significant correlation between genetic and geographical distances, but a significant correlation was found between altitude, habitat and genetic distance. The French genotype showed the highest level of polymorphism (28.16) and the highest percentage of exclusive markers (32%). One of these was isolated, purified, cloned and sequenced, revealing a high homology to a protein mainly expressed in roots. This could represent, for the F genotype, an adaptation to a specific habitat near the sea compared with the Spanish genotypes which grow inland. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 159 , 237–244.  相似文献   

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