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Nucleotide variation at the nuclear ribosomal protein 49 (rp49) gene region has been analysed by fine restriction mapping in a sample of 47 lines from a population from Madeira. Five restriction-site (out of 37 sites scored) and 3 length polymorphisms have been detected, resulting in 14 different haplotypes. This population shows less variation than both continental and Canary Island populations. The population from Madeira shows some differentiation from mainland populations, which does not favor the idea of extensive migration between the continent and Madeira. Chromosomal and restriction-map variation of the rp49 region in D. subobscura populations, together with data on sequence comparison of this nuclear region in D. guanche and D. madeirensis clearly indicate that the Canary Islands underwent at least two colonization events from the nearby continent. Although the data for Madeira are compatible with a single colonization event by a continental sample polymorphic for gene arrangements O3 and O3 + 4, an alternative scenario with at least two colonization events seems more likely.  相似文献   

Restriction-site polymorphism at the rp49 gene region has been studied in 234 lines of Drosophila subobscura representing different gene arrangements for the O chromosome. The population surveyed (El Pedroso, Spain) was sampled four times in each of two consecutive years. The data indicate that the two chromosomal classes studied, O[ST] and O[3 + 4], are genetically differentiated in El Pedroso. Comparison of the present results with those previously obtained for two other populations further supports that, for a given chromosomal class, European populations are not genetically differentiated. This lack of differentiation at the rp49 region within O[ST] and within O[3 + 4] stands in contrast to the clear latitudinal clines found in Europe for these arrangements.  相似文献   

The genetics of four traits contributing to the isolation mechanism between the two closely related species of Drosophila belonging to the obscura group, D. subobscura and D. madeirensis, have been investigated, especially regarding the influence exerted by the X chromosome. This chromosome has been roughly dissected genetically by the use of four markers. It was found that factors affecting viability of backcross males are spread from the centromeric end of the chromosome up the region marked by Bx. Three sections were responsible for male sterility/fertility. The abnormal head shape of the backcross males was affected by factor(s) on the madeirensis and the subobscura sex chromosome located at the region of MAD1 inversion. Finally, an abnormal trait in these males (presence of extra sex combs) was found to be controlled by four sections, two on the madeirensis X chromosome and two on the subobscura one.  相似文献   

Drosophila madeirensis is an endemic species of Madeira that inhabits the island Laurisilva forest. Nucleotide variation in D. madeirensis is analysed in six genomic regions and compared to that previously reported for the same regions in Drosophila subobscura, an abundant species in the Palearctic region that is closely related to D. madeirensis. The gene regions analysed are distributed along the O3 inversion. The O3 arrangement is monomorphic in D. madeirensis, and it was present in ancestral populations of D. subobscura but went extinct in this species after the origin of the derived OST and O3+4 arrangements. Levels of nucleotide polymorphism in D. madeirensis are similar to those present in the OST and O3+4 arrangements of D. subobscura, and the frequency spectrum is skewed towards rare variants. Purifying selection against deleterious nonsynonymous mutations is less effective in D. madeirensis. Although D. madeirensis and D. subobscura coexist at present in Madeira, no clear evidence of introgression was detected in the studied regions.  相似文献   

The insertion site numbers of the retrotransposable elements (TE) 412, gypsy and bilbo were determined in individuals of five distinct natural populations of the endemic species Drosophila madeirensis from the island of Madeira. The TE distributions were compared to those of the paleartic, widespread and phylogenetically closely related species, D. subobscura. In situ hybridization and Southern blots showed that in D. madeirensis the number of insertion sites ranged between 10 and 15, three and six, and 35 and 42 for elements 412, gypsy and bilbo, respectively. The corresponding values for D. subobscura were similar. Two of these elements, 412 and gypsy, had very few insertions in the heterochromatin, unlike bilbo, which displayed a high heterochromatic insertion number. The Southern band polymorphism was very high, leading to within-population variation of 97.2%, whatever the population and the TE concerned. Using the polymorphic TE insertion sites as markers to analyse population structure by AMOVA, adapted for RAPD (Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA) data, we found small but significant genetic differences between the populations on Madeira. This slight differentiation, coupled with similar copy numbers for each TE between populations, suggests that the D. madeirensis species consists of a single, only slightly subdivided population. These data also show that insular populations and endemic species of Drosophila can have as many copies of TEs as more widespread species.  相似文献   

J Rozas  M Gullaud  G Blandin  M Aguadé 《Genetics》2001,158(3):1147-1155
An approximately 1.3-kb region including the rp49 gene plus its 5' and 3' flanking regions was sequenced in 24 lines of Drosophila simulans (10 from Spain and 14 from Mozambique). Fifty-four nucleotide and 8 length polymorphisms were detected. All nucleotide polymorphisms were silent: 52 in noncoding regions and 2 at synonymous sites in the coding region. Estimated silent nucleotide diversity was similar in both populations (pi = 0.016, for the total sample). Nucleotide variation revealed an unusual haplotype structure showing a subset of 11 sequences with a single polymorphism. This haplotype was present at intermediate frequencies in both the European and the African samples. The presence of such a major haplotype in a highly recombining region is incompatible with the neutral equilibrium model. This haplotype structure in both a derived and a putatively ancestral population can be most parsimoniously explained by positive selection. As the rate of recombination in the rp49 region is high, the target of selection should be close to or within the region studied.  相似文献   

Summary A 2.1-kb SStI fragment including the rp49 gene and the 3 end of the -serendipity gene has been cloned and sequenced in Drosophila pseudoobscura. rp49 maps at region 62 on the tip of chromosome II of this species. Both the coding and flanking regions have been aligned and compared with those of D. subobscura. There is no evidence for heterogeneity in the rate of silent substitution between the rp49 coding region and the rate of substitutions in flanking regions, the overall silent divergence per site being 0.19. Noncoding regions also differ between both species by different insertions/deletions, some of which are related to repeated sequences. The rp49 region of D. pseudoobscura shows a strong codon bias similar to those of D. subobscura and D. melanogaster. Comparison of the rates of silent (K S ) and nonsilent (K a ) substitutions of the rp49 gene and other genes completely sequenced in D. pseudoobscura and D. melanogaster confirms previous results indicating that rp49 is evolving slowly both at silent and nonsilent sites. According to the data for the rp49 region, D. pseudoobscura and D. subobscura lineages would have diverged some 9 Myr ago, if one assumes a divergence time of 30 Myr for the melanogaster and obscura groups.Offprint requests to: C. Segarra  相似文献   

Nucleotide variation in the Acph-1 gene region was analyzed in a natural population of Drosophila subobscura from Bizerte (Tunisia). The lines studied differed in their gene arrangement for segment I of the O chromosome: 21 lines were O3+4+8, 21 were O3+4+23, and 3 were O3+4. According to chromosomal phylogenies, O3+4 is a central arrangement from which O3+4+8 and O3+4+23 originated. Strong genetic differentiation at Acph-1 was detected among the different arrangements, which is reflected in strong linkage disequilibrium between the variants at informative polymorphic sites and the type of arrangement. Estimates of silent nucleotide diversity are slightly lower within O3+4+23 (pisilent = 0.0166) than within O3+4+8 (pisilent = 0.0228) or O3+4 (pisilent = 0.0234). In contrast, nonsynonymous nucleotide diversity estimates (around 0.1%) are similar in the three arrangements. Most nonsynonymous rare variants are singletons, which results in highly significant Tajima's neutrality tests within the young O3+4+8 and O3+4+23 arrangements. This test is not significant for nonsynonymous mutations within a large Spanish O3+4 sample. In addition, a significant and marginally significant excess of nonsynonymous polymorphism was detected by the McDonald and Kreitman test within O3+4+23 and O3+4+8, respectively. This excess results in a rather high neutrality index (NI = 5.25) when both arrangements are jointly analyzed, in contrast to its value within the old O3+4 arrangement (NI = 1.74). The pattern of variation at Acph-1 within the young arrangements is unusual for nuclear genes and has the same characteristics previously detected in most genes of the mitochondrial genome. Assuming that most nonsynonymous mutations at Acph-1 are under weak negative selection, a smaller effective size of the young arrangements relative to O3+4 might explain the observed results. The relatively low frequency of O3+4+8 and O3+4+23 in the distribution area of D. subobscura, the more recent origin of these arrangements relative to O3+4 and the suppression of recombination in heterokaryotypes might contribute to the relatively small effective size of the young arrangements. Therefore, present results indicate that the differences in effective size and recombination caused by chromosomal arrangements are modulating nonsynonymous variation at Acph-1.  相似文献   

The X chromosome is known to exert a disproportionately large effect on characters related to post-zygotic reproductive isolation. There is also growing evidence about the important role of the chromosomal regions with reduced recombination (such as inversions) in maintaining the identity of closely related species. Using molecular markers, we examine the effect of different regions of the X chromosome on determination of hybrid traits (viability, testes size, sperm motility and morphological anomalies) in hybrid males between Drosophila madeirensis and Drosophila subobscura. The preponderant effect of a region localized inside the A2 inversion in the X chromosome in all hybrid traits is identified. Other marked regions exert a weaker influence or only influence some of the hybrid trait. Our results confirm the crucial role of sex-linked chromosomal inversion in preserving the identity of species with incomplete reproductive isolation. The specific genomic make-up of parental lines used to perform crosses has a great effect on hybrid fitness.  相似文献   

An approximately 6.9-kb region encompassing the RpII215 gene was sequenced for 24 individuals of the island endemic species Drosophila guanche. The comparative analysis of synonymous polymorphism and divergence in D. guanche and D. subobscura, two species with pronounced differences in population size, allows contrasting the nearly neutral character of synonymous mutations. In D. guanche, unlike in D. subobscura, (1) the ratio of preferred to unpreferred synonymous changes was similar for polymorphic and fixed changes, (2) the numbers of preferred and unpreferred changes, both polymorphic and fixed, could be explained by the mutational process, and (3) the estimated scaled selection coefficient for unpreferred mutations did not differ significantly from zero. Additionally, the comparative analysis revealed that both the ratio of preferred to unpreferred synonymous changes and the frequency spectrum of unpreferred polymorphic mutations differed significantly between species. All these results indicate that a large fraction of synonymous mutations in the RpII215 gene behave as effectively neutral in D. guanche, whereas they are weakly selected in D. subobscura. The reduced efficacy of selection in the insular species constitutes strong evidence of the nearly neutral character of synonymous mutations and, therefore, of the role of weak selection in maintaining codon bias.  相似文献   

A 1.6-kb fragment encompassing the rp49 gene, which codes for a ribosomal protein, has been cloned and sequenced in Drosophila subobscura. The rp49 coding region has accumulated 46 nucleotide differences out of 402 bp since D. subobscura diverged from D. melanogaster. Forty-three percent of the effectively silent sites have changed since both species diverged. Both silent and replacement differences are distributed at random between the two exons of the gene. The frequency of silent differences in exons does not differ from that observed in the 5' leader sequence and in the intron. The frequency of silent differences in exon and intron sites is much greater than the number of amino acid replacement differences. This observation indicates strong purifying selection against amino acid replacements.   相似文献   

The chromosomal polymorphism of seven Mediterranean populations of Drosophila subobscura has been compared with that of the same populations collected 26 to 35 years ago. Significant latitudinal clines for the frequencies of A(ST), E(ST), O(ST). and U(ST) chromosomal arrangements have been detected in the old and new samples. Standard gene arrangements are frequent in the north and decrease in frequency towards the south. Significant negative regression coefficients between latitude and transformed frequency have also been observed for the more frequent nonstandard gene arrangements. The pattern of the clines is practically the same in the old and new collections. Furthermore, the frequencies of gene arrangements of all chromosomes have changed significantly during this period in a systematic way: an increase in the frequency of those arrangements typical of southern latitudes and a decrease for those more common in northern latitudes is observed in all populations. These changes could be due to climatic factors that are correlated with latitude, making the chromosomal composition of this species more "southern.'  相似文献   

Principal component maps of the gene arrangement frequencies of 108 natural populations in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East were prepared to investigate the evolutionary forces shaping the geographic variation of inversion frequencies. Principal component maps were also prepared from ten climate variables at 347 localities of the same region. The first inversion principal component (18% of total variation) showed a N-S cline strikingly similar to the pattern exhibited by the first principal component of climatic variables. This resemblance is interpreted as showing the outcome of a selective process, which favors the increase in frequency of the Standard gene arrangements when moving to the north. This interpretation is corroborated by the fact that such clines were formed in South and North America, following recent colonization by this species. Patterns shown by the second (12% of total variance) and third (8% of total variance) principal components are interpreted as related to historical events, the migrational advance to the north after the end of the last glaciation and the locations of the species refugia at that time.  相似文献   

Studies of island endemism provide a unique opportunity to elucidate fundamental mechanisms of speciation. Here we examine intra- and interspecific DNA sequence variation at four unlinked genetic loci among populations of the Drosophila dunni subgroup to provide a detailed genealogical portrait of the process of speciation among these island endemic species. Our data indicate two major rounds of diversification that have shaped the D. dunni subgroup. The first occurred 1.6-2.6 million years ago and separated three major lineages, one in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, a second in the northern Lesser Antilles and Barbados, and a third in St. Vincent and Grenada. A second round of diversification occurred in the last 96,000 years in the northern Lesser Antilles and Barbados. The four distinct species that resulted from this recent round of diversification maintain relatively high amounts of genetic variation, similar to that of a closely related mainland species, and share extensive ancestral polymorphism. These data suggest a minimal role for population bottlenecks linked to founder events in the history of the D. dunni subgroup. Further, the recent divergence of these island populations highlights the extremely rapid development of reproductive isolation and distinct patterns of abdominal pigmentation that has occurred in these species.  相似文献   

Biological invasions are excellent opportunities to study the evolutionary forces leading to the adaptation of a species to a new habitat. Knowledge of the introduction history of colonizing species helps tracking colonizing routes and assists in defining management strategies for invasive species. The Palearctic species Drosophila subobscura is a good model organism for tracking colonizations since it was detected in Chile and western North America three decades ago and later on in the Atlantic coast of Argentina. To unravel the origin of the Argentinean colonizers two populations have been analysed with several genetic markers. Chromosomal arrangements and microsatellite alleles found in Argentina are almost similar to those observed in Chile and USA. The lethal allelism test demonstrates that the lethal gene associated with the O5 inversions in Argentina is identical to that found in Chile and USA, strongly supporting the hypothesis that all the American colonizing populations originated from the same colonization event. A secondary bottleneck is detected in the Argentinean populations and the genetic markers suggest that these populations originated from the invasion of 80–150 founding individuals from Chile.  相似文献   

A Sánchez-Gracia  J Rozas 《Heredity》2011,106(1):191-201
Chromosomal inversion polymorphism play a major role in the evolutionary dynamics of populations and species because of their effects on the patterns of genetic variability in the genomic regions within inversions. Though there is compelling evidence for the adaptive character of chromosomal polymorphisms, the mechanisms responsible for their maintenance in natural populations is not fully understood. For this type of analysis, Drosophila subobscura is a good model species as it has a rich and extensively studied chromosomal inversion polymorphism system. Here, we examine the patterns of DNA variation in two natural populations segregating for chromosomal arrangements that differentially affect the surveyed genomic region; in particular, we analyse both nucleotide substitutions and insertion/deletion variations in the genomic region encompassing the odorant-binding protein genes Obp83a and Obp83b (Obp83 region). We show that the two main gene arrangements are genetically differentiated, but are consistent with a monophyletic origin of inversions. Nevertheless, these arrangements interchange some genetic information, likely by gene conversion. We also find that the frequency spectrum-based tests indicate that the pattern of nucleotide variation is not at equilibrium; this feature probably reflects the rapid increase in the frequency of the new gene arrangement promoted by positive selection (that is an adaptive change). Furthermore, a comparative analysis of polymorphism and divergence patterns reveals a relaxation of the functional constraints at the Obp83b gene, which might be associated with particular ecological or demographic features of the Canary island endemic species D. guanche  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA, sex linked allozymes, and chromosome A gene arrangement data, from eight European natural populations of Drosophila subobscura, were analyzed to determine the existence of latitudinal clines. Strong north-south correlations with latitude were found for gene arrangements and for the Hbdh and 6Pgdh allozymes. Gametic associations between the A2 gene arrangement, the Hbdh 96 and the 6Pgdh 96 alleles, point out some kind of epistatic interaction. At mtDNA level, the Hae III, A variant did not show a previously found north-south clinal variation.  相似文献   

Nucleotide variation in populations originating from the recent range expansion of a species should reflect their adaptation to new habitats as well as their demographic history. A survey of nucleotide variation at 109 noncoding X-chromosome fragments in a European population of Drosophila melanogaster allowed identifying some candidates to have been recently affected by positive selection. Adaptive changes leave a spatial differential footprint that can be used to discriminate among candidates by extending their study to neighboring regions. Here, we surveyed variation at an approximately 190-kb region spanning a locus exhibiting a significantly skewed frequency spectrum. A stretch of approximately 12 kb with reduced variation was detected within a continuously sequenced region that included the focal fragment. Moreover, the regions flanking this stretch exhibited an excess of high-frequency derived variants. Application of maximum likelihood ratio and goodness-of-fit tests suggested that the pattern of variation detected at the studied region (at cytological bands 17C-17D) might have been shaped by a recent selective change, most probably at or around the phantom gene that encodes CYP306A1, a cytochrome P450 enzyme in the ecdysteroidogenic pathway.  相似文献   

Egg‐to‐adult viability is studied in the progeny of the flies of different genotypes according to S and F alleles of Amy locus of Drsophila subobscura . This component of fitness is observed in the single and mixed cultures with various frequencies of three genotypes (S/S, F/F and S/F) under conditions of low (LD) and high densities (HD) on three types of media with different carbohydrate composition. In such multifactorial experimental conditions, density‐ and frequency‐dependent selection on certain Amy genotypes was observed. Genotype frequencies and carbohydrate composition have significant effect on the viability of Amy genotypes. The significant intergenotypic differences exist, mostly at HD conditions. The heterozygous genotype S/F has generally lower viability which decreases with its increased frequencies, on all media at LD or HD. The results suggest a high level of complexity and interaction between these two types of balanced selection.  相似文献   

The Acph-1 gene region was sequenced in 51 lines of Drosophila subobscura. Lines differ in their chromosomal arrangement for segment I of the O chromosome (O(st) and O(3+4)) and in the Acph-1 electrophoretic allele (Acph-1(100), Acph-1(054), and Acph-1(>100)). The ACPH-1 protein exhibits much more variation than previously detected by electrophoresis. The amino acid replacements responsible for the Acph-1(054) and Acph-1(>100) electrophoretic variants are different within O(st) and within O(3+4), which invalidates all previous studies on linkage disequilibrium between chromosomal and allozyme polymorphisms at this locus. The Acph-1(>100) allele within O(3+4) has a recent origin, while both Acph-1(054) alleles are rather old. Levels of nucleotide variation are higher within the O(3+4) than within the O(st) arrangement except for nonsynonymous sites. The McDonald and Kreitman test shows a significant excess of nonsynonymous polymorphisms within O(st) when D. guanche is used as the outgroup. According to the nearly neutral model of molecular evolution, this excess is consistent with a smaller effective size of O(st) relative to O(3+4) arrangements. A smaller population size, a lower recombination, and a more recent bottleneck might be contributing to the smaller effective size of O(st).  相似文献   

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