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Aim Our main aim is to determine if ring‐width variations in Empetrum hermaphroditum reflect regional or local topoclimate signals in an alpine environment. In the case that topoclimate provides the dominant signal, a secondary aim is to link these to spatial distribution patterns of different vegetation types. Location The study area is situated in the middle alpine belt in the Vågåmo region, Central Norwegian Scandes. Sampling sites cover different topoclimates: ridges, north‐facing slopes and south‐facing slopes. Methods We constructed ring‐width chronologies of E. hermaphroditum for each type of microsite for the common period 1951–2004. Climate data were prepared on an hourly, daily and growing‐season time scale. Climate–growth relationships were evaluated using bivariate correlations and regression tree methods for continuous time‐series analyses. In addition, extreme growth anomalies (pointer years) were compared with the climate conditions in those years. The impact of water supply on wood anatomy was determined by correlating the conductive area (percentage of vessel per growth ring) with a running mean (sum) of 10‐day intervals for temperature and precipitation. Results This study indicates that mean summer (June–August) temperatures determine the width of the growth rings of E. hermaphroditum irrespective of topoclimate. The length of the growing season, which is the most differentiating climatic factor between microsites, does not substantially alter the anatomical ring structure. Microsite differences in mean growth rates are attributed to the higher frequency of warm days. Extremely warm days limit ring‐width development at south‐facing slopes, while plants at ridges and north‐facing slopes still benefit from higher temperatures. As a consequence, pointer years are not developed synchronously at all microsites. Vessel formation is affected by available moisture, especially in the later part of the growing season. Main conclusions Topoclimate induces slight modifications of annual growth‐ring increments of E. hermaphroditum at different microsites. In contrast to the distribution patterns of vegetation types that are determined by snow cover, growth‐ring variations are related to summer temperature conditions, and the prominent regional climate signal is still reflected at all microsites. This offers the opportunity to reconstruct climatic change in alpine regions from dwarf shrub ring‐width chronologies.  相似文献   

The snow‐masking effect of vegetation exerts strong control on albedo in northern high latitude ecosystems. Large‐scale changes in the distribution and stature of vegetation in this region will thus have important feedbacks to climate. The snow‐albedo feedback is controlled largely by the contrast between snow‐covered and snow‐free albedo (Δα), which influences predictions of future warming in coupled climate models, despite being poorly constrained at seasonal and century time scales. Here, we compare satellite observations and coupled climate model representations of albedo and tree cover for the boreal and Arctic region. Our analyses reveal consistent declines in albedo with increasing tree cover, occurring south of latitudinal tree line, that are poorly represented in coupled climate models. Observed relationships between albedo and tree cover differ substantially between snow‐covered and snow‐free periods, and among plant functional type. Tree cover in models varies widely but surprisingly does not correlate well with model albedo. Furthermore, our results demonstrate a relationship between tree cover and snow‐albedo feedback that may be used to accurately constrain high latitude albedo feedbacks in coupled climate models under current and future vegetation distributions.  相似文献   

In many tropical regions, slash‐and‐burn agriculture is considered as a driver of deforestation; the forest is converted into agricultural land by cutting and burning the trees. However, the fields are abandoned after few years because of yield decrease and weed invasion. Consequently, new surfaces are regularly cleared from the primary forest. We propose a reclamation strategy for abandoned fields allowing and sustaining re‐cultivation. In the dry region of south‐western Madagascar, we tested, according to a split‐plot design, an alternative selective slash‐and‐burn cultivation technique coupled with compost amendment on 30–year‐old abandoned fields. Corn plants (Zea mays L.) were grown on four different types of soil amendments: no amendment (control), compost, ashes (as in traditional slash‐and‐burn cultivation), and compost + ashes additions. Furthermore, two tree cover treatments were applied: 0% tree cover (as in traditional slash‐and‐burn cultivation) and 50% tree cover (selective slash‐and‐burn). Both corn growth and soil fertility parameters were monitored during the growing season 2015 up to final harvest. The amendment compost + ashes strongly increased corn yield, which was multiplied by 4–5 in comparison with ashes or compost alone, reaching 1.5 t/ha compared to 0.25 and 0.35 t/ha for ashes and compost, respectively. On control plots, yield was negligible as expected on these degraded soils. Structural equation modeling evidenced that compost and ashes were complementary fertilizing pathways promoting soil fertility through positive effects on soil moisture, pH, organic matter, and microbial activity. Concerning the tree cover treatment, yield was reduced on shaded plots (50% tree cover) compared to sunny plots (0% tree cover) for all soil amendments, except ashes. To conclude, our results provide empirical evidence on the potential of recultivating tropical degraded soils with compost and ashes. This would help mitigating deforestation of the primary forest by increasing lifespan of agricultural lands.  相似文献   

Low temperatures are associated high‐altitude treelines, but the functional mechanism of treeline formation remains controversial. The relative contributions of carbon limitation (source activity) and growth limitation (sink activity) require more tests across taxa and regions. We examined temporal variations of mobile carbon supply in different tissues of Abies fargesii across treeline ecotones on north‐ and south‐facing slopes of the Qinling Mountains, China. Non‐structural carbohydrate (NSC) concentrations in tissues along the altitudinal gradient on both slopes changed significantly in the early and late growing season, but not in the mid‐growing season, indicating the season‐dependent carbon supply status. Late in the growing season on both slopes, trees at the upper limits had the highest NSC concentrations and total soluble sugars and lowest starch concentrations compared to trees at the lower elevations. NSC concentrations tended to increase in needles and branches throughout the growing season with increasing elevation on both slopes, but declined in roots and stems. NSC concentrations across sampling dates also indicated increases in needles and branches, and decreases in roots and stem with increasing elevation. Overall altitudinal trends of NSC in A. fargesii revealed no depletion of mobile carbon reserves at upper elevation limits, suggesting limitation of sink activity dominates tree life across treeline ecotones in both north‐ and south‐facing slopes. Carbon reserves in storage tissues (especially roots) in the late growing season might also play an important role in winter survival and early growth in spring at upper elevations on both slopes, which define the uppermost limit of A. fargesii.  相似文献   

Alpine environments are currently relatively free from non‐native plant species, although their presence and abundance have recently been on the rise. It is however still unclear whether the observed low invasion levels in these areas are due to an inherent resistance of the alpine zone to invasions or whether an exponential increase in invasion is just a matter of time. Using a seed‐addition experiment on north‐ and south‐facing slopes (cf. microclimatic gradient) on two mountains in subarctic Sweden, we tested the establishment of six non‐native species at an elevation above their current distribution limits and under experimentally enhanced anthropogenic pressures (disturbance, added nutrients and increased propagule pressure). We found a large microclimatic variability in cumulative growing degree days (GDD) (range = 500.77°C, SD = 120.70°C) due to both physiographic (e.g. aspect) and biophysical (e.g. vegetation cover) features, the latter being altered by the experimental disturbance. Non‐native species establishment and biomass production were positively correlated with GDD along the studied microclimatic gradient. However, even though establishment on the north‐facing slopes caught up with that on the south‐facing slopes throughout the growing season, biomass production was limited on the north‐facing slopes due to a shorter growing season. On top of this microclimatic effect, all experimentally imposed anthropogenic factors enhanced non‐native species success. The observed microclimatic effect indicates a potential for non‐native species to use warm microsites as stepping stones for their establishment towards the cold end of the gradient. Combined with anthropogenic pressures this result suggests an increasing risk for plant invasion in cold ecosystems, as such stepping stones in alpine ecosystems are likely to be more common in a future that will combine a warming climate with persistent anthropogenic pressures.  相似文献   

Aim Few studies have attempted to assess the overall impact of fragmentation at the landscape scale. We quantify the impacts of fragmentation on plant diversity by assessing patterns of community composition in relation to a range of fragmentation measures. Location The investigation was undertaken in two regions of New Zealand – a relatively unfragmented area of lowland rain forest in south Westland and a highly fragmented montane forest on the eastern slopes of the Southern Alps. Methods We calculated an index of community similarity (Bray–Curtis) between forest plots we regarded as potentially affected by fragmentation and control forest plots located deep inside continuous forest areas. Using a multiple nonlinear regression technique that incorporates spatial autocorrelation effects, we analysed plant community composition in relation to measures of fragmentation at the patch and landscape levels. From the resulting regression equation, we predicted community composition for every forest pixel on land‐cover maps of the study areas and used these maps to calculate a landscape‐level estimate of compositional change, which we term ‘BioFrag’. BioFrag has a value of one if fragmentation has no detectable effect on communities within a landscape, and tends towards zero if fragmentation has a strong effect. Results We detected a weak, but significant, impact of fragmentation metrics operating at both the patch and landscape levels. Observed values of BioFrag ranged from 0.68 to 0.90, suggesting that patterns of fragmentation have medium to weak impacts on forest plant communities in New Zealand. BioFrag values varied in meaningful ways among landscapes and between the ground‐cover and tree and shrub communities. Main conclusions BioFrag advances methods that describe spatial patterns of forest cover by incorporating the exact spatial patterns of observed species responses to fragmentation operating at multiple spatial scales. BioFrag can be applied to any landscape and ecological community across the globe and represents a significant step towards developing a biologically relevant, landscape‐scale index of habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

From 2001 to 2004 we experimentally warmed 40 large, naturally established, white spruce [Picea glauca (Moench) Voss] seedlings at alpine treeline in southwest Yukon, Canada, using passive open‐top chambers (OTCs) distributed equally between opposing north and south‐facing slopes. Our goal was to test the hypothesis that an increase in temperature consistent with global climate warming would elicit a positive growth response. OTCs increased growing season air temperatures by 1.8°C and annual growing degree‐days by one‐third. In response, warmed seedlings grew significantly taller and had higher photosynthetic rates compared with control seedlings. On the south aspect, soil temperatures averaged 1.0°C warmer and the snow‐free period was nearly 1 month longer. These seedlings grew longer branches and wider annual rings than seedlings on the north aspect, but had reduced Photosystem‐II efficiency and experienced higher winter needle mortality. The presence of OTCs tended to reduce winter dieback over the course of the experiment. These results indicate that climate warming will enhance vertical growth rates of young conifers, with implications for future changes to the structure and elevation of treeline contingent upon exposure‐related differences. Our results suggest that the growth of seedlings on north‐facing slopes is limited by low soil temperature in the presence of permafrost, while growth on south‐facing slopes appears limited by winter desiccation and cold‐induced photoinhibition.  相似文献   

Aim To evaluate the hypothesis that topographic features of high‐elevation mountain environments govern spatial distribution and climate‐driven dynamics of the forest. Location Upper mountain forest stands (elevation range 1800–2600 m) in the mountains of southern Siberia. Methods Archive maps, satellite and on‐ground data from1960 to 2002 were used. Data were normalized to avoid bias caused by uneven distribution of topographic features (elevation, azimuth and slope steepness) within the analysed area. Spatial distribution of forest stands was analysed with respect to topography based on a digital elevation model (DEM). Results Spatial patterns in mountain forests are anisotropic with respect to azimuth, slope steepness and elevation. At a given elevation, the majority of forests occupied slopes with greater than mean slope values. As the elevation increased, forests shifted to steeper slopes. The orientation of forest azimuth distribution changed clockwise with increase in elevation (the total shift was 120°), indicating a combined effect of wind and water stress on the observed forest patterns. Warming caused changes in the forest distribution patterns during the last four decades. The area of closed forests increased 1.5 times, which was attributed to increased stand density and tree migration. The migration rate was 1.5 ± 0.9 m year–1, causing a mean forest line shift of 63 ± 37 m. Along with upward migration, downward tree migration onto hill slopes was observed. Changes in tree morphology were also noted as widespread transformation of the prostrate forms of Siberian pine and larch into erect forms. Main conclusions The spatial pattern of upper mountain forests as well as the response of forests to warming strongly depends on topographic relief features (elevation, azimuth and slope steepness). With elevation increase (and thus a harsher environment) forests shifted to steep wind‐protected slopes. A considerable increase in the stand area and increased elevation of the upper forest line was observed coincident with the climate warming that was observed. Warming promotes migration of trees to areas that are less protected from winter desiccation and snow abrasion (i.e. areas with lower values of slope steepness). Climate‐induced forest response has significantly modified the spatial patterns of high‐elevation forests in southern Siberia during the last four decades, as well as tree morphology.  相似文献   

Increasing severity of Swiss needle cast (SNC), a foliar disease of Douglas‐fir caused by the fungus Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii, has become a matter of concern in forest plantations throughout coastal Oregon and Washington. This study monitored SNC disease in three Oregon Douglas‐fir plantations bi‐annually in 1998–1999, and compared differences in fungal colonization and symptom development in trees from north‐ and south‐facing plots at each plantation. Fungal colonization as quantified by ergosterol content, pseudothecia density and quantitative PCR was significantly correlated with symptom severity (needle retention and needle cholorosis). All three measures of fungal colonization were highly correlated with each other; and only the ergosterol–pseudothecia relationship differed between plots, presumably due to the non‐species specific nature of ergosterol measurements. Differences in symptom severity and fungal colonization between north‐ and south‐aspect plots were consistent with climate differences. At low to moderate levels of infection, trees growing on warmer (i.e. south slopes in the western, and north slopes in the eastern Coast Range) slopes had higher levels of colonization, particularly during the winter months. Plots with southern exposures, which received greater amounts of solar radiation, had greater amounts of needle abscission compared to north‐aspect plots with similar amounts of fungal colonization. As a result, greater fungal abundance and symptom expression developed on south‐aspect slopes within the Oregon Coast Range.  相似文献   

Abstract Fine‐scale habitat preferences of three co‐occurring mycophagous mammals were examined in a tropical wet sclerophyll forest community in north‐eastern Australia. Two of the three mammal species responded to fine‐scale variation in vegetation and landform around individual trap locations. At a broad scale, the northern bettong (Bettongia tropica), an endangered marsupial endemic to the Australian wet tropics region, showed a preference for ridges over mid‐slopes and gullies, irrespective of forest type. In contrast, the northern brown bandicoot (Isoodon macrourus), a widespread marsupial, displayed a preference for Eucalyptus woodland over adjacent Allocasuarina forest, irrespective of topographic category. The giant white‐tailed rat (Uromys caudimaculatus), a rodent endemic to the wet tropics, showed no particular preference for either forest type or topographic category. A multiple regression model of mammal capture success against three principal habitat gradients constructed from 21 habitat variables using principal component analysis indicated strong species‐specific preferences for fine‐scale vegetation assemblages. Bettongs preferred areas of Eucalyptus woodland with sparse ground cover, low densities of certain grass species, high density of tree stems and few pig diggings. Bandicoots, in contrast, favoured areas in both forest types with dense ground cover, fewer tree stems and greater numbers of pig diggings; that is, characteristics least favoured by bettongs. The striking differences in fine‐scale habitat preferences of these two mammals of similar body size and broad habitat requirements suggest a high degree of fine‐scale habitat partitioning. White‐tailed rats did not show preference for any of the habitat gradients examined.  相似文献   

 亚高山森林林窗可能通过改变冬季雪被格局和生长季水热环境影响林窗内凋落物中半纤维素的分解动态, 但目前对此还缺乏研究。采用凋落物分解袋法, 以亚高山森林5种典型物种岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)、红桦(Betula albosinensis)、四川红杉(Larix mastersiana)、方枝柏(Sabina saltuaria)和高山杜鹃(Rhododendron lapponicum)凋落物为研究对象, 研究雪被形成期、雪被覆盖期、雪被融化期和生长季节从林窗中心、林冠林窗、扩展林窗到郁闭林下物种凋落物的半纤维素变化特征。经历一年分解后, 5种凋落物的半纤维素均呈现净累积现象。针、阔叶凋落物半纤维素分别在雪被覆盖期和融化期表现出相对较高的损失率。在雪被覆盖期和融化期, 凋落物半纤维素在林窗中心和林冠林窗具有相对较高的损失率; 而在生长季节, 林窗中心呈现相对较低的凋落物半纤维素累积率。统计分析结果表明凋落物分解过程中半纤维素损失率与环境因子和凋落物质量因子均显著相关。这些结果表明亚高山森林林窗对凋落物分解过程中半纤维素损失率具有显著影响, 分别促进了半纤维素在冬季的损失以及抑制了半纤维素在生长季节的累积, 意味着亚高山森林林窗的形成有利于凋落物半纤维素的降解。  相似文献   

Arctic warming is resulting in reduced snow cover and increased shrub growth, both of which have been associated with altered land surface–atmospheric feedback processes involving sensible heat flux, ground heat flux and biogeochemical cycling. Using field measurements, we show that two common Arctic shrub species (Betula glandulosa and Salix pulchra), which are largely responsible for shrub encroachment in tundra, differed markedly in albedo and that albedo of both species increased as growing season progressed when measured at their altitudinal limit. A moveable apparatus was used to repeatedly measure albedo at six precise spots during the summer of 2012, and resampled in 2013. Contrary to the generally accepted view of shrub‐covered areas having low albedo in tundra, full‐canopy prostrate B. glandulosa had almost the highest albedo of all surfaces measured during the peak of the growing season. The higher midsummer albedo is also evident in localized MODIS albedo aggregated from 2000 to 2013, which displays a similar increase in growing‐season albedo. Using our field measurements, we show the ensemble summer increase in tundra albedo counteracts the generalized effect of earlier spring snow melt on surface energy balance by approximately 40%. This summer increase in albedo, when viewed in absolute values, is as large as the difference between the forest and tundra transition. These results indicate that near future (<50 years) changes in growing‐season albedo related to Arctic vegetation change are unlikely to be particularly large and might constitute a negative feedback to climate warming in certain circumstances. Future efforts to calculate energy budgets and a sensible heating feedback in the Arctic will require more detailed information about the relative abundance of different ground cover types, particularly shrub species and their respective growth forms and phenology.  相似文献   

Uneven winter snow influence on tree growth across temperate China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Winter snow is an important driver of tree growth in regions where growing‐season precipitation is limited. However, observational evidence of this influence at larger spatial scales and across diverse bioclimatic regions is lacking. Here, we investigated the interannual effects of winter (here defined as previous October to current February) snow depth on tree growth across temperate China over the period of 1961–2015, using a regional network of tree ring records, in situ daily snow depth observations, and gridded climate data. We report uneven effects of winter snow depth on subsequent growing‐season tree growth across temperate China. There shows little effect on tree growth in drier regions that we attribute mainly to limited snow accumulation during winter. By contrast, winter snow exerts important positive influence on tree growth in stands with high winter snow accumulation (e.g., in parts of cold arid regions). The magnitude of this effect depends on the proportion of winter snow to pre‐growing‐season (previous October to current April) precipitation. We further observed that tree growth in drier regions tends to be increasingly limited by warmer growing‐season temperature and early growing‐season water availability. No compensatory effect of winter snow on the intensifying drought limitation of tree growth was observed across temperate China. Our findings point toward an increase in drought vulnerability of temperate forests in a warming climate.  相似文献   

Environmental gradients drive variation in community composition across a range of spatial scales. In alpine regions, areas of long‐lasting snow (‘snow patches’) create snowmelt gradients that drive considerable change in vegetation structure and composition over small spatial scales. This study examined whether there is parallel variation in arthropod communities using snowmelt gradients in the Australian Alps. Mites (Acarina) were the most common arthropods in snow patches, followed by springtails while, among the insects, the orders Hymenoptera (primarily Formicidae), Diptera, Coleoptera (primarily Carabidae) and Hemiptera (primarily Cicadellidae) dominated. Along the snowmelt gradient, arthropod assemblages changed from having equal proportions of predators and herbivores in early‐melting zones to being predator‐dominated in late‐melting zones, particularly early in the growing season. This followed a transition in vegetation cover and composition and was driven by higher numbers of predacious carabid beetles in later‐melting zones. Overall, however, our results suggest that snowbed arthropod communities in the Australian alpine zone are more sensitive to short‐term effects, such as time since snowmelt, than to differences in vegetation structure and composition or long‐term patterns of snowmelt. Continued advancement of snowmelt timing due to warmer spring temperatures is therefore likely to have more impact on the seasonality of snowbed arthropod communities than on the overall community composition.  相似文献   

Question: The practice of extracting logging residues after clear‐cutting for bioenergy purposes is spreading. Logging residues constitute a shelter in clear‐cut areas and therefore concerns have been expressed that their removal could make the ground and its vegetation more exposed to extreme microclimatic conditions. We asked whether logging residues and forest edges can protect ground‐dwelling forest bryophytes from fatal microclimate events following clear‐cutting. Location: Boreal forests of central Sweden. Methods: Using transplants of eight forest floor bryophyte species we experimentally analysed the sheltering effect (less solar radiation and less wind) of logging residues and forest edges in seven clear‐cut areas. Transplants were placed in two contrasting positions in each area; near a north‐facing forest edge and in the centre of the clear‐cut area. In each position, half of the transplants were covered by a layer of spruce branches and the other half was left uncovered. We estimated proportion of apparently living shoots (apparent vitality) and measured radial growth of transplants during one growing season. Results: Position in the clear‐cut area, but not cover of spruce branches, clearly influenced radial growth. Vitality scores were higher among transplants covered with branches and the lowest apparent vitality was observed in uncovered transplants in the middle of clear‐cut areas. The change in area of apparently living shoots during the course of the experiment (growth minus mortality) was unaffected by branch cover close to the edge but positively affected in the centre of the clear‐cut area. In general, the effect of branch cover on bryophytes was higher in the centre of clear‐cut areas. Here, climatic measurements showed that branch cover buffers during periods of extreme microclimates. Conclusions: Extraction of logging residues after clear‐felling may reduce the survival of some ground‐dwelling forest organisms. The additional sheltering provided by branches was unimportant close to forest edges. We suggest smaller clear‐cut areas, green‐tree retention and other ways to make logged areas shadier and less windy to mitigate the reduced shelter caused by harvest of logging residues.  相似文献   

Question: Does aspect affect hydroseeding success and the development of vegetation during early vegetation establishment on the steep slopes of coal wastes during the reclamation process? Location: Open‐pit coal mine near Villanueva de la Peña, northern Spain. Methods: In the first year after hydroseeding, we monitored the dynamics of hydroseeded species in three permanent plots of 20 m2 on north‐ and south‐facing slopes every two months. Soil properties and weather conditions were also monitored. Results: Aspect was related to total plant cover during early revegetation, and south‐facing slopes had the lowest cover. Aspect also influenced the early dynamics of hydroseeded grasses and legumes establishing on these slopes. Grass cover was greater on the north slope throughout the study, but differences in plant cover between north and south slopes appeared later for the legumes. Aspect also affected the relative contribution of both of grasses and legumes to the total plant cover, with grasses dominant on both northern and southern slopes, except during the summer on the southern slope. The species with the greatest difference in cover between the north‐ and south‐facing slopes were Festuca spp., Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens. Conclusion: In coal mine reclamation areas of Mediterranean climates, differences in the development of hydroseeded species depended on the slope of the coal mine reclamation areas, and this information is of importance to managers in selecting species for use in reclamation.  相似文献   

We reconstructed the invasion history of the fungal virus Cryphonectria hypovirus 1 (CHV‐1) in Europe, which infects the chestnut blight fungus Cryphonectria parasitica. The pattern of virus evolution was inferred based on nucleotide sequence variation from isolates sampled across a wide area in Europe at different points in time. Phylogeny and time estimates suggested that CHV‐1 was introduced together with its fungal host to Europe and that it rapidly colonized the central range along the south facing slopes of the Alps and the north‐east facing slopes of the Dinaric Alps. These central populations were the source for two waves of simultaneous invasions toward the southern Balkans and Turkey, as indicated by migration rates. Our results showed that the evolutionary scenarios for CHV‐1 and C. parasitica were spatially congruent. As infection with CHV‐1 reduces the pathogenicity of C. parasitica toward the chestnut tree, CHV‐1 invasions of the newly established C. parasitica populations probably prevented the development of devastating chestnut blight epidemics in Europe. We propose that in this, and supposedly in other pathosystems, geographic, vegetation‐related, demographic, economic, and political factors may help explain the correlated invasion pattern of a parasite and its host.  相似文献   

雪被是影响高海拔森林凋落物分解的重要生态因子,其是否影响到生长季节与非生长季节凋落物中的P元素释放,尚未量化。为了量化季节性雪被对高海拔森林凋落物分解过程中P元素释放的影响,于2010年10月至2012年10月间,在青藏高原东缘川西高海拔森林不同厚度冬季雪被斑块下,设置凋落物分解袋实验。检测该地区代表性树种岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)、红桦(Betula albo-sinensis)、四川红杉(Larix mastersiana)和方枝柏(Sabina saltuaria)凋落叶在雪被覆盖不同关键时期(雪被形成前期、完全覆盖期和消融期)以及生长季节的P元素动态。结果表明,凋落物质量与雪被厚度均显著影响了P元素的释放过程。雪被覆盖时期凋落物P元素释放率表现为有雪被覆盖大于无雪被覆盖,而生长季节中除岷江冷杉外的其他3种凋落物P元素释放率均为无雪被覆盖下最大。相对于无雪被覆盖斑块,冬季雪被的存在提供了保护绝缘层,促进凋落物P元素释放,提高了各物种冬季P元素释放贡献率。这些结果表明,全球变化情景下的雪被减少可能减缓高海拔森林凋落物P元素的释放过程,改变森林土壤P元素水平。所以在研究高寒、高海拔地区全球气候变化下生态系统功能的工作中,应注重雪被这一异质性环境因子对生态系统功能的影响。  相似文献   

Questions: Does tree establishment: (1) occur at a treeline depressed by fire, (2) cause the forest line to ascend upslope, and/or (3) alter landscape heterogeneity? (4) What abiotic and biotic local site conditions are most important in structuring establishment patterns? (5) Does the abiotic setting become more important with increasing upslope distance from the forest line? Location: Western slopes of Mount Rainier, USA. Methods: We performed classification analysis of 1970 satellite imagery and 2003 aerial photography to delineate establishment. Local site conditions were calculated from a LIDAR‐based DEM, ancillary climate data, and 1970 tree locations in a GIS. We used logistic regression on a spatially weighted landscape matrix to rank variables. Results: Considerable establishment after 1970 caused forest line elevation to increase over 150 m in specific locations. Landscape heterogeneity increased with distance from the 1970 forest line. At a broad spatial context, we found establishment was most common near existing trees (0‐50 m) and at low elevations (1250‐1350 m). Slope aspect (W, NW, N, NE, and E), slope angle (40‐60°), and other abiotic factors emerged as important predictors of establishment with increasing upslope distance from the forest line to restricted spatial extents. Conclusions: Favorable climatic conditions likely triggered widespread tree establishment. Readily available seed probably enhanced establishment rates near sexually mature trees, particularly in the less stressful environment at low elevations. The mass effect of nearly ubiquitous establishment in these areas may have obscured the importance of the abiotic setting to restricted spatial extents. Topographic variability apparently produced favorable sites that facilitated opportunistic establishment with increasing upslope distance from the forest line, thereby enabling additional trees to invade the alpine tundra.  相似文献   

For many European species, the mountains of the Alps and the Pyrenees have acted as significant barriers to northwards colonization from southern glacial refugia. To the east, the Caucasus Mountains would seem to have been a similar barrier to the white‐breasted hedgehog (Erinaceus concolor). A deep divergence among hedgehog mitochondrial sequences to the north and south of the Caucasus Mountains suggests two colonization routes, originating from separate refugial regions and divided by this mountain barrier. From a Balkan refugium, hedgehogs have colonized northwards into Russia and to the northern foothills of the Caucasus Mountains. The origins of hedgehogs colonizing the southern parts of the Caucasus are not entirely clear, although fossil and climatic data suggest a glacial refugium on the southern shores of the Black Sea. Divergence within the southern group indicates a long‐standing fragmentation within such a refugium or the presence of further cryptic refugia in Turkey and the Near East. The Caucasus barrier would seem to have been an important factor in structuring the late Pleistocene distribution of species.  相似文献   

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