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Canopy-forming algae often coexist with an understorey of encrusting coralline algae that bleach following the loss of canopies. We tested the hypothesis that canopy loss causes a reduction in photosynthetic activity of encrusting coralline algae concomitant with their bleaching. When canopies were experimentally removed, corallines bleached and their photosynthetic activity was rapidly reduced to half their activity observed under canopies. This result prompted us to test, and subsequently accept, the hypothesis that exposure of understorey corallines to enhanced light intensity per se (simulation of canopy loss) acts as a mechanism that causes bleaching and reduced photosynthetic activity. Despite bleaching, encrusting corallines maintained reduced levels of photosynthetic activity, and this may explain why, under certain conditions, bleached corallines can persist in the absence of canopy-forming algae. Nevertheless, our data provide evidence that the positive association between canopy-forming algae and encrusting coralline algae is maintained because of shade provided by the canopy.  相似文献   

Abstract We present a model of gaps in the vertical structure of forest vegetation. The traditional model of a forest gap assumes the existence of a ‘hole’ in the uppermost canopy layer, often extending down to near the ground. The present model extends the concept to gaps at any level, including those in lower layers below an intact canopy or subcanopy. It assumes that gaps at any level represent spaces with unused resources, especially favourable for plant growth and survival. Evidence from temperate and tropical forests indicates that gaps in the subcanopy and understorey layers below intact canopies are common, and that plants have higher growth rates in them than in non-gap sites. We also extend this model to below-ground gaps in the root zone.  相似文献   

Within estuarine and coastal ecosystems globally, extensive habitat degradation and loss threaten critical ecosystem functions and necessitate widescale restoration efforts. There is abundant evidence that ecological processes and species interactions can vary with habitat characteristics, which has important implications for the design and implementation of restoration efforts aimed at enhancing specific ecosystem functions and services. We conducted an experiment examining how habitat characteristics (presence; edge vs. interior) influence the communities of resident fish and mobile invertebrates on restored oyster (Crassostrea virginica) reefs. Similar to previous studies, we found that restored reefs altered community composition and augmented total abundance and biomass relative to unstructured sand habitat. Community composition and biomass also differed between the edge and interior of individual reefs as a result of species-specific patterns over small spatial scales. These patterns were only weakly linked to oyster density, suggesting that other factors that vary between edge and interior (e.g. predator access or species interactions) are likely more important for community structure on oyster reefs. Fine-scale information on resident species' use of oyster reefs will help facilitate restoration by allowing decision makers to optimize the amount of edge versus interior habitat. To improve the prediction of faunal use and benefits from habitat restoration, we recommend investigations into the mechanisms shaping edge and interior preferences on oyster reefs.  相似文献   

We studied the population and feeding ecology of the kelp crab Taliepus marginatus in subtidal kelp forests dominated by either of two morphologically different kelp species (Macrocystis pyrifera or Lessonia trabeculata) in northern Chile. The sizes and abundances of T. marginatus differed between the two kelp habitats. Kelp crabs were more abundant in the M. pyrifera forest than in the L. trabeculata forest. Size‐frequency distributions showed that juvenile and immature crabs were more common in the M. pyrifera forest than in the L. trabeculata forest, where reproductive adults predominated. The smaller crabs in the M. pyrifera habitat also consumed a higher proportion of kelp tissues than the larger crabs in the L. trabeculata habitat, which had a higher proportion of animal food in their diet. In both kelp forests, individuals of T. marginatus showed a similar pattern of nocturnal feeding over a 24‐h period, consuming more food at night than during the day. The more complex and dense forests of M. pyrifera appear to present better nursery habitats for juvenile kelp crabs than the more open and less dense forests dominated by L. trabeculata. These results suggest that the role of the two kelp habitats for T. marginatus varies during the life cycle of the kelp crabs, with M. pyrifera tending to have nursery function and L. trabeculata being more suitable as a reproductive habitat.  相似文献   

亚热带常绿人工针叶林冠层内光能利用率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以我国南方主要造林树种湿地松(Pinus elliottii)、马尾松(P.massoniana)、杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)为研究对象,采用Li-6400便携式CO2/H2O红外气体分析仪测定生长中期(7月)和后期(10月)树冠内部不同层次(上层和下层)、方位(阳面和阴面)和叶龄(当年生和1年生)光环境、净光合速率(Pn),计算了光能利用效率(LUE)。结果表明:光合有效辐射(PAR)在树冠不同层次和方位间存在显著差异(P<0.05);当年生叶所处环境PAR高于1年生叶所处环境PAR,即在一定光环境之下发育的叶片往往被后来形成的新叶所遮荫。两时期3树种上层针叶的Pn均高于下层针叶;生长中期下层针叶的LUE高于上层叶,而生长后期层次间LUE相近或下层针叶不及上层针叶。不同方位针叶Pn因树种不同而不同,湿地松和马尾松阳面叶Pn高于阴面叶,而杉木阴面叶Pn高于阳面叶;两时期3树种阴面叶LUE均高于阳面叶。总体而言,叶片Pn和LUE对森林树冠内部光环境做出较强的可塑性。由于当年生针叶生理机能和光环境均优于1年生针叶,两时期3树种当年生针叶Pn均高于1年生针叶;生长中期湿地松和马尾松当年生...  相似文献   

Abstract The ecology of Australia's most extensive canopy‐forming alga, Ecklonia radiata, is often studied with little regard as to whether it occurs in monospecific stands or as part of a mixed assemblage of canopy‐forming algae. We tested the hypothesis that E. radiata does not primarily occur as monospecific stands, rather it occurs more often in stands of mixed algae. At a 1‐m2 scale we recognized three main configurations within forests of algae (hereafter called stands): E. radiata that occurs as (i) monospecific stands; (ii) clumps (four or more individuals together) surrounded by species of Fucales; or (iii) individual plants (or clusters of fewer than three plants) interspersed among species of Fucales. All three types of stand occurred in similar proportions (percentage cover) across two regions of Australia's southern coastline (Western and South Australia). We also tested the hypothesis that these three types of stands (identified at 1 m2) contain different assemblages of invertebrates associated with the holdfast of E. radiata. Assemblages of invertebrates varied between monospecific and interspersed stands, but not between monospecific and clumped stands. These results suggest that variation in the configuration of subtidal algae (stands measured at a 1‐m2 scale) has the potential to influence the composition and abundance of associated biota. We suggest that although studies in stands of monospecific E. radiata may provide useful information for the majority of forests containing E. radiata (monospecific and clumped stands made up 65% of forests sampled), caution must be used when extrapolating to stands of mixed, interspersed algae (>31% of forests sampled).  相似文献   

 Spiders and ants are potential competitors and mutual predators. Indirect evidence from previous research has suggested that ant foraging may significantly lower the abundance of arboreal spiders in young Douglas-fir plantations in western Oregon. This study tested the effect of foraging by ants, dominated by Camponotus spp., on spider assemblages in Douglas-fir canopies in a 5-month ant-exclusion experiment. The biomass of potential prey organisms on foliage, dominated by Psocoptera, increased significantly by 1.9- to 2.4-fold following ant exclusion. The removal of ants did not affect the abundance of flying arthropods in the vicinity of tree canopies as indicated by sticky trap catches. The abundance of hunting spiders, the majority being Salticidae, increased significantly by 1.5- to 1.8-fold in trees without ants in the late summer; neither the abundance of web-building spiders nor the average body size of hunting and web-building spiders were significantly affected by ant removal. Spider diversity and community structure did not differ significantly between control and ant-removal trees. The majority of prey captured by ants were Aphidoidea (48.1%) and Psocoptera (12.5%); spiders represented only 1.4% of the ants’ diet. About 40% of observed ants were tending Cinara spp. aphids. Our observations suggest that the lower abundance of hunting spiders in control canopies with ants may be due to interference competition with ants resulting from ant foraging and aphid-tending activities. Direct predation of spiders by ants appeared to be of minor importance in this study system. This study did not provide sufficient evidence for exploitative competition for prey between ants and spiders. Received: 21 February 1996 / Accepted: 14 August 1996  相似文献   

This section comprises a set of papers taken from those presented at a symposium held to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Monsi-Saeki theory (1953), together with invited papers. The papers describe recent advances in the study of structure and function of plant canopies and are written by former students (and their collaborators) of Professors Monsi and Saeki. The topics cover construction and maintenance of efficient photosynthetic systems at leaf, individual plant and stand level. Canopy structure and function are analysed with respect to optimization and an evolutionarily stable strategy. A new translation of the original paper by Monsi and Saeki (1953) into English has been commissioned and is included in this section.  相似文献   


Coral recruitment is important in sustaining coral reef ecosystems and contributing to their recovery after disturbances. Despite widespread acceptance that crustose coralline algae (CCA) positively influence coral recruitment success, especially by enhancing coral settlement and early post-settlement stages, there are no experimental data on the effects of CCA species on late post-settlement survival and growth of corals. This study tested the impact of four common, thick-crusted CCA species from two habitats (exposed and subcryptic) on the survival and growth of two recruit size categories of the coral genus Pocillopora. Coral recruits and CCA were transplanted adjacent to each other using epoxy in Petri dishes directly attached to the reef substratum on the forereef of Moorea (French Polynesia) in a 1-year field experiment. In the subcryptic habitat, survival of small-sized recruits adjacent to subcryptic CCA (0–5%) was lower than adjacent to dead CCA (35%), while in the exposed habitat, survival of small-sized recruits adjacent to exposed CCA (20–25%) was higher than adjacent to dead CCA (5%). None of the CCA species affected the survival of large-sized recruits within exposed or subcryptic habitats. However, the growth of large-sized recruits adjacent to subcryptic CCA was lower than adjacent to dead CCA. Recruits adjacent to exposed CCA died less from competition with turf algae relative to dead CCA, while recruits adjacent to subcryptic CCA frequently died from overgrowth by CCA. These results suggest that, in subcryptic habitats, CCA can reduce the survival and/or growth of coral recruits via direct competitive overgrowth, while in exposed habitats, they can enhance coral recruit survival by alleviating competition with turf algae. Importantly, our study demonstrates that not all CCA species are beneficial to the survival and growth of coral recruits and that there is considerable variability in both the outcome and process of competition between CCA and corals.


Intertidal macroalgae endure light, desiccation, and temperature variation associated with sub‐merged and emerged conditions on a daily basis. Physiological stresses exist over the course of the entire tidal cycle, and physiological differences in response to these stresses likely contribute to spatial separation of species along the shore. For example, marine species that have a high stress tolerance can live higher on the shore and are able to recover when the tide returns, whereas species with a lower stress tolerance may be relegated to living lower on the shore or in tidepools, where low tide stresses are buffered. In this study, we monitored the physiological responses of the tidepool coralline Calliarthron tuberculosum (Postels and Ruprecht) E.Y. Dawson and the nontidepool coralline Corallina vancouveriensis Yendo during simulated tidal conditions to identify differences in physiology that might underlie differences in habitat. During high tide, Corallina was more photosynthetically active than Calliarthron as light levels increased. During low tide, Corallina continued to out‐perform Calliarthron when submerged in warming tidepools, but photosynthesis abruptly halted for both species when emerged in air. Surprisingly, pigment composition did not differ, suggesting that light harvesting does not account for this difference. Additionally, Corallina was more effective at resisting desiccation by retaining water in its branches. When the tide returned, only Corallina recovered from combined temperature and desiccation stresses associated with emergence. This study broadens our understanding of intertidal algal physiology and provides a new perspective on the physiological and morphological underpinnings of habitat partitioning.  相似文献   

Abstract. The influence of canopy trees and shrubs on under‐storey plants is complex and context‐dependent. Canopy plants can exert positive, negative or neutral effects on production, composition and diversity of understorey plant communities, depending on local environmental conditions and position in the landscape. We studied the influence of Prosopis velutina (mesquite) on soil moisture and nitrogen availability, and understorey vegetation along a topographic gradient in the Sonoran Desert. We found significant increases in both soil moisture and N along the gradient from desert to riparian zone. In addition, P. velutina canopies had positive effects, relative to open areas, on soil moisture in the desert, and soil N in both desert and intermediate terrace. Biomass of understorey vegetation was highest and species richness was lowest in the riparian zone. Canopies had a positive effect on biomass in both desert and terrace, and a negative effect on species richness in the terrace. The effect of the canopy depended on landscape position, with desert canopies more strongly influencing soil moisture and biomass and terrace canopies more strongly influencing soil N and species richness. Individual species distributions suggested interspecific variation in response to water‐ vs. N‐availability; they strongly influence species composition at both patch and landscape position levels.  相似文献   

林窗内光照强度的测量方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林窗内光强存在复杂的时空变化,对植物更新和生长有着重要影响,因此,林窗光照强度的快速测量方法是生态学家十分关注的问题.目前,测量林窗光强的方法可分为3类:(1)直接测量法采用光量子探头等仪器直接测量光强,但测量林窗光强异质性时十分费时费力.(2)模型估测法通过几何计算可快速估测林窗任意位置光强,但模型估测法将林窗简化为圆柱体或椭圆柱体,并忽略了许多林窗光强的影响因素,这极大影响了它的测量精度.(3)相片法采用半球面影像等相片间接计算相片拍摄点的光强,但测量林窗光强异质性时需要在林窗内拍摄大量相片;相片法具有较高精度,可区分直射光和散射光,其中,基于半球面影像的林窗光指数(gap light index)精度最高,使用广泛;基于几何计算的林窗光指数不仅具有较高精度,且可以快速测量林窗任意位置光强,该方法适用于林窗光强水平分布格局、垂直结构以及光组成成分(直射光和散射光)特征研究.  相似文献   

The effects of light on the growth and development of giant kelp   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Xiugeng  Fei  Neushul  M. 《Hydrobiologia》1984,116(1):456-462

As the ocean environment changes over time, a paucity of long‐term data sets and historical comparisons limits the exploration of community dynamics over time in natural systems. Here, we used a long‐term experimental data set to present evidence for a reversal of competitive dominance within a group of crustose coralline algae (CCA) from the 1980s to present time in the northeast Pacific Ocean. CCA are cosmopolitan species distributed globally, and dominant space holders in intertidal and subtidal systems. Competition experiments showed a markedly lower competitive ability of the previous competitively dominant species and a decreased response of competitive dynamics to grazer presence. Competitive networks obtained from survey data showed concordance between the 1980s and 2013, yet also revealed reductions in interaction strengths across the assemblage. We discuss the potential role of environmental change, including ocean acidification, in altered ecological dynamics in this system.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of native kelps, Laminaria longicruris de la Pylaie and L. digitata (Hudson) Lamouroux, and of the invasive alga, Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides (Van Goor) Silva, on the composition and abundance of mobile benthic macrofauna and of turf algae by measuring the response of these assemblages to experimental removal of the respective macroalgal canopy. From June 2003 to November 2004, we censused macrofauna and measured canopy cover within 4 × 10 m strips of alternating Canopy Intact (control) and Canopy Removed treatments in both a Codium- and a Laminaria-dominated habitat in the rocky subtidal zone of a semi-protected embayment on the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, Canada. Macroalgal canopy cover fluctuated seasonally, peaking in September/October (69% cover in 2003; 55% cover in 2004) for Codium and in May 2004 (70% cover) for kelps, and with both canopy types reaching a winter minimum in January 2004 (22 and 28% cover, respectively). In both Codium and Laminaria habitats, significant effects of canopy removal on the overall macrofaunal assemblage were evident only during periods in which canopy cover in the Canopy Intact treatment was ≥ 50%. In the Codium habitat, 4 out of 11 characteristic taxa were more abundant in the Canopy Intact treatment, where taxonomic diversity also was higher. In contrast, 4 out of 11 characteristic taxa in the Laminaria habitat were more abundant in the Canopy Removed treatment and diversity was similar between treatments. Turf algae were sampled in November 2004 and, despite between-treatment differences in the light regime, there was no significant effect of canopy removal. Our results indicate that selection of algal habitats by mobile macrofauna is likely determined by the different shelter and foraging opportunities offered by these morphologically dissimilar ecosystem engineers.  相似文献   

Hemispherical photography (HP), implemented with cameras equipped with “fisheye” lenses, is a widely used method for describing forest canopies and light regimes. A promising technological advance is the availability of low‐cost fisheye lenses for smartphone cameras. However, smartphone camera sensors cannot record a full hemisphere. We investigate whether smartphone HP is a cheaper and faster but still adequate operational alternative to traditional cameras for describing forest canopies and light regimes. We collected hemispherical pictures with both smartphone and traditional cameras in 223 forest sample points, across different overstory species and canopy densities. The smartphone image acquisition followed a faster and simpler protocol than that for the traditional camera. We automatically thresholded all images. We processed the traditional camera images for Canopy Openness (CO) and Site Factor estimation. For smartphone images, we took two pictures with different orientations per point and used two processing protocols: (i) we estimated and averaged total canopy gap from the two single pictures, and (ii) merging the two pictures together, we formed images closer to full hemispheres and estimated from them CO and Site Factors. We compared the same parameters obtained from different cameras and estimated generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) between them. Total canopy gap estimated from the first processing protocol for smartphone pictures was on average significantly higher than CO estimated from traditional camera images, although with a consistent bias. Canopy Openness and Site Factors estimated from merged smartphone pictures of the second processing protocol were on average significantly higher than those from traditional cameras images, although with relatively little absolute differences and scatter. Smartphone HP is an acceptable alternative to HP using traditional cameras, providing similar results with a faster and cheaper methodology. Smartphone outputs can be directly used as they are for ecological studies, or converted with specific models for a better comparison to traditional cameras.  相似文献   

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