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Abstract. Generalized additive, generalized linear, and classification tree models were developed to predict the distribution of 20 species of chaparral and coastal sage shrubs within the southwest ecoregion of California. Mapped explanatory variables included bioclimatic attributes related to primary environmental regimes: averages of annual precipitation, minimum temperature of the coldest month, maximum temperature of the warmest month, and topographically-distributed potential solar insolation of the wettest quarter (winter) and of the growing season (spring). Also tested for significance were slope angle (related to soil depth) and the geographic coordinates of each observation. Models were parameterized and evaluated based on species presence/absence data from 906 plots surveyed on National Forest lands. Although all variables were significant in at least one of the species’ models, those models based only on the bioclimatic variables predicted species presence with 3–26% error. While error would undoubtedly be greater if the models were evaluated using independent data, results indicate that these models are useful for predictive mapping – for interpolating species distribution data within the ecoregion. All three methods produced models with similar accuracy for a given species; GAMs were useful for exploring the shape of the response functions, GLMs allowed those response functions to be parameterized and their significance tested, and classification trees, while some-times difficult to interpret, yielded the lowest prediction errors (lower by 3–5%).  相似文献   

Patterns of plant diversity along the altitudinal gradient of Tianshan in central Xinjiang, China were examined. Plant and environment characteristics were surveyed from higher, south of Bogeda peak, to lower, north of Guerbantonggute desert. There were a total of 341 vascular plant, 295 herbage, 41 shrub, and seven tree species in the sampled plots. The plant richness of vegetation types generally showed a unimodal pattern along altitude, with a bimodal change of plant species number at 100-m intervals of altitudinal samples. The two belts of higher plant richness were in transient areas between vegetation types, the first in areas from dry grass to forest, and the second from forest to sub-alpine grass and bush. The beta diversity varied with altitudinal changes, with herbaceous species accounting for most species, and thus had similar species turnover patterns to total species. Matching the change of richness of plant species to environmental factors along altitude and correlating these by redundancy analysis revealed that the environmental factors controlling species richness and its pattern were the combined effects of temperature, precipitation, soil water, and nutrition. Water was more important at low altitude, and temperature at high altitude, and soil chemical and physical characters at middle altitudes. This study provides insights into plant diversity conservation of Bogeda Natural Reserve Areas in Tianshan Mountain. Nomenclatures: the scientific name for plants follows Flora of China (Compiling Committee of Flora of China).  相似文献   

Abstract. Spatial patterns of shrub life history and Ceanothus distribution are examined in relation to topographically‐mediated differences in drought severity within 3 watersheds on the coastal and inland flank of the Santa Ynez Mountains, California. Spatially distributed fields of drought severity are simulated for the studied watersheds using high‐resolution digital terrain data and daily climate data in combination with a process‐based hydro‐ecological model (RHESSys). Field samples of species composition are spatially integrated with the distributed drought data for analysis of ecological relationships. Patterns of seedling recruitment type correspond to topographic variability in drought severity in ways that are consistent with concepts presented in the literature. Species that depend on fire for recruitment are increasingly represented with increasing drought severity, the converse also applies. Sites that experience moderate drought severity permit co‐dominance of species from both recruitment modes. Residual analysis suggests that some of the unexplained variability is related to substrate. Analyses also indicate that the distribution of 5 Ceanothus shrubs reflect differences in drought severity in ways that are consistent with their resistance to water stress‐induced xylem dysfunction. Species from the subgenus Cerastes sort in accordance with moisture availability and have unique spatial distributions. Results are evaluated and discussed with respect to studies on plant morphology, resource use and seedling establishment patterns.  相似文献   

秦岭牛背梁植物物种多样性垂直分布格局   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
基于秦岭山脉中段牛背梁自然保护区南北坡垂直样带51个样方的调查资料,利用植被数量分析方法(TWINSPAN和DCA)对牛背梁植物群落进行了分类和排序,并分析了植物物种多样性沿海拔梯度的分布格局。结果表明,牛背梁的植被群落具有明显的海拔梯度格局,从低海拔到高海拔依次分布有:锐齿槲栎(Quercus aliena var.acuteserrata)林,桦木(Betula spp.)林.巴山冷杉(Abis Jargesii)林和亚高山灌丛。海拔梯度是牛背梁山区制约植物群落分布的主要因子,而坡向和坡度则起到次要作用。对物种多样性的分析表明,物种总数、木本植物物种多样性和草本植物物种多样性在南北坡具有不同的海拔梯度格局。物种总数在南坡呈现单峰分布格局,而在北坡分布趋势不明显;木本植物物种多样性在南北坡具有相似的分布格局:在低海拔沿海拔梯度变化不明显,而在高海拔则随海拔上升而急剧下降;草本植物物种多样性在南北坡沿海拔梯度变化的规律不明显。β多样性沿海拔梯度先减少后增加,形成两端高中间低的格局,说明中海拔地区生境条件较为均一,低海拔地区的人为活动增加了生境的异质性,而高海拔地区的生态过渡特性增加了物种的更替速率以及群落的相异性。  相似文献   

Elevational patterns of trait occurrence and functional diversity provide an important perspective for understanding biodiversity. However, previous studies have mostly examined functional diversity at the community scale. Here, we examined large-scale patterns of trait occurrence and functional diversity in Delphinium along an elevational gradient from 1000 to 5700 m in the Hengduan Mountains, SW China. Elevational distribution and trait data of 102 Delphinium species were compiled to evaluate the patterns of interspecific traits, species richness, and functional diversity. We found that the distribution of species richness showed a unimodal curve that peaked between 3500 and 4000 m; functional diversity and traits showed different patterns along an elevational gradient. The functional diversity increased at a lower rate along an elevation gradient, whereas species richness continued to increase. Species with large ranges and non-endemic species were most affected by geometric constraints. Richness of species endemic to the Hengduan Mountains peaked at higher elevations, likely due to increased speciation and restricted dispersion under alpine conditions. We conclude that the middle elevation region is not only the functionally richest but also the most functionally stable region for Delphinium, which could be insurance against environmental change. Extreme conditions and strong environmental filters in an alpine environment may cause the convergence of species traits, which could relate to reducing nutrient trait investment and increasing reproductive trait investment. We conclude that large-scale studies are consistent with previous studies at the community scale. This may indicate that the relationship between functional diversity and species richness across different scales is the same.  相似文献   

林下草本物种多样性在维持西北干旱与半干旱地区的生态系统服务功能方面起着重要作用,探究其相关影响因素,可为祁连山东部地区的人工生态公益林的可持续经营提供理论基础。选取位于祁连山东部地区的针叶纯林、阔叶纯林、针叶混交林、针阔混交林(人工林)为研究对象,在相关性分析的基础上构建草本物种多样性的多因素参数预测模型和结构方程非参效应模型,探究多重因素(林分空间结构、林分非空间结构、环境因子)间的关系以及对林下草本物种多样性的影响程度。结果表明:(1)针阔混交林中林下草本的科、属、种数量最多。(2)平均胸径、平均树高、角尺度、混交度、大小比、坡度与草本物种多样性呈显著性相关(P<0.05)。(3)平均胸径是影响林下草本Simpson多样性指数的关键因子;坡度是影响林下草本Shannon-Wiener多样性指数的关键因子;角尺度、混交度是影响Pielou均匀性指数的关键因子;平均胸径、平均树高是影响物种丰富度的关键因子。(4)结构方程非参效应模型显示林分结构是影响草本物种多样性的关键因子(P<0.001),环境因子是影响草本物种多样性的重要因子(P<0.05)。因此,在后续森林植被恢复措施中,应当着重考虑林分的空间结构,形成随机分布的异龄复层混交林,以增加光合利用效率并遵循生态位互补理论,从而提高草本多样性。  相似文献   

Abstract. We associated patterns of plant diversity with possible causal factors by considering 93 local regions in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands with respect to biogeography, environmental favourability, and environmental heterogeneity, and their relationship with measured species diversity at four different scales: mean local species richness standardized at a grain of 100 m2, total species richness in a community type within a region (regional community richness), mean compositional similarity, and mosaic diversity. Local regions in biogeographic transition zones to the North African and Atlantic floras had higher regional community richness and greater mosaic diversity than did non‐transitional regions, whereas no differences existed in mean local species richness or mean compositional similarity. Mean local species richness was positively related to environmental favourability as measured by actual evapotranspiration, but negatively related to total precipitation and temporal heterogeneity in precipitation. Mean local species richness was greatest in annual grassland and dwarf shrubland communities, and on calcareous bedrock types. Regional community richness was similarly related to actual evapotranspiration and total precipitation, but in addition was positively related to spatial heterogeneity in topography and soil water holding capacity. Mean compositional similarity decreased with increasing spatial heterogeneity and temperature seasonality. Mosaic diversity, a measure of complexity, increased with increasing local and regional richness. We hypothesize that these relationships can be explained by four ecological and evolutionary classes of causal factors: numbers of individuals, intermediate environments, limits to adaptation, and niche variation. These factors operate at various scales and manifest themselves in various ways. For example, at the site level, apparently processes that increase the number of individuals increase mean local species richness, but at the level of the entire region no such effects were found.  相似文献   

哀牢山常绿阔叶林树种多样性及空间分布格局   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了探究哀牢山中山湿性常绿阔叶林树种多样性特点及优势种群空间分布特征,2008年,中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园在哀牢山生态站附近的常绿阔叶林建立了一块6 ha的森林动态监测样地,逐一测量并记录了样地中所有胸径(DBH)≥1 cm的树木的胸径,并对其挂牌标记、鉴定和确定坐标位置.应用Ripley's L-Function分析了样地内4个上层优势种的空间分布格局.结果表明,样地内共有DBH≥>1 cm的乔木12,131株,隶属于25科49属68种.样地内硬壳柯(Lithocarpus hancei)的重要值最大,其胸高断面积也最大;其次为变色锥(Castanopsis wattii);排在第三位的为云南连蕊茶(Camellia forrestii),有1,712个个体,是样地内个体数量最多的树种.和同类型森林相比,哀牢山中山湿性常绿阔叶林是多优种类型,物种总数较少,稀有种所占比例也较小.样地内4个上层优势种的小径级个体数量较多,而大径级个体数量较少,而且在空间上呈现互补特征.对样地中符合条件的26个树种(生活史期间的树木株数≥40株)的空间格局进行分析,53个生长时期中有37个表现为集群分布,表明在树种多样性维持方面,密度制约机制町能不是主要因为,生境异质性可能起着重要作用.  相似文献   

灌木是森林生态系统的重要组成部分, 对于演替进程中灌木叶片化学计量特征的研究, 有助于全面理解和预测森林演替过程。该研究以黑龙江凉水国家自然保护区内处于阔叶红松(Pinus koraiensis)林不同演替阶段中的白桦(Betula platyphylla)次生林、落叶阔叶混交林、针阔混交林、阔叶红松林的灌木为研究对象, 分析其叶片的碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)化学计量特征差异, 并利用层次分割方法检验其与土壤、物种多样性的关系。主要结果为: 1)随着演替的进行, 阔叶红松林的叶片N含量显著高于其他3种林型, P含量与白桦次生林无显著差异, 但显著高于其他两种林型; 2)土壤N、P含量与个体尺度上的叶片N含量均呈显著正相关关系, 土壤P含量与叶片P含量呈显著正相关关系; 3)群落尺度上, 物种多样性和土壤化学性质共解释叶片N含量变异的82%和叶片P含量变异的62%; 4)群落尺度上Shannon多样性指数与灌木叶片的N、P含量呈显著正相关关系, 与灌木叶片的C:N、C:P呈显著负相关关系。总之, 阔叶红松林4个演替阶段灌木均受到氮限制; 相较于土壤的化学性质, 物种多样性更好地解释了灌木化学计量的变异。  相似文献   

马紫荆  张云玲  刘彬 《广西植物》2022,42(7):1116-1125
为探讨天山中段南坡巴伦台植物群落物种多样性随海拔梯度的分布特征及其与土壤环境因子的关系,该研究采用野外调查的方法,在和静县巴伦台地区海拔范围内设置34个样地进行了植物多样性和土壤因子的调查及室内指标的统计分析。结果表明:(1)研究区共调查到30科75属134种植物,草本层为主要优势层。不同海拔高度上土壤理化指标具有异质性,土壤含水量、全盐、有机质、全氮、全钾、有效氮和有效钾差异性显著(P<0.05),其中除全钾以外,其他土壤因子的含量均表现为中海拔大于低、高海拔区域。随海拔的升高,植物群落在低、高海拔段Pielou均匀度指数较高; 灌木层物种Patrick丰富度指数较低; 草本层物种Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数随海拔升高先增加后减小。(2)RDA分析表明,影响植物群落物种多样性的主要环境因子是海拔、土壤含水量、全盐、有机质、全氮和有效氮。海拔作为主导因子,与草本层各物种多样性指数呈正相关,与灌木层各物种多样性指数呈负相关关系; 全盐是抑制植物群落总体物种Simpson指数的主要土壤因子; 氮元素一定程度上限制灌木、半灌木物种的生长。该研究结果表明土壤因子对不同生活型物种多样性的形成具有一定的筛选作用及不同物种对环境变化的适应策略不同。  相似文献   

为了探讨千岛湖岛屿景观参数对地表蚂蚁群落物种α和β多样性空间格局的影响, 作者分别于2017和2018年的5-8月, 采用陷阱法、凋落物分拣法和手捡法调查了千岛湖33个岛屿上的地表蚂蚁群落, 并依据食性将其划分为捕食性蚂蚁和杂食性蚂蚁。利用回归模型分析了全部蚂蚁、捕食性蚂蚁和杂食性蚂蚁群落α和β多样性与岛屿景观参数的关系。结果表明, 岛屿面积对全部蚂蚁、捕食性蚂蚁和杂食性蚂蚁的物种丰富度均有显著的正向影响, 而隔离度则无显著作用。蚂蚁群落的β多样性由空间周转组分主导。岛屿面积差对全部蚂蚁、捕食性蚂蚁和杂食性蚂蚁群落β多样性的嵌套组分有正向影响, 隔离度差只对杂食性蚂蚁的总体β多样性有正向影响。因此, 岛屿面积是影响千岛湖地表蚂蚁群落物种丰富度的主要因素, 并且岛屿面积通过嵌套组分来影响蚂蚁群落的β多样性, 表现出选择性灭绝过程。此外, 不同食性蚂蚁可能因为扩散能力的差异对岛屿景观参数产生不同的响应。  相似文献   

张世雄  秦瑞敏  杨晓艳  温静  徐满厚 《广西植物》2020,40(12):1860-1868
山地草本群落物种多样性的海拔梯度格局及其与环境因子的关系一直是生态学和地理学研究的热点问题。为探究吕梁山草本群落不同尺度物种多样性(α、β、γ多样性)的海拔梯度格局及其与环境因子的关系,该研究采用样方法在吕梁山从北向南选取管涔山、关帝山、五鹿山,并对每个山地划分出高、中、低3个海拔梯度,对草本群落物种多样性和环境因子进行调查分析。结果表明:(1)α多样性随海拔升高呈先升后减的单峰变化格局,峰值出现在中海拔;β多样性中Cody指数在1 900~2 000 m间出现峰值,而BrayCurtis指数出现最小值,表明1 900~2 000 m海拔带是草本群落物种更新速率和组成变化较快的过渡地带;γ多样性随海拔升高也呈先升后减的单峰变化格局(R2=0.406,P<0.01)。(2)海拔对温度、湿度变化的影响极其显著(P<0.01);海拔、温度、湿度等环境因子共同影响物种的α多样性,其中海拔是主要影响因素(P<0.05),温度、湿度影响不显著(P>0.05)。综上所述,吕梁山草本群落多样性在海拔梯度上多表现为"中间膨胀"变化格局,海拔变化是影响多样性变...  相似文献   

Aim To analyse the biogeographical patterns in the feeding habits and trophic diversity of prey of the wildcat, Felis silvestris Schreber. Location The Eurasian distribution range from the Caucasian mountains to the Iberian Peninsula and Scotland. Methods We reviewed 15 studies to collate data on feeding behaviour across the current wildcat distribution range. We considered nine prey groups and recorded the latitude, whether the location was within a Mediterranean bioclimate area, and rabbit presence. Prey groups were reduced into four PCA factors. Regression analyses were performed to examine the relationships of latitude with PCA factors and trophic diversity. anova was used to test if trophic diversity was higher at locations with Mediterranean climates. We also analysed the relationship between small rodent consumption and both Mediterranean climates and rabbit presence using anova . Finally, we confirmed the relationship between the frequency of Murinae and Microtinae in the diets and the presence of rabbits and with respect to Mediterranean climates controlling for latitude (mancova ). Results Diet diversity was greatest in Mediterranean climates. Trophic diversity decreased when rodents formed the bulk of the diet, but increased with the inclusion of alternative prey such as rabbits and invertebrates. Small rodent consumption was also negatively related to rabbit consumption or presence. The inclusion of Murinae and Microtinae in the diet varied with latitude, with higher ingestion of the former in the southern locations and of the latter in northern areas. Main conclusions The trophic diversity of the wildcat diet was associated with Mediterranean climatic conditions, being broader at more southern latitudes. At the continental scale, the wildcat cannot be considered a rodent specialist because rabbits were preferred when they were present. Thus, we consider the wildcat to be a facultative specialist. In addition, our results indicate that general trophic patterns in the diet of a species may not be accurately determined if the availability of alternative prey is not taken into account.  相似文献   

Abstract. Vegetation maps serve as the basis for spatial analysis of forest ecosystems and provide initial information for simulations of forest landscape change. Because of the limitations of current remote sensing technology, it is not possible to directly measure forest understory attributes across large spatial extents. Instead we used a predictive vegetation mapping approach to model Tsuga heterophylla and Picea sitchensis seedling patterns in a 3900‐ha landscape in the Oregon Coast Range, USA, as a function of Landsat TM imagery, aerial photographs, digital elevation models, and stream maps. Because the models explained only moderate amounts of variability (R2 values of 0.24–0.56), we interpreted the predicted patterns as qualitative spatial trends rather than precise maps. P. sitchensis seedling patterns were tightly linked to the riparian network, with highest densities in coastal riparian areas. T. heterophylla seedlings exhibited complex patterns related to topography and overstory forest cover, and were also spatially clustered around patches of old‐growth forest. We hypothesize that the old growth served as refugia for this fire‐sensitive species following wildfires in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Low levels of T. heterophylla regeneration in hardwood‐dominated forests suggest that these patches may succeed to shrublands rather than to conifer forest. Predictive models of seedling patterns could be developed for other landscapes where georeferenced inventory plots, remote sensing data, digital elevation models, and climate maps are available.  相似文献   

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