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Abstract. The effects of competition on individual fitness and species diversity were investigated in a first‐year old field by comparing the natural community to an experimentally‐determined null community. The species pool for the null community was estimated from low‐density plots, and hypothetical sample plots in the null community were constructed by random sampling from the species pool. Individual plants were larger in low‐density plots than control plots, indicating that competition reduced individual fitness. Competition appeared to reduce diversity in half the plots (i.e. species richness and diversity were lower than in hypothetical null community plots with the same number of individuals), but did not affect diversity in the other plots. However, the reduction in diversity could be explained as an artifact caused by spatial aggregation in control plots. The magnitude of the effects of competition on diversity did not change with plot density, and no species consistently increased or decreased in relative abundance as plot density increased. We conclude that competition had no effect on diversity in this community, despite the strong effect on individual growth.  相似文献   

Abstract. In ecosystems where environments are extreme, such as deserts, adult plant species may facilitate the establishment and growth of seedlings and juveniles. Because high temperatures and evaporative demand characterize tall‐grass prairies of the central United States (relative to forests), we predicted that the grassland‐forest ecotone, by minimizing temperature extremes and moderating water stress, may function to facilitate the expansion of Quercus species into undisturbed tall‐grass prairie. We assessed the carbon and water relations of juvenile Quercus macrocarpa and Q. muhlenbergii, the dominant tree species in gallery forests of northeast Kansas, in ecotone and prairie sites. To evaluate the potentially competitive effects of neighboring herbaceous biomass on these oaks, juveniles (< 0.5 m tall) of both species also were subjected to either: (1) removal of surrounding above‐ground herbaceous biomass, or (2) control (prairie community intact) treatments. Herbaceous biomass removal had no significant effect on gas exchange or water relations in these oak species in either the prairie or the ecotone environment. Although the ecotone did alleviate some environmental extremes, photosynthetic rates and stomatal conductance were ca. 20 % higher (p < 0.05) in both oaks in prairie sites vs. the ecotone. Moreover, although leaf temperatures on average were higher in oaks in the prairie, high leaf temperatures in the ecotone had a greater negative effect on photosynthesis. These data suggest that the grassland‐forest ecotone did not facilitate the growth of Quercus juveniles expanding into this grassland. Moreover, the carbon and water relations of juvenile oaks in the prairie appeared to be unaffected by the presence of the dominant C4 grasses.  相似文献   

Question: How does regular management burning of a northern, Calluna vulgaris‐dominated heathland affect the lichen diversity at the patch and landscape scale? Location: Mar Lodge Estate, Scottish Highlands, United Kingdom. Methods: 26 fire sites of different ages and 11 long‐term unburnt stands were surveyed to create a chronosequence of changing lichen diversity following burning. Data were analysed graphically, with a GLM and using a CCA. Results: Though the immediate effect of fire was to significantly reduce lichen diversity, it generally recovered within 20 years. There was a significant difference in the population dynamics between wet and dry moorland areas with terricolous lichens in the former site being replaced by pleurocarpous mosses. Older stands, unburnt for 25 years or more, generally had lower diversity than stands 10 to 15 years old. Changes in lichen diversity and community composition can be attributed to the development of Calluna stand structure following burning. Conclusions: Fire can be seen to play an important role in maintaining the diversity of lichens in heathland areas by providing a variety of stand‐structures and ages across the landscape that favours the development of greater beta‐diversity.  相似文献   

The radial growth response to climate of white spruce in open grown conditions was examined at two measurement heights [breast height (1.3 m aboveground) versus stump height (0.3 m aboveground)] in order to examine the role of sampling height in dendroclimatic analysis. Twenty-four white spruce [Picea glauca (Moench) Voss] islands were sampled within Epinette prairie in the Spruce Woods Provincial Park (SWPP) located in south-western Manitoba. The structure of breast height and stump height residual chronologies were essentially the same after standardization and autoregressive (AR) modeling to stabilize growth variability, and AR modeling to remove temporal autocorrelation and thereby reduce low-frequency variation and enhance high-frequency variation. Correlation and response function analysis indicated that white spruce at the two sampling heights responded similarly to total precipitation, moisture index (precipitation subtract potential evapotranspiration), and minimum, mean, and maximum temperature. Both sampling heights also responded strongly to the cumulative effects of precipitation during the period of August of the previous year (t−1) to July of the current year (t). Regardless of the sampling heights considered, the results indicate that white spruce at its southern distribution limit responded strongly to moisture stress intensified by high temperatures. The results support the recommendation, at least for samples of white spruce at its southern distribution limit, that samples taken at stump height can be safely incorporated into tree-ring chronologies without the risk of diminishing the strength of chronologies in detecting climatic signals.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the mesic grasslands of the central United States, the shrub Cornus drummondii has undergone widespread expansion in the absence of recurrent fire. We quantified alterations in light, water and N caused by C. drummondii expansion in tall‐grass prairie and assessed the hypothesis that these alterations are consistent with models of resource enrichment by woody plants. Responses in graminoid species, particularly the dominant C4 grass Andropogon gerardii, were concurrently evaluated. We also removed established shrub islands to quantify their legacy effect on resource availability and assess the capability of this grassland to recover in sites formerly dominated by woody plants. The primary effect of shrub expansion on resource availability was an 87% reduction in light available to the herbaceous understorey. This reduced C uptake and N use efficiency in A. gerardii and lowered graminoid cover and ANPP at the grass‐shrub ecotone relative to undisturbed grassland. Shrub removal created a pulse in light and N availability, eliciting high C gain in A. gerardii in the first year after removal. By year two, light and N availability within shrub removal areas returned to levels typical of grassland, as had graminoid cover and ANPP were similar to those in open grassland. Recovery within central areas of shrub removal sites lagged behind that at the former grass‐shrub ecotone. These results indicate that the apparent alternative stable state of C. drummondii dominance in tall‐grass prairie is biotically maintained and driven by reductions in light, rather than resource enrichment. Within areas of shrub removal, the legacy effect of C. drummondii dominance is manifest primarily through the loss of rhizomes of the dominant grasses, rather than any long‐term changes in resource availability. C. drummondii removal facilitates grassland recovery, but the effort required to initiate this transition is a significant cost of woody plant expansion in mesic grasslands. Prevention of woody plant expansion in remnant tall‐grass prairies is, therefore, a preferred management option.  相似文献   

Abstract. The distribution of 44 common vascular plant species on Tenerife, The Canary Islands, has been related to the variation in temperature and precipitation. Frequency values for these speceis were obtained using a stratified sampling system with 200 10 m x 10 m plots distributed all over the island. A model is proposed relating variation in vegetation to altitude according to two main climatic gradients occurring between the 3718 m summit and the coastline of Tenerife. The vascular plants have been classified into guilds according to their presumed tolerance to cold and drought; one remainder group includes species which are randomly distributed without any relation to climatic variation. Differences between the guild structure suggested here and common knowledge of plant species occurrence in the well-known vegetation belts of Tenerife are explained by assuming disturbance and local ground-water availability as additional decisive factors.  相似文献   

Questions: How does the time interval between subsequent stand‐replacing fire events affect post‐fire understorey cover and composition following the recent event? How important is fire interval relative to broad‐ or local‐scale environmental variability in structuring post‐fire understorey communities? Location: Subalpine plateaus of Yellowstone National Park (USA) that burned in 1988. Methods: In 2000, we sampled understorey cover and Pinus contorta density in pairs of 12–yr old stands at 25 locations. In each pair, the previous fire interval was either short (7–100 yr) or long (100–395 yr). We analysed variation in understorey species richness, total cover, and cover of functional groups both between site pairs (using paired t‐tests) and across sites that experienced the short fire intervals (using regression and ordination). We regressed three principal components to assess the relative importance of disturbance and broad or local environmental variability on post‐fire understorey cover and richness. Results: Between paired plots, annuals were less abundant and fire‐intolerant species (mostly slow‐growing shrubs) were more abundant following long intervals between prior fires. However, mean total cover and richness did not vary between paired interval classes. Across a gradient of fire intervals ranging from 7–100 yr, total cover, species richness, and the cover of annuals and nitrogen‐fixing species all declined while the abundance of shrubs and fire‐intolerant species increased. The few exotics showed no response to fire interval. Across all sites, broad‐scale variability related to elevation influenced total cover and richness more than fire interval. Conclusions: Significant variation in fire intervals had only minor effects on post‐fire understorey communities following the 1988 fires in Yellowstone National Park.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of grazing by cattle and horses on vegetation development were studied in the well‐drained border zone of the Oostvaardersplassen nature reserve, a managed eutrophic wetland in the young Zuidelijk Flevoland polder in The Netherlands. At the start of the study period, 12 yr after the area was enclosed by dykes, the vegetation was dominated by Phragmites australis and tall herbs, particularly Cirsium arvense. Over the next 8 yr, different plant communities developed under different grazing regimes. In all communities, C. arvense was gradually replaced by Urtica dioica, and stands dominated by these two species expanded at the expense of P. australis. The shrub Sambucus nigra invaded the stands of C. arvense and U. dioica. Grazing affected the rate of these developments and the degree to which the grass Poa trivialis became dominant. When cattle were enclosed at a relatively high stocking rate in an area of Phragmites australis and tall herbaceous vegetation during summer, P. trivialis became dominant within 4 yr. The introduction of herbivores led to a faster spread of S. nigra, which contains cyanogenic glycosides which only ruminants can detoxify. Horses, as hind‐gut fermenters, did not feed on S. nigra. Grazing pressure and herbivore species, therefore, are two important variables that can be used to manage the development of Phragmites‐ and shrub vegetation: the greater the grazing pressure by cattle or horses the greater the area dominated by grasses, and a relatively high grazing pressure by cattle will retard S. nigra expansion.  相似文献   

SUMMARY The effects of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and temperature on the photosynthesis of two Vietnamese brown algae, Sargassum mcclurei and S. oligocystum (Fucales), were determined by field and laboratory measurements. Dissolved oxygen sensors and pulse‐amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometry were used for the measurements of photosynthetic efficiency. A Diving‐PAM revealed that underwater measurements of the effective quantum yield (Φ PSII ) of both species declined with increasing incident PAR, with minimum Φ PSII occurring during noon to early afternoon. Φ PSII recovered in the evening, indicating photo‐adaptation to excessive PAR. In laboratory experiments, Φ PSII also decreased under continuous exposure to 1000 μmol photons m?2 s?1; and full recovery occurred after 12 h of dark acclimatization. The net photosynthesis – PAR experiments of S. mcclurei and S. oligocystum conducted at 28°C revealed that the net photosynthetic rate quickly increased at PAR below the saturation irradiance of 361 and 301 μmol photons m?2 s?1 and nearly saturated to maximum net photosynthetic rates of 385 and 292 μg O2 gww ? 1 min?1 without photoinhibition, respectively. Gross photosynthesis and dark respiration experiments determined over a range of temperatures (12–40°C), revealed that the maximum gross photosynthetic rates of 201 and 147 μg O2 gww ? 1 min?1 occurred at 32.9 and 30.7°C for S. mcclurei and S. oligocystum, respectively. The dark respiration rates increased exponentially over the temperature ranges examined. The estimated maximum value of the maximum quantum yield occurred at 19.3 and 20.0°C and was 0.76 and 0.74, respectively. Similar to the natural habitat of the study site, these two species tolerated the relatively high temperatures and broad range of PAR. The ability of these species to recover from exposure to high PAR is one of the mechanisms that allow them to flourish in the shallow water environment.  相似文献   

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