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The Aljibe Mountains are located in the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula and have a remarkable biogeographical interest. The complete plant species list (trees, climbers, shrubs, perennial and annual herbs, ferns, lichens, bryophytes and macroscopic algae) was recorded in four 0.1 ha plots from each of the most representative community types (Quercus suber woodland, Q. canariensis forest, open heathland and Q. coccifera shrubland). Up to 119 plant species were found in total in the Q. suber woodland plot. The diversity of woody plants was analysed from 44 samples of cover (100 m line), and the herbaceous layer was explored in 200 quadrats (of 0.5 × 0.5 m). Three biodiversity components (species richness, endemism, and taxonomic singularity) were evaluated in both shrub and herbaceous layers. Open heathlands showed the highest richness of endemic species, both woody and herbaceous. The highest number of woody species was found in the evergreen Q. suber woodland, and of herbaceous species in the semi-deciduous Q. canariensis woodland. Taxonomic singularity was higher in Q. canariensis woodlands and Q. coccifera shrublands for woody species, but there were no significant differences in the herbaceous layer. Local species diversity of heathlands in this region resembles that of South African heathlands (fynbos), despite the obvious geographic and floristic distance, and contrasts with the low diversity of biogeographically closer, European temperate heathlands. The Aljibe Mountains show high diversity values for different life forms (from trees to mosses) and spatial scales (from community to region), and are rich in endemic species. Thus, this area should be recognised as a relevant unit within the Mediterranean plant diversity hot spots.  相似文献   

Aims Rhododendron ponticum L. is reputed to be a post Plio‐Pleistocene relict plant species with a disjunct distribution that comprises the Iberian Peninsula to the west and the Euxinian region plus some restricted Mediterranean areas to the east. We analysed the ecological range (of subsp. baeticum) in the western area (Aljibe Mountains, north of the Strait of Gibraltar) to understand the factors determining the present area limitation. Location Sierra del Aljibe, north of the Strait of Gibraltar (Iberian Peninsula). Methods We selected 20 riparian sites where R. ponticum is common, and compiled data on the ecological diversity of associated woody species and ferns. We established a 500‐m main transect in each site, along the stream or river course, in which we placed five 20‐m‐long plots at regular intervals. We recorded physiographic habitat features, woody plants and fern abundance, and the number of R. ponticum individuals. Results Rhododendron ponticum in southern Spain is restricted to riparian forests in acidic soils (pH 4.0–6.4), and is mainly found on the banks of inclined and enclosed streams. In our inventory we recorded 59 woody taxa and 12 ferns, with R. ponticum being the dominant species of the understorey (mean abundance 78.6%). The communities are characterized by a high incidence of the humid warm temperate element, both in number of species (18.8 ± 3.7 per site) and abundance; meanwhile, the presence of the modern Mediterranean element (mean number of species 3.4 ± 3.8 per site) appears to be favoured by disturbance. These ecological–historical groups of taxa also show distinct patterns of typological habit, frequency of endemism, infrageneric diversity and geographical range. Populations of R. ponticum are characterized by a very variable density of seedlings in many sites, and the virtual lack of juveniles. Main conclusions Riparian forests of the Aljibe Mountains constitute a refuge for R. ponticum where the species persists, but populations appear to be in decline. The narrow ecological range of R. ponticum in the area strongly contrasts with its wide amplitude in the eastern natural area, mainly the Euxinian region, where R. ponticum probably finds better conditions due to the environmental heterogeneity of the region, and the lack of a hot dry season.  相似文献   

The factors responsible for maintaining diverse groundcover plant communities of high conservation value in frequently burned wet pine savannas are poorly understood. While most management involves manipulating extrinsic factors important in maintaining species diversity (e.g., fire regimes), most ecological theory (e.g., niche theory and neutral theory) examines how traits exhibited by the species promote species coexistence. Furthermore, although many ecologists focus on processes that maintain local species diversity, conservation biologists have argued that other indices (e.g., phylogenetic diversity) are better for evaluating assemblages in terms of their conservation value. I used a null model that employed beta‐diversity calculations based on Raup–Crick distances to test for deterministic herbaceous species losses associated with a 65‐year chronosequence of woody species encroachment within each of three localities. I quantified conservation value of assemblages by measuring taxonomic distinctness, endemism, and floristic quality of plots with and without woody encroachment. Reductions in herb species richness per plot attributable to woody encroachment were largely stochastic, as indicated by a lack of change in the mean or variance in beta‐diversity caused by woody encroachment in the savannas studied here. Taxonomic distinctness, endemism, and floristic quality (when summed across all species) were all greater in areas that had not experienced woody encroachment. However, when corrected for local species richness, only average endemism and floristic quality of assemblages inclusive of herbs and woody plants were greater in areas that had not experienced woody encroachment, due to the more restricted ranges and habitat requirements of herbs. Results suggest that frequent fires maintain diverse assemblages of fire‐dependent herb species endemic to the region. The stochastic loss of plant species, irrespective of their taxonomic distinctness, to woody encroachment suggests that the relevance of niche partitioning or phylogenetic diversity to the management of biodiversity in wet pine savannas is minimal.  相似文献   

Mediterranean-type climate regions are highly biodiverse and predicted to be particularly sensitive to climate change. Shrubs of the mediterranean-type climate region of South Africa are highly threatened, and their response to water stress has been comparatively little studied. Resistance to water stress induced xylem cavitation (P(50)) and xylem specific hydraulic conductivity (K(s)) were measured in 15 shrub species from fynbos and succulent karoo communities of South Africa. Species displayed a fivefold variation in cavitation resistance (P(50) of -1.9 to -10.3 MPa) with succulent karoo species displaying greater interspecific variability in P(50) than fynbos species. Principal components analysis (including P(50), minimum seasonal water potential, K(s), and xylem density) showed the response to water stress in fynbos species to be similar to chaparral species from the mediterranean-type climate region of California. The data suggest convergence of community and species-specific water stress "strategies" between these mediterranean-type climate regions with respect to their xylem traits. On the basis of the current study and reported plant death and dieback in these regions, woody species within the fynbos may be more susceptible to climate warming and drying than those within the succulent karoo that appear to be utilizing more diverse xylem strategies in response to water stress.  相似文献   

董雪蕊  张红  张明罡 《生物多样性》2019,27(12):1269-780
黄土高原地区植被类型多样, 森林、草原和荒漠在此交汇并逐渐过渡。由于水热条件限制和人类活动加剧, 该地区生态环境脆弱, 生物多样性保护面临的形势日益严峻, 因此获取该区域物种多样性的空间分布格局并阐明其影响因素成为该地区生物多样性保护的首要任务。本研究首先结合标本采集记录与环境因子, 利用物种分布模型获取了293种木本植物的潜在分布区, 分析了物种丰富度和物种加权特有性的空间格局。其次, 引入系统发育信息, 分析系统发育多样性和系统发育特有性的空间格局, 并进一步利用环境因子对上述格局分别进行解释。最后, 对黄土高原地区的特有中心性质和显著性进行分析。结果表明, 生物多样性热点地区均出现在黄土高原南部水热条件较好的地区, 即秦岭和中条山一带。本区域的生物多样性空间格局由年平均降水量和最冷月最低温主导, 符合植物区系交汇带的特点。特有中心集中在南部地区和青海省, 由南向北分别是古特有中心和混合特有中心, 不存在单独的新特有中心。黄土高原地区木本植物起源较为古老, 生物多样性格局的形成以来源于热带或亚热带的物种扩散为主, 物种的分化不占主导地位。上述结果表明了将植物的进化历史纳入生物多样性保护的重要性。  相似文献   

Aim This study investigated spatial patterns of endemism in the flora of Namibia's succulent karoo in order to generate information for conservation planning. Location The study area, the Sperrgebiet, comprises the majority of Namibia's portion of the succulent karoo biome which is the south‐west corner of the country. This is an arid area that has been off limits to public access, farming and tourism for nearly a century due to restrictions imposed by the diamond industry. Methods Based on existing distribution records, areas of high concentrations of endemic plants were identified using numbers of endemics and weighted endemics according to area of occupancy. The resolution of the available data was quarter degree squares (15‐min intervals of latitude and longitude grids). Results At the scale of this study straight numbers of endemics generated similar results to the endemics weighted according to area of occupancy, which gives sparsely distributed species a higher weighting. Based on the current distribution records, 17.7% (184 species) of the Sperrgebiet's spermatophyte flora is endemic. The ‘hotspots of endemism’ comprised from north to south: Lüderitz‐Kowisberge, Klinghardt Mountains, Aurusberge‐Heioab, Witpütz, Skorpion and Obib‐Schakalsberge. Taking also areas into account that stand out because of their high proportion of local endemics, this adds Grillental and the central coastal area from Pomona to Baker's Bay to the areas of importance for plant endemism. Main conclusions The Sperrgebiet's endemic flora is special in taxonomic composition in that it does not present a subset of the total flora of this area, but shows a remarkably high representation of the families Mesembryanthemaceae and Liliaceae (sensu lato). Compared with other arid areas, the level of endemism in the Sperrgebiet is high, but not compared with the succulent karoo in general or other hotspots in the succulent karoo biome, such as the Richtersveld. The proportion of local endemics (13.5%) is high compared with some endemism hotspots in southern Africa. Hotspots of plant endemism provide an important tool to contribute to conservation planning studies. This study also highlighted the importance of centralized data bases without which these analyses would not have been possible. Further plant collecting is required to fill presently data‐deficient areas and studies at a finer spatial resolution taking habitat requirements into account are needed to elucidate some of the factors contributing to plant endemism in this area.  相似文献   

Traditional attempts to delineate floristic regions are typically based on the qualitative analysis of species distribution, often ignoring the phylogenetic relationships among their taxa. Ethiopia and Eritrea are in the Horn of Africa, known as one of the world's biodiversity hotspots. We quantitatively classified the flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea into meaningful geographical units by analyzing the taxonomic and phylogenetic β‐diversity at genera, total species, and endemic species levels at a scale of 0.5° × 0.5° grid cells. Hierarchical clustering was used to quantitatively delimitate the flora and analysis of similarities was used to test the significant difference between the derived groups in taxonomic composition and phylogenetic relatedness. In total, two floristic subprovinces, five floristic districts, and 13 floristic subdistricts, as well as three centers of species endemism associated with three floristic subdistricts were identified. Our results also showed that the species diversity, endemism, and turnover of the highlands in Ethiopia and Eritrea were much higher than the lowlands, indicating that the floristic differences are closely related to the topography of the East African Rift. In this study, we provided a scientific framework for the composition and relationships of the floristic units in the Horn of Africa, and similarly provided a scientific basis for better conservation of the diversity in this region.  相似文献   

曹晓杰  曹伟  张悦  郭佳  高燕 《植物研究》2022,42(5):753-761
为了更好地理解植物区系的起源、种系分化及演化进程,推进特有植物保护工作,本文对东北地区内分布的中国特有植物、东北地区特有植物和植物区系地区特有植物的物种组成、科属结构、生活型组成、区系特征和地理分布情况进行了系统研究。结果表明:①研究区域内共有中国特有植物289种、东北地区特有植物109种、长白植物区系地区特有植物154种、大兴安岭植物区系地区特有植物16种、蒙古草原植物区系地区特有植物10种、华北植物区系地区特有植物20种。②各类特有植物中均以草本植物种数最多,其中多年生草本植物占绝对优势,乔木、灌木和藤本相对较少。③中国特有植物集中分布在东北地区大兴安岭山脉和长白山山脉。④东北地区特有植物集中分布地区与东北地区主要山脉走向一致,说明东北地区特有植物以山地起源植物为主。⑤长白植物区系地区植物特有性较强,表现出区系较为成熟的性质。大兴安岭植物区系地区、蒙古草原植物区系地区和华北植物区系地区特有性较弱,表现出区系较年轻的性质。⑥长白植物区系地区特有植物集中分布在吉林长白山山脉和长白山山脉向南延伸的余脉上。大兴安岭植物区系地区特有植物在区内分布较均匀,华北植物区系地区和蒙古草原植物区系地区特有植物在区内分布较零散。  相似文献   

Aim To examine whether the tree flora of the Atlantic forest of northeastern Brazil has experienced detectable taxonomic homogenization via the proliferation of native pioneer species in response to habitat loss and fragmentation. Location Biotic homogenization (BH) was examined across the Atlantic forest of northeast Brazil, i.e. a 56,000 km2 piece of tropical forest and a distinct centre of species endemism in South America. Methods We assessed a dataset consisting of 5122 tree records and compared the similarity of tree floras from 12 semi‐natural sub‐regions of the Atlantic forest between two time periods: pre‐1980 (plant records between 1902 and 1980), and post‐1980 (between 1981 and 2006). To understand the mechanisms leading to BH (1) tree floras were ordered (via non‐metric multidimensional scaling – NMDS) by date (pre/post 1980) based on species occurrence and frequency, (2) NMDS axes were regressed against the proportion of those species that increased their occurrence post‐1980 (i.e. the winner species), and (3) patterns of geographic distribution and frequency of particular life‐history traits were examined across winner species and a control group. Results Tree floras across the Atlantic forest became c. 20–40% more similar to each other post‐1980, but patterns of species similarity were also influenced by between‐plot geographical distance. NMDS ordination clearly segregated pre‐ and post‐1980 floras with a clear signal of floristic convergence. Furthermore, winner tree species were largely composed of short‐lived and small‐seeded pioneer species that exhibit wide geographic distributions. Main conclusions Our results suggest that tropical forest biotas are susceptible to taxonomic homogenization (i.e. increasing levels of similarity) in the context of severe human‐disturbance via the proliferation of particular groups of native species comprised mainly by ecologically‐plastic, generalist species. We are thus extending the concept of homogenization to address and highlight a pervasive biological shift in the structure of tropical forest communities currently taking place across hyper‐fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

Species diversity patterns are the product of diversification rate variation, but the factors influencing changes in diversification rates are poorly known. Radiation is thought to be the result of ecological opportunity: the right traits in the right environment at the right time. We test this in the Cape Floristic Region (CFR) of South Africa, in which pyrophytic heathland (fynbos) and non-pyrophytic Afromontane forest occur interdigitated. We infer transitions from forest to fynbos in three Cape clades (Penaeaceae, Phyliceae and Diosmeae) and test if they are associated with diversification rate shifts and the evolution of functional traits linked to fire, high insolation and seasonal drought. We estimate diversification rate shifts using maximum likelihood and use phylogenetic comparative methods to show that forest to fynbos shifts were associated with decreases in leaf area and specific leaf area and preceded or coincided with increases in diversification rates. Furthermore, we show that Penaeaceae, Phyliceae and Diosmeae species are typical members of their vegetation types in terms of their traits. The diversification rate shifts of Penaeaceae and Phyliceae are dated to the Miocene, when postulated aridification-driven changes in the CFR fire regimes may have triggered expansion of the fynbos at the cost of forest, providing an ecological opportunity for the diversification of fynbos lineages.  相似文献   

Aim Little is known about the elevational gradient of plant endemism. It is mostly assumed that patterns are determined by topographical factors such as area of elevational belts and degree of habitat fragmentation, but comparative studies of different plant taxa along the same elevational gradient are lacking. The aim was to compare the elevational patterns of plant endemism of the entire flora and selected families and genera in a search for commonalities. Methods The elevational patterns of endemism for the entire Ecuadorean vascular plant flora, for twenty‐seven selected families, and for twenty‐four selected genera based on the Catalogue of Vascular Plants of Ecuador were analysed. Results Elevational patterns of endemism were non‐random at all taxonomic levels but there was no common elevational pattern. Rather, the study groups showed a wide variety of independent patterns at all taxonomic levels. Most groups had hump‐shaped patterns with maxima at different elevations and mostly at the same or at higher elevations than the maxima of species richness. The overall flora showed highest endemism in the narrowest and most fragmented elevational belts, presumably because of the consequent fragmentation of species populations. Main conclusions Patterns of endemism appear to be influenced both by taxon‐specific ecological traits (e.g. life form, reproduction, dispersal, demography, spatial population structure, competitive ability) in their specific interaction with historical processes and by environmental factors such as topographical fragmentation. The degree to which these influences become visible along the elevational gradient are determined by which combination of species is analysed: for a given genus or family, taxon‐specific traits dominate the patterns, for the entire flora taxon‐specific patterns are blurred by averaging and the signal of topography emerges. Beyond the elevational gradient as such, this study shows that the frequently stated assumption that given biogeographical settings lead to similar patterns of endemism among different taxa is wrong.  相似文献   

Determining the mechanisms that underlie species distributions and assemblages is necessary to effectively preserve biodiversity. This cannot be accomplished by examining a single taxonomic group, as communities comprise a plethora of interactions across species and trophic levels. Here, we examine the patterns and relationships among plant, mammal, and bird diversity in Madagascar, a hotspot of biodiversity and endemism, across taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional axes. We found that plant community diversity and structure are shaped by geography and climate, and have significant influences on the taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity of mammals and birds. Patterns of primate diversity, in particular, were strongly correlated with patterns of plant diversity. Furthermore, our findings suggest that plant and animal communities could become more phylogenetically and functionally clustered in the future, leading to homogenization of the flora and fauna. These results underscore the importance and need of multi‐taxon approaches to conservation, given that even small threats to plant diversity can have significant cascading effects on mammalian and avian community diversity, structure, and function.  相似文献   

Question: How does the frequency of heathland fire events affect population growth rates of two woody shrub species, Ulex gallii and U. minor? Location: Dry heathland on the south coast of England, UK. Methods: The population dynamics of U. gallii and U. minor were modelled at each phase of the heathland cycle — pioneer, building, mature and degenerate — using periodic matrix products to investigate the response to different fire regimes. Results: Population growth rates of both Ulex species declined under annual burning. Initially, as the time between burns increased, population growth rate increased for both species. Maximum population growth rates for each Ulex species were achieved under a 16‐yr fire return interval. Fire return intervals > 16 yr resulted in declining population growth rates. Conclusions: A species‐specific critical fire frequency can be predicted, the minimum fire return intervals permitting persistence were 4 yr for U. minor and 3 yr for U. gallii. These patterns are similar to those reported for a range of woody plant species within savanna environments.  相似文献   

Biodiversity inventories unravel insightful taxonomic and biogeographic patterns that provide valuable inputs in guiding conservation practices and policymaking. Here we present an updated inventory of the native and alien woody flora of the Kashmir Himalaya, India, together with analyses of the patterns of taxonomic composition, geographic distribution, and invasion status of the alien species. The data was assembled from the floristic literature of the last two centuries, supplemented with herbarium records and validated by field surveys over the past decade. In total, the woody flora comprised of 520 species; out of these 322 species were native and 198 alien, yielding a proportion of 38% aliens. Amongst the natives, 16 species are on the IUCN red list 2009. While 37 genera included both native and alien species indicating a potential for hybrid formation, only 15 families were represented by alien species exclusively. Regarding the invasion status, presently 37 alien woody species are naturalized and 7 are invasive in the region. The results show that the Kashmir Himalaya harbours a diverse woody flora. It is concluded that a distinction between the native and the alien flora, as adopted in the present study, is crucial for a meaningful analysis of any biodiversity patterns. We predict that in the near future many alien woody species, presently naturalized in the region, can become serious plant invaders, and therefore need further research efforts and timely management.  相似文献   

We empirically assessed the long‐term changes in the rare species assemblage of a Mediterranean flora, in terms of species life history traits, niche and biogeographic features, and taxonomic groups. We used a 115‐year historical record of ca. 2100 plant species occurrences in a 6250 km2 region in Mediterranean France. Species were assigned to two classes of regional abundance for the years 1886 and 2001 (rare species, i.e. exhibiting one or two occurrences vs. nonrare species), and to three classes of abundance changes during 1886–2001 (decreasing/extinct, stable, increasing/immigrant). Then, we tested whether species regional abundance and species abundance change were related to their morphological and life‐history traits (life form, perenniality, height, dispersal agent, pollination mode), niche and biogeographic features (habitat specialization, level of endemism, biogeographic origin) and taxonomic group. The regional assemblage of rare species was not biologically random and significantly changed between 1886 and 2001. Species classified as rare in 1886 had a significantly higher rate of extinction in the study region during 1886–2001. The highest rate of regression/extinction was found among hydrophyte and/or water‐dispersed rare species, and among annual rare species. However, herbaceous perennial, tree and wind‐dispersed rare species significantly increased in abundance during 1886–2001. Rare species with Eurosiberian distributions, occurring at the southern margin of their range in the study region, dramatically declined or went extinct in the region during 1886–2001; whereas rare species with Mediterranean affinities remained significantly stable. We also found strong evidence for taxonomic patterns in species abundance and abundance changes from 1886 to 2001. The long‐term biological changes documented here in the rare species assemblage of a Mediterranean flora are consistent with the predicted consequences of climate and land use changes currently occurring in the Mediterranean Basin. With the potential decline or even extinction of entire taxa and the loss of southern ecotypes of widespread Eurosiberian species, both evolutionary history and speciation potential of the Mediterranean Region could be strongly altered in future decades.  相似文献   

Aim To explore global patterns of riverine fish endemism by applying an island biogeography framework to river drainage basins and highlight evolutionary mechanisms producing two kinds of endemism: neo‐endemism, arising from within‐drainage cladogenetic speciation, and palaeo‐endemism, arising from species range contraction or anagenetic speciation. Location World‐wide. Methods We use a uniquely comprehensive data set of riverine fish species distributions to map global fish endemism patterns. We then use the relationships between (1) total species richness and proportions of endemic species and (2) total species richness and a measure of in situ (i.e. within‐drainage basin) probability of speciation by cladogenesis, to identify the two distinct forms of endemism. After separating drainage basins into two different sets according to dominance of one of these two forms, we apply a model averaging procedure to highlight, for both datasets, the environmental and historical variables that better explain endemism patterns. We finally analyse the effect of biotic components related to dispersal ability on the percentages of both kinds of endemism among lineages. Results Our results indicate that the two types of endemism are distributed differently across space and taxonomic lineages: (1) neo‐endemism, positively related to the overall richness of the drainage basin, is essentially linked to in situ cladogenetic speciation and is positively related to drainage basin area, negatively related to climate variability since glacial periods and negatively related to all proxies of dispersal ability; and (2) palaeo‐endemism, not directly contributing to drainage basin richness, is a pure process of extinction through range contraction and/or isolation through time and is mostly related to geographic isolation, glacial history and positively related to marine‐derived origin of families. Main conclusions The non‐random spatial and taxonomic distribution of neo‐endemism and palaeo‐endemism sharply reflects the role of evolutionary processes and provides a way to identify areas of high conservation interest based on their high present and future diversification potential.  相似文献   

We updated the floristic checklist of the Nizanda region, Isthmus of Tehuantepec (southern Mexico), characterized the occurring plant communities based on dominant species, and described the region’s flora according to life form, growth form, growth type, and growth habit spectra. Ten years of botanical exploration, along with surveys in 188 100-m2 samples from different vegetation types, provided the baseline floristic information. Ordination and classification analyses were performed to examine the degree of differentiation between communities. Geographical ranges of all species were used to assess biogeographical relationships of this flora. The inventory includes 920 species (553 genera, 124 families). More than one-third of the families were represented by a single species, whereas the 10 richest families had 43% of the species richness. Dendrograms showing plot classification at three taxonomic levels (species, genus and family) revealed savannah as the most strongly differentiated community amid seven vegetation types. Regarding growth forms, forbs and trees prevailed. Phanerophytes were the most common life form category, whereas herbs and woody plants were the dominant growth types. The largest richness for all taxonomic levels was recorded in the tropical dry forest. The expanded floristic knowledge gained for the Nizanda region provided better criteria to revise the classification scheme of its vegetation. Our preliminary biogeographical analysis illustrates the role of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec as a corridor for thermophilous floras between two oceanic watersheds, and as a natural distributional limit for several Mesoamerican plant species.  相似文献   

Variation in the fire-survival strategy of the fynbos, legume tribesPodalyrieae andLiparieae was studied, since it is often the only conspicuous difference between morphologically similar taxa. Two main strategies are apparent: sprouters, taxa which are able to sprout from a woody rootstock after fire and non-sprouters, those which only recruit from seed after fire. In fynbos legumes sprouting and non-sprouting taxa differ in their habitat specificity, population densities, relative regional abundance, and in seed germination tempo. Speciation patterns, as inferred from an analysis of the geographical distribution and habitat specificity of the species, are discussed. Problems relating to the use of sprouting versus non-sprouting as a taxonomic character in fynbos legumes are addressed and possible solutions are given.  相似文献   

Changes in biodiversity with latitude or along a given environmental gradient have been described in many studies, including for marine ecosystems. Currently there is no scientific consensus, however, regarding macroecological patterns of diversity vs depth. Here, we describe variation in the biodiversity of fishes along a depth gradient from 0 to 2000 m in the region of the Norfolk Ridge and Lord Howe Rise (Western Pacific), using data obtained during the NORFANZ voyage. We modelled α diversity (richness), β diversity (using Jaccard's coefficient), evenness, taxonomic distinctness and taxonomic resemblances among fish communities. Although α diversity did not change appreciably with depth, β diversity decreased significantly in deeper strata. Both taxonomic resemblances and Jaccard similarities diminished with depth, indicating convergence in community structure. In addition, average taxonomic distinctness showed no clear pattern with depth, but taxonomic trees constructed among species within deeper samples had more variable path‐lengths than those in shallower samples. The presence of taxonomically distinct clusters of highly related species at depth indicates specialised niches that have developed in a relatively extreme (dark, pressurized) yet stable environment. We propose that reduced β diversity and increased variation in taxonomic distinctness might serve as indicators of ecological communities living in harsh environments – a hypothesis that should be tested in other systems, such as deserts, high altitudes or latitudes.  相似文献   

.The Amazon basin is covered by the most species‐rich forests in the world and is considered to house many endemic tree species. Yet, most Amazonian ecosystems lack reliable estimates of their degree of endemism, and causes of tree diversity and endemism are intense matters of debate. We reviewed the spatial distribution of 658 of the most important flood‐tolerant Amazonian white‐water (várzea) tree species across the entire Neotropics by using data from herbaria, floras, inventories and checklists. Our results show that 90% of the várzea tree species are partially or widely distributed across neotropical macro‐regions and biomes. Chi‐square analyses indicated that várzea species richness in non‐várzea macro‐regions was dependent on the flooding gradient and the longitudinal position. Cluster analysis combined with association tests indicated four significant patterns of várzea species distributions depending on species flood‐tolerance (low vs high) and spatial distribution (restricted vs widespread). We predict that the predominance of Andean substrates is the most important factor that determines the distribution of várzea tree species within and beyond the Amazon basin and explains the high floristic similarity to the Orinoco floodplains. Distribution patterns in other extra‐Amazonian macro‐regions are more likely linked to climatic factors, with rainforest climates housing more várzea species than savanna climates. 130 tree species were restricted to South‐American freshwater floodplains, and 68 (> 10%) were endemic to Amazonian várzea. We detected two centers of endemism, one in the western Amazon characterized by low and brief floods, and one in the central Amazon, characterized by high and prolonged floods. Differences in taxonomic composition of endemic centers in the western and central Amazon are the result of different abiotic factors (i.e. flood regimes), as well as the regional species pools from where the species are recruited from. We hypothesize that numerous morphological, physiological and biochemical adaptations permit survival of trees in flooded environments. Furthermore, these adaptations are independently derived across many taxa and result in a highly specialized flora. We attribute higher than expected levels of endemism to the great spatial extent and age of floodplain ecosystems in the Amazon basin, and highlight the role of Amazonian várzea as an potential driver in speciation and diversification processes.  相似文献   

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