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It has been suggested that intensive grazing management, aimed at maintaining plant diversity, might not be the optimal choice to preserve diversity of insects in semi-natural pastures. In the present study the behaviour of flower visiting insects was studied in two semi-natural pastures in central Sweden. Two grazing treatments were established with one grazed from mid-May, “continuous”, and one grazed from mid-July, “late”. Flower visitors were followed for 9 weeks in summer 2003 in 7 pairs of 5 × 5 m plots on two sides of a fence dividing the two grazing treatments. Visitor behaviour was studied on three decision levels between: (1) habitats, (2) flowers and (3) activities on flowers. The pattern varied between decision levels: More species and individual visitors chose to forage in the late grazing treatment. Visitation rate and flower constancy did not differ between treatments and was related, to a large extent, to plant species richness. In relation to flowers, insects utilized a broader diversity of activities in the late grazing treatment. All patterns were consistent across sites and during the whole study period. The differences in pollinator abundance and activities on flowers were best explained by the higher abundance of flowers. It is suggested that studies of insect behaviour may be a useful tool when deciding on management recommendations. Late grazing is recommended as a useful management regime and might potentially function as a substitute for mowing in the future.  相似文献   

Summary. The abandonment of traditional mowing methods of mountain meadows in the Czech Republic at the end of the last century has resulted in secondary re-colonization of these areas. Altered accumulation of plant biomass resulted in a deceleration of N turnover. A mountain meadow may be regarded as a N-limited ecosystem in which plant nutrition is dependent on direct uptake of soil amino acids. The composition and distribution of ammonium ions, nitrate ions and the 16 bio-available proteinaceuous amino acids were investigated in the top 7 cm of the Ah horizon of a Gleyic Luvisol in a long-term moderately mown meadow and an eleven year old, abandoned or uncut meadow. Ammonium N has a dominant role in both ecosystems. The moderately mown meadow showed accelerated N-turnover and higher net ammonization. The plant community showed a dependence on this form. Plant utilization of nitrates and amino acids appeared to be negligible. The uncut or abandoned meadow showed net ammonization from May (start of the experiment) through August, after which plant N-uptake consisted only of amino acids due to microbial immobilization. The release of bio-available nitrogen from spring until the beginning of summer in the Ah horizon was too low to explain total plant N-uptake. Glutamic acid, arginine and aspartic acids had the highest concentrations of any of the amino acids analyzed. Authors’ address: Pavel Formánek, Department of Geology and Pedology, Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry, Zemedelska 3, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic  相似文献   

A research project on traditional cultural landscapes in coastal northern Finland provided the opportunity to compare presently managed meadow sites to a series of corresponding abandoned sites. Twenty-two grassland habitats. either grazed or mown, were studied to analyze differences between species compositions The data were classified with TWINSPAN and ordinated with Detrended Correspondence Analysis and Canonical Correspondence Analysis. The multivariate analysis recognized successfully habitats that are either presently used or differ considerably from the others by their moisture gradient although a few very coininon generalist species were present in almost every seral stage studied. The studied deviant habitats resemble most of the previously described vegetation types in northern Finland. Results suggest that drought can delay the invasion of tall broad-leaved species. The results also support the idea that abandoned meadows of corresponding moisture gradients begin to resemhle each other in later stages of succession. Multivariate methods can be used to determine the succession stages in grassland habitats and thus help to determine the urgency for restoration practices.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of grazing upon the composition of a grassland were examined in a replicated grazing experiment with sheep over eight years. Grazing was controlled to produce two levels of grazing in each of winter, spring and summer, combined in a 2×2×2 factorial experimental design. Particular species were either increased or decreased by winter grazing while, in general, dicotyledonous species were favoured by grazing in both winter and spring. A model fitting the main effects of grazing in three seasons showed the importance of grazing in winter and spring to achieve sward diversification.  相似文献   

Abstract. The biodiversity of species‐rich semi‐natural meadows is declining across Europe due to ceased management. In this study we aimed to find out how successfully the local species richness of an overgrown semi‐natural mesic meadow could be restored by sheep grazing after a long period of abandonment. The cover of vascular plant species in grazed plots and ungrazed exclosures was studied for five years and the responses of different functional plant groups were followed (herbs vs grasses, tall vs short species, species differing in flowering time, species representing different Grime's CSR strategies and species indicative of rich vs poor soil). Grazing increased species number by nearly 30%. On grazed plots the litter cover practically disappeared, favouring small herbs such as Rhinanthus minor, Ranunculus acris, Trifolium pratense and the grass Agrostis capillaris. Grazing decreased the cover of the late flowering tall herb Epilobium angustifolium but had no effect on the abundance of the early flowering tall herbs Anthriscus sylvestris or Geranium sylvaticum. We suggest that to succeed in restoration it is useful to determine the responses of different functional plant groups to grazing. Grassland managers need this information to optimize the methods and timing of management used in restoration. Additional management practices, such as mowing, may be needed in mesic meadows to decrease the dominance of tall species. The availability of propagules seemed to restrict further increase of species richness in our study area.  相似文献   

Kotiluoto  Riitta 《Plant Ecology》1998,136(1):53-67
In the Turku Archipelago of SW Finland the traditional animal husbandry dramatically decreased in 1950s after which the unused semi-natural pastures and meadows began to develop into less species rich shrub and tree communities. Restoration of some semi-natural meadows and pastures started in the late 1970s. Removing trees and shrubs, grazing, mowing, and pollarding deciduous trees were used as restoration of practises. Vegetation changes were followed from forty-one permanent sample plots established on restored areas. In this paper the data before restoration and 7–8 years after the first monitoring was analysed with parametric tests. The sample plots were divided into three restoration groups where the main restoration practises were: group 1. grazing, group 2. thinning (clearing plots from shrubs and removing some trees), group 3. thinning, mowing, and grazing (old wooded meadows). The results showed that: (1) The vegetation changed during analysed time. The number of species increased in all restored areas even though the changes were more pronounced in grazed areas and wooded meadows than in thinned areas. During restoration many common herb and grass species immigrated into the sample plots, but very few new indicator species of meadows were recorded. Most of the new species were found in few numbers in a sample plot which led to the significant increase in the number of sparse species (percentage cover < 1) in all restoration groups. The grasses benefited more from the restoration than herbs increasing their percentage cover significantly in grazed areas and in wooded meadows. In thinned areas the total percentage cover of the ten most dominant herb and grass species increased significantly. (2) The different restoration groups changed vegetation quite similarly. In grazed areas and in wooded meadows significant changes were slightly more numerous than in thinned areas. (3) The differences between the islands in vegetation changes were not pronounced. The added variance components among islands increased during restoration which probably indicated that the restoration practises as well as the species pool of the islands influenced the success of restoration.  相似文献   

Abstract. Salt marshes along the Atlantic coast of France have been converted into solar salt pans since the 7th century. Salt production declined strongly from the 18th century onward, leading to the abandonment of many of these salt pans. High soil salinity is a residue from the original salt production and varies among salt pans according to time since abandonment, the current flooding regime and the effect of drainage measures. The relationships between the plant communities and seven environmental variables were investigated by Detrended Correspondence Analyses (DCA). Duration of flooding, electric conductivity and sodium saturation were most strongly related to variation in vegetation. The Heleo‐chareto‐Hippuridetum vulgaris and the Caricetum ripariae occur in lagoons with slightly saline soil that are flooded for the longest time period; the Scirpetum maritimi compacti occurs in salt pans with saline soil flooded for a long period; the Alopecuro‐Juncetum gerardii occurs on saline soil where flooding is of short duration whereas the Carici‐Lolietum perennis is never flooded and occurs on only slightly saline soil. Soil salinity and duration of flooding provide a satisfactory explanation of the variation in species composition in abandoned salt pans but land‐use practices, especially grazing, have to be taken into account to fully understand their floristic composition.  相似文献   

Long-term changes of salt marsh communities by cattle grazing   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Over a period of 9 years a grazing experiment was carried out in the mainland salt marsh of the Leybucht (Niedersachsen) with three stocking rates, namely, 0.5 ha-1, 1 ha-1, and 2 cattle ha-1. These were also compared with an abandoned area. The results are based on sampling of the invertebrates in 1980, 1981, 1982, and 1988, and of the vegetation in 1980 and 1988. The rate of sedimentation is highest in the Puccinellia maritima-zone and decreases with the increase of stocking rates. The Elymus pycnanthus vegetation type becomes dominant in the higher salt marsh in the abandoned site. The canopy height decreases with increasing stocking rate, whereas a gradient in the structure of the vegetation develops with the lowest stocking rate. The population densities, the species-richness and the community diversity of invertebrates increases after the cessation of grazing. The high rate of sedimentation in the abandoned site promotes the immigration of species from higher salt marsh levels and adjacent grasslands, and eventually halotopophilous species and communities may disappear. On the other hand grazing reduces numerous species living both in or on upper parts of the vegetation or being sensitive to trampling by cattle. The community structure shows that the salt marsh ecosystem changed from a food web dominated by plant feeding animals to a food web dominated by animals foraging on detritus. The salt marsh management has to be differentiated into both ungrazed and lightly grazed areas (each 50%) or an overall grazing in large areas with less than 0.5 cattle ha-1.  相似文献   

Cattle influence grassland dynamics in three ways: herbage removal, dung deposition and trampling. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of these factors, separately or in combination, and to compare them with cattle grazing over a one year period in a field experiment conducted in the Jura Mountains of northwestern Switzerland. A set of controlled treatments simulating the three factors was applied in a fenced area: (1) repeated mowing — three levels; (2) intensive trampling — two levels; (3) manuring with a liquid mixture of dung and urine — three levels. All treatments were applied homogeneously to the entire surface of each of the 40 plots inside the exclosure. Additionally, ten plots outside the fenced area represented reference plots with regular cattle pasturing. The multivariate response of species composition was assessed three times with the point‐intercept method: in spring before the treatments, in autumn after one season of treatments and at the beginning of the following year after winter rest. Multivariate analyses of vegetation data in the first year showed an overwhelming seasonal shift and significant differences induced by treatments. Abandoned and manured plots showed the largest deviation from the cattle grazed reference. Herbage removal, simulated by repeated mowing, appeared to be the most important factor for maintaining vegetation texture. Seasonal treatment effects were only partially carried over to the next spring, showing an unexpected resilience of the plant community, probably due to life‐history traits and competition release following climatic disturbance in winter.  相似文献   

Abstract. Sustainability is an important quality of the types of agriculture nowadays promoted in central Europe, notably ‘biological agriculture’ and ‘integrated production’. Agronomists, decision-makers and the public generally assume that this agricultural sustainability implies the maintenance of species diversity. However, this assumption often does not hold true. This is shown in a case study of moderately ferti-lized Arrhenatheretum meadows in northern Switzerland. Earlier and more frequent mowing, simultaneous harvesting of all the grasslands in a region, and ecological changes in surrounding arable fields, hedges and other ecosystems often cause a decline in plant and animal species richness, while agricultural yield does not noticeably change. To emphasize the distinction the concept of biocenotic sustainability is proposed for describing the capability of a community to maintain its species composition and structure. For maintaining or attaining biocenotic sustainability. results of modern ecology have to be taken into account, e.g. the theories of island biogeography, minimum viable populations, dispersal, and metapopulations. There is evidence that biocenotic sustainability always implies sustainability of agricultural yield.  相似文献   

Habitat type and quality are recognised as important local determinants of species richness, but other processes operating at the landscape scale can also affect diversity patterns. The evidence regarding the relative importance of landscape context on vascular plants is diverse, and little is known about the effects of this complex factor in Alpine environments. Hence, the primary purpose of the study was to elucidate the relative effects of the determinants of plant species richness by decomposing the variation into local and landscape components. We sampled 99 hay meadows in the Italian Alps, and recorded 14 explanatory variables ascribed to three sets: two sets of local variables, meadow management and abiotic environment, and a set of landscape variables. Plant diversity was affected primarily by local determinants. Species richness tended to increase in less fertilised meadows, confirming the detrimental effect of intensive meadow management on plant diversity. Site conditions such as steep slopes also enhanced plant species richness, showing a most pronounced positive effect in meadows that were cut less frequently. As to the landscape determinants, a high proportion of urban elements affected species richness negatively probably due to further eutrophication. In contrast, an increased length of meadow edges had a positive effect, particularly in meadows located on shallow soils. Partitioning analyses revealed that the three sets of variables showed relatively large shared effects with each other (over half of the total variation explained). In conclusion, the composition of the surrounding landscape had a lower impact on vascular plant species richness than did meadow management and local abiotic environment.  相似文献   


Although grazing was a part of calcareous fens’ disturbance regimes, few studies have examined the impact of grazing release in these systems, and managers are reticent to experiment with restoring grazing for management purposes. Here I describe vegetation, edaphic, and hydrologic differences in a Wisconsin calcareous fen between areas long-protected (since 1987) from cattle grazing and those protected in 2011, 2.5 years before the study. Vegetation surveys found that the long-protected areas had significantly lower floristic quality, fewer rare and specialist species, and more woody-plant encroachment than areas abandoned in 2011. Interviews with a farmer and air-photo interpretations suggested that vegetation changed in the protected areas around the time of abandonment. Known edaphic and hydrologic drivers of vegetation change in fens (volumetric water content, electrical conductivity, nutrient availability) could not account for the vegetation differences between the two areas. Site histories found no events accounting for these vegetation differences other than grazing. These results suggest that grazing release led to increased shrub encroachment, decline in floristic quality, and-possibly- a decline in specialist and rare species.


Abstract. This paper describes the effects of re‐establishing seasonal cattle grazing by 0.7 animal.ha‐1 on vegetation in a long‐term abandoned, and partly degraded, semi‐natural mountain pasture in the ?umava National Park, Czech Republic. There was very uneven grazing intensity inside the locality, and grazing preference changed during the season: cattle grazed most of the time in productive but species‐poor Deschampsia cespitosa swards, but changed to a species‐rich Violion caninae stand in the middle of the summer. A species‐rich Carex rostrata community was only grazed at the end of the season. Species‐poor swards dominated by Nardus stricta and Carex brizoides were mainly used as resting areas. Both grazing and excluding from grazing had a negative effect on species diversity of the Deschampsia cespitosa swards. The soil seed bank contained only few species that are characteristic of mountain grassland communities, and seed dispersal of the target species by cattle dung was also found to be very limited. Thus both grazing and exclusion from grazing are probably of limited value for the restoration of species‐rich grasslands from species‐poor Deschampsia cespitosa swards in this case.  相似文献   

Questions: What is the best grassland management regime for the threatened plant species Gladiolus imbricatus; is the stage structure of local populations a feasible indicator of the effect of changed management. Location: Coastal meadow system in southwestern Estonia. Methods : The effect of five management regimes was studied in a long‐term (three‐year) field experiment: (1) mowing in late July, (2) grazing by cattle, (3) grazing by sheep, (4) sheep grazing during the first year and mowing during subsequent years, (5) no management (control). Results: The population density increased significantly in response to the mowing treatment and to the mowing after sheep grazing treatment. The proportion of grazed plant individuals was higher in the sheep‐grazed than in the cattle‐grazed treatment. Generative and vegetative adult individuals of G. imbricatus were significantly more damaged by cattle herbivory than juveniles. All management regimes shifted the population structure towards a dynamic state where juvenile stages dominate, while the not managed control retained a regressive population structure. Conclusions: Population stage structure was a useful indicator of different management conditions, even in the case where population density did not differ. As indicated by population stage structure, the best management regime for G. imbricatus was either mowing in late July only, or alternation of grazing and mowing in different years.  相似文献   

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