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An earlier paper showed that in Saccoglossus the acrosomal tubule makes contact with the egg plasma membrane. The present paper includes evidence that the sperm and egg plasma membranes fuse to establish the single continuous zygote membrane which, consequently, is a mosaic. Contrary to the general hypothesis of Tyler, pinocytosis or phagocytosis plays no role in zygote formation. Contact between the gametes is actually between two newly exposed surfaces: in the spermatozoon, the surface was formerly the interior of the acrosomal vesicle; in the egg, it was membrane previously covered by the egg envelopes. The concept that all the events of fertilization are mediated by a fertilizin-antifertilizin reaction seems an oversimplification of events actually observed: rather, the evidence indicates that a series of specific biochemical interactions probably would be involved. Gamete membrane fusion permits sperm periacrosomal material to meet the egg cytoplasm; if an activating substance exists in the spermatozoon it probably is periacrosomal rather than acrosomal in origin. The contents of the acrosome are expended in the process of delivering the sperm plasma membrane to the egg plasma membrane. After these membranes coalesce, the sperm nucleus and other internal sperm structures move into the egg cytoplasm.  相似文献   

1. The early events of sperm entry in Saccoglossus and Hydroides are described and examined in relation to present knowledge of the acrosome reaction and of egg membrane lysins. In Saccoglossus and several other species these events occur in two phases. First. The acrosome filament of the spermatozoön spans the egg membrane barriers, reaches the reactive egg protoplasm, and causes the egg to begin its fertilization reaction. Second. The filament and its connected sperm head move through the egg membrane barriers and enter the egg proper. The first phase is completed in a matter of seconds but the second phase usually requires several minutes. 2. The peripheral areas of the eggs of the two species differ as seen in sections. In Hydroides, but not in Saccoglossus, the vitelline membrane is bounded by a distinct outer border layer of small concentrically differentiated bodies and penetrated by microvilli from the egg. 3. The acrosome filament, seen in the living condition as a delicate thread in Hydroides and as an exceedingly tenuous thread in Saccoglossus, appears to be tubular in both species when seen in electron micrographs of thin sections. 4. The acrosomal region of Hydroides appears to consist of two components—a peripheral one, which may collapse during the acrosome reaction, and a central one related to the acrosome filament. 5. Deliberately induced polyspermic material was used to increase the probability of finding examples of sperm penetration in thin sections. 6. As seen in sections, areas of low electron density, interpreted as spaces or pits from which the material of the membrane is absent, surround the attached or penetrating spermatozoa. (a) In Hydroides the spaces vary greatly in many characteristics including shape, position in the membrane, and size with relation to the enclosed sperm head. In one specimen a portion of the membrane is missing from border to border; no spermatozoön is seen but immediately beneath the space is the apex of a fertilization cone. (b) In every case in which a determination could be made, the spermatozoön in the membrane has undergone its acrosome reaction. (c) In Saccoglossus some pits are found with which several spermatozoa are associated. Generally, where the spermatozoa are more numerous the pit is larger. (d) Pits similar to those seen in Saccoglossus sections are observed in living eggs. They remain in Membrane I after sperm entry. (e) From the above and other considerations it is suggested that the pits and spaces are formed by local action of a lysin or lysins emanating from the individual spermatozoön at the site of sperm entry. 7. It is considered that the suggested lysin would participate in sperm entry by eroding the membrane barrier in the vicinity of the sperm head, thus permitting the sperm head to pass through the membrane. Since the acrosome filament much earlier stimulates the egg's initial fertilization response, this lysin would facilitate the second phase of the early events of sperm entry.  相似文献   

In the previous paper the structure of the acrosomal region of the spermatozoon was described. The present paper describes the changes which this region undergoes during passage through the vitelline membrane. The material used consisted of moderately polyspermic eggs of Hydroides hexagonus, osmium-fixed usually 9 seconds after insemination. There are essentially four major changes in the acrosome during passage of the sperm head through the vitelline membrane. First, the acrosome breaks open apically by a kind of dehiscence which results in the formation of a well defined orifice. Around the lips of the orifice the edges of the plasma and acrosomal membranes are then found to be fused to form a continuous membranous sheet. Second, the walls of the acrosomal vesicle are completely everted, and this appears to be the means by which the apex of the sperm head is moved through the vitelline membrane. The lip of the orifice comes to lie deeper and deeper within the vitelline membrane. At the same time the lip itself is made up of constantly changing material as first the material of the outer zone and then that of the intermediate zone everts. One is reminded of the lip of an amphibian blastopore, which during gastrulation maintains its morphological identity as a lip but is nevertheless made up of constantly changing cells, with constantly changing outline and even constantly changing position. Third, the large acrosomal granule rapidly disappears. This disappearance is closely correlated with a corresponding disappearance of a part of the principal material of the vitelline membrane from before it, and the suggestion is made that the acrosomal granule is the source of the lysin which dissolves this part of the vitelline membrane. Fourth, in the inner zone the fifteen or so short tubular invaginations of the acrosomal membrane, present in the normal unreacted spermatozoon, lengthen considerably to become a tuft of acrosomal tubules. These tubules are the first structures of the advancing sperm head to touch the plasma membrane of the egg. It is notable that the surface of the acrosomal tubules which once faced into the closed acrosomal cavity becomes the first part of the sperm plasma membrane to meet the plasma membrane of the egg. The acrosomal tubules of Hydroides, which arise simply by lengthening of already existing shorter tubules, are considered to represent the acrosome filaments of other species.  相似文献   

The actin cytoskeletons in spermatia and trichogynes of Aglaothamnion oosumiense Itono were studied using fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) conjugated phalloidin and the cytoskeletal inhibitors, potassium iodide (KI), cytochalasin-B, and latrunculin-A. Microfilaments were localized to the distal ends of elongated spermatia and trichogynes and were more prominent in the trichogyne before spermatium binding. The actin cytoskeleton in spermatia and trichogynes was disrupted by treatment with 0.6 M KI, 100 μM cytochalasin-B, or 10 μM latrunculin-A. The actin cytoskeleton in trichogynes recovered within 24 h of removal from the inhibitor, but no recovery was observed in spermatia. Spermatial nuclei entered mitosis as soon as spermatia attached to the trichogyne. The greatest percentage (50%– 60%) of spermatia having completed mitosis was obtained at 60 min after spermatial binding to trichogynes. During mitosis, actin accumulated in the center of the spermatium, thereby separating the two daughter nuclei. Cytoskeletal inhibitors did not affect initial binding of spermatia to trichogynes but did block subsequent stages of fertilization, including spermatial mitosis and gamete fusion. The accumulation of cellulose or β-linked polysaccharide on the spermatial surface was also blocked by treatment with actin inhibitors. Exposure of the trichogyne to actin inhibitors after gamete fusion caused spermatial nuclei in trichogynes to stop moving and to condense. These results suggest that the microfilaments involved in nuclear division, cellulose deposition into the spermatial wall, gamete fusion, and migration of spermatial nuclei in trichogynes during fertilization in Aglaothamnion oosumiense.  相似文献   

It has been shown that 'deal' sawdust contains substances which inhibit the growth of cellulose-decomposing bacteria of the genera Sporocytophaga and Cellulomonas , the former being the more sensitive. The substances can be extracted with water or a mildly alkaline solution of inorganic salts, the latter being rather more effective. The extracted material is acidic but still exhibits activity even after neutralization, especially towards Sporocytophaga. Sawdust which has been extracted with water or the alkaline solution, or neutralized by admixture with calcium carbonate, no longer prevents the growth of Cellulomonas on added filter paper cellulose, although there is a delay before the attack becomes evident, but Sporocytophaga is still completely inhibited under all three conditions.  相似文献   

The subcellular components involved in the synthesis, transport, and discharge of secretory proteins in the guinea pig pancreatic exocrine cell have been isolated from gland homogenates by differential and gradient centrifugation. They include rough and smooth microsomes derived respectively from the rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi periphery, a zymogen granule fraction consisting mainly of mature zymogen granules and a smaller population of condensing vacuoles, and a plasmalemmal fraction. Membrane subfractions were obtained from the particulate components by treatment with mild (pH 7.8) alkaline buffers which extract the majority (>95%) of the content of secretory proteins, allowing the membranes to be recovered from the extracting fluid by centrifugation. The purity of the fractions was assessed by electron microscopy and by assaying marker enzymes for cross-contaminants. The rough and smooth microsomes were essentially free of mitochondrial contamination; the smooth microsomes contained <15% rough contaminants. The zymogen granule fraction and its derived membranes were free of rough microsomes and contained <3% contaminant mitochondria. The plasmalemmal fraction was heterogeneous as to origin (deriving from basal, lateral, and apical poles of the cell) and contained varying amounts of adherent fibrillar material arising from the basement membrane and terminal web. The lipid and enzymatic composition of the membrane fractions are described in the following reports.  相似文献   

Gametophytic competition and selection have important effects on patterns of mating in plant populations. However, the relative importance of prezygotic mechanisms is often unclear due to a paucity of observations on pollen tube growth in vivo. In this study, we present observations on pollen tube behavior in the gynoecium of wild radish. Significant variation in the order of fertilization of the linearly arranged ovules occurred within the radish ovary. This variation is evidence that prezygotic mechanisms of gamete selection operate to sort pollen tubes nonrandomly to different ovule positions in the ovary. We propose that the variation in fertilization patterns can be attributed to variance in pollen tube growth rates in the central septum of the radish gynoecium. The path of pollen tube growth and gynoecial structure deserve greater attention in future studies of gamete competition.  相似文献   

Anatomical studies of unfertilized undeveloped seeds from open- and control-pollinated fruits of ten facultative apomictic Citrus cultivars were carried out with the aid of light and epifluorescence microscopes. With or without pollination, adventive embryos autonomously developed at all positions in the nucellus in all cultivars. The adventive embryos initiated at the chalazal end of the nucellus were more vigorous than those initiated at the micropylar end. Because of the lack of endosperm and poor seed development, however, all adventive embryos within the unfertilized seeds terminated their development at the globular or early cotyledonary stages and were unable to germinate under natural conditions. The capability of unfertilized seeds to develop varied from species to species. Growth of the adventive embryos was dependent on nucellus size, but the growth rate of adventive embryos relative to nucellus size was different in different species. Neither pollination, fertilization nor subsequent zygote and endosperm development further stimulated adventive embryo initiation. Conversely, pollination and subsequent fertilization of other seeds in the same fruit slightly, but significantly, suppressed adventive embryo growth in the unfertilized seeds. These facts concerning adventive embryogenesis in unfertilized seeds indicate that neither pollination nor fertilization is essential for in vivo adventive embryogenesis and that normal endosperm is necessary for perfect development of adventive embryos initiated only in the micropylar half of the nucellus.  相似文献   

Abstract The extent and impact of introgressive hybridization was examined in the Gila robusta complex of cyprinid fishes using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variation. Lower Colorado River basin populations of G. robusta, G. elegans, and G. cypha exhibited distinct mtDNAs, with only limited introgression of G. elegans into G. cypha. The impact of hybridization was significant in upper Colorado River basin populations; most upper basin fishes sampled exhibited only G. cypha mtDNA haplotypes, with some individuals exhibiting mtDNA from G. elegans. The complete absence of G. robusta mtDNA, even in populations of morphologically pure G. robusta, indicates extensive introgression that predates human influence. Analysis of the geographic distribution of variation identified two distinctive G. elegans lineages; however, the small number of individuals and localities sampled precluded a comprehensive analysis. Analysis of haplotype and population networks for G. cypha mtDNAs from 15 localities revealed low divergence among haplotypes; however, significant frequency differences among populations within and among drainages were found, largely attributable to samples in the Little Colorado River region. This structure was not associated with G. cypha and G. robusta, as morphotypes from the same location are more similar than conspecific forms in other locations. This indicates that morphological and mtDNA variation are affected by different evolutionary forces in Colorado River Gila and illustrates how both hybridization and local adaptation can play important roles in evolution.  相似文献   

The roles of ethylene in corolla growth and senescence have been extensively studied; light, temperature, and abscisic acid (ABA) have already been implicated in rapid corolla opening (unfolding) in morning glory. In the present study, a possible interaction between ABA and ethylene production was examined. While applied ABA promoted corolla unfolding, it also promoted ethylene production. Furthermore, the effect of ABA could be eliminated by the ethylene biosynthesis inhibitors, aminoethoxyvinyl glycine (AVG) and cobalt ions. Simultaneously applied aminocyclopropane carboxylic acid (ACC) augmented the ABA response, but ACC applied alone promoted corolla unfolding as effectively as ABA alone. Measurements of ethylene production during eight successive stages of flower opening showed that the ethylene burst widely reported to occur in opened flowers prior to corolla senescence actually begins before the corolla unfolds. Ethylene production seems to be a later part of the sequence of biochemical events that leads to both corolla unfolding and synchronized inrolling and senescence.  相似文献   

The lipid composition of rough and smooth microsomal membranes, zymogen granule membranes, and a plasmalemmal fraction from the guinea pig pancreatic exocrine cell has been determined. As a group, membranes of the smooth variety (i.e., smooth microsomes, zymogen granule membranes, and the plasmalemma) were similar in their content of phospholipids, cholesterol and neutral lipids, and in the ratio of total lipids to membrane proteins. In contrast, rough microsomal membranes contained much less sphingomyelin and cholesterol and possessed a smaller lipid/protein ratio. All membrane fractions were unusually high in their content of lysolecithin (up to ~20% of the total phospholipids) and of neutral lipids, especially fatty acids. The lysolecithin content was shown to be due to the hydrolysis of membrane lecithin by pancreatic lipase; the fatty acids, liberated by the action of lipase on endogenous triglyceride stores, are apparently scavenged by the membranes from the suspending media. Similar artifactually high levels of lysolecithin and fatty acids were noted in hepatic microsomes incubated with pancreatic postmicrosomal supernatant. E 600, an inhibitor of lipase, largely prevented the appearance of lysolecithin and fatty acids in pancreatic microsomes and in liver microsomes treated with pancreatic supernatant.  相似文献   

Abstract Coccophagus scutellaris (Dalman) is one of the specific parasitoids that attack soft scale insects in Egypt. In the present study, C. scutellaris was reared from 6 species of soft scale insects. These are Ceroplastes flori-densis Comstock, Coccus hesperidum L., Pulvinaria floccgera (Westwood), P. psidii Maskell, Saissetia coffeae (Walker) and S. oleae (Oliver). The abundance of C. scutellaris was monitored from July to Nov. 1999–2000 in five localities in Egypt, the Beni-Suef, Cairo, Giza, Gharbiya and the Northern coast. C. scutellaris is considered an effective parasitoid of S. coffeae and S. oleae with maximum parasitism rates reaching 26% and 22% in Nov. and Aug. 1999, respectively.  相似文献   

在埃及,黄盾食蚧蚜小蜂Coccophagus suteelaris(Dalman)是一种有效防治蚧壳虫的寄生蜂,研究中分别用6种蚧壳虫Ceroplastes floridensis Comstock,Coccus hesperidumL.,Pulvinaria floccifera (Westwood),P.psidii Maskell,Saissetia coffeae(Walker)以及S.oleae(Oliver)来饲养黄盾食蚧蚜小蜂,1999-2000年间,在埃及的Beni-Suef,Cairo,Giza,Gharbiya和北海岸等5个地方,C.scutellaris大规模的发生在7-11月间,C.scuteelaris对S.coffeae和S.oleae的最高寄生率分别是发生在1999年11月和8月的26%和22%,因此可以认为,黄盾食蚧蚜小蜂是对两种蚧壳虫有效的寄生蜂。  相似文献   

Diatoms and related algae have plastids that are surrounded by four membranes. The outer two membranes are continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum and the inner two membranes are analogous to the plastid envelope membranes of higher plants and green algae. Thus the plastids are completely compartmentalized within the ER membranes. The targeting presequences for nuclear-encoded plastid proteins have two recognizable domains. The first domain is a classic signal sequence, which presumably targets the proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum. The second domain has characteristics of a transit peptide, which targets proteins to the plastids of higher plants. To characterize these targeting domains, the presequence from the nuclear-encoded plastid protein AtpC was utilized. A series of deletions of this presequence were fused to Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) and transformed into cells of the diatom, Phaeodactylum tricornutum. The intracelluar localization of GFP was visualized by fluorescence microscopy. This work demonstrates that the first domain of the presequence is responsible for targeting proteins to the ER lumen and is the essential first step in the plastid protein import process. The second domain is responsible to directing proteins from the ER and through the plastid envelope and only a short portion of the transit peptide-like domain is necessary to complete this second processing step. In vivo data generated from this study in a fully homologous transformation system has confirmed Gibbs' hypothesis regarding a multistep import process for plastid proteins in chromophytic algae.  相似文献   

本工作采用了行为和脑内注射相结合的方法研究了大鼠尾壳核的 GABA 能传递在条件性行为调控中的作用。在分辨学习的基础上训练大鼠完成条件性回避任务,以比较药物对分辨学习和条件性回避的不同效应。实验结果表明,于大鼠双侧尾壳核内分别注入 γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)(每侧100μg/μl)和 GABA 受体激动剂蝇蕈醇(Muscimol)(每侧0.1μg/μl)后可暂时抑制条件性回避反应的出现,但分辨学习无明显影响。作为对照,于尾壳核内注入等量的生理盐水则既不影响条件性回避反应,也不影响分辨学习。在条件性回避反应被 Muscimol抑制后于尾壳核内再注入 GABA 受体阻断剂印防己毒素(PTX)(每侧0.1μg/μl)则可拮抗Muscimol 的行为抑制效应,即条件反应的出现率可恢复到或接近注射前水平。实验结果表明,大鼠尾壳核的 GABA 能传递在条件性行为调控中的重要作用。  相似文献   

植物苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)在细胞分化中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
烟草、丹参和甜叶菊愈伤组织在分化过程中一般都出现两个PAL活性高峰。第一高峰在培养第一、二、三天中出现;第二高峰在第十一天前后出现。前者在分化或不分化培养基中都存在,似与组织分化无关,后者只在分化条件下才有,似可作为组织启动分化的指示酶。分化程度不同的组织,PAL活性有很大差异,即将或刚分化的组织活性最高,随着分化的进程活性趋于降低,老化的组织甚至丧失活性。PAL活性、木质素合成和管状份子形成之间有着紧密的相关性。  相似文献   

A comparison of a natural, undisturbed ecosystem, a mid-elevation sage community, with a severely disturbed old roadbed through this community revealed that more than 99% of the plant cover in the natural community was mycorrhizal (vesicular-arbuscular), whereas less than 1% of the plant cover in the disturbed area (roadbed) was mycorrhizal. Examples of nonmycorrhizal plants as primary successional species in severely disturbed habitats are discussed. The importance of maintaining or re-establishing the mycorrhizal fungal component in reclamation programs designed to produce stable ecosystems is emphasized.  相似文献   

Eleven species of larval digeneans are reported for the firsttime in the UK from the freshwater snail Lymnaea (Radix) auricularia.The latter replaced its congener L. peregra in a gravel pitnear Wraysbury, Berkshire in the Lower Thames Valley and hostedan assemblage of larval digeneans similar to that previouslytransmitted by L peregra. The larval digeneans of L. peregrain small bodies of water in the area were also similar to thosefound in L. auriculania in the gravel pit. This replacementin the role of the host is explained on the basis of morphological,physiological and ecological similarities of the two lymnaeidspecies. (Received 19 February 1992; accepted 27 April 1992)  相似文献   

The changes in vesicular-arbuscular (VA) mycorrhiza inoculum potential (MIP) in soil profiles from a mid-elevation sage community were measured using a corn bioassay. The MIP was significantly reduced below 30 cm depth and approached zero at less than 1 m depth. The decrease in inoculum potential with depth in diluted soils did not always parallel changes in the nondiluted soil, indicating factors other than numbers of inoculum units also may be important in determining the extent of mycorrhiza formation. The relationship of these results to land disturbance and associated dilution of populations of VA mycorrhizal fungi and to defining topsoil is discussed.  相似文献   

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