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Rescoring of mass spectrometry (MS) search results using spectral predictors can strongly increase peptide spectrum match (PSM) identification rates. This approach is particularly effective when aiming to search MS data against large databases, for example, when dealing with nonspecific cleavage in immunopeptidomics or inflation of the reference database for noncanonical peptide identification. Here, we present inSPIRE (in silico Spectral Predictor Informed REscoring), a flexible and performant open-source rescoring pipeline built on Prosit MS spectral prediction, which is compatible with common database search engines. inSPIRE allows large-scale rescoring with data from multiple MS search files, increases sensitivity to minor differences in amino acid residue position, and can be applied to various MS sample types, including tryptic proteome digestions and immunopeptidomes. inSPIRE boosts PSM identification rates in immunopeptidomics, leading to better performance than the original Prosit rescoring pipeline, as confirmed by benchmarking of inSPIRE performance on ground truth datasets. The integration of various features in the inSPIRE backbone further boosts the PSM identification in immunopeptidomics, with a potential benefit for the identification of noncanonical peptides.  相似文献   

Alternative ORFs (AltORFs) are unannotated sequences in genome that encode novel peptides or proteins named alternative proteins (AltProts). Although ribosome profiling and bioinformatics predict a large number of AltProts, mass spectrometry as the only direct way of identification is hampered by the short lengths and relative low abundance of AltProts. There is an urgent need for improvement of mass spectrometry methodologies for AltProt identification. Here, we report an approach based on size-exclusion chromatography for simultaneous enrichment and fractionation of AltProts from complex proteome. This method greatly simplifies the variance of AltProts discovery by enriching small proteins smaller than 40 kDa. In a systematic comparison between 10 methods, the approach we reported enabled the discovery of more AltProts with overall higher intensities, with less cost of time and effort compared to other workflows. We applied this approach to identify 89 novel AltProts from mouse liver, 39 of which were differentially expressed between embryonic and adult mice. During embryonic development, the upregulated AltProts were mainly involved in biological pathways on RNA splicing and processing, whereas the AltProts involved in metabolisms were more active in adult livers. Our study not only provides an effective approach for identifying AltProts but also novel AltProts that are potentially important in developmental biology.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins play essential roles in various cellular processes, such as nutrient transport, bioenergetic processes, cell adhesion, and signal transduction. Proteomics is one of the key approaches to exploring membrane proteins comprehensively. Bottom–up proteomics using LC–MS/MS has been widely used in membrane proteomics. However, the low abundance and hydrophobic features of membrane proteins, especially integral membrane proteins, make it difficult to handle the proteins and are the bottleneck for identification by LC–MS/MS. Herein, to improve the identification and quantification of membrane proteins, we have stepwisely evaluated methods of membrane enrichment for the sample preparation. The enrichment methods of membranes consisted of precipitation by ultracentrifugation and treatment by urea or alkaline solutions. The best enrichment method in the study, washing with urea after isolation of the membranes, resulted in the identification of almost twice as many membrane proteins compared with samples without the enrichment. Notably, the method significantly enhances the identified numbers of multispanning transmembrane proteins, such as solute carrier transporters, ABC transporters, and G-protein–coupled receptors, by almost sixfold. Using this method, we revealed the profiles of amino acid transport systems with the validation by functional assays and found more protein–protein interactions, including membrane protein complexes and clusters. Our protocol uses standard procedures in biochemistry, but the method was efficient for the in-depth analysis of membrane proteome in a wide range of samples.  相似文献   

Human pancreatic stellate cells (HPSCs) are an essential stromal component and mediators of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) progression. Small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) are membrane-enclosed nanoparticles involved in cell-to-cell communications and are released from stromal cells within PDAC. A detailed comparison of sEVs from normal pancreatic stellate cells (HPaStec) and from PDAC-associated stellate cells (HPSCs) remains a gap in our current knowledge regarding stellate cells and PDAC. We hypothesized there would be differences in sEVs secretion and protein expression that might contribute to PDAC biology. To test this hypothesis, we isolated sEVs using ultracentrifugation followed by characterization by electron microscopy and Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis. We report here our initial observations. First, HPSC cells derived from PDAC tumors secrete a higher volume of sEVs when compared to normal pancreatic stellate cells (HPaStec). Although our data revealed that both normal and tumor-derived sEVs demonstrated no significant biological effect on cancer cells, we observed efficient uptake of sEVs by both normal and cancer epithelial cells. Additionally, intact membrane-associated proteins on sEVs were essential for efficient uptake. We then compared sEV proteins isolated from HPSCs and HPaStecs cells using liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Most of the 1481 protein groups identified were shared with the exosome database, ExoCarta. Eighty-seven protein groups were differentially expressed (selected by 2-fold difference and adjusted p value ≤0.05) between HPSC and HPaStec sEVs. Of note, HPSC sEVs contained dramatically more CSE1L (chromosome segregation 1–like protein), a described marker of poor prognosis in patients with pancreatic cancer. Based on our results, we have demonstrated unique populations of sEVs originating from stromal cells with PDAC and suggest that these are significant to cancer biology. Further studies should be undertaken to gain a deeper understanding that could drive novel therapy.  相似文献   

Identifying protein–protein and other proximal interactions is central to dissecting signaling and regulatory processes in cells. BioID is a proximity-dependent biotinylation method that uses an “abortive” biotin ligase to detect proximal interactions in cells in a highly reproducible manner. Recent advancements in proximity-dependent biotinylation tools have improved efficiency and timing of labeling, allowing for measurement of interactions on a cellular timescale. However, issues of size, stability, and background labeling of these constructs persist. Here we modified the structure of BioID2, derived from Aquifex aeolicus BirA, to create a smaller, highly active, biotin ligase that we named MicroID2. Truncation of the C terrminus of BioID2 and addition of mutations to alleviate blockage of biotin/ATP binding at the active site of BioID2 resulted in a smaller and highly active construct with lower background labeling. Several additional point mutations improved the function of our modified MicroID2 construct compared with BioID2 and other biotin ligases, including TurboID and miniTurbo. MicroID2 is the smallest biotin ligase reported so far (180 amino acids [AAs] for MicroID2 versus 257 AAs for miniTurbo and 338 AAs for TurboID), yet it demonstrates only slightly less labeling activity than TurboID and outperforms miniTurbo. MicroID2 also had lower background labeling than TurboID. For experiments where precise temporal control of labeling is essential, we in addition developed a MicroID2 mutant, termed lbMicroID2 (low background MicroID2), that has lower labeling efficiency but significantly reduced biotin scavenging compared with BioID2. Finally, we demonstrate utility of MicroID2 in mass spectrometry experiments by localizing MicroID2 constructs to subcellular organelles and measuring proximal interactions.  相似文献   

All human diseases involve proteins, yet our current tools to characterize and quantify them are limited. To better elucidate proteins across space, time, and molecular composition, we provide a >10 years of projection for technologies to meet the challenges that protein biology presents. With a broad perspective, we discuss grand opportunities to transition the science of proteomics into a more propulsive enterprise. Extrapolating recent trends, we describe a next generation of approaches to define, quantify, and visualize the multiple dimensions of the proteome, thereby transforming our understanding and interactions with human disease in the coming decade.  相似文献   

As systems biology approaches to virology have become more tractable, highly studied viruses such as HIV can now be analyzed in new unbiased ways, including spatial proteomics. We employed here a differential centrifugation protocol to fractionate Jurkat T cells for proteomic analysis by mass spectrometry; these cells contain inducible HIV-1 genomes, enabling us to look for changes in the spatial proteome induced by viral gene expression. Using these proteomics data, we evaluated the merits of several reported machine learning pipelines for classification of the spatial proteome and identification of protein translocations. From these analyses, we found that classifier performance in this system was organelle dependent, with Bayesian t-augmented Gaussian mixture modeling outperforming support vector machine learning for mitochondrial and endoplasmic reticulum proteins but underperforming on cytosolic, nuclear, and plasma membrane proteins by QSep analysis. We also observed a generally higher performance for protein translocation identification using a Bayesian model, Bayesian analysis of differential localization experiments, on row-normalized data. Comparative Bayesian analysis of differential localization experiment analysis of cells induced to express the WT viral genome versus cells induced to express a genome unable to express the accessory protein Nef identified known Nef-dependent interactors such as T-cell receptor signaling components and coatomer complex. Finally, we found that support vector machine classification showed higher consistency and was less sensitive to HIV-dependent noise. These findings illustrate important considerations for studies of the spatial proteome following viral infection or viral gene expression and provide a reference for future studies of HIV-gene-dropout viruses.  相似文献   

Proteinaceous cysteine residues act as privileged sensors of oxidative stress. As reactive oxygen and nitrogen species have been implicated in numerous pathophysiological processes, deciphering which cysteines are sensitive to oxidative modification and the specific nature of these modifications is essential to understanding protein and cellular function in health and disease. While established mass spectrometry-based proteomic platforms have improved our understanding of the redox proteome, the widespread adoption of these methods is often hindered by complex sample preparation workflows, prohibitive cost of isotopic labeling reagents, and requirements for custom data analysis workflows. Here, we present the SP3-Rox redox proteomics method that combines tailored low cost isotopically labeled capture reagents with SP3 sample cleanup to achieve high throughput and high coverage proteome-wide identification of redox-sensitive cysteines. By implementing a customized workflow in the free FragPipe computational pipeline, we achieve accurate MS1-based quantitation, including for peptides containing multiple cysteine residues. Application of the SP3-Rox method to cellular proteomes identified cysteines sensitive to the oxidative stressor GSNO and cysteine oxidation state changes that occur during T cell activation.  相似文献   

Since the discovery of oncogenes, there has been tremendous interest to understand their mechanistic basis and to develop broadly actionable therapeutics. Some of the most frequently activated oncogenes driving diverse cancers are c-MYC, EGFR, HER2, AKT, KRAS, BRAF, and MEK. Using a reductionist approach, we explored how cellular proteomes are remodeled in isogenic cell lines engineered with or without these driver oncogenes. The most striking discovery for all oncogenic models was the systematic downregulation of scores of antiviral proteins regulated by type 1 interferon. These findings extended to cancer cell lines and patient-derived xenograft models of highly refractory pancreatic cancer and osteosarcoma driven by KRAS and MYC oncogenes. The oncogenes reduced basal expression of and autocrine stimulation by type 1 interferon causing remarkable convergence on common phenotypic and functional profiles. In particular, there was dramatically lower expression of dsRNA sensors including DDX58 (RIG-I) and OAS proteins, which resulted in attenuated functional responses when the oncogenic cells were treated with the dsRNA mimetic, polyI:C, and increased susceptibility to infection with an RNA virus shown using SARS-CoV-2. Our reductionist approach provides molecular and functional insights connected to immune evasion hallmarks in cancers and suggests therapeutic opportunities.  相似文献   

In the young field of single-cell proteomics (scMS), there is a great need for improved global proteome characterization, both in terms of proteins quantified per cell and quantitative performance thereof. The recently introduced real-time search (RTS) on the Orbitrap Eclipse Tribrid mass spectrometer in combination with SPS-MS3 acquisition has been shown to be beneficial for the measurement of samples that are multiplexed using isobaric tags. Multiplexed scMS requires high ion injection times and high-resolution spectra to quantify the single-cell signal; however, the carrier channel facilitates peptide identification and thus offers the opportunity for fast on-the-fly precursor filtering before committing to the time-intensive quantification scan. Here, we compared classical MS2 acquisition against RTS-SPS-MS3, both using the Orbitrap Eclipse Tribrid MS with the FAIMS Pro ion mobility interface and present a new acquisition strategy termed RETICLE (RTS enhanced quant of single cell spectra) that makes use of fast real-time searched linear ion trap scans to preselect MS1 peptide precursors for quantitative MS2 Orbitrap acquisition. We show that classical MS2 acquisition is outperformed by both RTS-SPS-MS3 through increased quantitative accuracy at similar proteome coverage, and RETICLE through higher proteome coverage, with the latter enabling the quantification of over 1000 proteins per cell at an MS2 injection time of 750 ms using a 2 h gradient.  相似文献   

Serum antibodies IgM and IgG are elevated during Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) to defend against viral attacks. Atypical results such as negative and abnormally high antibody expression were frequently observed whereas the underlying molecular mechanisms are elusive. In our cohort of 144 COVID-19 patients, 3.5% were both IgM and IgG negative, whereas 29.2% remained only IgM negative. The remaining patients exhibited positive IgM and IgG expression, with 9.3% of them exhibiting over 20-fold higher titers of IgM than the others at their plateau. IgG titers in all of them were significantly boosted after vaccination in the second year. To investigate the underlying molecular mechanisms, we classed the patients into four groups with diverse serological patterns and analyzed their 2-year clinical indicators. Additionally, we collected 111 serum samples for TMTpro-based longitudinal proteomic profiling and characterized 1494 proteins in total. We found that the continuously negative IgM and IgG expression during COVID-19 were associated with mild inflammatory reactions and high T cell responses. Low levels of serum IgD, inferior complement 1 activation of complement cascades, and insufficient cellular immune responses might collectively lead to compensatory serological responses, causing overexpression of IgM. Serum CD163 was positively correlated with antibody titers during seroconversion. This study suggests that patients with negative serology still developed cellular immunity for viral defense and that high titers of IgM might not be favorable to COVID-19 recovery.  相似文献   

Drug resistance is a critical obstacle to effective treatment in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia. To understand the underlying resistance mechanisms in response to imatinib mesylate (IMA) and adriamycin (ADR), the parental K562 cells were treated with low doses of IMA or ADR for 2 months to generate derivative cells with mild, intermediate, and severe resistance to the drugs as defined by their increasing resistance index. PulseDIA-based (DIA [data-independent acquisition]) quantitative proteomics was then employed to reveal the proteome changes in these resistant cells. In total, 7082 proteins from 98,232 peptides were identified and quantified from the dataset using four DIA software tools including OpenSWATH, Spectronaut, DIA-NN, and EncyclopeDIA. Sirtuin signaling pathway was found to be significantly enriched in both ADR-resistant and IMA-resistant K562 cells. In particular, isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 2 was identified as a potential drug target correlated with the drug resistance phenotype, and its inhibition by the antagonist AGI-6780 reversed the acquired resistance in K562 cells to either ADR or IMA. Together, our study has implicated isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP(+)) 2 as a potential target that can be therapeutically leveraged to alleviate the drug resistance in K562 cells when treated with IMA and ADR.  相似文献   

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