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Phylogenetic analysis of ITS and rbcL sequences show that New Zealand Stylidiaceae fall into two distinct lineages differing in species richness. Each lineage represents a unique dispersal event to New Zealand occurring at different times during the evolutionary history of the family. One lineage comprises seven species of Forstera and Phyllachne, while the other consists solely of Oreostylidium subulatum. The origin of the Forstera/Phyllachne lineage in New Zealand is equivocal; either a South American or a Tasmanian origin is equally parsimonious. Possible sister groups are F. bellidifolia in Tasmania and P. uliginosa in South America. Oreostylidium subulatum has an Australian origin. In our analyses O. subulatum is nested in a clade composed entirely of species of Stylidium, almost all of which are endemic to Australia. Species of Phyllachne share a cushion habit with the outgroup Donatia (Donatiaceae) that may have preadapted them to alpine environments in New Zealand. The New Zealand Stylidiaceae have small, white, actinomorphic flowers that are well adapted to the unspecialized pollinator fauna. Forstera and Phyllachne share this trait with Donatia; however, the small, white flowers of Oreostylidium are a dramatic departure from the colorful, highly specialized flowers of Stylidium.  相似文献   

Waste from cattle production contains protozoa, such as Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia, which can be transmitted to humans. People residing in areas of high cattle density may be at increased risk for protozoan infections. The objective of this study was to assess spatial and temporal associations between cattle density and hospitalizations for protozoan infections in the U.S. elderly. Data on protozoan infections were abstracted from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services datasets for a 14-year period (1991–2004). Cattle inventory data were abstracted from the 2002 U.S. Census of Agriculture. Counties were classified into one of five exposure categories based on both cattle density and human density. Our analyses considered differences in rates, trends, and variations in seasonal patterns based on exposure categories. Cryptosporidiosis demonstrated a trend of increasing annual rates related to increased potential exposure to cattle. Both cryptosporidiosis and giardiasis demonstrated significant seasonal patterns peaking during the fourth week of October in areas of high cattle/low population density and the second week of September in counties with low cattle/low human density, respectively. Counties with low human population density (regardless of cattle density) had the highest rate of all protozoan infections, peaking in the summer. These results demonstrate the elderly population is at increased risk of protozoan infections in areas of high cattle density, particularly cryptosporidiosis. The seasonal patterns and higher annual rates seen in rural areas suggest time-variant environmental exposures, which may be affected with geographical and temporal targeting of agricultural policies and interventions to improve public health.  相似文献   

The development of protocols for the conservation of fungi requires knowledge of the factors controlling their distribution, diversity, and community composition. Here we compare patterns of variation in fungal communities across New Zealand's Nothofagus forests, reportedly the most myco-diverse in New Zealand and hence potentially key to effective conservation of fungi in New Zealand. Diversity of leaf endophytic fungi, as assessed by culturing on agar plates, is assessed for three Nothofagus sp. growing in mixed stands from four sites. Host species was found to have a greater influence on fungal community assemblage than site. The leaf endophyte communities associated with Nothofagus solandri and Nothofagus fusca (both Nothofagus subgenus Fuscopora), were more similar to each other than either were to the community associated with Nothofagus menziesii (Nothofagus subgenus Lophozonia). The broad taxonomic groups isolated, identified on the basis of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences, were similar to those found in similar studies from other parts of the world, and from an earlier study on the endophyte diversity in four podocarp species from New Zealand, but there were few matches at species level. Average levels of endophyte species diversity associated with single Nothofagus species and single podocarp species were similar, despite historical literature and collection data recording more than twice as many fungal species on average from the Nothofagus species. The significance of these findings to fungal conservation is discussed.  相似文献   


Biodiversity is unevenly distributed worldwide in terms of both species diversity and species endemism. Although centres of endemism are a conservation priority, both patterns and drivers of endemism are poorly understood in New Zealand. Here we explore whether invertebrate species distribution records in New Zealand represent the complete geographic range of species. We use distribution records of 2,322 invertebrate species to survey variation in range size and regional-endemism among 28 New Zealand regions, and explore the correlates of diversity and regional-endemism. Our data suggest patterns of regional-endemism in New Zealand invertebrates are not artefacts of sampling effort and the majority of species are not widespread. We found that endemism-score (which is a measure that corrects for species diversity) correlates positively with the relative size of the region three million years ago. Five variables (and their interactions) contributed to the relative level of invertebrate species endemism within a region (in a generalised linear model). Level of endemism tends to be lower in regions with greater geographic connectivity. This suggests that high levels of regional-endemism are not simply the product of the accumulation of species over time, but depends on the ability of a region to retain local species.  相似文献   

奶牛和肉牛6个STR基因座遗传多态性研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
贾名威  杨利国  管峰  陆汉希  金穗华 《遗传》2004,26(3):309-314
利用PCR技术和复合电泳银染技术检测奶牛和肉牛BM2113、BM1862、BMc701、BM2934、TGLA122、BM720等6个STR基因座的多态性分布,并计算该6个基因座的基因频率(P_i)、个体鉴别力(DP)、杂合度(H)、多态信息含量(PIC)、和非父排除概率(PE)。结果显示:6个STR基因座的基因型分布符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡,奶牛中6个STR基因座中BM2113基因座的DP、H和PIC最高,TGLA122基因座的PE最高。6个STR基因座的累积个体鉴别力(CDP)为0.99997,累积非父排除能力(CPE)为0.98827。肉牛中6个STR基因座中BM1862基因座的DP、H、PIC、PE都是最高,6个STR基因座的累积个体鉴别力(CDP)为0.99999,累积非父排除能力(CPE)为0.99578。结果表明,6个STR基因座可用于牛的遗传连锁分析、个体识别和亲子鉴定等研究领域。  相似文献   

This article suggests that health problems represent some of the main threats to the welfare of dairy cattle. Although disagreement often arises about what constitutes the main welfare problems, there is broad agreement that welfare is reduced by health problems. In recent decades, a marked increase has occurred in the incidence of various production diseases in dairy cattle of which lameness is the most prevalent. This article summarizes the evidence showing that lameness is affected by the genetics of the animal and by housing. High levels of production do not necessarily lead to increased lameness, although genetic correlations between levels of production and the incidence of lameness suggest that continued high selection for milk production will likely exacerbate the problem. Denying access to pasture may increase the incidence of some forms of lameness. Both the design of the stall and the type of walking surface can have a large effect on the incidence of hoof problems for the nonhuman animal kept in free-stall housing. Finally, management and nutritional factors can have a large effect, often obscuring the influence of housing. The behavior of the cow, particularly time spent lying or standing, can influence the likelihood of lameness.  相似文献   

Ecological restoration of marginal land and riparian zones in agricultural landscapes in New Zealand enhances the provision of above-ground ecosystem services. We investigated whether native endemic plant assemblages have remediation potential, through modifying soil nutrient and trace element mobility. Analysis of native plant foliage in situ indicated that selective uptake of a range of commonly deficient trace elements including Zn, B, Cu, Mn and Co could provide a browse crop to avoid deficiencies of these elements in livestock, although some native plants may enhance the risk of Mo and Cd toxicity. Native plant rhizospheres were found to modify soil physico-chemistry and are likely to influence lateral and vertical fluxes of chemical elements in drainage waters. Native plants on marginal land in agricultural landscapes could add value to dairy production systems whilst helping to resolve topical environmental issues.  相似文献   

This article attempts to determine the effects of environment (captive or wild) and a simple form of environmental enrichment on the behavior and physiology of a nonhuman animal. Specifically, analyses first compared behavioral budgets and stereotypic behavior of captive coyotes (Canis latrans) in kennels and pens to their counterparts in the wild. Second, experiments examined the effect of a simple form of environmental enrichment for captive coyotes (food-filled bones) on behavioral budgets, stereotypies, and corticosteroid levels. Overall, behavioral budgets of captive coyotes in both kennels and pens were similar to those observed in the wild, but coyotes in captivity exhibited significantly more stereotypic behavior. Intermittently providing a bone generally lowered resting and increased foraging behaviors but did not significantly reduce stereotypic behavior or alter corticosteroid levels. Thus, coyote behavior in captivity can be similar to that exhibited in the wild; in addition, although enrichment can affect proportions of elicited behaviors, abnormal behaviors and corticosteroid levels may require more than a simple form of environmental enrichment for their reduction.  相似文献   

Winter is a challenging time for temperate insectivorous songbirds, due to colder temperatures, reduced prey activity and shorter diurnal foraging times. For species that are non-migratory, territorial and monogamous, winter conditions may result in within-pair competition. However, little is known about how monogamous pairs coexist on their winter territories. We investigated temporal patterns in male?female interactions of the New Zealand robin (Petroica australis to better understand mechanisms of coexistence during winter. Previous work has shown that male robins are physically dominant over females and maintain priority access to food year-round. We quantified female behaviour throughout the 2008 non-breeding season to better understand how females coexist with physically dominant males on winter territories. Results showed that pairs rarely forage in close proximity in autumn and winter, suggesting females avoid males at this time of year. Males and females begin to spend more time foraging together as winter turns to spring. During this winter?spring transitional period, females steal large amounts of food hoarded by males. These results indicate that male and female New Zealand robins use different behavioural mechanisms to coexist on their winter territories. While males are dominant physically, females show a seasonally variable strategy where they avoid males in autumn and winter, and then steal male-made caches from early spring until the onset of inter-pair cooperation and the breeding season.  相似文献   



The increasing prevalence of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in the UK and the limitations of the currently available diagnostic and control methods require the development of complementary approaches to assist in the sustainable control of the disease. One potential approach is the identification of animals that are genetically more resistant to bTB, to enable breeding of animals with enhanced resistance. This paper focuses on prediction of resistance to bTB. We explore estimation of direct genomic estimated breeding values (DGVs) for bTB resistance in UK dairy cattle, using dense SNP chip data, and test these genomic predictions for situations when disease phenotypes are not available on selection candidates.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We estimated DGVs using genomic best linear unbiased prediction methodology, and assessed their predictive accuracies with a cross validation procedure and receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curves. Furthermore, these results were compared with theoretical expectations for prediction accuracy and area-under-the-ROC-curve (AUC). The dataset comprised 1151 Holstein-Friesian cows (bTB cases or controls). All individuals (592 cases and 559 controls) were genotyped for 727,252 loci (Illumina Bead Chip). The estimated observed heritability of bTB resistance was 0.23±0.06 (0.34 on the liability scale) and five-fold cross validation, replicated six times, provided a prediction accuracy of 0.33 (95% C.I.: 0.26, 0.40). ROC curves, and the resulting AUC, gave a probability of 0.58, averaged across six replicates, of correctly classifying cows as diseased or as healthy based on SNP chip genotype alone using these data.


These results provide a first step in the investigation of the potential feasibility of genomic selection for bTB resistance using SNP data. Specifically, they demonstrate that genomic selection is possible, even in populations with no pedigree data and on animals lacking bTB phenotypes. However, a larger training population will be required to improve prediction accuracies.  相似文献   

1. Body size and exaggerated traits can show high phenotypic plasticity in response to environmental variation. Trait size can vary among generations but also fluctuate within a breeding season in response to resource availability. 2. This study documents patterns of temporal variation in body and weapon size, and in weapon allometry over 3 years for a wild population of New Zealand giraffe weevils [Lasiorhynchus barbicornis (Fabricius)], the males of which display an extremely elongated rostrum used as a weapon during contests for females. 3. It was predicted that body size and rostrum allometry would decrease during a breeding season, but in spite of significant annual and seasonal variation there was little evidence to support these predictions. Weapon allometry in males was more variable between years and over the breeding season than females, suggesting that male rostrum size may be more susceptible to environmental change than female rostrum size.  相似文献   

Abstract. We examined whether the growth dynamics of two species can explain their coexistence. In particular, we examined New Zealand forests dominated by Nothofagus fusca and N. menziesii to determine whether both species can reach the canopy in tree-fall gaps. Stems in a gap and other stems (in pairs: one of each species, close together) were destructively sampled and aged at their bases and at heights of 1.4 m and 3 m, and at 2 m intervals thereafter as high as possible. For additional pairs of adjacent, similarly sized stems, one of each species, ring widths were analyzed for responsiveness to environmental changes. In general the faster growth rates of N. fusca were sufficient to balance the greater abundance of N. menziesii in the understory, such that both species were able to reach the canopy. Stems of both species grew at similar rates for decades. Both species were able to tolerate some periods of suppression and to respond to opportunities (climatic or due to mild disturbances).  相似文献   

Mechanical harvesting is used to control submerged aquatic weeds in parts of the hydro-lakes in New Zealand's North Island. Problem species are Egeria densa and Lagarosiphon major (Hydrocharitaceae), and Ceratophyllum demersum. Experiments were conducted in two contrasting hydro-lakes. Lake Aratiatia; clear water (K o 0.2 m–1) and a low residence time (< 8 h), and Lake Ohakuri; turbid water (K o = 0.6) and a longer residence time (> 5 days). Growth rates were measured underwater in harvested and control (unharvested) plots. Regrowth of C. demersum was dependent on the prior establishment of the rooted Hydrocharitaceae. Regrowth of the Hydrocharitaceae was inhibited where significant water movement occurred. Regrowth declined after 3 six-monthly harvests allowing the establishment of low growing native Nitella spp. beds in the smaller clear water lake. In Lake Ohakuri there was a change in species dominance from Ceratophyllum to Elodea canadensis in shallow (1–2 m) water. No change in species dominance was observed in deeper (>2 m) water and native species were not able to re-establish. The recommended cutting frequency for management of surface weed growths was only once per year in Lake Aratiatia, but twice per year in Lake Ohakuri.  相似文献   

Abstract Plants that rely on other plants for support (i.e. epiphytes and vines) are common in many forest ecosystems. However, they are poorly understood relative to terrestrial plants, especially in the Southern Hemisphere. To help bridge this gap, we evaluated the diversity and distribution of vascular epiphytes and vines on seven common tree species in a conifer‐broadleaf forest on New Zealand's North Island. Ground‐based surveys of 274 host trees were used to test whether epiphyte and vine diversity increased with tree diameter, and whether diversity‐diameter relationships differed among host tree species. Occurrence patterns of individual epiphyte and vine species were also assessed. We first evaluated the accuracy of ground‐based inventories by comparing surveys of trees made from the ground to those made from a canopy walkway. On average, 1 in 10 species of epiphytes and vines were unseen from the ground. However, sampling accuracy did not differ among the three host tree species growing along the walkway, suggesting unbiased comparisons could be made between hosts. Results from ground‐based surveys showed that species diversity of epiphytes and vines increased with host tree diameter. However, epiphytes showed stronger diversity‐diameter relationships than vines. Epiphyte diversity increased markedly in four host species and less strongly in the remaining three host species. Conversely, vines showed weak diversity‐diameter relationships in all host species. Occurrence patterns of individual species helped to explain diversity‐diameter relationships. All common epiphyte species occurred more frequently on large trees, regardless of host species, but occurrence patterns in most vine species were unrelated to tree size. Rather, the vines often showed strong host ‘preferences’. Overall results illustrate a rich diversity of distributional patterns in New Zealand's epiphytes and vines, and suggest that a similarly diverse set of ecological and evolutionary processes are responsible for them.  相似文献   

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