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A new Category 1 species of Acanthobothrium van Beneden, 1850 is described from the cowtail stingray Pastinachus atrus (Macleay) collected from the Gulf of Carpentaria near Weipa, Queensland, Australia. This species is unique among Acanthobothrium Category 1 species in that it retains gravid proglottids on its strobila. It differs further from the 34 other Category 1 species in total length, proglottid number and testis number. The host identities of other Acanthobothrium species reported from Pastinachus are revised based on recent taxonomic work on rays of this genus. Given the revised host taxonomy, according to which P. atrus is the only member of its genus occurring off Australia, this should be considered to be the fifth species of Acanthobothrium reported from this Australian endemic species.  相似文献   

Five new species of Acanthobothrium (Tetraphyllidea: Onchobothriidae) are described from the spiral intestine of the Freshwater whipray, Himantura chaophraya, in the Kinabatangan River in Malaysian Borneo. Based on criteria set forth in a previous categorization scheme for species of Acanthobothrium, these consist of 3 Category 1 species, Acanthobothrium asnihae n. sp., Acanthobothrium saliki n. sp., and Acanthobothrium zainali n. sp.; a Category 8 species, Acanthobothrium etini n. sp.; and a Category 2 species, Acanthobothrium masnihae n. sp.. Acanthobothrium asnihae n. sp. differs from all Category 1 species in its possession of a horizontal band of weak musculature that divides the posterior loculus in half. Among Category 1 species, A. saliki n. sp. differs from all but Acanthobothrium southwelli in its possession of postovarian testes. It differs from A. southwelli in its possession of fewer testes and a greater number of proglottids. Acanthobothrium zainali n. sp. differs from the 25 other Category 1 species in a combination of overall size, muscular pad and hook shape, arrangement and number of testes, ovary configuration in cross section, position of ovarian isthmus, and genital pore position. Acanthobothrium etini n. sp. is distinguished from all 5 other Category 8 species in its lack of testes from the proglottid antiporal and postporal regions and in testis number. Acanthobothrium masnihae n. sp. differs from the 35 other Category 2 species in its possession of fewer testes, postporal testes, or a greater number of proglottids. A key to Acanthobothrium species parasitizing H. chayophraya is presented. This represents the first report of Acanthobothrium from freshwater stingrays belonging to a family other than the Potamotrygonidae.  相似文献   

Acanthobothrium marplatensis n. sp. is described from the spiral intestine of the skate Rioraja castelnaui taken off Mar del Plata, Argentina. The new species is compared with those species that it most closely resembles morphologically, to species reported from other skate hosts and to species described from the same geographical region. A. marplatensis is most similar to A. paulum, A. benedeni, A. costarricense, A. fogeli, A. himanturi, A. lintoni, A. monksi, A. olseni, A. puntarenasense and A. mathiasi. All of these species share a similar combination of characters (12–40 proglottids, 20–50 testes and total length of 2–10mm). A. marplatensis can be differentiated from these species and those described from skates by a combination of the following characters: 4.79–8.44 (6.18) mm long, with 18–30 (24) proglottids, spinose cephalic peduncle 160–338 (227) long, bothridial hooks with total length 93-134 (115), 24–39 (32) testes per proglottid, cirrus-sac curved anteriorly, ovarian lobes never reaching the level of the cirrus-sac and vaginal sphincter absent. Geographically, the new species can be distinguished from A. zapterycum and three different species designated as Acanthobothrium sp. reported from the coast of Uruguay and Argentina by the size of the worms, number of proglottids, position of the genital pores and size of the bothridial hooks. A. marplatensis showed the greatest preference for chambers 2 and 3 of the eight chambers of the spiral intestine. The mean intensity of infection in individual hosts increased with host size and was greater in spring and summer than in cold seasons. The intensity of infection was unrelated to host sex.  相似文献   

McVicar A. H. 1977. The bothridial hooks of Acanthobothrium quadripartitum Williams, 1968 (Cestoda: Tetraphyllidea): their growth and use in taxonomy. International Journal for Parasitology7: 439–442. Bothridial hooks are absent from juvenile Acanthobothrium quadripartitum in Raja naevus but develop to full size before there is much growth of the bothridia and strobila. There is a linear relationship between the lengths of the different components of the hooks during their development and it is suggested that the ratios of these lengths to the total hook length may be useful parameters in dstinguishing between species of Acanthobothrium. Principal component analysis of published hook dimensions gave good separation of most species of Acanthobothrium.  相似文献   

There is general consensus that the living elasmobranchs comprise a monophyletic taxon. There is evidence that, among tetraphyllidean tapeworms, the approximately 201 hooked species (Onchobothriidae) may also comprise a monophyletic group. Determinations of host specificity are contingent upon correct specific identifications. Since 1960, over 200 new elasmobranch species and over 100 new onchobothriid species have been described. Some confidence can be placed in host and parasite identifications of recent studies, but specific identifications provided in older literature in many cases are suspect. There is some consensus among published works on the phylogenetic relationships among elasmobranchs. Phylogenetic relationships among onchobothriids remain largely unresolved. Elasmobranchs have been poorly sampled for onchobothriids; records exist for approximately 20% of the 911 species and approximately 44% of the 170 elasmobranch genera. Onchobothriids are remarkably host specific, exhibiting essentially oioxenous specificity for their definitive hosts. Multiple onchobothriid species commonly parasitise the same host species; in some cases these are congeners, in other cases these are members of two different onchobothriid genera. There is substantial incongruence between available host and parasite phylogenies. For example, Acanthobothrium is by far the most ubiquitous onchobothriid genus, parasitising almost all orders of elasmobranchs known to host onchobothriids, yet, there is no evidence of major clades of Acanthobothrium corresponding to postulated major subgroupings of elasmobranchs (e.g. Galea and Squalea or sharks and rays). Potamotrygonocestus appears to be among the most basal onchobothriid groups, yet it parasitises one of the most derived elasmobranch groups (the freshwater stingray genus Potamotrygon). It appears that congeners parasitising the same host species are not necessarily each other's closest relatives. At this point the preliminary and limited available data suggest that, at least in this system, strict host specificity is not necessarily indicative of strict co-evolution. This study was extremely limited by the lack of available robust phylogenies for onchobothriids and elasmobranchs.  相似文献   

Despite the large number of species described to date for the onchoprotepcephalid genus Acanthobothrium (207), only 16 named species have a genetic sequence. With this background, specimens of adult cestodes of the stingray Hypanus longus were collected off San Blas, Nayarit, and onchoproteocephalid larvae in the carangid fish Trachinotus rhodopus from Puerto Ángel, Oaxaca, both located on the Pacific coast of Mexico. The objective of this work is to investigate the phylogenetic position of these adults and larvae using nuclear ribosomal markers (18S rDNA and 28S rDNA). Morphologically, adult specimens were identified as Acanthobothrium cleofanus; larvae were identified only to family level. The phylogenetic position of both taxa was investigated based on the information of two nuclear molecular markers analyzed under Parsimony (PA) and Bayesian Inference (BI) methods. The newly generated sequences of A. cleofanus from Nayarit are identical to the sequences of several samples of Acanthobothrium sp. collected in the Mexican Pacific, which sequence are available in GenBank; DNA sequences obtained from onchoproteocephalid larva clearly place this taxon within Acanthobothrium but representing an independent lineage. In the resulting phylogenetic trees, Uncibilocularis okei was found nested within Acanthobothrium with an unstable position depending on the optimality criteria, indicating the need for more molecular analyzes with a greater number of species of both genera prior to define its phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

Allodidymozoon gasterale n. sp. and A. operculare Madhavi, 1982 (Digenea: Didymozoidae) were found encysted in pairs in the stomach wall and head muscles, respectively, of the yellow-finned barracuda Sphyraena obtusata in Kuwait Bay, northern Arabian Gulf. The new species can be distinguished from congeneric species by the site of infection, the arrangement of the two individuals in the cyst, the numbers of ovarian and vitelline terminal branches, the size and shape of testes, and the presence of a seminal receptacle. The two didymozoids were examined under the scanning electron microscope.  相似文献   

Two new species of diphyllidean cestodes are described from the Persian Gulf, Echinobothrium persiense n. sp. from Rhinobatos punctifer Compagno & Randall and Echinobothrium hormozganiense n. sp. from Mustelus mosis Hemprich & Ehrenberg. E. persiense is the first record of a species of Echinobothrium van Beneden, 1849 from R. punctifer and these two new species increase the number of diphyllideans known from the Persian Gulf from one to three. The number of apical hooks of E. persiense (hook formula: {5-6 6/5 5-6}) is distinct from all other species in the genus except for E. affine Diesing, 1863, E. harfordi McVicar, 1976, E. bonasum Williams & Campbell, 1980, E. fautleyae Tyler & Caira, 1999, E. syrtense (Neifar, Tyler & Euzet, 2001) Tyler, 2006 (emend), E. chisholmae Jones & Beveridge, 2001, E. tetabuanense Ivanov & Caira, 2012, E. sematanense Ivanov & Caira, 2012 and E. weipaense Ivanov & Caira, 2012. Echinobothrium persiense can be distinguished from all other species of the genus with 11 apical hooks by a combination of the following features: armed cephalic peduncle, testes arranged in a single column, lateral hooklets arranged in two groups, U-shaped ovary, cephalic peduncle length (124-181 μm), genital pore and cirrus-sac position, and by having 10-14 spines per row on the cephalic peduncle. Echinobothrium hormozganiense has a hook formula of {12-15 16/15 12-15} and is similar to E. musteli Pintner, 1889, E. notoguidoi Ivanov, 1997 and E. diamanti Ivanov & Lipshitz, 2006 by possessing additional spines between the rostellum and the bothria. It differs from E. musteli by having an H-shaped ovary and lateral hooklets arranged in two lateral groups, and the number of spines per row on the cephalic peduncle (18-21) readily differentiates it from E. notoguidoi (24-26) and E. diamanti (95-118). With these two new species, Echinobothrium van Beneden, 1849 now includes 45 valid species.  相似文献   

Two new species of Paraorygmatobothrium Ruhnke, 1994, P. janineae n. sp. and P. kirstenae n. sp., are described from the spiral intestine of 2 shark species of the Family Hemigaleidae: Hemigaleus microstoma and Hemipristis elongata. The 2 new cestode species differ from other members of Paraorygmatobothrium in vitelline follicle distribution and possession of a cephalic peduncle. The 2 new species differ from 1 another in total length, maximum width, scolex size, number of proglottids per strobila, and number of testes per proglottid. The generic diagnosis of Paraorygmatobothrium is emended to include the new species. The results of this study extend the distribution of Paraorygmatobothrium to include the carcharhinid shark family Hemigaleidae.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to examine the feeding kinematics of the horn shark, Heterodontus francisci, a member of the most basal clade of galeomorph sharks, the Heterodontiformes. The accessibility of the food was manipulated to determine if the horn shark modulated capture. Three different methods of presenting food were used to mimic the different positions of prey items found in the natural diet of the horn shark. Food was presented unattached to the substrate, securely attached, or fitted snugly in a tube. Using high-speed video kinematic analysis, capture events were examined. Heterodontus francisci uses inertial suction facilitated by rapid mandible depression and labial cartilage protrusion to capture food. The horn shark conforms to a capture kinematic profile characteristic of both basal and derived inertial suction feeding sharks. Unusual post-capture behaviors include body leveraging, use of the mouth to form a seal over food, and chisel-like palatoquadrate protrusion. When presented with food of different accessibility, Heterodontus francisci used one consistent kinematic pattern for capture that was not modulated. Only post-capture behaviors varied according to food accessibility.  相似文献   

We examined the age and growth of the blacknose shark, Carcharhinus acronotus, in the western North Atlantic Ocean by obtaining direct age estimates using vertebral centra. We verified annual deposition of growth increments with marginal increment analysis and validated it by analyzing vertebrae marked with oxytetracycline from a female blacknose shark held in captivity. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters indicated that female blacknose sharks have a lower growth constant (k), a larger theortical maximum size (L), and are longer lived than males. We compared these growth parameters for blacknose sharks in the western North Atlantic Ocean to growth parameters for blacknose sharks collected in the eastern Gulf of Mexico to test for differences between regions. Females in the western North Atlantic Ocean have a significantly lower L, lower k, and a higher theoretical longevity than females in the Gulf of Mexico. Males in the western North Atlantic Ocean have a higher L<>, lower k, and higher theoretical longevity than males in the Gulf of Mexico. The significant differences between these life history parameters for blacknose sharks suggest that, when possible, future management initiatives concerning blacknose sharks should consider managing the populations in the western North Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico as separate stocks.  相似文献   

The metazoan parasite community and the stomach contents of the nursehound shark Scyliorhinus stellaris from the Gulf of Naples (central Mediterranean Sea) were studied. The nursehound shark harboured a poor parasite community composed of a species of gill monogenean (Hexabothrium appendiculatum) and three intestinal cestode taxa (Acanthobothrium coronatum and two unidentified species of the genera Yamaguticestus and Scyphophyllidium), all represented by adult stages. Hosts were mostly parasitized by individuals of A. coronatum, which was the most abundant species and contributed to almost 80% of the total number of parasites found. Conversely, other trophically transmitted parasites (i.e., Yamaguticestus sp. and Scyphophyllidium sp.) showed low prevalence and abundance. The parasite infracommunity was poor, showing low values of species richness, total mean abundance, and diversity indices. Overall, 52 prey items belonging to 13 taxa were identified in the stomach contents. Cephalopods were the most important prey items (represented by nine taxa) and the most diverse and abundant group. In the multivariate space provided by a principal component of mixed data (PCAmix), nursehound sharks distributed along two main axes, related to individual traits (first axis) and stomach contents (including empty ones, second axis). A logistic regression based on the first two axes of the PCAmix showed a significant influence of host individual traits and, to a lesser extent, of stomach contents, regarding the probability of being infected by A. coronatum. Alongside specific traits already associated with parasites transmission, our results highlight the importance of cephalopods in transferring cestode infections through trophic web interactions in the top-predator nursehound shark.  相似文献   

Three new species of Anthocephalum Linton, 1890 are described from dasyatid stingrays collected in the Gulf of California. Anthocephalum michaeli n. sp. is described from Dasyatis longus (Garman). This species most closely resembles A. alicae Ruhnke, 1994, but differs from this species in proglottid number. A. lukei n. sp. is also described from D. longus. This new species is most similar to A. cairae Ruhnke, 1994, but differs from that species in marginal loculi number and number of proglottids. The third new species, A. currani n. sp., is described from D. brevis (Garman). This species is most similar to A. centrurum (Southwell, 1925) Ruhnke, 1994, but differs from that species in marginal loculi number, number of testes and ovarian length. Phyllobothrium kingae Schmidt, 1978 is also consistent in morphology with species of Anthocephalum and is transferred to this genus, forming the new combination Anthocephalum kingae n. comb. This species most closely resembles A. michaeli n. sp., but differs in testicular shape. This brings the total number of species of Anthocephalum to nine. The transfer of the species Phyllobothrium arctowskii Wojciechowska, 1991, P. georgiense Wojciechowska, 1991, P. rakusai Wojciechowska, 1991 and P. siedleckii Wojciechowska, 1991 to Anthocephalum is not warranted, as these four species lack a posteriorly recurved cirrus-sac and a sinuous vagina, and have vitelline follicles uninterrupted by the ovary. Of the nine known species, all are parasitic in batoid fishes, and six are found in species of Dasyatis Garman. The phylogenetic status of Anthocephalum species in relationship to Rhinebothroides Mayes, Brooks & Thorson, 1981, Pararhineothroides Zamparo, Brooks & Barriga, 1999 and other rhinebothriin taxa is discussed.  相似文献   

We describe the feeding habits of 70 blue sharks (Prionace glauca) and 39 salmon sharks (Lamna ditropis) caught at 0–7 m depth at night by research drift gillnets in the transition region of the western North Pacific during April–May of 1999 and 2000. Blue sharks of 50–175 cm total length fed on a large variety of prey species, consisting of 24 species of cephalopods and 16 species of fishes. Salmon sharks of 69–157 cm total length fed on a few prey species, consisting of 10 species of cephalopods and one species of fish. Important prey for the blue sharks were large, non-active, gelatinous, meso- to bathypelagic cephalopods (e.g., Chiroteuthis calyx, Haliphron atlanticus, Histioteuthis dofleini and Belonella borealis) and small myctophid fishes. Important prey for the salmon sharks were mid-sized, active, muscular, epi- to mesopelagic squids (e.g. Gonatopsis borealis, Onychoteuthis borealijaponica and Berryteuthis anonychus). Our results suggest that blue sharks feed on cephalopods mainly during the daytime when they descend to deep water. Salmon sharks may feed opportunistically with no apparent diurnal feeding period. Blue sharks and salmon sharks have sympatric distribution in the transition region in spring; they have different feeding habits and strategies that reduce competition for food resources.  相似文献   

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