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为了解截头堆砂白蚁Cryptotermes domesticus(Haviland)群体中不同品级、不同虫态的雌雄性比,本文研究了该种白蚁自行配对室温条件下饲养4年巢龄的实验群体与采集的自然群体的各个品级和不同虫态的雌雄性比。结果表明:自行配对室温饲养4年巢龄群体与自然环境群体中原始繁殖蚁、幼蚁、若蚁、兵蚁都有雌雄之分,其中自行配对室温饲养群体的原始繁殖蚁雌雄比例为1:1,兵蚁雌雄比例为1:1.24,幼蚁和若蚁雌雄比例为1:1.46;自然环境群体原始繁殖蚁雌雄比例为1:1,兵蚁雌雄比例为1:1.15,幼蚁和若蚁雌雄比例为1:1.43。  相似文献   

为了解截头堆砂白蚁Cryptotermes domesticus(Haviland)群体中不同品级、不同虫态的雌雄性比,本文研究了该种白蚁自行配对室温条件下饲养4年巢龄的实验群体与采集的自然群体的各个品级和不同虫态的雌雄性比.结果表明:自行配对室温饲养4年巢龄群体与自然环境群体中原始繁殖蚁、幼蚁、若蚁、兵蚁都有雌雄之分,其中自行配对室温饲养群体的原始繁殖蚁雌雄比例为1:1,兵蚁雌雄比例为1:1.24,幼蚁和若蚁雌雄比例为1:1.46;自然环境群体原始繁殖蚁雌雄比例为1:1,兵蚁雌雄比例为1:1.15,幼蚁和若蚁雌雄比例为1:1.43.  相似文献   

豆野螟Maruca vitrata(Fabricius)是一种严重的泛热带豆类蔬菜害虫。本文研究了豆野螟延迟交尾和多次交尾对其生殖的影响。延迟交尾实验结果表明:豆野螟雌雄同时延迟交尾,雌雄虫的寿命、产卵量均表现为先上升后下降的趋势,但是对卵的孵化率没有显著影响;雌虫延迟交尾,随着延迟时间的增加,雌虫的寿命、产卵量、卵的孵化率表现为下降的趋势,而雄虫的寿命延迟交尾第3天达到最大值;雄虫延迟交尾,随着延迟交尾时间的增加,雌雄虫的寿命、产卵量均表现为先上升后下降的趋势,卵的孵化率随着延迟逐渐下降。多次交尾实验结果表明,随着雄虫交尾次数的增加,成功交尾率逐渐降低,用于交尾的时间延长,雌虫和相应雄虫的寿命逐渐缩短,雌虫的产卵量下降,但对卵的孵化率影响不大;豆野螟雌虫一生只交尾一次,未见到雌虫2次交尾。  相似文献   

小家蚁(Monomorium Pharaonis Linnaeus)属节肢动物门、昆虫纲、膜翅目、细腰亚目、蚁总科、蚁科。色棕黄,雌(蚁后)、雄(蚁王)蚁体较粗大,生殖期有翅(照片3,见封三),交配后翅脱落,找木缝、墙缝、管道缝等处安窝筑巢,卵乳白色,椭圆形,幼蚁在巢内成长;工蚁无翅,不能繁殖,承担觅食、运输、哺育幼蚁的任务。  相似文献   

【目的】明确落叶松尺蠖Erannis ankeraria Staudinger的发生规律及生物学特性。【方法】野外调查和室内饲养。【结果】在集宁市落叶松尺蠖1年1代,以卵越冬,越冬卵在翌年4月下旬、5月上旬孵化,6月中下旬开始入土化蛹,成虫于9月初羽化、产卵。在温度为20℃,RH=70%的条件下,落叶松尺蠖幼虫期(19.96±0.86)d,预蛹期(3.93±0.95)d,蛹期(108.4±13.17)d。蛹分布于树干基部30~90cm范围内,深度4~8 cm。雄虫在6:00—8:00及12:00—16:00羽化,早于雌性,雌虫在20:00—24:00羽化,羽化若干小时后可交尾,交配持续时间20~260 min,可多次交尾。20℃下交尾雌虫寿命为(5.56±1.47)d,雄虫为(3.95±0.95)d,产卵量为(162.2±69.9)粒;不交尾雌性为(8.03±2.90)d,雄性为(4.38±1.59)d,产卵量为(164.1±81.3)粒,但卵不能孵化;15℃条件下不交尾雌雄寿命分别为(14.48±6.67)d,(6.64±1.76)d,产卵量为(145.7±76.8)粒。【结论】落叶松尺蠖危害期短,蛹期较长,雌雄成虫羽化时间有差异;温度和交尾对寿命和产卵量都有显著影响。  相似文献   

家白蚁的生物学和群体发育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
家白蚁Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki的生物学和初建群体的经过,显示有如下特性:(1)在广州室温条件下,成虫配对后5至10天开始产卵,产卵盛期集中在6天至7天。当年产卵期有5个月,每头雌虫平均产卵约为46粒。雌里产卵后,如果不断将卵取走,产卵量显著提高。这时,每头雌虫平均可产卵约96粒。(2)家白蚁卵要经过成虫或工蚁用口舐触和搬动卵粒才能孵化。孵化期在室温下为31至35天,32至33天为孵化高峰期。卵的孵化期随温度而变化。(3)初步测定幼蚁共有6个龄期。1—2龄幼蚁不活跃,要靠成虫或工蚁喂养,3龄后幼蚁非常活跃并能自己取食。4龄期间出现工蚁和兵蚁的分化,拟工蚁可以产生短翅补充型。(4)蚁巢成片叶状,由成虫唾液与食物及沙土等基质组成。配对后80天腔室内开始出现巢架。(5)家白蚁生活史漫长,需8年才能完成一个周期。  相似文献   

【目的】为了探讨施钾对苜蓿上牛角花齿蓟马Odontothrips loti的产卵选择、生长发育、成虫寿命和繁殖力的影响,明确施钾苜蓿叶片营养物含量与牛角花齿蓟马生命参数的关系。【方法】在不同钾量(40, 60, 80和100 mg/kg)处理下(以不施钾作为对照),观察记录牛角花齿蓟马在紫花苜蓿品种甘农3号Medicago sativa cv. Gannong No. 3叶片上的产卵量,幼期各龄期发育历期和存活率以及二代成虫的寿命和繁殖力,同时测定不同施钾量下苜蓿叶片的可溶性糖、游离氨基酸及钾含量。【结果】随着施钾量的增加,牛角花齿蓟马在苜蓿叶片上的产卵量(粒/复叶)先降低后升高,在60 mg/kg钾处理降幅最大,较对照降低了45.58%;卵孵化率和1-2龄若虫的存活率变化不显著,但3-4龄若虫的存活率和幼期总存活率显著下降,分别在100 mg/kg 和80 mg/kg钾处理下降幅最大,较对照分别下降了54.36%和48.48%。不同施钾量下苜蓿叶片上牛角花齿蓟马卵和1-2龄若虫发育历期无显著变化,3-4龄若虫及幼期总发育历期均延长;牛角花齿蓟马二代成虫的繁殖力均显著下降,成虫寿命显著缩短(40 mg/kg钾处理除外)。施钾后,苜蓿叶片可溶性糖含量、钾含量和糖氮比增大,游离氨基酸含量减少。相关关系分析表明,苜蓿叶片钾含量与牛角花齿蓟马幼期总存活率和成虫繁殖力无显著相关性,而苜蓿叶片可溶性糖含量和糖氮比均与3-4龄若虫存活率和繁殖力极显著负相关,与幼期总存活率呈显著负相关。【结论】施钾苜蓿对牛角花齿蓟马成虫产卵产生显著的排趋性;施钾提高了苜蓿叶片的可溶性糖含量及糖氮比,不利于若虫的生长发育,并使成虫寿命缩短、繁殖力下降,对牛角花齿蓟马产生了显著的抗生作用。  相似文献   

结合田间观察和室内试验,对榆木蠹蛾HolcocerusvicariusWalker的生物学特性进行了较为系统的研究。结果表明,榆木蠹蛾在宁夏3年发生1代,幼虫主要危害枝干和根颈部,幼虫在蛀道内越冬,5月下旬老熟幼虫在被害树周围5—10cm深的沙土内分散化蛹,蛹期(21±5)d。6月初成虫开始出现,有2个羽化高峰,分别为6月中旬和7月下旬,成虫羽化当晚即可交尾,交尾当天或第2天产卵,每雌蛾产卵最多达720粒,卵期(17±5)d,孵化率为72%~88%。未交尾雌雄成虫寿命为5—6d,交尾后雌雄成虫寿命缩短为3—5d。初孵幼虫于6月中旬始见,10月下旬幼虫开始越冬。幼虫孵化后,先危害韧皮部,常10多条聚集在一起,稍大一点即蛀入木质部。本研究为制定切实可行的榆木蠹蛾有效防治提供理论依据。  相似文献   

自1976年来,我们在珙县、乐山、荣县采取定点、定巢和按月挖巢观察,在室内又对有翅成虫的幼蚁进行了体形测量,初步弄清了黑翅土白蚁Odontotermes formosanus(shiraki)有翅成虫的幼蚁龄数、发育史及有翅成虫的雌雄性比、巢群分飞周期等特性,现报道于后。 一、黑翅土白蚁有翅成虫的幼蚁龄期划分  相似文献   

【目的】探索黑翅土白蚁Odontotermes formosanus(Shiraki)表皮碳氢化合物的品级特征。【方法】应用固相微萃取、气相色谱和气相色谱-质谱联用等技术,对不同品级、不同龄期个体表皮碳氢化合物进行检测。【结果】工蚁、兵蚁、幼蚁、长翅生殖蚁表皮碳氢化合物组分种类相同(32种),主要为正烷烃、支链烷烃和烯烃等。非生殖品级中组分含量变化特点表现在,工蚁(大工蚁和小工蚁):1-十九碳一烯显著低于幼蚁和兵蚁;大工蚁:三十一烷、三十四烷显著低于小工蚁和幼蚁;小工蚁(巢内工蚁):2,8,8-三甲基十烷显著高于、十六烷和十八烷低于其他非生殖品级;兵蚁:十四烷显著低于、2-me-1-C19:1高于其他非生殖品级,三十一烷、三十四烷显著低于小工蚁和幼蚁;1龄幼蚁:十六烷高于其他非生殖品级;2龄幼蚁:(E)-9-4-me C18高于其他非生殖品级;3龄幼蚁:1-十九碳一烯、四十四烷高于其他非生殖品级;此外,1龄、2龄、3龄幼蚁的3,3,6-三甲基十烷、2-me-(E)-7-C16:1显著高于、8-十七碳一烯显著低于其他非生殖品级。生殖品级与非生殖品级比较,十二烷、十四烷、十七烷、三十一烷、2,8,8-三甲基十烷、8-乙基十五烷、2,6-二甲基十七烷、8-十七碳一烯、1-十七碳一烯、1-十八碳一烯、9-十九碳一烯的含量差异显著。【结论】黑翅土白蚁不同品级个体表皮碳氢化合物种类相同,组分含量存在差异,可用于巢内品级间识别。不同龄幼蚁和不同发育阶段工蚁,表皮碳氢化合物存在特征性组分含量,表皮碳氢化合物分泌随个体发育而改变。  相似文献   

Using three mating-treatment groups–pairing with a male for life, pairing with a male from adult emergence to first oviposition, and no pairing (virgin)–of Dysdercus cardinalis females in a laboratory study, the following results were obtained. Most of the virgin females did not lay eggs; those that did oviposited for the first time at a considerably older age than females in the other two groups. In a lifetime, females pairing with a male for life and those pairing with a male up to first oviposition produced essentially the same number of eggs, and this was more than 3.5 times the number of eggs laid by a virgin female. Virgin females produced an average of 1.3 clutches in a lifetime, compared with about 4.5 clutches produced by females in the other two groups. Reproductive span was significantly shorter, and fecundity per day of reproductive span significantly greater, for females pairing with males for life than for those pairing with a male up to first oviposition. Age at death was significantly different amongst females in different mating-treatment groups. Virgin females had the longest life, followed by females pairing with a male up to first oviposition and females pairing with a male for life, in that order. There was a positive correlation between lifetime gross reproduction and age at death for females pairing with a male for life. There was no relationship between these two characters for females pairing with a male up to first oviposition. Both females pairing with a male for life and those pairing with a male to first oviposition exhibited a significant inverse relationship between fecundity per day and age at death. The results obtained indicate that (1) mating is a prerequisite for normal gonadal activity in Dysdercus cardinalis , and (2) repetitive mating increases the rate of reproduction. This would reduce the mean age of parenthood which is inversely related to the intrinsic rate of increase.  相似文献   

细纹豆芫菁交配与繁殖力的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将采自野外的细纹豆芫菁EpicautamannerhimiMkl的雌雄成虫各50头在室内进行人工随机配对,共发生75次交配,平均交配1.5次。雄虫1生可交配0~4次,雌虫0~2次。交配持续时间为(188±55)min,交配持续时间与交配次数之间、交配持续时间与繁殖力之间均无相关性。交配次数与两性的繁殖力呈负相关。交配后有36头雌虫43次产卵,其中有35次产卵发生在本次交配后,有8次产卵发生在连续2次交配后。作者认为雌虫在性感受性上的差异,与不育雄虫参与雌虫的前次交配有关。雄虫能否产生足够数量的交配因子来抑制雌虫的性感受性,是决定雌虫在产卵前交配次数的重要因素。  相似文献   

Virgin females of Lobesia botrana Denis & Schiffermüller were mated at ages of 1, 3, 5, 8, 12 and 16 days and the effect of mating delay on reproductive output assessed. Delayed mating did not affect female mating success but fertilization was reduced in 16-day-old females. Increased mating delays substantially affected daily oviposition pattern and resulted in a significant reduction of both fecundity and fertility, so that mean number of viable eggs laid decreased from 150 to 22 in 1- and 16-day-old mated females, respectively. Heavier females were more constrained than lighter ones by mating delays and female reproductive efficiency (no. viable eggs/female body weight) was also significantly reduced. Female longevity significantly increased and oviposition period gradually declined with mating delay. The number of viable eggs was positively correlated with both female weight and oviposition period; female longevity and female weight were also significantly correlated. However, the significance of these correlations declined with increased mating delay. Results overall indicated that mating delay drastically reduces female L. botrana reproductive output. The implications of delayed mating of females are discussed from an ecological perspective in relation to L. botrana control using mating disruption.  相似文献   

The effect of delayed mating on reproductive potential, longevity and oviposition period of female redbanded leafroller, Argyrotaenia velutinana (Walker) and Pandemis leafroller, Pandemis pyrusana Kearfott, was investigated in the laboratory. Virgin female or male moths of each species were held for 1, 2, 4, 6 or 10 days prior to pairing with one-day-old virgin conspecifics of the opposite sex. In addition, reproductive potential was assessed when both sexes of each species were aged for those periods prior to pairing. The expected reproduction of female A. velutinana was reduced by 34, 53, 71 and 81% for 2, 4, 6 and 10-day delays in female mating, respectively. For P. pyrusana, expected reproduction was reduced by 47, 74, 85 and 93% for 2, 4, 6 and 10-day delays in female mating, respectively. Increasing male age at mating in both species had a lesser effect on female reproductive output compared with increasing female age at mating. As male A. velutinana age at mating increased, the expected reproduction of female A. velutinana was reduced by 15, 45, 54 and 70% for 2, 4, 6 and 10-day delays, respectively. Comparing male P. pyrusana of various ages at mating, expected reproduction was reduced by 14, 42, 64 and 79% for 2, 4, 6 and 10-day delays in mating, respectively. The decrease in female reproduction when both sexes were aged prior to mating was higher than when either sex alone was aged prior to pairing with a one-day-old virgin of the opposite sex. The expected reproduction of female A. velutinana was reduced by 60, 83, 96 and 98% for 2, 4, 6 and 10-day delays in mating of both sexes, respectively. Only 7.5% of female eggs hatched when both sexes of A. velutinana were aged ten days prior to mating. When simultaneously aging both sexes of P. pyrusana prior to mating, expected reproduction was reduced by 71, 93, 96 and 99% for 2, 4, 6 and 10-day delays in mating, respectively. No P. pyrusana eggs hatched after a ten-day delay of mating for both sexes. For both species, female longevity increased and duration of oviposition period decreased with increasing female age at mating. Our results demonstrate that delayed mating in both females and males negatively affects female reproductive output in both species and that simultaneous aging of both sexes prior to mating has a greater effect than aging either sex alone. Our results suggest that laboratory studies that have paired aged females or aged males with conspecifics of optimal reproductive maturity have likely underestimated the effects of delayed mating on reproductive output.  相似文献   

Mating in arthropods is costly and has negative effects on survival. Such effects are often more strongly expressed when individuals are simultaneously exposed to other stress sources. Consequently, the behaviour of virgin and mated individuals often differs. Mated females, for example, search for suitable oviposition sites, whereas virgin females search more for mates. In the present study, we examine the effect of mating separately for females and males on four key behaviours of the red flour beetles: movement activity, movement along the edges of an arena, latency to emerge from shelter and preference for dark microhabitat. After mating, both sexes increase their activity at the same time as moving less along the arena edge, leading to a change in movement pattern. Females possibly change their movement pattern to locate suitable oviposition sites, whereas males perhaps do so to detect additional females with which to mate. Latency to emerge from shelter and dark preference are not influenced by mating, although they increase when measured again after 1 week. Of these behaviours, only movement activity is consistent at the individual level. We also examine whether mating incurs a cost as expressed in the time required to recover from a chill‐coma. The latter is a common proxy of cold tolerance in ectotherms. By contrast to our prediction, mating has no effect on chill‐coma recovery time, suggesting that either a single mating event does not incur sufficient stress or that there is possibly no trade‐off between the energetic cost of mating and of cold tolerance.  相似文献   

Facultative reproductive strategies that incorporate both sexual and parthenogenetic reproduction should be optimal, yet are rarely observed in animals. Resolving this paradox requires an understanding of the economics of facultative asexuality. Recent work suggests that switching from parthenogenesis to sex can be costly and that females can resist mating to avoid switching. However, it remains unclear whether these costs and resistance behaviors are dependent on female age. We addressed these questions in the Cyclone Larry stick insect, Sipyloidea larryi, by pairing females with males (or with females as a control) in early life prior to the start of parthenogenetic reproduction, or in mid‐ or late life after a period of parthenogenetic oviposition. Young females were receptive to mating even though mating in early life caused reduced fecundity. Female resistance to mating increased with age, but reproductive switching in mid‐ or late life did not negatively affect female survival or offspring performance. Overall, mating enhanced female fitness because fertilized eggs had higher hatching success and resulted in more adult offspring than parthenogenetic eggs. However, female fecundity and offspring viability were also enhanced in females paired with other females, suggesting a socially mediated maternal effect. Our results provide little evidence that switching from parthenogenesis to sex at any age is costly for S. larryi females. However, age‐dependent effects of switching on some fitness components and female resistance behaviors suggest the possibility of context‐dependent effects that may only be apparent in natural populations.  相似文献   

Adults of Korscheltellus gracilis (Grote) are crepuscular. Flight is restricted to two 20–40 minute periods each day: the first flight follows sunset during evening twilight, the other precedes dawn. Four to five times as many adults are active during the evening when courtship, mating and oviposition occur. Of these behaviours, only oviposition occurs during the pre-dawn period of activity. Field observations indicate that females release a sex pheromone while fanning their wings. Females usually fly before pairing. There is no obvious female choice or stereotyped courtship behaviour prior to pairing.
In some hepialid genera females attract males, while in others ( Hepialus Fabricius, Phymatopus Wallengren, Sthenopis Packard and Zenophassus Tindale) the calling system is reversed, with males attracting females. Cladistic analysis of the Hepialidae suggests that the plesiomorphic condition for the family is for females to release the long-distance attractant, and that the reversed calling system represents a derived condition restricted to lineages within a single clade.
Available information on the mating systems of other basal lepidopteran lineages and Trichoptera support the hypothesis that ancestral Lepidoptera possessed a female-released, long-range attractant. Support for this position comes from (1) published literature; (2) field observations made by DLW; (3) the apparent absence of male scent structures and recognizable male calling behaviour among the pre-Neolepidoptera; and (4) cases of male antennal elaboration in several basal lepidopteran lineages.  相似文献   

1 Although management of the oriental beetle Anomala orientalis (Waterhouse) by mating disruption shows promise across a range of agricultural systems, relatively little is known about aspects of the reproductive biology of this species relevant to its management. We studied the effects of delayed mating on several aspects of the oviposition behaviour and biology of the oriental beetle using females mated in the laboratory at 4–13 days posteclosion. 2 Females exhibited a gradual decline in fecundity with increased age at mating that was largely a function of a decline in duration of the oviposition period, as well as lower female fertility: females mated at 11 days were less likely to lay any fertile eggs. However, egg fertility did not vary with female age at mating. 3 Because mating delay did not affect longevity, females mated at older ages experienced decreased oviposition periods; however, females laid more eggs per day with increased age at mating, which partially offset shorter oviposition periods. 4 A mating delay of ≥ 6 days relative to females mated within the first day of reaching sexual maturity resulted in an approximately 35–50% lower mean fecundity. 5 These results suggest that, for mating disruption to be a successful management tool for the oriental beetle, mating must be prevented rather than delayed. We compare the findings of the present study with the published research on delayed mating in moths and discuss the importance of these results in relation to management of the oriental beetle using female sex pheromones.  相似文献   

【目的】为了明确柳毒蛾Leucoma salicis(Linnaeus)交配的日节律高峰,温度和不同交配持续时间处理对成虫寿命、产卵量和孵化率等繁殖生物学的影响。【方法】将新羽化的柳毒蛾成虫置于养虫笼中,观察交配的日节律高峰,并统计不同温度和不同交配持续时间处理下的成虫寿命、产卵量和孵化率。【结果】成虫在羽化当晚的后半夜凌晨开始交尾,次日晚上开始产卵。成虫交配集中在羽化翌日凌晨3:00—5:00之间,高峰为4:00。产卵高峰都出现在2日龄成虫,但是,25℃下成虫交配持续时间(9.2 h)显著短于28℃(11.8 h)。交配持续时间为30、60和300 min的处理,雌成虫平均寿命显著长于对照(对照9.2 h),雄虫仅60 min的处理显著长于对照。同时,极短的交配持续时间(30 min)显著降低雌虫的产卵量和孵化率。【结论】试验明确了成虫交配的日节律高峰,在适宜的温度范围内(25~28℃),雌雄成虫的寿命、单雌总产卵量无显著差异,交配持续时间明显影响成虫寿命、产卵量和卵孵化率。  相似文献   

We describe the mating system of Aquarius paludum insularis based on field observations and test hypotheses about the effects of body size, hunger level and post-copulatory guarding on reproductive performance. The mating sequence of this species was typical for temperate water striders, except that most oviposition was carried out by tandem pairs, most of which were submerged. Mate guarding continued until the end of oviposition, lasting up to 18.2h, which was much longer than that recorded for other species of water striders. Pair partners changed after oviposition. Extended contact guarding reduced female mobility. In the case of females that carried long-winged males, there was a significant reduction in speed and stride between tandem as opposed to single females. However, when short-winged males were carried, there was not a significant difference. Short-term foraging efficiency did not differ significantly between tandem and single females, and thus did not reflect the difference in mobility. Hunger level did not significantly affect female mating receptivity. Although the number of harassment bouts by unpaired males did not differ between single and tandem females, single females suffered significantly more harassment. Females were able to lay fertilized eggs for about 15 days after a single copulation, but they accepted long guarding and multiple mating during this period as well. The cost of resisting male mating attempts appears to be greater than the cost of carrying males.  相似文献   

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