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The major aim of tertiary structure prediction is to obtain protein models with the highest possible accuracy. Fold recognition, homology modeling, and de novo prediction methods typically use predicted secondary structures as input, and all of these methods may significantly benefit from more accurate secondary structure predictions. Although there are many different secondary structure prediction methods available in the literature, their cross-validated prediction accuracy is generally <80%. In order to increase the prediction accuracy, we developed a novel hybrid algorithm called Consensus Data Mining (CDM) that combines our two previous successful methods: (1) Fragment Database Mining (FDM), which exploits the Protein Data Bank structures, and (2) GOR V, which is based on information theory, Bayesian statistics, and multiple sequence alignments (MSA). In CDM, the target sequence is dissected into smaller fragments that are compared with fragments obtained from related sequences in the PDB. For fragments with a sequence identity above a certain sequence identity threshold, the FDM method is applied for the prediction. The remainder of the fragments are predicted by GOR V. The results of the CDM are provided as a function of the upper sequence identities of aligned fragments and the sequence identity threshold. We observe that the value 50% is the optimum sequence identity threshold, and that the accuracy of the CDM method measured by Q(3) ranges from 67.5% to 93.2%, depending on the availability of known structural fragments with sufficiently high sequence identity. As the Protein Data Bank grows, it is anticipated that this consensus method will improve because it will rely more upon the structural fragments.  相似文献   

In this study we present an accurate secondary structure prediction procedure by using a query and related sequences. The most novel aspect of our approach is its reliance on local pairwise alignment of the sequence to be predicted with each related sequence rather than utilization of a multiple alignment. The residue-by-residue accuracy of the method is 75% in three structural states after jack-knife tests. The gain in prediction accuracy compared with the existing techniques, which are at best 72%, is achieved by secondary structure propensities based on both local and long-range effects, utilization of similar sequence information in the form of carefully selected pairwise alignment fragments, and reliance on a large collection of known protein primary structures. The method is especially appropriate for large-scale sequence analysis efforts such as genome characterization, where precise and significant multiple sequence alignments are not available or achievable. Proteins 27:329–335, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The knowledge collated from the known protein structures has revealed that the proteins are usually folded into the four structural classes: all-α, all-β, α/β and α + β. A number of methods have been proposed to predict the protein's structural class from its primary structure; however, it has been observed that these methods fail or perform poorly in the cases of distantly related sequences. In this paper, we propose a new method for protein structural class prediction using low homology (twilight-zone) protein sequences dataset. Since protein structural class prediction is a typical classification problem, we have developed a Support Vector Machine (SVM)-based method for protein structural class prediction that uses features derived from the predicted secondary structure and predicted burial information of amino acid residues. The examination of different individual as well as feature combinations revealed that the combination of secondary structural content, secondary structural and solvent accessibility state frequencies of amino acids gave rise to the best leave-one-out cross-validation accuracy of ~81% which is comparable to the best accuracy reported in the literature so far.  相似文献   

A novel method for predicting the secondary structures of proteins from amino acid sequence has been presented. The protein secondary structure seqlets that are analogous to the words in natural language have been extracted. These seqlets will capture the relationship between amino acid sequence and the secondary structures of proteins and further form the protein secondary structure dictionary. To be elaborate, the dictionary is organism-specific. Protein secondary structure prediction is formulated as an integrated word segmentation and part of speech tagging problem. The word-lattice is used to represent the results of the word segmentation and the maximum entropy model is used to calculate the probability of a seqlet tagged as a certain secondary structure type. The method is markovian in the seqlets, permitting efficient exact calculation of the posterior probability distribution over all possible word segmentations and their tags by viterbi algorithm. The optimal segmentations and their tags are computed as the results of protein secondary structure prediction. The method is applied to predict the secondary structures of proteins of four organisms respectively and compared with the PHD method. The results show that the performance of this method is higher than that of PHD by about 3.9% Q3 accuracy and 4.6% SOV accuracy. Combining with the local similarity protein sequences that are obtained by BLAST can give better prediction. The method is also tested on the 50 CASP5 target proteins with Q3 accuracy 78.9% and SOV accuracy 77.1%. A web server for protein secondary structure prediction has been constructed which is available at http://www.insun.hit.edu.cn:81/demos/biology/index.html.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The number of protein families has been estimated to be as small as 1000. Recent study shows that the growth in discovery of novel structures that are deposited into PDB and the related rate of increase of SCOP categories are slowing down. This indicates that the protein structure space will be soon covered and thus we may be able to derive most of remaining structures by using the known folding patterns. Present tertiary structure prediction methods behave well when a homologous structure is predicted, but give poorer results when no homologous templates are available. At the same time, some proteins that share twilight-zone sequence identity can form similar folds. Therefore, determination of structural similarity without sequence similarity would be beneficial for prediction of tertiary structures. RESULTS: The proposed PFRES method for automated protein fold classification from low identity (<35%) sequences obtains 66.4% and 68.4% accuracy for two test sets, respectively. PFRES obtains 6.3-12.4% higher accuracy than the existing methods. The prediction accuracy of PFRES is shown to be statistically significantly better than the accuracy of competing methods. Our method adopts a carefully designed, ensemble-based classifier, and a novel, compact and custom-designed feature representation that includes nearly 90% less features than the representation of the most accurate competing method (36 versus 283). The proposed representation combines evolutionary information by using the PSI-BLAST profile-based composition vector and information extracted from the secondary structure predicted with PSI-PRED. AVAILABILITY: The method is freely available from the authors upon request.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: How critical is the sequence order information in predicting protein secondary structure segments? We tried to get a rough insight on it from a theoretical approach using both a prediction algorithm and structural fragments from Protein Databank (PDB). RESULTS: Using reverse protein sequences and PDB structural fragments, we theoretically estimated the significance of the order for protein secondary structure and prediction. On average: (1) 79% of protein sequence segments resulted in the same prediction in both normal and reverse directions, which indicated a relatively high conservation of secondary structure propensity in the reverse direction; (2) the reversed sequence prediction alone performed less accurately than the normal forward sequence prediction, but comparably high (2% difference); (3) the commonly predicted regions showed a slightly higher prediction accuracy (4%) than the normal sequences prediction; and (4) structural fragments which have counterparts in reverse direction in the same protein showed a comparable degree of secondary structure conservation (73% identity with reversed structures on average for pentamers). CONTACT: jong@biosophy.org; dietmann@ebi.ac.uk; heger@ebi.ac.uk; holm@ebi.ac.uk  相似文献   

Using evolutionary information contained in multiple sequence alignments as input to neural networks, secondary structure can be predicted at significantly increased accuracy. Here, we extend our previous three-level system of neural networks by using additional input information derived from multiple alignments. Using a position-specific conservation weight as part of the input increases performance. Using the number of insertions and deletions reduces the tendency for overprediction and increases overall accuracy. Addition of the global amino acid content yields a further improvement, mainly in predicting structural class. The final network system has a sustained overall accuracy of 71.6% in a multiple cross-validation test on 126 unique protein chains. A test on a new set of 124 recently solved protein structures that have no significant sequence similarity to the learning set confirms the high level of accuracy. The average cross-validated accuracy for all 250 sequence-unique chains is above 72%. Using various data sets, the method is compared to alternative prediction methods, some of which also use multiple alignments: the performance advantage of the network system is at least 6 percentage points in three-state accuracy. In addition, the network estimates secondary structure content from multiple sequence alignments about as well as circular dichroism spectroscopy on a single protein and classifies 75% of the 250 proteins correctly into one of four protein structural classes. Of particular practical importance is the definition of a position-specific reliability index. For 40% of all residues the method has a sustained three-state accuracy of 88%, as high as the overall average for homology modelling. A further strength of the method is greatly increased accuracy in predicting the placement of secondary structure segments. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

β-Turn is a secondary protein structure type that plays an important role in protein configuration and function. Here, we introduced an approach of β-turn prediction that used the support vector machine (SVM) algorithm combined with predicted secondary structure information. The secondary structure information was obtained by using E-SSpred, a new secondary protein structure prediction method. A 7-fold cross validation based on the benchmark dataset of 426 non-homologous protein chains was used to evaluate the performance of our method. The prediction results broke the 80% Q total barrier and achieved Q total = 80.9%, MCC = 0.44, and Q predicted higher 0.9% when compared with the best method. The results in our research are coincident with the conclusion that β-turn prediction accuracy can be improved by inclusion of secondary structure information.  相似文献   

Predicted protein residue–residue contacts can be used to build three‐dimensional models and consequently to predict protein folds from scratch. A considerable amount of effort is currently being spent to improve contact prediction accuracy, whereas few methods are available to construct protein tertiary structures from predicted contacts. Here, we present an ab initio protein folding method to build three‐dimensional models using predicted contacts and secondary structures. Our method first translates contacts and secondary structures into distance, dihedral angle, and hydrogen bond restraints according to a set of new conversion rules, and then provides these restraints as input for a distance geometry algorithm to build tertiary structure models. The initially reconstructed models are used to regenerate a set of physically realistic contact restraints and detect secondary structure patterns, which are then used to reconstruct final structural models. This unique two‐stage modeling approach of integrating contacts and secondary structures improves the quality and accuracy of structural models and in particular generates better β‐sheets than other algorithms. We validate our method on two standard benchmark datasets using true contacts and secondary structures. Our method improves TM‐score of reconstructed protein models by 45% and 42% over the existing method on the two datasets, respectively. On the dataset for benchmarking reconstructions methods with predicted contacts and secondary structures, the average TM‐score of best models reconstructed by our method is 0.59, 5.5% higher than the existing method. The CONFOLD web server is available at http://protein.rnet.missouri.edu/confold/ . Proteins 2015; 83:1436–1449. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

1 Introduction The prediction of protein structure and function from amino acid sequences is one of the most impor-tant problems in molecular biology. This problem is becoming more pressing as the number of known pro-tein sequences is explored as a result of genome and other sequencing projects, and the protein sequence- structure gap is widening rapidly[1]. Therefore, com-putational tools to predict protein structures are needed to narrow the widening gap. Although the prediction of three dim…  相似文献   

Structural class characterizes the overall folding type of a protein or its domain. This paper develops an accurate method for in silico prediction of structural classes from low homology (twilight zone) protein sequences. The proposed LLSC-PRED method applies linear logistic regression classifier and a custom-designed, feature-based sequence representation to provide predictions. The main advantages of the LLSC-PRED are the comprehensive representation that includes 58 features describing composition and physicochemical properties of the sequences and transparency of the prediction model. The representation also includes predicted secondary structure content, thus for the first time exploring synergy between these two related predictions. Based on tests performed with a large set of 1673 twilight zone domains, the LLSC-PRED's prediction accuracy, which equals over 62%, is shown to be better than accuracy of over a dozen recently published competing in silico methods and similar to accuracy of other, non-transparent classifiers that use the proposed representation.  相似文献   

The prediction of 1D structural properties of proteins is an important step toward the prediction of protein structure and function, not only in the ab initio case but also when homology information to known structures is available. Despite this the vast majority of 1D predictors do not incorporate homology information into the prediction process. We develop a novel structural alignment method, SAMD, which we use to build alignments of putative remote homologues that we compress into templates of structural frequency profiles. We use these templates as additional input to ensembles of recursive neural networks, which we specialise for the prediction of query sequences that show only remote homology to any Protein Data Bank structure. We predict four 1D structural properties – secondary structure, relative solvent accessibility, backbone structural motifs, and contact density. Secondary structure prediction accuracy, tested by five‐fold cross‐validation on a large set of proteins allowing less than 25% sequence identity between training and test set and query sequences and templates, exceeds 82%, outperforming its ab initio counterpart, other state‐of‐the‐art secondary structure predictors (Jpred 3 and PSIPRED) and two other systems based on PSI‐BLAST and COMPASS templates. We show that structural information from homologues improves prediction accuracy well beyond the Twilight Zone of sequence similarity, even below 5% sequence identity, for all four structural properties. Significant improvement over the extraction of structural information directly from PDB templates suggests that the combination of sequence and template information is more informative than templates alone. Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The predictive limits of the amino acid composition for the secondary structural content (percentage of residues in the secondary structural states helix, sheet, and coil) in proteins are assessed quantitatively. For the first time, techniques for prediction of secondary structural content are presented which rely on the amino acid composition as the only information on the query protein. In our first method, the amino acid composition of an unknown protein is represented by the best (in a least square sense) linear combination of the characteristic amino acid compositions of the three secondary structural types computed from a learning set of tertiary structures. The second technique is a generalization of the first one and takes into account also possible compositional couplings between any two sorts of amino acids. Its mathematical formulation results in an eigenvalue/eigenvector problem of the second moment matrix describing the amino acid compositional fluctuations of secondary structural types in various proteins of a learning set. Possible correlations of the principal directions of the eigenspaces with physical properties of the amino acids were also checked. For example, the first two eigenvectors of the helical eigenspace correlate with the size and hydrophobicity of the residue types respectively. As learning and test sets of tertiary structures, we utilized representative, automatically generated subsets of Protein Data Bank (PDB) consisting of non-homologous protein structures at the resolution thresholds ≤1.8Å, ≤2.0Å, ≤2.5Å, and ≤3.0Å. We show that the consideration of compositional couplings improves prediction accuracy, albeit not dramatically. Whereas in the self-consistency test (learning with the protein to be predicted), a clear decrease of prediction accuracy with worsening resolution is observed, the jackknife test (leave the predicted protein out) yielded best results for the largest dataset (≤3.0 Å, almost no difference to the self-consistency test!), i.e., only this set, with more than 400 proteins, is sufficient for stable computation of the parameters in the prediction function of the second method. The average absolute error in predicting the fraction of helix, sheet, and coil from amino acid composition of the query protein are 13.7, 12.6, and 11.4%, respectively with r.m.s. deviations in the range of 8.6 ÷ 11.8% for the 3.0 Å dataset in a jackknife test. The absolute precision of the average absolute errors is in the range of 1 ÷ 3% as measured for other representative subsets of the PDB. Secondary structural content prediction methods found in the literature have been clustered in accordance with their prediction accuracies. To our surprise, much more complex secondary structure prediction methods utilized for the same purpose of secondary structural content prediction achieve prediction accuracies very similar to those of the present analytic techniques, implying that all the information beyond the amino acid composition is, in fact, mainly utilized for positioning the secondary structural state in the sequence but not for determination of the overall number of residues in a secondary structural type. This result implies that higher prediction accuracies cannot be achieved relying solely on the amino acid composition of an unknown query protein as prediction input. Our prediction program SSCP has been made available as a World Wide Web and E-mail service. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Lee S  Lee BC  Kim D 《Proteins》2006,62(4):1107-1114
Knowing protein structure and inferring its function from the structure are one of the main issues of computational structural biology, and often the first step is studying protein secondary structure. There have been many attempts to predict protein secondary structure contents. Previous attempts assumed that the content of protein secondary structure can be predicted successfully using the information on the amino acid composition of a protein. Recent methods achieved remarkable prediction accuracy by using the expanded composition information. The overall average error of the most successful method is 3.4%. Here, we demonstrate that even if we only use the simple amino acid composition information alone, it is possible to improve the prediction accuracy significantly if the evolutionary information is included. The idea is motivated by the observation that evolutionarily related proteins share the similar structure. After calculating the homolog-averaged amino acid composition of a protein, which can be easily obtained from the multiple sequence alignment by running PSI-BLAST, those 20 numbers are learned by a multiple linear regression, an artificial neural network and a support vector regression. The overall average error of method by a support vector regression is 3.3%. It is remarkable that we obtain the comparable accuracy without utilizing the expanded composition information such as pair-coupled amino acid composition. This work again demonstrates that the amino acid composition is a fundamental characteristic of a protein. It is anticipated that our novel idea can be applied to many areas of protein bioinformatics where the amino acid composition information is utilized, such as subcellular localization prediction, enzyme subclass prediction, domain boundary prediction, signal sequence prediction, and prediction of unfolded segment in a protein sequence, to name a few.  相似文献   

Exponential growth in the number of available protein sequences is unmatched by the slower growth in the number of structures. As a result, the development of efficient and fast protein secondary structure prediction methods is essential for the broad comprehension of protein structures. Computational methods that can efficiently determine secondary structure can in turn facilitate protein tertiary structure prediction, since most methods rely initially on secondary structure predictions. Recently, we have developed a fast learning optimized prediction methodology (FLOPRED) for predicting protein secondary structure (Saraswathi et al. in JMM 18:4275, 2012). Data are generated by using knowledge-based potentials combined with structure information from the CATH database. A neural network-based extreme learning machine (ELM) and advanced particle swarm optimization (PSO) are used with this data to obtain better and faster convergence to more accurate secondary structure predicted results. A five-fold cross-validated testing accuracy of 83.8 % and a segment overlap (SOV) score of 78.3 % are obtained in this study. Secondary structure predictions and their accuracy are usually presented for three secondary structure elements: α-helix, β-strand and coil but rarely have the results been analyzed with respect to their constituent amino acids. In this paper, we use the results obtained with FLOPRED to provide detailed behaviors for different amino acid types in the secondary structure prediction. We investigate the influence of the composition, physico-chemical properties and position specific occurrence preferences of amino acids within secondary structure elements. In addition, we identify the correlation between these properties and prediction accuracy. The present detailed results suggest several important ways that secondary structure predictions can be improved in the future that might lead to improved protein design and engineering.  相似文献   

J M Chandonia  M Karplus 《Proteins》1999,35(3):293-306
A primary and a secondary neural network are applied to secondary structure and structural class prediction for a database of 681 non-homologous protein chains. A new method of decoding the outputs of the secondary structure prediction network is used to produce an estimate of the probability of finding each type of secondary structure at every position in the sequence. In addition to providing a reliable estimate of the accuracy of the predictions, this method gives a more accurate Q3 (74.6%) than the cutoff method which is commonly used. Use of these predictions in jury methods improves the Q3 to 74.8%, the best available at present. On a database of 126 proteins commonly used for comparison of prediction methods, the jury predictions are 76.6% accurate. An estimate of the overall Q3 for a given sequence is made by averaging the estimated accuracy of the prediction over all residues in the sequence. As an example, the analysis is applied to the target beta-cryptogein, which was a difficult target for ab initio predictions in the CASP2 study; it shows that the prediction made with the present method (62% of residues correct) is close to the expected accuracy (66%) for this protein. The larger database and use of a new network training protocol also improve structural class prediction accuracy to 86%, relative to 80% obtained previously. Secondary structure content is predicted with accuracy comparable to that obtained with spectroscopic methods, such as vibrational or electronic circular dichroism and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.  相似文献   

We present a new method, secondary structure prediction by deviation parameter (SSPDP) for predicting the secondary structure of proteins from amino acid sequence. Deviation parameters (DP) for amino acid singlets, doublets and triplets were computed with respect to secondary structural elements of proteins based on the dictionary of secondary structure prediction (DSSP)-generated secondary structure for 408 selected nonhomologous proteins. To the amino acid triplets which are not found in the selected dataset, a DP value of zero is assigned with respect to the secondary structural elements of proteins. The total number of parameters generated is 15,432, in the possible parameters of 25,260. Deviation parameter is complete with respect to amino acid singlets, doublets, and partially complete with respect to amino acid triplets. These generated parameters were used to predict secondary structural elements from amino acid sequence. The secondary structure predicted by our method (SSPDP) was compared with that of single sequence (NNPREDICT) and multiple sequence (PHD) methods. The average value of the percentage of prediction accuracy for αhelix by SSPDP, NNPREDICT and PHD methods was found to be 57%, 44% and 69% respectively for the proteins in the selected dataset. For Β-strand the prediction accuracy is found to be 69%, 21% and 53% respectively by SSPDP, NNPREDICT and PHD methods. This clearly indicates that the secondary structure prediction by our method is as good as PHD method but much better than NNPREDICT method.  相似文献   

Adamczak R  Porollo A  Meller J 《Proteins》2005,59(3):467-475
Owing to the use of evolutionary information and advanced machine learning protocols, secondary structures of amino acid residues in proteins can be predicted from the primary sequence with more than 75% per-residue accuracy for the 3-state (i.e., helix, beta-strand, and coil) classification problem. In this work we investigate whether further progress may be achieved by incorporating the relative solvent accessibility (RSA) of an amino acid residue as a fingerprint of the overall topology of the protein. Toward that goal, we developed a novel method for secondary structure prediction that uses predicted RSA in addition to attributes derived from evolutionary profiles. Our general approach follows the 2-stage protocol of Rost and Sander, with a number of Elman-type recurrent neural networks (NNs) combined into a consensus predictor. The RSA is predicted using our recently developed regression-based method that provides real-valued RSA, with the overall correlation coefficients between the actual and predicted RSA of about 0.66 in rigorous tests on independent control sets. Using the predicted RSA, we were able to improve the performance of our secondary structure prediction by up to 1.4% and achieved the overall per-residue accuracy between 77.0% and 78.4% for the 3-state classification problem on different control sets comprising, together, 603 proteins without homology to proteins included in the training. The effects of including solvent accessibility depend on the quality of RSA prediction. In the limit of perfect prediction (i.e., when using the actual RSA values derived from known protein structures), the accuracy of secondary structure prediction increases by up to 4%. We also observed that projecting real-valued RSA into 2 discrete classes with the commonly used threshold of 25% RSA decreases the classification accuracy for secondary structure prediction. While the level of improvement of secondary structure prediction may be different for prediction protocols that implicitly account for RSA in other ways, we conclude that an increase in the 3-state classification accuracy may be achieved when combining RSA with a state-of-the-art protocol utilizing evolutionary profiles. The new method is available through a Web server at http://sable.cchmc.org.  相似文献   

β转角作为一种蛋白质二级结构类型在蛋白质折叠、蛋白质稳定性、分子识别等方面具有重要作用.现有的β转角预测方法,没有将PDB等结构数据库中先前存在的同源序列的结构信息映射到待预测的蛋白质序列上.PDB存储的结构已超过70 000,因此对一条新确定的序列,有较大可能性从PDB中找到其同源序列.本文融合PDB中提取的同源结构信息(对每一待测序列,仅使用先于该序列存储于PDB中的同源信息)与NetTurnP预测,提出了一种新的β转角预测方法BTMapping,在经典的BT426数据集和本文构建的数据集EVA937上,以马修斯相关系数表示的预测精度分别为0.56、0.52,而仅使用NetTurnP的为0.50、0.46,以Qtotal表示的预测精度分别为81.4%、80.4%,而仅使用NetTurnP的为78.2%、77.3%.结果证实同源结构信息结合先进的β转角预测器如NetTurnP有助于改进β转角识别.BTMapping程序及相关数据集可从http://www.bio530.weebly.com获得.  相似文献   

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