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This work deals with the molecular mechanisms of system enzymotherapy agents action--both administrated perorally and intratestially sorbed enzymatic complexes. The basic of functional composite part of SET agents are supposed to be trypsin degraded forms.  相似文献   

Sensors for the determination of L-lysine in samples of fermentation broth have been developed. Low-cost screen-printed sensors comprising a platinum working electrode, an Ag/AgCl pseudo reference and a carbon counter electrode were used as transducers for the enzyme sensors. L-lysine-(alpha)-oxidase from Trichoderma viride has been immobilized by entrapment into a polyurethane hydrogel. Sensors were characterized for L-lysine with respect to pH value, linear range, reproducibility, repeatability, storage and working stability. The sensitivities to other amino acids were also determined. A batch system with two working electrodes, one with immobilized enzyme and one without was adapted for the determination of L-lysine by differential measurements. Good agreement was found between L-lysine concentrations measured by the enzyme sensors and by a conventional amino acid analyzer.  相似文献   

The insulin receptor substrate (IRS) proteins act as important mediators of insulin action. Their regulation serves to augment the specificity of the insulin signalling cascade. They can be regulated--both positively and negatively--at the level of phosphorylation, and signalling through these proteins can be further modulated through the actions of SOCS (suppressor of cytokine signalling) proteins. Understanding the mechanisms of IRS regulation will provide further insight into the pathophysiology of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the results that have been reported on ISFET based enzyme sensors. The most important improvement that results from the application of ISFETs instead of glass membrane electrodes is in the method of fabrication. Problems with regard to the pH dependence of the response and the dynamic range as well as the influence of the sample buffer capacity have not been solved. As a possible solution we introduce a coulometric system that compensates for the analyte buffer capacity. If the pH in the immobilized enzyme layer is thus controlled, the resulting pH-static enzyme sensor has an output that is independent of the sample pH and buffer capacity and has an expanded linear range.  相似文献   

We have conducted a systematic comparison of lysis of TNP-coated keratinocyte targets by TNP-specific antibody, by antibody plus complement, by antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), and by natural killing with the use of monocyte, lymphocyte, and neutrophil effectors. With chromium-release assays, human keratinocytes, HEp-2 cells (transformed human keratinocytes), PAM 212 cells (transformed mouse keratinocytes), and RSC (transformed rabbit keratinocytes) were all susceptible to monocyte- and lymphocyte-mediated ADCC (p less than 0.01 to p less than 0.02). All trypsinized keratinocyte targets were also susceptible to natural killing by monocyte or lymphocyte effectors (p = 0.05 to p less than 0.001). Antibody and antibody plus complement were poor mediators of keratinocyte lysis. If protein and complex lipid synthesis of keratinocytes were inhibited by 16-hr cycloheximide preincubation, then keratinocytes were susceptible to complement-mediated lysis, implying that the resistance of these cells to complement may be due to repair of transmembrane pores. Comparison of chromium-release assays with fluorescein diacetate dye uptake viability assays showed that human keratinocytes were still susceptible to monocyte and lymphocyte ADCC but not to antibody, antibody plus complement, or natural killing. The reproducible and uniform susceptibility of normal and transformed keratinocyte targets from three different species to monocyte and lymphocyte ADCC supports the hypothesis that this mechanism of cellular lysis may be important in antibody-associated diseases of epidermal cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

The epithelial Ca(2+) channel transient receptor potential vanilloid 5 (TRPV5) constitutes the apical entry gate for active Ca(2+) reabsorption in the kidney. Ca(2+) influx through TRPV5 induces rapid channel inactivation, preventing excessive Ca(2+) influx. This inactivation is mediated by the last ~30 residues of the carboxy (C) terminus of the channel. Since the Ca(2+)-sensing protein calmodulin has been implicated in Ca(2+)-dependent regulation of several TRP channels, the potential role of calmodulin in TRPV5 function was investigated. High-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy revealed a Ca(2+)-dependent interaction between calmodulin and a C-terminal fragment of TRPV5 (residues 696 to 729) in which one calmodulin binds two TRPV5 C termini. The TRPV5 residues involved in calmodulin binding were mutated to study the functional consequence of releasing calmodulin from the C terminus. The point mutants TRPV5-W702A and TRPV5-R706E, lacking calmodulin binding, displayed a strongly diminished Ca(2+)-dependent inactivation compared to wild-type TRPV5, as demonstrated by patch clamp analysis. Finally, parathyroid hormone (PTH) induced protein kinase A (PKA)-dependent phosphorylation of residue T709, which diminished calmodulin binding to TRPV5 and thereby enhanced channel open probability. The TRPV5-W702A mutant exhibited a significantly increased channel open probability and was not further stimulated by PTH. Thus, calmodulin negatively modulates TRPV5 activity, which is reversed by PTH-mediated channel phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Applying neural networks as software sensors for enzyme engineering   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The on-line control of enzyme-production processes is difficult, owing to the uncertainties typical of biological systems and to the lack of suitable on-line sensors for key process variables. For example, intelligent methods to predict the end point of fermentation could be of great economic value. Computer-assisted control based on artificial-neural-network models offers a novel solution in such situations. Well-trained feedforward-backpropagation neural networks can be used as software sensors in enzyme-process control; their performance can be affected by a number of factors.  相似文献   

Although a great deal has been learned about the neural basis for stimulation-produced analgesia, it is evident that the 'analgesia systems' are much more complex than was initially thought. Part of the complexity derives from the fact that a number of different pathways, using several different neurotransmitters, can affect nociceptive transmission. Further complexity stems from evidence that nociceptive transmission can be modulated both at a spinal cord level and at higher levels of the nociceptive projection system, such as the thalamus. Hopefully, a greater understanding of the 'analgesia systems' will lead to explanations for a number of puzzling aspects of pain and perhaps to improved therapy.  相似文献   

《Seminars in Virology》1995,6(4):233-242
Antibodies represent a major component of the mammalian immunological defense against picornavirus infection. The work reviewed here examines structural details of antibody-mediated neutralization of human rhinovirus 14 (HRV14) using a combination of crystallography, molecular biology and electron microscopy. The atomic structures of the Fab fragment from a neutralizing monoclonal antibody (Fab17-IA) and HRV14 were used to interpret the ∼25Å resolution cryo-electron microscopy structure of the Fab17-IA/HRV14 complex. While there were not any observable antibody-induced conformational changes in the HRV14 upon antibody binding, there was evidence that charge interactions dominate the paratope-epitope interface and that the intact antibody might bind bivalently across icosahedral two-fold axes. Site-directed mutagenesis results confirmed that charge interactions dominate antibody binding and electron microscopy studies on the mAb17-IA/HRV14 complex confirmed that this neutralizing antibody binds bivalently across icosahedral two-fold axes.  相似文献   

At first glance Cryptococcus neoformans appears an unlikely microbe to provide a new understanding of mechanisms of antibody-mediated immunity (AMI), because it is a facultative intracellular fungal pathogen for which the role of naturally acquired AMI in host defense is uncertain. However, numerous studies have now established that certain antibodies (Abs) against C. neoformans are protective in certain hosts. Studies with Abs to C. neoformans have provided new insights into AMI and generated new precedents with implications for other pathogens. The following concepts have emerged: 1) susceptibility to C. neoformans may be related to qualitative and quantitative aspects of the Ab response; 2) protective monoclonal Abs can be generated against pathogens even when the role of humoral immunity is uncertain; 3) Abs to C. neoformans mediate protection by immunomodulatory effects, thereby linking Ab efficacy to the overall host immune response; 4) Ab efficacy is critically dependent on fine specificity, which in turn is affected by immunoglobulin variable region usage, somatic mutation and constant region usage; 5) the efficacy of passive Ab therapy is a function of Ab dose and infecting innoculum, with lack of efficacy at the extremes of Ab concentration; 6) Ab-mediated toxicity resulting from antigen-Ab complex-induced release of platelet activating factor is isotype dependent. Observations with C. neoformans have stimulated a reappraisal of the role of humoral immunity for other pathogens and highlighted the limitations in current methods of assessing the role of Ab in host defense.  相似文献   

The detection of temperature is one of the most fundamental sensory functions across all species, and is critical for animal survival. Animals have thus evolved a diversity of thermosensory mechanisms allowing them to sense and respond to temperature changes (thermoreception). A key process underlying thermoreception is the translation of thermal energy into electrical signals, a process mediated by thermal sensors (thermoreceptors) that are sensitive to a specific range of temperatures. In disease conditions, the temperature sensitivity of thermoreceptors is altered, leading to abnormal temperature sensation such as heat hyperalgesia. Therefore, the identification of thermal sensors and understanding their functions and regulation hold great potential for developing novel therapeutics against many medical conditions such as pain.  相似文献   

The detection of temperature is one of the most fundamental sensory functions across all species, and is critical for animal survival. Animals have thus evolved a diversity of thermosensory mechanisms allowing them to sense and respond to temperature changes (thermoreception). A key process underlying thermoreception is the translation of thermal energy into electrical signals, a process mediated by thermal sensors (thermoreceptors) that are sensitive to a specific range of temperatures. In disease conditions, the temperature sensitivity of thermoreceptors is altered, leading to abnormal temperature sensation such as heat hyperalgesia. Therefore, the identification of thermal sensors and understanding their functions and regulation hold great potential for developing novel therapeutics against many medical conditions such as pain.  相似文献   

Limited antitumor effects have been achieved in clinical trials with murine monoclonal antibody T101, perhaps because of its limited ability to effect complement-mediated or cell-mediated cytotoxicity. We explored the effects of recombinant immune interferon on T101-mediated cytotoxicity in vitro. Interferon failed to enhance expression of the antigen detected by T101 on target cells, but it did increase Fc receptor binding of T101 and other IgG2A and IgG3 murine proteins, but not IgG1 or IgG2B. Preincubation of U937, HL60, and human mononuclear cells with 100 U of immune interferon for 48 hr, while T101 was preincubated with various T cell line targets or human CLL cells at 4 degrees C for 30 min before combining effectors and targets for 4 hr at 37 degrees C, resulted in cytotoxicity of 18 to 44% of maximum. Cytotoxicity in the absence of interferon or T101 was less than 5%. Unfortunately, rapid modulation of antigen-antibody when T101 was preincubated with targets at 37 degrees C prevented any increase in cytotoxicity under those conditions. We conclude that immune interferon can augment T101-mediated cytotoxicity in vitro, but it is unlikely that it would enhance T101-mediated cytotoxicity via complement or cell-mediated mechanisms in vivo.  相似文献   

Molecular wires have progressed from an intellectual curiosity to become the basis for chemical sensors with unprecedented sensitivity. Particularly exciting opportunities are those that make use of biological superstructures to effect conduction through assemblies of molecular wires.  相似文献   

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