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[背景]根腐病在青稞生产中的危害日趋严重,阻碍了青稞根腐病的有效防控及青海省青稞产业的发展。然而人们对青稞根腐病的研究甚少且病原菌不详。[目的]明确青稞根腐病发生的危害、病原及致病性,为青稞根腐病的防控提供理论依据。[方法]采用常规的组织分离法分离青稞根腐病病原,通过形态鉴定与分子鉴定结合的方法对病原进行鉴定,并采用烧杯水琼脂法测定其致病性。[结果]共分离得到4株青稞根腐病病原菌,鉴定为Clonostachys rosea,有较强的致病性且致病性差异显著,经柯赫氏法则验证为青稞根腐病病原菌,并且是一种新的青稞根腐病病原,该类根腐病也是一种新的根腐类病害,在国内外属首次发现。[结论]Clonostachys rosea可引起青稞根腐病且致病性强。  相似文献   

魔芋软腐病是魔芋生产过程中的重要病害,也是限制魔芋产业发展的主要因素。目前,已有报道魔芋软腐病主要由细菌引起,鲜有真菌引起魔芋球茎软腐发病的报道。为明确云南曲靖市花魔芋(Amorphophallus konjac)软腐病的病原种类和侵染特征,该研究通过组织分离法,对采集自云南曲靖市的花魔芋病样进行了真菌的分离,通过形态学结合基于ITS与LSU序列分析的分子鉴定方法对分离真菌进行鉴定,并根据柯赫氏法则进行致病性测定,并对鉴定出的病原真菌同魔芋软腐病原细菌进行了双回接试验分析。结果表明:(1)从形态学和分子水平鉴定了轮纹镰刀菌(Fusarium concentricum)、尖孢镰刀菌(F. oxysporum)和F. ambrosium 3种镰刀菌,1种毛霉属真菌(Mucor sp.),1种根霉属真菌(Rhizopus sp.),1种青霉属真菌(Penicillium sp.)和1种粉红螺旋聚孢霉属真菌(Clonostachys sp.)。(2)统计分析发现,轮纹镰刀菌的相对丰度最高,为45.45%。(3)柯赫氏法则检测发现轮纹镰刀菌具有致病性。(4)轮纹镰刀菌和病原细菌胡萝卜果胶杆菌(Pectobacterium aroidearum)双接种魔芋球茎发现软腐病发病更快,病变组织重量显著高于单接种轮纹镰刀菌或果胶杆菌处理。综上表明,魔芋软腐病可能是由真菌和细菌复合侵染引发。该研究结果为魔芋软腐病的防治提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The leaf blight and mummy fruit disease fungus of Prunus ssiori in northern Japan is newly named M. ssiori, as a fourth member in the M. padi group of section Disjunctoriae of the genus Monilinia (Sclerotiniaceae). It has been misidentified with Monilinia kusanoi, but recent studies show it is different from M. kusanoi as well as other related species on prunaceous hosts in respect to host relation, pathogenicity, morphology, and gene analysis.  相似文献   

Type examination ofTrametes gilvoides revealed that it is distinct from the fungus hitherto known asPhellinus gilvoides in Japan.Phellinus setifer sp. nov. is described for the Japanese materials. This species is characterized by effusedreflexed basidiocarps with strigose pileus surface, often dentate dissepiments, subulate setae, and cylindrical basidiospores.Phellinus acontextus, known only from the type material collected in Nepal, is newly reported from Japan. This species is characterized by sessile and often pendent basidiocarps with multisulcate pileus surface, very thin context, lack of setae, and dark-colored basidiospores. Cultural characters of the two species are also described.Phellinus acifer comb. nov. is proposed.Phellinus contiguus andP. ferreus are newly reported from Japan.  相似文献   

The process of teleomorph development in the white root rot fungusRosellinia necatrix is described on diseased roots of Japanese pear. Stromata were also found on dead plants in nonagricultural lands such as yards and forests. The stroma ofR. aquila is also described. Research based on the program for Promotion of Basic Research Activities for Innovative Biosciences.  相似文献   

Diaporthe kyushuensis sp. nov. is described and named as the teleomorph of causal fungus of grapevine swelling arm. The anamorph of the fungus isPhomopsis vitimegaspora.  相似文献   

Izumi Saito 《Mycoscience》1997,38(2):227-236
A newSclerotinia, previously reported asS. intermedia from Japan, is described asSclerotinia nivalis on the morphological basis of the sclerotial anamorph and teleomorph produced in culture. The characters assigning this species to the genusSclerotinia are the tuberoid sclerotia superficially produced on suscepts, the small sclerotia produced on aerial mycelium in culture, the interhyphal spaces in medullary tissue of sclerotia, and the globose cells constructing the ectal excipulum of apothecia. It is distinguishable fromS. sclerotiorum, S. minor, andS. trifoliorum by the intermediate sized sclerotia in culture, binucleate ascospores, the molecular mass of major proteins of sclerotia, and the patterns of esterase isozymes in sclerotial extracts. AlthoughS. nivalis causes snow mold of various dicots, it is a mesophile having an optimum temperature for mycelial growth of around 20°C. It attacks edible burdock(Arctium lappa), Chryhsanthemum morifolium, Ambrosia elatior, carrot(Daucus carota), Angelica acutiloba, Ajuga reptans, andPlantago lanceolata.  相似文献   

Two new ascomycetes,Linocarpon angustatum sp. nov. andNeolinocarpon nypicola sp. nov., are described from petioles ofNypa fruticans in Malaysia.Linocarpon angustatum differs from species in the genus in having needle-shaped ascospores.Neolinocarpon nypicola differs from species in the genus in having filiform ascospores which gradually taper towards the ends, and ascomata developing within well developed stromata. These new species are compared with existing species and illustrated with interference light micrographs. The fungi known from aerial parts ofNypa fruticans are listed.  相似文献   

An inverse correlation between plant Zn concentration and the severity of Rhizoctonia root rot, described in an earlier paper, was examined in two experiments in a growth chamber. In the first experiment, wheat (Triticum aestivum cv Songlen) was planted in a Zn deficient soil with and without added Zn, and combined factorially with different inoculum densities of Rhizoctonia solani anastomosis group 8. When Zn was added, the percentage of seminal roots infected with R. solani was significantly lower compared to the treatments without added Zn, showing that low Zn potentiated the disease. A subsequent factorial experiment of four inoculum densities and six Zn levels, (0, 0.01, 0.04, 0.1, 0.4 and 6.0 mg Zn kg–1 soil) was conducted to investigate the Zn effect in more detail. Disease severity was markedly decreased by the higher Zn applications; the disease score dropped sharply between treatments of Zn0.04 and Zn0.1, a difference which was reflected in the plant yield response to Zn. For both experiments the Zn concentrations in shoots were significantly different only among Zn treatments, not among the inoculum treatments. This indicated that inoculum density or disease severity did not reduce Zn concentration in the plant. Thus, disease did not exaggerate Zn deficiency, but rather, Zn sufficiency suppressed disease severity. A potentiating link between Zn nutrition and disease severity is thereby established, although this type of experiment did not indicate the mechanism of the Zn effect.  相似文献   

Sclerotinia trillii n. sp., which attacksTrillium tschonoskii andT. smallii in Hokkaido and northern Honshu, Japan, is described. The characters identifying this species with the genusSclerotinia are large tuberoid sclerotia, produced both on infected plants and in culture, which consisted of only mycelium (true sclerotia) and flesh apothecia produced on them. This species is distinguished fromS. sclerotiorum, S. minor, S. trifoliorum, andS. nivalis by relatively large sclerotia, cultural colony appearance, and red-brown to yellow-brown, relatively large apothecium, in addition to its parasitic nature onTrillium. Sclerotinia trillii is a psychrophilic having an optimum temperature for mycelial growth at 15–20°C.  相似文献   

ADactylella isolate obtained from soil in the Bonin (Ogasawara) Islands, Japan is described and illustrated as a new species,D. chichisimensis. The fungus is characterized by single terminal multiseptate clavate or ellipsoidal conidia at the apex of simple conidiophores and mycelium that forms chlamydospores and sclerotia. A key is provided for sixDactylella species that produce primary clavate or ellipsoidal conidia at the apex of simple conidiophores.  相似文献   

Aecidium dispori forms spermogonium and aecium onDisporum sessile andD. smilacinum, which are distributed in East Asia. TheAecidium species is found to be an aecial anamorph of aPuccinia fungus, with its uredinial-telial stage being formed onCarex conica, C. dolichostachya subsp.multifolia, C. pisiformis subsp.alterniflora andC. rugata. Urediniospores of this fungus are large, colorless, thick-walled with 4–5 equatorial germ pores. The morphological characteristics of urediniospores and the spermogonial-aecial host do not fit to any set of circumscribing characters of previously described species. We consider the fungus to be a new species and propose a new name,Puccinia albispora, for the fungus.  相似文献   

金铁锁(Psammosilene tunicoides)是西南地区重要的民族民间药物、云南白药等中成药的主要原料药。为分离并鉴定云南金铁锁根腐病病原菌,该研究采用微生物纯培养方法,分离纯化金铁锁根腐病植株根部的病健交接处组织,获得金铁锁根腐病病原微生物。按照Koch''s法则验证分离得到的病原菌的致病性。结合形态学观察、真菌rDNA-ITS和TEF-1α序列分析以及系统发育树的构建鉴定获得的病原菌的种类。结果表明:(1)从金铁锁根腐病植株组织中分离纯化得到85株真菌,其中PSD-1、PSD-2、PSD-3菌株均能引起金铁锁的根腐病。(2)金铁锁健康植株接种PSD-1、PSD-2、PSD-3菌株后,产生与大田植株根腐病相似的症状,并且发病率分别为60%、61.7%、71.7%。(3)结合形态学观察及基因序列分析,鉴定该三株菌株均为尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium oxysporum)。该文首次报道了尖孢镰刀菌是引起金铁锁根腐病的主要病原菌之一,为深入探究具有根腐病生物防治功能的内生菌群及其作用机制奠定了基础,也为后续金铁锁病害的防治工作提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The taxonomic affiliation was determined for four Xenorhabdus strains isolated from four Steinernema hosts from different countries. As compared to the five validly described Xenorhabdus species, i.e., X. nematophila, X. japonica, X. beddingii, X. bovienii and X. poinarii, these isolates represented novel species on the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequences and riboprint patterns, as well as by physiological and metabolic properties. They were named Xenorhabdus budapestensis sp. nov., type strain DSM 16342T, isolated from Steinernema bicornutum; Xenorhabdus ehlersii sp. nov., type strain DSM 16337T, isolated from Steinernema serratum; Xenorhabdus innexi sp. nov., type strain DSM 16336T isolated from Steinernema scapterisci; and Xenorhabdus szentirmaii sp. nov., type strain DSM 16338T, isolated from Steinernema rarum.  相似文献   

Six isolates of novel marine myxobacteria, designated strains SHK-1T, SMK-1-1, SMK-1-3, SMK-10, SKK-2, and SMP-6, were obtained from various coastal samples (mud, sands and algae) collected around Japan. All of the isolates had Gram-negative rod-shaped cells, motile by gliding and grew aerobically. They showed bacteriolytic action, fruiting body formation, and NaCl requirement for growth with an optimum concentration of 1.0-2.0% (w/v). In addition, divalent cationic components of seawater, such as Mg2+ or Ca2+, were also needed for growth. The major respiratory quinone was MK-7. The G+C content of genomic DNA ranged from 65.6 to 67.4 mol% (by HPLC). The isolates shared almost identical 16S rDNA sequences, and clustered with a recently described marine myxobacterium, Plesiocystis pacifica, as their closest relative on a phylogenetic tree (95.9-96.0% similarity). Physiological and chemotaxonomic differences between the new strains and strains of the genus Plesiocystis justify the proposal of a new genus. Therefore, we propose to classify the six isolates into a new taxon of marine myxobacteria with the name, Enhygromyxa salina gen. nov., sp. nov. The type strain is SHK-1(T) (JCM 11769(T) = DSM 15217(T) = AJ 110011(T)).  相似文献   

A new serranid fish,Liopropoma dorsoluteum sp. nov., is described on the basis of two specimens from Yaeyama Is., Okinawa, Japan. The new species is most similar toL. erythaeum Randall & Taylor, 1988, in having the following characters: Dorsal fin rays VIII, 12; anal fin rays III, 9; pored lateral line scales 52–53; anterior nostril situated midway between posterior nostril and anterior tip of snout; slightly forked caudal fin with both lobes rounded. It differs from the latter species in having a shorter pectoral fin (23.4–23.8% SL vs. 26.9–29.0% SL), greater preanus length (65.6–68.0% SL vs. 63.3–65.1% SL), fewer gill rakers (6+12 vs. 6–7+14–15) and yellow coloration on the back (vs. light red on head and body) in fresh specimens.  相似文献   

Three novel isolates of haloalkaliphilic archaea, strains IHC-005T, IHC-010, and N-1311T, from soda lakes in Inner Mongolia, China, were characterized to elucidate their taxonomic positions. The three strains were aerobic, Gram-negative chemoorganotrophs growing optimally at 37–45°C, pH 9.0–9.5, and 15–20% NaCl. Cells of strains IHC-005T/IHC-010 were motile rods, while those of strain N-1311T were non-motile pleomorphic flats or cocci. The three strains contained diphytanyl and phytanyl-sesterterpanyl diether derivatives of phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylglycerophosphate methyl ester. No glycolipids were detected. On phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences, they formed an independent cluster in the Natro group of the family Halobacteriaceae. Comparison of their morphological, physiological, and biochemical properties, DNA G+C content and 16S rRNA gene sequences, and DNA-DNA hybridization study support the view that strains IHC-005T/IHC-010 and strain N-1311T represent separate species. Therefore, we propose Natronolimnobius baerhuensis gen. nov., sp. nov. for strains IHC-005T (=CGMCC 1.3597T =JCM 12253T)/IHC-010 (=CGMCC 1.3598=JCM 12254) and Natronolimnobius innermongolicus sp. nov. for N-1311T (=CGMCC 1.2124T =JCM 12255T).  相似文献   

A new genus of marine methanogenic bacteria and two species within this genus are described.Methanogenium is the proposed genus andMethanogenium cariaci the type species. Cells of the type species are Gram-negative, peritrichously flagellated, irregular cocci with a periodic wall surface pattern. Colonies formed by these bacteria are yellow, circular and umbonate with entire edges. The DNA base composition is 52 mol% guanine plus cytosine. Formate or hydrogen and carbon dioxide serve as substrates for growth. Cells ofMethanogenium marisnigri are of similar shape but smaller diameter thanM. cariaci. The colonies ofM. marisnigri are convex, and the DNA base composition is 61 mol % G+C. Formate or hydrogen and carbon dioxide are growth substrates. Sodium chloride is required for growth of both methanogens.Abbreviations SDS sodium dodecylsulfate - PIPES piperazine-N,N-bis (2 ethanesulfonic acid) - HS-CoM coenzyme M, 2-mercaptoethanesulfonic acid  相似文献   

Wang  D.  Kurle  J.E.  Estevez de Jensen  C.  Percich  J.A. 《Plant and Soil》2004,258(1):319-331
Soybean root rot, caused primarily by Fusarium solani f. sp. phaseoli in a complex with F. oxysporum and Rhizoctonia solani, has become an increasing problem for soybeans, dry beans, and other rotation crops in central Minnesota due to soil conditions associated with reduced tillage. This study was conducted, in two field sites in central Minnesota located near Staples and Verndale, to develop methods for nondestructive assessment of root rot severity using plant radiometric properties. Soybean canopy reflectance was measured with a hand-held multi-spectral radiometer. Prior to the radiometer measurements, attempts were made to create differing root rot situations with moldboard or chisel tillage, and with or without a biological seed treatment. Root rot severity was estimated using a visual disease severity scale. Colony-forming units (CFU) were determined to estimate soil populations of pathogenic F. solani and F. oxysporum. Results from the Verndale site consistently showed significant treatment effects in the measured canopy radiometric parameters, and in the visual disease rating and yield (significant for seed treatment). Values of a simple ratio vegetation index from this site exhibited negative relationships with disease rating and F. oxysporum CFU, and a positive linear relationship with yield. Treatment effects were generally not significant at the Staples site because of low initial F. oxysporum populations. The results indicate that remote sensing is potentially a rapid, nondestructive means for assessment of root rot diseases in soybean.  相似文献   

Yasuo Suto 《Mycoscience》1999,40(6):509-516
A leaf spot disease called frosty mildew was observed onChaenomeles sinensis throughout Japan. Small brown spots with white tufts occurred followed by successive defoliation. On the fallen leaves, minute black dots are formed. The causal fungus was regarded as a new species ofMycosphaerella, M. chaenomelis, andCercosporella chaenomelis in anamorph. Pathogenicity of the fungus was confirmed only inC. sinensis by inoculation experiments. Colonies of the fungus grew well on potato sucrose agar, and grew at 10–30°C with an optimum temperature of 25°C. The fungus overwintered on the fallen diseased leaves in the form of pseudothecia, and ascospores served as the primary infection source from April to June.  相似文献   

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