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A complete understanding of the evolution of sociality in aphids requires a detailed knowledge of the patterns of soldier investment in their ecology. The eusocial bamboo aphidPseudoregma bambucicola has a morphologically specialized first-instar soldier caste. The proportion of soldiers was positively correlated with colony size. Within a colony, soldiers were evenly distributed among subcolonies; within each subcolony, however, their distribution was biased toward peripheries which were exposed to many predators. Field experiments introducing natural enemies such asEupeodes confrater (Diptera: Syrphidae) andSynonycha grandis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) revealed that the survival rate of these predators was negatively correlated with the density of soldiers, suggesting that soldiers can more or less defend their colonies by killing or removing a range of natural enemies. Observations suggest that large mature colonies attract more predators than newly established small colonies and that, within a colony, the predators attack each subcolony regardless of its position on bamboo shoots. This implies the presence of a positive correlation between colony size and predation risk. Thus, the investment in soldiers seems to reflect the attacking pattern of predators within a colony. These results agree with the defence-optimization hypothesis in soldier investment ofP. bambucicola colonies.  相似文献   

In experiments with specially designed choice tanks, tadpoles of Bufo melanostictus spend significantly greater amounts of time near kin than near non-kin. However, in the absence of kin members, they prefer to spend more time near non-kin rather than stay away in isolation in the opposite blank zone with no company. This implies that association of toad tadpoles with their kin is due to attraction rather than repulsion from non-kin. Experiments designed to elucidate the sensory basis of kin recognition showed that toad tadpoles recognize their kin based on chemical cues rather than visual cues. They can also discriminate between homospecific non-kin and heterospecific (Sphaerotheca breviceps) tadpoles since the tadpoles spent significantly greater amounts of time near the former than near the latter. These findings suggest that where kin members are unavailable, selection may have favoured living with non-kin so as to derive benefits from group living and that a phenotype-matching mechanism may operate for both kin and species discrimination in B. melanostictus.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of kin recognition and influence of social environment on the development of kin recognition behaviour was experimentally investigated in tadpoles of Bufo melanostictus that lived in aggregations and showed low larval dispersion. Embryos and tadpoles of the toad were reared as (i) kin only, (ii) with kin and non-kin (separated by a mesh screen), and (iii) in isolation. They were tested for the ability to discriminate between (i) familiar siblings and unfamiliar non-siblings, (ii) familiar siblings and familiar non-siblings and, (iii) unfamiliar siblings and unfamiliar non-siblings. All tadpoles were fed on boiled spinach before conducting trials. Preference of test tadpoles to associate near the end compartments whether empty or containing members of specific stimulus groups was assessed using a rectangular choice tank. When tested in tanks with empty end compartments, the test tadpoles showed random distribution and thus no bias for the apparatus or the procedure. In the presence of kin/non-kin in the end compartments a significantly greater number of test tadpoles spent the majority of the time near familiar or unfamiliar kin rather than near familiar or unfamiliar non-kin. Kin discrimination ability persisted throughout larval development. Familiarity with siblings is not required for discriminating kin from non-kin, and kin discrimination ability is not modified following exposure to non-kin. Also, involvement of dietary cues is unlikely to be the prime mechanism of kin recognition inB. melanostictus unlike in some other anurans.  相似文献   

I re-examine the four most widely proposed mechanisms of kin discrimination among vertebrates and conclude that the current categorization of kin discrimination mechanisms has been counterproductive because it has a hindered a clear understanding of the basic mechanisms by which animals discriminate kin. I suggest that there likely is only one authentic mechanism of kin discrimination and that this mechanism is learning, particularly associative learning and habituation. Observed differences in the way animals discriminate between kin and non-kin are due only to the cues (e.g., individually-distinctive, family-distinctive, or self) that are used, and not to different mechanisms per se. I also consider whether kin discrimination is mediated by specially evolved kin recognition systems, defined as neural mechanisms that allow animals to directly classify conspecifics as either kin or non-kin. A preliminary analysis of vertebrate recognition systems suggests that specialized neural, endocrine, and developmental mechanisms specifically for recognizing kin have not evolved. Rather, kin discrimination results from an extension of other, non-specialized sensory and cognitive abilities of animals, and may be derived from other forms of social recognition, such as individual, group, or species recognition.  相似文献   

We investigated ecological and behavioral aspects of the interactions between two social aphids, Pseudoregma bambucicola and Astegopteryx bambucifoliae (Hormaphidinae, Cerataphidini), both of which produce second-instar, sterile soldiers in galls formed on Styrax suberifolius, in Taiwan. By censusing their galls, either species was found to invade galls of the other species. Twenty-eight (58%) out of 48 A. bambucifoliae galls contained P. bambucicola, while four (6%) of 69 P. bambucicola galls contained A. bambucifoliae. Furthermore, P. bambucicola behaved like social parasites in galls of A. bambucifoliae. Colonies of P. bambucicola produced much fewer or even no soldiers compared with those in natal galls. Our experiments also revealed that individual aphids of P. bambucicola more successfully intruded into galls of A. bambucifoliae than into conspecific galls, and that guarding soldiers of P. bambucicola effectively prevented aphids from invading their galls and permitted only conspecific soldiers to join their colonies. These differences in behavior provide good explanations for the differences in the frequency of invaded galls found between the two species. Received 4 September 2007; revised 7 January 2008; accepted 17 January 2008.  相似文献   

Illuminating the genetic relationships within soldier-producing aphid colonies is an essential element of any attempt to explain the evolution of the altruistic soldier caste. Pemphigus spyrothecae is a soldier-producing aphid that induces galls on the leaf petioles of its host (trees of the genus Populus). At least a quarter of the aphids within the clonally produced gall population are morphologically and behaviourally distinct first-instar soldiers that defend the gall population from predation. Using field trapping and microsatellites, we investigated the degree of clonal mixing within natural gall populations. Field trapping in the UK showed that all the migrants of P. spyrothecae and of two other Pemphigus species were wingless first-instar soldiers. The average degree of mixing estimated from trapping P. spyrothecae migrants was 0.68% (range = 0-15%). Microsatellite genotyping of 277 aphids from 13 galls collected in Italy revealed an average mixing level of 10.4% (range = 0-59%). Six galls contained more than one clone (range = 2-5 clones). Non-kin aphids were not restricted to the soldier caste but were evenly distributed across instars. An additional gall, from which 527 occupants were genotyped, contained 12 non-kin aphids distributed among nine clones, showing that clonal diversity can be high even when mixing is very low. These observations suggest that although soldiers migrate regularly and can moult and reproduce within foreign galls, clonal mixing in this species is generally low and is unlikely to provide a barrier to the evolution of investment by the aphid clones in an altruistic soldier caste.  相似文献   

The relative importance of colony size ratio of interacting species was studied in Tomioka Bay, Japan. Six encrusting colonial species belonging to the following three different taxonomic groups were tested: Ascidia (three species), Bryozoa (two) and Porifera (one). Colonies of these organisms were grown in the community of sessile organisms developed on plastic panels. Logistic regression analysis was carried out to determine the effect of size ratio on the competitive outcome of interacting colonies. The results between all possible combinations among these six species did not show a significant size effect in competitive outcome (i.e. a larger colony size did not always prove important in the success of a competitive interaction with smaller colonies of other species). On the contrary, competitive success depends on the types of species interacting. Certain species such asDidemnum moseleyi (ascidian) andHaliclona sp. (sponge), in spite of being smaller in colony size, won in competitive interactions with larger colonies of other species such asDiplosoma mitsukurii (ascidian) andWatersipora subovoidea (bryozoan). These results contradict the one reported earlier: that the larger the colony size, the more chance the colony will have to win in competitive interactions.  相似文献   

The function of kin recognition is controversial. We investigatedthe adaptive significance of kin discrimination in cannibalistictiger salamander larvae, Ambystoma tigrinum. Previous laboratoryexperiments show that cannibals preferentially consume lessrelated individuals. We hypothesized that this example of kinrecognition (1) is a laboratory artifact, (2) is a by-productof sibship-specific variation in escape responses, because cannibalsfrom families with rapid responses may be more likely to cannibalize slowlyescaping non-kin, (3) is an epiphenomenon of species recognition,(4) functions in disease avoidance, because kin may be moreinfectious than non-kin, or (5) is favored by kin selection.We evaluated these five hypotheses by using laboratory and fieldexperiments to test specific predictions made by each hypothesis.We rejected hypotheses 1-4 above because (1) kin recognitionwas expressed in the wild, (2) escape responses did not reliablypredict whether a cannibal would ingest kin or non-kin, (3)kin recognition was not most pronounced in populations wheretiger salamanders co-occur with other species of salamanders,and (4) non-kin prey were more likely than kin to transmit pathogensto cannibals. However, we established that the necessary conditionfor kin selection, Hamilton's rule, was met. Thus, our resultsimplicate kin selection as the overriding reason that cannibalistictiger salamanders discriminate kin.  相似文献   

Oviposition decisions made by members of a guild of natural enemies can have evolved to avoid intraguild predation, potentially avoiding the disruption of the extraguild prey control. We have studied the oviposition preference of the aphidophagous predator Episyrphus balteatus De Geer (Diptera: Syrphidae) within colonies of Myzus persicae Sulzer (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in the presence of two developmental stages of the aphid parasitoid Aphidius colemani Viereck (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae). Results from a greenhouse choice experiment showed that E. balteatus females lay significantly fewer eggs in colonies with mummified aphids than in unparasitized colonies. Colonies of parasitized, but not yet mummified did not contain significantly fewer eggs than colonies with unparasitized aphids. In three no-choice experiments, we assessed stimuli coming from aphid honeydew, from the aphids themselves and also from extracts of the aphid bodies, and all of these stimuli mediate the discrimination of mummified aphids from healthy aphids. To a lesser extent these stimuli also contribute to the discrimination against aphids that are parasitized but not yet mummified. These results suggest that the effects of these two species could be complementary for the control of M. persicae, since the species that acts as an intraguild predator, E. balteatus, avoids ovipositing on aphid colonies parasitized by the intraguild prey, A. colemani.  相似文献   

Summary Life history and behavioural characteristics of the bamboo aphid,Pseudoregma bambucicola (Takahashi), which has sterile soldiers, were studied in the laboratory. The stadium of normal (fertile) first instar larvae was two times longer than that of second instar larvae, and the stadium of soldier-type (sterile) first instar larvae was much longer (max. 116 days) than the stadium of normal first instar, suggesting that soldiers are able to take nutrition from bamboo. Stimulation of larvae with breath, vibration of bamboo shoots or disturbing the larvae with the tip of a fine brush induced significantly more defensive acts by soldiers than those by normal larvae — the latter usually fled. Soldiers did not attack non-kin conspecific intruders or even aphids of different species, suggesting that, in this species, kin-recognition ability is low.  相似文献   

Kin selection theory predicts altruism between related individuals, which requires the ability to recognize kin from non-kin. In insects, kin discrimination associated with altruistic behaviour is well-known in clonal and social species but in very few solitary insects. Here, we report that the solitary larvae of a non-social insect Aleochara bilineata Gyll. (Coleoptera; Staphylinidae) show kin discrimination and sibling-directed altruistic behaviour. Larvae superparasitize more frequently the hosts parasitized by non-kin individuals than those hosts parasitized by siblings. Kin discrimination probably occurs by self-referent phenotype matching, where an individual compares its own phenotype with that of a non-familiar related individual, a mechanism rarely demonstrated in animals. The label used to recognize kin from non-kin corresponds to substances contained in the plug placed on the hosts by the resident larvae during the parasitization process. Kin competition induced by a limited larval dispersion may have favoured the evolution of kin recognition in this solitary species.  相似文献   

Many species of salmonids can discriminate kin from unrelated conspecifics using olfactory cues. In this study, we determined the role of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) in kin discrimination by juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). Genetic variation at the highly polymorphic exon coding for peptide-binding region of an MHC class II gene was studied using polymerase chain reaction and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Experiments compared discrimination ability based on MHC haplotypes both within and among kin and non-kin groups. Juveniles chose kin sharing both alleles over kin sharing no alleles. Juveniles also preferred non-kin sharing both alleles to non-kin sharing no alleles. These data suggest that the MHC class II gene influence kin discrimination in juvenile Atlantic salmon and brook trout. The influence of additional genes was also apparent in trials where juveniles were able to recognize kin sharing no alleles over non-kin sharing no alleles. However, the inability of juveniles to discriminate between kin sharing no alleles and non-kin sharing either one or both alleles indicates that MHC is as potent as the rest of the genome in producing distinguishable odours.  相似文献   

Significant variation in aggressiveness and kin discrimination ability occurs between different laboratory colonies of the ant Rhytidoponera confusa.Different colonies show consistently high (or low) levels of aggression toward nonnestmates over 4–19 weeks. Earlier studies excluded colony size and the natural presence or absence of the queen in colonies and differences in hunger as possible sources of variation. The present study excluded the number of larvae in colonies and the time of the light period of the light cycle when recognition tests were carried out. Highly significant variation occurs between the kin discrimination ability of individual workers in any particular colony. Approximately 28% of the workers in colonies of R. confusashowed very poor kin discrimination. Much of the colony's kin discrimination is carried out by a small number of highly aggressive workers.  相似文献   

Studies of kin recognition in birds have largely focused on parent-offspring recognition using auditory or visual discrimination. Recent studies indicate that birds use odors during social and familial interactions and possibly for mate choice, suggesting olfactory cues may mediate kin recognition as well. Here, we show that Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti), a natally philopatric species with lifetime monogamy, discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar non-kin odors (using prior association) and between unfamiliar kin and non-kin odors (using phenotype matching). Penguins preferred familiar non-kin odors, which may be associated with the recognition of nest mates and colony mates and with locating burrows at night after foraging. In tests of kin recognition, penguins preferred unfamiliar non-kin odors. Penguins may have perceived non-kin odors as novel because they did not match the birds' recognition templates. Phenotype matching is likely the primary mechanism for kin recognition within the colony to avoid inbreeding. To our knowledge this is the first study to provide evidence of odor-based kin discrimination in a bird.  相似文献   

In the aphidophagous syrphid species,Betasyrphus serarius (Wiedemann),Metasyrphus frequens Matsumura andSyrphus vitripennis (Meigen), females in search of oviposition sites assess the qualitative and quantitative value of pea aphid colonies for securing the successful development of their offspring. They select, as their oviposition sites, young and “promising” aphid colonies consisting of nymphs and/or adult aphids including few winged adults. They neglect large, older colonies of 4th-instar nymphs and/or winged adult aphids. The 3 syrphid species adopt “buy-futures” ovipositional tactic as doesEpisyrphus balteatus (de Geer), although some tinge of “spot-transaction” is noticed inM. frequens andS. vitripennis.  相似文献   

Penicillium species, well-known indoor airborne fungi, are considered to be important causative agents of extrinsic bronchial asthma. For selecting the proper species for clinical investigations, it is important to know which are found indoors. In the present study, 176 plates of modified Mehrlich's Medium were exposed for 20 min in living rooms and bedrooms of 88 homes in Taipei, Taiwan. A total of 5897 colonies of fungi were isolated, varying from one to 329 per house. Of the total, 910 colonies (15.4%) were identified asPenicillium spp. The three most frequently encountered species wereP. citrinum, P. crustosum andP. implicatum. Penicillium citrinum accounted for 40.5% (369 from 28 houses);P. implicatum, for 5.2% (47 from three houses); andP. crustosum, for 2.1% (19 from seven houses).Penicillium citrinum was judged to be the most prevalent airborne fungus in Taiwan. The allergenic significance of this mold is under further investigation.  相似文献   

Kin selection predicts that helpers in cooperative systems should preferentially aid relatives to maximize fitness. In family-based groups, this can be accomplished simply by assisting all group members. In more complex societies, where large numbers of kin and non-kin regularly interact, more sophisticated kin-recognition mechanisms are needed. Bell miners (Manorina melanophrys) are just such a system where individuals regularly interact with both kin and non-kin within large colonies. Despite this complexity, individual helpers of both sexes facultatively work harder when provisioning the young of closer genetic relatedness. We investigated the mechanism by which such adaptive discrimination occurs by assessing genetic kinship influences on the structure of more than 1900 provisioning vocalizations of 185 miners. These 'mew' calls showed a significant, positive linear increase in call similarity with increasing genetic relatedness, most especially in comparisons between male helpers and the breeding male. Furthermore, individual helping effort was more heavily influenced by call similarity to breeding males than to genetic relatedness, as predicted if call similarity is indeed the rule-of-thumb used to discriminate kin in this system. Individual mew call structure appeared to be inflexible and innate, providing an effective mechanism by which helpers can assess their relatedness to any individual. This provides, to our knowledge, the first example of a mechanism for fine-scale kin discrimination in a complex avian society.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression should select for inbreeding avoidance behaviours. Here we test this hypothesis in two populations of the simultaneous hermaphroditic freshwater snail Physa acuta. We recorded the copulatory behaviour of 288 pairs of sib-mates, non-kin mates from the same population, or non-kin mates from two different populations. We find that kin discriminatory behaviours exist in this species, exclusively expressed by individuals playing the female role. We discuss the relevance of our finding in the context of the evolution of recognition systems and the consequences of such a behaviour in natural populations.  相似文献   

Summary Last instar larvae ofLasius niger under standard laboratory conditions and abundant food supply feed on conspecific eggs and, if forced to a choice, show a significant statistical preference for trophic versus fertilized eggs (approx. 60% of the trials observed). On the other hand, they are unable to discriminate between kin and non-kin eggs, both fertilized and trophic. Fertilized eggs killed by freezing and trophic eggs handled in the same way are also selected in a random manner.Last instar larvae ofMessor semirufus regularly failed to discriminate in a significant way between trophic and fertilized and between kin and non-kin eggs.Substantial experimental evidence confirms that larvae of both these species — as already suggested in the literature for other ants-rely on trophic eggs as an essential component of their diet in order to be able to develop. Additionally,L. niger last instar larvae appear to be able to attack and pierce the egg chorion with their own mandibles, while this capacity is at least very reduced or very rare inM. semirufus. First and second instar larvae of both species never succeeded in piercing the egg membrane alone.These findings imply that the right (i.e. trophic) eggs should be presented to the larvae by the workers (i.e. worker discrimination should be assumed) and, at least in the case of youngLasius larvae, and probably for all stages ofMessor larvae, the egg membrane must be pierced by the workers in order to allow the larvae to feed.The following evolutionary sequence is suggested to explain the origin of trophic eggs in ants: 1) larval oophagy (obligatory at least for the species founding new colonies in an independent claustral manner), 2) generalized facultative or obligatory larval oophagy for larvae of all colonial stages, 3) production of trophic eggs by the queen(s) and/or workers in order to avoid cannibalism of nestmates.Lack of discrimination or weak discrimination capacity between trophic and fertilized eggs and the consequent larval cannibalism in form of oophagy, as demonstrated in this paper, is suggested to explain age segregation among eggs and larvae from workers, a widespread phenomenon in ants which must have been selected to avoid the oophagy of viable eggs.  相似文献   

Inclusive fitness theory predicts that, other things equal, individuals within social groups should direct altruistic behaviour towards their most highly related group‐mates to maximise indirect fitness benefits. In the social insects, most previous studies have shown that within‐colony kin discrimination (nepotism) is absent or weak. However, the number of studies that have investigated within‐colony kin discrimination at the level of individual behaviour remains relatively small. We tested for within‐colony kin discrimination in the facultatively multiple‐queen (polygynous) ant, Leptothorax acervorum. Specifically, we tested whether workers within polygynous colonies treated queens differently as a function of their relatedness to them. Colonies containing two egg‐laying queens were filmed to measure the rate at which individually marked workers antennated and groomed or fed each queen. Relatedness between individual queens and workers was calculated from their genotypes at four microsatellite loci. The results showed there were no differences in the rates at which workers antennated or groomed/fed their more related queen and their less related queen. Workers interacted preferentially with their potential mother queen with respect to grooming/feeding but not with respect to antennation. However, because of high queen turnover, the frequency of adult workers with their potential mother queen still present within the colony was relatively low. Overall, therefore, we found no evidence for within‐colony kin discrimination in the context of the average worker's treatment of queens in polygynous L. acervorum colonies.  相似文献   

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