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用石蜡切片、超薄切片和冰冻蚀刻技术研究了东方蝾螈胚胎肌细胞发育过程中间隙连接的变化。间隙连接最初出现于原肠后期的体节中胚层细胞中,到原肠末期,体节中胚层细胞间的间隙连接数量骤增,从神经板期到鼻窝出现期,间隙连接数量保持在一个相当高的水平,肌效应期后,其数量明显下降,直到肌细胞发育成熟,神经-肌肉连接充分发育,间隙连接才消失。间隙连接大小的变化与数量的变化表现为平行的现象。此外,细胞融合之前,正是间隙连接的数量和大小达到最高峰的时间。这些结果说明细胞通讯与胚胎肌细胞发育密切相关。对细胞通讯在细胞决定和分化以及细胞融合中的可能作用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

CELL JUNCTIONS IN AMPHIBIAN SKIN   总被引:178,自引:136,他引:42       下载免费PDF全文
Cell junctions have been investigated in the amphibian epidermis, a stratified squamous epithelium, and compared to those described previously in simple columnar epithelia of mammalian cavitary organs. In adult frogs and toads, and in larvae approaching metamorphosis, belts of membrane fusion or zonulae occludentes of considerable depth are regularly found between adjoining cells of the outermost layer of the stratum corneum, binding the cells together into a continuous, uninterrupted sheet. Another set of occluding zonules appears in the second cornified layer (when such a layer is present), and a third set usually occurs in the outermost layer of the stratum granulosum. Specialized elements described as "modified" and "composite" desmosomes are encountered along the lateral and basal aspects, respectively, of the cornified cells; ordinary desmosomes and maculae occludentes (i.e., spots of membrane fusion) are found in all other strata. The usual 200 A intercellular gap is generally maintained between the cells of the stratum germinativum at the basal ends of the intercellular spaces. Hence, the intercellular spaces of the epidermis form a largely continuous network, closed to the external medium and open to the dermal interstitia. The situation is comparable to that found in columnar epithelia, except that the intercellular spaces are much more extensive, and an extracellular subcompartment (or two) apparently exists in the stratum corneum and between the latter and the stratum granulosum. The last subcompartment is usually filled with a dense substance, probably derived from discharged secretory granules. The tripartite junctional complex characteristic of lumen-lining epithelia (i.e., a zonula occludens followed by a zonula adhaerens, and desmosome) is seen only in early larvae; in adults and in larvae approaching metamorphosis, the occluding zonule is followed directly by a series of modified desmosomes. Interpreted in the light of current physiological data, these findings suggest that the diffusion of water, ions, and small, water-soluble molecules is impeded along the intercellular spaces of the epidermis by zonulae occludentes while it is facilitated from cell to cell within the epidermis by zonulae and maculae occludentes.  相似文献   


The septate junctions and gap junctions of Hydra were studied utilizing the extracellular tracers lanthanum hydroxide and ruthenium red. Analysis of the septate junction from four perspectives has shown that each septum consists of a single row of hexagons sharing common sides of 50–60 A. Each hexagon is folded into chair configuration. Two sets of projections emanate from the corners of the hexagons. One set (A projections) attaches the hexagons to the cell membranes at 80–100-A intervals, while the other set (V projections) joins some adjacent septa to each other. The septate junctions generally contain a few large interseptal spaces and a few septa which do not extend the full length of the junction. Basal to the septate junctions the cells in each layer are joined by numerous gap junctions. Gap junctions also join the muscular processes in each layer as well as those which connect the layers across the mesoglea. The gap junctions of Hydra are composed of rounded plaques 0.15–0.5 µ in diameter which contain 85-A hexagonally packed subunits. Each plaque is delimited from the surrounding intercellular space by a single 40-A band. Large numbers of these plaques are tightly packed, often lying about 20 A apart. This en plaque configuration of the gap junctions of Hydra contrasts with their sparser, more widely separated distribution in many vertebrate tissues. These studies conclude that the septate junction may possess some barrier properties and that both junctions are important in intercellular adhesion. On a morphological basis, the gap junction appears to be more suitable for intercellular coupling than the septate junction.  相似文献   

The intercellular junctions of the epithelium lining the hepatic caecum of Daphnia were examined. Electron microscope investigations involved both conventionally fixed material and tissue exposed to a lanthanum tracer of the extracellular space. Both septate junctions and gap junctions occur between the cells studied. The septate junctions lie apically and resemble those commonly discerned between cells of other invertebrates. They are atypical in that the high electron opacity of the extracellular space obscures septa in routine preparations. The gap junctions are characterized by a uniform 30 A space between apposed cell membranes. Lanthanum treatment of gap junctions reveals an array of particles of 95 A diameter and 120 A separation lying in the plane of the junction. As this pattern closely resembles that described previously in vertebrates, it appears that the gap junction is phylogenetically widespread. In view of evidence that the gap junction mediates intercellular electrotonic coupling, the assignment of a coupling role to other junctions, notably the septate junction, must be questioned wherever these junctions coexist.  相似文献   

Lanthanum tracer and freeze-fracture electron microscope techniques were used to study junctional complexes between granulosa cells during the differentiation of the rabbit ovarian follicle. For convenience we refer to cells encompassing the oocyte, before antrum and gap junction formation, as follicle cells. After the appearance of an antrum and gap junctions we call the cells granulosa cells. Maculae adherentes are found at the interfaces of oocyte-follicle-granulosa cells throughout folliculogenesis. Gap junctions are first detected in follicles when the antrum appears. In early antral follicles typical large gap junctions are randomly distributed between granulosa cells. In freeze-fracture replicas, they are characterized by polygonally packed 90-Å particles arranged in rows separated by nonparticulate A-face membrane. A particle-sparse zone surrounds gap junctions and is frequently occupied by small particle aggregates of closely packed intramembranous particles. The gap junctions of granulosa cells appear to increase in size with further differentiation of the follicle. The granulosa cells of large Graafian follicles are adjoined by small and large gap junctions; annular gap junctions are also present. The large gap junctions are rarely surrounded by a particle-free zone on their A-faces, but are further distinguished by particle rows displaying a higher degree of organization.  相似文献   

Mouse livers were perfused in situ through the portal vein with the disaccharides sucrose, lactose, maltose, and cellobiose in hypertonic concentrations (0.5 M). This treatment resulted in plasmolysis of the hepatocytes and splitting of the gap junctions and zonulae occludentes. The junctions split symmetrically, leaving a half-junction on each of the two separated cells. The process of junction splitting is followed using the freeze-fracture technique, since the junctional membranes are indistinguishable from the nonjunctional membranes in thin sections once the splitting occurs. The split junctions are also studied using the freeze-etch technique, allowing a view of the gap junction extracellular surface normally sequestered within the 2-nm "gap." The monosaccharides sorbitol and mannitol did not split the junctions during the times studied (2 min), but substitution of the chloride ion with propionate in the perfusion mixture did result in junction splitting. An envelope of morphologically distinct particles surrounding freeze-fractured gap junctions is also described.  相似文献   

The fine structure and distribution of tight (zonula occludens) and gap junctions in epithelia of the rat pancreas, liver, adrenal cortex, epididymis, and duodenum, and in smooth muscle were examined in paraformaldehyde-glutaraldehyde-fixed, tracer-permeated (K-pyroantimonate and lanthanum), and freeze-fractured tissue preparations. While many pentalaminar and septilaminar foci seen in thin-section and tracer preparations can be recognized as corresponding to well-characterized freeze-fracture images of tight and gap junction membrane modifications, many others cannot be unequivocally categorized—nor can all freeze-etched aggregates of membrane particles. Generally, epithelia of exocrine glands (pancreas and liver) have moderate-sized tight junctions and large gap junctions, with many of their gap junctions basal to the junctional complex. In contrast, the adrenal cortex, a ductless gland, may not have a tight junction but does possess large gap junctions. Mucosal epithelia (epididymis and intestine) have extensive tight junctions, but their gap junctions are not as well developed as those of glandular tissue. Smooth muscle contains numerous small gap junctions The incidence, size, and configuration of the junctions we observed correlate well with the known functions of the junctions and of the tissues where they are found.  相似文献   

Gap junctional communication plays a vital role in embryogenesis, cell differentiation and the co-ordination of tissue responses. Gap junctions are formed by a family of closely-related proteins called connexins which show tissue-specific patterns of expression. The role of gap junctions in the mammary gland remains unclear. The lumena of mammary gland ducts are lined by luminal cells with an outer layer of basal cells. In rodents, the luminal cells express connexin26 only during pregnancy and lactation and the basal cells, in some reports, express connexin43. In the normal human breast the basal cells express connexin43, although human mammary epithelial cellsin vitrohave been reported to express both connexin26 and connexin43. Analysis of connexin expression at the molecular level is now bringing new insights into the structure and function of gap junctions in a range of normal and pathological cell systems.  相似文献   

The site of H3-uridine incorporation and the fate of labeled RNA during early embryo-genesis of the newt Triturus pyrrhogaster were studied with electron microscopic autoradiography. Isolated ectodermal and mesodermal tissues from the embryos were treated in H3-uridine for 3 hours and cultured in cold solution for various periods before fixation with OsO4 and embedding in Epon. At the blastula stage, the only structural component of the nucleus seen in electron micrographs is a mass of chromatin fibrils. At the early gastrula stage, the primary nucleoli originate as small dense fibrous bodies within the chromatin material. These dense fibrous nucleoli enlarge during successive developmental stages by the acquisition of granular components 150 A in diameter, which form a layer around them. Simultaneously larger granules (300 to 500 A) appear in the chromatin, and they fill the interchromatin spaces by the tail bud stage. Autoradiographic examination has demonstrated that nuclear RNA synthesis takes place in both the nucleolus and the chromatin, with the former consistently showing more label per unit area than the latter. When changes in the distribution pattern of radioactivity were studied 3 to 24 hours after immersion in isotope at each developmental stage, the following results were obtained. Labeled RNA is first localized in the fibrous region of the nucleolus and in the peripheral region of chromatin material. After longer culture in non-radioactive medium, labeled materials also appear in the granular region of the nucleolus and in the interchromatin areas. Further incubation gives labeling in cytoplasm.  相似文献   

A method is reported for isolating a preparation of hepatic gap junctions from the mouse. The method involves a collagenase digestion, treatment with the detergent Sarkosyl NL-97, and ultrasonication, followed by sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation. A run with 36 animals yields 0.1–0.5 mg protein. Electron microscopy with thin-sectioning and negative staining techniques reveals that the final pellet is a very pure preparation of gap junctions, accompanied by a small amount of amorphous contamination. Polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-solubilized material shows one major protein in the junction, with an apparent mol wt of 20,000, and two minor components. Thin-layer chromatography demonstrates one major and one minor phospholipid, and some neutral lipid. Low-angle X-ray diffraction of wet and dried specimens show reflections which index on an 86 A center-to-center hexagonal lattice, corresponding closely to electron microscope data. Dried specimens also show a lamellar diffraction, corresponding to the total profile thickness of the junction (150 A).  相似文献   

The changes of electrical communication between various tissues of the newt (Cynops pyrrhogaster) embryo during development have been investigated by measuring electrotonic potentials at various interelectrode distances. In general, cells of the same tissue are electrically coupled from gastrulation up to closure of the neural tube. Notochordal cells, however, are an exception in that cell coupling decreases during stages 22–23 in comparison to earlier stages. Neuroectoderm cells are coupled to adjacent chorda-mesoderm cells during the initial stages of gastrulation (st. 12c). Subsequently coupling of these tissues diminishes (st. 15–16) and finally disappears (st. 22–23). The similar decrease of coupling was observed in inter-tissues of the chorda-mesoderm cells and the somitic mesoderm cells during the mesodermal differentiation. In contrast, coupling values of less than 0.1 recorded between somite cells and cells of the neural tube or epidermis still remain at st. 22–23. The neural plate cells remain coupled to the lateral ectoderm cells at st. 18 and then become insulated from the epidermis by st. 22–23, even though a coupling ratio of 0.1 remains between these tissues. These developmental patterns of coupling are discussed with respect to cellular movements of neuroectoderm and mesoderm during gastrulation, and with special reference to neural competence.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of phospholipase C from Clostridium welchii on gap junctions in the intact mouse liver and in a junction-rich fraction prepared from mouse liver. Treatment of the isolated junctions results in the disappearance of both the 20 A gap and of the polygonal lattice visible with lanthanum. The junctions are morphologically unaltered, however, when whole livers are perfused with phospholipase via the portal vein. These results suggest that extracellular phospholipase cannot diffuse into the junctional area, but that the enzyme may affect structures within the gap from its cytoplasmic surfaces which become exposed in the isolated preparations. Horseradish peroxidase, which has physical dimensions similar to those of Clostridium phospholipase is also denied access to the 20 A gap in whole liver, while peroxidase reaction product can be seen in the gap in isolated preparations. Beef liver catalase, however, a tracer molecule much larger than peroxidase, cannot penetrate even in isolated fractions. If the cytoplasmic approaches to the gap junction used by peroxidase and phospholipase are available in vivo, and have not been created during the process of mechanical isolation, they may play a role in cell-to-cell passage of molecules larger than ions.  相似文献   

本文报道晶状体纤维细胞间间隙连接的形态结构。我们利用冰冻断裂技术,在不同部位的球-和-凹连结的头部以及在纤维细胞和纤维细胞之间都观察到间隙连接的存在。通过极其丰富的上述连接,可实现细胞间代谢物和离子的传递。作者认为:对正常晶状体纤维细胞之间的间隙连接的深入了解,将会为晶状体发病机制的研究提供新的线索。  相似文献   

On average, 15 per cent of the total haemoglobin present in the blood of the newt Triturus cristatus was extracted during 45 minutes of fixation in Palade-Caulfield fixative. This extraction was reduced with fixatives buffered at pH 6.2 instead of pH 7.4. The addition of Ca++ ions to a final concentration of 0.01 M in the fixative completely suppressed haemoglobin extraction. The effect of the pH, and the presence or absence of Ca++ ions in the fixative, on the rate of haemoglobin extraction has been determined. During Palade-Caulfield fixation the average projected area of newt erythrocytes increased by 37 per cent, and after dehydration and embedding in Epon the average area was 25 per cent greater than that of the unfixed cell. Fixatives buffered at pH 6.2 and containing 0.01 M Ca++ ions caused cellular shrinkage, with the average projected area decreasing by 10 per cent in the fixative. This shrinkage continued during dehydration, and the final average area of the erythrocytes in Epon was 26 per cent less than that of the unfixed cells. Similar measurements with erythrocytes of Amphiuma tridactylum showed that after Palade-Caulfield fixation the average cellular area was increased by 45 per cent, and after dehydration and embedding in Araldite it was 36 per cent greater than that of the unfixed cell. The average nuclear area increased by 35 per cent during fixation but after embedding it was 26 per cent greater than that of the unfixed nuclei. With a fixative at pH 6.2 containing 0.01 M Ca++ ions, both the nucleus and the whole cell shrank during fixation. The nuclear area decreased by 20 per cent and the cellular area by 22 per cent. After dehydration and embedding in Araldite, the average nuclear area had decreased by 35 per cent and the cellular area by 40 per cent. It has been shown that OsO4 fixation lowers the isoelectric points of haemoglobins and other proteins. This finding has been used in the interpretation of the observed cellular changes resulting from fixation.  相似文献   

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