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and 1986. The surface topography and ultrastructure of the tegument and haptor of Pricea multae (Monogenea). International Journal for Parasitology 16: 581–589. Pricea multae is a gill parasite of Scomberomorus spp. In the present study, the surface specialization and ultrastructure of the tegument and haptor were examined in detail. The buccal cavity and the preoral pit bear uniciliated sensory endings. The genital atrium opens on the ventral surface whereas the vaginal pore opens on the dorsal surface of the anterior region. The general body surface is elevated by pits and folds together with papillae-like uniciliated sensory endings. Microvilli are uncommon.

The syncytium of the tegument is bounded by apical and basal plasma membranes. Some electron-dense granules and electron-lucent vesicles were observed exocytosing at the apical surface. The tegumental perikarya lie amongst the muscle blocks underneath the basal lamina. The body wall muscle fibres are non-striated consisting of thick and thin myofilaments. Each muscle fibre is limited by a sarcolemma and separated from neighbouring fibres by interstitial material.

The haptor possesses two rows of pincer-type clamps. The clamps may be withdrawn by muscles into cavity-like depressions. Electron-dense fibrils are embedded within the clamp sclerite matrix. The intrinsic muscles of the clamp include radial muscles enclosed within the basal lamina. The muscle fibres enclosed within the basal lamina of the clamp appear to differ from the body wall muscles by the absence of interstitial material, the possession of well defined gap junctions between the sarcolemma of adjacent muscle fibres, abundant sarcoplasmic reticulum and numerous mitochondria. The extrinsic muscles of the clamp presumably arise from the dorso-lateral surface of the haptor and are apparently connected to the tendon of the clamp. A cluster of gland cells occurs in the haptor beneath each clamp. The haptor is richly supplied with nerve fibres which are associated with groups of neurones. Each axon is non-myelinated and contains presumed neurosecretory granules. The peripheries of some of the large axons are subdivided by invaginations of the axon wall.  相似文献   

Saltatory ontogeny and evolution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

How is the human tendency and ability to collaborate acquired and how did it evolve? This paper explores the ontogeny and evolution of human collaboration using a combination of theoretical and empirical resources. We present a game theoretic model of the evolution of learning in the Stag Hunt game, which predicts the evolution of a built-in cooperative bias. We then survey recent empirical results on the ontogeny of collaboration in humans, which suggest the ability to collaborate is developmentally stable across a range of environments. Lastly, we use an account of innateness developed by Ariew (Philos Sci 63:S19–S27, 1996) and Sober (Routledge encyclopedia of philosophy. Routledge, London, pp 794–797, 1998) to assess the extent that (1) the model predicts the fixation of innate collaboration and (2) the empirical studies show a human’s ability to collaborate to be innate.  相似文献   

Recent advances in developmental biology reveal that patterns of morphological development, even during early phases, may be highly susceptible to evolutionary change. Consequently, developmental data may be uninformative with regard to distinguishing homology and homoplasy. The present analysis evaluates postnatal ontogeny in papionin primates to test hypotheses about homology and homoplasy during later periods of development. Specifically, the analysis studies the allometric bases of craniometric resemblances among four papionin genera to test the hypothesis that homoplasy in adult cranial form, particularly of baboons (Papio) and mandrills (Mandrillus), is underwritten by divergent patterns of development. Bivariate and multivariate allometric analyses demonstrate that the developmental patterns in Papio baboons diverge markedly from ontogenetic allometric trajectories in other papionin species. The resemblances between Papio and Mandrillus (assuming that patterns of development in smaller papionins are ancestral) are largely consequences of perinatal increases in relative brain size in juvenile Papio. Postnatal growth to large size and strong negative allometry of neurocranial form results in shape similarities because developmental pathways for large papionin genera intersect. Analyses show that allometric data may not be particularly informative in revealing homoplasy. However, placed into proper phylogenetic context, such data illustrate derived patterns of development that may reflect critically important life-history or ontogenetic adaptations.  相似文献   

The origin of paired appendages became one of the most important adaptations of vertebrates, allowing them to lead active lifestyles and explore a wide range of ecological niches. The basic form of paired appendages in evolution is the fins of fishes. The problem of paired appendages has attracted the attention of researchers for more than 150 years. During this time, a number of theories have been proposed, mainly based on morphological data, two of which, the Balfour-Thacher-Mivart lateral fold theory and Gegenbaur's gill arch theory, have not lost their relevance. So far, however, none of the proposed ideas has been supported by decisive evidence. The study of the evolutionary history of the appearance and development of paired appendages lies at the intersection of several disciplines and involves the synthesis of paleontological, morphological, embryological, and genetic data. In this review, we attempt to summarize and discuss the results accumulated in these fields and to analyze the theories put forward regarding the prerequisites and mechanisms that gave rise to paired fins and limbs in vertebrates.  相似文献   

N. Malchus 《Palaeontology》2004,47(6):1539-1574
A study of ligaments of larval, postlarval and adult shells of fossil and recent pteriomorphian bivalves leads to the following observations and hypotheses: (1) Ligament growth passively follows the general growth pattern of the mantle margin. No independent genetic information fixes the anterior, ventral, or posterior growth direction of the ligament. Further growth constraints relate to physical availability of space on the ligament area and to heterochronic processes. (2) The disjunct ligament and the repetition of fibrous or lamellar sublayers are phenotypic aspects of the same derived ligament Bauplan 1. All Pteriomorphia possess the ability to produce repetitive ligaments. This ability and space reductions of the ligament area in independent phylogenetic lineages are responsible for the iterative evolution of ligament grades. (3) Spondylidae and Plicatulidae are duplivincular, and the Ostreoidea are plesiomorphically multivincular. (4) Larval anterior-helical growth of the soft tissue produces opisthogyrate shells and possibly caused the evolution of the alivincular-multivincular grade. Duplivincular-alivincular and multivincular-alivincular grades can be distinguished if larval shell characters are known. (5) The taxonomic distribution of ligament grades as amended in this paper is largely consistent with modern phylogeny hypotheses based on genetic or morphologic or combined character sets. However, the resolution of early phylogenetic nodes requires more data on larval shells of Lower Palaeozoic taxa.  相似文献   

Fundamental ambiguities in the interpretation of brain/body allometric trends can only be resolved by analyzing relationships between ontogenetic brain/body growth processes in different groups. The ambiguous concept of adult encephalization confuses at least three distinct types of transformation of a common mammalian growth curve: scalar magnification, total curve didplacement, and changes in proportions of the pre- and postnatal phases of the curve. The conservative ratio between pre- and postnatal growth phases determines the apparent linearity of comparative brain/body allometry and can be explained by assuming that embyological neurogenetic processes ultimately determine both target brain and body size—the first directly and the second indirectly via neurohormonal regulation of somatic growth. Uneven taxonomic distribution of different ontogenetic growth patterns may explain many differences in the allometric trends at different taxonomic levels of analysis. The human brain grows exactly as if it was in a giant ape body; however, because of decoupled growth in different brain regions, it regulates body growth as though it were the size of a chimpanzee brain. Human encephalization exhibits an ontogenetic transformation not found in other mammalian groups.  相似文献   

Evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo) explores the link between developmental patterning and phenotypic change through evolutionary time. In this review, we highlight the scientific advancements in understanding xylem evolution afforded by the evo-devo approach, opportunities for further engagement, and future research directions for the field. We review evidence that (1) heterochrony—the change in rate and timing of developmental events, (2) homeosis—the ontogenetic replacement of features, (3) heterometry—the change in quantity of a feature, (4) exaptation—the co-opting and repurposing of an ancestral feature, (5) the interplay between developmental and capacity constraints, and (6) novelty—the emergence of a novel feature, have all contributed to generating the diversity of woods. We present opportunities for future research engagement, which combine wood ontogeny within the context of robust phylogenetic hypotheses, and molecular biology.  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal reorganization of growth rates in the evolution of ontogeny   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Heterochrony, evolutionary changes in rate or timing of development producing parallelism between ontogeny and phylogeny, is viewed as the most common type of evolutionary change in development. Alternative hypotheses such as heterotopy, evolutionary change in the spatial patterning of development, are rarely entertained. We examine the evidence for heterochrony and heterotopy in the evolution of body shape in two clades of piranhas. One of these is the sole case of heterochrony previously reported in the group; the others were previously interpreted as cases of heterotopy. To compare ontogenies of shape, we computed ontogenetic trajectories of shape by multivariate regression of geometric shape variables (i.e., partial warp scores and shape coordinates) on centroid size. Rates of development relative to developmental age and angles between the trajectories were compared statistically. We found a significant difference in developmental rate between species of Serrasalmus , suggesting that heterochrony is a partial explanation for the evolution of body shape, but we also found a significant difference between their ontogenetic transformations; the direction of the difference between them suggests that heterotopy also plays a role in this group. In Pygocentrus we found no difference in developmental rate among species, but we did find a difference in the ontogenies, suggesting that heterotopy, but not heterochrony, is the developmental basis for shape diversification in this group. The prevalence of heterotopy as a source of evolutionary novelty remains largely unexplored and will not become clear until the search for developmental explanations looks beyond heterochrony.  相似文献   

Two hypotheses exist to explain ontogenetic eye reduction in Astyanax cave fish: first, after lens induction by the primordial eye cup, the lens plays the role of a central regulator of eye and retina regression or, second, the retina itself is an independent unit of eye development. A comparative study of five blind cave fish populations and their surface sister form was performed to investigate the differences of ontogenetic eye regression between the cave populations during different stages of development. The study revealed that, in addition to the initial formation of smaller primordia, eye regression is also caused during later ontogeny by different relative growth and specific histological characteristics. Whereas the cave fish lens never properly differentiates, the regressive process of the retina is transitorily interrupted by ongoing differentiation. In the newly-discovered Molino cave population, even visual cells with well-organized outer segments develop, which are secondarily reduced at a later ontogenetic stage. This result shows that the retina and lens are independent developmental units within the eye ball. Presumably, the genetic systems responsible for both show independent inheritance, which is also corroborated by hybrids of F 2-crosses between the cave and surface fish, in which lens and retina development do not correlate. During ontogeny, the eye size differs between the cave populations. In Pachón cave fish, the relatively large eye size correlates with an ancient introgression from a surface population, which may have delayed eye regression.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 287–296.  相似文献   

E I Vorob'eva 《Ontogenez》1987,18(2):117-127
The concept of evolution of ontogenesis by I. I. Shmal'gauzen is presented as a result of reviewing some of his theoretical works. This concept appears to be the most consistent development of classical darwinism on the basis of a basically new (as compared with synthetic theory of evolution) evolutionary-synthetic approach. This latter has been based on the idea of the organism integrity in onto- and phylogenesis and the involvement of the organismic level (ontogenesis), together with the population and biocoenotic ones, in the evolutionary process as a whole.  相似文献   

Evo-devo is considered a special field of knowledge emphasizing the role of developmental processes and mechanisms in evolution and integrating the data of many disciplines studying various structural levels of biosphere organization. A mechanical approach to estimation of events is regarded as a specific feature of the evo-devo concept. In our opinion, the I.I. Schmalhausen concept of the evolution of ontogeny, opposing the reductionist approach of many contemporary evo-devo adherents, can be regarded as the fundamental basis of evo-devo.  相似文献   

Evolutionary transformations are recorded by fossils with transitional morphologies, and are key to understanding the history of life. Reconstructing these transformations requires interpreting functional attributes of extinct forms by exploring how similar features function in extant organisms. However, extinct-extant comparisons are often difficult, because extant adult forms frequently differ substantially from fossil material. Here, we illustrate how postnatal developmental transitions in extant birds can provide rich and novel insights into evolutionary transformations in theropod dinosaurs. Although juveniles have not been a focus of extinct-extant comparisons, developing juveniles in many groups transition through intermediate morphological, functional and behavioral stages that anatomically and conceptually parallel evolutionary transformations. Exploring developmental transitions may thus disclose observable, ecologically relevant answers to long puzzling evolutionary questions.  相似文献   

On the ontogeny and interactions of phosphofructokinase in mouse tissues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distribution and interactions of phosphofructokinase isozymes with cellular structure have been studied in the major tissues of the mouse during development. The ontogenic patterns of isozymes which were obtained were consistent with those observed for other species and are interpreted in terms of the presence of three genes and three homotetrameric forms of the enzyme (A4, B4 and C4) in the tissues of the mouse. In addition, the data provides a clear indication that interactions between the enzyme and cellular structure are appreciable in all major tissues and at all stages of development, with all isozyme types exhibiting such interactions. The significance of the study of subcellular interactions of these isozymes in contributing to a comprehensive physiological rationale for this mammalian enzyme and its multiple forms is discussed.  相似文献   

Comparison of the ontogenies of bivalves of different habitats and systematic position provide two main conclusions. The first is that bivalves stick to a certain basic program of ontogeny which can be divided into six phases. The first three phases are parallel to those of some other invertebrates, the 4th phase is parallel to that of conchiferan molluscs, with, the 5th phase, bivalve characters are acquired, and in the 6th phase, genus-specific adult organization is reached. The second is that within this basic developmental programm specific differences occur. The ontogeny ofTeredora is similar to that of many marine bivalves and is characterized by a strong plasticity. The adult, in contrast, is highly specialized for living within wood. InAnodonta, the opposite is true and embryonic development even includes a parasitic stage, while the adult is of a more general organization. Due to brood-protection and embryonic nursing, the whole organogenesis ofSphaerium becomes directed towards adult organization. Ontogenetic development of a general body plan of the Bivalvia provides a model for the evolution of the first bivalves (protobranchs excluded) from univalves by a one-step alteration connected with shell mineralization and loss of the buccal mass affecting the embryo near end of embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The morphological diversity of fishes provides a rich source to address questions regarding the evolution of complex and novel forms. The Tetraodontiformes represent an order of highly derived teleosts including fishes, such as the pelagic ocean sunfishes, triggerfishes, and pufferfishes. This makes the order attractive for comparative analyses to understand the role of development in generating new forms during evolution. The adductor mandibulae complex, the main muscle associated with jaw closure, represents an ideal model system within the Tetraodontiformes. The adductor mandibulae differs in terms of partitions and their attachment sites between members of the different tetraodontiform families. In order to understand the evolution of the jaws among the Tetraodontiformes, we investigate the development of the adductor mandibulae in pufferfishes and triggerfishes as representatives of two different suborders (Balistoidei and Tetraodontoidei) that follows two different adaptations to a durophagous feeding mode. We show that the varied patterns of the adductor mandibulae derive from similar developmental sequence of subdivision of the partitions. We propose a conserved developmental program for partitioning of the adductor mandibulae as a foundation for the evolution of different patterns of subdivisions in Tetraodontiformes. Furthermore, we argue that derived conditions in the higher taxa are realized by supplementary subdivisions and altered attachment sites. These findings support a reinterpretation of homology of different muscle partitions among the Tetraodontiformes, as muscle partitions previously thought to be disparate, are now clearly related.  相似文献   

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