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We examined the ontogeny of the osmoregulatory sites of the branchial cavity in embryonic and early postembryonic stages of the European lobster Homarus gammarus through transmission electron microscopy, immunofluorescence microscopy, and immunogold electron microscopy using a monoclonal antibody IgGalpha(5) raised against the avian alpha-subunit of the Na(+),K(+)-ATPase. In mid-late embryos, Na(+),K(+)-ATPase was located along the pleurites and within the epipodite buds. In late embryos just before hatching, the enzyme was confined to the epipodite epithelia. After hatching, slight differentiations of ionocytes occured in the epipodites of larval stages. Na(+),K(+)-ATPase was also located in the ionocytes of the epipodites of larvae exposed to seawater (35.%o) and to dilute seawater (22.1 %o). After metamorphosis, the inner-side branchiostegite epithelium appeared as an additional site of enzyme location in postlarvae held in dilute seawater. Within the ionocytes, Na(+),K(+)-ATPase was mostly located along the basolateral infoldings. These observations are discussed in relation to the physiological shift from osmoconforming larvae to slightly hyper-regulating (in dilute seawater) postmetamorphic stages. The acquisition of the ability to hyper-osmoregulate probably originates from the differentiation, on the epipodites and mainly along the branchiostegites, of ionocytes that are the site of ion pumping as evidenced by the location of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase.  相似文献   

Unlike in crustacean freshwater species, the structure and ultrastructure of the excretory antennal gland is poorly documented in marine species. The general organization and ultrastructure of the cells and the localization of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase were examined in the antennal gland of the adult lobster Homarus gammarus. Each gland is composed of a centrally located coelomosac surrounded ventrally by a labyrinth divided into two parts (I and II) and dorsally by a voluminous bladder. There is no differentiated nephridal tubule between them. The labyrinth and bladder cells have in common a number of ultrastructural cytological features, including basal membrane infoldings associated with mitochondria, apical microvilli, and cytoplasmic extrusions, and a cytoplasm packed with numerous vacuoles, vesicles, lysosome-like bodies, and swollen mitochondria. Each type of cell also presents distinctive characters. Na(+),K(+)-ATPase was detected through immunofluorescence in the basal part of the cells of the labyrinth and in the bladder cells with an increasing immunostaining from labyrinth I to the bladder. No immunoreactivity was detected in the coelomosac. The cells of the labyrinth and of the bladder present morphological and enzymatic features of ionocytes. The antennal glands of the lobster thus possess active ion exchanges capabilities.  相似文献   

We studied the amino acid and lipid dynamics during embryogenesis of Homarus gammarus. Major essential amino acids (EAA) in the last stage of embryonic development were arginine, lysine and leucine; major nonessential amino acids (NEAA) were glutamic acid, aspartic acid, valine and glycine. The highest percent of utilization occurred in respect to EAA (27.8%), mainly due to a significant decrease (p<0.05) of methionine (38.3%) and threonine (36.0%). NEAA also decreased significantly (p<0.05, 11.4%), namely serine (38.1%), tyrosine (26.4%) and glutamic acid (25.7%). In contrast, the free amino acid content increased significantly (p<0.05) during embryonic development, especially the free nonessential amino acids (FNEAA). In the last stage, the most abundant FNEAA were glycine, proline, alanine and taurine, and the major free essential amino acids (FEAA) were arginine, lysine and leucine. Lipid content decreased significantly (p<0.05) during embryonic development. A substantial decrease in all neutral lipid classes was observed (>80% of utilization). Major fatty acids were 16:0, 18:0, 18:1n-9, 18:2n-6, 18:3n-3, 20:5n-3 and 22:6n-3. Unsaturated (UFA) and saturated fatty acids (SFA) were used up at similar rates (76.5% and 76.3%, respectively). Within UFA, monounsaturates (MUFA) were consumed more than polyunsaturates (PUFA) (82.9% and 67.5%, respectively).  相似文献   

The involvement of the antennal urinary glands in the ontogeny of osmoregulatory functions was investigated during the development of Astacus leptodactylus by measurements of hemolymph and urine osmolality in juvenile and adult crayfish and by the immunodetection of the enzyme Na+,K+-ATPase. In stage II juveniles, 1-year-old juveniles, and adults, all of which were maintained in freshwater, urine was significantly hypotonic to hemolymph. In adults, chloride and sodium concentrations were much lower in urine than in hemolymph. During embryonic development, Na+,K+-ATPase was detected by immunocytochemistry in ionocytes lining the tubule and the bladder, at an eye index (EI) of 220–250 m, and in the labyrinth, at EI 350 m. In all regions, immunofluorescence was mainly located at the basolateral side of the cells. No immunofluorescence was detected at any stage in the coelomosac. In late embryonic stages (EI 410–440 m), in stage I juveniles, and in adults, strong positive immunofluorescence was found from the labyrinth up to and including the bladder. These results show that, as early as hatching, juvenile crayfish are able to produce dilute urine hypotonic to hemolymph. This ability originates from the presence of Na+,K+-ATPase in ion-transporting cells located in the labyrinth, the tubule, and the bladder of the antennal glands and constitutes one of the main adaptations of crayfish to freshwater.We thank the University of Tarbiat Modarres and Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Islamic Republic of Iran for financial aid and support. Special thanks are also due to the Société Française dExportation des Ressources Educatives (SFERE) for the scholarship to S.K.  相似文献   

Although relatively a large number of the complete mitochondrial genome sequences have been determined from various decapod species (29 mtDNA sequences reported so far), the information for the infraorder Astacidea (including lobsters, crayfishes, and their relatives) is very limited and represented by only one complete sequence from the Australian freshwater crayfish species Cherax destructor. In this study, we determined the complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of Homarus americanus, the first representative of the family Nephropidae to be fully characterized. Comparison of the gene arrangement reveals that H. americanus mtDNA is identical to those of other pancrustacean species but differs from the other astacidean species (C. destructor). Based on these data, it can be assumed that an idiosyncratic gene order discovered in C. destructor mtDNA may be secondarily acquired from the ancestral lineage of the Astacidea.  相似文献   

Chronic hypertension is characterized by a persistent increase in vascular tone. Sodium-rich diets promote hypertension; however, the underlying molecular mechanisms are not fully understood. Variations in the sodium content of the diet, through hormonal mediators such as dopamine and angiotensin II, modulate renal tubule Na+,K+-ATPase activity. Stimulation of Na+,K+-ATPase activity increases sodium transport across the renal proximal tubule epithelia, promoting Na+ retention, whereas inhibited Na+,K+-ATPase activity decreases sodium transport, and thereby natriuresis. Diets rich in sodium also enhance the release of adrenal endogenous ouabain-like compounds (OLC), which inhibit Na+,K+-ATPase activity, resulting in increased intracellular Na+ and Ca2+ concentrations in vascular smooth muscle cells, thus increasing the vascular tone, with a corresponding increase in blood pressure. The mechanisms by which these homeostatic processes are integrated in response to salt intake are complex and not completely elucidated. However, recent scientific findings provide new insights that may offer additional avenues to further explore molecular mechanisms related to normal physiology and pathophysiology of various forms of hypertension (i.e. salt-induced). Consequently, new strategies for the development of improved therapeutics and medical management of hypertension are anticipated.  相似文献   

Na+,K+-ATPase is an ubiquitous membrane enzyme that allows the extrusion of three sodium ions from the cell and two potassium ions from the extracellular fluid. Its activity is decreased in many tissues of streptozotocin-induced diabetic animals. This impairment could be at least partly responsible for the development of diabetic complications. Na+,K+-ATPase activity is decreased in the red blood cell membranes of type 1 diabetic individuals, irrespective of the degree of diabetic control. It is less impaired or even normal in those of type 2 diabetic patients. The authors have shown that in the red blood cells of type 2 diabetic patients, Na+,K+-ATPase activity was strongly related to blood C-peptide levels in non–insulin-treated patients (in whom C-peptide concentration reflects that of insulin) as well as in insulin-treated patients. Furthermore, a gene-environment relationship has been observed. The alpha-1 isoform of the enzyme predominant in red blood cells and nerve tissue is encoded by the ATP1A1 gene.Apolymorphism in the intron 1 of this gene is associated with lower enzyme activity in patients with C-peptide deficiency either with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, but not in normal individuals. There are several lines of evidence for a low C-peptide level being responsible for low Na+,K+-ATPase activity in the red blood cells. Short-term C-peptide infusion to type 1 diabetic patients restores normal Na+,K+-ATPase activity. Islet transplantation, which restores endogenous C-peptide secretion, enhances Na+,K+-ATPase activity proportionally to the rise in C-peptide. This C-peptide effect is not indirect. In fact, incubation of diabetic red blood cells with C-peptide at physiological concentration leads to an increase of Na+,K+-ATPase activity. In isolated proximal tubules of rats or in the medullary thick ascending limb of the kidney, C-peptide stimulates in a dose-dependent manner Na+,K+-ATPase activity. This impairment in Na+,K+-ATPase activity, mainly secondary to the lack of C-peptide, plays probably a role in the development of diabetic complications. Arguments have been developed showing that the diabetesinduced decrease in Na+,K+-ATPase activity compromises microvascular blood flow by two mechanisms: by affecting microvascular regulation and by decreasing red blood cell deformability, which leads to an increase in blood viscosity. C-peptide infusion restores red blood cell deformability and microvascular blood flow concomitantly with Na+,K+-ATPase activity. The defect in ATPase is strongly related to diabetic neuropathy. Patients with neuropathy have lower ATPase activity than those without. The diabetes-induced impairment in Na+,K+-ATPase activity is identical in red blood cells and neural tissue. Red blood cell ATPase activity is related to nerve conduction velocity in the peroneal and the tibial nerve of diabetic patients. C-peptide infusion to diabetic rats increases endoneural ATPase activity in rat. Because the defect in Na+,K+-ATPase activity is also probably involved in the development of diabetic nephropathy and cardiomyopathy, physiological C-peptide infusion could be beneficial for the prevention of diabetic complications.  相似文献   

Robert W.  Elner  Alan  Campbell 《Journal of Zoology》1981,193(2):269-286
The dimorphic chelae from both sexes and a wide size range of American lobsters, Homarus americanus , were studied with respect to allometry, mechanical advantage, closer muscle apodeme area and occlusive surface morphology. The maximum forces produced by the crusher and cutter chelae were estimated by an in vitro and a static in vivo technique. Another in vivo technique, involving strain gauges, was used to measure the forces delivered by crusher chelae. The latter technique gave data on force pulse duration and frequency, and in combination with a video-recording system could be useful for future studies of predation behaviour. The maximum forces generated increased with chela height for both crusher and cutter chelae. A maximum force of 256 Newtons (N) was recorded near the middle of the crusher dactyl from a 172-mm carapace length lobster, by the strain gauge technique. Crusher chelae developed larger maximum forces than cutter chelae of the same height. This was attributable more to the crusher chela's higher mechanical advantage than to its developing higher input forces. The mean mechanical advantage for male crusher (0.33) was significantly higher than that for female crusher chelae (0.29). Male and female cutter chelae had the same mean mechanical advantage values (0.16). Values for maximum stress developed during contraction in both the crusher and cutter chela closer muscles decreased with chela size. The morphology of the chelae correlated to the forces produced and predation behaviour.  相似文献   

Decapod crustaceans grow discontinuously and gain size through complex molt processes. The molt comprises the loss of the old cuticle and, moreover, substantial reduction and re-organization of muscles and connective tissues. In adult lobsters, the muscle tissue of the massive claws undergoes significant atrophy of 40-75% before ecdysis. The degradation of this tissue is facilitated by calcium-dependent proteases and by the proteasome, an intra-cellular proteolytic multi-enzyme complex. In contrast to the adults, the involvement of the proteasome during the larval development is yet not validated. Therefore, we developed micro-methods to measure the 20S and the 26S proteasomal activities within mg- and sub-mg-quantities of the larval claw tissue of the European lobster, Homarus gammarus. Within the three larval stages (Z1-3) we distinguished between sub-stages of freshly molted/hatched (post-molt), inter-molt, and ready to molt (pre-molt) larvae. Juveniles were analyzed in the post-molt and in the inter-molt stage. The trypsin-like, the chymotrypsin-like, and the peptidyl-glutamyl peptide hydrolase activity (PGPH) of the 20S proteasome increased distinctly from freshly hatched larvae to pre-molt Z1. During the Z2 stage, the activities were highest in the post-molt animals, decreased in the inter-molt animals and increased again in the pre-molt animals. A similar but less distinct trend was evident in the Z3 stages. In the juveniles, the proteasomal activities decreased toward the lowest values. A similar pattern was present for the chymotrypsin-like activity of the 26S proteasome. The results show that the proteasome plays a significant role during the larval development of lobsters. This is not only reflected by the elevated activities, but also by the continuous change of the trypsin/chymotrypsin-ratio which may indicate a shift in the subunit composition of the proteasome and, thus, a biochemical adjustment to better cope with elevated protein turnover rates during larval development.  相似文献   

Browne  R. M.  Mercer  J. P.  Duncan  M. J. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,465(1-3):49-62
Historical developments of the Republic of Ireland's Homarus gammarus fishery are reviewed and compared in the context of landings in Europe and the North American H. americanus fishery. H. gammarus fishing has provided essential income for over a century to many Irish coastal communities. There have been significant fluctuations (greater than 460%) in recorded landings over this time and the relative importance of H. gammarus fishing has changed with the establishment of ancillary crustacean fisheries. In 1994, H. gammarus landings reached an all-time high of 714 tonnes, with a landed value of IR £6.3 million; in 1999 landings were 597 tonnes valued at IR £6.15 million. Current Republic of Ireland lobster fishery regulations are: (a) minimum carapace length of 85 mm, (b) ban on landing lobsters that have been `V-notched' or have a mutilated tail fan, and (c) prohibition of capturing lobsters by SCUBA diving. Chronological details on recent legislation, regulations and landings relating to Ireland's lobster fishery sector are reviewed. In the last 40 years landings of H. gammarus in the Republic of Ireland exhibit signs of an overexploited stock characterised by a reduction in catch per unit effort and there has been a general decline of total landings for H. gammarus throughout Europe. This contrasts with North America, where many regulations govern the H. americanus fishery and landings appear to be in a healthier state.  相似文献   

Aspects of osmoregulation including salinity tolerance, osmoregulatory capacity, location of transporting epithelia, and the expression of the enzyme Na+/K+-ATPase were investigated in the developing brown shrimp, Crangon crangon (L.), from the North Sea. Early developmental stages and large juveniles were exposed to a wide range of salinities for measurement of hemolymph osmolality and survival rates. In media ranging from 17.0 per thousand to 32.2 per thousand, salinity tolerance was generally high (survival rates: 70%-100%) in all developmental stages, but it decreased in media <10.2 per thousand. Zoeal stages and decapodids slightly hyperregulated at 17.0 per thousand and osmoconformed in media > or =25.5 per thousand. At 10.2 per thousand, these stages showed high mortality, and only juveniles survived at 5.3 per thousand. Juveniles hyperregulated at 10.2 per thousand and 17.0 per thousand, osmoconformed at 25.5 per thousand, and hyporegulated in media > or =32.2 per thousand. Large juveniles hyperregulated also at 5.3 per thousand. Expression of the Na+/K+-ATPase and ion-transporting cells was located through immunofluorescence microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. In zoeae I and VI, a strong immunoreactivity was observed in cells of the inner epithelia of the branchiostegites and in epithelial cells lining the pleurae. Their ultrastructure showed typical features of ion-transporting cells. In decapodids and juveniles, ionocytes and expression of Na+/K+-ATPase remained located in the branchiostegite epithelium, but they disappeared from the pleurae and appeared in the epipodites. In large juveniles, the cells of the gill shaft showed positive immunolabeling and ultrastructural features of ionocytes. In summary, the adult pattern of osmoregulation in C. crangon is accomplished after metamorphosis from a moderately hyperosmoconforming decapodid to an effectively hyper-/hyporegulating juvenile stage. Salinity tolerance and osmoregulatory capacity are closely correlated with the development of ion-transporting cells and the expression of Na+/K+-ATPase.  相似文献   

1. The sixth abdominal ganglion (6 A.G.) of the lobster Homarus gammarus (L.) innervates the rectum via the paired posterior intestinal nerves (P.I.N.’s) and the paired anal nerves. The anterior branches of the P.I.N.’s supply the anterior hindgut, the main faecal expulsion region, whilst the posterior branches (P.I.N.p.’s) supply the posterior region and the 5 extrinsic radial muscle groups around the anus.

2. Stimulation of the ventral nerve cord (V.N.C.) or the oesophageal connectives initiates co‐ordinated hindgut movements, the defaecatory response. The nervous activity eliciting these movements passes down the P.I.N.’s. The anal nerves are devoid of motor function with respect to the hindgut.

3. In addition to neurogenic movements the rectum also undergoes non‐coordinated, low amplitude longitudinal and circular muscle contractions. These are thought to be due to independently acting endogenous oscillators within the muscles themselves. The radial muscles of the anus also exhibit rhythmical contractions after an initial maximal contraction following stimulation of the P.I.N.p.’s.

4. Receptors responding to anal dilation and closure have been shown to exist in the anal nerves. They are non‐specific soft cuticle receptors which are, apparently, positionally sensitive. These receptors are not thought to modulate motor output from the 6 A.G. to the rectum at the level of the 6 A.G.

5. Bifurcating motor axons are thought to exist in the P.I.N.’s.

6. It is concluded that the defaecatory response of the lobster is a centrally programmed phenomenon.  相似文献   

Summary In the perfused rat liver administration of glucagon was shown to result in a transiently increased uptake of K+, indicating the possible involvement of the Na+, K+-ATPase. Direct measurement of the activity of Na+, K+-ATPase revealed a two-fold stimulation of the enzyme by glucagon. The effect of glucagon on the activity of the enzyme was immediate. Simultaneously with the increase in the activity of the Na+, K+-ATPase, the activity of Mg2+-ATPase decreased. In order to evaluate whether the activation of the Na+, K+-ATPase by glucagon is related to the metabolic effects of the hormone, experimental conditions known to interfere with the activity of the enzyme were employed and glucagon stimulation of Ca2+-efflux, mitochondrial metabolism and gluconeogenesis were measured. K+-free perfusate, high K+ perfusate or ouabain interfered to varying degrees with the glucagon stimulation of these responses. The combination of K+-free perfusate and ouabain almost completely abolished the glucagon stimulation of all three parameters. These results demonstrate the glucagon stimulation of Na+, K+-ATPase and raise the possibility that the activation of the enzyme by glucagon might be a necessary link for the manifestation of its metabolic effects.  相似文献   

Na+,K+-ATPase, the enzymatic moiety that operates as the electrogenic sodium-potassium pump of the cell plasma membrane, is inhibited by cardiac glycosides, and this specific interaction of a drug with an enzyme has been considered to be responsible for digitalis-induced vascular smooth muscle contraction. Although studies aimed at localization, isolation, and measurement of the Na+,K+-ATPase activity (or Na+, K- pump activity) indicate its presence in vascular smooth muscle sarcolemma, its characterization as the putative vasopressor receptor site for cardiac glycosides has depended on pharmacological studies of vascular response in vivo and on isolated artery contractile responses in vitro. More recently, radioligand-binding studies using [3H]ouabain have aided in the characterization of drug-enzyme interaction. Such studies indicate that in canine superior mesenteric artery (SMA), Na+,K+-ATPase is the only specific site of interaction of ouabain with resultant inhibition of the enzyme. The characteristics of [3H]ouabain binding to this site are similar to those of purified or partially purified Na+,K+-ATPase of other tissues, which suggests that if Na+,K+-ATPase inhibition is causally related to digitalis-mediated effects on vascular smooth muscle contraction, then therapeutic concentrations of cardiac glycosides could act to cause SMA vasoconstriction. The additional finding from radioligand-binding studies that Na+,K+-ATPase exists in much smaller quantities (density of sites per cell) in SMA than in either heart or kidney may have implications concerning its physiological, biochemical or pharmacological role in modulating vascular muscle tone.  相似文献   

Enzyme activity, representing the sites of K+-stimulated p-nitrophenylphosphatase, a component of the sodium, potassium-stimulated-adenosinetriphosphatase system, has been localized in the somatosensory cortex of the rat brain. The reaction product is most obviously associated with fibers that are thought to be axons and dendrites. Large dendrite-like fibers appear to arise in layer 5 of the cortex and arborize in layers 1 through 4. Smaller, reactive fibers are found throughout the cortical layers. Neuron cell bodies did not exhibit substantial enzymatic activity. It did not appear that glia contributed significantly to the activity in cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

Decapod crustaceans exhibit considerable variation in fertilisation strategies, ranging from pervasive single paternity to the near-ubiquitous presence of multiple paternity, and such knowledge of mating systems and behaviour are required for the informed management of commercially-exploited marine fisheries. We used genetic markers to assess the paternity of individual broods in the European lobster, Homarus gammarus, a species for which paternity structure is unknown. Using 13 multiplexed microsatellite loci, three of which are newly described in this study, we genotyped 10 eggs from each of 34 females collected from an Atlantic peninsula in the south-western United Kingdom. Single reconstructed paternal genotypes explained all observed progeny genotypes in each of the 34 egg clutches, and each clutch was fertilised by a different male. Simulations indicated that the probability of detecting multiple paternity was in excess of 95% if secondary sires account for at least a quarter of the brood, and in excess of 99% where additional sire success was approximately equal. Our results show that multiple paternal fertilisations are either absent, unusual, or highly skewed in favour of a single male among H. gammarus in this area. Potential mechanisms upholding single paternal fertilisation are discussed, along with the prospective utility of parentage assignments in evaluations of hatchery stocking and other fishery conservation approaches in light of this finding.  相似文献   

A current state of researches on mechanisms of ion homeostasis regulation in the specific conditions of the uncontrolled malignant tumor growth (mainly in carcinomas) concerning the contribution of Na+,K+-ATPase, plasma membrane and sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPases has been reviewed. Particular attention has been focused on the molecular and biochemical links providing the redistribution of the transporting ATPases isozyme pattern for the regulatory requirements of the cell signaling pathways at stable proliferation and viability in malignancy.  相似文献   

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