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Lysosome-related organelles (LROs) are synthesized in specialized cell types where they largely coexist with conventional lysosomes. Most of the known cellular transport machinery involved in biogenesis are ubiquitously expressed and shared between lysosomes and LROs. Examples of common components are the adaptor protein complex-3 (AP-3) and biogenesis of lysosome-related organelle complex (BLOC)-2. These protein complexes control sorting and transport of newly synthesized integral membrane proteins from early endosomes to both lysosomes and LROs such as the melanosome. However, it is unknown what factors cooperate with the ubiquitous transport machinery to mediate transport to LROs in specialized cells. Focusing on the melanosome, we show that the ubiquitous machinery interacts with cell type-specific Rab proteins, Rab38 and Rab32, to facilitate transport to the maturing organelle. BLOC-2, AP-3, and AP-1 coimmunoprecipitated with Rab38 and Rab32 from MNT-1 melanocytic cell extracts. BLOC-2, AP-3, AP-1, and clathrin partially colocalized with Rab38 and Rab32 by confocal immunofluorescence microscopy in MNT-1 cells. Rab38- and Rab32-deficient MNT-1 cells displayed abnormal trafficking and steady state levels of known cargoes of the BLOC-2, AP-3, and AP-1 pathways, the melanin-synthesizing enzymes tyrosinase and tyrosinase-related protein-1. These observations support the idea that Rab38 and Rab32 are the specific factors that direct the ubiquitous machinery to mediate transport from early endosomes to maturing LROs. Additionally, analysis of tyrosinase-related protein-2 and total melanin production indicates that Rab32 has unique functions that cannot be carried out by Rab38 in melanosome biogenesis.  相似文献   

Oculocerebrorenal syndrome of Lowe is caused by mutation of OCRL1, a phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 5-phosphatase localized at the Golgi apparatus. The cellular role of OCRL1 is unknown, and consequently the mechanism by which loss of OCRL1 function leads to disease is ill defined. Here, we show that OCRL1 is associated with clathrin-coated transport intermediates operating between the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and endosomes. OCRL1 interacts directly with clathrin heavy chain and promotes clathrin assembly in vitro. Interaction with clathrin is not, however, required for membrane association of OCRL1. Overexpression of OCRL1 results in redistribution of clathrin and the cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor (CI-MPR) to enlarged endosomal structures that are defective in retrograde trafficking to the TGN. Depletion of cellular OCRL1 also causes partial redistribution of a CI-MPR reporter to early endosomes. These findings suggest a role for OCRL1 in clathrin-mediated trafficking of proteins from endosomes to the TGN and that defects in this pathway might contribute to the Lowe syndrome phenotype.  相似文献   

The biogenesis of melanosomes is a multistage process that requires the function of cell-type-specific and ubiquitously expressed proteins. OCA2, the product of the gene defective in oculocutaneous albinism type 2, is a melanosomal membrane protein with restricted expression pattern and a potential role in the trafficking of other proteins to melanosomes. The ubiquitous protein complexes AP-3, BLOC-1, and BLOC-2, which contain as subunits the products of genes defective in various types of Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome, have been likewise implicated in trafficking to melanosomes. We have tested for genetic interactions between mutant alleles causing deficiency in OCA2 (pink-eyed dilution unstable), AP-3 (pearl), BLOC-1 (pallid), and BLOC-2 (cocoa) in C57BL/6J mice. The pallid allele was epistatic to pink-eyed dilution, and the latter behaved as a semi-dominant phenotypic enhancer of cocoa and, to a lesser extent, of pearl. These observations suggest functional links between OCA2 and these three protein complexes involved in melanosome biogenesis.  相似文献   

HAP1 (Huntingtin-associated protein 1) consists of two alternately spliced isoforms (HAP1A and HAP1B, which have unique C-terminal sequences) and participates in intracellular trafficking. The C terminus of HAP1A is phosphorylated, and this phosphorylation was found to decrease the association of HAP1A with kinesin light chain, a protein involved in anterograde transport in cells. It remains unclear how this phosphorylation functions to regulate the association of HAP1 with trafficking proteins. Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we found that HAP1 also interacts with 14-3-3 proteins, which are involved in the assembly of protein complexes and the regulation of protein trafficking. The interaction of HAP1 with 14-3-3 is confirmed by their immunoprecipitation and colocalization in mouse brain. Moreover, this interaction is specific to HAP1A and is increased by the phosphorylation of the C terminus of HAP1A. We also found that expression of 14-3-3 decreases the association of HAP1A with kinesin light chain. As a result, there is less HAP1A distributed in neurite tips of PC12 cells that overexpress 14-3-3. Also, overexpression of 14-3-3 reduces the effect of HAP1A in promoting neurite outgrowth of PC12 cells. We propose that the phosphorylation-dependent interaction of HAP1A with 14-3-3 regulates HAP1 function by influencing its association with kinesin light chain and trafficking in neuronal processes.  相似文献   

Cell types that generate unique lysosome-related organelles (LROs), such as melanosomes in melanocytes, populate nascent LROs with cargoes that are diverted from endosomes. Cargo sorting toward melanosomes correlates with binding via cytoplasmically exposed sorting signals to either heterotetrameric adaptor AP-1 or AP-3. Some cargoes bind both adaptors, but the relative contribution of each adaptor to cargo recognition and their functional interactions with other effectors during transport to melanosomes are not clear. Here we exploit targeted mutagenesis of the acidic dileucine-based sorting signal in the pigment cell-specific protein OCA2 to dissect the relative roles of AP-1 and AP-3 in transport to melanosomes. We show that binding to AP-1 or AP-3 depends on the primary sequence of the signal and not its position within the cytoplasmic domain. Mutants that preferentially bound either AP-1 or AP-3 each trafficked toward melanosomes and functionally complemented OCA2 deficiency, but AP-3 binding was necessary for steady-state melanosome localization. Unlike tyrosinase, which also engages AP-3 for optimal melanosomal delivery, both AP-1- and AP-3-favoring OCA2 variants required BLOC-1 for melanosomal transport. These data provide evidence for distinct roles of AP-1 and AP-3 in OCA2 transport to melanosomes and indicate that BLOC-1 can cooperate with either adaptor during cargo sorting to LROs.  相似文献   

Mutational analyses have revealed many genes that are required for proper biogenesis of lysosomes and lysosome-related organelles. The proteins encoded by these genes assemble into five distinct complexes (AP-3, BLOC-1-3, and HOPS) that either sort membrane proteins or interact with SNAREs. Several of these seemingly distinct complexes cause similar phenotypic defects when they are rendered defective by mutation, but the underlying cellular mechanism is not understood. Here, we show that the BLOC-1 complex resides on microvesicles that also contain AP-3 subunits and membrane proteins that are known AP-3 cargoes. Mouse mutants that cause BLOC-1 or AP-3 deficiencies affected the targeting of LAMP1, phosphatidylinositol-4-kinase type II alpha, and VAMP7-TI. VAMP7-TI is an R-SNARE involved in vesicle fusion with late endosomes/lysosomes, and its cellular levels were selectively decreased in cells that were either AP-3- or BLOC-1-deficient. Furthermore, BLOC-1 deficiency selectively altered the subcellular distribution of VAMP7-TI cognate SNAREs. These results indicate that the BLOC-1 and AP-3 protein complexes affect the targeting of SNARE and non-SNARE AP-3 cargoes and suggest a function of the BLOC-1 complex in membrane protein sorting.  相似文献   

CLN3 is a transmembrane protein with a predominant localization in lysosomes in non-neuronal cells but is also found in endosomes and the synaptic region in neuronal cells. Mutations in the CLN3 gene result in juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis or Batten disease, which currently is the most common cause of childhood dementia. We have recently reported that the lysosomal targeting of CLN3 is facilitated by two targeting motifs: a dileucine-type motif in a cytoplasmic loop domain and an unusual motif in the carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic tail comprising a methionine and a glycine separated by nine amino acids (Kyttala, A., Ihrke, G., Vesa, J., Schell, M. J., and Luzio, J. P. (2004) Mol. Biol. Cell 15, 1313-1323). In the present study, we investigated the pathways and mechanisms of CLN3 sorting using biochemical binding assays and immunofluorescence methods. The dileucine motif of CLN3 bound both AP-1 and AP-3 in vitro, and expression of mutated CLN3 in AP-1- or AP-3-deficient mouse fibroblasts showed that both adaptor complexes are required for sequential sorting of CLN3 via this motif. Our data indicate the involvement of complex sorting machinery in the trafficking of CLN3 and emphasize the diversity of parallel and sequential sorting pathways in the trafficking of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

TTRAP is a PML-NB protein that is involved in the NF-κB signaling pathway. TTRAP was recently identified by yeast two-hybrid analysis as a HIV-1 integrase (HIV-1 IN) interacting protein. This interaction was verified by co-immunoprecipitation, GST pull-down, and intracellular imaging, and deletion assays suggested that the N-terminal 180 residues of TTRAP are responsible for the interaction. In stable TTRAP knock-down cell lines, the integration of viral vectors decreased significantly compared with non-silenced cell lines. Conversely, overexpression of TTRAP by transient transfection increased the percentage of integration events. This is the first time that TTRAP has been shown to interact with HIV-1 IN and facilitate lentiviral vector integration. These findings reveal a new function of TTRAP and expand our understanding of the cellular response to HIV infection. The interaction between TTRAP and HIV-1 IN may be useful in designing new anti-viral strategies as well as for improving the efficiency of lentiviral-vector-mediated gene delivery.  相似文献   

Membrane transport carriers fuse with target membranes through engagement of cognate vSNAREs and tSNAREs on each membrane. How vSNAREs are sorted into transport carriers is incompletely understood. Here we show that VAMP7, the vSNARE for fusing endosome-derived tubular transport carriers with maturing melanosomes in melanocytes, is sorted into transport carriers in complex with the tSNARE component STX13. Sorting requires either recognition of VAMP7 by the AP-3δ subunit of AP-3 or of STX13 by the pallidin subunit of BLOC-1, but not both. Consequently, melanocytes expressing both AP-3δ and pallidin variants that cannot bind their respective SNARE proteins are hypopigmented and fail to sort BLOC-1–dependent cargo, STX13, or VAMP7 into transport carriers. However, SNARE binding does not influence BLOC-1 function in generating tubular transport carriers. These data reveal a novel mechanism of vSNARE sorting by recognition of redundant sorting determinants on a SNARE complex by an AP-3–BLOC-1 super-complex.  相似文献   

In neuronal cells the neurotransmitter acetylcholine is transferred from the cytoplasm into synaptic vesicles by the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT). The cytoplasmic tail of VAChT has been shown to contain signals that direct its sorting and trafficking. The role of clathrin-associated protein complexes in VAChT sorting to synaptic vesicles has been examined. A fusion protein between the VAChT cytoplasmic tail and glutathione S-transferase was used to identify VAChT-clathrin-associated protein adaptor protein 1, adaptor protein 2 and adaptor protein 180 complexes from a rat brain extract. In vivo coimmunoprecipitation confirmed adaptin alpha and adaptin gamma complexes, but adaptor protein 180 complexes were not detected by this technique. Deletion and site directed mutagenesis show that the VAChT cytoplasmic tail contains multiple trafficking signals. These include a non-classical tyrosine motif that serves as the signal for adaptin alpha and a dileucine motif that serves as the signal for adaptin gamma. A classical tyrosine motif is also involved in VAChT trafficking, but does not interact with any known adaptor proteins. There appear to be two endocytosis motifs, one involving the adaptor protein 1 binding site and the other involving the adaptor protein 2 binding site. These results suggest a complex trafficking pathway for VAChT.  相似文献   

We have used GST pulldowns from A431 cell cytosol to identify three new binding partners for the gamma-adaptin appendage: Snx9, ARF GAP1, and a novel ENTH domain-containing protein, epsinR. EpsinR is a highly conserved protein that colocalizes with AP-1 and is enriched in purified clathrin-coated vesicles. However, it does not require AP-1 to get onto membranes and remains membrane-associated in AP-1-deficient cells. Moreover, although epsinR binds AP-1 via its COOH-terminal domain, its NH(2)-terminal ENTH domain can be independently recruited onto membranes, both in vivo and in vitro. Brefeldin A causes epsinR to redistribute into the cytosol, and recruitment of the ENTH domain requires GTPgammaS, indicating that membrane association is ARF dependent. In protein-lipid overlay assays, the epsinR ENTH domain binds to PtdIns(4)P, suggesting a possible mechanism for ARF-dependent recruitment onto TGN membranes. When epsinR is depleted from cells by RNAi, cathepsin D is still correctly processed intracellularly to the mature form. This indicates that although epsinR is likely to be an important component of the AP-1 network, it is not necessary for the sorting of lysosomal enzymes.  相似文献   

The Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome (HPS) is a genetic disorder characterized by defective lysosome-related organelles. HPS results from mutations in either one of six human genes named HPS1 to HPS6, most of which encode proteins of unknown function. Here we report that the human HPS1 and HPS4 proteins are part of a complex named BLOC-3 (for biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles complex 3). Co-immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated that epitope-tagged and endogenous HPS1 and HPS4 proteins assemble with each other in vivo. The HPS1.HPS4 complex is predominantly cytosolic, with a small amount being peripherally associated with membranes. Size exclusion chromatography and sedimentation velocity analyses of the cytosolic fraction indicate that HPS1 and HPS4 form a moderately asymmetric protein complex with a molecular mass of approximately 175 kDa. HPS4-deficient fibroblasts from light ear mice display normal distribution and trafficking of the lysosomal membrane protein, Lamp-2, in contrast to fibroblasts from AP-3-deficient pearl mice (HPS2), which exhibit increased trafficking of this lysosomal protein via the plasma membrane. Similarly, light ear fibroblasts display an apparently normal accumulation of Zn2+ in intracellular vesicles, unlike pearl fibroblasts, which exhibit a decreased intracellular Zn2+ storage. Taken together, these observations demonstrate that the HPS1 and HPS4 proteins are components of a cytosolic complex that is involved in the biogenesis of lysosomal-related organelles by a mechanism distinct from that operated by AP-3 complex.  相似文献   

Lentiviral Nef proteins have multiple functions and are important for viral pathogenesis. Recently, Nef proteins from many simian immunodefiency viruses were shown to antagonize a cellular antiviral protein, named Tetherin, that blocks release of viral particles from the cell surface. However, the mechanism by which Nef antagonizes Tetherin is unknown. Here, using related Nef proteins that differ in their ability to antagonize Tetherin, we identify three amino-acids in the C-terminal domain of Nef that are critical specifically for its ability to antagonize Tetherin. Additionally, divergent Nef proteins bind to the AP-2 clathrin adaptor complex, and we show that residues important for this interaction are required for Tetherin antagonism, downregulation of Tetherin from the cell surface and removal of Tetherin from sites of particle assembly. Accordingly, depletion of AP-2 using RNA interference impairs the ability of Nef to antagonize Tetherin, demonstrating that AP-2 recruitment is required for Nef proteins to counteract this antiviral protein.  相似文献   

Calcyon is a neural enriched, single transmembrane protein that interacts with clathrin light chain and stimulates clathrin assembly and clathrin‐mediated endocytosis. A similar property is shared by the heterotetrameric adaptor protein (AP) complexes AP‐1, AP‐2, and AP‐3 which recruit cargoes for insertion into clathrin coated transport vesicles. Here we report that AP medium (μ) subunits interact with a YXXØ‐type tyrosine motif located at residues 133–136 in the cytoplasmic domain of calcyon. Site specific mutagenesis of the critical tyrosine and bulky hydrophobic residues tyrosine 133 and methionine 136 preferentially abrogated binding of the ubiquitous and neuronal isoforms of μ3, and also impacted μ1 and μ2 binding to a lesser degree. The relevance of these interactions was explored in vivo using mice harboring null alleles of calcyon. As seen in the mutagenesis studies, calcyon deletion in mice preferentially altered the subcellular distribution of AP‐3 suggesting that calcyon could regulate membrane‐bound pools of AP‐3 and AP‐3 function. To test this hypothesis, we focused on the hilar region of hippocampus, where levels of calcyon, AP‐3, and AP‐3 cargoes are abundant. We analyzed brain cryosections from control and calcyon null mice for zinc transporter 3 (ZnT3), and phosphatidylinositol‐4‐kinase type II alpha (PI4KIIα), two well‐defined AP‐3 cargoes. Confocal microscopy indicated that ZnT3 and PI4KIIα are significantly reduced in the hippocampal mossy fibers of calcyon knock‐out brain, a phenotype previously described in AP‐3 deficiencies. Altogether, our data suggest that calcyon directly interacts with μ3A and μ3B, and regulates the subcellular distribution of AP‐3 and the targeting of AP‐3 cargoes.  相似文献   

Membrane microcompartments of the early endosomes serve as a sorting and signaling platform, where receptors are either recycled back to the plasma membrane or forwarded to the lysosome for destruction. In metazoan cells, three complexes, termed BLOC-1 to -3, mediate protein sorting from the early endosome to lysosomes and lysosome-related organelles. We now demonstrate that BLOC-1 is an endosomal Rab-GAP (GTPase-activating protein) adapter complex in yeast. The yeast BLOC-1 consisted of six subunits, which localized interdependently to the endosomes in a Rab5/Vps21-dependent manner. In the absence of BLOC-1 subunits, the balance between recycling and degradation of selected cargoes was impaired. Additionally, our data show that BLOC-1 is both a Vps21 effector and an adapter for its GAP Msb3. BLOC-1 and Msb3 interacted in vivo, and both mutants resulted in a redistribution of active Vps21 to the vacuole surface. We thus conclude that BLOC-1 controls the lifetime of active Rab5/Vps21 and thus endosomal maturation along the endocytic pathway.  相似文献   

Specialized cells exploit adaptor protein complexes for unique post-Golgi sorting events, providing a unique model system to specify adaptor function. Here, we show that AP-3 and AP-1 function independently in sorting of the melanocyte-specific protein tyrosinase from endosomes to the melanosome, a specialized lysosome-related organelle distinguishable from lysosomes. AP-3 and AP-1 localize in melanocytes primarily to clathrin-coated buds on tubular early endosomes near melanosomes. Both adaptors recognize the tyrosinase dileucine-based melanosome sorting signal, and tyrosinase largely colocalizes with each adaptor on endosomes. In AP-3-deficient melanocytes, tyrosinase accumulates inappropriately in vacuolar and multivesicular endosomes. Nevertheless, a substantial fraction still accumulates on melanosomes, concomitant with increased association with endosomal AP-1. Our data indicate that AP-3 and AP-1 function in partially redundant pathways to transfer tyrosinase from distinct endosomal subdomains to melanosomes and that the AP-3 pathway ensures that tyrosinase averts entrapment on internal membranes of forming multivesicular bodies.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) accessory protein Nef directs virus escape from immune surveillance by subverting host cell intracellular signaling and membrane traffic to down-regulate cell-surface major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I). The interaction of Nef with the sorting proteins PACS-1 and PACS-2 mediates key signaling and trafficking steps required for Nef-mediated MHC-I down-regulation. Little is known, however, about the molecular basis underlying the Nef-PACS interaction. Here we identify the sites on Nef and the PACS proteins required for their interaction and describe the consequences of disrupting this interaction for Nef action. A previously unidentified cargo subsite on PACS-1 and PACS-2 interacted with a bipartite site on Nef formed by the EEEE(65) acidic cluster on the N-terminal domain and W(113) in the core domain. Mutation of these sites prevented the interaction between Nef and the PACS proteins on Rab5 (PACS-2 and PACS-1)- or Rab7 (PACS-1)-positive endosomes as determined by bimolecular fluorescence complementation and caused a Nef mutant defective in PACS binding to localize to distorted endosomal compartments. Consequently, disruption of the Nef-PACS interaction repressed Nef-induced MHC-I down-regulation in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Our results provide insight into the molecular basis of Nef action and suggest new strategies to combat HIV-1.  相似文献   

The trafficking of aquaporin-2 (AQP2) involves multiple complex pathways, including regulated, cAMP-, and cGMP-mediated pathways, as well as a constitutive recycling pathway. Although several accessory proteins have been indirectly implicated in AQP2 recycling, the direct protein-protein interactions that regulate this process remain largely unknown. Using yeast two-hybrid screening of a human kidney cDNA library, we have identified the 70-kDa heat shock proteins as AQP2-interacting proteins. Interaction was confirmed by mass spectrometry of proteins pulled down from rat kidney papilla extract using a GST-AQP2 C-terminal fusion protein (GST-A2C) as a bait, by co-immunoprecipitation (IP) assays, and by direct binding assays using purified hsc70 and the GST-A2C. The direct interaction of AQP2 with hsc70 is partially inhibited by ATP, and the Ser-256 residue in the AQP2 C terminus is important for this direct interaction. Vasopressin stimulation in cells enhances the interaction of hsc70 with AQP2 in IP assays, and vasopressin stimulation in vivo induces an increased co-localization of hsc70 and AQP2 on the apical membrane of principal cells in rat kidney collecting ducts. Functional knockdown of hsc70 activity in AQP2 expressing cells results in membrane accumulation of AQP2 and reduced endocytosis of rhodamine-transferrin. Our data also show that AQP2 interacts with hsp70 in multiple in vitro binding assays. Finally, in addition to hsc70 and hsp70, AQP2 interacts with several other key components of the endocytotic machinery in co-IP assays, including clathrin, dynamin, and AP2. To summarize, we have identified the 70-kDa heat shock proteins as a AQP2 interactors and have shown for hsc70 that this interaction is involved in AQP2 trafficking.  相似文献   

Mutations in leucine‐rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) are the most common cause of dominant‐inherited Parkinson's disease (PD), and yet we do not fully understand the physiological function(s) of LRRK2. Various components of the clathrin machinery have been recently found mutated in familial forms of PD. Here, we provide molecular insight into the association of LRRK2 with the clathrin machinery. We report that through its GTPase domain, LRRK2 binds directly to clathrin‐light chains (CLCs). Using genome‐edited HA‐LRRK2 cells, we localize LRRK2 to endosomes on the degradative pathway, where it partially co‐localizes with CLCs. Knockdown of CLCs and/or LRRK2 enhances the activation of the small GTPase Rac1, leading to alterations in cell morphology, including the disruption of neuronal dendritic spines. In Drosphila, a minimal rough eye phenotype caused by overexpression of Rac1, is dramatically enhanced by loss of function of CLC and LRRK2 homologues, confirming the importance of this pathway in vivo. Our data identify a new pathway in which CLCs function with LRRK2 to control Rac1 activation on endosomes, providing a new link between the clathrin machinery, the cytoskeleton and PD.  相似文献   

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