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Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) exchange coo calls with group members to maintain contact. I examined the relationship between the distance between group members and (1) the latency of vocal responses to spontaneous calls, and (2) the latency of spontaneous call repetition in the absence of vocal responses. After a subject monkey's spontaneous call, the latency of vocal response by another group member was longer when the subject was farther from the group members than when the subject was near the group members. Furthermore, subject repeated calls with longer intervals in the absence of vocal response, which suggests that they wait longer for the vocal responses of other group members when the expected response latency is longer. These results reveal that Japanese macaques flexibly alter the timing of their calls based on others’ vocal responses.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to clarify the developmental process involved in both the usage of greeting calls and the response to greeting calls by Japanese macaques. These greeting calls facilitate affiliative interactions by communicating benign intent. Specifically, individuals frequently emit greeting calls when interacting with less‐predictable individuals. Here, we examined whether the targets at which greeting calls are directed, along with associated behavioral responses, differed among the age classes, by conducting a cross‐sectional observation of females aged 0–5 yr and their mothers. We found that infant females showed a weak tendency to emit greeting calls at no specific receivers, unlike that by older females. Adult females emitted greeting calls more frequently when approaching unrelated females than related females. In contrast, young adult or juvenile females exhibited no significant difference in the proportion of the calls with related and unrelated conspecifics. Adult and young adult females were more likely to respond affiliatively to other individuals that approached using greeting calls compared with silent approaches, whereas juveniles did not exhibit different responses to the two types of approaches. This study showed that the target‐specific usage and affiliative response to greeting calls emerge with changes in the developmental stage. Furthermore, the fact that even young adults did not use greeting calls as adults indicates that the usage of greeting calls is modified in conjunction with the expansion of social relationships.  相似文献   

The nature of intergroup encounters differed between two populations of wild Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata): the Yakushima and Kinkazan populations. In the Yakushima population, intergroup encounters were more likely to result in the displacement of one group, intergroup agonistic interaction was common, and intergroup dominance was usually distinct. When displacement occurred at Yakushima, larger groups tended to dominate smaller ones. Conversely, in the Kinkazan population, intergroup encounters rarely resulted in displacement, intergroup agonistic interaction was rare, and intergroup dominance was usually unclear. Thus, monkeys in Yakushima appear to defend resources actively during encounters, while those in Kinkazan usually did not defend resources. The frequency of encounters was significantly higher in Yakushima than in Kinkazan. The two populations had very different group densities and traveling speeds, both of which directly influence the chance of encounters. Taking these differences into account, we compared the observed frequency with those predicted by the ideal gas model. The observed frequencies in both populations were about one-third of the number expected with the model, which suggests that the differences in encounter frequency were caused by differences in group density and traveling speed. We discuss this intraspecific variation in light of economic defendability in connection to habitat differences and the evolutionary significance of resource defense behavior.  相似文献   

This study examined the differential responses to alarm calls from juvenile and adult wild bonnet macaques ( Macaca radiata ) in two parks in southern India. Field studies of several mammalian species have reported that the alarm vocalizations of immature individuals are often treated by perceivers as less provocative than those of adults. This study documents such differences in response using field-recorded playbacks of juvenile and adult alarm vocalizations. To validate the use of playback vocalizations as proxies of natural calls, we compared the responses of bonnet macaques to playbacks of alarm vocalizations with responses engendered by natural alarm vocalizations. We found that the frequency of flight, latency to flee, and the frequency of scanning to vocalization playbacks and natural vocalizations were comparable, thus supporting the use of playbacks to compare the effects of adult and juvenile calls. Our results showed that adult alarm calls were more provocative than juvenile alarm calls, inducing greater frequencies of flight with faster reaction times. Conversely, juvenile alarm calls were more likely to engender scanning by adults, a result interpreted as reflecting the lack of reliability of juvenile calls. Finally, we found age differences in flight behavior to juvenile alarm calls and to playbacks of motorcycle engine sounds, with juveniles and subadults more likely to flee than adults after hearing such sounds. These findings might reflect an increased vulnerability to predators or a lack of experience in young bonnet macaques.  相似文献   

Crow calls of red jungle fowl (Gallus gallus) were analyzed for the purposes of (a) determining the extent of commonality and variability of acoustic features within and between individual roosters, and (b) characterizing the modal crow call of this species. Comparisons were made between crow calls of jungle fowl and those of domestic fowl to assess the extent to which domestication has affected these motor patterns.  相似文献   



Albuminuria is recognized as a marker of vascular dysfunction. Central obesity increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Little is known about the association between albuminuria and central obesity in Chinese. We aimed to assess the association between central obesity and prevalence and incidence of albuminuria in a middle-aged population-based cohort study.


This is a cross-sectional and longitudinal cohort study. A total of 2350 subjects aged ≥40 years were recruited in 2004 in Taiwan for cross-sectional analysis. Longitudinal analysis included 1432 baseline normoalbuminuria subjects with a mean 2.8 years follow-up, 67 of whom exhibited incident albuminuria. Albuminuria was defined as urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio ≥30 mg/g creatinine. Multiple logistic regression analyses were used to evaluate the relationship between central obesity and prevalence and incidence of albuminuria after adjustment for age, gender, body mass index, blood pressure, renal function, glucose, high sensitivity c-reactive protein, smoking, betel nut chewing, alcohol drinking, and physical activity.


At baseline, albuminuria is significantly associated with central obesity. The adjusted odds ratio of having albuminuria among subjects with central obesity was 1.73(95% confidence interval (CI): 1.04–2.85), compared to the subjects without central obesity. In multivariable models, participants with central obesity at baseline had a 112% increase in risk of incident albuminuria (adjusted incidence rate ratio (95% CI): 2.12(1.01–4.44)) compared with participants with non-central obesity.


Abdominal adiposity was independently associated with increased prevalence and incidence of albuminuria in Chinese. The mechanisms linking adiposity and albuminuria need to be addressed.  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - When studying animal behavior in the wild, some behaviors may require observation from a relatively short distance. In these cases, habituation is commonly...  相似文献   

Wild and urban bonnet macaques (Macaca radiata) were studied in southern India to record alarm calls during presentations of realistic models of spotted and dark leopards (Panthera pardus) and an Indian python (Python molurus). Recordings of alarm calls were made from members of four forest troops at feeding stations who observed brief and prolonged presentations of fully exposed spotted and dark leopard morphs and partially concealed views of the spotted morph. Four different forest troops were presented a slowly moving python near feeding stations. Two predator‐inexperienced urban troops from the city of Bangalore were presented either the spotted leopard morph briefly or the python. Analyses of alarm calls revealed differences in acoustic structure, such as a lower harmonic to noise ratio, which can be interpreted as reflecting the level of perceived threat rather than predator type. Noisy alarm calls likely indicate high states of physiological arousal that might provide eavesdropping troop members with information useful for assessing the urgency of the predatory threat. Lack of alarm‐call distinctiveness characterizing predator type is complemented by explicit contextual information in which alarm calling to leopards never occurred on the ground whereas nearly all initial python‐elicited alarm calls were made by individuals on the ground monitoring the python. The alarm calls of Bangalore monkeys distinguished the leopard and python models, with the latter engendering the noisiest calls and immediate flight to trees. Such flight is unnecessary with the python and suggests that, without appropriate experience with pythons, bonnet macaques adopt less predator specific refuge‐seeking behavior.  相似文献   

We analyzed grooming episodes recorded among adult females in a large, provisioned, free-ranging group of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) at an individual level. Each female groomed on average 10 of the other 84 females, and 54% of them devoted 50% of their grooming to a single female grooming partner, which indicates that most females had grooming interactions with a relatively small subset of available females. Although 65% of the total grooming bouts were between related females, 25% of females disproportionately groomed unrelated females, 22% groomed related and unrelated females equally, and grooming was kin-biased for the remaining 53%. Moreover, 11 of 16 kin-groups included at least one female that groomed unrelated females significantly more often than related females. In 18% of unrelated dyads, grooming was directed down the hierarchy, in 58%, grooming was well-balanced between the two females, and in the remaining 25%, grooming was directed up the hierarchy. The results indicate that although Japanese macaques are considered a despotic species based on their dominance style, this group included some females that showed egalitarian tendencies, i.e., grooming was directed down the hierarchy or was well-balanced, and was directed toward unrelated females as often as or more often than toward related females. The presence of egalitarian individuals might be important to maintain a well-organized, female-bonded group.  相似文献   


Background and Purpose

The measurement of cortical shrinkage is a candidate marker of disease progression in Alzheimer’s. This study evaluated the performance of two pipelines: Civet-CLASP (v1.1.9) and Freesurfer (v5.3.0).


Images from 185 ADNI1 cases (69 elderly controls (CTR), 37 stable MCI (sMCI), 27 progressive MCI (pMCI), and 52 Alzheimer (AD) patients) scanned at baseline, month 12, and month 24 were processed using the two pipelines and two interconnected e-infrastructures: neuGRID (https://neugrid4you.eu) and VIP (http://vip.creatis.insa-lyon.fr). The vertex-by-vertex cross-algorithm comparison was made possible applying the 3D gradient vector flow (GVF) and closest point search (CPS) techniques.


The cortical thickness measured with Freesurfer was systematically lower by one third if compared to Civet’s. Cross-sectionally, Freesurfer’s effect size was significantly different in the posterior division of the temporal fusiform cortex. Both pipelines were weakly or mildly correlated with the Mini Mental State Examination score (MMSE) and the hippocampal volumetry. Civet differed significantly from Freesurfer in large frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital regions (p<0.05). In a discriminant analysis with cortical ROIs having effect size larger than 0.8, both pipelines gave no significant differences in area under the curve (AUC). Longitudinally, effect sizes were not significantly different in any of the 28 ROIs tested. Both pipelines weakly correlated with MMSE decay, showing no significant differences. Freesurfer mildly correlated with hippocampal thinning rate and differed in the supramarginal gyrus, temporal gyrus, and in the lateral occipital cortex compared to Civet (p<0.05). In a discriminant analysis with ROIs having effect size larger than 0.6, both pipelines yielded no significant differences in the AUC.


Civet appears slightly more sensitive to the typical AD atrophic pattern at the MCI stage, but both pipelines can accurately characterize the topography of cortical thinning at the dementia stage.  相似文献   

We used immature-to-adult female ratios (IFR), which indicate replacement rates, to assess changes in and viabilities of nonhuman primate groups and populations. Heltne et al. (1975) concluded that the howling monkey (Alouatta palliata) population at La Pacifica (Guanacaste, Costa Rica) was declining, as the IFR was <1.5, the ratio thought needed for a sustainable population. Our population surveys of 1984, 1991, and 1998 revealed that the number of monkeys in the population was stable, but the number of groups had increased and mean group size decreased. To examine these group-level changes, we present the IFR and immature-to-adult (IAR) ratios for La Pacifica Groups 2 and 18, which we have studied longitudinally for 18 and 10 years, respectively. Group 2 was larger than Group 18, but both groups showed similar mean IFRs for the study periods. The mean IFR for each group exceeded the population IFR. The annual IFRs varied more in the smaller group than in the larger group, and the IARs for these groups varied more than the IFRs did. All annual IFRs in the groups were below the hypothesized critical value of 1.5. Given these group and population values, we examined this critical IFR value with respect to mantled howler life history characteristics, particularly interbirth intervals and juvenile emigration, both of which preclude ratios 1.5, and compared the La Pacifica mantled howler population ratios with those of other populations. Group size, in conjunction with these ratios, might be more predictive of sustainable groups and populations.  相似文献   

In several primate species, peer-group rearing conditions affect the development of social behavior. We compared the social behavior of adolescent chimpanzees reared in peer groups and in a family group to see whether chimpanzees raised under different regimes show differences in sexual behavior, teasing behavior, and grooming behavior and in their ability to cope with support strategies. Surprisingly, the lack of opportunity to practice or to watch in peer groups had no measurable effect on the development of normal sexual behavior in adolescence and adulthood. Peer-group individuals groomed each other as much as peers did in the zoo. Sex differentiation in reaction to teasing and in conflict initiatives may indicate only an earlier sex differentiation in the zoo than in the peer group. This result may be attributed to the difference in demographic composition of the groups instead of some inherent difference in skill. Peer-group chimpanzees simply cannot find adult partners with which they may preferably test their position. However, there was a lack of sex differentiation in the reaction to teasing and in the number of conflicts started; both are indications of lesser sex-role development in the peer-group adolescents. Furthermore, the frequency of giving support to peers in conflicts differed, which suggests a greater ability in zoo adolescents to cope with support strategies. Accordingly, providing more natural conditions than is usual in laboratories may still add considerably to chimpanzee well-being.  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - Information on parasite biodiversity and abundance can improve our understanding of parasitic infections on endangered wildlife, as parasites can affect host...  相似文献   

Acoustic variability in the species-typical long-distance calls of male chimpanzees was investigated. Analysis of 13 acoustic features revealed that calls varied more within than between individuals. Although only a limited amount of acoustic variability was attributable to different populations, discriminant-function analysis confirmed that males from two populations produce acoustically distinguishable calls. Additional investigation suggested that social factors may contribute to the patterns of acoustic variation both between and within individuals. Matrix-permutation tests revealed a positive association between the amount of time males spent together and a measure of call similarity. Vocal similarities between individuals appeared to result from a dynamic process involving chorusing behaviour: males matched the acoustic characteristics of each other's vocalizations when calling together. Chorusing may also affect the degree of within-individual acoustic variation in calls. Males who chorused often with others produced more variable calls than individuals who chorused less often or called alone.  相似文献   

One of the rare documented cases of an antagonistic primate–plant interaction is selective foraging by Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) on the bark or buds of Japanese mulberry trees (Morus bombycis) in cool-temperate forests. We examined how this selective foraging behavior influences the growth and development of mulberry trees in a large geographic space with different environmental conditions by selecting study areas in northern Japan. We found that the foraging caused potentially fatal damage to 5%–10% of the mulberry trees and led to dwarfing of the tree morphology. However, the stem density of the monitored mulberry trees was the highest in the area with a long history of occupancy by macaque groups; moreover, the foraging commonly resulted in compensatory plant growth by increasing shoot number. These findings indicate that the macaque–mulberry relationship is not always antagonistic. Sufficient snow cover could be a key environmental factor to establish this non-antagonistic interaction by suppressing the negative influence of macaques as a destructive herbivore and improving their positive influence as a skilful gardener. Finally, we performed decision tree modeling based on the J48 algorithm to investigate geographic variation in mulberry abundance and morphology in response to the distribution of macaques. We developed an explicit tree model with reasonable predictive performance that not only enables a better understanding of primate–plant interactions but also provides information regarding the time of occupancy by Japanese macaques in a given area based on the abundance and morphology of mulberry trees. This result indicated that the observation of preferred tree species could be an indirect measure that reliably indexes macaque habitat use.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThis study aimed to compare hypertension trends in the urban and suburban population, and to examine the use of several self-care behaviors among patients who were aware of their hypertension.MethodsWe examined the data from three cross-sectional adult populations obtained in 2005, 2008, and 2011, in Beijing.ResultsOur analyses indicated that from 2005 to 2011 the standardized rate of hypertension increased from 31.9% to 36.0% (P <0.001) among urban adults, and was relatively stable (40.8% -40.2%) among suburban adults (P = 0.02). About 10% of the patients reported having taken measures to control their weight for hypertension management. As compared to the other patients, the female patients in the urban areas reported the highest rate of regular BP measurement (52.6%). In addition, the patients who reported taking medication regularly increased among the males and females. Most of the women reported nonsmoking (≥95%) and alcohol abstinence (≥90%). The trend of nonsmoking decreased among the urban males. In contrast, the prevalence of nonsmoking increased among the suburban males, though the trend was not statistically significant (P = 0.055). Further, the patient-reported alcohol abstinence was found to exhibit a decreasing trend among the males.ConclusionsWe observed an increase in the hypertension prevalence from 2005 to 2011. The rates remained higher for suburban adults than for urban adults. Females generally had better self-care ability as compared to male patients. Further research is needed to promote self-care behaviors in hypertensive patients, especially for male patients.  相似文献   

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