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We have established several hybridoma lines that produce monoclonal antibodies against transverse tubule (t-tubule) proteins from frog skeletal muscle. The specificity of these antibodies was characterized by ELISA and Western immunoblotting with purified t-tubule, sarcoplasmic reticulum and partially purified sarcolemmal membranes. One of the monoclonal antibodies (2/34.4) recognizes a band of 109 000 Da in immunoblots. When purified frog t-tubule vesicles were preincubated with this antibody we observed an increase in the rate of the Mg2+-ATPase enzyme (up to six fold) which was dependent on antibody concentration. Immunocytological experiments done on cryostat sections of frog muscle indicate that the antigen recognized by this antibody is localized mainly at the level of the t-tubules (I band) and to a lesser extent at the sarcolemma. These results indicate that monoclonal antibody 2/34.4 recognizes the t-tubule Mg2+-ATPase and modulates its activity. This antibody should be useful as a probe on studies designed to study the physiological function of the enzyme.Abbreviations t-tubules transverse-tubules - mAb monoclonal antibody - SR sarcoplasmic reticulum - SL sarcolemma  相似文献   

Summary A microsomal fraction consisting of membranes of transverse tubule origin has been purified by a modification of the calcium-loading procedure initially described by Rosemblatt et al. (J Biol Chem 256:8140–8, 1981). Enzymatic analysis of this fraction shows an enrichment of the vesicles in the Mg++ATPase (basal) activity characteristic of the T-tubules and an absent or very low Ca++-dependant ATPase activity. Stereological analysis of freeze fracture replica of the membranes in the purified fraction indicates that they have a very low density of particles in their P faces and lack the structural manifestation of the caveolae typical of the sarcolemma. Immunological analysis performed with monoclonal antibodies prepared against purified T-tubule and sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes define some T-tubule specific antigens and confirm the morphological and biochemical data regarding the origin and purity of the Ttubule preparation.  相似文献   

Summary A combination voltage clamp and admittance analysis of single skeletal muscle fibers showed that moderate depolarizations activated a steady-state negative sodium conductance in both the surface and transverse tubular membranes. The density of the voltage-dependent channels was similar for the surface and tubular conductances. The relaxation times associated with the negative conductance were in the millisecond range and markedly potential dependent. The negative tubular conductance has the consequence of increasing the apparent steady-state radial space constant to large values. This occurs because the positiv conductance is counterbalanced by the maintained inward-going sodium current. The enhancement of the space constant by a negative conductance provides a means for the nearly simultaneous activation of excitation-contraction coupling.  相似文献   

Partially purified plasma membrane fractions were prepared from guinea-pig pancreatic acini. These membrane preparations were found to contain an ATP-dependent Ca2+-transporter as well as a heterogenous ATP-hydrolytic activity. The Ca2+-transporter showed high affinity for Ca2+ (KCa 2+ = 0.04 ± 0.01 M), an apparent requirement for Mg2+ and high substrate specificity. The major component of ATPase activity could be stimulated by either Ca2+ or Mg2+ but showed a low affinity for these cations. At low concentrations, Mg2+ appeared to inhibit the Ca2+-dependent ATPase activity expressed by these membranes. However, in the presence of high Mg2+ concentration (0.5–1 mM), a high affinity Ca2+-dependent ATPase activity was observed (KCa 2+ = 0.08 ± 0.02 M). The hydrolytic activity showed little specificity towards ATP. Neither the Ca2+-transport nor high affinity Ca2+-ATPase activity were stimulated by calmodulin. The results demonstrate, in addition to a low affinity Ca2+ (or Mg+)-ATPase activity, the presence of both a high affinity Ca2+-pump and high affinity Ca2+-dependent ATPase. However, the high affinity Ca2+-ATPase activity does not appear to be the biochemical expression of the Ca2+-pump.Abbreviations Ca2+-ATPase calcium-activated, magnesium-dependent adenosine triphosphatase - CaM calmodulin - CDTA trans-1,2-diaminocyclohexane-N,N,N,N-tetraacetate - EDTA ethylene-diaminetetraacetate - EGTA ethylene glycol bis(-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetate - NADPH reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate  相似文献   

The Mg2+-dependency of Ca2+-induced ATP hydrolysis is studied in basolateral plasma membrane vesicles from rat kidney cortex in the presence of CDTA and EGTA as Mg2+- and Ca2+-buffering ligands. ATP hydrolysis is strongly stimulated by Mg2+ with a Km of 13 μ M in the absence or presence of 1 μ M free Ca2+. At free Mg2+ concentrations of 1 μ M and lower, ATP hydrolysis is Mg2+ -independent, but is strongly stimulated by submicromolar Ca2+ concentrations Km = 0.25 μM, Vmax = 24 μmol Pi/h per mg protein). The Ca2+-stimulated ATP hydrolysis strongly decreases at higher Mg2+ concentrations. The Ca2+-stimulated Mg2+-independent ATP hydrolysis is not affected by calmodulin or trifluoperazine and shows no specificity for ATP over ADP, ITP and GTP. In contrast, at high Mg2+ concentrations calmodulin and trifluoperazine affect the high affinity Ca2+-ATPase activity significantly and ATP is the preferred substrate. Control studies on ATP-dependent Ca2+-pumping in renal basolaterals and on Ca2+-ATPase in erythrocyte ghosts suggest that the Ca2+-pumping enzyme requires Mg2+. In contrast, a role of the Ca2+-stimulated Mg2+-independent ATP hydrolysis in active Ca2+ transport across basolateral membranes is rather unlikely.  相似文献   

Rat testicular microsomal membrane fraction contains both Mg+2-dependent and Mg+2-independent Ca+2-ATPase activity. The latter activity is about two times higher than the former. Calcium ion required for maximum activation of Mg+2-independent Ca+2-ATPase in 3.0 mM, whereas for the dependent one it is 2.5 mM. Both the enzymes are resistant to cold shock upto seven days. Histidine and imidazole buffers are found to be the most suitable for dependent and independent enzyme activities, respectively. The pH optima for dependent one is 7.5, whereas for the independent one it is 8.5. Temperature optima for the former is 37°C and for latter one it is 40°C. Among all the nuclestides tested, ATP is found to be the best substrate for both the enzymes. The optimum concentration of ATP for dependent and independent enzyme activities are 3.0 mM and 1.5 mM respectively. Divalent metal ions like Zn+2, Ba+2 and Mn+2 have been found to inhibit Mg+2-dependent Ca+2-ATPase activity whereas Mg+2-independent Ca+2-ATPase activity is inhibited by the divalent ions except zinc which is found to stimulate the enzyme activity. Both the enzymes are inhibited by vanadata, EDTA and EGTA. I50, for vanadate is 0.05 and 0.125 mM for dependent and independent activities, respectively. Sulfhydral groups modifying agents e.g., NEM, DTNB and chlorpromazine are found to affect the enzyme activities in different ways. Thus NEM and chlorpromazine are found to inhibit and DTNB stimulate the enzyme activities in both the cases.  相似文献   

The activating mechanism of regucalcin, a calcium-binding protein isolated from rat liver cytosol, on (Ca2+–Mg2+)-ATPase in the plasma membranes of rat liver was investigated. (Ca2+–Mg2+)-ATPase activity was markedly increased by a sulfhydryl (SH) group protecting reagent dithiothreitol (DTT; 2.5 and 5 mM as a final concentration), while the enzyme activity was significantly decreased by a SH group modifying reagent N-ethylmaleimide (NEM; 0.5–5 mM). The effect of DTT (5 mM) to increase the enzyme activity was clearly blocked by NEM (5 mM). Regucalcin (0.25–1.0 M) significantly increased (Ca2+-Mg2+)-ATPase activity. This increase was completely blocked by NEM (5 mM). Meanwhile, digitonin (0.04%), which can solubilize the membranous lipids, significantly decreased (Ca2+–Mg2+)-ATPase activity. Digitonin did not have an effect on the DTT (5 mM)-increased enzyme activity. However, the effect of regucalcin (0.25 M) increasing (Ca2+–Mg2+)-ATPase activity was entirely blocked by the presence of digitonin. The present results suggest that regucalcin activates (Ca2+–Mg2+)-ATPase by the binding to liver plasma membrane lipids, and that the activation is involved in the SH groups which are an active site of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Many diseases such as cardiac arrhythmia, diabetes, and chronic alcoholism are associated with a marked decrease of plasma and parenchymal Mg(2+), and Mg(2+) administration is routinely used therapeutically. This study uses isolated rat hepatocytes to ascertain if and under which conditions increases in extracellular Mg(2+) result in an increase in intracellular Mg(2+). In the absence of stimulation, changing extracellular Mg(2+) had no effect on total cellular Mg(2+) content. By contrast, carbachol or vasopressin administration promoted an accumulation of Mg(2+) that increased cellular Mg(2+) content by 13.2 and 11.8%, respectively, and stimulated Mg(2+) uptake was unaffected by the absence of extracellular Ca(2+). Mg(2+) efflux resulting from stimulation of alpha- or beta-adrenergic receptors operated with a Mg(2+):Ca(2+) exchange ratio of 1. These data indicate that cellular Mg(2+) uptake can occur rapidly and in large amounts, through a process distinct from Mg(2+) release, but operating only upon specific hormonal stimulation.  相似文献   

Neuronal ATPases comprise a wide variety of enzymes which are not uniformly distributed in different membrane preparations. Since purified vesicle fractions have Mg2+/Ca2+-ATPase, the purpose of the present study was to know whether such enzyme activities have a preferential concentration in a synaptic vesicle fraction in order to be used as markers for these organelles. Resorting to a procedure developed in this Institute, we fractionated the rat cerebral cortex by differential centrifugation following osmotic shock of a crude mitochondrial fraction and separated a purified synaptic vesicle fraction over discontinuous sucrose gradients. Mg2+/Ca2+-ATPase activities and ultrastructural studies of isolated fractions were carried out. It was observed that similar specific activities for Mg2+/Ca2+-ATPases were found in all fractions studied which contain synaptic vesicles and/or membranes. Although the present results confirm the presence of Mg2+ and Ca2+-ATPase activities in synaptic vesicles preparations, they do not favor the contention that Mg2+/Ca2+-ATPase is a good marker for synaptic vesicles.  相似文献   

Summary Basolateral plasma membranes from rat kidney cortex have been purified 40-fold by a combination of differential centrifugation, centrifugation in a discontinuous sucrose gradient followed by centrifugation in 8% percoll. The ratio of leaky membrane vesicles (L) versus right-side-out (RO) and inside-out (IO) resealed vesicles appeared to be LROIO=431. High-affinity Ca2+-ATPase, ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport and Na+/Ca2+ exchange have been studied with special emphasis on the relative transport capacities of the two Ca2+ transport systems. The kinetic parameters of Ca2+-ATPase activity in digitonin-treated membranes are:K m =0.11 m Ca2+ andV max=81±4 nmol Pi/min·mg protein at 37°C. ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport amounts to 4.3±0.2 and 7.4±0.3 nmol Ca2+/min·mg protein at 25 and 37°C, respectively, with an affinity for Ca2+ of 0.13 and 0.07 m at 25 and 37°C. After correction for the percentage of IO-resealed vesicles involved in ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport, a stoichiometry of 0.7 mol Ca2+ transported per mol ATP is found for the Ca2+-ATPase. In the presence of 75mm Na+ in the incubation medium ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake is inhibited 22%. When Na+ is present at 5mm an extra Ca2+ accumulation is observed which amounts to 15% of the ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport rate. This extra Ca2+ accumulation induced by low Na+ is fully inhibited by preincubation of the vesicles with 1mm ouabain, which indicates that (Na+–K+)-ATPase generates a Na+ gradient favorable for Ca2+ accumulation via the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger. In the absence of ATP, a Na+ gradient-dependent Ca2+ uptake is measured which rate amounts to 5% of the ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport capacity. The Na+ gradient-dependent Ca2+ uptake is abolished by the ionophore monensin but not influenced by the presence of valinomycin. The affinity of the Na+/Ca2+ exchange system for Ca2+ is between 0.1 and 0.2 m Ca2+, in the presence as well as in the absence of ATP. This affinity is surprisingly close to the affinity measured for the ATP-dependent Ca2+ pump. Based on these observations it is concluded that in isolated basolateral membranes from rat kidney cortex the Ca2+-ATPase system exceeds the capacity of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger four- to fivefold and it is therefore unlikely that the latter system plays a primary role in the Ca2+ homeostasis of rat kidney cortex cells.  相似文献   

Summary I have investigated the effect of lead on the erythrocyte ghosts (Ca2+,Mg2+)-ATPase, with special attention to the role of calmodulin in this phenomena. Under regular incubation conditions, lead inhibits the enzyme with an IC50 of 6.0 µM. The presence of exogenously added calmodulin apparently does not change this inhibitory value. DTT added during the incubation period does not affect the inhibitory action of lead. However, when the membranes are preincubated with DTT, an important IC50 displacement is observed, either with or without added calmodulin. Since [125I]calmodulin binding to the membranes is enhanced when lead is used, the possibility of a lead/calmodulin complex that optimally stimulates the enzyme using lead concentrations between 1.0 and 10.0 µM, is suggested. Based on the experimental data, I propose two well defined actions of lead; first, an inhibitory action upon the ATPase above 1.0 µM lead, most probably related to essential sullphydryl groups in the enzyme; and second, a direct action of lead upon calmodulin at lead concentrations below 1.0 µM.A preliminary report has been presented at the 5th European Bioenergetics Conference. Aberystwyth, Wales. 20–26 July 1988. EBEC Reports. vol 5; p294 (1988).  相似文献   

A high affinity Ca2+/Mg2+ ATPase has been identified and localized in synaptic membrane subfractions. This enzyme is stimulated by low concentrations of Ca2+ (1 M) believed to approximate the range of Ca2+ in the synaptosomal cytosol (0.1 to 5.0 M). The opiate agonist levorphanol, in a concentration-dependent fashion, inhibited Ca2+-stimulated ATP hydrolysis in lysed synaptic membranes. This inhibition was reversed by naloxone, while dextrorphan, the inactive opiate isomer, was without effect. Inhibition by levorphanol was most pronounced in a subfraction of synaptic membranes (SPM-1). The inhibition of Ca2+-stimulated ATP hydrolysis was characterized by a reduction inV max for Ca2+. Levorphanol pretreatment reduced the Hill coefficient (HN) of 1.5 to 0.7, suggesting cooperative interaction between the opiate receptor and the enzyme protein. Levorphanol, but not dextrorphan, also inhibited (28%) ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake by synaptic membranes. Opiate ligand stereoisomers were tested for their effects on calmodulin stimulating of high affinity Ca2+/Mg2+ ATPase in synaptic membranes. Levorphanol (10 M), but not the inactive stereoisomer (+)dextrorphan, significantly inhibited (35%) the calmodulin-activated Ca2+-dependent ATP hydrolysis activity in a preparation of lysed synaptic membranes. Both Ca2+-dependent and calmodulin-dependent stimulation of the enzyme in the presence of optimal concentrations of the other co-substrate were inhibited by levorphanol (35–40%) but not dextrorphan. Inhibition of ATP hydrolysis was characterized by a reduction inV max for both Ca2+ and calmodulin stimulation of the enzyme. Calmodulin stimulation of enzyme activity was most pronounced in SPM-1, the membrane fraction which also exhibits the maximal opiate inhibition (40%) of the Ca2+-ATPase. The results demonstrate that opiate receptor activation inhibits a high affinity Ca2+/Mg2+ ATPase in synaptic plasma membranes in a stereospecific fashion. The inhibition of the enzyme may occur by a mechanism involving both Ca2+ and calmodulin. Inhibition of calmodulin activation may contribute to the mechanism by which opiate ligands disrupt synaptosomal Ca2+ buffering mechanisms. Changes in the cytosolic distribution of synaptosomal Ca2+ following inhibition of Ca2+/Mg2+ ATPase may underlie some of the pharmacological effects of opiate drugs.  相似文献   

The molecular chaperone 70-kDa heat shock protein (Hsp70) is driven by ATP hydrolysis and ADP-ATP exchange. ADP dissociation from Hsp70 is reportedly slow in the presence of inorganic phosphate (P(i) ). In this study, we investigated the interaction of Hsp70 and its nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) with ADP in detail, by isothermal titration calorimetry measurements and found that Mg(2+) ion dramatically elevates the affinity of Hsp70 for ADP. On the other hand, P(i) increased the affinity in the presence of Mg(2+) ion, but not in its absence. Thus, P(i) enhances the effect of the Mg(2+) ion on the ADP binding. Next, we determined the crystal structures of the ADP-bound NBD with and without Mg(2+) ion. As compared with the Mg(2+) ion-free structure, the ADP- and Mg(2+) ion-bound NBD contains one Mg(2+) ion, which is coordinated with the β-phosphate group of ADP and associates with Asp10, Glu175, and Asp199, through four water molecules. The Mg(2+) ion is also coordinated with one P(i) molecule, which interacts with Lys71, Glu175, and Thr204. In fact, the mutations of Asp10 and Asp199 reduced the affinity of the NBD for ADP, in both the presence and the absence of P(i) . Therefore, the Mg(2+) ion-mediated network, including the P(i) and water molecules, increases the affinity of Hsp70 for ADP, and thus the dissociation of ADP is slow. In ADP-ATP exchange, the slow ADP dissociation might be rate-limiting. However, the nucleotide-exchange factors actually enhance ADP release by disrupting the Mg(2+) ion-mediated network.  相似文献   

The effects of treatment with subtoxic (375 mg/kg) and toxic (750 mg/kg) doses of paracetamol on NADH oxidase, succinoxidase and Mg2+-ATPase activities in rat liver submitochondrial particles were examined. In the NADH oxidase system, treatment with subtoxic doses of paracetamol resulted in a 37% increase in activation energy in the high temperature range (E1) while the phase transition temperature (Tt) for this system decreased by 9‡C. Subtoxic doses caused a 43% decrease in E1. For the succinoxidase system, Tt decreased by 2.4 to 3.4‡C after paracetamol administration. E2 increased by 42% only in the subtoxic-treatment group while E1 remained unaltered in both paracetamol-treated groups. For the Mg2+-ATPase system, subtoxic doses of paracetamol treatment did not change the values of E1 E2 and Tt whereas toxic dose treatment resulted in a 29% decrease in E2 with a concomitant increase in Tt by 2.4‡C without any change in the value of E1 The results thus suggest that treatment with toxic and subtoxic doses of paracetamol results in possible differential alterations in the membrane lipid milieu.  相似文献   

The regulatory effects of malate on chloroplast Mg2+-ATPase were investigated and the mechanism was discussed. Malate stimulated methanol-activated membrane-bound and isolated CF1 Mg2+-ATPase activity. The subunit of CF1 may be involved in malate regulation of the enzyme function. Modification of subunit at one site of the peptide by NEM may affect malate stimulation of ATPase while at another site may have no effect. The effect of malate on the Mg2+-ATPase was also controlled by the Mg2+/ATP ratio in the reaction medium. The enhancing effect of malate on Mg2+-ATPase activity depended on the presence of high concentrations of Mg2+ in the reaction mixture. Kinetic study showed that malate raised the Vmax of catalysis without affecting the Km for Mg2+ ATP. The experiments imply that the stimulation of Mg2+-ATPase by malate is probably correlated with the Pi binding site on the enzyme. The regulation of ATPase activity by malate in chloroplasts may be relevant to its function in vivo.Abbreviations CF1 chloroplast coupling factor 1 - CF1 (-) and CF1 (-) CF1 deficient in the and subunit - MF1 mitochondria coupling factor 1 - NEM N-ethylmaleimide - PMS phenazine methosulfate - OG n-octyl--d-glucopyranoside  相似文献   

Summary The rate of ATP hydrolysis in ATP-preloaded plasma membrane vesicles derived from the luminal membrane of renal cortical tubules, and the rate of H+ secretion out of the same vesicles were investigated. Both were inhibited at low temperature, by the action of filipin, an antibiotic that complexes with cholesterol in plasma membranes, and by the action of blockers of mitochondrial Fo hydrogen channels, dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and Dio-9. Valinomycin in the presence of K+ showed a stimulatory effect, the protonophor carbonyl-cyanid-p-trifluormethoxy-phenylhydrazone stimulated the intravesicular ATP hydrolysis and apparently abolished acidification of the extravesccular medium. Lowering of the pH of the extravesicular medium retarded ATP hydrolysis, while readjustment of extra- and intravesicular pH accelerated ATP hydrolysis again. These findings strongly support the assumption that an ATP-driven proton pump is located in the luminal membrane of renal cortical tubules.  相似文献   

The uncoupling of Ca2+ transport from ATP hydrolysis in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase by trypsin digestion was re-investigated by comparing ATPase activity with the ability of the enzyme to occlude Eu3+ (a transport parameter) after various tryptic digests. With this method, re-examination of uncoupling by tryptic digest of the ATPase revealed that TD2 cleavage (Arg-198) had no effect on either occlusion or ATPase activity. Digestion past TD2 in the presence of 5 mM Co2+ and at 25°C resulted in the loss of about 70% of the ATPase activity, but no loss of occlusion. Digestion past TD2 in the presence of 5 mM Ca2+, 3 mM ATP, and at 25°C resulted in a partially uncoupled enzyme complex which retained about 50% of the ATPase activity, but completely lost the ability to occlude Eu3+. Digest past TD2 in the presence of 5 mM Ca2+ and 3 mM AMP-PNP. (a non-hydrolyzable ATP analog) at 25°C resulted in no loss of occlusion, thus revealing the absolute requirement of ATP during the digest to eliminate occlusion. From these findings we conclude that uncoupling of Ca2+ transport from ATPase activity is possible by tryptic digestion of the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase. Interestingly, only after phosphorylation of the enzyme do the susceptible bond(s) which lead to the loss of occlusion become exposed to trypsin.  相似文献   

(Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase from sarcoplasmic reticulum has been reconstituted with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, and the activating effect of ATP and Ca2+ on this enzyme has been studied at different temperatures. It has been found that two kinetic forms of the enzyme are interconverted at about 31°C, and this is possibly related to a phase change in the phospholipid which is more directly associated with the protein. Above 31°C the enzyme is less dependent on ATP activation at high ATP concentrations but shows positive cooperativity for Ca2+ activation. On the other hand, below 31°C, the reconstituted enzyme is more dependent on ATP for activation at high ATP concentrations than the purified ATPase and does not show cooperativity for Ca2+ activation.  相似文献   

Hepatic Na+-K+-ATPase and Mg2+-ATPase activities of male green lizards declined during the maturation phase (juvenile to 1-year-old) and stabilized thereafter. On the other hand, the Ca2+-ATPase activity of the liver declined during the later half of the life span (1-year-old to 2–4-year-old). Starvation stress induced a decline in hepatic Na+-K+-ATPase and Mg2+-ATPase activities of juvenile lizards and caused an increase in 1-year-old and 2–4-year-old counterparts. The Ca2+-ATPase activity declined only in starved 1-year-old lizards. Following cold stress, the hepatic Na+-K+-ATPase activity of juvenile lizards showed a higher degree of decline than 2–4-year-old counterparts. The Mg2+-ATPase activity declined in cold-stressed juvenile lizards, but the parameter was elevated in similarly treated 1-year-old lizards. On the other hand, the increase in Ca2+-ATPase activity in response to cold stress was confined only to 2–4-year-old lizards.  相似文献   

Isolated sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles in the presence of Mg(2+) and absence of Ca(2+) retain significant ATP hydrolytic activity that can be attributed to the Ca(2+)-ATPase protein. At neutral pH and the presence of 5 mM Mg(2+), the dependence of the hydrolysis rate on a linear ATP concentration scale can be fitted by a single hyperbolic function. MgATP hydrolysis is inhibited by either free Mg(2+) or free ATP. The rate of ATP hydrolysis is not perturbed by vanadate, whereas the rate of p-nitrophenyl phosphate hydrolysis is not altered by a nonhydrolyzable ATP analog. ATP binding affinity at neutral pH and in a Ca(2+)-free medium is increased by Mg(2+) but decreased by vanadate when Mg(2+) is present. It is suggested that MgATP hydrolysis in the absence of Ca(2+) requires some optimal adjustment of the enzyme cytoplasmic domains. The Ca(2+)-independent activity is operative at basal levels of cytoplasmic Ca(2+) or when the Ca(2+) binding transition is impeded.  相似文献   

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