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把从榛木(Corylusavellana L.)花粉中分离得到的高尔基囊泡与经高度纯化并聚合好的牛脑微管进行体外组合,然后于1.5 m ol/L的蔗糖层上进行超离心,对其沉淀物进行SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和电镜负染。结果表明,花粉高尔基囊泡可以结合到牛脑微管上,证明植物花粉的高尔基囊泡与动物细胞的某些细胞器一样,也与细胞骨架的主要组成之一——微管具有结构上的紧密联系。花粉高尔基囊泡与牛脑微管的体外结合能力,受10 m m ol/LATP和0.5 m ol/LKCl的影响,但不受5 m m ol/L AMP-PNP的影响,说明两者结合可能是通过高尔基囊泡表面与ATP有关的某种外周膜蛋白来完成的。  相似文献   

The effects of adenine nucleotides and glutamate on glutamate decarboxylase were studied in a dialyzed, high-speed supernatant of rat brain. When incubated with 10 μm -pyridoxal-P the enzyme was strongly inhibited by ATP, ADP and their Mg2+ complexes at concentrations which were well below tissue levels. The enzyme was not significantly inhibited by 15 mm -AMP or by 100 μM-3′-5’cyclic AMP or 3′-5’cyclic GMP. Inhibition by the nucleotides cannot be described in conventional steady-state kinetic terms. Addition of ATP in the presence of pyridoxal-P resulted in a slow, progressive decrease in the reaction rate which was similar to the inactivation observed when the enzyme was incubated in the absence of pyridoxal-P. The progressive inactivation in the presence of ATP was minimal at concentrations of glutamate which were well below Km and became much more pronounced at higher glutamate concentrations. Addition of suprasaturating amounts of pyridoxal-P late in the incubation when the enzyme was almost completely inactivated resulted in an immediate and complete reactivation of the enzyme. Inhibition by ATP could be prevented by addition of saturating amounts of pyridoxal-P at the start of the reaction and was also relieved by addition of potassium phosphate buffer. The results suggest that inhibition by the nucleotides involves the prior formation of the inactive apoenzyme which results from the glutamate-promoted dissociation of pyridoxal-P. In the absence of the nucleotides, the enzyme is normally reactivated by the added pyridoxal-P. The nucleotides act to block this reassociation of pyridoxal-P with the apoenzyme thereby producing a progressive inactivation of the enzyme. The implications of these results for the regulation of GABA synthesis are discussed.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the inhibition of mouse brain glutamate decarboxylase by pyri-doxaI-5′-phosphate oxime-O-acetic acid (PLPOAA) was studied. The inhibition was noncompetitive with regard to glutamic acid; it could be partially reversed by pyridoxal phosphate, but only when the concentration of the latter in the incubation medium was higher than that of pyridoxal-5′-phosphate oxime-O-acetic acid. The inhibition produced by aminooxyacetic acid, which is remarkably greater than that produced by PLPOAA, was also partially reversed only when an excess of pyridoxal phosphate was added. Both in the presence and in the absence of a saturating concentration of pyridoxal phosphate, the activity of the enzyme was decreased by PLPOAA at a 10?4m concentration to a value of about 50 per cent of the control value obtained without added coenzyme. This activity could not be further reduced even when PLPOAA concentration was increased to 5 × 10?3m . This same minimal activity of glutamate decarboxylase was obtained after dialysis of the enzymic preparation, or after incubation with glutamic acid in the cold followed by filtration through Sephadex G-25. The addition of pyridoxal phosphate to the dialysed or glutamic acid-treated enzyme restored the activity to almost the control values. PLPOAA did not affect the activity of glutamate decarboxylase from E. coli or that of DOPA decarboxylase and GABA transaminase from mouse brain. To account for the results obtained it is postulated that brain glutamate decarboxylase has two types of active site, one with firmly bound, non-dialysable pyridoxal phosphate and the other with loosely bound, dialysable coenzyme; PLPOAA behaves as a weak inhibitor probably because it can combine mainly with the loosely bound coenzyme site, while aminooxyacetic acid is a potent inhibitor probably because it can block both the ‘loosely bound coenzyme’ and the ‘firmly bound coenzyme’ sites.  相似文献   

—Brain glucose and glycogen concentrations have been studied in mice treated with allylglycine, 4-deoxypyridoxine and isoniazid, and the effects compared with the preconvulsive increase in brain glucose and glycogen concentration that follows d , l -methionine sulphoximine treatment. Allylglycine (180 mg/kg), 4-deoxypyridoxine (250 mg/kg), isoniazid (150 mg/kg) and d ,l -methionine sulphoximine (300 mg/kg) when given to mice at room temperature, cause a fall in rectal temperature which can be prevented by maintaining the mice in an incubator at 33-34°C. An increase in brain glucose concentration is seen after allylglycine (+ 133%), d ,l -methionine sulphoximine (+ 113%) and 4-deoxypyridoxine (+ 70%) treatment when mice are kept at room temperature and killed before convulsions occur. This is associated with a rise in blood glucose concentration after allylglycine, but not after the other drugs. Preventing the fall in rectal temperature reduces, but does not abolish, the rise in brain glucose concentration seen after allylglycine, d ,l -methionine sulphoximine and 4-deoxypyridoxine. Brain glycogen concentration increases at room temperature after D,L-methionine sulphoximine and 4-deoxypyridoxine, but in mice with maintained body temperature only 4-deoxypyridoxine produces an increase in brain glycogen. Isoniazid does not increase brain glucose or glycogen at room temperature, but reduces their concentration in mice kept in the incubator. All four drugs are known to act on amino acid metabolism; d ,l -methionine sulphoximine potently inhibits glutamine synthetase whereas 4-deoxypyridoxine, allylglycine and isoniazid inhibit glutamate decarboxylase. The connection, if any, between a block in the further metabolism of glutamate and an increase in brain glucose and glycogen is unknown.  相似文献   

—A high affinity binding site for triethyltin was found in rat brain myelin with an affinity of approx 6·6 × 105m −1 at pH 7·5. Competitive binding studies showed that triethyl-lcad had about the same affinity and trimethyltin 30 times lower affinity than triethyltin. Hexachlorophane and 3,5-diiodo-4′-chlorosalicylanilide did not prevent triethyltin binding to rat brain myelin. Since triethyltin, hexachlorophane and 3,5-diiodo-4′-chlorosalicylanilide all produce similar oedematous lesions in the brain of rats, whereas triethyl-lead and trimethyltin do not, it is concluded that the high affinity triethyltin binding site either is not involved or is not the only factor in oedema production.  相似文献   

Abstract— The kinetic behavior of glutamate decarboxylase from mouse brain was analyzed in a wide range of glutamate and pyridoxal 5′-phosphate concentrations, approaching three limit conditions: (I) in the absence of glutamate-pyridoxal phosphate Schiff base; (II) when all glutamate is trapped in the form of Schiff base; (III) when all pyridoxal phosphate is trapped in the form of Schiff base. The experimental results in limit condition (I) are consistent with the existence of two different enzyme activities, one dependent and the other independent of free pyridoxal phosphate. The results obtained in limit conditions (II) and (III) give further support to this postulation. These data show that the free pyridoxal phosphate-dependent activity can be abolished when either all substrate or all cofactor are in the form of Schiff base. The free pyridoxal phosphate-independent activity is also abolished when all substrate is trapped as Schiff base, but it is not affected by the conversion of free pyridoxal phosphate into the Schiff base. A kinetic and mechanistic model for brain glutamate decarboxylase activity, which accounts for these observations as well as for the results of previous dead end-inhibition studies, is postulated. Computer simulations of this model, using the experimentally obtained kinetic constants, reproduced all the observed features of the enzyme behavior. The possible implications of the kinetic model for the regulation of the enzyme activity are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Studies were made on the effects of undernutrition at different ages during the neonatal period and of the comparative effects of postweaning protein and calorie deficiencies in neonatally undernourished or normally reared animals. Neonatal undernutrition resulted in deficits in body wt, brain wt and the activities of brain glutamate dehydrogenase and glutamate decarboxylase. Percentage deficits in brain wt were maximum in the first week of life but those in brain enzymes were greater in the second week. Rehabilitation of neonatally undernourished animals reversed the deficits in brain wt and brain enzymes. Post-weaning protein deficiency produced similar deficits in brain enzymes in both neonatally undernourished and normally reared animals. With post-weaning undernutrition, however, these deficits were found only in animals subjected to neonatal undernutrition as well.  相似文献   

Abstract— The in vitro uptake of exogenous acetylcholine by isolated presynaptic vesicles has been demonstrated in a new system. A preparation of vesicles from Torpedo californica electroplax was developed in which acetylcholinesterase and acetylcholine receptor activity were blocked. The vesicles bound acetylcholine with Kd 1.58 μM, the maximum amount bound being 26 pmol per g of original tissue, or 52 molecules per vesicle. Nicotinic drugs blocked binding, but muscarinic and noncholinergic drugs did not. The relative potency of nicotinic drugs differed greatly from their potency on Torpedo receptor. Sephadex chromatography showed that 26% of the binding was irreversible. The relationship of the binding to acetylcholine uptake and storage was discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Studies were carried out to identify the minimum levels of protein (casein) needed in the diet in order to prevent or reverse the deficits in brain enzymes previously found with protein deficiency. Groups of weanling albino rats were fed diets containing variable amounts of protein (5, 8, 10, 15 or 20 per cent in experiment I, and 5, 6, 7, 8 or 20 per cent in experiment II) for 5 or 10 weeks. Deficits in brain wt and brain glutamate dehydrogenase and decarboxylase were found to be prevented by a diet containing 8 per cent or more of protein, although for optimum growth 15 per cent protein in the diet was found to be necessary. Groups of rats were fed a 5 or 20% protein diet for 10 weeks after which the 5% protein animals were either continued on the diet for another 10 weeks or changed to one containing 8, 10, 15 or 20% protein. The brain enzyme deficits found with the 5% protein diet were found to be fully reversed by feeding a 10% protein diet during rehabilitation.  相似文献   

脂质体与磷脂单分子层相互作用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文尝试通过脂质体与磷脂单分子层(LB膜)相互作用去研究与膜间作用有关的问题。实验结果表明,脂质体的尺度、相状态,脂质体与LB膜的表面电荷性质,均对脂质体向LB膜的转变率有显著影响。本文尝试的方法有可能为人工膜研究膜间作用问题提供一条新的途径。  相似文献   

Abstract– The properties of histidine decarboxylase ( l -histidine carboxylyase EC 4.1,1.22) have been studied in a whole rat brain homogenate. Optimum pH depended upon substrate concentration; the variations of K m and V max were determined as a function of pH. pH values lower than 6.0 caused a loss of enzymic activity; activity was stable at pH values higher than 6.0. Enzyme activity was proportional to temperature in the range 30-45°C; temperature characteristic (μ) and Q10 were determined and thermal inactivation was studied. Addition of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate increased enzyme activity. Dialysis of homogenates against phosphate buffer caused a partial loss of enzyme activity which could be restored by addition of the coenzyme to the incubation mixture. Enzyme activity was inhibited by α-methylhistidine and benzene and was unaffected by α-methyl DOPA. The properties correspond to those of a 'specific' histidine decarboxylase. However, the brain enzyme differs from the corresponding enzyme in peripheral tissues in the inability to achieve a total inhibition of activity by dialysis.  相似文献   

Abstract— When butanol-water extracts of rat brain stem were incubated with [3H]5-HT, (5 × 10−7 m ), and the components resolved by chromatography on LH20 Sephadex, a peak representing approximately 70% of the eluted radioactivity was found in chloroform-methanol 4:1. The peak was not found in identically prepared extracts from rat diaphragm, neither was a similar peak found when brain extracts were incubated with [14C]ACh (10−6 m ), suggesting a degree of selectivity. Binding was not saturated at concentrations of 5 × 10−5 m -5-HT. The binding was highly sensitive to the presence of water, requiring about 15% (v/v) for optimum binding. The implications of these findings are discussed in terms of a possible '5-HT receptor'.  相似文献   

Abstract— The properties of Ca2+-dependent phosphatidylinositol-phosphodiesterase in membrane fractions and supernatants prepared from rat brain have been examined with the aim of providing firm evidence for the existence of a membrane-bound activity distinct from the soluble enzyme found in the cytosol (EC The soluble enzyme is either stimulated or inhibited at pH 7.0 by deoxycholate depending on the ratio of detergent to substrate. The effects of deoxycholate are pH dependent and result in a shift of the enzyme optimum to a higher pH if the enzyme is assayed in the presence of deoxycholate. The soluble enzyme cannot hydrolgse membrane-bound phosphatidylinositol (in 32P-labelled rat liver microsomes) unless deoxycholate is present. The pH optimum is 6.7 for this detergent-dependent hydrolysis and this is probably dependent on the ionization of deoxycholic acid. The lactate dehydrogenase (EC content of rat brain membrane fractions has been measured to estimate the contamination of these fractions by supernatant phosphatidylinositol-phosphodiesterase. No evidence has been found for phosphatidylinositol-phosphodiesterase activities that cannot be explained by such contamination. It is concluded that all the properties of calcium-dependent phospha-tidylinositol-phosphodicsterase in rat brain can be explained by the existence of only the solublc cyto-plasmic enzyme: no evidence confirming a distinct membrane-bound activity has been obtained.  相似文献   

本文研究了用海藻酸钙包埋法制备含谷氨酸脱羧酶固定化细胞的方法以及研究了制备的条件和影响其制备的因素。该法具有包埋细胞活力回收高,方法简便等优点。比较研究了固定化细胞和自然细胞谷氨酸脱羧酶的一些生物化学性质。其中固定化细胞最适pH和pH稳定性增加,最适温度及热稳定性下降;表观米氏常数增大;二价金属离子Zn~(++)、Cu~(++)、Mg~(++)、Fe~(++),Sr~(++)程度不同的抑制酶活性,Ca~(++)激活固定化细胞酶活性,EDTA无抑制作用。对固定化细胞和自然细胞酶活力活化的研究中发现这两种细胞经蒸馏水保温处理后酶活性都上升,且自然细胞酶活的上升较固定化细胞大;而用底物溶液处理后,自然细胞无变化,固定化细胞酶活下降。  相似文献   

Abstract— The distribution of glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) was studied in hippocampus regio superior and in area dentata. In both regions the enzyme showed a bimodal distribution profile with peak activities in the molecular and pyramidal layers of hippocampus, and in the molecular and granular layers of area dentata. The pyramidal and granular layers contain the terminals and perikarya of inhibitory intrinsic neurones, the basket cells. The molecular layers contain neurones of similar morphology but with unknown function. GAD showed a very low activity in fimbria, a major pathway of fibres efferent and afferent to the hippocampal region.
The data are consistent with GAD being concentrated within the inhibitory local neurones of the hippocampal region.  相似文献   

—Antigen-antibody crossed electrophoresis has been applied to the study of rat brain synaptosomes and synaptic vesicles. Several antigens could be visualized. By comparison with previously describéd water-soluble antigens from rat brain, some of the antigens in the synaptosome and the synaptic vesicle preparations were identified; among these were antigens which have been determined as brain-specific. Furthermore, the antisera against the two subcellular fractions were compared with the anti-serum against water-soluble antigens from rat brain.  相似文献   

—L-Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) from brain of the channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) has been purified to homogeneity by a combination of ammonium sulfate fractionation, gel filtration, calcium phosphate gel and preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The purity of the enzyme preparation was established by showing that on both 7.5% regular and 3.7–15% gradient polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis the enzyme migrated as a single protein band which contained all the enzyme activity. The molecular weight of the purified GAD was estimated by gel filtration and gradient polyacrylamide gel to be 84,000 ± 2000 and 90,000 ± 4000, respectively. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed three major proteins with molecular weights of 22,000 ± 2000, 40,000 ± 5000 and 90, 000 ± 6000 which may represent a monomer, dimer, and tetramer. Antibodies against the purified enzyme were obtained from rabbit after four biweekly injections with a total of 80 μg of the enzyme. A double immunodiffusion test using these antibodies and a crude extract from catfish brains showed only a single, sharp precipitin band which still retained the enzyme activity, suggesting that the precipitin band was indeed a GAD-anti-GAD complex. In an enzyme inhibition study, a maximum inhibition of 60–70% was obtained at a ratio of GAD protein/anti-GAD serum of about 1:1.6. Furthermore, the precipitate from the GAD-anti-GAD incubation mixture also contained the enzyme activity, suggesting that the antibody was specific to GAD and that the antigen used was homogeneous. Advantages and drawbacks of the purification procedures described here and those used for mouse brain preparations are also discussed.  相似文献   

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