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State of the art molecular dynamics simulations are used to study the structure, dynamics, molecular interaction properties and flexibility of DNA and RNA duplexes in aqueous solution. Special attention is paid to the deformability of both types of structures, revisiting concepts on the relative flexibility of DNA and RNA duplexes. Our simulations strongly suggest that the concepts of flexibility, rigidity and deformability are much more complex than usually believed, and that it is not always true that DNA is more flexible than RNA.  相似文献   

Gohlke H  Kuhn LA  Case DA 《Proteins》2004,56(2):322-337
Changes in flexibility upon protein-protein complex formation of H-Ras and the Ras-binding domain of C-Raf1 have been investigated using the molecular framework approach FIRST (Floppy Inclusion and Rigid Substructure Topology) and molecular dynamics simulations (MD) of in total approximately 35 ns length. In a computational time of about one second, FIRST identifies flexible and rigid regions in a single, static three-dimensional molecular framework, whose vertices represent protein atoms and whose edges represent covalent and non-covalent (hydrogen bond and hydrophobic) constraints and fixed bond angles within the protein. The two methods show a very good agreement with respect to the identification of changes in flexibility in both binding partners on a local scale. This implies that flexibility can be successfully predicted by identifying which bonds limit motion within a molecule and how they are coupled. In particular, as identified by MD, the beta-sheet in Raf shows considerably more pronounced orientational correlations in the bound state compared to the unbound state. Similarly, FIRST assigns the beta-sheet to the largest rigid cluster of the complex. Interestingly, FIRST allows us to identify that interactions across the interface (but not conformational changes upon complex formation) result in the observed rigidification. Since regions of the beta-sheet of Raf that do not interact directly with Ras become rigidified, this also demonstrates the long-range aspect to rigidity percolation. Possible implications of the change of flexibility of the Ras-binding domain of Raf on the activation of Raf upon complex formation are discussed. Finally, the sensitivity of FIRST results with respect to the representation of non-covalent interactions used as constraints is probed.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) is one of the most persistent human viruses. Although effective therapeutic approaches have been recently discovered, their use is limited by the elevated costs. Therefore, the development of alternative/complementary strategies is an urgent need. The E2 glycoprotein, the most immunogenic HCV protein, and its variants represent natural candidates to achieve this goal. Here we report an extensive molecular dynamics (MD) analysis of the intrinsic properties of E2. Our data provide interesting clues on the global and local intrinsic dynamic features of the protein. Present MD data clearly indicate that E2 combines a flexible structure with a network of covalent bonds. Moreover, the analysis of the two most important antigenic regions of the protein provides some interesting insights into their intrinsic structural and dynamic properties. Our data indicate that a fluctuating β-hairpin represents a populated state by the region E2412?423. Interestingly, the analysis of the epitope E2427?446 conformation, that undergoes a remarkable rearrangement in the simulation, has significant similarities with the structure that the E2430?442 fragment adopts in complex with a neutralizing antibody. Present data also suggest that the strict conservation of Gly436 in E2 protein of different HCV genotypes is likely dictated by structural restraints. Moreover, the analysis of the E2412?423 flexibility provides insights into the mechanisms that some antibodies adopt to anchor Trp437 that is fully buried in E2. Finally, the present investigation suggests that MD simulations should systematically complement crystallographic studies on flexible proteins that are studied in combination with antibodies.  相似文献   

Aldose reductase is a promising target for the treatment of diabetic complications, and as such, has become the focus of various drug design projects. As revealed by a survey of available crystal structures, the protein shows pronounced induced-fit effects upon ligand binding. Although helping to explain the enzyme's substrate promiscuity, phenomena of this kind are still responsible for significant complications in structure-based design efforts directed to aldose reductase. Accordingly, a deeper understanding of the principles governing conformational alterations in this enzyme would be of utmost practical importance. As a first step in addressing this issue, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been carried out. The ultrahigh resolution crystal structure of aldose reductase complexed with inhibitor IDD594 served as ideal starting point for a set of different simulations of nanosecond time scale: the native complexed state with bound inhibitor, the uncomplexed state (after removal of the inhibitor) at standard temperature, and the uncomplexed state at elevated temperature. The reference simulation of the complex exhibits extraordinary stability of the overall fold, whereas two distinct conformational substates are found for the binding-site region. In contrast, already at standard temperature pronounced changes are observed in the binding region during the simulation of the uncomplexed state. Leu300, for example, closes the access to the pocket opened by IDD594. On the other hand, conformations around the catalytic site are highly conserved, with the His110-Tyr48-NADP+ orientation being stabilized by a water molecule. Detailed analysis of the trajectories allows to reveal a set of distinct conformational substates that may prove useful as alternative structural templates in virtual screening for new aldose reductase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Alkylation of guanine at the O6 atom is a highly mutagenic DNA lesion because it alters the coding specificity of the base causing G:C to A:T transversion mutations. Specific DNA repair enzymes, e.g. O6‐alkylguanin‐DNA‐Transferases (AGT), recognize and repair such damage after looping out the damaged base to transfer it into the enzyme active site. The exact mechanism how the repair enzyme identifies a damaged site within a large surplus of undamaged DNA is not fully understood. The O6‐alkylation of guanine may change the deformability of DNA which may facilitate the initial binding of a repair enzyme at the damaged site. In order to characterize the effect of O6‐methyl‐guanine (O6‐MeG) containing base pairs on the DNA deformability extensive comparative molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on duplex DNA with central G:C, O6‐MeG:C or O6‐MeG:T base pairs were performed. The simulations indicate significant differences in the helical deformability due to the presence of O6‐MeG compared to regular undamaged DNA. This includes enhanced base pair opening, shear and stagger motions and alterations in the backbone fine structure caused in part by transient rupture of the base pairing at the damaged site and transient insertion of water molecules. It is likely that the increased opening motions of O6‐MeG:C or O6‐MeG:T base pairs play a decisive role for the induced fit recognition or for the looping out of the damaged base by repair enzymes. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 103: 23–32, 2015.  相似文献   

Byun KS  Beveridge DL 《Biopolymers》2004,73(3):369-379
The specificity of papilloma virus E2 protein-DNA binding depends critically upon the sequence of a region of the DNA not in direct contact with the protein, and represents one of the simplest known examples of indirect readout. A detailed characterization of this system in solution is important to the further investigation hypothesis of a structural code for DNA recognition by regulatory proteins. In the crystalline state, the E2 DNA oligonucleotide sequence, d(ACCGAATTCGGT), exhibits three different structural forms. We report herein studies of the structure of E2 DNA in solution based on a series of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations including counterions and water, utilizing both the canonical and various crystallographic structures as initial points of departure. All MDs converged on a single dynamical structure of d(ACCGAATTCGGT) in solution. The predicted structure is in close accord with two of the three crystal structures, and indicates that a significant kink in the double helix at the central ApT step in the other crystal molecule may be a packing effect. The dynamical fine structure was analyzed on the basis of helicoidal parameters. The calculated curvature in the sequence was found to originate primarily from YPR steps in the regions flanking the central AATT tract. In order to study the role of structural adaptation of the DNA in the binding process, a subsequent simulation on the 16-mer cognate sequence d(CAACCGAATTCGGTTG) was initiated from the crystallographic coordinates of the bound DNA in the crystal structure of the protein DNA complex. MD simulations starting with the protein-bound form relaxed rapidly back to the dynamical structure predicted from the previous simulations on the uncomplexed DNA. The MD results show that the bound form E2 DNA is a dynamically unstable structure in the absence of protein, and arises as a consequence of both structural changes intrinsic to the sequence and induced by the interaction with protein.  相似文献   

The interaction mechanism and binding mode of capecitabine with ctDNA was extensively investigated using docking and molecular dynamics simulations, fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, DNA thermal denaturation studies, and viscosity measurements. The possible binding mode and acting forces on the combination between capecitabine and DNA had been predicted through molecular simulation. Results indicated that capecitabine could relatively locate stably in the G-C base-pairs-rich DNA minor groove by hydrogen bond and several weaker nonbonding forces. Fluorescence spectroscopy and fluorescence lifetime measurements confirmed that the quenching was static caused by ground state complex formation. This phenomenon indicated the formation of a complex between capecitabine and ctDNA. Fluorescence data showed that the binding constants of the complex were approximately 2 × 104 M?1. Calculated thermodynamic parameters suggested that hydrogen bond was the main force during binding, which were consistent with theoretical results. Moreover, CD spectroscopy, DNA melting studies, and viscosity measurements corroborated a groove binding mode of capecitabine with ctDNA. This binding had no effect on B-DNA conformation.  相似文献   

Lai YT  Cheng CS  Liu YN  Liu YJ  Lyu PC 《Proteins》2008,72(4):1189-1198
Plant nonspecific lipid transfer proteins (nsLTPs) are small, basic proteins constituted mainly of alpha-helices and stabilized by four conserved disulfide bridges. They are characterized by the presence of a tunnel-like hydrophobic cavity, capable of transferring various lipid molecules between lipid bilayers in vitro. In this study, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed at room temperature to investigate the effects of lipid binding on the dynamic properties of rice nsLTP1. Rice nsLTP1, either in the free form or complexed with one or two lipids was subjected to MD simulations. The C-terminal loop was very flexible both before and after lipid binding, as revealed by calculating the root-mean-square fluctuation. After lipid binding, the flexibility of some residues that were not in direct contact with lipid molecules increased significantly, indicating an increase of entropy in the region distal from the binding site. Essential dynamics analysis revealed clear differences in motion between unliganded and liganded rice nsLTP1s. In the free form of rice nsLTP1, loop1 exhibited the largest directional motion. This specific essential motion mode diminished after binding one or two lipid molecules. To verify the origin of the essential motion observed in the free form of rice nsLTP1, we performed multiple sequence alignments to probe the intrinsic motion encoded in the primary sequence. We found that the amino acid sequence of loop1 is highly conserved among plant nsLTP1s, thus revealing its functional importance during evolution. Furthermore, the sequence of loop1 is composed mainly of amino acids with short side chains. In this study, we show that MD simulations, together with essential dynamics analysis, can be used to determine structural and dynamic differences of rice nsLTP1 upon lipid binding.  相似文献   

We analyzed structural features of 11,038 direct atomic contacts (either electrostatic, H-bonds, hydrophobic, or other van der Waals interactions) extracted from 139 protein-DNA and 49 protein-RNA nonhomologous complexes from the Protein Data Bank (PDB). Globally, H-bonds are the most frequent interactions (approximately 50%), followed by van der Waals, hydrophobic, and electrostatic interactions. From the protein viewpoint, hydrophilic amino acids are over-represented in the interaction databases: Positively charged amino acids mainly contact nucleic acid phosphate groups but can also interact with base edges. From the nucleotide point of view, DNA and RNA behave differently: Most protein-DNA interactions involve phosphate atoms, while protein-RNA interactions involve more frequently base edge and ribose atoms. The increased participation of DNA phosphate involves H-bonds rather than salt bridges. A statistical analysis was performed to find the occurrence of amino acid-nucleotide pairs most different from chance. These pairs were analyzed individually. Finally, we studied the conformation of DNA in the interaction sites. Despite the prevalence of B-DNA in the database, our results suggest that A-DNA is favored in the interaction sites.  相似文献   

The conformational behavior of the wild‐type endonucleases I‐DmoI and two of its mutants has been studied in the presence and in the absence of DNA target sequences by means of extended molecular dynamics simulations. Our results show that in the absence of DNA, the three protein forms explore a similar essential conformational space, whereas when bound to the same DNA target sequence of 25 base pairs, they diversify and restrain the subspace explored. In addition, the differences in the essential subspaces explored by the residues near the catalytic site for both the bound and unbound forms are discussed in background of the experimental protein activity.  相似文献   

Elisa Fadda 《Proteins》2015,83(7):1341-1351
Molecular recognition is a fundamental step in the coordination of biomolecular pathways. Understanding how recognition and binding occur between highly flexible protein domains is a complex task. The conformational selection theory provides an elegant rationalization of the recognition mechanism, especially valid in cases when unstructured protein regions are involved. The recognition of a poorly structured peptide, namely XPA67‐80, by its target receptor ERCC1, falls in this challenging study category. The microsecond molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, discussed in this work, show that the conformational propensity of the wild type XPA67‐80 peptide in solution supports conformational selection as the key mechanism driving its molecular recognition by ERCC1. Moreover, all the mutations of the XPA67‐80 peptide studied here cause a significant increase of its conformational disorder, relative to the wild type. Comparison to experimental data suggests that the loss of the recognized structural motifs at the microscopic time scale can contribute to the critical decrease in binding observed for one of the mutants, further substantiating the key role of conformational selection in recognition. Ultimately, because of the high sequence identity and analogy in binding, it is conceivable that the conclusions of this study on the XPA67‐80 peptide also apply to the ERCC1‐binding domain of the XPA protein. Proteins 2015; 83:1341–1351. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The dynamics and structure of Serratia marcescens endonuclease and its neighboring solvent are investigated by molecular dynamics (MD). Comparisons are made with structural and biochemical experiments. The dimer form is physiologic and functions more processively than the monomer. We previously found a channel formed by connected clusters of waters from the active site to the dimer interface. Here, we show that dimerization clearly changes correlations in the water structure and dynamics in the active site not seen in the monomer. Our results indicate that water at the active sites of the dimer is less affected compared with bulk solvent than in the monomer where it has much slower characteristic relaxation times. Given that water is a required participant in the reaction, this gives a clear advantage to dimerization in the absence of an apparent ability to use both active sites simultaneously.  相似文献   

The thermal properties of two forms of the Drosophila melanogaster HMG-D protein, with and without its highly basic 26 residue C-terminal tail (D100 and D74) and the thermodynamics of their non-sequence-specific interaction with linear DNA duplexes were studied using scanning and titration microcalorimetry, spectropolarimetry, fluorescence anisotropy and FRET techniques at different temperatures and salt concentrations. It was shown that the C-terminal tail of D100 is unfolded at all temperatures, whilst the state of the globular part depends on temperature in a rather complex way, being completely folded only at temperatures close to 0 degrees C and unfolding with significant heat absorption at temperatures below those of the gross denaturational changes. The association constant and thus Gibbs energy of binding for D100 is much greater than for D74 but the enthalpies of their association are similar and are large and positive, i.e. DNA binding is a completely entropy-driven process. The positive entropy of association is due to release of counterions and dehydration upon forming the protein/DNA complex. Ionic strength variation showed that electrostatic interactions play an important but not exclusive role in the DNA binding of the globular part of this non-sequence-specific protein, whilst binding of the positively charged C-terminal tail of D100 is almost completely electrostatic in origin. This interaction with the negative charges of the DNA phosphate groups significantly enhances the DNA bending. An important feature of the non-sequence-specific association of these HMG boxes with DNA is that the binding enthalpy is significantly more positive than for the sequence-specific association of the HMG box from Sox-5, despite the fact that these proteins bend the DNA duplex to a similar extent. This difference shows that the enthalpy of dehydration of apolar groups at the HMG-D/DNA interface is not fully compensated by the energy of van der Waals interactions between these groups, i.e. the packing density at the interface must be lower than for the sequence-specific Sox-5 HMG box.  相似文献   

We apply ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) to study the hydration structures and electronic properties of the formohydroxamate anion in liquid water. We consider the cis- nitrogen-deprotonated, cis- oxygen-deprotonated, and trans- oxygen-deprotonated formohydroxamate tautomers. They form an average of 6.3, 6.9, and 6.0 hydrogen bonds with water molecules, respectively. The predicted pair correlation functions and time dependence of the hydration numbers suggest that water is highly structured around the nominally negatively charged oxime oxygen in O-deprotonated tautomers but significantly less so around the nitrogen atom in the N-deprotonated species. Wannier function analysis suggests that, in the O-deprotonated anions, the negative charge is concentrated on the oxime oxygen, while in the N-deprotonated case, it is partially delocalized between the nitrogen and the adjoining oxime oxygen atom.  相似文献   

The correlation between protein motions and function is a central problem in protein science. Several studies have demonstrated that ligand binding and protein dynamics are strongly correlated in intracellular lipid binding proteins (iLBPs), in which the high degree of flexibility, principally occurring at the level of helix-II, CD, and EF loops (the so-called portal area), is significantly reduced upon ligand binding. We have recently investigated by NMR the dynamic properties of a member of the iLBP family, chicken liver bile acid binding protein (cL-BABP), in its apo and holo form, as a complex with two bile salts molecules. Binding was found to be regulated by a dynamic process and a conformational rearrangement was associated with this event. We report here the results of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations performed on apo and holo cL-BABP with the aim of further characterizing the protein regions involved in motion propagation and of evaluating the main molecular interactions stabilizing bound ligands. Upon binding, the root mean square fluctuation values substantially decrease for CD and EF loops while increase for the helix-loop-helix region, thus indicating that the portal area is the region mostly affected by complex formation. These results nicely correlate with backbone dynamics data derived from NMR experiments. Essential dynamics analysis of the MD trajectories indicates that the major concerted motions involve the three contiguous structural elements of the portal area, which however are dynamically coupled in different ways whether in the presence or in the absence of the ligands. Motions of the EF loop and of the helical region are part of the essential space of both apo and holo-BABP and sample a much wider conformational space in the apo form. Together with NMR results, these data support the view that, in the apo protein, the flexible EF loop visits many conformational states including those typical of the holo state and that the ligand acts stabilizing one of these pre-existing conformations. The present results, in agreement with data reported for other iLBPs, sharpen our knowledge on the binding mechanism for this protein family.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations (MD) have been performed on variant crystal and NMR-derived structures of the glucocorticoid receptor DNA-binding domain (GR DBD). A loop region five residues long, the so-called D-box, exhibits significant flexibility, and transient perturbations of the tetrahedral geometry of two structurally important Cys4 zinc finger are seen, coupled to conformational changes in the D-box. In some cases, one of the Cys ligands to zinc exchanges with water, although no global distortion of the protein structure is observed. Thus, from MD simulation, dynamics of the D-box could partly be explained by solvent effects in conjunction with structural reformation of the zinc finger.  相似文献   

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