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PGE2 (prostaglandin E2), 20 mgm vaginal suppositories were administered to 2 groups of women seeking termination of pregnancy. 1 group had the suppository inserted inside a contraceptive diaphragm. Statistical comparisons were carried out for instillation to abortion time, side effects, and intrauterine pressure parameters. The usage of the diaphragm significantly reduced side effects, and resulted in an instillation to abortion time of 12.8 + or - 2.3 hours with no failures. The quantitative analysis of the uterine pressure recordings revealed activity significantly different than that seen with intraamniotic or extraovular PGF2alpha. The development of uterine activity simulates that of normal labor in that elevation of resting pressure does not occur and maximum active pressure evolves slowly.  相似文献   

This paper is based on a study aimed at understanding the perceptions of men to induced abortion and contraceptive use within marriage in rural Zimbabwe. Two qualitative methods were combined. Men were found to view abortion not as a reproductive health problem for women. Instead, they described abortion as a sign of illicit sexual activity and contraceptive use as a strategy married women use to conceal their involvement in extramarital sexual activity. Men felt anxious and vulnerable for lack of control over women. In the absence of verbal communication on sexual matters, women and men resort to what are called here 'hide-and-seek' strategies, where women acquire and use contraceptives secretly while men search for evidence of such use. It is concluded that promoting women's sexual and reproductive health requires both short- and long-term strategies. The short-term strategy would entail providing women with reproductive technology they can use without risking violence. The long-term strategy would entail understanding men's concerns and the way these are manifested. In turn this requires the use of methodologies that encourage dialogue with research participants, in order to capture their deep meanings and experiences.  相似文献   

This study examines the determinants of current contraceptive use and method choice in Mongolia using data from the 1998 Mongolian Reproductive Health Survey and 2000 Mongolian Population and Housing Census. Since 1976, access to modern contraceptives has been liberalized and all restrictions on the use, distribution and import of contraceptives were removed in 1989. There were some increases in the use of modern contraceptives among married women in the 1990s; however, at the start of the twenty-first century the IUD and periodic abstinence remain the most widely used methods. Women with higher levels of education are more likely to be current users of contraception, and if they are current users, they are more likely to choose the IUD and traditional methods. Women living in rural areas have a higher probability of using contraception and are more likely to choose the IUD and traditional methods. Significant variations exist between primary sampling units in current contraceptive use and in the choice of modern methods. Community-level variables were important predictors in reducing variation between primary sampling unit, when other modern methods were compared with traditional methods.  相似文献   

Ethnicity and contraceptive use in sub-Saharan Africa: the case of Ghana   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using a sub-sample of ever-married women from the 1993 Ghana Demographic and Health Survey (GDHS), this study examines differentials in contraceptive use in six cultural groups: Ga-Adangbe, Twi, Fante/other Akans, Ewe, Guan/others and Mole-Dagbani. Multivariate analysis is used to explore whether reported ethnic differentials in contraceptive use can be attributed to ethnicity or to other characteristics that distinguish the ethnic groups. Overall, the findings are generally more consistent with the 'characteristics' hypothesis, because contraceptive use differentials by ethnic group is accounted for by differences in socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of these women. However, for the Fante/other Akans, even after the necessary controls, ethnicity continued to emerge as a significant determinant of contraceptive use. Programmatic implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin E2, 20 mgm vaginal suppositories were administered to two groups of women seeking termination of pregnancy. One group had the suppository inserted inside a contraceptive diaphragm. Statistical comparisons were carried out for instillation to abortion time, side effects, and intra-uterine pressure parameters. The usage of the diaphragm significantly reduced side effects, and resulted in an instillation to abortion time of 12.8 ± 2.3 hours with no failures. The quantitative analysis of the uterine pressure recordings revealed activity significantly different than that seen with intra-amniotic or extra-ovular PG F. The development of uterine activity simulates that of normal labor in that elevation of resting pressure does not occur and maximum active pressure evolves slowly.  相似文献   

This paper explores the factors that influence the practice of induced abortion in a very low fertility society, with particular emphasis on son preference and three distinct religions: Confucianism, Buddhism and Christianity. Using multivariate logistic regression models fitted by the generalized estimating equation (GEE) method, this paper analysed the data collected by the 2000 Korea National Fertility and Family Health Survey of 6348 married women aged 15-49 years with a total of 1217 pregnancy outcomes. The results showed that the likelihood of induced abortions in women with two or more children, compared with those with one child, was significantly influenced by the sex composition of the previous children: odds ratio (OR)=12.71 (95% CI=5.49, 29.42) for women with only son(s), and OR=3.91 (95% CI=1.67, 9.14) for women with only daughter(s). At parity two, women with two sons were much more likely to have induced abortions than women with two daughters (OR=5.88, 95% CI=2.70, 12.85). Although Buddhist women were not significantly different from Confucian women in induced abortion practice, Christian women were much less likely than Confucian women to have an induced abortion (OR=0.39, 95% CI=0.18, 0.88 for women with only sons and OR=0.44, 95% CI=0.24, 0.81 for women with two children). This suggests that even in this very low fertility society, son preference and religious affiliation are significant predictors of women's practice of induced abortion.  相似文献   

Norethisterone oenanthate (NET-OEN) was given as an injectable contraceptive to 295 healthy women over 1606 woman-months. A modified injection schedule was used. There were no pregnancies, and the 12-month, life-table, use-related discontinuation rate was 39.1/100 users. Menstrual disturbance (10.8/100 women), minor side effects (13.5/100 women), and personal reasons (12.0/100 women) were the main causes of use-related discontinuation. There was no difference in use-related discontinuation rates between women receiving their first injection during a normal menstrual period and those receiving it immediately after a pregnancy. There were no serious side effects. The use of NET-OEN in certain groups of women is recommended, particularly in those in need of highly effective contraception, who cannot or do not wish to take oral contraceptives, who are lactating, or who are awaiting hospital admission for sterilisation.  相似文献   

Exercise-induced changes in hemostatic measurements were studied in 25 women. Twelve of the subjects were not using oral contraceptives and the remainder were using Demulen (ethynodiol diacetate (1 mg) and ethinyl estradiol (0.05 mg)). Exercise on a treadmill induced similar changes in both groups, but during the use of Demulen the levels of fibrinogen and plasminogen were higher, antithrombin level was lower, and the recalcified clotting and dilute whole blood lysis times were shorter in group 2 than in the corresponding samples obtained from the nonpill users.  相似文献   

Midtrimester abortion was successfully induced in 68 of 69 patients with serial intravaginal administration of prostaglandin E2 suppositories behind a contraceptive diaphragm. The mean abortion time for the successful inductions was 13.07 hours; multiparous patients aborted somewhat faster, mean 12.72 hours, as compared to nulliparous patients, mean 14.22 hours. In 36 patients the PGE2 suppositories were placed behind an intact diaphragm and the mean abortion time was 14.89 hours. In 33 patients the PGE2 suppositories were placed behind a diaphragm modified by having an opening incised in the center, the mean time in these patients was 11.96 hours. Of the 68 successful abortions 59% of the patients aborted in 12 hours or less and 88% aborted within 24 hours. The most frequently encountered side effect was temperature elevation of 2 degrees F or higher which occurred in 68% of the patients. Temperatures returned to normal levels within 4 to 6 hours after the last adminstration of PGE2. Gastrointestinal side effects occurred in 45% of patients, but these side effects were well tolerated and did not require termination of drug administration in any of the patients. Intravaginal administration of PGE2 suppositories is a very effective abortifacient technque during the midtrimester, however the use of PGE2 in conjunction with a diaphragm did not appreciabley improve the technique although the amount of drug administered and the incidence of side effects was somewhat lower than when the PGE2 suppositories are used alone. If a diaphragm is to be used, a modified diaphragm is indicated since it simplifies the clinical management of the abortion, eases administration of the suppositories and permits a more accurate estimation of cervical changes, vaginal bleeding and abortion.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that female jealousy is sensitive to hormonal variation and, more specifically, potentially moderated by estrogen levels. Here, we tracked self-reported jealousy using a within-subjects design, comparing jealousy when the same women were regularly cycling and using hormonal contraceptives. Results show that fertile cycle phases are associated with higher levels of jealousy than nonfertile cycle phases in both single and partnered women. However, patterns of jealousy reported when using hormonal contraceptives, as compared to when regularly cycling, differed between single and partnered women. In single women, levels of jealousy while on the pill fell between those reported when fertile and nonfertile but were not significantly different from either. In partnered women, levels of jealousy while using the pill were significantly higher than those reported during the nonfertile cycle phase and similar to those during the brief period of fertility. We discuss possible reasons for differences between single and partnered women in reported jealousy while using the pill. This research is the first to definitively show that a psychological characteristic, for example, jealousy, may be influenced differentially by endogenous hormones vs. exogenous hormones administered via hormonal contraceptives.  相似文献   

Family planning knowledge, attitude and practice surveys typically assess respondents' reproductive attitudes and intentions to use contraception. Longitudinal observation of individual respondents nevertheless shows that such questions are not strongly predictive of subsequent behaviour. This study examines 3 years' data which show that a set of such responses to questions are nevertheless substantially superior in predicting behaviour than any single indicator. Thus statistical techniques which bring into account the apparent multidimensionality of contraceptive motivation can greatly improve upon the estimation of future practice of family planning in a population.  相似文献   

Aldose reductase (AR) is an enzyme devoted to cell detoxification and at the same time is strongly involved in the aetiology of secondary diabetic complications and the amplification of inflammatory phenomena. AR is subjected to intense inhibition studies and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is often present in the assay mixture to keep the inhibitors in solution. DMSO was revealed to act as a weak but well detectable AR differential inhibitor, acting as a competitive inhibitor of the L-idose reduction, as a mixed type of non-competitive inhibitor of HNE reduction and being inactive towards 3-glutathionyl-4-hydroxynonanal transformation. A kinetic model of DMSO action with respect to differently acting inhibitors was analysed. Three AR inhibitors, namely the flavonoids neohesperidin dihydrochalcone, rutin and phloretin, were used to evaluate the effects of DMSO on the inhibition studies on the reduction of L-idose and HNE.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate ovarian activity reversibility in domestic queens after short-term contraceptive treatment with deslorelin acetate. Ten mature queens were used. In all queens, the estrous cycle was evaluated every 72 h by vaginal cytology (VC) and behavior assessments. When queens had VC characteristic of interestrus or diestrus, one deslorelin acetate implant (4.7 mg) was placed in the subcutaneous tissue of the interscapular region (day of insertion = Day 0). Thereafter, VC was performed every 48 h and on Day 90, implants were removed. At Day 100, estrus and ovulation were induced with 100 IU eCG (im), followed by 100 IU hCG (im), 84 h later (Day 103.5). Queens were ovariohysterectomized on Day 106. Corpora lutea (CL) were counted, oviducts were flushed, and oocytes were identified, isolated and stained to assess viability. In all queens, blood samples for plasma progesterone concentrations were collected once a week, from Days −21 to 106. After deslorelin acetate application, four queens had VC and behavior typical of estrus, and one ovulated. Furthermore, ovulation occurred in three queens that did not have VC or behavior consistent with estrus. After the initial ovarian stimulation, all females had anestrous VC during the deslorelin treatment period. Implants were readily removed. Following implant removal, all females responded to treatments to induce estrus and ovulation. There were (mean ± SEM) 13.1 ± 5.5 CL and 8.1 ± 5.5 oocytes per queen; the oocyte recovery rate was 56.8 ± 25.4% and all recovered oocytes were viable. We concluded that deslorelin acetate can be used as a reversible short-term contraceptive in domestic cats, because estrus and ovulation were successfully induced following implant removal.  相似文献   

Random and subtle deviations from bilateral symmetry (fluctuating asymmetry) have long been of interest to biologists who wish to study the susceptibility of organisms to changes in environmental quality. However, the reliability of FA as a biomarker has come under question due to inconsistent results in the literature. We conducted a meta-analysis of published literature to test the hypothesis that FA is a reliable biomarker of environmental stress in insects and identify possible sources of variation amongst studies. We expected studies to detect larger, positive magnitudes of effect on FA in lab populations due to the lack of confounding effects from other environmental factors compared to wild populations. Additionally, we predicted that studies that used geometric morphometric approaches to FA in shape and size would be more sensitive to changes in environmental quality compared to linear and meristic measures and thus show larger effects on FA. We also expected anthropogenic stressors to generate significantly larger effects on FA compared to naturally occurring stressors due to the organisms’ inability to buffer developmental pathways against a novel stressor. Finally, we predicted comparatively larger magnitudes of effect in studies that verified the environmental factor acting on the organism was a stressor by detecting negative effects on fitness-related traits. Overall, we found that FA is a sensitive biomarker of environmental stress. Environmental stressors explained 36% of the variation of effect on FA across studies. Studies that demonstrated a negative effect of the stressor on fitness-related traits showed significantly larger, positive magnitudes of effect on FA compared to studies that did not detect an effect from the environmental stressor. Additionally, studies conducted under laboratory conditions detected significantly larger, effects on FA compared to field-based studies. The kind of trait measured and the novelty of the stressor did not significantly account for differences amongst studies. Thus, the use of FA as a biomarker of environmental stress is a legitimate tool particularly when studies verify the biological relevance of stressors for the study organism.  相似文献   

Midtrimester abortion was successfully induced in 68 of 69 patients with serial intravaginal administration of prostaglandin E2 suppositories behind a contraceptive diaphragm. The mean abortion time for the successful inductions was 13.07 hours; multiparous patients aborted somewhat faster, mean 12.72 hours, as compared to nulliparous patients, mean 14.22 hours. In 36 patients the PGE2 suppositories were placed behind an intact diaphragm and the mean abortion time was 14.89 hours. In 33 patients the PGE2 suppositories were placed behind a diaphragm modified by having an opening incised in the center, the mean time in these patients was 11.96 hours. Of the 68 successful abortions 59% of the patients aborted in 12 hours or less and 88% aborted within 24 hours. The most frequently encountered side effect was temperature elevation of 2° F or higher which occurred in 68% of the patients. Temperatures returned to normal levels within 4 to 6 hours after the last administration of PGE2. Gastrointestinal side effects occurred in 45% of patients, but these side effects were well tolerated and did not require termination of drug administration in any of the patients. Intravaginal administration of PGE2 suppositories is a very effective abortifacient technique during the midtrimester, however the use of PGE2 in conjunction with a diaphrgam did not appreciabley improve the technique although the amount of drug administered and the incidence of side effects was somewhat lower than when the PGE2 suppositories are used alone. If a diaphragm is to be used, a modified diaphragm is indicated since it simplifies the clinical management of the abortion, eases administration of the suppositories and permits a more accurate estimation of cervical changes, vaginal bleeding and abortion.  相似文献   

Midtrimester abortion was successfully induced in a series of 20 patient by intra-amniotic instillation of 15(S)-15-methyl-prostaglandin F with a mean abortion time of 17.78 hours. The patients in this study were divided into two groups, Groups I received on initial dose of 2.5 mg 15-ME-PGF and aborted in a mean time of 16.26 hours. The patients in Group II received 3.0 mg 15-ME-PGF and aborted in a mean time of 18.94 hours. There was no significant difference in the abortion time, occurrence of side effects or the initiation of uterine activity between Group I and Group II. Parous patients aborted somewhat faster than nulliparous patients but this difference was not significant. In this study 80% of the patients aborted in 24 hours or less, and the intra-amniotic instillation of 15-ME-PGF was an effective abortifacient technique from the 15th to the 23rd week of gestation. The uterine response to intra-amniotic instillation of 15-ME-PGF was characterized by the gradual appearance of low amplitude, high frequency contractions accompanied by a rise in baseline intrauterine tonus. Uterine activity developed gradually and peaked at 1:50 hours after intra-amniotic instillation of 15-ME-PGF. In this small series 15-ME-PGF administered via intra-amniotic instillation did not appear to have a distinct advantage over the naturally occurring PGF administered by the same method for the induction of midtrimester abortion; a larger series is indicated to define the advantages of either technique.  相似文献   

The abortion problem has been a major topic of debate for many years. Polish legislation permitting abortion has both supporters and opponents. It appears that both groups fail to fully recognize the risks of the various medical complications of induced abortion. A literature review of the complications of abortion shows that these complications are often underestimated by the public and the medical community. The review clearly demonstrates that abortion adversely affects women's health. Inflammation of the genital system is the most frequent complication. The ocurrence of complications increases as the term of the pregnancy advances. It is concluded that the public is not fully aware of the immediate danger and aftereffects of induced abortion. Wider popularization of the extensive body of scientific information regarding the risks of induced abortion might change current perceptions about the "safety" of abortion.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the Brazilian Supreme Court ruling on the case of anencephaly. In Brazil, abortion is a crime against the life of a fetus, and selective abortion of non-viable fetuses is prohibited. Following a paradigmatic case discussed by the Brazilian Supreme Court in 2004, the use of abortion was authorized in the case of a fetus with anencephaly. The objective of this paper is to analyze the ethical arguments of the case, in particular the strategy of avoiding the moral status of the fetus, the cornerstone thesis of the Catholic Church.  相似文献   

BackgroundRadiation recall dermatitis (RRD) is an inflammatory reaction in an area of the skin previously irradiated for cancer treatment. The reaction usually occurs following the administration of a cytotoxic drug. Manifestations range from mild to severe, resulting in tissue necrosis. It is treated with removal of the probable causative agent, daily dressings and surgical debridement of the necrotic area.Case presentationA 54-year-old woman had a previous diagnosis of intraductal carcinoma in situ, and had been submitted to lumpectomy and adjuvant radiotherapy and hormonal therapy. One year after surgery, sores suggestive of herpes zoster infection developed, and treatment with acyclovir was started. At the same time, there was the onset of pain and fever. In the skin area previously irradiated, there was breast hardening, skin infiltration and serosanguinolent discharge. An incisional biopsy was performed to rule out radioinduced sarcoma. The patient was treated with surgical debridement.ConclusionsThis case report describes acyclovir as a possible trigger of RRD, a rare condition that could have been mistaken for an eruption with other causes. In this case, the dermatitis reaction was confined to the previously irradiated area of the skin, which suggested radiation recall. A better understanding of the condition’s mechanism and about the possible joint effects of drugs and radiotherapy on the skin is necessary.  相似文献   

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