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Diverse biological functions of extracellular collagen processing enzymes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Collagens are abundant proteins in higher organisms, and are formed by a complex biosynthetic pathway involving intracellular and extracellular post-translational modifications. Starting from simple soluble precursors, this interesting pathway produces insoluble functional fibrillar and non-fibrillar elements of the extracellular matrix. The present review highlights recent progress and new insights into biological regulation of extracellular procollagen processing, and some novel functions of byproducts of these extracellular enzymatic transformations. These findings underscore the notion that released propeptides and other proteolytic products of extracellular matrix proteins have important biological functions, and that structural proteins are multifunctional. An emerging concept is that a dynamic interplay exists between extracellular products and byproducts with cells that helps to maintain normal cellular phenotypes and tissue integrity.  相似文献   

SPARC, a matricellular glycoprotein with important biological functions.   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
SPARC (secreted protein, acidic and rich in cysteine) is a unique matricellular glycoprotein that is expressed by many different types of cells and is associated with development, remodeling, cell turnover, and tissue repair. Its principal functions in vitro are counteradhesion and antiproliferation, which proceed via different signaling pathways. SPARC consists of three domains, each of which has independent activity and unique properties. The extracellular calcium binding module and the follistatin-like module have been recently crystallized. Specific interactions between SPARC and growth factors, extracellular matrix proteins, and cell surface proteins contribute to the diverse activities described for SPARC in vivo and in vitro. The location of SPARC in the nuclear matrix of certain proliferating cells, but only in the cytosol of postmitotic neurons, indicates potential functions of SPARC as a nuclear protein, which might be involved in the regulation of cell cycle progression and mitosis. High levels of SPARC have been found in adult eye, and SPARC-null mice exhibit cataracts at 1-2 months of age. This animal model provides an excellent opportunity to confirm and explore some of the properties of SPARC, to investigate cataractogenesis, and to study SPARC-related family proteins, e.g., SC1/hevin, a counteradhesive matricellular protein that might functionally compensate for SPARC in certain tissues.(J Histochem Cytochem 47:1495-1505, 1999)  相似文献   

The pannexin family of channel-forming proteins is composed of 3 distinct but related members called Panx1, Panx2, and Panx3. Pannexins have been implicated in many physiological processes as well as pathological conditions, primarily through their function as ATP release channels. However, it is currently unclear if all pannexins are subject to similar or different post-translational modifications as most studies have focused primarily on Panx1. Using in vitro biochemical assays performed on ectopically expressed pannexins in HEK-293T cells, we confirmed that all 3 pannexins are N-glycosylated to different degrees, but they are not modified by sialylation or O-linked glycosylation in a manner that changes their apparent molecular weight. Using cell-free caspase assays, we also discovered that similar to Panx1, the C-terminus of Panx2 is a substrate for caspase cleavage. Panx3, on the other hand, is not subject to caspase digestion but an in vitro biotin switch assay revealed that it was S-nitrosylated by nitric oxide donors. Taken together, our findings uncover novel and diverse pannexin post-translational modifications suggesting that they may be differentially regulated for distinct or overlapping cellular and physiological functions.  相似文献   

Polycomb group (PcG) proteins play essential roles in animal and plant life cycles by controlling the expression of important developmental regulators. These structurally heterogeneous proteins form multimeric protein complexes that control higher order chromatin structure and, thereby, the expression state of their target genes. Once established, PcG proteins maintain silent gene expression states over many cell divisions providing a molecular basis for a cellular 'memory.' PcG proteins are best known for their role in the control of homeotic genes in Drosophila and mammals. In addition, they play important roles in the control of cell proliferation in vertebrate and invertebrate systems. Recent studies in plants have shown that PcG proteins regulate diverse developmental processes and, as in animals, they affect both homeotic gene expression and cell proliferation. Thus, the function of PcG proteins has been widely conserved between the plant and animal kingdoms.  相似文献   

The cyclin D-Cdk4-6/INK4/Rb/E2F pathway plays a key role in controlling cell growth by integrating multiple mitogenic and antimitogenic stimuli. The members of INK4 family, comprising p16(INK4a), p15(INK4b), p18(INK4c), and p19(INK4d), block the progression of the cell cycle by binding to either Cdk4 or Cdk6 and inhibiting the action of cyclin D. These INK4 proteins share a similar structure dominated by several ankyrin repeats. Although they appear to be structurally redundant and equally potent as inhibitors, the INK4 family members are differentially expressed during mouse development. The striking diversity in the pattern of expression of INK4 genes suggested that this family of cell cycle inhibitors might have cell lineage-specific or tissue-specific functions. The INK4 proteins are commonly lost or inactivated by mutations in diverse types of cancer, and they represent established or candidate tumor suppressors. Apart from their capacity to arrest cells in the G1-phase of the cell cycle they have been shown to participate in an increasing number of cellular processes. Given their emerging roles in fundamental physiological as well as pathological processes, it is interesting to explore the diverse roles for the individual INK4 family members in different functions other than cell cycle regulation. Extensive studies, over the past few years, uncover the involvement of INK4 proteins in senescence, apoptosis, DNA repair, and multistep oncogenesis. We will focus the discussion here on these unexpected issues.  相似文献   

cAMP-dependent protein kinase is targeted to discrete subcellular locations by a family of specific anchor proteins (A-kinase anchor proteins, AKAPs). Localization recruits protein kinase A (PKA) holoenzyme close to its substrate/effector proteins, directing and amplifying the biological effects of cAMP signaling.AKAPs include two conserved structural modules: (i) a targeting domain that serves as a scaffold and membrane anchor; and (ii) a tethering domain that interacts with PKA regulatory subunits. Alternative splicing can shuffle targeting and tethering domains to generate a variety of AKAPs with different targeting specificity. Although AKAPs have been identified on the basis of their interaction with PKA, they also bind other signaling molecules, mainly phosphatases and kinases, that regulate AKAP targeting and activate other signal transduction pathways.We suggest that AKAP forms a "transduceosome" by acting as an autonomous multivalent scaffold that assembles and integrates signals derived from multiple pathways. The transduceosome amplifies cAMP and other signals locally and, by stabilizing and reducing the basal activity of PKA, it also exerts long-distance effects. The AKAP transduceosome thus optimizes the amplitude and the signal/noise ratio of cAMP-PKA stimuli travelling from the membrane to the nucleus and other subcellular compartments.  相似文献   

FK506结合蛋白(FK506 binding protein, FKBP)是一种在生物体中广泛存在、进化上高度保守的组成型蛋白质。除了作为免疫抑制剂FK506受体以外, FKBP还具有肽脯氨酰顺反异构酶(PPIase)的活性。FKBP在植物中是个大家族, 可作为分子伴侣与一些蛋白相互作用从而调控不同的生化过程。研究表明, 该家族基因在植物的响应胁迫和不同生长发育过程中都扮演着重要角色。最近许多新的FKBP互作蛋白的发现和鉴定表明, FKBP在调控基因表达和光合适应性方面具有广泛的生物学功能。文章对植物FKBP家族的结构特点、分类以及最新的功能研究进展进行了详细的综述。  相似文献   

The synaptopodin family of proteins consists of at least 3 members: synaptopodin, the synaptopodin 2 proteins, and the synaptopodin 2-like proteins. Each family member has at least 3 isoforms that are produced by alternative splicing. Synaptopodin family members are basic proteins that are rich in proline and have little regular 2° or 3° structure at physiological temperature, pH and ionic strength. Like other natively unfolded proteins, synaptopodin family members have multiple binding partners including actin and other actin-binding proteins. Several members of the synaptopodin family have been shown to stimulate actin polymerization and to bundle actin filaments either on their own or in collaboration with other proteins. Synaptopodin 2 has been shown to accelerate nucleation of actin filament formation and to induce actin bundling. The actin polymerization activity is inhibited by Ca2+-calmodulin. Synaptopodin 2 proteins are localized in Z-bands of striated and heart muscle and dense bodies of smooth muscle cells. Depending on the developmental status and stress, at least one member of the synaptopodin family can occupy nuclei of some cells. Members of the synaptopodin 2 subfamily have been implicated in cancers.  相似文献   

All biological organisms have developed a defense system against oxidative stress, which is comprised of many kinds of antioxidants. Antioxidants are classified by function into four categories; preventive antioxidants; radical scavenging antioxidants; repair and de novo antioxidants; and adaptation. Radical scavenging antioxidants have the greatest advantage. Although the activities of radical scavenging antioxidant are determined by several factors, their chemical structure is of key importance. Furthermore, radical scavenging antioxidants have been explored to have a novel function by which they regulate gene expression of cell.  相似文献   

All biological organisms have developed a defense system against oxidative stress, which is comprised of many kinds of antioxidants. Antioxidants are classified by function into four categories; preventive antioxidants; radical scavenging antioxidants; repair and de novo antioxidants; and adaptation. Radical scavenging antioxidants have the greatest advantage. Although the activities of radical scavenging antioxidant are determined by several factors, their chemical structure is of key importance. Furthermore, radical scavenging antioxidants have been explored to have a novel function by which they regulate gene expression of cell.  相似文献   

The sequences of the ubiquitous and phylogenetically diversified cyclophilin family of proteins were divided into six groups, namely, vertebrates, invertebrates, other metazoa, plants, fungi, and prokaryotes. These groups of sequences were aligned with the multiple sequence alignment program Clustal-W. The variations of amino acid substitutions and amino acid compositions for these six groups of cyclophilins were calculated using a novel suite of multiple-sequence alignment analysis routines. The cyclophilins from vertebrates can be divided for at least two distinct structural classes that differ from each other by a variable-length amino acid insert within the loop that links alpha-helix II and beta-strand III. A similar structural feature is also present in the other groups of cyclophilins, namely, those from invertebrates, other metazoa, plants, and fungi. The sequences of cyclophilins from fungi and prokaryotes are more diversified than those from vertebrates, and their alterations involve structures other than the amino acid inserts within the loops. Variations of the hydrophobicity and bulkiness of amino acid substitutions of the aligned sequences were calculated for each group of cyclophilins and for the alignment of all the sequences. The variations have clear asymmetry that may signify the need for modification of the physical properties of certain fragments of cyclophilins that are involved in interactions with various cellular components in the evolving environment.  相似文献   

Adipogenesis, a key step in the pathogenesis of obesity, involves extensive ECM remodeling, changes in cell-ECM interactions, and cytoskeletal rearrangement. Matricellular proteins regulate cell-cell and cell-ECM interactions. Evidence in vivo and in vitro indicates that the prototypic matricellular protein, SPARC, inhibits adipogenesis and promotes osteoblastogenesis. Herein we discuss mechanisms underlying the inhibitory effect of SPARC on adipogenesis. SPARC enhances the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway and regulates the expression and posttranslational modification of collagen. SPARC might drive preadipocytes away from the status of growth arrest and therefore prevent terminal differentiation. SPARC could also decrease WAT deposition through its negative effects on angiogenesis. Therefore, several stages of white adipose tissue accumulation are sensitive to the inhibitory effects of SPARC.  相似文献   

Li M  Satinover DL  Brautigan DL 《Biochemistry》2007,46(9):2380-2389
Protein phosphatase-1 (PP1) is an essential protein Ser/Thr phosphatase that is extraordinarily conserved from yeast to human, and Inhibitor-2 (I-2) is the most ancient of the heat-stable proteins specific for PP1. We identified novel I-2 homologues in Caenorhabditis elegans (Ce) and Xenopus laevis (Xe) and compared them to the I-2 proteins from Homo sapiens (Hs), Saccharomyces cerevisiae (GLC8), and Drosophila melanogaster (Dm). The Ce I-2 and Dm I-2 showed the highest potency inhibition of rabbit PP1 with IC50 near 5 nM compared to Hs I-2 and Xe I-2 with IC50 between 10 and 50 nM and GLC8 with >100-fold lower activity. Inhibition of PP1 bound to Nek2 kinase activated the kinase to phosphorylate a C-Nap1 domain substrate. All the species of I-2 except GLC8 activated the Nek2::PP1 to the same extent as microcystin-LR. Only Hs I-2 and Xe I-2, not the I-2 proteins more divergent in sequence, directly activated human Aurora-A kinase. Various species of I-2 have a common PxTP phosphorylation site that showed a wide range of reactivity with GSK3, ERK, or CDC2/cyclinB1 kinases. The Suc1 subunit of CDC2/cyclinB1 enhanced reactivity with I-2, consistent with this being a site of mitotic phosphorylation. The results show species specificity among the I-2 family within the context of conserved PP1 inhibitory activity and variable phosphorylation by Pro-directed kinases.  相似文献   

Lin YH  Liu AH  Li XJ 《生理科学进展》2005,36(3):241-244
cAMP依赖性蛋白激酶A(PKA)通过A型激酶锚定蛋白(Akinaseanchorproteins,AKAPs)靶向亚细胞位点,PKA识别它的底物或效应蛋白,从而引导并放大cAMP信号的生物学效应。AKAPs是功能上相关的调节蛋白家族,具有结合PKA的保守区和引导AKAPPKA复合体到亚细胞位点的靶向区。AKAPs不仅与PKA相互作用,也与其它信号分子作用,主要是磷酸酶和激酶。AKAPPKA复合体可汇集和整合来自各种通路的信号,该复合体不仅可局部增强cAMP和其它信号,通过降低PKA的基础活性,还可发挥远程效应。  相似文献   

The mammalian family X DNA polymerases (DNA polymerases beta, lambda, mu, and TdT) contribute to base excision repair and double-strand break repair by virtue of their ability to fill short gaps in DNA. Structural information now exists for all four of these enzymes, making this the first mammalian polymerase family whose structural portrait is complete. Here we consider how distinctive structural features of these enzymes contribute to their biological functions in vivo.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol/phosphatidylcholine transfer proteins (PITPs) remain largely functionally uncharacterized, despite the fact that they are highly conserved and are found in all eukaryotic cells thus far examined by biochemical or sequence analysis approaches. The available data indicate a role for PITPs in regulating specific interfaces between lipid-signaling and cellular function. In this regard, a role for PITPs in controlling specific membrane trafficking events is emerging as a common functional theme. However, the mechanisms by which PITPs regulate lipid-signaling and membrane-trafficking functions remain unresolved. Specific PITP dysfunctions are now linked to neurodegenerative and intestinal malabsorption diseases in mammals, to stress response and developmental regulation in higher plants, and to previously uncharacterized pathways for regulating membrane trafficking in yeast and higher eukaryotes, making it clear that PITPs are integral parts of a highly conserved signal transduction strategy in eukaryotes. Herein, we review recent progress in deciphering the biological functions of PITPs, and discuss some of the open questions that remain.  相似文献   

In C. elegans, 283 clec genes encode a highly diverse family of C-type lectin-like domain (CTLD) proteins. Since vertebrate CTLD proteins have characterized functions in defense responses against pathogens and since expression of C. elegans clec genes is pathogen-dependent, it is generally assumed that clec genes function in C. elegans immune defenses. However, little is known about the relative contribution and exact function of CLEC proteins in C. elegans immunity. Here, we focused on the C. elegans clec gene clec-4, whose expression is highly upregulated by pathogen infection, and its paralogs clec-41 and clec-42. We found that, while mutation of clec-4 resulted in enhanced resistance to the Gram-positive pathogen Bacillus thuringiensis MYBt18247 (Bt247), inactivation of clec-41 and clec-42 by RNAi enhanced susceptibility to Bt247. Further analyses revealed that enhanced resistance of clec-4 mutants to Bt247 was due to an increase in feeding cessation on the pathogen and consequently a decrease in pathogen load. Moreover, clec-4 mutants exhibited feeding deficits also on non-pathogenic bacteria that were in part reflected in the clec-4 gene expression profile, which overlapped with gene sets affected by starvation or mutation in nutrient sensing pathways. However, loss of CLEC-4 function only mildly affected life-history traits such as fertility, indicating that clec-4 mutants are not subjected to dietary restriction. While CLEC-4 function appears to be associated with the regulation of feeding behavior, we show that CLEC-41 and CLEC-42 proteins likely function as bona fide immune effector proteins that have bacterial binding and antimicrobial capacities. Together, our results exemplify functional diversification within clec gene paralogs.  相似文献   

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