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Bacterial community analysis of Indonesian hot springs   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We report the first attempts to describe thermophilic bacterial communities in Indonesia's thermal springs using molecular phylogenetic analyses. 16S rRNA genes from laboratory cultures and DNA directly amplified from three hot springs in West Java were sequenced. The 22 sequences obtained were assignable to the taxa Proteobacteria, Bacillus and Flavobacterium, including a number of clades not normally associated with thermophily.  相似文献   

Despite detailed study of selected thermophilic taxa, overall community diversity of bacteria in thermophilic mats remains relatively poorly understood. A sequence-based survey of bacterial communities from several hot spring locations in central Tibet was undertaken. Diversity and frequency of occurrence for 140 unique 16S rRNA gene phylotypes were identified in clone libraries constructed from environmental samples. A lineage-per-time plot revealed that individual locations have evolved to support relatively large numbers of phylogenetically closely related phylotypes. Application of the F ST statistic and P test to community data was used to demonstrate that phylogenetic divergence between locations was significant, thus emphasizing the status of hot springs as isolated habitats. Among phylotypes, only the Chlorobi were ubiquitous to all mats, other phototrophs (Cyanobacteria and Chloroflexi) occurred in most but not all samples and generally accounted for a large number of recovered phylotypes. Phylogenetic analyses of phototrophic phylotypes revealed support for location-specific lineages. The alpha, beta and gamma proteobacteria were also frequently recovered phyla, suggesting they may be abundant phylotypes in mats, a hitherto unappreciated aspect of thermophilic mat biodiversity. Samples from one location indicated that where phototrophic bacteria were rare or absent due to niche disturbance, the relative frequency of proteobacterial phylotypes increased. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Whole-cell density gradient extractions from three solfataras (pH 2.5) ranging in temperature from 81 to 90 degrees C and one neutral hot spring (81 degrees C, pH 7) from the thermal active area of Hveragerethi (Iceland) were analysed for genetic diversity and local geographical variation of Archaea by analysis of amplified 16S rRNA genes. In addition to the three solfataras and the neutral hot spring, 10 soil samples in transects of the soil adjacent to the solfataras were analysed using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (t-RFLP). The sequence data from the clone libraries in combination with 14 t-RFLP profiles revealed a high abundance of clones clustering together with sequences from the nonthermophilic I.1b group of Crenarchaeota. The archaeal diversity in one solfatara was high; 26 different RFLP patterns were found using double digestion of the PCR products with restriction enzymes AluI and BsuRI. The sequenced clones from this solfatara belonged to Sulfolobales, Thermoproteales or were most closest related to sequences from uncultured Archaea. Sequences related to group I.1b were not found in the neutral hot spring or the hyperthermophilic solfatara (90 degrees C).  相似文献   

Glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) are core membrane lipids of the Crenarchaeota. The structurally unusual GDGT crenarchaeol has been proposed as a taxonomically specific biomarker for the marine planktonic group I archaea. It is found ubiquitously in the marine water column and in sediments. In this work, samples of microbial community biomass were obtained from several alkaline and neutral-pH hot springs in Nevada, United States. Lipid extracts of these samples were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Each sample contained GDGTs, and among these compounds was crenarchaeol. The distribution of archaeal lipids in Nevada hot springs did not appear to correlate with temperature, as has been observed in the marine environment. Instead, a significant correlation with the concentration of bicarbonate was observed. Archaeal DNA was analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. All samples contained 16S rRNA gene sequences which were more strongly related to thermophilic crenarchaeota than to Cenarchaeum symbiosum, a marine nonthermophilic crenarchaeon. The occurrence of crenarchaeol in environments containing sequences affiliated with thermophilic crenarchaeota suggests a wide phenotypic distribution of this compound. The results also indicate that crenarchaeol can no longer be considered an exclusive biomarker for marine species.  相似文献   

Hot springs and hydrothermal systems occurring within volcanic areas are inhabited by hyperthermophilic microorganisms, some of which grow at temperatures up to 110 °C. Hyperthermophiles grow anaerobically or aerobically by diverse metabolic types. Within the high temperature ecocystems, primary production is independent from solar energy.Presented at the Session Water in the Solar System and Its Role in Exobiology during the 26th General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, 22–26 april 1991 in Wiesbaden, Germany.  相似文献   

A technique is described for studying hot spring microbial morphotypes by using electron microscope grids incubatedin situ. Such studies revealed the presence of filaments bearing swollen saclike structures in a number of New Zealand hot springs. There was considerable variation in the size, structure, and morphology of the filaments and the saclike structures.  相似文献   

Thermophilic anaerobic spirochetes in New Zealand hot springs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Electron and light microscopy revealed the presence of spirochetes in New Zealand thermal springs. The spirochete population in one spring studied (Kuirau Lake) was affected by fluctuations in temperature and/or pool level. A pure culture of the strictly anaerobic bacterium revealed that it grew optimally at a temperature of 45–50°C, with no growth occurring above 60°C, and a pH of 7.0–7.5 with no growth occurring at pH 5.5 or 8.5. Growth was inhibited by chloramphenicol, penicillin, streptomycin, tetracycline and neomycin but not by d -cycloserine, novobiocin or phosphomycin at 10 μg/ml. A wide range of carbohydrates were utilized but not organic acids. Acetate was the major end product of glucose fermentation with substantial amounts of ethanol and traces of lactate being produced.  相似文献   

温泉微生物多样性包括物种多样性、遗传多样性、生理多样性和生态多样性。温泉微生物多样性受地理位置、温度和酸碱度、水化学成分(硫、硼、铁、砷等离子和化合物)及氧气和光照等生态因子的影响。目前已经从温泉微生物中筛选出了许多具有热稳定性的酶。本文分析了温泉微生物多样性及其影响因素,并讨论了具有广泛应用价值的温泉微生物酶,为拓展我国温泉微生物多样性研究、深入认识和开发温泉微生物资源提供基础。  相似文献   

The thermophilic bacterium Bacillus sp. strain TB-1 was isolated in association with the yeast Debaryomyces vanriji from hot springs at 46 degrees C. It was shown that TB-1 excreted thiamine into the culture broth, which not only promoted D. vanriji growth in mixed culture but also increased the maximal temperature for yeast growth.  相似文献   

Nitrification in terrestrial hot springs of Iceland and Kamchatka   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Archaea have been detected recently as a major and often dominant component of the microbial communities performing ammonia oxidation in terrestrial and marine environments. In a molecular survey of archaeal ammonia monooxygenase (AMO) genes in terrestrial hot springs of Iceland and Kamchatka, the amoA gene encoding the alpha-subunit of AMO was detected in a total of 14 hot springs out of the 22 investigated. Most of these amoA-positive hot springs had temperatures between 82 and 97 degrees C and pH range between 2.5 and 7. In phylogenetic analyses, these amoA genes formed three independent lineages within the known sequence clusters of marine or soil origin. Furthermore, in situ gross nitrification rates in Icelandic hot springs were estimated by the pool dilution technique directly on site. At temperatures above 80 degrees C, between 56 and 159 mumol NO(3)(-) L(-1) mud per day was produced. Furthermore, addition of ammonium to the hot spring samples before incubation yielded a more than twofold higher potential nitrification rate, indicating that the process was limited by ammonia supply. Our data provide evidence for an active role of archaea in nitrification of hot springs in a wide range of pH values and at a high temperature.  相似文献   

Geothermal energy has been harnessed and used for domestic heating in Iceland. In wells that are typically drilled to a depth of 1,500 to 2,000 m, the temperature of the source water is 50 to 130 degrees C. The bottoms of the boreholes can therefore be regarded as subterranean hot springs and provide a unique opportunity to study the subterranean biosphere. Large volumes of geothermal fluid from five wells and a mixture of geothermal water from 50 geothermal wells (hot tap water) were sampled and concentrated through a 0.2-microm-pore-size filter. Cells were observed in wells RG-39 (91.4 degrees C) and MG-18 (71.8 degrees C) and in hot tap water (76 degrees C), but no cells were detected in wells SN-4, SN-5 (95 to 117 degrees C), and RV-5 (130 degrees C). Archaea and Bacteria were detected by whole-cell fluorescent in situ hybridization. DNAs were extracted from the biomass, and small-subunit rRNA genes (16S rDNAs) were amplified by PCR using primers specific for the Archaea and Bacteria domains. The PCR products were cloned and sequenced. The sequence analysis showed 11 new operational taxonomic units (OTUs) out of 14, 3 of which were affiliated with known surface OTUs. Samples from RG-39 and hot tap water were inoculated into enrichment media and incubated at 65 and 85 degrees C. Growth was observed only in media based on geothermal water. 16S rDNA analysis showed enrichments dominated with Desulfurococcales relatives. Two strains belonging to Desulfurococcus mobilis and to the Thermus/Deinococcus group were isolated from borehole RG-39. The results indicate that subsurface volcanic zones are an environment that provides a rich subsurface for novel thermophiles.  相似文献   


Microbial communities of Kamchatka Peninsula terrestrial hot springs were studied using molecular, radioisotopic and cultural approaches. Analysis of 16S rRNA gene fragments performed by means of high-throughput sequencing revealed that aerobic autotrophic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria of the genus Sulfurihydrogenibium (phylum Aquificae) dominated in a majority of streamers. Another widely distributed and abundant group was that of anaerobic bacteria of the genus Caldimicrobium (phylum Thermodesulfobacteria). Archaea of the genus Vulcanisaeta were abundant in a high-temperature, slightly acidic hot spring, where they were accompanied by numerous Nanoarchaeota, while the domination of uncultured Thermoplasmataceae A10 was characteristic for moderately thermophilic acidic habitats. The highest rates of inorganic carbon assimilation determined by the in situ incubation of samples in the presence of 14C-labeled bicarbonate were found in oxygen-dependent streamers; in two sediment samples taken from the hottest springs this process, though much weaker, was found to be not dependent on oxygen. The isolation of anaerobic lithoautotrophic prokaryotes from Kamchatka hot springs revealed a wide distribution of the ability for sulfur disproportionation, a new lithoautotrophic process capable to fuel autonomous anaerobic ecosystems.


Anaerobic enrichment cultures with Avicel as substrate and inoculated with biomat samples from Icelandic hot springs were cultured at 70 ° or 78 °C and examined for the presence of microorganisms that produce extracellular cellulolytic and xylanolytic enzymes. From four enrichments grown at 78 °C eighteen strains were isolated. Five of the strains were screened for their substrate utilization, and on the basis of differences in morphology and substrates used, the two most unique strains were selected for further characterization. All cellulolytic cultures were rod-shaped and non-sporeforming. Motility was not observed. Cells stained gram-negative at various stages of the growth phase. During growth on Avicel, most cultures produced acetate as the major fermentation product, with smaller amounts of lactic acid and ethanol. Carbon dioxide and hydrogen were also produced. The phenotypic characteristics of the enrichment cultures and of isolates are described and assessed in relation to temperature and pH in the hot spring environment. A comparison is made between Icelandic strains isolated in our laboratory and strains isolated from hot springs from other parts of the world. The biotechnological potential of this group of bacteria is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium parascrofulaceum was found in Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park, in a system composed of two acidic (pH 3.0) springs with temperatures between 56 degrees C at the source and 40 degrees C at the confluence of both springs. Growth and survival assays at 56 degrees C for 60 days were performed, confirming the origin of the strain.  相似文献   

Thermophilic, aerobic bacteria isolated from Icelandic hot springs were screened for xylanase activity. Of 97 strains tested, 14 were found to be xylanase positive. Xylanase activities up to 12 nkat/ml were produced by these strains in shake flasks on xylan medium. The xylanases of the two strains producing the highest activities (ITI 36 and ITI 283) were similar with respect to temperature and pH optima (80°C and pH 8.0). Xylanase production of strain ITI 36 was found to be induced by xylan and xylose. Xylanase activity of 24 nkat/ml was obtained with this strain in a laboratory-scale-fermentor cultivation on xylose medium. -Xylosidase activity was also detected in the culture filtrate. The thermal half-life of ITI 36 xylanase was 24 h at 70°C. The highest production of sugars from hydrolysis of beech xylan was obtained at 70°C, although xylan depolymerization was detected even up to 90°C. Correspondence to: M. Rättö  相似文献   

Assembly of viral metagenomes from yellowstone hot springs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thermophilic viruses were reported decades ago; however, knowledge of their diversity, biology, and ecological impact is limited. Previous research on thermophilic viruses focused on cultivated strains. This study examined metagenomic profiles of viruses directly isolated from two mildly alkaline hot springs, Bear Paw (74 degrees C) and Octopus (93 degrees C). Using a new method for constructing libraries from picograms of DNA, nearly 30 Mb of viral DNA sequence was determined. In contrast to previous studies, sequences were assembled at 50% and 95% identity, creating composite contigs up to 35 kb and facilitating analysis of the inherent heterogeneity in the populations. Lowering the assembly identity reduced the estimated number of viral types from 1,440 and 1,310 to 548 and 283, respectively. Surprisingly, the diversity of viral species in these springs approaches that in moderate-temperature environments. While most known thermophilic viruses have a chronic, nonlytic infection lifestyle, analysis of coding sequences suggests lytic viruses are more common in geothermal environments than previously thought. The 50% assembly included one contig with high similarity and perfect synteny to nine genes from Pyrobaculum spherical virus (PSV). In fact, nearly all the genes of the 28-kb genome of PSV have apparent homologs in the metagenomes. Similarities to thermoacidophilic viruses isolated on other continents were limited to specific open reading frames but were equally strong. Nearly 25% of the reads showed significant similarity between the hot springs, suggesting a common subterranean source. To our knowledge, this is the first application of metagenomics to viruses of geothermal origin.  相似文献   

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