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In the Netherlands, non-Western ethnic minority women make their first antenatal visit later than native Dutch women. Timely entry into antenatal care is important as it provides the opportunity for prenatal screening and the detection of risk factors for adverse pregnancy outcomes. In this study we explored whether women''s timely entry is influenced by their neighborhood. Moreover, we assessed whether ethnic minority density (the proportion of ethnic minorities in a neighborhood) influences Western and non-Western ethnic minority women''s chances of timely entry into care differently. We hypothesized that ethnic minority density has a protective effect against non-Western women''s late entry into care. Data on time of entry into care and other individual-level characteristics were obtained from the Netherlands Perinatal Registry (2000-2008; 97% of all pregnancies). We derived neighborhood-level data from three other national databases. We included 1,137,741 pregnancies of women who started care under supervision of a community midwife in 3422 neighborhoods. Multi-level logistic regression was used to assess the associations of individual and neighborhood-level determinants with entry into antenatal care before and after 14 weeks of gestation. We found that neighborhood characteristics influence timely entry above and beyond individual characteristics. Ethnic minority density was associated with a higher risk of late entry into antenatal care. However, our analysis showed that for non-Western women, living in high ethnic minority density areas is less detrimental to their risk of late entry than for Western women. This means that a higher proportion of ethnic minority residents has a protective effect on non-Western women''s chances of timely entry into care. Our results suggest that strategies to improve timely entry into care could seek to create change at the neighborhood level in order to target individuals likely of entering care too late.  相似文献   



Perinatal morbidity rates are relatively high in the Netherlands, and significant inequalities in perinatal morbidity and mortality can be found across neighborhoods. In socioeconomically deprived areas, ‘Western’ women are particularly at risk for adverse birth outcomes. Almost all studies to date have explained the disparities in terms of individual determinants of birth outcomes. This study examines the influence of neighborhood contextual characteristics on birth weight (adjusted for gestational age) and preterm birth. We focused on the influence of neighborhood social capital – measured as informal socializing and social connections between neighbors – as well as ethnic (minority) density.


Data on birth weight and prematurity were obtained from the Perinatal Registration Netherlands 2000–2008 dataset, containing 97% of all pregnancies. Neighborhood-level measurements were obtained from three different sources, comprising both survey and registration data. We included 3.422 neighborhoods and 1.527.565 pregnancies for the birth weight analysis and 1.549.285 pregnancies for the premature birth analysis. Linear and logistic multilevel regression was performed to assess the associations of individual and neighborhood level variables with birth weight and preterm birth.


We found modest but significant neighborhood effects on birth weight and preterm births. The effect of ethnic (minority) density was stronger than that of neighborhood social capital. Moreover, ethnic (minority) density was associated with higher birth weight for infants of non-Western ethnic minority women compared to Western women (15 grams; 95% CI: 12,4/17,5) as well as reduced risk for prematurity (OR 0.97; CI 0,95/0,99).


Our results indicate that neighborhood contexts are associated with birth weight and preterm birth in the Netherlands. Moreover, ethnic (minority) density seems to be a protective factor for non-Western ethnic minority women, but not for Western women. This helps explain the increased risk of Western women in deprived neighborhoods for adverse birth outcomes found in previous studies.  相似文献   

Objective: To study the effects of lifestyle variables and socioeconomic status on overweight among native Dutch and immigrants in The Netherlands. Research Methods and Procedures: Data were used from a survey sample (N = 2551) of native Dutch and immigrant respondents (Surinamese/Antilleans, Turks, and Moroccans). BMI was calculated using self‐reported weight and height. Lifestyle variables such as modern food habits (take‐out food and eating out) and participating in sports were included, as well as socioeconomic and demographic background variables. Bivariate and ordinary least squares analyses were performed to study BMI and the determinants of overweight among the different groups. Results: All immigrant groups had a higher prevalence of overweight than the Dutch, except Moroccans. Men were overweight more frequently than women. Take‐out food, eating out, and fresh vegetables were related to a decrease in BMI, whereas convenience foods were related to an increase in BMI. For ready‐to‐eat meals, the results were mixed. In all groups, age was associated with a higher BMI, and a higher level of education was associated with a lower BMI. Immigrants participated in sports less frequently than native Dutch people. Discussion: One percent to 5% of the total public health costs can be attributed to costs for overweight‐related diseases. Public health policies should aim at stimulating healthy lifestyles and discouraging bad food habits through higher taxes on high‐calorie foods. In particular, Dutch immigrants should be encouraged to lose weight, because they have a higher risk for overweight‐related diseases.  相似文献   

民间习俗是人们在长期生产生活中相沿成习的一种社会文化.属民俗学范畴。按广义的民俗学定义.是泛指城乡民间生活。既如此.其包括的内容就很广泛精神的、物质的.不一而足.包罗万象。我们在进行“照片之声”项目的过程中.农民照相员们所拍摄的照片及其故事,有关农村社会生活的民俗占了绝大部分。是民族学、民俗学、历史学及文化旅游部门不可多得的、直接来自民间的第一手资料。  相似文献   



Ethnic differences have been reported in cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors. It is still unclear which ethnic groups are most at risk for CVD when all traditional CVD risk factors are considered together as overall risk.


To examine ethnic differences in overall estimated CVD risk and the risk factors that contribute to these differences.


Using data of the multi-ethnic HELIUS study (HEalthy LIfe in an Urban Setting) from Amsterdam, we examined whether estimated CVD risk and risk factors among those eligible for CVD risk estimation differed between participants of Dutch, South Asian Surinamese, African Surinamese, Ghanaian, Turkish and Moroccan origin. Using the Systematic COronary Risk Evaluation (SCORE) algorithm, we estimated risk of fatal CVD and risk of fatal plus non-fatal CVD. These risks were compared between ethnic groups via age-adjusted linear regression analyses.


The SCORE algorithm was applicable to 9,128 participants. Relative to the fatal CVD risk of participants of Dutch origin, South Asian Surinamese participants showed a higher fatal CVD risk, Ghanaian males a lower fatal CVD risk, and participants of other ethnic origins a similar fatal CVD risk. For fatal plus non-fatal CVD risk, African Surinamese and Turkish men also showed a higher risk. When diabetes was incorporated in the CVD risk algorithm, all but Ghanaian men showed a higher CVD risk relative to the participants of Dutch origin (betas ranging from 0.98–3.10%). The CVD risk factors that contribute the most to these ethnic differences varied between ethnic groups.


Ethnic minority groups are at a greater estimated risk of fatal plus non-fatal CVD relative to the group of native Dutch. Further research is necessary to determine whether this will translate to ethnic differences in CVD incidence and, if so, whether ethnic-specific CVD prevention strategies are warranted.

Active learning methods have been shown to be superior to traditional lecture in terms of student achievement, and our findings on the use of Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) concur. Students in our introductory biology course performed significantly better if they engaged in PLTL. There was also a drastic reduction in the failure rate for underrepresented minority (URM) students with PLTL, which further resulted in closing the achievement gap between URM and non-URM students. With such compelling findings, we strongly encourage the adoption of Peer-Led Team Learning in undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) courses.Recent, extensive meta-analysis of over a decade of education research has revealed an overwhelming consensus that active learning methods are superior to traditional, passive lecture, in terms of student achievement in post-secondary Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) courses [1]. In light of such clear evidence that traditional lecture is among the least effective modes of instruction, many institutions have been abandoning lecture in favor of “flipped” classrooms and active learning strategies. Regrettably, however, STEM courses at most universities continue to feature traditional lecture as the primary mode of instruction.Although next-generation active learning classrooms are becoming more common, large instructor-focused lecture halls with fixed seating are still the norm on most campuses—including ours, for the time being. While there are certainly ways to make learning more active in an amphitheater, peer-interactive instruction is limited in such settings. Of course, laboratories accompanying lectures often provide more active learning opportunities. But in the wake of commendable efforts to increase rigorous laboratory experiences at the sophomore and junior levels at Syracuse University, a difficult decision was made for the two-semester, mixed-majors introductory biology sequence: the lecture sections of the second semester course were decoupled from the laboratory component, which was made optional. There were good reasons for this change, from both departmental and institutional perspectives. However, although STEM students not enrolling in the lab course would arguably be exposed to techniques and develop foundational process skills in the new upper division labs, we were concerned about the implications for achievement among those students who would opt out of the introductory labs. Our concerns were apparently warranted, as students who did not take the optional lab course, regardless of prior achievement, earned scores averaging a letter grade lower than those students who enrolled in the lab. However, students who opted out of the lab but engaged in Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) performed at levels equivalent to students who also took the lab course [2].Peer-Led Team Learning is a well-defined active learning model involving small group interactions between students, and it can be used along with or in place of the traditional lecture format that has become so deeply entrenched in university systems (Fig 1, adapted from [3]). PLTL was originally designed and implemented in undergraduate chemistry courses [4,5], and it has since been implemented in other undergraduate science courses, such as general biology and anatomy and physiology [6,7]. Studies on the efficacy of PLTL have shown improvements in students’ grade performance, attitudes, retention in the course [611], conceptual reasoning [12], and critical thinking [13], though findings related to the critical thinking benefits for peer leaders have not been consistent [14].Open in a separate windowFig 1The PLTL model.In the PLTL workshop model, students work in small groups of six to eight students, led by an undergraduate peer leader who has successfully completed the same course in which their peer-team students are currently enrolled. After being trained in group leadership methods, relevant learning theory, and the conceptual content of the course, peer leaders (who serve as role models) work collaboratively with an education specialist and the course instructor to facilitate small group problem-solving. Leaders are not teachers. They are not tutors. They are not considered to be experts in the content, and they are not expected to provide answers to the students in the workshop groups. Rather, they help mentor students to actively construct their own understanding of concepts.  相似文献   



To describe the ethnic differences in central corneal thickness (CCT) in population-based samples of ethnic Bai, Yi and Han people living in rural China.


6504 adults (2119 ethnic Bai, 2202 ethnic Yi and 2183 ethnic Han) aged 50 years or older participated in the study. Each subject underwent standardized ocular examinations and interviewer-administered questionnaires for risk factor assessment. CCT was measured for both eyes using an ultrasound pachymeter. Regression and principal component analysis were performed to examine the relationship of ethnicity and other factors with CCT.


The mean CCT readings were 536.4 ± 34.2 μm in ethnic Bai, 532.1 ± 32.1 μm in ethnic Yi and 529.6 ± 32.7 μm in ethnic Han adults (P<0.001), respectively. There was a decreasing trend of mean CCT with increasing age across all ethnic groups. In multivariate linear regression models, increasing CCT was associated with younger age (P<0.001), male gender (P<0.001), Bai (P<0.001) or Yi (P<0.001) ethnicity, greater body mass index (P<0.001), higher systolic blood pressure (P<0.001), greater corneal curvature (P<0.001), deeper anterior chamber (P < 0.001), and thicker lens (P<0.001). Ethnicity contributed significantly to presence of thin cornea (60%; P< 0.001) compared with other factors. CCT had similar impact on intraocular pressure readings across all ethnic groups.


This study of more than 6500 multiethnic participants demonstrates significant ethnic variations in CCT, with Han ethnicity having the thinnest cornea compared with ethnic minorities. These data are essential to guide future multiethnic clinical trials on CCT-related ocular conditions such as glaucoma.  相似文献   

Summary The organism described byCouch asStreptosporangium was isolated from forest litter in the Netherlands and Denmark. The development of this organism is followed in detail. Tevens verschenen als Mededeling Nr.36 I.T.B.O.N.  相似文献   

Groundwater meiofauna washed out of springs was studied by means of spring water filtration. The principal interest was a quantitative analysis of the number and diversity of outwash fauna in relationship to hydrological conditions. In addition, a comparative analysis was made of outwash fauna of different outlets of the same hydrological system. The spring complex studied is part of the Centraal Plateau in the southern-most part of The Netherlands. This area is characterized by, for The Netherlands, relatively high hydraulic heads and large permeability of aquifers. Influence of human activities (agriculture) in the recharge area was demonstrated by elevated concentrations of nitrate, chloride, and sulphate in the spring waters. No traces of groundwater pollution by heavy metals or pesticides were found. Temporal variation of meiofauna outwash was studied in a single rheocrene spring during one year. This rheocrene had a relatively large and constant discharge (1300±8 ¦h–1). Meiofauna numbers fluctuated between 110–240 ind. m–3. Considerable differences in meiofauna numbers in a one-off analysis of different springs (rheocrenes and helocrenes) were found. Numbers ranged from 140 to 5800 org. m–3 and an inverse relationship with the amount of water discharged was shown. Organisms in the water filtrates were of multiple origin: aquifer(e.g. Niphargus, Parastenocaris), benthic spring head habitats (e.g. Gammarus, Chironomidae), and (saturated) soils near the outlets (e.g. Criconomatidae). Meiofauna abundance and composition is discussed in relation to hydrology and spring head morphology. A semi-quantitative analysis of outwash aquifer fauna was masked by the presence of epigean elements or elements of unclear origin. The outwash fauna of rheocrenes of large discharge supposedly is the most representative for the aquifer. Adaptations of hypogean populations to oligotrophic porous environments and the consequences for drift of juvenile stages is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Psittacosis (ornithosis) virus has been isolated from Dutch pigeons for the first time. Some characteristics of the virus strain could be determined in experiments with animals.  相似文献   

Summary In the years 1969–1978 chemical and plankton samples were collected monthly in the Bergumermeer, province of Friesland. The samples were analysed by biologists of the KEMA, a company for testing of electrical equipment, who were interested in the environmental impact of heat discharge from the electricity power plant at the lake side. The observations were compiled in three reports and they offered an opportunity to try out a particular method for the presentation of the results. This method is described as comparative abundance-frequency assessment for the characterization of surface water as derived from plankton investigation (LEENTVAAR and VAN DE MECHE-JACOBI, 1984).In the case of the Bergumermeer the method showed also good results. The influence of Lake De Leyen, which in the south is connected to the Bergumermeer by a small canal, was demonstrated by finding other maxima and minima of chlorid, phosphate, nitrate and plankton algae. At the other sampling stations the values did not differ essentially, which means that in the Bergumermeer the water is mixed and the algal distribution is homogeneous. This may be related to the rather short retention time of the water. The temperature data are interesting in relation to the heat discharge from the power plant. After the use of cooling water which started in 1974 the sampling station at the outlet showed every month higher temperatures than the other stations. Plankton and chemistry was not affected at this station.  相似文献   

The educational needs of Jewish and Arab primary and secondary school-age student populations are provided by two separate and parallel educational systems. The immigrant context is discussed first, then educational issues pertaining to the Arab minority are examined. Emphasis is placed on emerging trends in the educational treatment of immigrant children as well as on shifts in educational policy and practice in the Arab sector. The educational experience and performance of immigrant students and Israeli Arab students are discussed within this broader context.  相似文献   

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