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35SO42(-)- and [3H]leucine-labelled proteoglycans were isolated from the medium and cell layer of human skin fibroblast cultures. Measures were taken to avoid proteolytic modifications during isolation by adding guanidinium chloride and proteolysis inhibitors immediately after harvest. The proteoglycans were purified and fractionated by density-gradient centrifugation, followed by gel and ion-exchange chromatography. Our procedure permitted the isolation of two major proteoglycan fractions from the medium, one large, containing glucuronic acid-rich dermatan sulphate chains, and one small, containing iduronic acid-rich ones. The protein core of the latter proteoglycan had an apparent molecular weight of 47000 as determined by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, whereas the protein core of the former was considerably larger. The major dermatan sulphate proteoglycan of the cell layer was similar to the large proteoglycan of the medium. Only small amounts of the iduronic acid-rich dermatan sulphate proteoglycan could be isolated from the cell layer. Instead most of the iduronic acid-rich glycans appeared as free chains. The heparan sulphate proteoglycans found in the cell culture were largely confined to the cell layer. This proteoglycan was of rather low buoyant density and seemed to contain a high proportion of protein. The major part of the heparan sulphate proteoglycan from the medium had a higher buoyant density and contained a smaller amount of protein.  相似文献   

The enzymatic sulphation of heparan sulphate by hen's uterus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Ordered conformations from the sodium salts of chondroitin 4-sulphate, dermatan sulphate and heparan sulphate were observed by X-ray diffraction. Chondroitin 4-sulphate shows similar threefold helical character to that previously reported for chondroitin 6-sulphate and hyaluronates. Dermatan sulphate forms an eightfold helix with an axial rise per disaccharide of 0.93nm, which favours the l-iduronic acid moiety in the normal C1 chair form. The layer-line spacing and axial projection in heparan sulphate of 1.86nm favours a tetrasaccharide repeat with glycosidic linkages alternating beta-d-(1-->4) and alpha-d-(1-->4).  相似文献   

Heparan sulphate and heparin are chemically related alpha beta-linked glycosaminoglycans composed of alternating sequences of glucosamine and uronic acid. The amino sugars may be N-acetylated or N-sulphated, and the latter substituent is unique to these two polysaccharides. Although there is general agreement that heparan sulphate is usually less sulphated than heparin, reproducible differences in their molecular structure have been difficult to identify. We suggest that this is because most of the analytical data have been obtained with degraded materials that are not necessarily representative of complete polysaccharide chains. In the present study intact heparan sulphates, labelled biosynthetically with [3H]glucosamine and Na2(35)SO4, were isolated from the surface membranes of several types of cells in culture. The polysaccharide structure was analysed by complete HNO2 hydrolysis followed by fractionation of the products by gel filtration and high-voltage electrophoresis. Results showed that in all heparan sulphates there were approximately equal numbers of N-sulpho and N-acetyl substituents, arranged in a similar, predominantly segregated, manner along the polysaccharide chain. O-Sulphate groups were in close proximity to the N-sulphate groups but, unlike the latter, the number of O-sulphate groups could vary considerably in heparan sulphates of different cellular origins ranging from 20 to 75 O-sulphate groups per 100 disaccharide units. Inspection of the published data on heparin showed that the N-sulphate frequency was very high (greater than 80% of the glucosamine residues are N-sulphated) and the concentration of O-sulphate groups exceeded that of the N-sulphate groups. We conclude from these and other observations that heparan sulphate and heparin are separate families of N-sulphated glycosaminoglycans.  相似文献   

Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)/scatter factor (SF) is a unique growth factor, in that it binds both heparan sulphate (HS) and dermatan sulphate (DS). The sequences in HS and DS that specifically interact with and modulate HGF/SF activity have not yet been fully identified. Ascidian DS, which uniquely possesses O-sulphation at C-6 (and not C-4) of its N -acetylgalactosamine unit, was analysed for HGF/SF-binding activity in the biosensor. The kinetic analysis revealed a strong, biologically relevant interaction with an equilibrium dissociation constant ( K (d)) of approx. 1 nM. An Erk activation assay also demonstrated stimulation of the MAP kinase pathway downstream of the Met receptor following addition of both HGF/SF and ascidian DS to the glycosaminoglycan-deficient CHO-745 mutant cell line. Furthermore, the activation of Met and the MAP kinase pathway by HGF/SF and ascidian DS leads to a cellular response in the form of migration.  相似文献   

HS appears to be a well-organised molecule with a domain structure that is apparently unique amongst the GAG family (Gallagher, 1989). Further refinements in sequence analysis are needed to corroborate the simplified model proposed in Fig. 4. It is still not clear why evolution has favoured a structural motif of widely spaced sulphated domains. Presumably, some advantages must accrue to the organism from this design, and one idea, that we have discussed previously, is that the polysaccharide functions as a "template" for the organisation of structural proteins in the ECM and for the binding and presentation of growth factors within the matrix polymer network. The sulphated regions are likely to display considerable conformational versatility as a result of the presence of the iduronate residues, and this property may be very important for the protein-binding properties of the polysaccharides (Casu et al., 1988). Sulphation patterns within these regions could favour oligosaccharide conformations necessary for specific protein interactions. An important question in this context is why different cells express on their surfaces HS with subtle differences in sulphation pattern. Perhaps the polymorphic features of HS are involved in higher-order tissue- and organ-specific mechanisms controlling cellular recognition and morphogenesis. The consistency with which aberrant sulphation of HS is detected in malignant disease (Gallagher and Lyon, 1989) in which cellular recognition and differentiation are impaired, adds some substance to this view.  相似文献   

A sulphotransferase preparation from hen's uterus catalysed the transfer of sulphate from adenosine 3′-phosphate 5′-sulphatophosphate to N-desulphated heparan sulphate, heparan sulphate, N-desulphated heparin and dermatan sulphate. Heparin, chondroitin sulphate and hyaluronic acid were inactive as substrates for the enzyme. N-desulphated heparin was a much poorer substrate for the enzyme than N-desulphated heparan sulphate suggesting that properties of the substrate other than available glucosaminyl residues influenced enzyme activity. N-acetylation of N-desulphated heparin and N-desulphated heparan sulphate reduced their sulphate acceptor properties so it was unlikely that the N-acetyl groups of heparan sulphate facilitated its sulphatiion. Direct evidence for the transfer of [35S]sulphate to amino groups of N-desulphated haparan sulphate was obtained by subsequent isolation of glucosamine N-[35S]sulphate from heparan [35S]sulphate product. This was made possible through the use of a flavobacterial enzyme preparation which contained “heparitinase” activity but had been essentially freed of sulphatases. Attempts to transfer [35S]sulphate to glucosamine or N-acetylglucosamine were unsuccessfull.  相似文献   

Heparan sulphate and chondroitin/dermatan sulphate proteoglycans of human skin fibroblasts were isolated and separated after metabolic labelling for 48 h with 35SO4(2-) and/or [3H]leucine. The proteoglycans were obtained from the culture medium, from a detergent extract of the cells and from the remaining ''matrix'', and purified by using density-gradient centrifugation, gel and ion-exchange chromatography. The core proteins of the various proteoglycans were identified by electrophoresis in SDS after enzymic removal of the glycosaminoglycan side chains. Skin fibroblasts produce a number of heparan sulphate proteoglycans, with core proteins of apparent molecular masses 350, 250, 130, 90, 70, 45 and possibly 35 kDa. The major proteoglycan is that with the largest core, and it is principally located in the matrix. A novel proteoglycan with a 250 kDa core is almost entirely secreted or shed into the culture medium. Two exclusively cell-associated proteoglycans with 90 kDa core proteins, one with heparan sulphate and another novel one with chondroitin/dermatan sulphate, were also identified. The heparan sulphate proteoglycan with the 70 kDa core was found both in the cell layer and in the medium. In a previous study [Fransson, Carlstedt, Cöster & Malmström (1984) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 81, 5657-5661] it was suggested that skin fibroblasts produce a proteoglycan form of the transferrin receptor. However, the core protein of the major heparan sulphate proteoglycan now purified does not resemble this receptor, nor does it bind transferrin. The principal secreted proteoglycans are the previously described large chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan (PG-L) and the small dermatan sulphate proteoglycans (PG-S1 and PG-S2).  相似文献   

Ordered conformations from the sodium salts of chondroitin 4-sulphate, dermatan sulphate and heparan sulphate were observed by X-ray diffraction. Chondroitin 4-sulphate shows similar threefold helical character to that previously reported for chondroitin 6-sulphate and hyaluronates. Dermatan sulphate forms an eightfold helix with an axial rise per disaccharide of 0.93nm, which favours the l-iduronic acid moiety in the normal C1 chair form. The layer-line spacing and axial projection in heparan sulphate of 1.86nm favours a tetrasaccharide repeat with glycosidic linkages alternating β-d-(1→4) and α-d-(1→4).  相似文献   

Foetal human lung fibroblasts, grown in monolayer, were allowed to incorporate 35SO42− for various periods of time. 35S-labelled macromolecular anionic products were isolated from the medium, a trypsin digest of the cells in monolayer and the cell residue. The various radioactive polysaccharides were identified as heparan sulphate and a galactosaminoglycan population (chondroitin sulphate and dermatan sulphate) by ion-exchange chromatography and by differential degradations with HNO2 and chondroitinase ABC. Most of the heparan sulphate was found in the trypsin digest, whereas the galactosaminoglycan components were largely confined to the medium. Electrophoretic studies on the various 35S-labelled galactosaminoglycans suggested the presence of a separate chondroitin sulphate component (i.e. a glucuronic acid-rich galactosaminoglycan). The 35S-labelled galactosaminoglycans were subjected to periodate oxidation of l-iduronic acid residues followed by scission in alkali. A periodate-resistant polymer fraction was obtained, which could be degraded to disaccharides by chondroitinase AC. However, most of the 35S-labelled galactosaminoglycans were extensively degraded by periodate oxidation–alkaline elimination. The oligosaccharides obtained were essentially resistant to chondroitinase AC, indicating that the iduronic acid-rich galactosaminoglycans (i.e. dermatan sulphate) were composed largely of repeating units containing sulphated or non-sulphated l-iduronic acid residues. The l-iduronic acid residues present in dermatan sulphate derived from the medium and the trypsin digest contained twice as much ester sulphate as did material associated with the cells. The content of d-glucuronic acid was low and similar in all three fractions. The relative distribution of glycosaminoglycans among the various fractions obtained from cultured lung fibroblasts was distinctly different from that of skin fibroblasts [Malmström, Carlstedt, Åberg & Fransson (1975) Biochem. J. 151, 477–489]. Moreover, subtle differences in co-polymeric structure of dermatan sulphate isolated from the two cell types could be detected.  相似文献   

We report on the incorporation of radiolabelled sulphate into proteoglycan in the 'in situ'-perfused rat liver. After 5 min virtually all of the [35S]sulphate was incorporated into heparan sulphate; no partially sulphated precursors were detected. Pulse-chase experiments, followed by centrifugation in gradients of sucrose and metrizamide, showed that, at 5 min, the heparan sulphate was associated predominantly with the Golgi membranes. Over the next 20 min, intact proteoglycan appeared at the plasma membrane. At intermediate times the heparan sulphate was detected simultaneously in two distinct populations of membrane vesicles. Whether the heparan sulphate in these two populations has two different destinies (e.g. plasma membrane or secretion) is not yet clear. Subfractionation of the Golgi membranes showed that the N-sulphotransferase co-purified with the heparan [35S]sulphate and was separable from the galactosyltransferase of glycoprotein synthesis, confirming that the Golgi membrane system is functionally segregated. Subfractionation also permitted an almost 100-fold purification of the N-sulphotransferase over the homogenate: this will provide an excellent starting material for isolation and further characterization of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Novel sulphation motifs within the glycosaminoglycan chain structure of chondroitin sulphate (CS) containing proteoglycans (PGs) are associated with sites of growth, differentiation and repair in many biological systems and there is compelling evidence that they function as molecular recognition sites that are involved in the binding, sequestration or presentation of soluble signalling molecules (e.g. morphogens, growth factors and cytokines). Here, using monoclonal antibodies 3B3(-), 4C3 and 7D4, we examine the distribution of native CS sulphation motifs within the developing connective tissues of the human foetal knee joint, both during and after joint cavitation. We show that the CS motifs have broad, overlapping distributions within the differentiating connective tissues before the joint has fully cavitated; however, after cavitation, they all localise very specifically to the presumptive articular cartilage tissue. Comparisons with the labelling patterns of heparan sulphate (HS), HS-PGs (perlecan, syndecan-4 and glypican-6) and FGF-2, molecules with known signalling roles in development, indicate that these also become localised to the future articular cartilage tissue after joint cavitation. Furthermore, they display interesting, overlapping distributions with the CS motifs, reflective of early tissue zonation. The overlapping expression patterns of these molecules at this site suggests they are involved, or co-participate, in early morphogenetic events underlying articular cartilage formation; thus having potential clinical relevance to mechanisms involved in its repair/regeneration. We propose that these CS sulphation motifs are involved in modulating the signalling gradients responsible for the cellular behaviours (proliferation, differentiation, matrix turnover) that shape the zonal tissue architecture present in mature articular cartilage.  相似文献   

Colorimetric measurement of dermatan sulphate   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
The periodate-Schiff reaction has been adapted for the measurement of dermatan sulphate. The method is specific for this glycosaminoglycan, provided that glycogen and glycoproteins are removed. Measurements of dermatan sulphate present in the urine of patients affected by various mucopolysaccharidoses indicate a good agreement between the values obtained with enzymic methods and those obtained with the colorimetric method described.  相似文献   

Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in pericellular and interstitial spaces help to maintain local water homeostasis and blood coagulation balance. This study explored whether dehydrating microenvironment conditions influence dermatan sulfate's (DS) anticoagulant activity. Water transfer during antithrombin activation by dermatan sulfate was measured using osmotic stress techniques. Anticoagulant activity was determined from the change in the rate of coagulation factor Xa (fXa) inhibition. Osmotic stress accelerated reaction rates, indicating water transfer from reactants to bulk. The net volume transferred, measured using osmotic probes similar in size to the reacting proteins, was approximately 2500 mol of water per mole of fXa inhibited. The reaction efficiency, V(sat)/K 1/2 (rate at saturation/concentration resulting in half-maximal rates), determined in titrations with monosulfated dermatan sulfate and disulfated dermatan sulfate (DDS), were 4x10(4) and 2x10(5) M-1 s-1 under osmotic stress and in the presence of calcium, corresponding to 34- and 81-fold increases over efficiency measured under standard conditions. These results indicate that dermatan sulfate can contribute significantly to antithrombin activation, and that in dehydrating environments and depending of ionic conditions, its anticoagulant efficiency can exceed that of heparan sulfate (HS).  相似文献   

Structure and function of heparan sulphate proteoglycans.   总被引:47,自引:11,他引:36  

1. Two proteodermatan sulphate fractions (I and II) from bovine sclera were studied by gel chromatography, light-scattering and ultracentrifugation under various conditions. 2. Gel chromatography of proteoglycans in the absence or presence of hyaluronate was performed under associative conditions. No effect on the elution profile was noted. 3. Ultracentrifugation experiments (sedimentation-velocity and sedimentation-equilibrium) with proteoglycan I and II in 6 M-guanidine hydrochloride gave molecular weights (Mw) of 160000-220000 and 70000-100000 respectively. As the protein contents were 45% and 60% respectively, it may be calculated that proteoglycan I contained four to five side chains, whereas proteoglycan II contained one or two. Sedimentation-equilibrium runs performed in 0.15 M-NaCl gave an apparent molecular weight (Mw) of 500000-800000 for proteoglycan I and 90000-110000 for proteoglycan II. 4. In light-scattering experiments both proteoglycans I and II yielded high particle weights in 0.15 M-NaCl (3.1 X 10(6) and 3.4 X 10(6) daltons respectively). In the presence of 6 M-guanidine hydrochloride the molecular weights decreased to 410000 and 130000 respectively. The particle weights in 0.15 M-NaCl were not altered by the addition of hyaluronate or hyaluronate oligosaccharides. 5. The dermatan sulphate side chains of scleral proteoglycans (L-iduronate/D-glucuronate ratio 7:13) gave a particle weight of 100000 daltons in 0.15 M-NaCl. In 1.00 M-KCl/0.02M-EDTA the molecular weight was 24000. Addition of free scleral dermatan sulphate chains to a solution of proteoglycan II promoted further multimerization of the macromolecule.  相似文献   

A method for the sequence analysis of dermatan sulphate.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We are attempting to develop methods for the sequencing of glycosaminoglycans from their reducing end. Here we describe a procedure for the analysis of dermatan sulphate from pig skin. The glycosaminoglycan is released from its parent proteoglycan by exhaustive proteolysis by using both endo- and exo-peptidases. The amino group of the residual serine residue is conjugated with a p-hydroxyphenyl group, which in turn is iodinated with 125I (the Bolton-Hunter reagent, BHR). The ion-exchange-purified end-labelled dermatan sulphate is then degraded partially or completely by various enzymic or chemical means to yield fragments extending from the labelled serine residue to the point of cleavage. The various products are separated by gradient PAGE, detected by autoradiography and quantified by videodensitometry. Complete digestion with chondroitin ABC lyase affords the labelled fragment delta HexA-GalNAc(-SO4)-GlcA-Gal-Gal-Xyl-Ser(-BHR). The structure was confirmed by sequential degradation from the non-reducing end by chondroitin AC lyase, HgCl2, and beta-galactosidase. Periodate oxidation cleaves most of the Xyl even without treatment with alkaline phosphatase, showing that Xyl is not substituted with phosphate. Results from partial and selective periodate oxidation indicate that most of the non-sulphated IdoA residues are located towards the non-reducing end. Partial or complete digestions with testicular hyaluronidase (in the presence of an excess of beta-glucuronidase) or chondroitin AC lyase identify the positions of GlcA residues. The results confirm that HexA next to Gal is always GlcA. Moreover, GlcA is common in the first three disaccharide repeats. Results with testicular hyaluronidase indicate that the distribution of clustered GlcA-GalNAc repeats is periodic and peaks at positions 1-3, 8-9 and around 25. Although there must be chains that contain IdoA in nearly all of the available positions, regions that have not been fully processed during biosynthesis are markedly non-random.  相似文献   

Heparan sulphate proteoglycan, labelled with [35S]sulphate, was prepared from rat livers for studies of its interaction with purified rat transferrin. Affinity chromatography of the preparation on columns of immobilized differic transferrin and apotransferrin showed that the proteoglycan possessed affinity for both types of matrices at pH 7.3 and that this affinity significantly increased at pH 5.6. The glycosaminoglycan chains liberated from the proteoglycan by heparan sulphate lyase also bound to apotransferrin, albeit less strongly, whereas the deglycosylated core protein exhibited virtually no interaction with this matrix. In the presence of the proteoglycan at pH 5.6, the release of iron from the N-lobe of transferrin was accelerated. These observations suggest that heparan sulphate proteoglycan from the liver can mimick some of the known functions of bona fide transferrin receptors and, hence, interaction with the proteoglycan may provide an alternative nondegradative pathway for transferrin through hepatic cells.  相似文献   

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