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Pyruvate carboxylase (Pyc1p) has multiple functions in methylotrophic yeast species. Besides its function as an enzyme, Pyc1p is required for assembly of peroxisomal alcohol oxidase (AO). Hence, Pyc1p-deficient cells share aspartate auxotrophy (Asp-) with a defect in growth on methanol as sole carbon source (Mut-). To identify regions in Hansenula polymorpha Pyc1p that are required for the function of HpPyc1p in AO assembly, a series of random mutations was generated in the HpPYC1 gene by transposon mutagenesis. Upon introduction of 18 mutant genes into the H. polymorpha PYC1 deletion strain (pyc1), four different phenotypes were obtained, namely Asp- Mut-, Asp- Mut+, Asp+ Mut-, and Asp+ Mut+. One mutant showed an Asp+ Mut- phenotype. This mutant produced HpPyc1p containing a pentapeptide insertion in the region that links the conserved N-terminal biotin carboxylation domain (BC) with the central transcarboxylation (TC) domain. Three mutants that were Asp- Mut- contained insertions in the TC domain, suggesting that this domain is important for both functions of Pyc1p. Analysis of a series of constructed C-terminal and N-terminal truncated versions of HpPyc1p showed that the TC domain of Pyc1p, including the region linking this domain to the BC domain, is essential for AO assembly.  相似文献   

Hansenula polymorpha ass3 mutants are characterized by the accumulation of inactive alcohol oxidase (AO) monomers in the cytosol, whereas other peroxisomal matrix proteins are normally activated and sorted to peroxisomes. These mutants also have a glutamate or aspartate requirement on minimal media. Cloning of the corresponding gene resulted in the isolation of the H. polymorpha PYC gene that encodes pyruvate carboxylase (HpPyc1p). HpPyc1p is a cytosolic, anapleurotic enzyme that replenishes the tricarboxylic acid cycle with oxaloacetate. The absence of this enzyme can be compensated by addition of aspartate or glutamate to the growth media. We show that HpPyc1p protein but not the enzyme activity is essential for import and assembly of AO. Similar results were obtained in the related yeast Pichia pastoris. In vitro studies revealed that HpPyc1p has affinity for FAD and is capable to physically interact with AO protein. These data suggest that in methylotrophic yeast pyruvate carboxylase plays a dual role in that, besides its well-characterized metabolic function as anapleurotic enzyme, the protein fulfils a specific role in the AO sorting and assembly process, possibly by mediating FAD-binding to AO monomers.  相似文献   

The architecture of alcohol oxidase crystalloids occurring in vivo in the peroxisomes of methylotrophic yeasts was deduced from electron micrographs of similar crystals of the Hansenula polymorpha enzyme grown in vitro. Three characteristic views of the crystal are observed, as well as single layers in the very early stages of crystal formation. The crystal is concluded to be cubical, with every octameric molecule making the same contacts with four neighbors in one plane, at right angles to its fourfold axis. The unit cell contains six octamers, in three mutually orthogonal orientations, and two large holes, which can accommodate other peroxisomal proteins involved in methanol metabolism. The crystal contains channels, connecting the holes, which allow the diffusion of relatively large molecules through the crystal. Crystal formation depends on just one contact per subunit, which may explain the fragility of the crystals.  相似文献   

We report on the rerouting of peroxisomal alcohol oxidase (AO) to the secretory pathway of Hansenula polymorpha. Using the leader sequence of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae mating factor alpha (MFalpha) as sorting signal, AO was correctly sorted to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), which strongly proliferated in these cells. The MFalpha presequence, but not the prosequence, was cleaved from the protein. AO protein was present in the ER as monomers that lacked FAD, and hence was enzymatically inactive. Furthermore, the recombinant AO protein was subject to gradual degradation, possibly because the protein did not fold properly. However, when the S. cerevisiae invertase signal sequence (ISS) was used, secretion of AO protein was observed in conjunction with bulk of the protein being localized to the ER. The amount of secreted AO protein increased with increasing copy numbers of the AO expression cassette integrated into the genome. The secreted AO protein was correctly processed and displayed enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Import of Hansenula polymorpha alcohol oxidase (AO) into peroxisomes is dependent on the PTS1 receptor, HpPex5p. The PTS1 of AO (-LARF) is sufficient to direct reporter proteins to peroxisomes. To study AO sorting in more detail, strains producing mutant AO proteins were constructed. AO containing a mutation in the FAD binding fold was mislocalized to the cytosol. This indicates that the PTS1 of AO is not sufficient for import of AO. AO protein in which the PTS1 was destroyed (-LARA) was normally sorted to peroxisomes. Moreover, C-terminal deletions of up to 16 amino acids did not significantly affect AO import, indicating that the PTS1 was not necessary for targeting. Consistent with these observations we found that AO import occurred independent from the C-terminal TPR-domain of HpPex5p, known to bind PTS1 peptides. Synthesis of the N-terminal domain (amino acids 1-272) of HpPex5p in pex5 cells restored AO import, whereas other PTS1 proteins were mislocalized to the cytosol. These data indicate that AO is imported via a novel HpPex5p-dependent protein translocation pathway, which does not require the PTS1 of AO and the C-terminal TPR domains of HpPex5p, but involves FAD binding and the N-terminus of HpPex5p.  相似文献   

The oligomerization of the flavoprotein vanillyl-alcohol oxidase (VAO) and its site-directed mutant H61T was studied by mass spectrometry. Native VAO has a covalently bound FAD and forms primarily octameric assemblies of 507 kDa. H61T is purified as a FAD-free apoprotein and mainly exists as a dimeric species of 126 kDa. Binding of FAD to apoH61T rapidly restores enzyme activity and induces octamerization, although association of H61T dimers seems not to be crucial for enzyme activity. Reconstitution of H61T with the cofactor analog 5'-ADP also promotes octamerization. FMN on the other hand, interacts with apoH61T without stimulating dimer association. These results are in line with observations made for several other flavoenzymes, which contain a Rossmann fold. Members of the VAO flavoprotein family do not contain a Rossmann fold but do share two conserved loops that are responsible for binding the pyrophosphate moiety of FAD. Therefore, the observed FAD-induced oligomerization might be general for this family. We speculate that upon FAD binding, small conformational changes in the ADP-binding pocket of the dimeric VAO species are transmitted to the protein surface, promoting oligomerization.  相似文献   

Resonance Raman (RR) spectra of the complex of anionic semiquinoid D-amino acid oxidase (DAO) with picolinate in H2O and D2O were observed in the 300-1,750 cm-1 region. RR spectra were also measured for the complex of the semiquinoid enzyme reconstituted with isotopically labeled FAD's, i.e., [4a-13C]-, [4,10a-13C2]-, [2-13C]-, [5-15N]-, and [1,3-15N2]-FAD. On the basis of the isotope effects, tentative assignments of the observed bands of the anionic semiquinoid flavin were made. The spectra differ from those of oxidized, neutral semiquinoid, and anionic reduced flavins previously reported. The 1,602 cm-1 band was not shifted for any FAD labeled in ring II and/or ring III and was assigned to a ring I mode. The 1,516 cm-1 band underwent an isotopic shift upon [4a-13C]- or [4,10a-13C2]-labeling. The band was assigned to the mode containing C(4a)-C(10a) stretching. The 1,331 and 1,292 cm-1 bands shifted upon [4a-13C]- or [5-15N]-labeling and were assigned to the modes containing C(4a)-N(5) stretching. The 1,217 and 1,188 cm-1 bands were assigned to the skeletal vibrations of ring III coupled with the N(3)-H bending mode. The RR spectrum of the complex of anionic semiquinoid DAO with alpha-iminopropionate or N-methyl-alpha-iminopropionate was essentially identical with that of the complex with picolinate.  相似文献   

W W Murray  R A Rachubinski 《Gene》1987,51(2-3):119-128
We report the isolation and nucleotide (nt) sequence determination of a gene encoding peroxisomal fatty acyl-CoA oxidase (AOx) from the yeast Candida tropicalis pK233. The AOx gene contains no intervening sequences and has a single open reading frame of 2127 nt encoding a protein of 708 amino acids (aa), not including the initiator methionine. The Mr of the protein is 79,155. Codon utilization in the gene is not random, with 87.4% of the aa specified by 25 principal codons. The principal codons used in the expression of AOx in C. tropicalis are similar to those used in highly expressed genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The AOx protein shows a 94.2% homology with POX4 protein of C. tropicalis. One stretch of 36 aa shows no homology between the two proteins.  相似文献   

We have studied the use of yeast peroxisomal alcohol oxidase (AO) as a model protein for in vitro binding by GroEL. Dilution of denatured AO in neutral buffer leads to aggregation of the protein, which is prevented by the addition of GroEL. Formation of complexes between GroEL and denatured AO was demonstrated by a gel-shift assay using non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and quantified by laser-densitometry of the gels. In the presence of MgAMP-PNP or MgADP the affinity of GroEL for AO was enhanced. Under these conditions up to 70% of the purified GroEL formed a complex with this protein. Release was stimulated at room temperature by MgATP, and was further enhanced by addition of GroES.  相似文献   

Mechanism of action of the flavoenzyme lactate oxidase   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Aryl-alcohol oxidase (AAO) is an extracellular flavoprotein providing the H2O2 required by ligninolytic peroxidases for fungal degradation of lignin, the key step for carbon recycling in land ecosystems. O2 activation by Pleurotus eryngii AAO takes place during the redox-cycling of p-methoxylated benzylic metabolites secreted by the fungus. Only Pleurotus AAO sequences were available for years, but the number strongly increased recently due to sequencing of different basidiomycete genomes, and a comparison of 112 GMC (glucose–methanol–choline oxidase) superfamily sequences including 40 AAOs is presented. As shown by kinetic isotope effects, alcohol oxidation by AAO is produced by hydride transfer to the flavin, and hydroxyl proton transfer to a base. Moreover, site-directed mutagenesis studies showed that His502 activates the alcohol substrate by proton abstraction, and this result was extended to other GMC oxidoreductases where the nature of the base was under discussion. However, in contrast with that proposed for GMC oxidoreductases, the two transfers are not stepwise but concerted. Alcohol docking at the buried AAO active site resulted in only one catalytically relevant position for concerted transfer, with the pro-R α-hydrogen at distance for hydride abstraction. The expected hydride-transfer stereoselectivity was demonstrated, for the first time in a GMC oxidoreductase, by using the (R) and (S) enantiomers of α-deuterated p-methoxybenzyl alcohol. Other largely unexplained aspects of AAO catalysis (such as the unexpected specificity on substituted aldehydes) can also be explained in the light of the recent results. Finally, the biotechnological interest of AAO in flavor production is extended by its potential in production of chiral compounds taking advantage from the above-described stereoselectivity.  相似文献   

Genomes of nucleocytoplasmic large DNA viruses (NCLDVs) encode enzymes that catalyze the formation of disulfide bonds between cysteine amino acid residues in proteins, a function essential for the proper assembly and propagation of NCLDV virions. Recently, a catalyst of disulfide formation was identified in baculoviruses, a group of large double-stranded DNA viruses considered phylogenetically distinct from NCLDVs. The NCLDV and baculovirus disulfide catalysts are flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)-binding sulfhydryl oxidases related to the cellular Erv enzyme family, but the baculovirus enzyme, the product of the Ac92 gene in Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV), is highly divergent at the amino acid sequence level. The crystal structure of the Ac92 protein presented here shows a configuration of the active-site cysteine residues and bound cofactor similar to that observed in other Erv sulfhydryl oxidases. However, Ac92 has a complex quaternary structural arrangement not previously seen in cellular or viral enzymes of this family. This novel assembly comprises a dimer of pseudodimers with a striking 40-degree kink in the interface helix between subunits. The diversification of the Erv sulfhydryl oxidase enzymes in large double-stranded DNA viruses exemplifies the extreme degree to which these viruses can push the boundaries of protein family folds.  相似文献   

Acetylspermidine oxidase (ASOD) belongs to a family of FAD-containing amine oxidases and catalyzes the oxidation of N-acetylated spermidine in polyamine metabolism. ASOD was purified to apparent homogeneity from cells of the methylotrophic yeast Candida boidinii grown on spermidine as the sole nitrogen source. C. boidinii ASOD catalyzed the oxidation of only N(1)-acetylspermidine. Based on partial amino acid sequences, oligonucleotide primers were designed for polymerase chain reaction, and the ASOD-encoding gene, ASO1, was cloned. The open reading frame encoding ASO1 was 1530 bp long and corresponded to a protein of 509 amino acid residues (calculated molecular mass=57167 Da). ASO1 contained a FAD-binding motif of G-A-G-I-A-G in the N-terminal region and carried an amino acid sequence of -S-K-L at the C-terminal, representing a typical peroxisome targeting signal 1. ASOD was localized in the peroxisomes in overexpressed C. boidinii. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the gene coding for ASOD that can catalyze the oxidation of N-acetylated polyamine as a substrate, from any type of organism.  相似文献   

Adaptation of methanol-grown C. boidinii to ethanol-utilization in non-growing cells resulted in decreased activity of the peroxisomal enzyme alcohol oxidase. Re-appearance of alcohol oxidase activity was dependent on protein synthesis de novo. Degradation of alcohol oxidase protein was shown to parallel the decrease in activity. Adaptation of methanol-grown cells to ethanol-utilization resulted in increased absorbance due to cytochromes and decreased absorbance due to flavoprotein. Decrease in alcohol oxidase activity was associated with loss of the flavin coenzyme, FAD, from the organisms and the appearance of flavins (FAD, FMN, riboflavin) in the surrounding medium. Electron microscopic observations showed that general degradation of whole peroxisomes rather than specific loss of crystalline cores (alcohol oxidase protein) occurred during the adaptation.  相似文献   

D-aspartate oxidase, a peroxisomal enzyme in liver of rat and man   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By means of subcellular fractionation D-aspartate oxidase was shown to be localized in peroxisomes in rat and human liver. The oxidase from both sources was most active on D-aspartate and N-methyl-D-aspartate. In different rat tissues, the highest enzyme activity was found in kidney, followed by liver and brain. In these tissues, oxidase activities became detectable 1-4 days after birth, reaching adult values after 4 weeks. Analysis of liver samples from patients with Zellweger syndrome, a generalized peroxisomal dysfunction, demonstrated no significant deficiency of this particular oxidase.  相似文献   

Fatty acyl-CoA oxidase from rat liver was partially purified and characterized as a peroxisomal flavoprotein oxidase. A sedimentation coefficient of 7.7 S was estimated from sucrose gradients and a Stokes radius of 42.3 Å was deduced from gel-exclusion chromatography. These data allow to estimate a molecular weight of 136,000 and a frictional ratio of 1.1. FAD, specifically required as a prosthetic group, is weakly bound. Still, FAD displays greater affinity for the free apo enzyme than for the putative apoenzyme-substrate complex formed with palmitoyl-CoA. In addition, it was established that the subcellular distribution of the fatty acyl-CoA oxidase, in complete liver homogenates fractionated in Metrizamide density gradients, parallels that of the peroxisomal marker catalase.  相似文献   

Using peroxisomes as an enzyme source, we have determined the Km and Vmax values of two plant peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidases for various acyl-CoAs. Plant peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidases seem to be active on long and short acyl-chain CoAs.  相似文献   

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