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Nine temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of nonattenuated Edmonston strain measles virus were isolated from wild-type virus which was grown in the presence of 5-fluorouracil. Adsorption, temperature shift, and complementation experiments indicated that all these mutants were restricted at an intracellular stage of infection. However, all the mutants were more rapidly inactivated at 41 C than was wild-type virus, suggesting that the ts product of each mutant either influences or is a structural component of the virus. Three complementation groups were found to be represented among the mutants. Group A contained one mutant and it did not induce synthesis of detectable amounts of viral antigen at the nonpermissive temperature (39 C). Group B consisted of six mutants which did not induce viral antigen synthesis at 39 C and one mutant which did. Group C was represented by one mutant and it induced viral antigen synthesis at 39 C. The two mutants which induced sythesis of viral antigen also induced synthesis of relatively small amounts of virus-specific RNA at 39 C. These mutants, while producing cytoplasmic and nuclear accumulations of viral antigen at 39 C, were restricted in production of syncytia and hemadsorption. All the mutants were less neurovirulent than wild-type virus, as indicated by their inability to produce acute disease in newborn hamsters.  相似文献   

Biochemical transformation assays of herpes simplex virus type 1 temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants distinguished three groups of mutants with regard to their thymidine kinase (TK) transforming ability: those incapable of transferring the TK gene at either the permissive or restrictive temperatures (group I); those resembling the wild-type virus, and therefore able to transform at both the permissive and nonpermissive temperatures (group II); and those that failed to transform or exhibited very low transformation frequencies at the permissive temperature but were able to transform at the nonpermissive temperature (group III). Two mutants in group II exhibited greatly enhanced transformation efficiency at the permissive temperature. The ts lesions in the majority of the mutants tested map between 0.30 and 0.60 units on the viral genome. Mutants with TK-positive (TK+), but DNA-negative, phenotypes at the nonpermissive temperature produced no TK+ transformants at the permissive temperature and only unstable transformants at the nonpermissive temperature. This suggests that a function which is required for viral DNA synthesis is also required to obtain stable expression or to transfer the TK+ gene or both when transfer is mediated by the entire viral genome.  相似文献   

M V Haspel  R Duff    F Rapp 《Journal of virology》1975,16(4):1000-1009
Twenty-four genetically stable temperature-sensitive mutants of measles virus were isolated after mutangenesis by 5-azacytidine, 5 fluorouracil, or proflavine. The restricted replication of all mutants at 39 C was blocked subsequent to cell penetration and could not be attributed to heat inactivation of virus infectivity. Complementation analysis was made possible through the use of poly-L-ornithine. The members of one complementation group exhibited wild-type RNA synthesis at the nonpermissive temperature and induced the synthesis of virus antigens. These mutants were found defective in both hemolysin antigen synthesis and cell fusion "from within," supporting the unitary hypothesis for these functions. The members of the other two complementation groups synthesized neither virion RNA nor detectable virus antigens at the nonpermissive temperature.  相似文献   

Sixteen temperature-sensitive mutants of Sendai virus were isolated from mutagenized stocks (10 mutants, designated numerically) and persistently infected cultures (6 mutants, designated alphabetically). Based on complementation tests, virion-associated activities, thermal inactivation, and viral RNA and hemadsorbing antigen synthesis as well as virion production in chick lung embryo cells at nonpermissive temperature, these mutants were divided into seven groups as follows. i) HANA group mutants (ts-5, -9, -10, -201), defective in hemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein, complementation group I. ii) F group mutants (ts-18, -108), defective in hemolytic and cell-fusing activity, complementation group II. iii) Ts-43, defective in RNA polymerase activity, complementation group III. iv) Ts-23, defective in RNA polymerase activity, interfered with the other mutants in complementation tests. v) Ts-25, defective in the incorporation of hemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein into the virion at the stage of virus assembly. vi) Ts-110, belongs to F group mutants on one hand, but is considered to carry another undetermined defect. vii) C group (carrier culture-borne group) mutants (ts-a, -b, -c, -d, -e, -f), defective lesion not yet determined and belong to neither complementation group I nor II. Assignment of mutants in groups iv), v), vi), and vii) to complementation groups could not be achieved.  相似文献   

One hundred temperature-sensitive mutants of vaccinia virus WR were isolated from virus that had been mutagenized with 5-bromodeoxyuridine or N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. A rapid screening procedure based on the ability of vaccinia virus to form plaques under liquid overlay medium was used to identify potential mutants among randomly picked plaque isolates or plaques preselected for their small size after temperature shift-up. The preselection technique resulted in a sixfold increase in the number of successful mutant isolations relative to the number of plaques picked. All of the mutants had efficiencies of plating at 39.5 degrees C relative to that at 33 degrees C of 10(-4) or less, and 33 of 40 produced 10% or less of the amount of virus at the nonpermissive temperature (39.5 degrees C) relative to that at the permissive temperature (33 degrees C). Experiments with the fluorescent DNA binding dye Hoechst 33258 demonstrated that 6 of the 100 mutants failed to form characteristic cytoplasmic DNA factories at 39.5 degrees C. To facilitate the functional grouping of such a large number of mutants, a rapid infectious center assay was developed. Thirty of the mutants were assigned to 16 or 17 complementation-recombination groups by using this assay. Recombination experiments have allowed the construction of a genetic map representing 22 mutants in 12 of these groups.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of Newcastle disease virus have been isolated and characterized genetically (complementation), biochemically (RNA synthesis) and biologically (fusion from within and hemadsorption). Fifteen of these mutants have been divided into five complementation groups. Groups A (five mutants) and E (one mutant) are ts for RNA synthesis (RNA-) as well as for the other functions. Group B contains four RNA+ mutants of which one is ts for fusion, one for hemadsorption and two for neither function. Group C contains one RNA+ mutant which is a poor cell fuser. Group D contains two RNA+ mutants which are ts for fusion. In addition, two noncomplementing mutants (group BC) fail to complement both group B and group C mutants while exhibiting complementation with mutants in groups A, D, and E.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma virus L3 virions are morphologically similar to coliphage T7, contain linear double-stranded DNA of about 39 kilobase pairs, and produce a nonlytic cytocidal infection in Acholeplasma laidlawii host cells. Following nitrous acid mutagenesis, ninety-eight L3 temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants were isolated from a total of 57,000 plaque-forming units (PFU), using 37 degrees C as the permissive temperature and 41 degrees C as the nonpermissive temperature, with reversion frequencies of 10(-5) to 10(-8). Complementation tests allowed fifty-seven of the L3 ts mutants to be placed into twenty-one complementation groups. In mixed infections, recombination frequencies between mutants in different complementation groups were 10(-2) to less than 10(-6). Studies of protein synthesis in L3-infected cells showed synthesis of about twenty virus-specific proteins, including ten L3 virion proteins. After infection with L3 ts mutants from each complementation group, several different patterns of cell- and virus-specific protein synthesis were observed.  相似文献   

We investigated the molecular properties of eight temperature-sensitive mutants of simian virus 40 large T antigen (tsA mutants). The mutants have single amino acid substitutions that block DNA replication at 39 to 41 degrees C in vivo. In vitro, five of the mutant proteins were highly sensitive to a brief heat shock at 39 degrees C, while the three remaining proteins were only partially sensitive at 41 degrees C. We characterized the five most defective mutant proteins, using a variety of biochemical assays for replication functions of T antigen. Heat shock of purified T antigen with a mutation at amino acid 422 significantly impaired the oligomerization, origin-binding, origin-unwinding, ATPase, and helicase functions of T antigen. In contrast, substitution of amino acid 186, 357, 427, or 438 had more selective, temperature-sensitive effects on T-antigen functions. Our findings are consistent with the conclusion that T antigen functions via a hierarchy of interrelated domains. Only the ATPase activity remained intact in the absence of all other functions. Hexamer formation appears to be necessary for core origin-unwinding and helicase activities; the helicase function also requires ATPase activity. All five tsA mutants were impaired in functions important for the initiation of DNA replication, but three mutants retained significant elongation functions.  相似文献   


Twenty-four temperature-sensitive mutants of mengovirus were characterized physiologically with respect to phenotype. The mutants were separated into four classes on the basis of viral RNA synthesis. L-67-S cells infected with five of the mutants synthesized little viral RNA at 39.5 C. These mutants are designated RNA-. One mutant is designated RNA* since its RNA synthesis is altered at both 39.5 and 31.5 C. The other mutants were divided into two groups, RNA plus or minus (25 TO 49% of wild-type RNA synthesis) and RNA plus (50 to 100% of wild-type RNA synthesis). The time of expression of the mutation in the RNA- mutants was estimated from the results of reciprocal temperature-shift experiments. The mutatation in ts12 appears to be expressed at the time RNA synthesis normally begins. The defect in three of the mutants was expressed 1 to 2 h before RNA synthesis is normally detectable. Protein synthesis is required before RNA synthesis begins when the cells are shifted from 39.5 to 31.5 C. The RNA polymerase synthesized by cells infected with these RNA- mutants at 31.5 C was stable and fully active when assayed at 39.5 C in vitro. The sedimentation profiles of the viral RNA synthesized by cells infected with RNA plus and RNA plus or minus mutants are similar to wild-type profiles with the exception of ts148. Cells infected with this RNA plus or minus mutant synthesize RNA that sediments in a sucrose gradient like replicative-intermediate RNA, but little mature viral RNA is evident. The results of step-up experiments indicate that the temperature-sensitive period for the majority of the RNA plus and RNA plus and minus mutants extends through most of the replicative cycle. The temperature-sensitive defect of four of the mutants, however, was expressed in the first hour, suggesting that some undefined early function is required for the eventual maturation of mengovirus. The virions of three of the RNA- mutants were more thermolabile than wild-type virions. Five of the RNA plus and RNA plus or minus mutants were also thermolabile. Genetic complementation at a significant level was not detectable in mixed infections of the mutants described.  相似文献   

Two sets of independently isolated measles virus temperature-sensitive mutants were quantitatively tested for complementation. Analysis of the nine possible combinations of representative mutants indicated that only one pair of mutants is noncomplementing. Thus, the measles virus mutants studied to date define five complementation groups.  相似文献   

Studies of the synthesis of viral ribonucleates and polypeptides in cells infected with two RNA- ts mutants of Mengo virus (ts 135 and ts 520) have shown that when ts 135 infected cells are shifted from the permissive (33 degrees C) to the nonpermissive (39 degrees C) temperature: (i) the synthesis of all three species of viral RNA (single stranded, replicative form, and replicative intermediate) is inhibited to about the same extent, and (ii) the posttranslational cleavage of structural polypeptide precursors A and B is partially blocked. Investigations of the in vivo and in vitro stability of the viral RNA replicase suggest that the RNA- phentotype reflects a temperature-sensitive defect in the enzyme. The second defect does not appear to result from the inhibition of viral RNA synthesis at 39 degrees C, since normal cleavage of polypeptides A and B occurs in wt Mengo-infected cells in which viral RNA synthesis is blocked by cordycepin, and at the nonpermissive temperature in ts 520 infected cells. Considered in toto, the evidence suggests that ts 135 is a double mutant. Subviral (53S) particles have been shown to accumulate in ts 520 (but not ts 135) infected cells when cultures are shifted from 33 to 39 degrees C. This observation provides supporting evidence for the proposal that this recently discovered particle is an intermediate in the assembly pathway of Mengo virions.  相似文献   

Prototype temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of a coxsackievirus B3 parent virus capable of replication to similar levels at 34 or 39.5 degrees C were examined for the nature of the temperature-sensitive event restricting replication in HeLa cells at 39.5 degrees C. The ts mutant prototypes represented three different non-overlapping complementation groups. The ts1 mutant (complementation group III) synthesized less than 1% of the infectious genomic RNA synthesized by the coxsackievirus B3 parent virus at 39.5 degrees C and was designated an RNA- mutant. Agarose gel analysis of glyoxal-treated RNA from cells inoculated with ts1 virus revealed that cell RNA synthesis continued in the presence of synthesis of the small amount of viral RNA. This mutant was comparatively ineffective in inducing cell cytopathology and in directing synthesis of viral polypeptides, likely due to the paucity of nascent genomes for translation. The ts5 mutant (complementation group II) directed synthesis of appreciable quantities of both viral genomes (RNA+) and capsid polypeptides; however, assembly of these products into virions occurred at a low frequency, and virions assembled at 39.5 degrees C were highly unstable at that temperature. Shift-down experiments with ts5-inoculated cells showed that capsid precursor materials synthesized at 39.5 degrees C can, after shift to 34 degrees C, be incorporated into ts5 virions. We suggest that the temperature-sensitive defect in this prototype is in the synthesis of one of the capsid polypeptides that cannot renature into the correct configuration required for stability in the capsid at 39.5 degrees C. The ts11 mutant (complementation group I) also synthesized appreciable amounts of viral genomes (RNA+) and viral polypeptides at 39.5 degrees C. Assembly of ts11 virions at 39.5 degrees C occurred at a low frequency, and the stability of these virions at 39.5 degrees C was similar to that of the parent coxsackievirus B3 virions. The temperature-sensitive defect in the ts11 prototype is apparently in assembly. The differences in biochemical properties of the three prototype ts mutants at temperatures above 34 degrees C may ultimately offer insight into the differences in pathogenicity observed in neonatal mice for the three prototype ts mutants.  相似文献   

Five temperature-sensitive mutants of simian virus 40 containing two temperature-sensitive mutations were isolated. The double mutant of the A and D complementation groups, like the D mutants, failed to complement by conventional complementation analysis and did not induce host DNA synthesis at 40 degrees C. However, under conditions that suppressed the D defect, the A:D double mutant expressed only the A defect. Thus, viral DNA replication dropped rapidly after this mutant was shifted from permissive to restrictive temperatures. The A:D double mutant failed to transfrom at the restrictive temperature when subconfluent Chinese hamster lung monolayers were used. Double mutants of A:B, A:C, and A:BC complementation groups, like their A parent, were defective in viral DNA replication, in the induction of host DNA synthesis and in the transformation of secondary Chinese hamster lung cells at the nonpermissive temperature.  相似文献   

Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) can complement temperature-sensitive mutants of herpes simplex virus. Of seven mutants tested, two, carrying mutations in the immediate-early ICP4 and ICP27 proteins, were complemented. This complementation was not seen in coinfections with adenovirus type 5 or cytomegalovirus. Following transfection into CV-1 cells, a DNA fragment containing the VZV short repeat sequence complemented the ICP4 mutant. These data demonstrate a functional relationship between VZV and herpes simplex virus and have allowed localization of a putative VZV immediate-early gene.  相似文献   

Fifteen temperature-sensitive mutants of the RSN-2 strain of respiratory syncytial virus have been classified into six complementation groups, two of which appeared to be homologous with two of the three complementation groups of the A2 strain described by Wright et al. (P. F. Wright, M. A. Gharpure, D. S. Hodes, and R. M. Chanock, Arch. Gesamte Virusforsch, 41:238--247). Thus seven complementation groups of respiratory syncytial virus, designated A, B, C, D, E, F, and G, have been defined. The frequency and type of mutant isolated varied according to strain; group C was unique to the A2 strain, and groups D, E, F, and G were unique to the RSN-2 strain. The highest complementation indexes were obtained by preincubation for 7 h at permissive temperature, followed by incubation at restrictive temperature for 40 to 50 h in the case of A2 strain mutants or 80 to 90 h for RSN-2 strain mutants. Genetic recombination was not detected.  相似文献   

Fourteen temperature-sensitive mutants of human adenovirus type2, which differed in their plaquing efficiencies at at the permissive and nonpermissive temperatures by 4 to 5 orders of magnitude, were isolated. These mutants, which could be assigned to seven complementation groups, were tested for their capacity to synthesize adenovirus DNA at the nonpermissive temperature. Three mutants in three different complementation groups proved deficient in viral DNA synthesis. The DNA-negative mutant H2ts206 complemented the DNA-negative mutants H5ts36 and H5ts125, whereas mutant H2ts201 complemented H5ts36 only. Among the DNA-negative mutants, H2ts206 synthesized the smallest amount of viral DNA at the nonpermissive temperature (39.5 C). Data obtained in temperature shift experiments indicated that a very early function was involved in temperature sensitivity. In keeping with this observation, early virus-specific mRNA was not detected in cells infected with H2ts206 and maintained at 39.5 C. Prolonged (52 h) incubation of cells infected with H2ts206 at the nonpermissive temperature led to the synthesis of a high-molecular-weight form of viral DNA.  相似文献   

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