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A field experiment was carried out at two sites off Yucatan State, Southeast Mexico, in order to determine the feasibility of culturing the red seaweedEucheuma isiforme; this was done during May–September 1989. At both sites (Uaymitun and Dzilam) the 25 days harvest and 14 algae per line plant density growth rates (2.21% day–1 and 1.21% day–1, respectively) were significantly higher (p<0.05) than those obtained with other combinations of the two factors tested (50, 75, 100 and 125 days harvest and 9 and 14 algae per line plant density). The mean carrageenan content of the cultured algae was 35.8% and 31.4% at Uaymitun and Dzilam, respectively.  相似文献   

Croton balsensis (Euphorbiaceae), a new species endemic to the Balsas Depression of southern Mexico, is described and illustrated. It occurs in the states of Guerrero, Morelos, and Puebla, growing in tropical deciduous forest at elevations from 450 to 1850m. It is best accommodated inCroton sect.Cascarilla. The Mexican species of this section are often quite similar, butC. balsensis is readily separated from related species by the possession of echinate ovaries and fruits.
Resumen  Se describe e ilustraCroton balsensis. Es endémica de la cuenca del río Balsas en el sur de México. Crece en los estados de Guerrero, Morelos y Puebla a altitudes de 450 a 1850 m en bosque tropical caducifolio. Pertenece aCroton sect.Cascarilla. Las especies mexicanas de esta sección por lo general son parecidas yC. balsensis se distingue por tener ovarios y frutos equinados.

Marina victoriae andM. brevis are newly described species from the southern Baja California peninsula, Mexico. The former is a perennial herb locally abundant in the eroded hillsides at the foothills of Sierra de la Victoria, where an oak woodland and a dry tropical forest meet. The latter is an elusive ephemeral inhabiting a narrow strip of land between the mangroves and the desert scrub on an island in the Gulf of California. These two new species belong to the seriesChrysorrhizae, a group native to the Gulf of California basin.  相似文献   

Two aquatic plant genera assignable to Decodon (Lythraceae) and Ceratophyllum (Ceratophyllaceae) are described based on reproductive structures collected from the Cerro del Pueblo Formation (late Campanian [73.5 ma]), Coahuila, Northeast Mexico. Decodon is represented by three small seeds with a pyramidal shape, rounded borders, and a concave ventral surface with a rectangular valve towards the center of the seed ventral surface. The Ceratophyllum spiny fruit has an ellipsoidal central body and two proximal long spines flanking a short pedicel opposite the stylar projection. These new reports confirm the presence of both genera in the Upper Cretaceous sediments of Northeastern Mexico, and add to our recognition of diversity within the widely distributed freshwater communities along the margin of the epicontinental sea.  相似文献   

M.-S. Pyun  S. Shin   《Phytomedicine》2006,13(6):394-400
In an attempt to develop stable and safe antifungal agents from natural products (daily foodstuffs in particular), the activities of essential oils from Allium sativum for. pekinense, A. cepa, and A. fistulosum against three Trichophyton species responsible for severe mycoses in humans were investigated and compared with activity of allicin in this study. The fungistatic activities of Allium oils were evaluated by the broth dilution method and disk diffusion assay. The combined effects of Allium oils with ketoconazole were tested by the checkerboard titer test. Among the tested oils, A. sativum for. pekinense oil exhibited the strongest inhibition of growth of T. rubrum, T. erinacei, and T. soudanense with MICs (minimum inhibiting concentrations) of 64microg/ml, while the activities of A. cepa and A. fistulosum were relatively mild. The inhibiting activities of the oils on Sabouraud agar plates were dose dependent against Trichophyton species. Additionally, these oils showed significant synergistic antifungal activity when combined with ketoconazole in the checkerboard titer test and disk diffusion test.  相似文献   

Agar properties of two potentially commercial important seaweeds from the Gulf of California were studied. Maximum yield in Gracilaria vermiculophylla (45.7%) occurred during the summer months, coinciding with high water temperatures (31°C) whereas minimum yields (11.6%) were obtained during the coldest months of the year when populations of this species diminish in the bay. Gracilariopsis longissima showed two yield peaks, one in spring and another in fall, before the maximum and minimum seawater temperatures. Gel strength in native agar from the two species was low (<22.5 g cm−2) for most of the year. G. vermiculophylla native agar showed a slight increase in gel strength from June to August, which were the hottest months. Maximum value was 85 g cm−1 in August. Maximum gel strength in G. longissima was observed in October (91 g cm−1), and an unusual native agar with no detectable gel strength was observed in March and April samples. Gelling temperatures range from 27.7 to 36.5°C in G. vermiculophyla and from 26.6 to 34.9°C in G. longissima, meanwhile melting points were 73.9 – 53.5°C and 75.5 – 56.6°C, respectively. Sulfate content was high, 6.3–13.9% in G. vermiculophylla and 1.9–11.9% in G. longissima, and on the other hand 3,6 anhydrogalactose content was low 12.1–26.7% and 9.1–23%, respectively compared to other species. Results obtained showed that mean native agar yields of Gracilaria vermiculophylla and Gracilariopsis longissima from the Gulf of California are comparable to other tropical Gracilaria. However, the low gel strength, high sulfate content and low 3,6 anhydrogalactose content observed in the native agar extracted from these species make this an agaroid, thus alternative methods of extraction should be used to evaluate the possibility of commercial utilization of both species.  相似文献   

A new species ofCroton,C. dissectistipulatus, is described from Amazonian Brazil. This species is superficially similar toC. timandroides from northeastern and southeastern Brazil, but differs in having petiolate leaves with glandular margins, persistent stipules, conspicuous racemose inflorescences, staminate flowers having externally glabrous sepals and 3 stamens, and pedicellate pistillate flowers. The systematic position ofC. dissectistipulatus relative to the sections ofCroton is discussed.  相似文献   

The isolation of endophytic actinomycetes from surface-sterilized tissues of 36 plant species was made using humic acid–vitamin (HV) agar as a selection medium. Of the 330 isolates recovered, 212 were from roots, 97 from leaves and 21 isolates from stems with a prevalence of 3.9, 1.7 and 0.3%, respectively. Identification of endophytic actinomycetes was based on their morphology and the amino acid composition of the whole-cell extract. Most isolates were classified as Streptomyces sp. (n = 277); with the remainder belonging to Microbispora sp. (n = 14), Nocardia sp. (n = 8) and Micromonospora sp. (n = 4). Four isolates were unclassified and 23 were lost during subculture. The most prevalent group of isolates were the Streptomyces sp. occurring in 6.4% of the tissue samples of Zingiber officinale. Scanning electron microscopy investigation of this plant revealed that 7.5% of the root and 5% of the leaf samples contained endophytes. Three of the Streptomyces sp. isolates strongly inhibited Colletotrichum musae, five were very active against Fusarium oxysporum and two strongly inhibited growth of both test fungi.  相似文献   

Leaf, fruit, stem, bark and root of Zanthoxylum americanum were investigated for antifungal activity with 11 strains of fungi representing diverse opportunistic and systemic pathogens, including Candida albicans, Cryptococcus neoformans and Aspergillus fumigatus. All extracts demonstrated a broad spectrum of antifungal activity and inhibited at least eight fungal species in a disk diffusion assay (600 microg/disk). Antifungal activity was light-dependent, with fruit and leaf extracts most active in general. The presence of light-mediated compounds, such as psoralen, 8-methoxypsoralen and imperatorin in extracts of different organs was confirmed by RP-HPLC. A high furanocoumarin content was detected in fruit and leaf and low furanocoumarin levels were found in bark and wood. A high positive correlation was observed between total furanocoumarin content and fungal inhibition zones (r2=0.902, p<0.001). The results provide a phytochemical basis for the very widespread use of Z. americanum in indigenous North American ethnomedical tradition for conditions that may be related to fungal infections.  相似文献   

Summary In recent years, public concern about indoor mould growth has increased dramatically in the United States. In this study, lactic acid bacteria (LAB), which are known to produce antimicrobial compounds important in the biopreservation of food, were evaluated to determine if the same antimicrobial properties can be used to inhibit mould fungi that typically colonize wood. Based on biomass measurement, cell-free supernatants from Lactobacillus casei subsp. rhamnosus and Lactobacillus acidophilus grown in deMan Rogosa Sharpe (MRS) broth inhibited 95–100% growth of three mould fungi and one stain fungus associated with wood-based building materials. Lactic acid and four unknown compounds ⩽ kDa molecular weight were fractionated from the culture supernatant by thin layer chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography. Antifungal activity, which was attributed to one or more unknown metabolites, was retained during heating and neutralization. A 1:2 dilution of L. casei supernatant inhibited 100% growth of all test fungi.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans opportunistic fungus met in the last phasis of AIDS is inhibited in vitro by several essential oils on natural volatile compounds. The minimal inhibitory concentration may reach 100 µl/l and minimal fungicidal concentration 200 µl/l with Palmarosa or Cinnamon oils. Among phenolic compounds, thymol and carvacrol are most fungitoxic. Terpenoids, citral, geraniol, and citronellol show best activities.  相似文献   

Croton campanulatus, a new species from southeastern Brazil in the states of Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro, is here described and illustrated. Morphological data indicate that this species belongs to Croton section Cleodora based on its arborescent habit, pistillate flowers with imbricate sepals, reduced petals, and multifid styles that are fused at the base.  相似文献   

Weeds are probably the most important vascular plants with relation to hayfever. This is because several plant families such as the Chenopodiaceae, Amaranthaceae, Graminae (Poaceae) and Compositae have wide-spread, abundant, anemophylous taxa which occur as major weeds of both agriculture and waste places. Several characteristics will be presented about the ability of these species to be successful in promoting allergies on a international basis. Interestingly, many of these plant species have been included on weed lists of countries whose geography, ecological amplitudes, climates, and agricultural practices are similar. The subsequent reproductive strategy for these species will be reviewed and biological traits discussed with reference to pollen grain production, and dispersal methods or importance as both weeds and hayfever plants.  相似文献   

This study tested a vegetation strategy for controlling Phragmites australis invasion into brackish marshes as an alternative to the current technique of repeated herbicide sprays followed by burning. This strategy involves blocking P. australis by planting desired plants selected from wild populations and/or tissue culture regenerants at key points on the major routes of P. australis invasion. The planting of native species was conducted at three sites in a herbicide-treated P. australis marsh near Salem, NJ. Wild population selections of three upland marsh shrubs, Myrica cerifera, Baccharis halimifolia, and Iva frutescens, as well as two grass species, Spartina alterniflora and Spartina patens, and two rushes, Juncus gerardi and Juncus roemerianus, were planted according to their normal zonation positions. Tissue culture regenerated plants of the two grasses and two rushes, and the sedge species Scirpus robustus, were also planted. Plant growth at each site was monitored each year after planting for up to 3 years. Most plants of B. halimifolia, I. frutescens, J. roemerianus, and S. patens demonstrated a consistent vigorous growth at all three sites, whether or not the plants were collected from wild populations or were tissue culture regenerants. These multi-layered walls of plants demonstrated effectiveness in controlling the P. australis by restricting or inhibiting its spread. Upon screening 48 regenerated plants of S. patens at one of the three sites, we found that some regenerants showed enhanced characteristics for blocking P. australis, such as greater expansion and a high stem density. The availability of the tissue culture-regenerated plants of the native marsh species makes it possible to select lines from local genotypes that have desirable characteristics for wetland restoration projects, such as blocking P. australis reinvasion.  相似文献   

Crude methanolic extracts and fractions from the aerial parts of seven species of Hypericum (H. caprifoliatum Cham. and Schltdl., H. carinatum Griseb., H. connatum Lam., H. ternum A. St.-Hil., H. myrianthum Cham. and Schltdl., H. piriai Arechav. and H. polyanthemum Klotzsch ex Reichardt) growing in southern Brazil were analyzed for their in vitro antifungal activity against a panel of standardized and clinical opportunistic pathogenic yeasts and filamentous fungi, including dermatophytes, by the agar dilution method. Chloroform and hexane extracts of H. ternum showed the greatest activity among extracts tested.  相似文献   

Background: Coastal ecosystems in Mexico remain understudied in spite of their ecological, economic and conservation value and are being impacted by human activities along the coast. Knowledge on spatial patterns of plant species distribution that helps preserve these fragile ecosystems is crucial.

Aims: We evaluated differences in species richness, species diversity and species dominance patterns in 16 plant communities as well as the degree to which differences were driven by climatic conditions in sandy dunes in Yucatán. We evaluated the importance of invasive species in mediating patterns of species diversity and species dominance patterns.

Results: We found wide variation in plant species richness, species diversity and species dominance patterns among communities that stems from broad climatic differences along dune systems. Invasive plants represent almost one-third of total species richness and seem to be drastically changing the species dominance patterns in these communities.

Conclusions: Regional climatic differences along the Yucatán north coast seems to be a major driver of plant diversity and species composition. Our findings suggest that invasive plants have successfully colonised and spread along the coast over the past 30 years. Even though invasive species do not alter spatial patterns of species diversity, they are becoming more dominant with potential detrimental consequences for native plants.  相似文献   

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